July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: February 16, 2018

‘Our Founding Fathers Didn’t Have This in Mind’: Teacher Who Survived Florida Shooting Calls for Action

Fox News – Following the deadly shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, a teacher who survived the massacre is calling for action.

Alicia Blonde, who taught alleged gunman Nikolas Cruz at the school several years ago, revealed on “Shepard Smith Reporting” that two of her students were among the 17 killed on Wednesday: Joaquin Oliver and Alex Schachter.

“I know that people cloak themselves in the Second Amendment — the right to bear arms — but our Founding Fathers didn’t have this in mind,” Blonde said. “Our Founding Fathers didn’t believe that somebody could walk into a school and … kill 17 people in a matter of seconds and injure 14 others.”


Court determines military burn pits caused lung disease in service members

Fox News – The thousands of U.S. military personnel and private contractors whose health was compromised by the dense black smoke of burn pits – and who were then denied proper treatment – may finally be vindicated by a recent court ruling.

A judge under the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office for Workers’ Compensation Programs decreed last month that open-air burn pits — where thousands of chemicals were released into the air after trash and other waste were incinerated at American military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan — are connected to lung disease, Fox News has learned.

The decision marks a victory for the nearly 64,000 active service members and retirees who have put their names on a Burn Pit Registry created by the Veterans Administration, bringing them one step closer to getting adequate medical coverage, something that has never been guaranteed. Private contractors who were also exposed to the burn pit toxins also have been denied coverage.

Note: Joseph Hickman again who is the author of  The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldier which addresses the poisoning of our soldiers will be joining The Power Hour on Tuesday, February 27th.


US indicts 13 Russians for 2016 election meddling, but ‘no allegations’ they influenced outcome

RT – A US federal grand jury has indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities accused of interfering with US elections and political processes. However, there are “no allegations” they influenced the 2016 election.

The indictment accuses the defendants of “supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump…and disparaging Hillary Clinton.” It also claims the defendants staged political rallies and bought political advertising while posing as grassroots entities. The document says an organization known as the Internet Research Agency “sought, in part, to conduct what it called ‘information warfare against the United States of America’ through fictitious US personas on social media platforms and other Internet-based media.”


Belgian court orders Facebook to stop collecting data on citizens, threatens fines of up to $125mn

RT – A Belgian court has ordered Facebook to stop collecting data about the country’s citizens, and to delete information previously gathered. It threatened to fine the social network €250,000 a day if it fails to comply.


Florida governor calls for FBI Director’s resignation over missed Parkland shooter tip

RT – Florida Governor Rick Scott (R) is calling for the director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, to resign in the wake of the high school shooting that killed 17 students.

Scott is responding to the revelation that the FBI did not follow proper protocol when it failed to follow up on a tip about the shooter, Nikolas Cruz, just five weeks prior to the Valentine’s Day massacre.

“The FBI’s failure to take action against this killer is unacceptable….The FBI Director needs to resign,” said Scott in a statement.


‘Congress must ban semiautomatic weapons’ – ex CIA director John Brennan

RT – In the aftermath of the Florida school shooting this week that left 17 people dead, John Brennan echoed the concerns of law enforcement officials who have spoken out against assault weapons on the streets of America


Mysterious enriched uranium particle detected in skies over Alaska

RT – Scientists have found a “highly unusual” particle enriched with uranium in the skies over Alaska’s Aleutian Islands. The source of the substance, which is typically used in nuclear fuel and bombs, is still unclear.

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