July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today's News: February 05, 2020

World News

Meanwhile In China, “Residents Forcibly Taken Away After Refusing To Be Quarantined”

ZeroHedge – Radio Free Asia (RFA) has tweeted a disturbing video on its Twitter account Tuesday morning detailing how some residents in Kunshan, Jiangsu, a city in southeastern Jiangsu province with Shanghai bordering its eastern border and Suzhou on its west, are forcibly removing people from their homes who refuse to be quarantined.
RFA said (in a translated tweet): “[Residents of Kunshan, Jiangsu refused to be quarantined] [Forcibly taken away by staff members] Online circulated clips, a group of personnel wearing protective clothing of “Kunshan City Governance” went to a household to persuade the residents to prepare for packing to be isolated, but the head of household refused to cooperate. The staff then entered the house and took the residents one by one and sent them to the ambulance. The male head of the household questioned the staff members for breaking the law and fiercely resisted. During this period, the staff members’ protective clothing was broken and they tried to hide under the car.
In one video, it shows a person inside an apartment, who can’t leave because authorities mounted metal piping across the door frame.
As of Monday night, total confirmed cases of coronavirus in China exceeded 20,500, deaths hit 425 (427 if we count two deaths abroad), and 171,329 cases under observation.
China has shut down over a dozen cities and made it mandatory that more than 50 million people stay home while the virus runs its course..

China races to build more hospitals as coronavirus outbreak grows

Al Jazeera – Authorities in China have glorified the rush to build two infectious disease hospitals in a matter of days at the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak that has now claimed at least 490 lives on the mainland, with live streams showing the construction and the arrival of the first patients at Huoshenshan field hospital in Wuhan on Tuesday.
The 1,000-bed Huoshenshan, or Fire-God Mountain, hospital and the 1,600-bed Leishenshan, or Thunder God Mountain, hospital – which will start taking patients on Thursday – have been the main focus of attention for the country’s state-run media, with round-the-clock coverage.

‘No effective therapeutics’: WHO downplays reports of ‘breakthrough’ in battle against coronavirus

RT – The World Health Organization (WHO) has dismissed optimistic reports of a breakthrough in creating a vaccine and drugs that are effective against the Wuhan coronavirus which has gripped China and spread to 25 other nations.
“There are no known effective therapeutics against this 2019-nCoV (virus) and the WHO recommends enrolment into a randomized controlled trial to test efficacy and safety,” the international health body’s spokesman, Tarik Jasarevic, told journalists, as reported by Reuters

China virus puts cruise ships in quarantine, hits carmakers, airlines and Airbus

Reuters – Thousands of passengers and crew on two cruise ships in Asian waters were placed in quarantine for China’s coronavirus on Wednesday as airlines, car manufacturers and other global companies counted the cost of the fast-spreading outbreak.
China said another 65 people had died as of Tuesday, the highest daily total yet, taking the overall toll on the mainland to 490, most in and around the locked-down central city of Wuhan, where the virus emerged late last year.
There have been two deaths outside mainland China, both following visits to Wuhan. A man in the Philippines died last week, and a 39-year-old man with an underlying illness died in Chinese-ruled Hong Kong on Tuesday.
The virus had disrupted air travel, with more than two dozen airlines suspending or restricting flights to China and several countries, including the United States, banning the entry of anyone who has been in China over the previous two weeks.

Trump Ups Nuclear Ante With ‘Mini-Nukes’ Deployed On Subs To “Deter Russia”

ZeroHedge – The United States has added a ‘low yield’ nuclear weapon to its submarine arsenal in a controversial first in decades, after the Trump administration called for its deployment as part of the 2018 Nuclear Posture Review in order to “deter Russia”.
“Moscow, the argument goes, might have miscalculated that the United States was unwilling to use its nuclear weapons in response to a Russian low-yield nuclear strike because the existing U.S. weapons were too powerful,” The Hill reports.
Undersecretary of Defense for Policy John Rood acknowledged in a statement that “The U.S. Navy has fielded the W76-2 low-yield submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) warhead.”

EU rejects Trump Mideast plan amid annexation concerns

ABC – The European Union on Tuesday rejected U.S. President Donald Trump’s proposal for securing peace in the Middle East and expressed concern about Israel’s plans to annex more Palestinian land.
Trump’s plan, which was unveiled last week, would foresee the eventual creation of a Palestinian state, but it falls far short of minimal Palestinian demands and would leave sizable chunks of the occupied West Bank in Israeli hands.
In a statement, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell underlined the bloc’s commitment to a two-state solution, based along the 1967 lines, with the possibility of mutually agreed land-swaps, made up of the state of Israel and “an independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign and viable state of Palestine.”
Borrell said the U.S. initiative “departs from these internationally agreed parameters.”
“To build a just and lasting peace, the unresolved final status issues must be decided through direct negotiations between both parties,” Borrell said. “This includes notably the issues related to borders, the status of Jerusalem, security and the refugee question,”
Trump’s plan was welcomed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has dismissed it as “nonsense.” Gulf Arab states also rejected the White House plan as “biased.” While Israeli officials were present for its unveiling, no Palestinian representatives attended.
Netanyahu has said he wants to move forward with plans to annex West Bank territory.
“We are especially concerned by statements on the prospect of annexation of the Jordan Valley and other parts of the West Bank,” Borrell said.
He suggested that the EU might consider legal action by saying that any “steps towards annexation, if implemented, could not pass unchallenged.”
The Palestinians seek all of the West Bank and east Jerusalem — areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war — for an independent state and the removal of more than 700,000 Israeli settlers from these areas.
But the plan sides heavily with Netanyahu’s hard-line nationalist vision for the region and shunts aside many of the Palestinians’ core demands.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Senate to Vote Today on Verdict in President Trump’s Impeachment Trial

KTLA – The third Senate impeachment trial of a sitting President in US history will come to an end today with a vote that’s expected to acquit Donald Trump.
The Senate will vote at 4 p.m. ET on the verdict for two articles of impeachment, abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The outcome is a forgone conclusion: Senate Republicans have a 53-47 majority in the chamber, and so far no Republicans have said they will vote to remove the President from office. A two-thirds majority is required for conviction.

The Big Story of the Iowa Caucuses Has Nothing to Do With Failed Phone Apps and Everything to Do With Voter Enthusiasm

RedState – The major story coming out of Iowa, of course, is the utter goat-rope that the Democrats have managed to make of what was, until yesterday, a fairly well established process. In fact, the process may be so corrupted by ineptitude (being charitable here and not assuming this was designed to torpedo Sanders) that we may never know the actual vote count. The real story, however, may lie somewhere else.
President Trump was running essentially unopposed. There were two Vichy Republicans, former congressman and former talk show host Joe Walsh and former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld, running against him. Their real strategy was to energize both of their supporters to show up for the caucuses while counting on a very light showing from rank-and-file GOP voters. This would let them establish a narrative that their campaigns were not just something dreamed up in the offices of The Bulwark and funded by progressives, but, rather, represented a major revolt inside the GOP to the idea of a second Trump term.
This was not an unreasonable hope. The last time the GOP had an uncontested primary, 2004, some 8,000 voters showed up for the GOP caucuses. This year GOP turnout was just over 32,000 free citizens. By way of comparison, the last time the Democrats had an real competitive primary, 2008, some 240,000 voters showed up. Last night’s attendance seems to have been on par with the coronation of Queen Hillary in 2016. Together they managed to pull in barely 3% of the total votes.
CNN notes, if you are predisposed to believe them, that while the Democrats had a 7-point enthusiasm advantage going into 2018, that has now flipped to a 7-point GOP advantage.
To me there are two takeaways here.
First and foremost, the NeverTrump Vichy Republican candidates are dead in the water. This was as favorable an environment that they are going to encounter in the primaries. The fact is that if all of their voters had showed up (about 966 statewide votes were against Trump) and the turnout had looked like 2004, they still would have been curb stomped.
Second, the Democrat rank and file are not fired up about their choices. And in an election where they need something like 2008 turnout rates to beat Trump, that doesn’t look to be materializing.

Democrats’ electability divide: Buttigieg leads Sanders in Iowa

CS Monitor – With 71% of precincts reporting, Mayor Pete Buttigieg becomes the first openly gay candidate to earn presidential primary delegates, and is leading by a small margin. But the results chaos revives criticism of Iowa’s “first-in-the-nation” status.
he Iowa Democratic Party released partial results of its kickoff presidential caucus after a daylong delay late Tuesday showing former Midwestern mayor Pete Buttigieg with a slight lead over progressive Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the opening contest of the party’s 2020 primary season.
The results followed 24 hours of chaos as technical problems marred the complicated caucus process, forcing state officials to apologize and raising questions about Iowa’s traditional place atop the presidential primary calendar.
It was too early to call a winner based on the initial results, but Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden, and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar were trailing in the tally of State Delegate Equivalents, according to data released for the first time by the Iowa Democratic Party nearly 24 hours after voting concluded.

6 Things Democrats Refused to Stand for During State of the Union Address

Breitbart – Tensions were high among Republicans and Democrats on Tuesday night as President Donald Trump delivered the State of the Union address to the American people and members of Congress.
While they were slow to stand for some things, some Democrats refused to stand at all for a variety of the Trump administration’s accomplishments. In no particular order, here are six moments when many Democrats did not stand during the State of the Union address:

  1. President Trump announced that “our state of the union is stronger than ever before”

Many of them didn’t stand up when @realDonaldTrump said the state of our union is strong

  1. Low unemployment for disabled Americans and minorities, including African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans

Arizona Democrat Impeacher @RepOHalleran refuses to stand or applaud the incredible news that unemployment has hit record lows for Women, Hispanics, Blacks, and Disabled Americans.

  1. The recent passage of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)

Pelosi tried to steal credit for the USMCA’s passage, but she and the rest of the Democrats just refused to stand and applaud it during the #SOTU

  1. Low unemployment for women in America

As President Trump announced historic lows in unemployment for several minorities, he also highlighted the low unemployment rate for women as most Democrats could be seen sitting down, with several of them slowly clapping.

  1. President Trump’s request for Congress to “pass legislation finally banning the late-term abortion of babies”

Trump’s request came as he introduced Robin Schneider and her daughter, Ellie, who was one of the youngest premature babies born in the United States at 21 weeks and six days.
“Ellie reminds us that every child is a miracle of life,” Trump said. “Thanks to modern medical wonders, 50 percent of very premature babies delivered at the hospital where Ellie was born now survive. Our goal should be to ensure that every baby has the best chance to thrive and grow just like Ellie.”
He added, “I am calling upon the Members of Congress here tonight to pass legislation finally banning the late-term abortion of babies.”

  1. According to a report, Democrat Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Mark Pocan (D-WI) did not stand when President Trump introduced Charles McGee, a former Tuskegee Airman

Donald Trump Jr. brought attention to the matter with a tweet, saying it was “the least surprising thing to happen all night.”
“Can you imagine being so filled with rage and hatred that you refuse to stand up for a bonafide American hero,” Trump Jr. wrote in a tweet. “Pathetic.”

Sec Of State Mike Pompeo Tweets Hilarious Reaction To Speaker Pelosi’s Childish Act Of Tearing Up Trump’s SOTU Speech

100percentfedup – Tonight, at the conclusion of President Trump’s historic State of the Union speech, a bitter Nancy Pelosi, who looked like she was sitting in the electric chair for most of his speech, dramatically ripped her copy of the speech in half.
Brigitte Gabriel tweeted the video of Nancy’s childish act, reminding her, “Tomorrow, America is ripping up Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s sham articles of impeachment!”
Tomorrow America is ripping up Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s sham articles of impeachment! pic.twitter.com/FkyUyGLRuT
— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) February 5, 2020
The biggest surprise of all was a hilarious tweet by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, mocking Nancy Pelosi’s childish act by comparing her with Lisa Simpson crying, as she rips up what appears to be her homework.
Speaking of getting ripped…
The criticism over Pelosi’s disgusting behavior didn’t stop with Pompeo’s tweet, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee ripped into the Speaker, comparing her to “mental breakdown” to Mike Tyson biting Evander Holyfield’s ear off.” Huckabee called it a “Historically low mark for any politician.”

Gingrich: Censure Nancy Pelosi for Tearing Up Trump’s SOTU Speech

Breitbart – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) called on current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to be censured for ripping up a copy of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday evening.
“As Speaker of the House for four State of the Unions by a President of the other party I am disgusted and insulted by the viciously partisan action of Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech,” Gingrich wrote. “She isn’t clever or cute her childishness insults our American traditions -should be censured.”

Parkland father interrupts Trump’s speech, is removed from House gallery

Fox – The father of a Parkland shooting victim was removed from the House chamber gallery Tuesday night for shouting about gun control during President Trump’s State of the Union address.
Gun control activist Fred Guttenberg briefly interrupted the president after Trump vowed to “always protect your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms,” as long as he is in the White House. The moment was not visible on the television broadcast of the event, though viewers could hear a man shouting before both Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appear to glance up at the gallery for a moment.
Guttenberg was one of Pelosi’s guests for the State of the Union. She seemed to make “calm down” gestures with her hands while saying something to herself as she peered up into the gallery after the moment.
Guttenberg’s daughter Jaime was one of 16 children murdered in the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., in 2018. She was 14 years old.

VIDEO: Trump Awards Rush Limbaugh Medal of Freedom at SOTU, Democrats Silent

National FIle – President Trump invited conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh to be a guest of honor at the State of the Union Address Tuesday night, before having First Lady Melania Trump drape the Presidential Medal of Freedom around Limbaugh’s neck.
“Almost every American family knows the pain when a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness,” President Trump said. “Here tonight is a special man, beloved by millions of Americans, who just received a Stage 4 advanced cancer diagnosis.”
“This is not good news, but what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet,” the President continued. “Rush Limbaugh, thank you for your decades of tireless devotion to our country.”
Limbaugh, who had arrived at the State of the Union in a wheelchair, appeared overcome with emotion at the President’s praise as he stood and clasped his hands in front of his chest, before saluting the President.

Bombshell: ‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella publicly named on Senate floor

WND – Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on Tuesday dropped a bombshell on the Senate floor, reading the name of the “anti-Trump CIA operative” believed to be the “whistleblower” who filed the complaint that triggered impeachment, Eric Ciaramella.
During his remarks in the Senate impeachment trial, Paul read the question he submitted last week that was rejected by Chief Justice John Roberts. Ciaramella’s name is in the question, but Paul didn’t say he was the whistleblower.
In any case, Paul and other colleagues have argued the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act of 1998 requires only that the inspector general not disclose the whistleblower’s name. It does not stop a member of Congress, the president or anyone else from identifying a whistleblower.
Paul’s question was: “Are you aware that House intelligence committee staffer Shawn Misko had a close relationship with Eric Ciaramella while at the National Security Council together, and are you aware and how do you respond to reports that Ciaramella and Misko may have worked together to plot impeaching the President before there were formal house impeachment proceedings?”

Twitter locks James O’Keefe’s account for reporting two men work for Bernie Sanders

Following Project Veritas’ bombshell videos about two staffers for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, inaccurate reports claimed they were volunteers. James O’Keefe called for a retraction. Now his account is locked.
NOQ Report – Investigative journalism is challenging when the propagandists in mainstream and social media do everything they can to discredit the truth. This is what James O’Keefe at Project Veritas deals with on a regular basis as they drop bombshell after bombshell about Democrats, mainstream media, and Big Tech. Among those exposed by Project Veritas recently are Bernie Sanders’ campaign, CNN, and Twitter. This is why it’s not surprising Twitter has locked his account based on a Tweet last month that called for a correction from mainstream media.
His account is still currently visible, but the “offending” Tweet is now hidden. It will remain hidden and his account will remain locked until he deletes the Tweet. But there’s a problem: The Tweet was legitimate. There was no offensive content, no “doxxing” or other nefarious actions. It was a Tweet from one journalist asking another journalist to get their facts straight. The funny part is, the O’Keefe’s request to Washington Post journalist Dave Weigel was honored, as it should have been.
One may say this isn’t a hill worth dying on, that since the goal of the two-week-old Tweet was achieved, O’Keefe should just take it down. But here’s the thing. As a journalist with 1st Amendment protections, he should not be locked out of his account for reporting the facts. Is this really the sort of environment a “progressive” company like Twitter wants to foster?

He’s a Uniter: ‘Spartacus’ Booker Delivers Unhinged Tirade on Senate Floor Condemning Americans as Racist Bigots — Then Calls for Unity (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit – “Spartacus” Cory Booker delivered an unhinged tirade on the floor of the US Senate, on Tuesday, during the the sham Trump impeachment trial.
Senator Booker praised America for always rising to the challenge before condemning Americans for being racist bigots.
Via Make Congress Great Again.

Economy & Business

China’s global supply chains collapsing due to coronavirus

NaturalNews – Novel coronavirus is spreading to the four corners of the globe, creating fear and panic about a potential out-of-control global pandemic. But another major threat is the economic impact of this disease, which is already disrupting China’s global supply chains and threatening to trigger a collapse.
Reports indicate that people are increasingly deciding not to travel to China for business, as one example, while cruise lines, airlines, and other components of business and tourism are modifying or canceling their Chinese travel routes.
The China Law Blog, which is geared towards high-profile attorneys who engage in cross-border business, is now warning its readers that traveling to and from China is not only a substantial risk, it’s also increasingly difficult, if not impossible.
“[T]he coronavirus is impacting pretty much everyone in China,” writes China Law Blog editor Dan Harris, whose Harris Bricken law firm runs the blog.
Besides the fact that entire cities in China are now quarantined and off-limits to visitors, travel in and out of many of China’s international airports is also coming to a grinding halt. It’s taking longer and longer for Chinese people to obtain visas to travel to other countries, and both Chinese nationals and expatriates alike are increasingly fearful of even trying to leave China “because they may be denied entry into the country of destination and may not be able to return to their place of residence,” warns The Epoch Times.

Science & Technology

Say goodbye to flat tires: Michelin develops new ‘puncture-proof’ airless tires

NaturalNews – Flat tires may soon be a thing of the past.
Michelin and General Motors (GM) have announced the development of a prototype for production-ready airless tires, which could roll out and replace old pneumatic rubber tires by 2025. Both companies say they have been developing the airless tires for the better part of two decades.
Michelin calls their tire the “Uptis,” which is short for Unique Puncture-Proof Tire System. They say that the Uptis can eliminate flat tires and punctures altogether. Michelin and General Motors will be refining the tire and are hopeful that production can begin by 2024.
Designed for passenger cars and small SUVs, Michelin and GM have said that the Uptis can replicate the performance of current pneumatic rubber tires, while also being better for the environment. They believe that the Uptis tires can be bought for cheaper and can last longer. They have also touted several of the tire’s other advantages, such as promoting even wear and improving fuel economy.
Uptis is made from an aluminum wheel wrapped in a composite material made by mixing together rubber with a high strength resin-embedded fiberglass. Instead of the tire being filled with air, a series of spokes will hold the weight of the car. Michelin said that the handling and performance will be similar to a standard pneumatic rubber tire.
Michelin also has plans for developing 3D printing systems that will allow a new tread to be applied to any existing Uptis tire, making it a more sustainable venture as it eliminates the need for people to replace the whole tire. This, according to Michelin, will help cut down on costs, materials and time for both the consumer and the manufacturer.

DOJ Examining Google’s Ad Tools in Antitrust Probe

Newsmax – The Department of Justice has stepped up its antitrust investigation of Google, which is heavily focused on the company’s use of online ad tools, particularly its ad server and ad exchange, The Wall Street Journal reports.
Federal investigators have spoken with executives at Google and its rivals, asking detailed questions about the company’s third-party advertising business. The main focus is on two subjects. The first is how the company has integrated its ad server, a tool that allows websites to sell ad space, with its ad exchange, which acts as a digital marketplace for online ads. The second is the company’s policy of requiring advertisers to use their tools to buy YouTube ad space.
Much of Google’s digital advertising business was built after it acquired the advertising technology firm DoubleClick in 2008. Around that time, the Justice Department’s antitrust chief Makan Delrahim advised Google on getting the Federal Trade Commission to sign off on the purchase. This led him to recuse himself from the investigation last week.


Sunscreen Safety Questioned Yet Again

Mercola – A 2019 study by the U.S. FDA shows four common active ingredients in sunscreen — avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene and ecamsule — are absorbed into your blood at levels that could potentially pose health risks.
Systemic concentrations greater than 0.5 ng/mL were reached for all four products after four applications on the first day; 0.5 ng/mL is the FDA maximum threshold for waiving systemic carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicology studies for sunscreens.
Follow-up research confirms systemic concentrations of sunscreen chemicals are up to 500 times higher than the FDA’s assumed safety threshold.
Oxybenzone and several other active ingredients in sunscreens enhance the ability of other chemicals to penetrate your skin, including toxic herbicides, pesticides and insect repellants, and act as endocrine disrupters.
Despite the endocrine disrupting and neurotoxic effects of oxybenzone, its high absorbability, and the availability of safe sunscreens (those containing non-nanosized zinc oxide and titanium dioxide), the FDA and American Academy of Dermatology urge people to continue using oxybenzone-containing sunscreen on a daily basis

Cholesterol Lowering Statin Drugs Trigger Brain Changes With Devastating Effects

Health Impact News – Data from the CDC1 in 2017 show heart disease causes one death every 37 seconds in America and that it is the leading cause of death in the U.S. It created a financial burden of $219 billion in 2014 and 2015. Every 40 seconds someone has a heart attack. Those at higher risk are smokers and those who have high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and/or diabetes.2
Since researchers believed cholesterol levels contribute greatly to heart disease, pharmaceutical companies focused on developing a drug that might be marketed to millions when they first began searching for a “cure” to what is known as “hardening of the arteries.” After a historical journey beginning in the mid-20th century,3 the first statin drug was released in 1987 — lovastatin.
The way statin drugs work is by preventing a certain enzyme from carrying out its function in the body. This was first tested with fungi broths and then later in animals, and in both cases it lowered plasma cholesterol. Millions of people now take statins on the advice of their physicians with the hope of extending their life and reducing their risk of heart disease. One Johns Hopkins cardiologist explains a dangerous evolution of statin use:4
“Traditionally, statins were viewed as purely cholesterol-lowering drugs. So it made sense just to use them for people with high cholesterol. But we’ve learned that they also benefit people with lower levels of cholesterol who are at a high risk of heart disease. So we now think of statins as risk-reducing drugs.”
As mainstream medicine continues to prescribe statin medications to a growing number of patients whether they currently have cholesterol levels deemed higher than normal or not, others are warning this trend is likely placing more people at risk than it is helping.
As I have reported, a 2015 review of statin trials found that in primary prevention trials, the median postponement of death in those taking statins was just 3.2 days. In exchange for an additional 3.2 days, those taking statins may experience heart damage and have an increased risk of dementia.

From Drains To Stains, Here Are 5 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Is Handy At Home

Mind Body Green – Apple cider vinegar has long been a classic home remedy because of its many benefits, ranging from soothing a sore throat to improving overall skin and hair health. Here are some of the highlights of what it can do for your home, plus easy recipes you can quickly make in the kitchen. You’ll want to stock your shelves with ACV!

  1. Stain remover

Apple cider vinegar can remove stains, lint, and grime from clothes!

  1. Fruit and vegetable wash

Soaking fruits and vegetables in apple cider vinegar and water can reduce bacteria and pathogens; it will kill any fungus that may be present. The soaking can also extend the life of the produce.

  1. Weed killer

You can use apple cider vinegar to kill problematic weeds. Keep a spray bottle on hand for when any unwanted weeds pop up.

  1. Unclogging drains

Many over-the-counter drain cleaners contain toxins that can cause respiratory difficulties. Using ACV, however, is a natural solution to unclog drains (that really works!).

  1. Wood polish

Apple cider vinegar can be used to clean and polish wood furniture and other hard surfaces. It is also helpful in removing water stains.


Pete Rose uses Astros saga to ask for reinstatement

ESPN – Pete Rose asked commissioner Rob Manfred on Wednesday morning to remove his name from Major League Baseball’s ineligible list, which would allow the all-time hits leader to be considered for induction into the Hall of Fame.
In a petition sent to the MLB commissioner’s office and obtained by ESPN, Rose and his lawyers argue that Manfred has recently opted not to punish players guilty of major game-changing rules infractions and, as a result, should end Rose’s 30½-year ban for gambling on baseball while he was manager of the Cincinnati Reds. The lawyers say that Rose’s lifetime ban is “vastly disproportionate” when compared with MLB’s punishments of players who took performance-enhancing drugs and the players involved in the sign-stealing schemes by the 2017 Houston Astros.
“There cannot be one set of rules for Mr. Rose and another for everyone else,” Rose’s 20-page petition for reinstatement says. “No objective standard or categorization of the rules violations committed by Mr. Rose can distinguish his violations from those that have incurred substantially less severe penalties from Major League Baseball.”
Rose seeks a meeting with Manfred.

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