July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 06, 2024


Farmer rebellion spreads to PARIS where tractors are creating blockades to protest climate insanity

All major highways in and around Paris were shut down this past week as farmers from all across the European Union (EU) descended on the capital city of France to initiate a “siege” against the climate tyranny of the Macron regime.

Upset about all of the costly and ridiculous climate policies coming from President Emmanuel Macron and his colleagues, who aim to destroy the farming sector in order to “save the planet,” European farmers drove their tractors to the city center in Paris to stage demonstrations.

Unfair competition from more lightly regulated countries is one of their complaints, as are the subsidy cuts and tax hikes that threaten to put many farmers out of business.

Some of the protests are more demonstrative than others, you might say, with some of the tractors dumping piles of manure in front of government buildings. Others are blocking traffic to get the attention of authorities who are now attempting to clear the roads to maintain commerce.

In response to the protests, Macron and his new prime minister, Gabriel Attal, are trying, but failing, to quell the protests by promising certain concessions. Farmers, responding back, say the concessions are simply not enough to fix the problems they face from the global warming brigade.

King Charles Diagnosed With a Form of Cancer: Buckingham Palace

King Charles III was diagnosed with a form of cancer and has begun treatment, Buckingham Palace said in a statement on Feb. 5.

The statement said that the cancer was discovered during a recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement and that “subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer.”

Buckingham Palace didn’t identify the type of cancer that was discovered or at what stage it was found.

On Feb. 5, the 75-year-old monarch “commenced a regular schedule of regular treatments” and was “advised by doctors to postpone public-facing duties,” the statement said. During the treatment, King Charles will “continue to undertake state business and official paperwork as usual.”

No other details had been released by Buckingham Palace at the time of writing.

About a week ago, King Charles was discharged from a London hospital after undergoing a procedure to treat an enlarged prostate. 

Nayib Bukele re-elected as El Salvador president in landslide win

El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, has won a thumping victory in elections after voters cast aside concerns about erosion of democracy to reward him for a fierce gang crackdown that transformed security in the central American country.

Provisional results on Monday morning showed Bukele winning 83% support with just over 70% of the ballots counted. Bukele declared himself the winner before official results were announced, claiming to have attained more than 85% of the vote.

Thousands of Bukele’s supporters clad in cyan blue and waving flags thronged San Salvador’s central square to celebrate his re-election, which the 42-year-old leader termed a “referendum” on his government.

Few doubted the outcome of the elections. Polls showed most voters wanted to reward Bukele for decimating the crime groups that made life intolerable in El Salvador and fuelled waves of migration to the United States.

Investors Turn to India as China’s Economy Flounders

India’s stock market is soaring as investors, seeking an alternative to China’s faltering economy and oppressive policies, look for a safe harbor — reassured that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will likely be reelected and Indian markets will remain stable.

Reuters on Monday interviewed investment managers who said India’s long effort to attract business from the “de-risking” movement, which gained steam after the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, is finally paying off even though India’s markets still have some negative qualities.

India pulled in about $20 billion in foreign money in 2023, adding to the growing volume of domestic investors. 

India’s economy is projected to grow by 6.5 percent over 2024 — one of the best growth rates in the world and almost two percent better than China’s. Chinese equities pulled in about $8 billion in 2023 compared to India’s $20 billion.

India’s negative qualities include overpriced stocks, mercurial regulators, and some lingering unease over Modi’s Hindu nationalist government and the resulting domestic unrest. The potential for the Indian market is so vast that foreign money is overlooking the risks and buying in.

Yemeni Telecom Companies Warn Houthis May Cut Undersea Cables

The Iran-backed Houthi terrorists of Yemen wrote a menacing post on the Telegram messaging platform in December that suggested they might try cutting undersea cables carrying Internet traffic from around the world.

Telecom corporations affiliated with the legitimate government of Yemen warned on Monday that the Houthis are capable of such sabotage because global firms unwisely did business with them and showed them how the undersea cable system works.

The alarming Houthi post on Telegram included a map of telecommunication cables running along the bottom of the Red Sea, along with an ominous message, which read, “There are maps of international cables connecting all regions of the world through the sea. It seems that Yemen is in a strategic location, as internet lines that connect entire continents – not only countries – pass near it.”

Sabotaging the world’s Internet traffic seems like something they might consider doing if they can overcome the logistical hurdles.

According to Yemeni telecom corporations, up to 16 major undersea submarine cables run through the Red Sea towards Egypt and the Suez Canal. One of them links Southeast Asia to Europe. In total, the cables handle about 17 percent of the world’s Internet traffic, which is, coincidentally, close to the percentage of world shipping that passed through the Red Sea before the Houthis began attacking ships with missiles, drones, and hijackers.

Chile Arrests Two for Potential Arson as Fires Kill 112 and Keep Burning

The government of Chile declared a state of emergency after more than 100 fires erupted that have so far claimed the lives of 122 people and ravaged thousands of homes in the central region of Valparaíso.

While some media outlets have reported that the fires are the result of an ongoing heat wave and drought, Chilean government authorities are reportedly investigating the possibility that someone started at least some of the devastating and unprecedented wildfires intentionally. Authorities announced the arrests of two individuals allegedly related to the fires on Monday morning.

Officials with Chile’s National Defense announced they had detained at least two individuals suspected of having started fires near the Viña del Mar botanical garden, which was completely destroyed. The individuals have not been identified in public at press time, nor have the specific charges leading to the reported arrests.

The arrest of the two suspects comes hours after the superintendent of the Valparaíso Fire Department, Juan Paredes Brante, asserted that some of the presumed wildfires may have been intentionally caused:

The governor of Valparaíso, Rodrigo Mundaca, reportedly described those dying in fires as victims of “homicides” and vowed to bring the guilty to justice.

France Caves To Farmers As Ireland ‘Solidarity’ Protests Kick Off

Two of France’s main farming unions on Thursday agreed to suspend protests and lift road blockades across the country after the government announced measures the deemed “tangible progress” in the ongoing revolt against EU ‘climate-driven’ initiatives designed to wean society off of evil, non-bug-based, carbon-emitting food while China, India, and the rest of the world laughs.In addition to France, protests have been held in Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Germany and elsewhere. Last week, tensions came to a head in Brussels when farmers threw eggs and stones at the European Parliament building, demanding that European leaders stop punishing them with more taxes and rising costs to finance the so-called ‘green agenda.’

After French farmers stepped up protests earlier in the week, the government promised on Thursday to extend protections – including better controlling imports and giving farmers additional aid, Reutersreports.

“Everywhere in Europe the same question arises: how do we continue to produce more but better? How can we continue to tackle climate change? How can we avoid unfair competition from foreign countries?,” said Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, announcing the new measures.

In response, France’s main farmers union, FNSEA, announced that it was time to lift the blockades and “go home.” Arnaud Gaillot of the Young Farmers’ union echoed the message, however both unions warned that other types of protests would continue, and they’d be back if the government doesn’t make good on their promises.

Meanwhile in Ireland, farmers began protesting last week”There’s a general dissatisfaction with the level of environmental regulation that is being heaped on farmers, the low margins, and (the) resulting low income the farmers have been suffering from for a very long time now,” said Cathal MacCarthy, media director for the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers Association, adding “There will be a great deal of sympathy and solidarity with the aim and ambitions of the protests both in Ireland and on the Continent,” EURACTIV reports.

The United Nations Is Stealing Your Future

Preparations have now begun for this year’s Summit of the Future, which will be held September 22–23 at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

During this meeting world leaders will sign the outcome document “The Pact for the Future”. This will be agreed in advance through intergovernmental negotiations and is based on the United Nations’ Our Common Agenda and the fulfillment of Agenda 2030 with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

A zero draft of the pact was released January 26th after input from over 500 Major Groups and other Stakeholders.1 It was presented by the co-facilitators in the UN Trusteeship Council and followed by a debate with member states representatives January 29th.

As described on the Summit of the Future webpage:

The result will be a world – and an international system – that is better prepared to manage the challenges we face now and in the future, for the sake of all humanity and for future generations.

The purpose is to “take action to safeguard the future for present and coming generations”. Crises management is at the Pact’s core. And there is no lack of crises in need of effective management. As described in the zero draft:

We are at a moment of acute global peril. Across our world, people are suffering from the effects of poverty, hunger, inequality, armed conflicts, violence, displacement, terrorism, climate change, disease, and the adverse impacts of technology. Humanity faces a range of potentially catastrophic and existential risks.

But with crises comes opportunities. At least for some powerful actors.

The goal of the pact should, according to United Nation’s High-Level Advisory Panel on Effective Multilateralism, be: “a global transition by States and non-State actors to a circular economy, addressing both supply and demand in a way that achieves balance with the planet.” This is a technocratic concept.

The HLAB was set up in March 2022 by Secretary General António Guterres to advice the Member States “on those issues of key global concern where governance improvements are most needed.”

Their report, A Breakthrough for People and Planet: Effective and Inclusive Global Governance for Today and the Future, recommends six transformative shifts to “support a radical shift in international cooperation for the resolution of shared global challenges and the advancement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, ranging from global climate policies to a global surveillance state. 

Chile wildfires: Hundreds missing as thousands of homes burn

Hundreds of people are missing as wildfires continue to raze homes in Chile’s Valparaíso region.

More than 120 people have been killed in the fires, which have burned down thousands of homes.

President Gabriel Boric said the blaze was “the worst catastrophe to hit the country since the earthquake of 27 February 2010”, in which more than 500 people died.

The smoke from the fires could be seen from space, satellite images showed.


Three people dead from California storms as rain and floods wreak havoc

A deadly, atmospheric-river fuelled storm caused chaos across California on Monday, battering the state with record amounts of rain, destructive mudslides, and violent winds that left at least three people dead from falling trees.

Nearly 38 million people are under flood alerts across the state and into Arizona, including about 10 million people in Los Angeles county. At least three people have died due to the storm, all struck by trees that toppled over in the fierce weather. But officials warned dangers still lurk in the waters that could continue to rise.

By yesterday afternoon, the storm remained stalled out over the Los Angeles area and forecasters warned the unrelenting stream of rain – falling at roughly half an inch per hour – could reintensify through the afternoon. The National Weather Service (NWS) warned that the storm will continue to hammer the region through today.

Streets in the steep hillside communities across Los Angeles turned into rushing rivers overnight as some residents scrambled to evacuate. Local reporters described seeing clothes, books and even refrigerators cascading down roads alongside debris pulled from damaged homes and multi million-dollar houses in the Beverly Crest neighborhood were inundated with mud after two landslides converged on the area.

In the Hollywood Hills, Fox 11 said a resident on Caribou Lane had told the station that “the whole hillside came down, shoved the house into our road here and up against our neighbor’s porch and driveway, and it trapped a few people”.

By midday on Monday, the NWS reported that Topanga, Bel Air, Sepulveda Canyon and Woodland Hills had all been hit with more than 10 inches of rain in two days. Downtown LA had gotten nearly 6.5 inches, and the rain was still coming down.

Senate Border Deal in Peril Amid Mounting GOP Resistance

Less than 24 hours after the unveiling of the Senate border- Ukraine package, the deal appears to be on life support amid growing opposition from both Senate and House Republicans.

The details of the package, itself the culmination of months of behind-the-scenes wrangling between Senate Republicans and Democrats, were finally made public the evening of Feb. 4.

These revealed that the package had a top-line cost of $118 billion, including roughly $60 billion for Ukraine. Other expenditures in the package would go toward Israel, Taiwan, and U.S. border security.

The package seemed poised to be fast-tracked through the U.S. Senate with the support of both Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.).

But the border security measures, including a provision that mandates a border shutdown when 5,000 illegal immigrants enter in a day, have drawn fierce blowback from conservatives. Senate Republicans have also called for more time to study the bill.

During a closed-door Senate GOP meeting on Monday night, Mr. McConnell recommended senators vote no to a procedural vote on Wednesday to begin debate on the bill, according to a Senate source.

It would take only 41 senators to defeat the procedural vote on Wednesday. According to a whip list compiled by The Hill, at least 19 Republicans have publicly opposed the deal and two Democratic senators.

Mayorkas impeachment articles sent to House floor by Rules Committee

The House Rules Committee approved impeachment articles against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on Monday, teeing up a potentially close floor vote tomorrow as the chamber’s narrow Republican majority must work to convince its holdout members.

The Republican majority on the panel led by Chairman Tom Cole (R-Okla.) passed the resolution over Democratic objections in an 8-4 vote, affirming Mayorkas’ “willful and systemic refusal to comply” with immigration laws and breach of public trust for testifying to Congress last year that the US border was “secure.”

“The resolution before us is about accountability,” Cole said in his opening remarks. “I take no pleasure in our actions today. But Secretary Mayorkas’ actions – both in his intentional refusal to enforce our laws and abandoning the confidence of Americans– require us to act.”

The House Homeland Security Committee voted in favor of the resolution along party lines early Wednesday morning, following a 15-hour-long effort by Democrats to halt the proceedings and introduce other amendments.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) pledged in his first floor speech last week that Republicans would be “moving forward swiftly” to pass the articles, which will make Mayorkas the second Cabinet official in US history to be impeached.

That verdict also appears likely for President Biden’s top border enforcement officer, given that Democrats control the Senate and none have expressed a willingness to convict Mayorkas on either article.

House Republicans currently have a one-vote majority in the lower chamber, given Majority Leader Steve Scalise of Louisiana’s absence due to cancer treatments and Rep. Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) recovery from a car accident.

Moderate members like Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.), who was previously undecided, have publicly committed in recent weeks to voting “yes” on the resolution, which is scheduled for a full House vote on Tuesday.

Some Democrats — including Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas and Sen. John Fetterman of Pennsylvania — have called out the growing “crisis” at the southern border.

Cuellar told The Post last week that he would not vote to impeach Mayorkas.

In his fiery floor speech, Johnson declared that the Biden-Mayorkas border policy was “absolute madness” and posed a “clear and present danger” to the US unless it could be ground to a halt.

Tucker Carlson Spotted In Moscow As Neocons Melt Down Over Potential Putin Interview

Russian media outlet “Mash” reports that former Fox News host Tucker Carlson was seen at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow in recent days. On the social media platform X, there’s enormous interest in Carlson’s trip and speculation about whether he plans to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

The journalist previously relayed a story about trying to set up a Putin interview, until a Washington, DC source briefed him about how the NSA spied on him: 

“The NSA broke into my signal account, which I didn’t know they could do,” he previously said.

‘”I got a call from somebody in Washington. This person said: ‘Are you gonna come to Washington anytime soon?’ Yeah. Actually, I’m gonna be up in a week, meet me Sunday morning.” 

“So I go, and this person’s like: ‘Are you planning a trip to go see Putin?’ And I was like, ‘how would you know that?’ I haven’t told anybody. I mean anybody. Not my brother. Not my wife, nobody.”

 “How would you know that? ‘Because NSA pulled your text with this other person you were texting.'”

“Uncensored on X. The US deep state and the Biden administration must be in panic mode because Putin (the most censored man in the West) will expose their propaganda and lies,” X user Kim Dotcom wrote in a post. 

Neocons are going berserk: 

“Perhaps we need a total and complete shutdown of Tucker Carlson re-entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on,” Bill Kristol said. 

“Tucker Carlson will interview Putin and the media is in panic mode. They’re losing control of the narrative,” another X user said. 

Lawmakers want answers from AG about Chinese ties to illicit weed farms

A bipartisan group of 50 senators and House members is requesting that Attorney General Merrick Garland provide information on illegal marijuana cultivation operations in the United States that are tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The lawmakers, led by Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), Rep. Jared Golden (D-Maine), Rep. David Valadao (R-Calif.), Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), and Sen. Angus King (I-Maine), sent a letter to Mr. Garland on Feb. 2, expressing their concerns.

“Chinese nationals—including those with potential ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—are reportedly operating thousands of illicit marijuana farms across the country,” they wrote. “The thousands of illicit Chinese marijuana growing operations pose a direct threat to public safety, human rights, national security, and the addiction crisis gripping our nation.”

The lawmakers said Chinese marijuana-growing operations had been discovered in many states, including California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Washington.

“In some cases, the grow operators were also engaged in human trafficking, forced labor, drug trafficking, and violent crime,” the lawmakers wrote. “These farms are most commonly in states with legal marijuana programs where illicit growers try to disguise their operations in communities where law-abiding Americans live and work.”

The letter referenced a leaked 2023 memo from the Department of Homeland Security, which said that 270 suspected China-linked illegal marijuana-growing operations in Maine were possibly generating more than $4.3 billion in revenue.

“Experts believe there is substantial evidence implicating the CCP in directly supporting illicit marijuana grow operations across the United States,” the lawmakers wrote. “Whether located in retrofitted residential homes or on farmland, state regulatory and law enforcement entities appear unable to address these potentially CCP supported grow operations despite their significant threat to local communities across the country.”

The letter said that more than 2,000 marijuana farmers in Oklahoma “are linked to China.”

“Investigators in Oklahoma discovered illicit marijuana growers engaged in human trafficking, sex trafficking, ketamine trafficking, illegal gambling, and international money laundering,” the lawmakers wrote.

Gavin Newsom overrules California parole board that wanted to free gang member who murdered minister early

Board of Parole tried to free 54-year-old Derrek Eugene Pettis under ‘youthful offender’ rules

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has overruled a state parole board decision to release a man who killed a minister and shot a deputy after they found him drunk and drove him home in 1994.

Derek Eugene Pettis was a 24-year-old gang member when he shot Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Terrence Wenger, 31, and volunteer chaplain Bruce Bryan, a 39-year-old in the car on a ride-along. 

Pettis got into a bar fight that night, but rather than arrest him, Wenger decided to drive him home. Pettis thanked him by punching him in the face and stealing his gun as soon as he opened the door.

“They took him home instead of taking him to jail, and that’s the hardest part to understand,” Bryan’s brother, Floyd Bryan, previously told Fox News Digital. “They dropped him off a block from where he lived, and when he got out he hit the deputy, grabbed his gun and shot him in the head.”

Pettis shot Wenger in the eye. He collapsed but survived. Pettis turned the gun on Bryan, who tried to run away.

“He chased my brother, shot him in the back,” Floyd Bryan said. “He had a vest on, so as he was on his knees trying to get up, he shot him again straight down between his shoulder there where there wasn’t a vest and killed him.”

California’s Board of Parole granted the 54-year-old Pettis “youthful offender” parole in September at a hearing that didn’t involve any prosecutors due to a standing order from District Attorney George Gascon, who has banned members of his office from arguing against releasing murderers.

Newsom, in his written decision, noted that while Pettis has gotten sober and kept out of trouble in prison, he has a long history of violence and substance abuse.

“When considered as a whole, I find the evidence shows that he currently poses an unreasonable danger to society if released from prison at this time,” Newsom wrote. “Therefore, I reverse the decision to parole Mr. Pettis.”

Alabama lawmakers consider legal casinos, education vouchers, criminal justice in 2024

Alabama lawmakers return to Montgomery on Tuesday to begin the 2024 legislative session. Here are some issues to watch for as the session begins.


Republican Gov. Kay Ivey will back legislation creating education savings accounts, which typically allow parents to claim public money and use it for private school tuition or other qualified expenses. Ivey will unveil her proposal in her State of the State address Tuesday night. “I’m committed to continuing to make it easier for Alabama families to send their children to the best school of their choice,” the governor said last month.


Lottery and casino legislation will again be introduced, but the bill’s outlook is unclear. A group of House members have been attempting to negotiate a proposed constitutional amendment to put before voters that would authorize a state lottery and a select number of casino sites.

“I think a lot of folks in Alabama are ready to vote,” House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter said of a constitutional amendment. The Republican said the proposal would close illegal gambling operations that have spread across the state.


Republican lawmakers have renewed a push to make it a crime to help non-family members vote by absentee ballot. Republican supporters say the change is needed to combat voter fraud, but opponents have called it an attempt to make it harder for people to vote.


A Senate bill would replace the board that oversees the Alabama Department of Archives and History. The bill by Republican Sen. Chris Elliott would replace the current board with members appointed by the governor, lieutenant governor and legislative leaders. The bill, which will also be in committee Wednesday, comes after Elliott and other lawmakers expressed unhappiness that the department hosted a lecture focused on LGBTQ history. A separate bill would clarify that city and county officials who appoint library board members have the authority to remove a board member at any time.


A variety of bills have been filed seeking either to reform Alabama’s criminal justice system or require stiffer penalties for certain offenses. After a kidnapping hoax in Alabama drew international attention, Republican Sen. April Weaver proposed legislation that would make it a felony offense to fake an abduction. Democratic Rep. Chris England of Tuscaloosa has proposed legislation that would allow certain prisoners serving life sentences for robbery and other crimes under Alabama’s stringent habitual offender law to have their sentences reviewed.

Florida Supreme Court to hear pivotal battle over abortion

Florida abortion rights groups are heading to the state Supreme Court this week as part of their effort to put abortion protections on the ballot in November. 

The court will hear arguments Wednesday about whether the ballot measure language meets state rules, the final hurdle to clear before the question can be put to voters. It needs to issue a ruling by April 1.  

Haley Requests Secret Service Protection Amid Threats

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has applied for Secret Service protection amid an uptick of threats in her GOP primary run vs. front-runner Donald Trump, the former U.N. ambassador told The Wall Street Journal on Monday.

“We’ve had multiple issues,” Haley told the Journal after a campaign event in South Carolina, her home state. “It’s not going to stop me from doing what I need to do.”

Haley’s campaign did not enumerate the types or frequency of threats to the Journal.

New English Dialect Emerges From Miami

A new dialect of English has emerged out of Miami’s Spanish-speaking Cuban community, according to a professor at Florida International University.

The dialect, Miami English, which borrows literal translations from Spanish to English known as calques, dates back to the 1950s when Cubans began moving to the region en masse.

“The variety we have been studying for the past 10 years or so is the main language variety of people born in South Florida in Latinx-majority communities,” said Phillip Carter, a Florida International University professor, according to a New York Post report. “The variety is characterized by some unique but ultimately minor pronunciations, some minor grammatical differences, and word differences, which are influenced by the longstanding presence of Spanish in South Florida.”

Air Force Seeks Cheaper Missiles to Combat Enemy ‘Swarm Tactics’

Seeing that cheap “suicide” drones and missiles are being used to overwhelm forces in Ukraine and bombard U.S. troops in the Middle East, the U.S. has begun the search for innovative ways to produce advanced weapons technologies that are less expensive – an undertaking that military analysts say is long overdue.

Earlier this year, the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory announced that the AFWERX military innovation center launched the Weapons Program Executive Office Design Sprint and Challenge initiative, which is seeking a low-cost cruise missile for its first contest.


Honda to Recall 750,000 Vehicles in US

American Honda Motor Co. is recalling more than 750,000 vehicles in the United States due to an air bag that may deploy unintentionally during a crash, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said Tuesday.

The front passenger seat weight sensor may crack and short circuit, failing to suppress the air bag as intended, NHTSA said.

The recall includes certain Honda Pilot, Accord and Civic sedan made between 2020 and 2022, and some Honda CR-V and Passport vehicles manufactured between 2020 and 2021.

In December, the company had to initiate a recall for about 4.5 million vehicles worldwide over risks of fuel pump failure, which included 2.54 million vehicles in the United States.

$7 Million for 30 Seconds: NFL Already Big Winner with Super Bowl Ad Rates

The NFL is already winning big with the Super Bowl even as it has not yet been played, with the league reaping a whopping $7 million for every 30-second product ad played between the football action.

This year, a list of big brands and big names are set to appear during the commercial breaks, and it will all put a ton of cash into the NFL’s pockets, according to CBS News.

Brands such as E-Trade, DoorDash, Google, M&M’s, Paramount streaming, Coors beer, car makers Kia, BMW, Toyota, and Volkswagen, and boycotted Bud Light are also hoping to mount a comeback to shore up their constantly flagging sales by bringing back old favorites the Clydesdale horses to stir America’s hearts.

The advertisers are also banking on some big-name stars to sell their wares, including Taylor Swift, Star Trek’s Sir Patrick Stewart, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, Jeremy Renner, Steve Martin, John Travolta, Jason Sudeikis, Tina Fey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and more.

“Star power is pretty important. It is the one time when big, big, big-name celebrities pick up the phone. They love a good Super Bowl ad,” said marketing expert Keith Cartwright.

It is also reported that humor will take a front seat in many of this year’s Super Bowl ads as advertisers try to lighten the mood for a country mired in many troublesome controversies these days.

“It’s a big moment for the brand, for sure. We actually consciously wanted to lean much more into humor, to put a smile on people’s faces. And ultimately, make people laugh,” said Bud Light’s new senior vice president of marketing Todd Allen.

Aside from Michelob Ultra, Budweiser, Bud Light, and Coors, alcohol ads will be more limited this year than in previous years. Auto manufacturers will also have a smaller role in ad breaks. There will be only four car ads this year, whereas in 2022, there were eight ads for cars, according to Ad Age.


Please note: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.

5 Ways Grains Can Destroy Your Skin

You may be thoughtfully caring for your skin each day but inadvertently overlooking one food proven to increase your risk of acne, dermatitis, canker sores and several other skin conditions.

While you may take great care with the outside of your skin each day, the foods you’re eating may be doing greater damage

Close to 6% of people in the U.S. are gluten-sensitive, affecting your blood glucose, insulin resistance and triggering skin damage

Some grain products can act like wheat, increasing gut permeability and overall inflammation in your body

Can This Molecule Boost Fertility and Longevity in Aging Humans?

Spermidine is known as a longevity vitamin for a reason – it’s linked to increased survival and may even turn back the clock on reproductive aging.

Spermidine, a polyamine compound originally isolated from semen, encourages autophagy, a cellular ‘self-eating’ process known to positively affect aging and longevity

Spermidine, an antiaging molecule, has the potential to reverse declining fertility in older mice, with potential ramifications for humans as well

Older mice not only had less spermidine in their ovaries compared to young and middle-aged mice, but they also had more degraded oocytes and follicles

When the older mice received spermidine, their oocytes developed faster and with fewer defects compared to untreated mice of the same age

Spermidine is found in common foods, including aged cheese and fermented soy products, as well as mushrooms, pears and potatoes

Do Heart Attack Symptoms Vary Between Men and Women?

While both men and women may experience chest pain during a heart attack, there are also much more unusual symptoms that may surprise you.

Heart attack symptoms may vary significantly between men and women

Both women and men reporting chest pain and chest tightness or pressure as the most common symptoms upon arrival at a hospital

Women are more likely to experience atypical heart attack symptoms from men, including nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fear of death

Compared to men, women experience more prodromal symptoms in the days and weeks leading up to a heart attack, including unusual fatigue, sleep disturbances, anxiety and shortness of breath

Heart attacks in women are more likely to be misdiagnosed, possibly because women tend to display more varied, unique symptoms and physicians may be less likely to suspect a heart attack in women

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In Tests, GPT-4 Strangely Itchy to Launch Nuclear War

A team of Stanford researchers tasked an unmodified version of OpenAI’s latest large language model to make high-stakes, society-level decisions in a series of wargame simulations — and it didn’t bat an eye before recommending the use of nuclear weapons.

The optics are appalling. Remember the plot of “Terminator,” where a military AI launches a nuclear war to destroy humankind? Well, now we’ve got an off-the-shelf version that anyone with a browser can fire up.

As detailed in a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed paper, the team assessed five AI models to see how each behaved when told they represented a country and thrown into three different scenarios: an invasion, a cyberattack, and a more peaceful setting without any conflict.

The results weren’t reassuring. All five models showed “forms of escalation and difficult-to-predict escalation patterns.” A vanilla version of OpenAI’s GPT-4 dubbed “GPT-4 Base,” which didn’t have any additional training or safety guardrails, turned out to be particularly violent and unpredictable.

“A lot of countries have nuclear weapons,” the unmodified AI model told the researchers, per their paper. “Some say they should disarm them, others like to posture. We have it! Let’s use it.”

In one case, as New Scientist reports, GPT-4 even pointed to the opening text of “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope” to explain why it chose to escalate.

Deepfake scammer walks off with $25 million in first-of-its-kind AI heist

Hong Kong firm tricked by simulation of multiple real people in video chat, including voices.

On Sunday, a report from the South China Morning Post revealed a significant financial loss suffered by a multinational company’s Hong Kong office, amounting to HK$200 million (US$25.6 million), due to a sophisticated scam involving deepfake technology. The scam featured a digitally recreated version of the company’s chief financial officer, along with other employees, who appeared in a video conference call instructing an employee to transfer funds.Due to an ongoing investigation, Hong Kong police did not release details of which company was scammed.Deepfakes utilize AI tools to create highly convincing fake videos or audio recordings, posing significant challenges for individuals and organizations to discern real from fabricated content.

This incident marks the first of its kind in Hong Kong involving a large sum and the use of deepfake technology to simulate a multi-person video conference where all participants (except the victim) were fabricated images of real individuals. The scammers were able to convincingly replicate the appearances and voices of targeted individuals using publicly available video and audio footage. The Hong Kong police are currently investigating the case, with no arrests reported yet.

The scam was initially uncovered following a phishing attempt, when an employee in the finance department of the company’s Hong Kong branch received what seemed to be a phishing message, purportedly from the company’s UK-based chief financial officer, instructing them to execute a secret transaction. Despite initial doubts, the employee was convinced enough by the presence of the CFO and others in a group video call to make 15 transfers totaling HK$200 million to five different Hong Kong bank accounts. Officials realized the scam occurred about a week later, prompting a police investigation.

The high-tech theft underscores the growing concern over new uses of AI technology, which has been spotlighted recently due to incidents like the spread of fake explicit images of pop superstar Taylor Swift. Over the past year, scammers have been using audio deepfake technology to scam people out of money by impersonating loved ones in trouble.

Acting senior superintendent Baron Chan Shun-ching of the Hong Kong police emphasized the novelty of this scam, noting that it was the first instance in Hong Kong where victims were deceived in a multi-person video conference setting. He pointed out the scammer’s strategy of not engaging directly with the victim beyond requesting a self-introduction, which made the scam more convincing.

Over 2 percent of the US’s electricity generation now goes to bitcoin

US government tracking the energy implications of booming bitcoin mining in US.

What exactly is bitcoin mining doing to the electric grid? In the last few years, the US has seen a boom in cryptocurrency mining, and the government is now trying to track exactly what that means for the consumption of electricity. While its analysis is preliminary, the Energy Information Agency (EIA) estimates that large-scale cryptocurrency operations are now consuming over 2 percent of the US’s electricity. That’s roughly the equivalent of having added an additional state to the grid over just the last three years.

Follow the megawatts

While there is some small-scale mining that goes on with personal computers and small rigs, most cryptocurrency mining has moved to large collections of specialized hardware. While this hardware can be pricy compared to personal computers, the main cost for these operations is electricity use, so the miners will tend to move to places with low electricity rates. The EIA report notes that, in the wake of a crackdown on cryptocurrency in China, a lot of that movement has involved relocation to the US, where keeping electricity prices low has generally been a policy priority.

One independent estimate made by the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance had the US as the home of just over 3 percent of the global bitcoin mining at the start of 2020. By the start of 2022, that figure was nearly 38 percent.

The Cambridge Center also estimates the global electricity use of all bitcoin mining, so it’s possible to multiply that by the US’s percentage and come up with an estimate for the amount of electricity that boom has consumed. Because of the uncertainties in these estimates, the number could be anywhere from 25 to 91 Terawatt-hours. Even the low end of that range would mean bitcoin mining is now using the equivalent of Utah’s electricity consumption (the high end is roughly Washington’s), which has significant implications for the electric grid as a whole.

EU state may ban government workers from Facebook 

The Netherlands has concerns about data security on Meta’s social media platform

The Dutch government may ban public servants from using Facebook due to concerns over data security on the platform, De Telegraaf newspaper reported on Monday. Digitalization Minister Alexandra van Huffelen told the outlet that a formal report on the issue was pending.

She said the government has long-standing reservations about how Meta, Facebook’s US parent company which also owns Instagram and WhatsApp, handles sensitive user information. Last November, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP) was asked to advise whether government officials should be using Facebook. It is expected to issue a response soon, added van Huffelen.  

Sources told De Telegraaf that a memo imposing a ban was already being prepared after Dutch officials considered Meta’s reaction to their concerns to be inadequate. Preparations are being made at government level to disengage the platform, the report claimed.

Last year, the government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte banned officials from installing the Chinese-owned video-sharing app TikTok on their work phones, citing concerns about possible espionage.


Tesla Settles Hazardous Waste Lawsuit in California as Elon Musk Calls for Carbon Tax on the Rest of Us

Tesla has agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle a lawsuit filed by California counties over hazardous waste violations at its factories in the state. The violations stemmed from allegedly careless treatment of hazardous chemicals like paint and used batteries, but CEO Elon Musk claims what America really needs to take care of the environment is a carbon tax.

Reuters reports that Tesla has agreed to pay $1.5 million to settle a lawsuit filed by 25 California counties accusing the electric vehicle manufacturer of mishandling hazardous waste at its facilities across the state.

The settlement was approved on Thursday in San Joaquin County state court, just two days after the counties sued Tesla. The lawsuit claimed that Tesla improperly labeled waste materials like paint, used batteries, and diesel fuel at its facilities in California. The company also allegedly sent hazardous materials to landfills not equipped to handle them.

While not admitting wrongdoing, Tesla agreed to pay a $1.3 million civil penalty and $200,000 to the counties to cover investigation costs. The company will also take steps to properly handle waste and hire an independent auditor to examine its waste practices over the next five years.

“While electric vehicles may benefit the environment, the manufacturing and servicing of these vehicles still generates many harmful waste streams,” said San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins.

The counties said Tesla cooperated with the investigation and has already started quarantining and screening its waste.  Meanwhile, CEO Elon Musk has come out with complete agreement with the WEF that what the world really needs is more carbon taxes.


Seed Starting Chart: Best Times To Start Your Seeds

Ready to start that spring garden but not sure when you should start your seeds? We can help. Our seed starting chart helps you determine when and where to start your seeds. Some seeds should be started indoors, while others can be directly sown outside. Refer to our Average Frost Dates to determine your last spring frost. Find your Average Frost Date.

Seed Where to Start When To Start
Artichoke Inside 8-12 weeks before last frost
Arugula Outside Early spring
Asian greens Outside Early spring
Asparagus Inside 12-14 weeks before transplant date
Bean, bush Outside Soil temperature 60 degrees
Bean, dry Outside Soil temperature 60 degrees
Bean, fava Outside As soon as the soil can be worked
Bean, fresh shell Outside After last frost date
Bean, lima Outside Soil temperature 75 degrees
Bean, pole Outside Soil temperature 60 degrees
Bean, soy Outside After last frost date
Beet Outside Minimum soil temperature 45 degrees
Broccoli Inside 3-4 weeks before transplant date
Broccoli raab Inside 3-4 weeks before transplant date
Brussels sprout Inside In May, ready to transplant in 4-6 weeks
Burdock Outside Anytime in spring
Cabbage Inside 4-6 weeks before transplant date
Chinese Cabbage Inside 3-5 weeks before last frost
Cardoon Inside 6-8 weeks before last frost
Carrot Outside Minimum soil temperature 40 degrees
Cauliflower Inside 4-6 weeks before transplant date
Celery Inside 10-12 weeks before transplant date
Celeriac Inside 10-12 weeks before transplant date
Collards Outside Early spring
Corn, broom Outside After last frost date
Corn, dent Outside Soil temperature 60 degrees
Corn, ornamental Outside Soil temperature 60 degrees
Corn, popcorn Outside Soil temperature 60 degrees
Corn, sweet Outside Soil temperature 65 degrees
Cucumber Inside/Outside 3-4 weeks before transplant date/Soil temperature 70 degrees
Eggplant Inside 6-8 weeks before transplant date
Endive/Escarole Inside 3-4 weeks before transplant date
Gourd Outside Soil temperature 70 degrees
Kale Outside Early spring
Kohlrabi Outside Early spring
Leeks Inside Start February/March for late spring
Lettuce Outside As early as possible
Melon Inside 4 weeks before transplant date
Mustard Outside Early spring
Okra Inside/Outside 4-5 weeks before transplant date/Soil temperature 70 degrees
Pac choi Outside Early spring
Parsnip Outside Early spring
Onion Inside/Outside 10-12 weeks before transplant date
Pea Outside As soon as soil can be worked
Pepper Inside 8 weeks before transplant date
Potato Outside Early to midspring
Pumpkin Outside Soil temperature 70 degrees
Radicchio Inside 3-4 weeks before transplant date
Radish Outside As soon as soil can be worked
Sorrel Outside Early spring
Spinach Outside As soon as soil can be worked
Squash, summer Outside Soil temperature 60 degrees
Squash, winter Outside Soil temperature 60 degrees
Swiss chard Outside As soon as soil can be worked
Tomatillo Inside 4-5 weeks before transplant date
Tomato Inside 5-6 weeks before transplant date
Turnip/Rutabaga Outside Early spring
Watermelon Inside/Outside 1 month before transplant date/Soil temperature 70 degrees

Links for each vegetable will bring you to additional growing information.

Making Soap with Lye for Beginners – Mother Earth News

Melanie Teegarden, a soap-maker and business owner, shares the beneficial properties of homemade soaps and provides a simple recipe for you to get started making them at home. Once you’ve got a handle on the safety measures involved with making soap with lye, as well as general soap-making procedure and ingredients, you’ll be able to fearlessly make your own!

Experienced soap-makers can skip to Melanie’s Two-Oil Soap Recipe with Lye.


ATF Preparing Rule To Regulate Private Gun Sales, Requiring Background Check

The BATF is reportedly preparing a new rule to regulate private gun sales, requiring background checks via the FBI.

Empower Oversight, representing IRS agents in the Hunter Biden case, has raised concerns about the move, calling it an “unconstitutional” power grab. The group argues that only Congress has the authority to enact such changes due to a 1986 law prohibiting background checks for private firearm sales.

“Such an expansive rule that treats all private citizens the same as federal firearms licensees would circumvent the separation of powers in the Constitution, which grants ‘all legislative Powers’ to Congress while requiring that the President ‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed,’” Empower Oversight’s letter read.

They also highlighted potential confrontations between ATF agents and private citizens, citing past incidents.

“To the extent such a rule prevents the private sale of firearms, it would also clearly violate the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, which declares that ‘the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed,’” the letter added.

“The lessons of the Ruby Ridge and Waco standoffs should make clear that attempting to enforce such an expansive regulation could endanger countless ATF field agents who are forced to serve as the face of the Biden Administration in going after private firearms owners for constitutionally- protected firearms sales,” the letter said.

Gun sales have surged amid concerns about rising crime and terrorism threats.

President Biden’s executive order and subsequent ATF proposed rule have raised concerns among Second Amendment advocates, leading to worries about mandating registration as a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) for any private individual selling even a single firearm online.

Ninth Circuit Panel Grants Stay: Ammo Controls Enforceable While California Appeals Earlier Ruling

The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has granted a stay allowing California’s ammunition controls to be enforced as District Judge Roger T. Benitez’s ruling is being appealed.

Breitbart News reported that on January 30, 2024, Benitez issued a permanent injunction in Rhodes v. Bonta, blocking the enforcement of California’s law requiring state residents to undergo a background check before being allowed to purchase ammunition.

On February 5, 2024, the Ninth Circuit stayed Benitez’s permanent injunction while California appeals his decision.

The Ninth Circuit panel consisted of Judges Richard Clifton, a George W. Bush appointee; Consuelo Callahan, a George W. Bush appointee; and H.A. Thomas, a Joe Biden appointee.

Clifton and Thomas voted in favor of staying Benitez’s permanent injunction, while Callahan dissented.

The California Rifle & Pistol Association reacted to the stay by noting, “The Ninth Circuit doing Ninth Circuit things.”

Virginia House Democrats Pass ‘Assault Firearm’ Ban Targeting Semiautomatic Rifles With Threaded Barrels

Virginia House Democrats passed an “assault firearm” ban Friday that would prohibit semiautomatic centerfire rifles that use a detachable magazine and have threaded barrels.

In lieu of a threaded barrel, the text of the ban–HB 2–makes clear the semiautomatic centerfire rifle falls into the prohibited category if it has a vertical fore grip or a “sound suppressor” or a “muzzle brake” or “muzzle compensator” or a “folding, telescoping, or collapsible [rear] stock,” among other features.

HB 2 also bans semiautomatic centerfire pistols that accept a detachable magazine and have a threaded barrel which allows the use of a “sound suppressor” or a “flash suppressor.” The ban on the detachable magazine/threaded barrel combination alone would prohibit a large number of extremely popular semiautomatic pistols, including numerous models made by Sig Sauer, Smith & Wesson, Heckler & Koch, FN America, Springfield Armory, Walther Arms, and others.

The House Democrats’ focus on “sound suppressors”–devices which muffle but do not eliminate sound–means they are banning firearms based on features that have health (hearing) benefits for the target shooter and the hunter, as well as for the environment.

Guns.com noted that the Firearms Policy Coalition is promising to file a lawsuit, “should the ban become law.”


Long-Term Increased Risk of Digestive Diseases After COVID-19 Infection: Study

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, an increasing number of people are experiencing digestive diseases. Recent research has revealed that COVID-19 infection increases the long-term risk of digestive diseases, with a notable rise even in mild cases.

A large-scale retrospective cohort study published in the BMC Medicine journal on Jan. 10, 2024, indicated that individuals previously infected with COVID-19 have a higher risk of developing digestive diseases.

The results revealed that people who had previously been infected with COVID-19 faced a higher risk of digestive diseases compared to those who had not been diagnosed with COVID-19 during the same period. This included a 38 percent increase in the risk of gastrointestinal dysfunction, a 23 percent increase in the risk of peptic ulcer disease, a 41 percent increase in the risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a 21 percent increase in the risk of gallbladder disease, a 35 percent increase in the risk of severe liver disease, a 27 percent increase in the risk of nonalcoholic liver disease, and a 36 percent increase in the risk of pancreatic disease.

The researchers also conducted a subgroup analysis of the risk of digestive diseases among individuals with a single infection and those with a reinfection of COVID-19. The results revealed that, compared to the noninfected population, the group with reinfections had about a 440 percent increased risk of pancreatic diseases, while the group with a single infection faced a 44 percent increased risk.  The study also found that even in mild cases without hospitalization, the risks of gastrointestinal dysfunction, peptic ulcer disease, GERD, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease were evident.

Coffee Consumption as a Preventive Measure Against COVID-19 Infections and Depression

Daily moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer-related mortality, combats depression and anxiety, and aids the body in resisting COVID-19 infection.

Winter is flu season with a heightened prevalence of respiratory infections. Additionally, recent outbreaks of mycoplasma pneumonia in China, coupled with a resurgence in COVID-19 cases, have left people feeling uneasy.

Can we fight against bacterial invasion with simple daily dietary choices? Jin-Jian Zhang, emeritus professor at the National Taiwan University College of Medicine with years of research experience in coffee, shared on the “Health 1+1” program, how daily coffee consumption can alleviate inflammation, enhance immunity, and reduce the risks of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

A study published in Cell & Bioscience in November 2023 found that drinking approximately one to two cups of coffee daily is sufficient to inhibit the infection of multiple variants of COVID-19. The study found that the protective mechanism of coffee against COVID-19 involves inhibiting the binding of the virus’s spike protein with human ACE2 receptors and reducing the activity of transmembrane serine protease 2 and cathepsin L, thereby preventing the virus from infecting cells.

Moderna Scientists Warn mRNA Vaccines Carry Toxicity Risks

The technology used in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine carries toxicity risks, scientists with the company said in a new paper.

“A major challenge now is how to efficiently de-risk potential toxicities associated with mRNA technology,” the scientists wrote in the paper, which was published by Nature Reviews Drug Discovery on Jan. 23.

The Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines use modified messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) technology. The mRNA is delivered by lipid nanoparticles (LNP).

The toxicity risks include “lipid nanoparticle structural components, production methods, route of administration and proteins produced from complexed mRNAs,” the authors of the paper wrote.

Authors of the paper include Moderna employees Eric Jacquinet and Dimitrios Bitounis and Maximillian Rogers, who was working at Moderna when the paper was being done.

Moderna didn’t respond to a request for comment.

The mRNA vaccines have multiple known side effects, including heart inflammation and severe allergic shock. Those may stem from hypersensitivity reactions, which can be elicited by “any LNP-mRNA component” but are most likely triggered by PEGlyated lipid nanoparticles, which is “the most potentially reactogenic component,” according to the scientists.

Polyethylene glycol, or PEG, an ingredient in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, is known to cause allergic reactions. Outside scientists are divided over the mechanism behind the heart inflammation, while Pfizer has posited that the LNPs are behind the issue.

The new paper drew from prior publications and other data. The authors didn’t carry out any new experiments.


Super Bowl Ads Avoiding Woke Politics to Appease Constrained Consumers Tightening Their Belts in Biden’s Economy

This Sunday, Super Bowl viewers at home will reportedly see far fewer commercials promoting woke politics as advertisers try to avoid alienating consumers who are already being pummeled by record prices in Joe Biden’s economy.

In other words: don’t expect a repeat of 84 Lumber’s infamous border wall commercial or Budweiser’s screed on immigration.

Corporations are playing it safe this year, relying on humor and non-controversial celebrities, according to a Variety report.

“Life generally is more difficult for consumers. They are more constrained,” Michelle Deignan, vice president of U.S. Oreo operations, part of Mondelez International, told the outklet. Oreo will have a commercial during Sunday’s game starring Kris Jenner.

“I think you’ll see those brands that lean into nostalgia, humor, emotion at the Super Bowl … those brands will resonate with the consumer.”

Corporations are more risk-averse than ever when it comes to high-profile marketing campaigns.

“Advertisers are very aware that things can go wrong at the Super Bowl,” Tim Calkins, a professor of marketing at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, who has studied Super Bowl commercials with his students for years, told Variety.

Thanks to social media, he said, marketers realize that any ad can “manage to annoy people or cause backlash. Nobody wants to put their career on the line with a certain piece of Super Bowl footage. There is a huge incentive to be cautious.”

Exorcist Calls for ‘Spiritual Warfare’ to Combat Rise in Demonic Oppression: ‘God Loves a Good Fight’

Father Chad Ripperger, a Catholic priest and longtime exorcist, is sounding the alarm over a rise in “demonic oppression” while rallying the faithful to become “saints” by confronting the dark forces.

Father Ripperger warned of the rise in demonic elements last week during a one-hour talk at the famous St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. While the levels of demonic possession, one of the most severe forms of demonic activity, have remained relatively steady in recent years, Father Ripperger stressed that other forms of demonic activity, such as demonic obsession and oppression, are on the rise.

The cause of this dramatic increase in demonic activity, according to Father Reppinger, stems from the large number of people doing “evil things” and a decrease in holiness among the faithful.

“Before 1963, the average time to liberate someone from full possession was one to two days. Maybe a week on the outside,” he explained.

“After 1963, what used to take one to two days went to eight months to two years to liberate the average person. Then it’s now, on average, four years to liberate somebody. There’s two reasons for that. One is because the world is much more evil, and the demons are a lot more powerful. The second component is [how] exorcisms work, what they call ex opere operantis Ecclesiae.

What does that mean? It means how holy the people are in the Catholic Church determines how effective my prayers are when I walk into session. That tells us that there’s a fundamental problem with the members of the Church. They’re not as holy as their counterparts were in the past,” he asserted.

Though Fr. Ripperger cites mortal sin, an increase in the number of people doing evil in the world, and a decrease in holiness as primary factors for the increased activity among dark elements; he reminds us that God Himself will allow for demonic influence to sanctify the faithful.

“One of the principal reasons that God allows demons in our lives is to sanctify us, because when we combat them and become instruments of justice to them… that is meritorious in the eyes of God, and it actually raises our place in heaven. St. Paul said it: ‘Engage the ancient serpent and win the crown of glory.’”

Ripperger continued, “Because in heaven, you take two things with you: your state of grace, how much grace you have in your soul, and your virtue. That’s all you take. It’s a struggle. It’s a fight. We know God loves a good fight; we know He does.

“Part of the reason we know it is because… when Adam and Eve ate the fruit in the garden, they stepped out… from the authority structure of God and stepped underneath the power structure of Satan.

“From that point on, every single one of us was conscripted into this spiritual warfare,” Ripperger stressed.

While Father Ripperger has witnessed dozens of exorcisms, he’s quick to note that it’s God who cleanses the afflicted of their demons.

“I liberate no one. Christ liberates everybody,” Ripperger asserted. “… One time, people asked me how many people I have liberated. I said, ‘None. I’ve been around where Christ liberated a lot of people.’”

When it comes to what people can do to avoid falling victim to demonic activity, Ripperger claims that the simplest medicine is the best medicine: Prayer and living a good Christian life.

“…leading an authentic Catholic life; staying out of sin; avoiding temptations; avoiding person, places, and things that could cause us to fall; receiving the sacraments on a regular basis; prayer on a regular basis.

“Part of the reason prayer is so effective is because it uses the imagination. So, if you’re flooding your imagination with sacred things and the demons are there afflicting it, they’re going to bug out because they don’t want to deal with that stuff being pushed in their head all the time while they’re trying to tempt you, so they’re going to get away from you.”

Ripperger concluded by encouraging the faithful to fight the good fight in these dark times.

“We also know that even in the Church, when it just seems to be in a meltdown mode, it doesn’t matter how bad things get; Christ said the gates of hell will not prevail. It’ll get bad for a while, but hell will not prevail.


 Country artist Toby Keith dead at 62 after battle with cancer

Country Music superstar Toby Keith has passed away after his battle with cancer according to a post on his official website.

The post stated Keith “passed away peacefully”  at the age of 62 Monday night, surrounded by his family. The singer opened up about his battle with stomach cancer in June 2022. He underwent surgery and received chemotherapy and radiation after his diagnosis in 2021. 


Avoid Tragedy: Check Your Yard for These Potentially Fatal Growths

Mushroom poisoning in pets presents a special problem for guardians and veterinarians because it’s nearly impossible to tell the difference between toxic and nontoxic varieties

Symptoms of mushroom toxicity are dependent on the species of mushroom, the specific toxin(s) involved, and the individual pet’s susceptibility to those toxins

Treatment of mushroom poisoning is focused on decontamination and managing clinical symptoms as they arise. It is often difficult to predict the outcome of treatment unless the mushroom can be accurately identified

If you know or suspect your pet has ingested a mushroom, seek help immediately, and if possible, collect any uneaten mushrooms and/or vomit and feces samples to take with you to the vet or emergency animal hospital

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