July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 09, 2024


Tucker Carlson Interviews Vladimir Putin! 


Interview timeline … 




Putin gives a history of Russia & Ukraine


NATO Expansion


NATO & Bill Clinton




What triggered this conflict?


A peaceful solution?


Who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines?


Re-establishing communication with the US


How powerful is Zelensky?


Elon Musk & AI


Imprisoned American journalist Evan Gershkovich

Putin-Carlson interview: Full transcript


Medvedev Warns Russia Has ‘No Choice’ But To Unleash Nuclear ‘Apocalypse’ If Attacked By NATO

Not for the first time, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned that a direct war between Moscow forces and NATO would lead to nuclear apocalypse.

The current deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council issued the warning on Telegram Wednesday, in response to recent statements and reports that some European leaders are telling their populations to ‘prepare for war’. For example, just last month UK Army chief General Patrick Sanders called on authorities to “mobilize the nation” to prepare for war with Putin, and that the population needs a “shift” in thinking to be ready.

Medvedev mocked this and other examples of NATO leaders accusing Moscow of seeking a broader war as but “dangerous drivel”. He said that this is all about trying to bolster support for sending more weapons to Kiev amid what’s become war fatigue among Western publics.

According to Russian media translation of his words, Medvedev said this is part of efforts to prop up Ukraine—”a dying country that is foreign to taxpayers”—while ignoring problems at home. “Therefore, every day the leaders of these countries broadcast: We need to prepare for war with Russia and continue to help Ukraine,” he wrote.

That’s when he said that people in the West have to be told the blunt truth. Medvedev underscored that the Russian response to attack by NATO would without doubt be “asymmetrical”. He explained:

“Since our military capabilities are incomparable, we will simply have no choice. The response will be asymmetrical. To protect the territorial integrity of our country, ballistic and cruise missiles with special warheads will be used… This will be the proverbial Apocalypse. The end of everything.”

This is certainly not the first time that Medvedev, known for this bellicose and hawkish rhetoric, has warned of nuclear apocalypse. But it is the clearest he has ever spelled out that the Kremlin would not hesitate to activate its nuclear arsenal if Russian territory is directly threatened by NATO. 

His comments also come at a very dangerous moment where Ukraine security services are increasingly targeting oil refineries on Russian soil with drone and missile attacks, sometimes at long ranges.

Moscow has accused Western and NATO intelligence services of assisting with such attacks. Recently it has accused France of maintaining mercenaries in the northern city of Kharkiv, in order to mount attacks on nearby Belgorod Oblast. There are rising fears that this ‘indirect’ fighting or proxy war could drift into direct ‘live fire’ between Russia and NATO countries, but so far this has been narrowly avoided.


Tucker Interview: Putin Repeats Russian Claim That Britain’s Boris Johnson Torpedoed Ukraine Peace Deal

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson instructed Ukraine to tear up an advanced peace negotiation in the early days of the war, a claim Ukraine has already previously denied.

Broadcaster Tucker Carlson sat down with Russian dictator Putin this week in an interview broadcast Thursday night, the first Western journalist to do so since the renewed Ukraine war of 2022. As well as giving American and European listeners the benefit of a very Russian perspective on the last 1,400 years of Eastern European history and accusing the CIA of blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline, President Putin also stated his understanding that Russia and Ukraine had been close to signing a peace deal early in the way, but that this ambition was scuppered by British interference.

Putin claimed Russia is ready to enter negotiations at any time — although somewhat tarnished his attempt to portray himself as a dove by also saying a precondition would have to be the United States suspending weapons deliveries and then waiting for it to “be over within a few weeks” before talks start — and never refused talks. Calling back to 2022, Putin cited talks with Zelensky ally Davyd Arakhamia, a senior member of the Ukrainian Parliament, who was involved in the Istanbul negotiations.

Had that agreement been inked, Putin said, “we could have stopped those hostilities with war a year and a half ago already”. Instead, he claimed, the British got involved and Ukraine was willing to “obey the demand or persuasion of Mr Johnson”. President Putin told Tucker Carlson: “Prime Minister Johnson came, [talked Ukraine] out of it and we missed that chance. Well, you missed it. You made a mistake.”

Putin said it was his desire to “go back to” that agreement, noting that while Boris Johnson was long gone, the war the Russian leader claimed the politician had encouraged still raged on.

While Putin repeatedly stressed he was open to talks and to negotiate a settlement in Ukraine, he also made clear this would not be without cost. Showing he is no dove himself, the Russian said in return for talks, the U.S. would have to stop arming Ukraine and then allow time to pass — presumably to give Russia a chance to consolidate its position on the battlefield. He told Carlson: “If you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons. It will be over within a few weeks. That’s it. And then we can agree on some terms”.

Putin also made out there was no point attempting to fight on, as he claimed the progress of the war so far proved “it is difficult… if possible at all” to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. “It is never going to happen”, he claimed, stating his belief that Western leaders had now realized that too. If NATO wanted to come to a compromise “with dignity”, then Russia is “ready for this dialogue”, Putin said, in remarks that may be interpreted as goading by some in Washington.


Zelensky replaces Ukraine’s top general in major shakeup

Axios is reporting that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyhas announced that he replaced the country’s top military general, Valery Zaluzhny, which is considered by many the most significant personnel shift Kyiv has made since Russia invaded Ukraine nearly two years ago.

Zaluzhny is a celebrated figure in Ukrainian society, who is credited with leading Ukraine through the war’s early stages and achieving many of its military successes.

Recent reports have indicated that Zelensky was considering replacing Zaluzhny.

Zelensky confirmed the leadership shift as a part of a broader shakeup in a Telegram post on Thursday. He also announced the promotion of Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky to lead Ukraine’s armed forces.

He added that he had asked Zaluzhny to remain part “of the team of the Ukrainian state of the future.” He did not say whether Zaluzhny had accepted that offer.

Syrsky’s appointment is likely to be unpopular among Ukraine’s troops, the Washington Post reported.

Many Ukrainian soldiers see Syrsky as a Soviet-style commander who kept troops in Bakhmut for too long amid sustained Russian shelling.

The Biden administration has struggled to secure additional military aid for Ukraine’s defense against Russia amid entrenched opposition from some Congressional Republicans.


Weigh to Go: Finnish Airline Will Start Weighing Passengers and Their Luggage

Finland’s national airline Finnair will reportedly start weighing passengers along with

their carry-on luggage to estimate the plane’s weight before take-off.

Finnair told reporters that they began their new policy this past Monday.

“So far, more than 500 volunteer customers have participated in the weigh-ins,” spokeswoman Kaisa Tikkanen said.

Finnair said it wants to have an accurate weight of the plane and its passengers for safety purposes. The airline assured passengers that their data would not be leaked.

“Only the customer service agent working at the measuring point can see the total weight, so you can participate in the study with peace of mind,” said Satu Munnukka, head of ground processes at Finnair.

Some social media users found the plan “cruel,” fearing it could lead to fat-shaming overweight passengers. Per the Daily Mail:

People said that the news meant that they would ‘not be flying Finnair any time soon,’ while others welcomed the plan ‘one way of solving the obesity crisis.’ One user has lashed out at the airline, stating that she would not be traveling via Finnair, because she ‘won’t be fat shamed by a bloody airline,’ adding that she never weighs herself out of choice.

Another furious user said: ‘Finnair are to start weighing their passengers? Have I read that correctly? I am utterly shocked! And disgusted’. Others went as far as describing the move as ‘draconian’, with one user posting: ‘Finnair’s weigh in rules are not about passenger safety. No airplane has ever crashed because of overweight passengers. This is draconian law and nanny state.’

Just last year, Korean Air, the largest airline in the country, announced it would start weighing passengers at Gimpo Airport on domestic routes.



Special Counsel Doesn’t Charge Biden in Classified Docs Probe, Finds He ‘Willfully Retained’ Materials

President Joe Biden will not be criminally charged for allegedly mishandling documents, special counsel Robert Hur announced on Feb. 8.

“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” Mr. Hur wrote in a 388-page report to Attorney General Merrick Garland.

The materials, the report stated, included “marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and notebooks containing Mr. Biden’s handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods.” The FBI collected these items during a search of President Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, residence last year.

The FBI last year also searched the president’s Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, home, where they also found classified materials.

Nonetheless, Mr. Hur said that “the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt” and that “prosecution of Mr. Biden is also unwarranted based on our consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors set forth in the Department of Justice’s Principles of Federal Prosecution.”

The decision not to charge President Biden for allegedly mishandling classified materials contrasts with the treatment of former President Donald Trump for allegedly doing so after leaving the White House in January 2021; the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate was raided in 2022 and he was charged by special counsel Jack Smith in 2023. President Trump has pleaded not guilty; the trial will begin on May 20.

The classified documents are from President Biden’s more than four-decade career in politics, which has included the Senate, the vice presidency, and now the presidency.

Mr. Hur interviewed President Biden over the span of two days last year.

In deciding not to charge the president, Mr. Hur said that a jury likely wouldn’t convict the president in part due to his cognitive issues.

“We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” Mr. Hur wrote.

Meanwhile, President Trump denounced the decision by Mr. Hur to not charge President Biden and lamented what he viewed as a double standard.

“THIS HAS NOW PROVEN TO BE A TWO-TIERED SYSTEM OF JUSTICE AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL SELECTIVE PROSECUTION! The Biden Documents Case is 100 times different and more severe than mine. I did nothing wrong, and I cooperated far more. What Biden did is outrageously criminal,” President Trump said in a statement.

Members of Congress expressed mixed reactions as Republicans denounced the decision not to charge the president, while Democrats came to his defense.

“Americans expect equal justice under the law and are dismayed the Justice Department continues to allow Joe Biden to live above it,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said in a statement.

“Joe Biden willfully retained classified documents for years in unsecure locations and intentionally disclosed them yet faces no consequences for his actions.”

“No charges for the Big Guy. The two-tiered justice system hard at work,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), wrote on X: “Biden’s Department of Justice won’t prosecute you if they think you’re too senile. This is flat out embarrassing.”


GOP Calls to Invoke 25th Amendment After Special Counsel Casts Doubt on Biden’s Mental Acuity: ‘This Man Has the Nuclear Codes’

Following Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, which included stunning revelations of the deterioration of President Joe Biden’s mental state, Republican officials are calling to invoke the 25th Amendment. They state that “if ever there were a time to do so, now would be it,” and insist that if the president “is not competent to stand trial, then he is certainly not competent to lead the free world.”

While highlighting evidence of America’s oldest ever president “willfully” mishandling classified documents, Special Counsel Hur’s report details Biden’s significant cognitive decline — perhaps more politically damning than his handling of classified materials.

The report, released Thursday, concludes that prosecution is unlikely due to the challenges of proving willful intent beyond a reasonable doubt and Biden’s sympathetic public image.

In response, Republican members are urging the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment — which addresses presidential succession and disability procedures — or face impeachment, while questioning how Democrats in “good conscience” can tell Americans he is mentally competent enough to continue being Commander-in-Chief.

“For the safety of our nation, Joe Biden must resign,” declared Congresswoman Mary Miller (R-IL). “He could not remember basic facts about his life. He is not competent to remain as Commander-in- Chief & every day that he remains, he puts America at risk.”

“If he won’t resign, the Cabinet must invoke the 25th Amendment,” she added.

“If ever there were a time to invoke the 25th Amendment, wouldn’t that time be now?” asked Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT).

“The Special Counsel’s report exposing that Joe Biden’s mental decline is so severe that he can not stand trial means he is unfit for office,” wrote Rep. Marjory Tayloer Greene (R-GA).

“We must demand either the 25th amendment be invoked or impeachment, “ she added.

In a joint statement with House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R- MN), and House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY), House speaker Rep. Mike Johnson (R- LA) called the report’s findings “deeply disturbing,” noting that a “man too incapable of being held accountable for mishandling classified information is certainly unfit for the Oval Office.”

“Time for the 25th Amendment,” suggested Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO).

“Biden doesn’t remember his time as VP? But somehow he’s qualified to be President for another 4 years?” he questioned in another post. “This report labels Biden as a ‘well meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.’”

“Who will be the first patriotic Democrat in Congress to state the obvious and – for the good of the country – invoke the 25th Amendment,” he asked.


Project Veritas Source Now Says No Evidence of Election Fraud at Pennsylvania Post Office in 2020

A Pennsylvania postal worker who told Project Veritas that he had overheard officials talking about backdating ballots now says that he was “wrong” about the conclusion he reached.

In a Feb. 5 statement under a settlement with Erie Postmaster Robert Weisenbach, Richard Hopkins, the postal worker, apologized and rescinded his claim of misconduct related to the 2020 presidential election.

Mr. Hopkins told Project Veritas in 2020 that he witnessed officials, including Mr. Weisenbach, “talking about backdating.”

He said at the time that officials “were talking about how the day before, which was the fourth [of November], they had post dated all but one of the, all but one of the ballots that were picked up as the third, but they had one that they made a mistake and postmarked it the fourth.”

Mr. Hopkins also submitted an affidavit to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) stating that he overheard Mr. Weisenbach tell a supervisor at Hopkins’s office that “Weisenbach was back-dating the postmarks on the ballots to make it appear as though the ballots had been collected on November 3, 2020, despite them in fact being collected on November 4 and possibly later.”

The statements set off a firestorm among local, state, and federal officials.

The U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General looked into the allegations and said that the worker who made the allegations “revised his initial claims, eventually stating that he had not heard a conversation about ballots at all—rather, he saw the postmaster and supervisor having a discussion and assumed it was about fraudulent ballot backdating.”

The worker couldn’t recall what the officials said and said he didn’t have any evidence that ballots had been backdated, according to the inspector general report. It said that postal agents reviewed ballots received by the post office and found no evidence any were backdated.

Mr. Weisenbach sued Mr. Hopkins, Project Veritas, and Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe in 2021 for defamation.

The defendants “knew or purposefully avoided the truth” in promoting Mr. Hopkins’s allegations, even after he recanted his allegations during an interview with postal investigators, the lawsuit stated.

The case has now been resolved, according to the people involved.

“I only heard a fragment of the conversation and reached the conclusion that the conversation was related to nefarious behavior,” Mr. Hopkins said in a statement released by Project Veritas. “As a USPS mail carrier at the time, I was on heightened guard considering the many allegations of ‘widespread fraud’ plaguing the 2020 presidential election.”

He added: “As I have now learned, I was wrong. Mr. Weisenbach was not involved in any inappropriate behavior concerning the 2020 presidential election.”

Mr. Hopkins noted the inspector general’s report and apologized to Mr. Weisenbach, his families, employees at the Erior Post Office, and “anyone that has been negatively impacted” by his claims. “I implore everyone reading this statement to leave the Weisenbach family alone and allow them to return to their normal, peaceful lives,” he wrote.

Project Veritas and Mr. O’Keefe, who has since departed the group he founded, said in statements that their reporting was based on Mr. Hopkins’s allegations.

“Mr. Hopkins has since come to learn that he was wrong—neither Mr. Weisenbach nor any other USPS employee in Erie, Pennsylvania, engaged in election fraud or any other wrongdoing related to mail-in ballots,” they said.

“With this update, Project Veritas is aware of no evidence or other allegation that election fraud occurred in the Erie Post Office during the 2020 presidential election,” Project Veritas stated. Mr. O’Keefe also said he wasn’t aware of any other allegations or evidence indicating fraud occurred in the post office during the 2020 election.

United to Protect Democracy, a Washington-based group that was helping represent Mr. Weisenbach, said in a statement that the case “ was resolved in a manner acceptable to all parties.”


Trump Glides to Victory in Nevada Caucus

Former President Donald Trump, as expected, cruised to victory in the Nevada GOP Caucus on Feb. 8, putting him one step closer to winning his party’s nomination. Trump received 99.1% of the caucus votes. 

The former president faced no significant opposition in the contest. His sole remaining major challenger, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, opted to instead compete in a Nevada primary two days earlier that didn’t award any delegates. Ms. Haley suffered an embarrassing setback when voters overwhelmingly chose “None of These Candidates” over her in the Feb. 6 contest.

President Trump is now poised to sweep up all the state’s 26 delegates. He also is entitled to at least four delegates in the U.S. Virgin Islands caucus, held the same day as Nevada. In the Virgin Islands, he won 74 percent of the votes and Ms. Haley scored about 26 percent. 

In Thursday’s Nevada caucus, the only other valid candidate was Ryan Binkley, a Texas businessman whose presidential run has barely registered. He earned less than 1 percent of the votes, not only in Nevada, but also in last month’s GOP nominating contests in both Iowa and New Hampshire.


Supreme Court justices weren’t buying what the lawyer arguing for Trump’s removal from Colorado ballot was selling

The U.S. Supreme Court heard roughly two hours of arguments Thursday concerning the effort by six Colorado voters to deny their fellow countrymen the opportunity to vote for the Republican front-runner in the 2024 election.

Jason Murray, a Denver lawyer representing the six voters, struggled to make a case for former President Donald Trump’s disqualification, ostensibly tripping over simple questions and facts.

While conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh predictably exposed the various faults in Murray’s arguments, even left-leaning Justices Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson seemed unimpressed, casting doubt over whether Section 3 of the 14th Amendment applies and over whether the Centennial State should determine the fate of the nation.


Key Takeaways From Supreme Court Arguments in Trump Ballot Case

The Supreme Court heard arguments yesterday surrounding whether a state court could effectively remove presidential candidates from ballots over their alleged engagement in an insurrection. The decision will likely be historic in that it could provide a new interpretation of a relatively untested area of law. Oral argument alone raised a series of important constitutional questions for the country while also indicating the justices’ inclinations on key legal issues.

Here are some of the key takeaways and excerpts from yesterday’s hearing:

  1. Colorado Voters Who Brought The Lawsuit Face a Steep, Uphill Battle

Multiple times during questioning the justices appeared doubtful in response to arguments advanced by him. For example, Justice Ketanji-Brown Jackson seemed incredulous when asking Mr. Murray about ambiguity in Section 3: “So let me just say so your point is that there’s no ambiguity with—with having a list and not having ‘president’ in it, with having a history that suggests that they were focused on local concerns in the south, with this conversation where the legislators actually discussed what looked like an ambiguity, you’re saying there is no ambiguity in Section 3?”

  1. The Court Is Concerned About States Being Too Powerful in National Elections

The preeminent concern among Supreme Court justices appeared to be how much power Mr. Murray’s position was granting states and whether that comported with the Fourteenth Amendment’s history.

“I think that the question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the United States,” Justice Elena Kagan told Mr. Murray.

  1. Events of Jan. 6 Seemingly Less Important Than Legal Questions Surrounding the Constitution’s Phrasing and Federalism

The events of Jan. 6 were ultimately what prompted Colorado’s lawsuit and served the basis for multiple state judges determining that President Trump had engaged in an insurrection.

On Feb. 8, the Supreme Court seemed less interested in debating the nature of Jan. 6. Instead, the justices seemed to focus on the implications of validating various state determinations that a candidate indeed engaged in an insurrection.

Justice Alito indicated that the amendment was different in that it didn’t provide a private cause of action—as other amendments do, that could be directly enforced by courts.

  1. The Court Faces ‘Very High Stakes’

One of the many amicus briefs submitted to the court was authored by several law scholars, including former Ohio Solicitor General Edward Foley. The authors worried that if the Supreme Court passes the buck to Congress rather than issuing a decisive opinion, it could lead to political violence. They speculated that Congress effectively invalidating Americans’ votes could lead to a scenario similar to the Capitol breach on Jan. 6, 2021.

Both Justice Jackson and Justice Roberts worried about a lack of uniformity among states if the court allowed states to make their own determinations about disqualification under Section 3. Justice Roberts, for example, predicted just a handful of states could decide presidential elections due to varying procedures within different states.


The Nikki Haley Plot Against the USA

Commentary By Lex Greene – In the good ole days when the average American was smarter than the average politician, citizens would defeat Nikki Haley in the GOP Presidential race just because they know that millions in her campaign funds come from far-left democrat donors and over 70% of her primary voters are also democrats. Republican voters have had it with democrats voting in republican primaries, for just this reason.

But these days, after decades of massive false political propaganda and Marxist Educational indoctrination at all ages, not to mention the government controlled and censored news media and social media platforms, the average American voter is far less certain about anything they believe.

Haley lost Iowa and then New Hampshire, both by wide margins, where she told her fans she was sure to defeat Trump. That was bad enough, but this week, she accomplished something never accomplished before in political history – she lost the Nevada primary where she was the only active candidate allowed to appear on the ballot.

CNN reported the night of the Nevada GOP Primary, that Haley only received 30.5% of the vote in a primary where she was the only active candidate on the ballot. The other 69.5% of GOP voters voted against her, 63.2% of them for “None of these candidates.” In other words, she ran unchallenged and still lost by almost 26,000 votes, having received only 21,199 votes herself.

As of this writing, Trump leads Haley in all national polling by an average of 74.3% to 18.1%. At this moment, Trump leads Haley in her home state of South Carolina by 60% to 29.3%. The official Nevada GOP primary holding all the delegates for the state is a caucus event, where Trump will appear essentially unopposed.

But even though Nikki Haley is losing every single GOP primary in grand fashion, do not expect her to drop out of the so-called “race” anytime soon. The plot to make her the 2024 GOP Presidential nominee never included her winning any of the primaries.

Instead, the plot is very similar to Biden 2020, when Biden remained in the race in 3rd place behind Warren and Sanders until the party met behind closed doors to bribe Warren and Sanders into dropping out to make room for bumbling Biden who was polling at 30% at the time, just like Haley now.

The difference in the Haley Plot case is, they can’t talk, bribe, or threaten Trump into leaving the race. Instead, the Haley camp is working around the clock with democrat operatives and financiers to force Trump out of the race, most likely by getting a fraudulent conviction for an “insurrection” that never happened.

As I write, the US Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments over whether or not to allow six Colorado voters to deny all Colorado voters the right to vote for the candidate of their choice, in this case, a former President and the landslide-leading candidate for the 2024 GOP nomination. In other words, leftist Trump-haters are trying to toss democracy off the cliff just because they know they can’t defeat Trump by any legitimate process.

The Haley Plot is to remain in 2nd place until Trump is eliminated from the race by way of a fraudulent conviction in some corrupt court, or a bullet if necessary. Then, like Biden 2020, with Trump out of the way, Nikki could become the presumptive GOP nominee as the only candidate still standing.

The longer Haley stays in the race, loss after loss after loss, the more it confirms that she intends to become the nominee without winning a single primary anywhere.

As for the Supreme Court today, members of the court have only two choices, and only one of those choices is constitutional, or even safe.

The high court must affirm democratic processes by refusing to allow a handful of Trump-haters to keep him off the ballot for an alleged “crime” that never happened. The only other option is to burn the Constitution once and for all and at that point, we will have an entirely new ballgame here.

Texas has already put the court on official notice that when they act in an unconstitutional manner, the states and the people have no obligation to follow any direction from the court. In just a couple weeks, Texas closed its border after the O’Biden administration had done all it could do keep the borders open for the past three years.

While moronic democrats continue to falsely claim “it’s republicans” who don’t want the border closed, it’s republicans in Texas who closed them, and democrats in DC who sued them for it. 


US supreme court appears skeptical of Colorado ruling removing Trump from ballot

The same Supreme Court hearing the Trump ballot case today, issued a 5-4 ruling allowing O’Biden to tear down the Texas border fences. But so far, the O’Biden regime appears afraid to do so, showing at least some signs of intelligence.

As of today, our country is dangerously hanging by a fingernail on the verge of a total constitutional collapse, as the court will decide whether or not to uphold the Constitution today or burn it once and for all.

These are indeed interesting times. 

Don’t fall victim to the Haley Plot though. She’s a fraud, a 14th “anchor baby” citizen not even eligible for the office, and a proud graduate of nazi Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leaders program at his maniacal WEF, just like Trudeau in Canada.

Democrat voters are easily fooled, but Republican voters, not so much! Nikki is losing everywhere because most republicans care about the facts.


Missouri senators vote against allowing abortions in rape, incest cases

Missouri senators voted Wednesday against amendments that would have allowed abortions in the cases of rape and incest in the state.

Missouri senators debated a bill that would make it illegal for public funds to go toward abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood. During the debate, Missouri state Sen. Tracy McCreery (D) introduced amendments that would allow exceptions for abortion in incest and rape cases.


Watch: Two JetBlue Planes Collide at Boston Airport

“A JetBlue aircraft entering a de-icing pad lane at Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) came into contact with another JetBlue aircraft on an adjacent de-icing pad lane, causing damage to one aircraft’s winglet and the other aircraft’s tail section,” saidaccording to a statement shared with Fox Business:In a statement to Boston 25 News, the FAA confirmed the incident occurred early Thursday morning as well:

JetBlue Flight 777, an Airbus A321neo’s left winglet struck the right horizontal stabilizer of JetBlue Flight 551, an Airbus A321, around 6:40 a.m., local time on Thursday, February 8, while on the deicing pad at Boston Logan International Airport. The FAA will investigate.”

Similarly, JetBlue said it would investigate the incident as well.

Two JetBlue planes collided while on the tarmac at the Boston Logan International Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) confirmed Thursday morning.

According to the FAA, the collision occurred as one aircraft entering a de-icing pad bumped into another on an adjacent de-icing pad lane. While no injuries were reported, both planes have been taken out of service for damages. The passengers on the flights — 777 to Las Vegas and 551 to Orlando — were affected but will still make their destination on different aircraft following this incident.


5 Missing Marines in California Crash Found Dead, Officials Say

The five Marines who went missing after a helicopter crashed in California have died, the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing announced Thursday.

“Five Marines with Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 361, Marine Aircraft Group 16, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing have been confirmed deceased following a CH-53E helicopter crash on Feb. 6, 2024,” the Marine Corps branch said in a statement. “Efforts to recover the remains of the Marines and equipment have begun and an investigation is underway.”

The identities of the Marines were not released.

Capt. Stephanie Leguizamon, spokesperson for the wing, said she had little information beyond the statement.

“I do know that it’s cold … I know that’s been a contentious issue” for searchers in reaching the crash site. The Marines were conducting a training exercise when the incident happened.


Obama-Appointed Judge Throws Out Illegal Aliens’ Lawsuit Against Texas

A federal district court judge, appointed by former President Obama, has thrown out a lawsuit brought by a group of male illegal aliens who claimed Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) “Operation Lone Star” violated their constitutional rights.

This week, Judge Robert Pitman dismissed a lawsuit brought by 15 male illegal aliens who claimed Abbott’s Operation Lone Star violated their rights under the 4th, 6th, and 14th Amendments of the United States Constitution.

Operation Lone Star was launched in March 2021 to authorize the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to work with the Texas National Guard to more effectively combat the Mexican drug cartels as well as the illegal aliens and drugs they smuggle across the southern border.

According to Pitman, the illegal aliens failed to show which constitutional rights Operation Lone Star violated:

Because Plaintiffs’ requests for declaratory judgment are moot and because they fail to sufficiently plead that Defendants have violated their constitutional rights, the Court finds that it must dismiss this case. While Plaintiffs’ Revised Third Amended Complaint certainly provided the Court with concerning statistics regarding the rollout of Operation Lone Star, Plaintiffs have not provided the Court with facts regarding how the individual or supervisory powers and actions of Defendants have deprived Plaintiffs of their constitutional rights. 



Self-Driving Disaster: Driverless Car from Google’s Waymo Strikes Cyclist in San Francisco

A Waymo self-driving car reportedly struck and injured a cyclist in San Francisco, causing minor injuries and raising concerns over safety as autonomous vehicles continue to undergo real-world testing on public roads.

The Verge reports that a self-driving car built by Google’s Waymo struck and injured a cyclist in San Francisco on the afternoon of Tuesday February 6. The incident occurred in the Potrero Hill neighborhood. According to the San Francisco Police Department, the autonomous vehicle collided with a person on a bicycle, causing non-life threatening injuries.

The Waymo vehicle was stopped at a four-way stop when a large truck began turning into the intersection, according to a statement from Waymo spokesperson Julia Ilina. The Waymo car waited for its turn and then proceeded into the intersection, failing to identify the cyclist who was traveling behind the truck.

Waymo contacted the police, but the injured cyclist left the scene on their own, reporting only minor scratches. The passenger inside the Waymo vehicle was unharmed. The SFPD says the incident remains under investigation.

This marks the latest collision involving an autonomous test vehicle in San Francisco at a time when tensions around driverless cars are high. In 2022, a Cruise self-driving car struck a pedestrian, causing serious injuries. That incident led to increased scrutiny of Cruise and other autonomous vehicle companies operating in the city.


Loneliness Declared a Public Health Emergency in San Mateo County

Loneliness has been declared a public health emergency in San Mateo County, California,

with an estimated 45 percent of residents reporting difficulty with isolation and loneliness.

The county is located in the San Francisco Bay Area and includes part of Silicon Valley, is the first in the U.S. to make such a declaration about what has been called a “silent epidemic.”

About 17 percent of U.S. adults questioned by Gallup in February last year said they had experienced loneliness the day before, Sky News reports.

In San Mateo, however, some 45 percent of residents are struggling with isolation, according to David Canepa from the county’s board of supervisors.

The resolution doesn’t directly set aside funds for programs to reduce loneliness; rather, it signals the county’s commitment to addressing the issue and validates residents’ experiences, Canepa set out as he introduced the legislation.

“What we’re trying to do is to really get people out of the corners and say, ‘Hey, look, there are a lot of people who are feeling like you. You’re not alone. And moving forward, here are some of the things that we can do to support you,’” he said.

Concerns in San Mateo are not confined to a single demographic, Canepa said, mirroring concerns already expressed in the UK where the government appointed a so-called Minister for Loneliness in 2018 to tackle the problem, as Breitbart News reported.

Teenagers and young adults spend a long time on social media, he pointed out, while Silicon Valley’s high-achieving atmosphere may put stress on those still in education.

Canepa said San Mateo has a large share of older residents, many of whom became especially isolated during the pandemic. People ages 65 and up make up more than 18 percent of the county’s population, compared with the state average of 16 percent.

“It’s sort of a perfect storm for older adults right now,” Jennifer Steele, the CEO of Meals on Wheels San Francisco, an organization that delivers hot meals to seniors in northern San Mateo County, told NBC News.

“People don’t live close to their loved ones anymore,” she said. “Sometimes people have outlived their loved ones in some cases. Your social circle shrinks after retirement. It’s harder for people to make friends.”

Around 45 percent of the seniors served by Meals on Wheels in northern San Mateo live alone, according to the organization.


What Is Sound Healing?

Hearing is one of the first senses we develop and may be the last one we lose. When we talk to babies in the womb, or to dying loved ones who appear unconscious, they can hear and be soothed by our voices. Yet most of us spend our time bathing in sounds that are not soothing at all — traffic noise, arguing voices, and, of course, ringing cellphones.

“We are living in a society that is mainly experiencing only the adverse effects of sound,” explains neurologist Kulreet Chaudhary, MD.

In addition to every­day aggravation, people living in loud neighborhoods experience higher rates of heart disease and diabetes. Children in schools near airports score lower on reading tests than those in quieter neighborhoods. Correlation is not causation, but there are concrete reasons to believe that noise pollution affects our health. (For more, see “How Noise Affects Your Health — and What to Do About It.”)

“We have evolved to be giant sound conductors,” Chaudhary writes in her book Sound Medicine: How to Use the Ancient Science of Sound to Heal the Body and Mind. “Our skin, bones, and ears, as well as the water that makes up a large percentage of our bodies, [are] all picking up sound waves — it makes sense that both inaudible and audible vibrations would have a profound effect on us.”

Likewise, using sound to heal is not a new idea, nor is it alien to Western medicine. Ultra­sounds deploy sound waves to examine masses and monitor fetal development. A technique called lithotripsy uses sound vibrations to break up kidney and gallbladder stones. In 2015, the FDA approved high-intensity focused ultra­sound, a promising approach that can be used to treat prostate cancer.

Chaudhary incorporates sound healing into treatment plans for her neurology patients. The primary difference between Western medical techniques and traditional practices like Siddha and Ayurvedic medicine, she notes, is that Western medicine relies on inaudible vibrations, while traditional practices use sounds we can hear.

Using Sound to Heal

History and research both show that a variety of sound-healing techniques can benefit our bodies and minds, reducing stress, improving sleep, and even relieving physical pain.

Many approaches involve practices we can do on our own, including these:

Mantra Meditation

Chanting a mantra — silently or aloud — helps still the mind, Chaudhary notes. And because mantra sounds are vibrational in nature, she adds, they help open the mind to the “boundaryless shared energy of the universe.”

Sound Therapy

Sound baths like the one I attended are becoming more common in the United States, typically at spaces dedicated to healing and wellness. They might involve singing bowls, gongs, or drums, and the goal can be as simple as relaxation or as significant as altering your state of consciousness. (Recorded sound baths are abundant on YouTube for anyone who would like to experience one.)

Music Therapy

Most of us know music can affect our moods. Just consider how good it feels when a great song starts playing in the coffee shop. And studies have found that listening to relaxing music before a stressful event helps shorten the body’s recovery time.

Music as therapy is also used in clinical settings, particularly neurological ones. The Johns Hopkins Center for Music and Medicine conducts research into the effect of music on patients who’ve had a stroke and those with epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

Time in Nature

There are many reasons a walk in the woods or along a beach is restorative; the soundscape is one of them. “Humans evolved, after all, to constantly process the sounds of nature; these sounds exist at the core of auditory perception,” explains Chaudhary.

A British study published in 2017 found that when we’re in nature, our attention naturally focuses outward — on the sound of birds, or water, or wind. This redirects the mind away from the inward focus that’s characteristic of anxious and depressive states.

Notably, the participants who showed the greatest calming response to natural sounds were those who were the most stressed when the study began.

“Sound impacts the reptilian brain because of its link to basic survival and needs,” says Chaudhary. “This part of the brain has a tremendous ­effect on our emotional well-being.”


Big Ag pollution tied to rise in pediatric cancers and birth defects

 In the Corn Belt, there’s been a chemical war raging for decades.  Over the years, this battle has surged forward, driven by rural families with limited support, only to be beaten back by the mighty financial powers that be.  The fight is a noble one: for the lives of children and the foe is clearly Big Ag.

The problem is contamination of the city’s drinking water supply by runoff of toxic farm chemicals and byproducts, like nitrates, courtesy of Big Ag.  Clearly, there are many great challenges to fighting Big Ag.

The dangers of nitrates and how they get into the water supply

Nitrates are compounds that are nitrogen-based and found in agricultural products like liquid waste, fertilizers, and manure.  In nature, nitrates are produced when the right combination of nitrogen and natural bacteria are introduced into the soil.

Most nitrates are water soluble and typically contaminate a water supply via leakage or surface runoff of septic systems, landfills, urban drainage, wastewater, and fertilized soil.  Once they get into the groundwater, rivers, and lakes in an area, there is a great potential that they will find their way into the water treatment plants.  While water in these plants is processed for drinking, it only removes some of the nitrates, they are not eliminated completely.

Nitrates in well water are very common.  The well owner is responsible for managing, testing, and eliminating nitrates in the water.  Local authorities have no jurisdiction in those cases.

Rise in health conditions linked to nitrates in water

In the body, nitrogen affects the blood’s ability to effectively carry oxygen throughout the system.  Nitrates in the body can lead to a number of conditions, including:

  • Breast cancer, gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, and bladder cancer
  • Blue baby syndrome (methemoglobinemia) is a life-threatening condition that causes a reduction in blood pressure and increased heart rate.  The skin turns a blueish color.
  • Thyroid disease – inhibits iodine uptake, which induces hypertrophy of the gland
  • Adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as fetal deaths, low birth rate, spontaneous abortion, premature birth, and congenital malformations
  • High blood pressure
  • Type 1 diabetes in children
  • Lung disease
  • Various symptoms including…
    • Nausea
    • Headaches
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Anemia


Top Foods to Help Lower Blood Pressure

Enhancing your health, especially the health of your arteries, in order to lower your blood pressure is often a function of eating foods that are good for you – and avoiding those that aren’t.

  • Arugula is extremely healthy leafy green that helps decrease your blood pressure due to the minerals potassium, calcium and magnesium, which help relax your blood vessels and, in turn, help reduce blood pressure
  • Other foods that can help lower your blood pressure levels include flaxseeds, beets, celery, olive oil and cooked tomatoes
  • High blood pressure, aka hypertension, affects 70 million people in the U.S. and 1 billion people worldwide, and is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and even dementia

You’ve heard it before — what you eat has a direct impact on your health, and the quality of your health naturally affects how you feel. Your blood pressure readings aren’t just one isolated aspect of health but are intrinsically tied to many other functions of your body. That said, there are foods to stay away from and foods you should begin eating more of to optimize how well your blood is pumped through your body.

Vegetables are on the short list of foods you should be eating more of to naturally lower your blood pressure. But certain fruits, in moderation, including nuts and seeds, also have a place in lowering your risk for not just high blood pressure, but many related illnesses such as kidney disease, heart disease, stroke and several forms of dementia.


Big Chem Pushes Back Against PFAS Ban

State legislators and the wider public are starting to wake up to the dangers of PFAS “forever” chemical contamination, but the industries responsible for this pollution will not give up without a fight. Action Alert!


  • While the federal government dithers, states have taken the lead in passing laws to protect consumers from PFAS contamination. Maine passed one of the first and strongest of such laws.
  • But with every action comes a reaction. Special interests in Maine are arguing the law is too strong and will hurt the economy.
  • State and federal regulators need to prioritize people over profits. Help us support a ban on PFAS chemicals as a class.

As the federal government continues to take painfully small steps to rein in the extensive PFAS contamination that threatens human and ecological health, states are picking up the slack. Maine issued the first phased ban on intentionally added PFAS chemicals in most products in 2023. This is how democracies are supposed to work, but now Maine is seeing major pushback from polluting industries saying that the law will destroy the state’s economy. What’s playing out in Maine is a microcosm for the rest of the country, which is why we need to keep up the grassroots pressure on our federal representatives to issue a ban on PFAS chemicals as a class.

The Maine law was enacted in response to big problem. To illustrate: it was reported that a Maine farming family had discovered that the previous landowners had been using biosolids (aka sewage sludge) as fertilizer for years before they purchased the property. Consequently, the water on their land contained 400 times the safe limit of PFAS, as determined by the state.

This is how democracy should work. In response to a public health crisis where lives are in danger, lawmakers enact policies that protect public health.  

Maine’s law requires manufacturers to report on the use and amount of intentionally added PFAS in products sold within the state. By 2030, products containing intentionally added PFAS will not be allowed to be sold in Maine.

As a reminder, PFAS, or polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a group of chemicals used in many thousands of consumer products. They are nicknamed “forever chemicals” because they do not break down in the environment and accumulate in blood and organs. They are linked to a host of serious negative health effects (see Figure below).

The state’s Chamber of Commerce is now fighting back against this consumer protection law, arguing that the law will cause Maine’s economy to shrink and major employers to leave the state if the law isn’t changed. The Chamber’s president has asked lawmakers to eliminate the section of the law requiring companies to notify the state if products contain PFAS and expand the list of exempted industries from the 2030 ban.



Battle Lines Are Forming As Populist Revolt Spreading Across the West

All over the world, the peasants and the tax serfs are getting restless. That is the message that voters are sending loud and clear. From Argentina, Brazil, and India to the United States, Italy, Sweden, the Netherlands, and beyond, politically incorrect populist leaders and political parties are surging at the polls. In many cases, they are becoming the dominant political force as awareness grows surrounding the “Great Reset” and other totalitarian schemes from Big Business and Big Government elitists.

Consumers are revolting against the Zeitgeist, too. Just consider the powerful messages being sent to “woke” companies like Target, Bud Light, Disney, and BlackRock, among others, in the form of boycotts, withdrawing investment, and more. In short, Americans and people around the world are sick and tired of having anti-social ideas shoved down their throats. And the trends look set to accelerate in the years ahead.

The signs were already obvious in 2016 — at least to those paying attention. It began in the summer in Britain when voters, in defiance of the entire political and media class, voted to secede from the increasingly aggressive superstate known as the European Union. After decades of abuse at the hands of EU bureaucrats and uncontrolled immigration, voters had enough and said so, risking the doom and gloom predicted by disgraced Prime Minister David Cameron and others.

Next, it was Americans’ turn. Despite well over 90 percent of network news coverage being negative and unprecedented opposition from the Republican establishment and the Democrats, Donald Trump cruised toward a massive victory that shook elitists in the press and government to their core. Trump ran on an openly populist platform, vowing to return power to the people and crush the Deep State that had been spitting on Americans for generations. And he won.

The establishment fought back, of course. One of the key reasons why the Deep State believed it was losing the narrative war was the proliferation of competing views online. And so, censorship and rigging of algorithms would quickly become the next major tool in the establishment’s war against the public uprising that was spreading like wildfire on both sides of the Atlantic.

Polling data suggest that across Latin America, Europe, and the United States, the shift toward populism is only in its early stages. Unless the establishment is able to crash and burn everything, its days may be numbered. Now, to maintain the momentum, populists must beware of establishment wolves in populist sheep’s clothing.

How this will all play out in the years ahead remains to be seen. The establishment does not intend to relinquish power easily. But one thing is certain: Politics is going to get interesting — and intense — in the coming years. As voters do everything they can to protect their liberties and civilization from the globalist establishment seeking to destroy them, the battle is set to intensify going into 2024. Hang on to your seats!


Taylor Swift Sells One of Her Private Jets Amid Threats to Sue College Student Who Tracks Her Emissions

Pop star Taylor Swift reportedly sold one of her gas-guzzling private jets for $40 million amid threats to sue a college student who has been tracking her emissions. The “Karma” singer, meanwhile, is keeping her larger plane.

Swift sold her Dassault Falcon 900LX on January 30 to the Missouri-based car insurance company Car Shield, according to documents obtained by Daily Mail.

The move comes as Swift threatens legal action against a Florida college student who uses publicly available flight data to track her private jet usage. The singer drew criticism over a cease-and-desist letter her lawyers sent to the student.

Meanwhile, the “Bad Blood” singer is reportedly keeping her larger plane, a Dassault Falcon 7X, which she uses to commute to boyfriend Travis Kelce in Kansas City, and has been using as her main mode of transport for her Eras Tour.

Swift reportedly sold her private jet just days before flying from Los Angeles, California, to Tokyo, Japan, to perform a concert — before making a quick turnaround to watch Kelce play in the Super Bowl.

As Breitbart News reported, the target of the threatened lawsuit runs social media accounts that follow her and other celebrities’ private jets to measure their carbon pollution levels — which many find amusing and ironic, given that celebrities are constantly lecturing the American public about making changes to their lifestyles in order to fight “climate change.”

For years, the 34-year-old pop star has been under pressure to cut down on her carbon emissions as she travels the world.

A study by Yard, a sustainable marketing agency that gathers data on the celebrities with the “worst private jet Co2 emissions,” found that Swift was the biggest celebrity CO2e polluter of 2022, amassing a vast 22,923 minutes in the air, which amounts to nearly 16 full, 24-hour days in the sky.


A volcano in Iceland is erupting again, spewing lava and cutting heat and hot water supplies

A volcano in southwestern Iceland is erupting for the third time since December, triggering the evacuation of the Blue Lagoon spa, one of the island nation’s biggest tourist attractions



Ameraucana Chicken: Ultimate Care Guide (& More!)

That’s my favorite question to ask when talking about my frizzled Lavender Ameraucanas. I think they are just splendid!!! And they have quickly become a close second to my favorite Silkies because of their wonderful temperament and incredibly curious personality. Of course, not all Ameraucanas will be purple (self-blue) in color, and not all will be fluffy (frizzled,) because they need a gene that makes their feathers curl for that- but neither of these things will change their fabulous disposition.

First and foremost, when talking about these lovely birds, we need to make sure that everyone understands the difference between an Ameraucana, an Araucana, and an Americana. 

There are various stories about how the Ameraucana originated. Some will argue that they were bred directly from Araucanas, while others insist that the Ameraucana has no ties at all to the Araucana we know today, and that they both originated hundreds of years ago in Chile from mixed breed blue egg layers, similar to what we call an Easter Egger

Regardless of historical origination, the bird with the unique ear tufts and lack of a tail was the one recognized here in the USA as an Araucana by the American Poultry Association (APA) in 1976. 

U.S. breeders who were focused on developing a standard for the blue egg laying bird with muffs, beards, and tails were successful in getting the Ameraucana recognized by the APA in 1984!

Although the Ameraucana sort of shares its name with the Araucana, the only things they really have in common are the fact that they both carry genes for blue eggs and both have the same type of comb. 

The Araucana is a ‘rumpless’ bird. This is because they are literally missing their last 2 vertebrae, so they do not grow a tail. They also have amazing curled feathers that extend from the ear area, called tufts. These two traits, rumpless and tufted, may or may not be present in all Araucana birds due to heredity and selective breeding, but they should never be present in an Ameraucana. 

In contrast, an Ameraucana always has a tail as well as a beard and fluffy face muffs, which you should never see on the smooth face of an Araucana.

Accepted large fowl Araucana varieties are black, black breasted red, white, and both gold and silver duckwing. Black, black breasted red, blue, buff, silver, and white are the recognized varieties for bantams. The recognized Ameraucana varieties are black, blue, blue wheaten, brown red, buff, silver, wheaten, white, and self-blue (lavender) for bantam and large fowl birds, except for self-blue which is large fowl only.

Ameracana, Americana, and Americauna are all different spellings for what is also known as an Easter Egger, which is a mixed breed bird that typically lays a blue egg. Even though these birds have actually been around the longest, today they may be bred from Ameraucanas and/or Araucanas and the spellings understandably confuse those who purchase them. 

Easter Eggers may be tufted, rumpless, tailed, smooth faced, or have beards or muffs. They may have just about any comb shape there is, and come in all sorts of colors and patterns. They are basically a mixed breed chicken that has the possibility of laying a blue egg. But green, brown, tan, white and various tints of these colors are possible as well, depending on what the genetic mix of your particular chicken is.

The Ameraucana chicken is a delightful addition to your backyard flock. While you could certainly process them as a smaller meat bird, most are drawn to them for their sweet disposition and their beautiful blue eggs.

They lay approximately 200-250 eggs per year that are in the medium-large to large range. The ideal color of the egg is a lovely medium pastel blue, but you may see anything from a very light pastel blue to a blue-green tone, and the color will be the same all the way through the shell. This is different than a blue egg with a brown overlay that appears greenish on the outside, from the blend of the two colors.

Ameraucanas are not known to be a particularly broody breed, however they tend to be attentive mothers when they do decide to hatch.



Dr. Anthony Fauci to Publish Memoir ‘On Call’ in June

His publisher, Viking, announced that the book, titled “On Call: A Doctor’s Journey in Public Service,” will go on sale June 18.

“I hope that this memoir will serve as a personalized document for the reader to understand better the daunting challenges that we have faced in public health over the past 40 years,” Fauci said in a statement released Thursday by Viking, The Associated Press reported. “I would also like to inspire younger individuals in particular to consider careers in public health and public service.”


Clinical Trial: Baking Soda Rinse a COVID Gamechanger?

What if a pinch of a common pantry staple could dramatically shorten viral clearance time for COVID-19 infections?

A new trial found that simply rinsing the nose and gargling with basic baking soda solution significantly sped up viral clearance in COVID-19 patients compared to standard care alone.  

The study divided 55 infected adults with mild or moderate symptoms into two groups. One group gently rinsed their nasal passages and gargled using a diluted baking soda solution at home. This easy routine was performed for under a minute several times a day.[1]

After less than 2 days, the baking soda group tested negative for the virus on average, meaning they were likely no longer contagious. Meanwhile the control group took over 12 days to clear the virus, consistent with typical recovery times.[2]

Given baking soda’s safety, low cost and availability, these results highlight the potential for simple, natural supplements to meaningfully impact infection outcomes.[3],[4] Many traditional practices remain underutilized in modern medicine. As research continues affirming certain natural solutions, integrating them as complementary treatments could provide affordable and accessible care options globally.

Learn more about the potential therapeutic application of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in over 30 conditions here.



Hawaii Supreme Court Scoffs at U.S. Supreme Court Ruling: ‘No State Constitutional Right to Carry a Firearm in Public’

On February 7, 2024, Hawaii’s Supreme Court issued a decision saying that the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen (2022) does not surpass Hawaii’s constitution, which recognizes “no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.”

The decision came in Hawaii v. Wilson, a case in which Wilson is seeking recognition of his right to carry a gun in public for self-defense without first acquiring a permit from the state.

Hawaii’s Supreme Court unanimously decided against Wilson, with Judge Todd Eddins, a Gov. David Ige (D) appointee, writing the majority opinion.

Eddins wrote, “We reject Wilson’s constitutional challenges. Conventional interpretive modalities and [Hawaii’s] historical tradition of firearm regulation rule out an individual right to keep and bear arms under the [Hawaii] Constitution.”

He then directly addressed the U.S. Supreme Court’s Bruen decision, which struck down New York’s proper cause requirement for concealed carry permit issuance.

Eddins wrote, “Bruen snubs federalism principles. Still, the United States Supreme Court does not strip states of all sovereignty to pass traditional police power laws designed to protect people.”

He later added, “States retain the authority to require that individuals have a license before carrying firearms in public.”

It remains to be seen what, if any, appellate action will be taken in light of another important aspect of the Bruen decision; namely, the recognition that the Second Amendment protects a right to carry a gun outside the home for self-defense.

On June 23, 2022, Breitbart News quoted Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’s majority opinion, wherein he referenced previous cases affirming the right to keep and bear arms in the home for self- defense, then turned to Bruen and said, “In this case, petitioners and respondents agree that ordinary, law-abiding citizens have a similar right to carry handguns publicly for their self-defense.”

The case is Hawaii v. Wilson, No. SCAP-22-0000561 in the Hawaii Supreme Court.


Shaq obviously hasn’t met the 3 Florida Sheriffs who want people to buy guns! 

Shaquille O’Neal Sponsoring Gun Buyback in Dallas This Weekend

NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal is sponsoring a gun buyback that will be held in Dallas 

tomorrow morning.  The buyback will be held at the Dallas County Sheriff’s Training Academy from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Individuals handing over guns will receive $100 gift cards for handguns and $125 gift cards for long guns. Everyone will be limited to handing in a maximum of three guns.

KDFW noted that O’Neal praised Dallas County Sheriff Marian Brown, saying, “I support Sheriff Brown’s initiatives; the Sheriff is doing the right thing and keeping our communities safe.”

The Fort Worth Star-Telegram made clear that O’Neal’s support for the gun buyback does not translate into support for more gun control.

According to the Star-Telegram, “Shaq doesn’t support any bans on guns as he believes it would only enable more illegal gun purchases and instead stated support for an increase in funds for the police in response to school shootings.”



Kentucky moms demand justice after they were allegedly drugged, raped by staff at Bahamas resort during cruise

Two moms from Kentucky are warning others about their harrowing experience at a resort in the Bahamas during a Carnival cruise.

Longtime friends Amber Shearer and Dongayla Dobson went on a kid-free vacation earlier this month. During their Carnival cruise, the duo went to a beach in the Grand Bahamas on Sunday.

The Kentucky moms said they were relaxing on a beach in Freeport when a resort staffer offered them a two-for-one drink deal. Around noon, the pair ordered one pineapple and one coconut drink and took a photo with the tropical libations.

However, the women said that the drinks were far stronger than they expected.

“Less than a few [sips] into the second drink, we knew something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong,” Shearer told NewsNation.

The women said that they had only had one drink at the resort that day.

Dobson said loved ones back home noticed that they appeared to be highly intoxicated just 15 minutes after their first sips and questioned whether they had only one alcoholic beverage.

The women said they were looking for shells on the beach when a male resort staffer pointed them to an area with plenty of shells.

But the next thing Shearer could recall was waking up while she was being assaulted by a uniformed male resort worker.

“I came to in the process of my rape,” a teary-eyed Shearer said.

The women claimed that the local authorities didn’t administer proper sexual assault test kits

Once back on the Carnival cruise ship, the women had rape tests administered. They also had a breathalyzer test, which showed them to have little or no alcohol in their systems. However, toxicology tests showed that they had benzodiazepines, among other drugs, in their bodies.

Police identified two male suspects in the alleged sexual attack through surveillance footage. Both were employees at the resort, and one of the men reportedly had only worked there for about a week.

On Sunday night, Royal Bahamas Police arrested two men – a 40-year-old of South Bahamia and a 54-year-old of Eight Mile Rock – in connection to the alleged sex crimes, the department said in a press release.

Police said the investigation is ongoing.

WLEX-TV reported, “The pair is now receiving medical care at home, which includes thousands of dollars of preventative care, including HIV prevention medication which costs nearly $4,000.”    

The women are demanding justice for the alleged sexual assault.

“We want justice for what happened to us. We want to raise awareness for others,” Shearer wrote in a Facebook post.

The women are upset with Carnival Cruise Line for not making them aware that the U.S. State Department had recently increased its travel advisory level for the Bahamas and advised travelers to “exercise increased caution in The Bahamas due to crime.”

“The majority of crime occurs on New Providence (Nassau) and Grand Bahama (Freeport) islands,” the State Department’s Bureau of Consular Affairs stated in the “level 2” travel advisory posted on Jan. 26. “In Nassau, practice increased vigilance in the ‘Over the Hill’ area (south of Shirley Street) where gang-on-gang violence has resulted in a high homicide rate primarily affecting the local population.”

“Violent crime such as burglaries, armed robberies, and sexual assaults occur, but generally not in tourist areas,” the advisory noted.

Shearer said, “You need to be aware because our cruise line did not make us aware of a travel advisory. We had no idea what was going on in the Bahamas.”

The women said they didn’t know about the travel advisory until “four hours after we were raped.”

The mothers are warning other women of the potential dangers of traveling.

“Be safe. Two is not a group. Do not buy any drinks that come unless they come in a sealed container, in a bottle,” Dobson said.


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