June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 10, 2021

World News

Mexico bans GM corn, plans to phase out imports and the use of Monsanto’s glyphosate

NaturalNews – Mexico, the birthplace of corn, plans to completely ban genetically modified (GM) corn and glyphosate by Jan. 31, 2024. In a decree published on Thursday, Dec. 31, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador noted that the decision aims to contribute to the country’s food security and protect native corn varieties.

In accordance with the decree, authorities will “revoke and refrain from granting permits” for GM corn, which includes imports. The decree also seeks to phase out glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller. GM crops are typically made such that they can tolerate being sprayed with glyphosate.

The decree came after several months of unsuccessful pushback from groups representing Mexico’s large food industry. Nonetheless, opponents of GM crops and growers of organic foods celebrated the ban.

Mexico is self-sufficient in white corn used to make the nation’s staple tortillas but depends on imports of GM yellow corn from the U.S. for livestock feed. It is unclear whether the decree also covers imports of GM yellow corn meant for livestock. Mexican officials plan to meet with producers this week to decide the case for this.

Canada Post Office Employees Refuse to Deliver Copies of the Epoch Times Newspaper

The Daily Bell – In a recent chapter of our cancel culture, two Canadian post office workers refused to deliver copies of the Epoch Times Newspaper. Mr. Ramiro Sepulveda, one of the two, “protected” the Canadian public in this way from what he regarded as intellectual filth. In his view, “I saw this thing, I read it and thought it was trash…” He further averred that the Epoch Times Newspaper was “damaging” and “I saw the headlines and I thought, wow, that’s ridiculous…”

But the intellectual virus goes far deeper than this one censor.  These workers were not at all condemned by their union representatives. According to William Johnson, president of the Regina Canadian Union of Postal Workers local, Canada Post should be more careful about what material it transfers from sender to recipient.

“I think as a Crown corporation they do have a moral responsibility to actually look at this stuff and determine if it is peddling in hate and racism and those sorts of things,” in his view. (A Canadian Crown corporation would be somewhat similar to a public utility in the U.S.: highly regulated, by the government, but only quasi-independent of it.)

Union leaders have promised to stand by contract-violating members such as Sepulveda. In Johnson’s view, “The publication affects a bunch of our letter carriers. This is not a publication that we as a Crown corporation should be giving out to Canadians.”

Nor does the blacklist stop there, either. One would think that at least the Canadian Post Office would summarily fire employees who determine on their own account which parcels they will deliver and which not. If a waitress announced that she would not serve “those folks,” the restaurant owner would soon enough fire her. If a doctor refused to attend to a patient in need, his hospital employer would sever its connection to him immediately.

In the event, however, the only punishment for the recalcitrant postal workers was a three-day suspension, without pay. What kind of a message does that send to other employees contemplating substituting their judgement for what is worthwhile delivering and what is not?

According to a spokesman for Canada Post it is “obligated to deliver any mail that is properly prepared and paid for, unless it is considered non-mailable matter.” But its slight slap on the wrist for the violator of this principle undermines this noble statement.

At least when Apple and Twitter and Facebook and their ilk cancel conservative and libertarian voices, they have a vestige of a defense. They are privately owned, and therefore should have the right to determine what appears on their platforms and what does not (it is a weak claim, since they have attained governmental-like powers, protecting them from libel suits, but that is a different issue).

The Canadian post office can rely upon no such excuse. They are very close to being an actual arm of the government. Thus, they have an obligation to ensure their service are open to all.

Another difficulty is that the Epoch Times is not considered a newspaper in the land of the frozen north. Rather, it is deemed as a “flyer,” similar, one supposes, to an advertisement for a car, or a mattress, or a burger. Come again? Say what? Those people up there must be semi blind, perhaps from gazing too intently upon the snow in their neighborhoods.

According to Alex Couros, professor of Information and Communication Technologies at the Faculty of Education, University of Regina, “the presence of the paper in grocery stores, pharmacies and convenience stores alongside publications like the Regina Leader-Post (the local newspaper) or the Globe and Mail (Canada’s equivalent to the New York Times) gives it more legitimacy.”

It would appear that the Canadians have never heard of John Stuart Mill and his magnificent “On Liberty” where he states:

“The greatest orator, save one, of antiquity, has left it on record that he always studied his adversary’s case with as great, if not with still greater, intensity than even his own. What Cicero practised as the means of forensic success, requires to be imitated by all who study any subject in order to arrive at the truth. He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side; if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion. The rational position for him would be suspension of judgment, and unless he contents himself with that, he is either led by authority, or adopts, like the generality of the world, the side to which he feels most inclination. Nor is it enough that he should hear the arguments of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. That is not the way to do justice to the arguments, or bring them into real contact with his own mind. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them; who defend them in earnest, and do their very utmost for them. He must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form; he must feel the whole force of the difficulty which the true view of the subject has to encounter and dispose of; else he will never really possess himself of the portion of truth which meets and removes that difficulty. Ninety-nine in a hundred of what are called educated men are in this condition; even of those who can argue fluently for their opinions. Their conclusion may be true, but it might be false for anything they know: they have never thrown themselves into the mental position of those who think differently from them, and considered what such persons may have to say; and consequently they do not, in any proper sense of the word, know the doctrine which they themselves profess.”

Banning eloquent voices of the Epoch Times will just drive its thoughts underground. It will dis-accommodate not only those who want to hear both sides of an argument, but, even, those who disagree with the message of this prestigious periodical. The nearest analogue I can think of to this sorry event is the major media banning the New York Post story about Hunter Biden. Both are a disgrace.

Midwives told to stop using terms like ‘mothers’, ‘breastfeeding’ and ‘maternal’

Staff at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust have been told to substitute the terms for the phrases “mothers or birthing parents”, “breast/chestfeeding” and “maternal and parental”

Mirror – Midwives at a hospital trust have been told to stop using terms like “mothers”, “breastfeeding” and “maternal” as part of a new trans-friendly language policy.

Staff have been told to substitute the terms for the phrases “mothers or birthing parents”, “breast/chestfeeding” and “maternal and parental”.

And instead of saying “breastmilk”, they can choose from “human milk” or “breast/chestmilk” or “milk from the feeding mother or parent”.

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust is the first in the country to formally implement a gender inclusive language policy for its maternity services department – which will now be known as “perinatal services”.

Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor

Activist Post – In North America and Europe, it has become abundantly clear that Covid-19 and the lockdowns that followed have devastated society. In the United States, unemployment is through the roof and 2020 saw the largest economic contraction in modern history. Social and cultural depression continue to weigh down society as restaurants close, the arts are stunted, and everything that it means to be human is taken from us.

We have plenty of data to paint a picture of the devastation in countries like the United States but there has been little analysis done in developing countries, more than likely due to lack of infrastructure. We know that many developing countries closed their economies in response to Covid-19 but we are unsure of how they fared.

In particular, developing countries likely do not have the same support structures be it private or public as countries like the United States do. They cannot simply print trillions of dollars to finance quantitative easing policies to prop up the stock market or send stimulus checks to ailing citizens. They also likely lack the private safety nets created by nonprofits and the general flexibility of an advanced business sector. One can only imagine the damage economic depression would bring upon such communities.

That was until a team of researchers published a study with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The study provides a glimpse into the extent of the damage caused by the economic contraction in Africa, Asia, and South America. It details how living standards have fallen due to decreased access to basic needs such as food, unemployment, and the likely long-term consequences that will arise. Much like how in the United States there has been a noted correlation between economic shocks and decreases in life expectancies, we can expect similar if not worse consequences in developing countries.

It is worth noting, to be fair to the intent of the authors, that they are not making a judgment that the economic damage they note is in part or fully due to lockdown policies. Either way, it should be abundantly clear to everyone that the economic damage that has been wrought on societies across the world is not simply a minor inconvenience. It is a serious problem that has led to long-term as well as short-term adverse consequences in affluent countries like the United States and likely worse consequences for those who live in developing countries.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

The Right to Pass Down America’s Founding Values Is Worth Fighting For

The Daily Signal – Last month, the San Francisco School Board voted 6-1 to remove the names of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Paul Revere, and other historic American patriots from 44 schools.

Beyond the names on buildings, what’s happening inside classrooms is also distressing. School systems are being urged to stop teaching about the founding of our country. Curriculums are being discarded as far-left activists seek to cancel and corrupt American history under the guise of teaching a more honest account of our history.

I have no problem discussing the challenges we as a nation faced in our past, but we’ve seen woke extremists stoop to new lows to put down our own country and those who founded it, regardless of their stated beliefs at the time on moral issues like slavery. For example, some extremists launched a nonsensical movement to “Cancel Hamilton.” Alexander Hamilton was a staunch abolitionist who never owned a slave, and even said “no man has a right to rule over his fellow creatures.”

Enough is enough. I want my children and children in communities across the country to grow up knowing the history of this great nation. I want the next generation of Americans to love our country, not hate it. Our Founders, though men and not angels, did something exceptional. They fought for freedom from tyranny and established a unique set of principles that we still build upon today in order to further perfect our union.

This is the story I want our children to learn about. This republic is the land I want them to grow up in. A nation that is blessed by God. A nation that embodies the ideals of life, liberty, and happiness, equal opportunity under the law, and that every man and woman—regardless of the color of their skin or where they are born—are endowed by our creator with equal rights that no man or government may take away.

This is what I believe in. This is who we are as a nation, the greatest the world has ever known. And this is why I believe in teaching the Founding and America’s history to our current and future generations. And it is why I believe in the goals of the 1776 Commission.

The 1776 Commission brought together scholars and historians to study and understand the principles of the Founding, including the fundamental truths of human liberty, equal treatment under the law, and a government by and for the people, and how they shaped America.

On his first day in office, President Joe Biden canceled the commission, just as his allies on the far-left would like to cancel the history of American exceptionalism. The history of men who banded together to shrug off the tyranny of a king and establish, for the first time, a government of laws, not men. A government that led to the end of slavery, voting rights for every citizen, and equal rights for women and men regardless of the color of their skin.

All of this is something to be proud of. These are facts that our children should learn from. Not that our country is hopelessly flawed, but that our country will always strive to do what’s right.

As Americans, we should be taught to understand who we are as Americans. Not forced to forget it or cover it up. That’s why I recently introduced the Preserve American History Act, which codifies President Donald Trump’s 1776 Commission into law. Preserving the principles that the United States was founded upon has to be at the core of our education system.

Our children should read, learn about, and debate the founding documents that our forefathers wrote. They must understand why 55 men spent a summer toiling away in Philadelphia to form our nation’s Founding documents. Men like James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Hamilton, and Washington are worth remembering. We must never allow them to be canceled.

Entire School District in Ohio Cancels Classes After Too Many School Staff Have Negative Reactions to the Experimental COVID mRNA Injections

Health Impact News – An entire school district in Ohio canceled classes on Monday this week after so many of the staff suffered side effects from one of the experimental COVID mRNA injections over the weekend.

Fox 8 News in Cleveland reported:

Two days after employees were given their first round of COVID-19 vaccinations, the Fairless Local School District canceled classes, attributing it to many developing side effects and becoming ill.

In most cases, as much as 80 percent of the eligible employees are accepting the vaccinations. Medina County schools canceled classes on Friday to allow employees to all be vaccinated on the same day. Other districts are choosing to have their mass vaccinations over the weekends so as not to interfere with classes. (Full article here.)

Parents reportedly received a text on Sunday from the School District Superintendent Bidlack notifying parents of the school closure, which indicates that this cancelation of classes was not scheduled and was only decided the day after seeing how many of the district’s staff became sick or injured from the injections.

The corporate media and local health officials, of course, spun this as a “perfectly normal” and “encouraging” result of the injections.

Public health officials in the counties where the vaccinations are taking place call the clinics a massive undertaking, but are pleased with how they are going. They are also not surprised that a number of the people who are getting the vaccinations are reporting side effects, calling that perfectly normal for any vaccine.

“I’m very encouraged. We want to make sure that all of our school personnel are safe, and we want to try to help protect them so it is very very encouraging for us.” said Dr. Maureen Ahmann, medical director for the Stark County Health Department.

Ahmann said she was aware that Fairless Local Schools canceled classes on Monday, but was not familiar with the number of employees reporting illness related to the vaccines.

“As far as specifically the call-off numbers in Fairless, I haven’t spoken to them, but I am not surprised if people are having some of the reactions like that to the vaccine. In fact, it’s kind of good news because we know they are responding,” Ahmann said. (Source.)

If any of these school district employees go on and suffer a serious disability or even die in the days ahead, it will be reported as a tragic loss but the “health authorities” will assure everyone that it has “nothing to do with the vaccines.”

And the vast majority of the American public continue to eagerly line up to get their injections, scorning and ridiculing the “vaccine hesitant” minority.

If we look at historical patterns of mass vaccination programs in the U.S., and then “outbreaks” of new cases of whatever disease is being vaccinated against, such as measles in the past few years, the new outbreaks will assuredly be blamed on the unvaccinated, and used as an excuse to eliminate all vaccine exemptions and attempt to pass legislation to compel people to be vaccinated.

Logic, science and the truth will not be tolerated, such as the known fact now that the PCR test used to identify COVID is basically worthless.

Same old story, new disease, new vaccine. But this time the goals are much loftier, because the Globalists want to vaccinate the entire world population.

Racism Over? Aunt Jemima is Now ‘Pearl Milling Company’

Infowars – PepsiCo has officially renamed its Aunt Jemima line of products to ‘Pearl Milling Company’, prompting many to ridicule the move as a hollow gesture to satiate the woke mob.

The corporation’s Quaker Oats subsidiary announced that the Aunt Jemima pancake and syrup line would soon be retired in June and re-branded despite having already been changed years ago to “remove racial stereotypes.”

“Throughout the effort that led to the new Pearl Milling Company name, Quaker worked with consumers, employees, external cultural and subject-matter experts, and diverse agency partners to gather broad perspectives and ensure the new brand was developed with inclusivity in mind,” the company said in a statement.

PepsiCo also announced that they would pledge a “$5 million commitment to support the Black community,” although didn’t provide any specifics on where this money would actually go. No doubt much of it will be sunk into Black Lives Matter, a pro-segregation political organization that has only succeeded in causing more division and racism.

Respondents pointed out that the entire farce was just a PR stunt. Contrary to the phrase “get woke, go broke,” most companies actually profit from such behavior because it provides them with millions in free advertising.

Rothschilds Courting Financial Collapse

Henry Makow – Money is Just Confetti

The Illuminati always tell us what they’re going to do. We never listen.

So I repeat, someone whom I believe is Jacob Rothschild wrote the US dollar “is being phased out not with a whimper but with the bang of a mushroom cloud in the creation of unlimited trillions.” 

They plan to inflate the money supply until they precipitate an economic collapse that will be the pretext for world government/currency. The WEF is already prepping us for another “crisis” much worse than COVID. The timetable? They are inflating the balloon until it pops. 

The Fed is engaged in an orgy of money creation. More than a quarter of all $USD were created in the last 15 mos. alone.  Why? 

Obviously they’ve opened the “stimulus” floodgates to mitigate the harm from their pandemic, which Rothschild admits is a “plandemic.” However, this “stimulus” is not reaching the hardest hit, and has driven the stock market and cryptocurrencies to insane valuations. 

But the larger agenda is to replace the $USD with a digital world currency. However, Rothschild insists, a one-world-government is the prerequisite.

I am surmising that these developments could only happen in the aftermath of a financial collapse.  

Our “leaders” have sold us out to the NWO without any consultation.

Read Rothschild’s words:

 “Just about every other nation in the world has agreed to take that power from the US, and allow our central banks to create a new world currency, and to be their banker… 

For a good number of decades now the governments of over 190 nations have agreed with … the necessity of there being a one-world government to ensure the necessary financial stability….

Such a world government that our families have envisioned will have to give them something in exchange for giving up their local and national controls over trade and commerce. In this respect, we have exercised our powers of creating hundreds of billions mainly of fiat-created dollars and “loans” to fund not only the UN but also all of its Agendas, to provide credible, urgent, and existential justifications for the necessity of a one-world government.

To supplant many of the alleged “sovereign” of nations particularly in the West, it has been necessary for us to be very generous allowing the borrowing and indebtedness to us to become virtually astronomical. 

As the governments of the nations have become subservient to us so also are the people of those nations. Whether our sustainability measures are actually necessary or not to cure the problems, like global warming or inequality, which issues our NGO’s, government agencies, media, and corporate minions have developed and featured in their various campaigns, what really matters most to us is that there is some real substance to there being a one-world government. We need all the support we can garner through our efforts to convince people everywhere of the “necessity” of a one-world government.”

The take-away here is that they plan to inflate the money supply until they precipitate an economic collapse: “The US dollar is being phased out not with a whimper but with the bang of a mushroom cloud in the creation of unlimited trillions.” 

How long this will take is unclear. As Jacob says, “quite frankly even if we were to make the US dollar debt to us $70 trillion as you say, what we have found is that people around the world…still keep demanding the stuff.”

Media Runs Defense for Amazon After Retail Giant Caught Stealing Millions From Workers

Tapnewswire – It has been a turbulent 24 hours for retail giant Amazon. First, the company’s founder (and world’s richest individual) Jeff Bezos announced that he would step down as CEO. Then, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ruled that the company had illegally stolen more than $61 million worth of customer tips meant for its delivery drivers.

Under their contracts, Amazon drivers were supposed to make between $18 and $25 per hour and keep all their tips. However, since at least 2016, the company had been secretly confiscating tips customers sent through an app, using their contributions to reduce their own wage payouts, meaning they were swindling both customers and employees. “In total, Amazon stole nearly one-third of drivers’ tips to pad its own bottom line,” said FTC Commissioner Rohit Chopra.

Unlike corporate crime cases in other nations, Amazon will merely be required to pay back the money it took from employees. Thus, it will face no negative consequences, except a possible public relations backlash due to bad press.  Yet, instead of grilling Amazon, the media appear to be working hard to run defense for it, downplaying the nature of the crime in their headlines.

Covering for corporate crimes

The word “steal” was noticeably absent from much of the reporting, despite the fact that the original Reuters report used the word in its title — a direct reflection of the FTC’s ruling. Many newspapers instead decided to go with “withhold” instead:

“Amazon to Pay Fine for Withholding Tips From Delivery Drivers” (New York Times),

“Amazon will pay $61.7 million to delivery drivers after withholding tips” (Los Angeles Times),

“Amazon agrees to multi-million settlement for withholding driver tips,” (Pittsburgh Post Gazette),

Amazon ordered to pay $61.7m fine for withholding drivers’ tips,” (The Independent),

“Amazon to pay $61.7M settlement after FTC says it withheld some tips,” (Washington Examiner).

Other outlets went with words like “pocketing” (Financial Times, BBC), “keeping” (CBS News), “shorting” (Courthouse News), or “shortchanging” (Washington Post).

Even worse, many more framed the news as a mere allegation, despite the fact that the FTC had made a formal ruling. Forbes, for instance, led with the headline “Amazon Will Pay $61.7 Million Settlement After Allegedly Withholding Tips From Delivery Drivers.” Others (Daily Caller, Daily Mail) did the same. Meanwhile, in a tweet on the news, Vox claimed that (emphasis added) “Amazon will pay $61.7 million in a settlement over allegations that the company used customer tips to subsidize the hourly wages of some delivery drivers.” Thus, the fact that Amazon had been caught stealing was watered down into a claim that it was merely “subsidizing” “some” of its employees’ wages.

Perhaps the worst offender was business and tech news site ZDNet, whose headline was “Amazon will pay $61.7 million to settle Flex driver tip dispute with FTC,” which obscured the matter into a foggy and very technical sounding financial dispute. Only a very small number of outlets, including Slate and The Huffington Post, echoed the FTC’s decision by using the word “stole” in their headlines.

Reading past the headlines

Framing is an important concept in media, as the words chosen encourage readers to interpret news in a certain manner. For instance, this week, reporting on the same healthcare issue, CNN framed it as “Biden signs executive orders expanding healthcare access,” while Fox News presented went with “Biden signs order on far-left health priorities.” The first primes readers to see the move as improving inclusivity while the latter fits into a “radical socialist takeover of government” narrative.

Perhaps more importantly, in this 280-character media landscape, the majority of people do not read past the headline, even before sharing content, making accurate titles particularly important in conveying information on news and current events. Indeed, one article in Science Post with the title “Study: 70% of Facebook users only read the headline of science stories before commenting” features one paragraph of information before descending into “lorem ipsum” gibberish text has been shared 193,000 times, mostly on Facebook itself (although it is not clear how many people are sharing it as a joke).

Thus, the effect of the inaccurate titles has been to bury a story about massive wage theft. Wage theft is a massive problem in the United States. A 2017 study from the Economic Policy Institute across ten U.S. states found that 2.4 million minimum wage workers were being defrauded out of an average of $64 per week, equating to $8 billion annual losses. For many, their employer is far more likely to steal from them than a masked robber. Yet this is rarely the sort of violation that “tough on crime” politicians have in mind when they deploy that rhetoric. And when the public thinks of crime, wage theft is rarely high on the list, thanks, in no small part, to how the media downplays corporate crime where the rich steal from the poor.

Georgia Prosecutors Open Criminal Investigation into Trump-Raffensperger Call

National Review – Prosecutors in Fulton County, Ga. have opened a criminal investigation into former President Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the state’s election results, including a phone call in which he pressured Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to “find” enough votes to change the outcome.

Fani Willis, the newly elected Democratic prosecutor in Fulton County, sent a letter to state government officials on Wednesday asking that they preserve documents related to Trump’s call, explaining that the request was part of a criminal investigation, according to the New York Times.

​Democrats edit impeachment video to conveniently exclude Trump’s call to protest ‘peacefully’

Blaze Media – Democratic impeachment managers were called out Tuesday at the start of former President Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial for showcasing a deceptively edited video montage depicting the events of Jan. 6.

POLL: What scares you the most?

What are the details?

The 13-minute video featured clips from Trump’s speech where the former president encouraged his supporters to “fight like hell” in addition to graphic footage of rioters violently breaching security perimeters and fighting with police at the U.S. Capitol as well as yelling profanities at officers.

The video was clearly intended to convince members of Congress that Trump did in fact stoke violence and incite an insurrection as has been laid out in impeachment charges filed against him.

But in order to make that case more emphatically, impeachment managers conveniently excluded key portions of Trump’s speech, including one during which he asked followers to “peacefully and patriotically make [their] voices heard.”

Shortly after the video was played and began streaming across the internet, Right Side Broadcasting Network, a media organization supportive of Trump, and others, pointed out the misleading edits.

Convenient that they left this out of the opening video montage at the sham impeachment trial. “Patriotically and… https://t.co/x7ZdGxr3Fq

— RSBN ?? (@RSBN ??)1612895095.0

Donald Trump Jr. posted a video on Twitter of a Newsmax interview during which Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin (N.Y.) also criticized the deceptive editing.

“If they’re going to start playing the video of what the president said, how do you cut it out at the point where the president’s telling his supporters to [protest] peacefully and patriotically?” asked Zeldin.

WATCH: @RepLeeZeldin highlights how the House Democrats used a deceptively edited video to make their case during t… https://t.co/1PREA85S3q

— Donald Trump Jr. (@Donald Trump Jr.)1612916834.0

What else?

Left-leaning outlet, Newsweek, published a fact-check on the claims that the video was “edited to remove Trump’s call for peace before the riot” and determined the claim was true.

“According to a transcript of the speech and footage of it in its entirety, Trump did make the statement on January 6,” the Newsweek report stated. “The video played at Trump’s trial Tuesday showed the violence that occurred at the Capitol but does not include that part of his speech.”

“The montage presented by [lead impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.)] shows the tens of thousands of Trump supporters at the Ellipse as he echoed unsubstantiated claims of a stolen election. It then cuts to rioters marching to and storming the Capitol before the conclusion of the speech, then returns to a later portion of Trump’s remarks,” it added.

Anything else?

In response, former Republican congressman, Jason Chaffetz, suggested that the video may have violated a House of Representatives rule that bars images, videos, or audio files presented in the chamber from being “manipulated with the intent to mislead the public.”

“Go to page 34 of House Rules. Did the manipulated video violate the House Rules?” Chaffetz tweeted Tuesday afternoon. The rules state:

The Committee on Ethics is directed to report to the House, not later than December 31, 2021, any recommended amendments to the Code of Official Conduct, as well as any accompanying regulations, intended to address the circumstances and instances, if any, for which a Member, Delegate, Resident Commissioner, officer, or employee of the House may be subject to discipline for the dissemination by electronic means, including by social media, of any image, video, or audio file that has been distorted or manipulated with the intent to mislead the public.

Economy & Business

“Houston, We Have A Problem” – 85% Of Silver In London Already Held By ETFs

ZeroHedge – With the ongoing #SilverSqueeze and huge associated dollar inflows into silver-backed Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), it is now time to look at which of these ETFs store their silver in the LBMA vaults in London, England, and to calculate how much physical silver these combined funds store in those London vaults.

These LBMA London vaults are run by seven vault operators which comprise three bullion banks JP Morgan, HSBC and ICBC Standard Bank – and four security firms – Brinks, Malca-Amit, Loomis and G4S.

While many eyes have been fixated on the mammoth iShares Silver Trust (SLV), that is only part of the picture, and there are 13 additional silver-backed ETFs that store their silver in London that people may not be aware of.

By calculating how much silver the ETFs hold in London , we can determine how much available physical silver remains in the London LBMA vaults that is not already held by these ETFs. This then gives an estimate of how much room these ETFs have before they hit a wall of not being able to source any more silver in the London vaults without having to import it or ship it in. And the answer, as you will see below, is not that much room at all.   

Because out of the 1.08 billion ounces of silver (33,609 tonnes) that the LBMA claims is stored in the London vaults (as per latest LBMA data to end of December 2020), a whooping 83.3% or 28,007 tonnes (900.42 million ozs) is already accounted for by these ETFs. This is based on ETF holdings as of end of day 5 February 2021.

Add in another 22.22 million ozs (691.3 tonnes) of silver held by Bullion Vault (BV) and Gold Money (GM) in the same London vaults, and there are a massive 28,698 tonnes (or 922.65 million ozs) of silver accounted for in the combined ETFs and in the BV/GM holdings. That’s 85.4% of all the silver that the LBMA claims is in the London vaults.

This leaves only 4,911 tonnes of silver from the LBMA total of 33,609 tonnes that is not already accounted for. That’s a mere 14.6% of total London vaulted silver stocks. The criticality of the situation was even more acute based on end of day data from 3 February 2021, when based on the same calculation approach, there was only 4,366.7 tonnes of silver in the LBMA vaults (13% of the total) that were not accounted for by silver ETF and other transparent silver holdings. On that day, a full 87% of all the silver in London was held the ETFs and other transparent holdings.


Video: Professor Dolores Cahill: People Will Start Dying After COVID Vaccine

Dozens of people develop rare blood disorder after taking coronavirus vaccines – reports

RT – At least 36 recipients of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccines in the US have developed a rare immune disorder that attacks the blood, according to reports. One patient is dead, and doctors can’t rule out blaming the vaccine.

Dr. Gregory Michael – a 56-year-old obstetrician-gynecologist who ran his own practice at Miami Beach’s Mount Sinai Medical Center for more than a decade – died in January of a brain hemorrhage. He had received a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine two weeks earlier, and immediately developed immune thrombocytopenia, a rare and sometimes fatal blood disorder.

Michael is one of at least 36 people to have developed the condition after receiving either Pfizer’s or Moderna’s coronavirus vaccines, according to a New York Times report published on Monday. The cases were self-reported to the government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) before the end of January, meaning more people could have developed the condition since then.

Immune thrombocytopenia is a rare condition affecting an estimated 50,000 people in the US. The condition is caused by the body’s own immune system attacking the platelets that are the component of the blood responsible for clotting. With their blood unable to clot, patients often develop internal or external bruising, which may look like a rash. In several cases like Michael’s, the condition has caused massive hemorrhages or strokes.

One patient contacted by the Times suffered heavy vaginal bleeding two weeks after receiving Moderna’s vaccine and required platelet transfusions and steroid treatment to survive. Another woman was hospitalized with bruising and bleeding blisters in her mouth just a day after receiving the same shot. Her condition deteriorated to the point where doctors concerned that a slight knock would trigger fatal bleeding were afraid to move her from the hospital bed.

Israel scientists cure 100% of covid patients with new therapy that mitigates cytokine storm

NaturalNews –  Israeli scientists have developed a promising new immune therapy that cured 100 percent of covid patients in three to five days. The therapy helps mitigate the cytokine storm that is sometimes observed in covid patients. The Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center has developed a drug called EXO-CD24, which functions as an experimental inhaled medication. In the Phase 1 clinical trial, the medication cured all thirty cases of moderate to severe covid-19 infection. The medication is inhaled for a few minutes, once a day, for five days.

The immune therapy mitigates the overproduction of cytokines, restoring inter-cellular communication, and helping the person’s immune system detect and combat replicating viruses. Because it is delivered precisely to the lungs, there are no systemic side effects, as often observed with oral or injected drugs.

Around 5-7 percent of covid patients suffer from a cytokine storm. This is when the immune system overreacts and starts attacking healthy cells in the lungs. The inhaled medication uses exosomes (vesicles) that are typically released from cell membranes. These exosomes are released for the purpose of inter-cellular communication. The medication enriches the exosomes with 24CD protein. In a healthy immune system, this protein is expressed on the surface of the cell and helps regulate the immune system. The medication supplies the lungs with this critical protein for inter-cellular communication, to help modulate a healthy immune response. The people who experience complications from respiratory infection are lacking critical surface surveillance proteins that help the immune system communicate and detect viral threats.

The hospital in charge of the study, reports: “To date, the preparation has been tried with great success on 30 severe patients, in 29 of whom the medical condition improved within two to three days and most of them were discharged home within three to five days. The 30th patient also recovered but after a longer time.”

The drug can be produced very quickly and distributed at a very low cost to hospitals and pharmacies around the world. “Even if the vaccines perform their function, and even if no new mutations are produced then still in one way or another the corona will remain with us,” said Prof. Nadir Arber, director of the medical center’s Integrated Cancer Prevention Center. “To this end, we have developed a unique drug, EXO-CD24.” The research is built upon the work of Dr. Shiran Shapira who has been researching the CD24 protein for over two decades.

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