July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 15, 2023


Russian Warships Armed With Nuclear Weapons Deployed: Norway

Warships in the Russian navy’s Northern Fleet have been deployed with tactical nuclear weapons, the Norwegian Intelligence Service said in a report released Monday.

US Intercepts 4 Russian Military Planes That Entered Alaska’s Air Defense Zone

U.S. fighter jets intercepted four Russian military aircraft that entered Alaska’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) on Feb. 13.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), which oversees North American airspace and its defense, responded to the incursion with two F-16 fighters and five other supporting aircraft including two F-35s, according to a press statement.

F-35s Intercept Russian Spy Plane, Fighter Jets at Edge of NATO Airspace in Central Europe

A pair of F-35s stationed in northern Europe were dispatched to intercept a trio of Russian warplanes, including two jet fighters, on Monday evening after being detected flying towards NATO airspace with their transponders off.

Cancer-Stricken Elderly Chinese Woman Sentenced Again for Her Faith, Denied Medical Parole

A persecuted Chinese woman arrested again for her faith was denied medical parole after being diagnosed with breast cancer. The police told her family that she doesn’t meet the criteria for parole.

Mexico Tackles COVID-19 Pandemic With Junk Food Bans

While most mainstream media pundits and American health authorities remain mum about the influence of nutrition and lifestyle on the risks of COVID-19 and its prognosis, more than a dozen states in Mexico have decided to combat the pandemic by banning the sale of junk food to minors.

Exclusive—Secret China Donations to University of Delaware Soared After the Opening of the Biden Institute

A second university has been found to have received more than $6.7 million in anonymous donations from China, including direct funding from the Chinese government, after Joe Biden set up a program there in his name, according to a Government Accountability Institute analysis. The revelation comes following reporting that anonymous China-linked funds flowing to the University of Pennsylvania almost tripled after the inauguration of the Penn-Biden Center, which illegally housed classified documents.

Canadians Demand NYC ‘Immediately Stop’ Sending Illegal Aliens to Quebec

Officials in Quebec, Canada, are demanding New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) “immediately stop” sending border crossers and illegal aliens to their province.

Last week, as Breitbart News reported, border crossers and illegal aliens who have been bused to the sanctuary city of New York have started fleeing on buses for Quebec — paid for by New Yorkers. Adams confirmed that the city is paying for the one-way bus tickets out of the city.

Ireland scraps ‘golden visas’ to keep out Chinese

Ireland is shutting down its Immigrant Investor Program (IIP), which offers visas to non-EU nationals in return for investment in the republic, the Irish Department of Justice announced on Tuesday.

According to the statement, applications for what is widely referred to as “golden visas” will no longer be accepted by Dublin starting on Wednesday.

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon resigns

Sturgeon became the leader of the ruling Scottish National Party in the wake of its 2014 independence referendum.

Zelensky Signs Agreement With JPMorgan on Ukraine’s Reconstruction

Bankers from JPMorgan Chase visited Ukraine last week and signed a memorandum of understanding with President Volodymyr Zelensky and plan to help raise private capital for a new fund for Ukraine’s reconstruction.

According to Fox Business, JPMorgan, America’s largest bank, discussed with Zelensky the creation of a fund that would start with $20 – $30 billion in private capital to go towards investment in Ukraine. Another idea would be to establish a new bank administered by Wall Street firms that would invest in Ukrainian infrastructure that has been destroyed in the war.

Zelensky’s office said that the Ukrainian leader met with senior members of JPMorgan on Friday. “I understand very well that doing business and investing cannot be beneficial to only one party. We want you to invest in Ukraine and earn money,” Zelensky said.


US Military Recovers ‘Priority Sensors,’ Electronics From Downed Chinese Spy Balloon

Key electronics have been recovered from China’s surveillance balloon that was shot down off the east coast by the U.S. military on Feb. 4, including sensors that are believed to have been used to gather intelligence, U.S. officials said on Monday.

“Crews have been able to recover significant debris from the site, including all of the priority sensor and electronics pieces identified as well as large sections of the structure,” the U.S. Northern Command said in a statement.

John Podesta: The Trilateral Commission Link To UFO/Alien Mania?

All of a sudden, UFO mania is sweeping America after the shootdown of some unknown object in Alaska. NORAD says it doesn’t rule out aliens. Washington creates a UFO Task Force to investigate if it was aliens. A top 4-star general in charge of US airspace says he isn’t ruling out aliens. Well, this was unexpected, wasn’t it? Not really.

This writer was watching closely when Trilateral Commission member John Podesta left the Obama Administration in 2015 where he served as Counselor to the President. He is currently Senior Advisor to President Joe Biden for clean energy innovation and implementation; that is, he is in charge of doling out all Green New Deal spending in the United States. Actually, Podesta is credited as being the chief architect of the entire US climate policy starting way back when he served as President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff.

Prosecutors Dismissed Felony Gun Charge Against Alleged MSU Attacker in 2019

Prosecutors dismissed felony gun charges against the alleged Michigan State University attacker in 2019, charging him with a misdemeanor.

The felony charge was the result of Anthony McRae allegedly carrying a concealed firearm on his person without having a concealed carry permit.

485K Migrants Apprehended this Year in Texas-Based Border Sectors

Border Patrol agents assigned to the five Texas-based border sectors apprehended nearly 485,000 migrants who crossed the border from Mexico into this border region since October 1, 2022. This represents nearly 64 percent of all migrant crossings along the southwest border with Mexico.

Dianne Feinstein, Oldest Senator, Will Not Seek Reelection

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the oldest Democrat in the upper chamber, will not run for re-election, she announced Tuesday.

“I am announcing today I will not run for reelection in 2024 but intend to accomplish as much for California as I can through the end of next year when my term ends,” Feinstein said in a statement. “Even with a divided Congress, we can still pass bills that will improve lives. Each of us was sent here to solve problems. That’s what I’ve done for the last 30 years, and that’s what I plan to do for the next two years. My thanks to the people of California for allowing me to serve them.”

Nikki Haley Announces 2024 Presidential Bid

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on Tuesday issued a video statement in which she officially threw her hat in the ring for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, becoming the first major challenger to former President Donald Trump.

The Powers Not Delegated

It’s quite clear to the vast majority of Americans that we currently exist under a totally insane runaway federal regime that has been turned against the American people, freedom, and liberty. Clearly, the O’Biden regime is fast destroying everything in sight. Equally clear is the reality that dementia Joe and crazy Kamala are not at all capable of even running a summer lemonade stand.

So, what we’re dealing with comes from way above their heads. They are expendables and they will be cut loose by their masters the minute they shift from the asset side of the ledger to the liability side…A moment soon to arrive.

It also reaches far beyond the DC beltway, involving numerous state and local officials, primarily democrats, but including many republican and so-called independent politicians as well. Meanwhile, average Americans are increasingly dumbfounded and demoralized by the utter insanity forced upon them 24/7, from the fake news to censored social media, fake scientists vs real science, threats of WWIII from all corners of the earth, and even UFO invasions and multiple train derailments.

The firehose flood of hot propaganda has the average citizens head spinning as millions are caught up in the never-ending parade of disgusting dictator policies from O’Biden and friends, all to support and advance a total collapse of American society, all sense of decency, honor and moral fiber that stands in the way of a totally evil global agenda.

MOVING ONWARD – The State of New California Sends Delegates to Washington D.C.

The State of New California is gearing up for statehood.  

Today they sent two delegates to Washington D.C. to represent the 51st state. 

This idea seemed strange until it was mentioned that it is following precedent.  The state of West Virginia was formed during the Civil War when citizens of the new state didn’t agree with the unconstitutional actions of the state of Virginia which seceded and formed a new country.

The courageous men and women in West Virginia stood strong and created a new state according to the US Constitution.   The new state was granted statehood during the Civil War.

The state of New California is following the same model.

Following the 10th Constitutional Convention in Anaheim, CA January 13-14, 2023 and the adoption of the state’s Constitution Delegate Representatives were selected to go to congress to make the case for statehood. There were 7 delegates selected 5 as Delegate Representatives for the House of Representatives and 2 Delegate Senators.

All were presented to the New California State Legislature and were overwhelmingly elected by both the New California State Assembly and the Senate.

In 53 Illinois Schools, Not a Single Student Can Do Math at Grade Level

While teachers push Critical Race Theory and the sexualization of children in schools, academic rigor continues to slip lower and lower.

The Illinois State Board of Education’s recent report card is dreadful.

In 30 schools in Illinois, not a single student can read at grade level, 22 of which are in the City of Chicago.



We know that many aspects of your lifestyle can affect heart health, but a recent study sheds more light on how closely linked gut health is to the development of cardiovascular disease, specifically heart failure. Research shows that the wrong balance of gut bacteria can increase your risk of major cardiovascular events like stroke and heart attack. Gut health is directly tied to inflammation which we know can lead to negative health effects. Seventy percent of the body’s inflammatory cells are housed in gut tissue, therefore directly influencing the whole body. The good news is that it is easy to improve your gut health. Small modifications to your diet and lifestyle can make a big impact and decrease your risk for developing heart disease. Incorporating certain foods like asparagus, garlic, onions, apples, bananas, flaxseed, and steel-cut oats into your diet can help maintain a healthy gut.

High sugar intake linked to elevated risk of heart disease and stroke, study finds

New research suggests the more one’s energy comes from sugar, the higher the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Kind of carbs more important than quantity for cardiovascular health

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Whereas previous studies have considered the link between overall carbohydrate consumption and CVDs, a new UK study looked at whether the types of carbohydrates consumed impacted cardiovascular health and found quality was more important than quantity.

Yale University Gives Public Health Award to Critical Race Theorist

Yale University’s School of Public Health gave a prestigious public award to Kimberlé Crenshaw, a pioneer of Critical Race Theory and intersectionality. 

Crenshaw received the Winslow Medal from Yale University’s School of Public Health. The school notes that the award is “the Yale School of Public Health’s highest honor” and also states that Crenshaw’s work “has been foundational in two fields of study she coined and developed – critical race theory and intersectionality.” 

Exclusive—Secret China Donations to University of Delaware Soared After the Opening of the Biden Institute

A second university has been found to have received more than $6.7 million in anonymous donations from China, including direct funding from the Chinese government, after Joe Biden set up a program there in his name, according to a Government Accountability Institute analysis. The revelation comes following reporting that anonymous China-linked funds flowing to the University of Pennsylvania almost tripled after the inauguration of the Penn-Biden Center, which illegally housed classified documents.


Eggs are 70% more expensive than they were a year ago

Egg prices are still going up — way up — in the grocery store.

In January, egg prices rose 8.5% compared to the month before, according to inflation data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Tuesday. In the year through January, egg prices soared 70.1%.

A highly-contagious, deadly avian flu has wreaked havoc in the egg market, constraining the national egg supply. That, plus higher feed and transportation costs for producers, has raised prices. And some producers are also raising their own profits amidst the turmoil, causing some to demand a federal investigation into possible price gouging.

In the wholesale market, egg prices hit a record peak in December and have been steadily falling since then. But so far, those declines haven’t reached consumers, as seen in January’s numbers.

Sandwich chain Subway explores sale of business

Global sandwich chain Subway says it is exploring a possible sale of the business after almost six decades of family ownership.

The firm has been growing rapidly for years but is now facing soaring costs and increased competition.

A sale of the company could value it at more than $10bn (£8.2bn), according to the Wall Street Journal, which first reported the story.

Investment banking giant JP Morgan is advising Subway on the potential sale.

Breitbart Business Digest: A Labor Shortage at the White House

The White House Pulls in the Fed Vice Chair

Even President Joe Biden is having trouble finding qualified applicants for White House job openings.


Ford, Chinese Firm Plan $3.5B Electric Vehicle Battery Plant in Michigan

Ford Motor Company and China’s Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. (CATL) are planning a $3.5 billion electric vehicle battery plant in Marshall, Michigan.

Ford Pauses Shipping, Building Electric F-150 Model Due to Potential Battery Issue

Ford Motor Company has announced an unspecified potential battery issue has led the company to stop producing and shipping its electric F-150 truck model, according to reports.


White House Says Mystery Objects Likely Private Craft Not Tied to Spying

The White House provided more details about the objects that were shot down in North American airspace in recent days, saying that a leading theory is that they were commercial balloons.

“The intelligence community’s considering as a leading explanation that these could just be balloons tied to some commercial or benign purpose,” John Kirby, a spokesperson for the White House’s National Security Council, told multiple news outlets on Tuesday. Kirby further asserted that unidentified objects that were downed in Alaska, the Yukon, and over Lake Huron were not tied to spying efforts, unlike the high-altitude balloon that was shot down earlier this month over the Atlantic Ocean.

He added, “I want to caveat that we haven’t found the debris. We’re still doing the best we can with the observations that were made by the pilots, with the flight profile data that we’ve tried to collect.”

Efforts to retrieve debris from the objects have been hampered due to “pretty tough conditions,” including Arctic weather conditions in Alaska, the wilderness in the Yukon Territory, and geographic challenges around Lake Huron.

“Pretty tough weather conditions, let alone just geographically, just tough time of year,” Kirby said. For example, temperatures in Deadhorse, Alaska, where one object was shot down last week, temperatures hit minus 30 degrees F on Tuesday.

Kirby warned reporters that “it could be some time before we locate the recovered debris” and said that Lake Huron is deep. Weather conditions near where that balloon was shot down there are also poor, he noted.

“We’re taking this day by day and doing the best we can to try to locate the debris and then develop a plan to recover it,” he said.


Truck Overturns in Arizona, Spills Nitric Acid, Triggers Shelter-in-Place Alert

An emergency shelter-in-place has been issued for nearby residents after a truck carrying hazardous materials overturned on Feb. 14 on a highway in Tucson, Arizona.

Following a crash, a commercial truck tanker overturned on the Interstate 10 highway eastbound between Rita and Kolb roads, according to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

“The tanker involved in this collision was hauling nitric acid in liquid form,” the Arizona DPS announced on Twitter of the HAZMAT spill.

Train Wreck: Dioxins From Vinyl Chloride

The last few weeks in the Twitterverse of news has seen the Project Veritas expose of Pfizer’s gain of function research, a brief focus on women’s health issues triggered by the jab, the forced administrative leave of absence of Project Veritas’ founder, the government shoot down Chinese spy balloons, and then “UFOs” (or UAPs), a deadly earthquake in Turkey, the coincidental evacuation 24 hours pre earthquake of western diplomats from a dozen nations, a Pulitzer award winning journalist publish a detailed expose accusing the Biden administration of blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline, multiple train wrecks, including most concerning the first one in East Palestine, Ohio that led to the deliberate incineration of a train car of vinyl chloride by authorities in order to avoid accidental detonation, but which nevertheless spewed extremely toxic, carcinogenic, black fumes into the atmosphere, remarkably in the same state where a nearly identical scenario played out in the 2022 Netflix movie, White Noise, that actually used extras from the same town affected by the real life train derailment.

‘Plume’ of Chemicals in Ohio River Moving Downstream After Train Derailment: Officials

A top Ohio environmental official on Tuesday confirmed a “plume of chemicals” in the Ohio River is currently moving downstream after a train derailed in East Palestine that was carrying toxic chemicals.

“We know there is a plume (of chemicals) moving down the Ohio River,” Tiffani Kavalec, the head of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s water management subdivision, said in a news conference. “We think it’s on its way towards Huntington, West Virginia, now,” she added.

When pressed further, Kavalec said that the plume is comprised mainly of “fire combustion chemicals.” There could also be multiple “volatile organic compounds” that were being carried on the train in the Ohio River but are “very diluted,” she said.

Ultimately, she said that the plume is moving around 1 mph down the Ohio River, saying it is diluting as it travels downstream. The Ohio EPA doesn’t believe the plume is threatening the quality of drinking water, she added.

Cyclone Gabrielle: Hundreds rescued from rooftops as New Zealand grapples with damage

New Zealand officials say at least four people, including a child, have died in the devastation of Cyclone Gabrielle, which has caused significant flooding and landslides across the North Island.

On Wednesday, officials confirmed a child’s body was found in Hawke’s Bay, one of the worst-affected regions.

Rescue helicopters there had rescued about 300 people stranded on rooftops.

Meanwhile, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake was widely felt across the country late on Wednesday.

There were no immediate reports of damage or casualties from the quake, which struck off the coast of the North Island near the capital Wellington.

The cyclone has moved away from New Zealand but about 10,500 people were still displaced on Wednesday.

Rogue Climate Activist’s Startup Company To Release ‘Mini Volcanoes’ To Cool Atmosphere

A Mexico-based startup will next week launch sulphur particles into the stratosphere in a “rogue” move to create a “mini-volcano” effect it says could help cool the planet.

The technique, known as stratospheric aerosol injection, mimics the impact of volcanoes by using a weather balloon to release sulphur, creating a cloud of particles that reflect the sun’s rays and have a cooling impact.

It is one of several geoengineering techniques being studied as a way to cool the planet to avoid breaching internationally agreed limits on global warming.

The amount of particles that start-up Make Sunsets plans to release in coming days, up to 2kg, will make a minimal difference to overall warming.

But experts in geoengineering say the launches set a dangerous precedent for private companies or governments to interfere with the planet’s atmosphere.

Covid Panic, Climate Panic: Driven By Same People For Same Purpose

In February 2022, 1,140 organizations sent President Biden a letter urging him to declare a “climate emergency.” A group of US Senators did the same, in October 2022, and a House bill, introduced in 2021, also called on the president to “declare a national climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act.”

Biden has considered declaring such an emergency, but so far he has declined, to the disappointment of many progressives.

The United Nations (UN) has urged all countries to declare a climate emergency. The state of Hawaii and 170 local US jurisdictions have declared some version of one. So have 38 countries, including European Union members and the UK, and local jurisdictions around the world, together encompassing about 13 percent of the world’s population.

Hillary Clinton was reportedly prepared to declare a “climate emergency” if she had won the 2016 election.

A “climate emergency” is in the zeitgeist. Those words were surely uttered by the billionaires, technocrats and corporate CEOs attending the recent World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos.


Everyone starting out in homesteading asks how much land they need. There’s something sexy about dreaming of larger acreage – believe us, we know! So, we’ll break down why a 5 acre homestead is the PERFECT size for a beginner.

How To Build A Pole Barn Step By Step

Learn how to build a pole barn step by step with these easy instructions. We’ve got you covered with these fast, solid and cost-effective pole barn construction tips.

How to Make a Homemade Weather Vane

Learn how to make a homemade weather vane at home with whatever you have lying around. These simple homemade weathervane plans can utilize spare parts around the house.


Amnesty for an Apology? COVID Dictators Looking for Way Out

Draconian COVID measures ruined the lives of millions of lower- and middle-class Americans while lining the pockets of the liberal cabal, and those who spoke the truth were punished rather than lauded for their reason

Now, the tide is starting to shift. Recent polling shows 49% of Americans believe the COVID shots may be responsible for the massive rise in sudden deaths and 28% say they know someone they believe was killed by the shots

In early November 2022, The Atlantic published an article by Brown University economist Emily Oster, who suggested COVID dictators be granted “amnesty” for their mistaken beliefs about COVID-19. It failed miserably, as just about everyone saw through her ill-conceived arguments

January 30, 2023, medical student Kevin Bass followed in Oster’s footsteps, penning an opinion piece for Newsweek in which he urges the scientific community to “admit we were wrong about COVID and it cost lives”

Communications analysts agree Bass’ essay is another manipulative effort to overcome public distrust in authorities

Reviewing the Most Recent “Apology” for the COVID-19 Response

The catastrophic effects of the COVID-19 vaccines that were forcefully mandated onto the population are causing the general public to lose its trust in the medical establishment and the vaccine industry

A variety of limited apologies are being made to regain that trust without fixing the underlying issues that led to the disastrous COVID-19 policies being forced upon the population

The recent pseudo-apology in Newsweek has received widespread media exposure and highlights many of the catastrophic mistakes made throughout the pandemic that the medical industry is now trying to pivot away from. Those mistakes must not be forgotten and some will be reviewed here

Damar Hamlin Is Asked About Why His Heart Stopped: ‘Something I Want to Stay Away From’

Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin in a recent interview said he would not disclose the reason why he suffered cardiac arrest during a nationally broadcast game last month.

In his first interview since the incident, Hamlin discussed his collapse during a Jan. 2 “Monday Night Football” game against the Cincinnati Bengals. Hamlin spent more than a week in the hospital.

“You’re 24. Peak physical condition [that] could run circles around me right now. How did the doctors describe what happened to you?” ABC News’ “Good Morning America” host Michael Strahan, himself a former NFL player, asked Hamlin during an interview published this week.

Hamlin stated that he would not comment on what doctors told him. “That’s something I want to stay away from,” Hamlin said in response, which was not included in an ABC News article about the interview.

House Panels Seek Testimony From Fauci, Biden Officials on COVID-19 Origins

Two influential congressional committees are seeking testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci and key figures in the Biden administration regarding the origins of COVID-19 and the allocation of U.S. taxpayer funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).


Newsmax Versus DirecTV and America’s Censorship Regime

Almost daily now, Americans see new evidence of a mass, public-private censorship regime—part and parcel of something resembling an American social credit system in which those who submit to ruling class orthodoxy are rewarded, and those who run afoul of it are railroaded.

So when news broke recently that DirecTV was booting center-right network Newsmax, the fourth highest-rated cable news channel, from its lineup, the question naturally arose: Was this about politics, or was it strictly business? A deeper question also beckons: To what extent has politics so pervaded every facet of American life that a distinction can even be drawn between the two?

DirecTV claims it parted ways with Newsmax upon expiration of their prior contract because the outlet “made unreasonable demands” that would have cost the TV provider millions of dollars in fees, which it would have had to pass on to viewers. It maintains it wishes to bring Newsmax back, albeit on more favorable terms.

Newsmax is adamant that it’s a victim of censorship—that the economic argument is a ruse. It claims that the fees it was seeking under a new contract were well below those of most of two dozen largely left-leaning news and information channels DirecTV carries—and that DirecTV has dishonestly characterized Newsmax’s negotiating position to the press to boot, calling into question its candor over the impasse.

Private School Sex Ed. Teacher: Kids Are Sexual Beings ‘Since Birth’

A sex educator at a Pennsylvania private school claimed that children are sexual beings “since birth.”

Al Vernacchio is a sex educator at Friends’ Central School in Pennsylvania, which is affiliated with the National Association for Independent Schools (NAIS), the largest private school accreditation organization in the country. 


Former Biden Official Sam Brinton to Appear in Court over Baggage Theft Charges

Greta Thunberg Launches New Climate Bible

‘NYPD Blue’ Child Actor Austin Majors Dead at 27

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