June 30, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 16, 2021

World News

Israel Gives Fauci $1 Million Cash Prize For ‘Defending Science’ Against ‘Uninformed Opposition’

Fauci’s work visiting gay bathhouses to understand AIDs was also cited by the Israeli prize board

National File – Dr. Anthony Fauci received a $1 million cash payout from the nation of Israel in the form of the Dan David Prize this week, adding to the highest paid federal employee in America’s impressive bank account. The reason given for the cash prize was Fauci’s act of “courageously defending science in the face of uninformed opposition.”

Tel Aviv University President and Dan David Prize Board chairman Ariel Porat stated, “The coronavirus pandemic has presented humanity with new challenges. Therefore, this year, we decided to honor the fields at the forefront of the battle against the virus – health and medicine. International review committees selected this year’s laureates for their pioneering work and their exceptional contributions to humanity in these fields, in three time dimensions – past, present and future.”

According the prize board, Fauci won the cash payout for “courageously defending science in the face of uninformed opposition during the challenging Covid crisis.”

Fauci’s work studying AIDs, during which he visited numerous gay bars and bathhouses, was also cited by the prize board.

“I went down to Greenwich Village, and I went into bathhouses to essentially see what was going on,” Fauci has said of his AIDs work, adding, “And the same thing going to the gay bars and seeing what was going on, and it gave me a great insight into the explosiveness of the outbreak of the sexually transmitted disease.”

In 2020, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered that Fauci was already the highest paid federal employee in the United States in 2019:

A Freedom of Information Request shows that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute for Health’s National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases and current Chief Medical Advisor to the President, is the highest paid US government employee.

Data from the latest year for which federal salaries are available reveal that Fauci made $417,608 in 2019. That salary gave him the dubious distinction of being the highest paid individual out of all four million federal employees.

In contrast, the President of the United States has a legislated salary of $400,000 annually.

Fauci has celebrated the inauguration of Democrat President Joe Biden.

The Hague court sides with activists, tells Dutch government to IMMEDIATELY lift ‘illegitimate’ curfew

RT – The Dutch government has been told by the court to reverse its coronavirus pandemic curfew after The Hague ruled there was no legal basis for it and called it an infringement on people’s rights.

In a statement, The Hague declared that the government’s use of the Extraordinary Powers of Civil Authority Act – an emergency act which allows the state to bypass the legislative process to impose a curfew in “very urgent and exceptional circumstance” – was not justified in this case during the Covid-19 crisis.

“The Preliminary Relief Judge ruled that the introduction of the curfew did not involve the special urgency required to be able to make use of the [act],” the Hague continued, noting that the government had had time to discuss such a curfew beforehand, before ruling that “the use of this law to impose curfew is not legitimate.”

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Texas Deploys National Guard As ‘Grid Chaos’ Leaves Millions Freezing In Darkness

ZeroHedge – Here are the key takeaways from Texas rolling blackouts:

  • The Weather Channel Warns Of “Dangerous” Cold Temperatures  
  • Southwest Power Pool Says 17 States Limiting Energy Usage
  • 3.368 million Texans Without Power 
  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Calls Up Texas Army National Guard
  • Oncor Electric Delivery Continues To Warn About Extended “Controlled Outages” 
  • Texas Gov. Greg Abbott States Power Grid Not Compromised 
  • Power Crisis Hits Texas And 13 Other States 
  • Southwest Power Pool Declares Energy Emergency Alert Level 3
  • Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner Warns Of More Blackouts 
  • Houston Mayor Sylvester Suspends Air Travel In Houston 
  • ERCOT Wholesale Electricity Prices Plunged From Cap Of $9k per megawatt-hour to around $2.5k
  • Oncor Electric Delivery Extends Rolling Blackouts 
  • 2.7 Million Texans Without Power
  • ERCOT Wholesale Electricity Prices Exceed $9k per megawatt-hour

Brave Judge Rules Cops Must Return Cash Seized Under Civil Asset Forfeiture—Or Go to Jail

Activist Post – Iredell County, NC — In one of the most inspiring moves we’ve seen in a long time, a judge has ordered the Town of Mooresville and its police department to give back money they seized under civil asset forfeiture. But that is not all. Iredell District Court Judge Christine Underwood has issued an ultimatum to the would-be thieves — give back the cash or go to jail.

According to the case, on Nov. 16, 2020, the Mooresville Police Department was called out to a hotel where they searched an unoccupied rental car and seized small amount of marijuana as well as approximately $17,000 belonging to a Connecticut man, Jermaine Sanders, whose daughter resides in Iredell County.

Sanders then hired an attorney who put the department on notice on Nov. 19 that they were challenging the legality of seizure. One day before the hearing to get back the funds, the department sent the money to the federal government under the authority of civil asset forfeiture.

Sanders’ attorney, Ashley Cannon told FOX 46 the timing of this was purposeful to make it harder for Sanders to get back his money.

“What they did was circumvent the system by giving it over to the federal government because they anticipated coming into court and being able to say, ‘sorry, we don’t have that money anymore. You’re going to have to chase it in the federal system.’”

Cannon then explained just how difficult it is to get back property once the government has stolen it.

“The consequence of that is people are forever without their money, even if, ultimately, their case is dismissed or they’re found not guilty or otherwise their case goes away. The federal government can still keep that money.”

Ms. Cannon considers these forfeiture actions “highway robbery” and feels “Judge Underwood deserves a medal of honor” for her bravery of threatening Mooresville officials with incarceration, FOX 46 reports.

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot

Breaking-News.CA – The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40).  The CDC quickly took down the page, along with Google, but the site was luckily cached and saved to symbolize this grand admission.

To further confirm this unbelievable admission, Assistant Professor of Pathology at Loyola University in Chicago Dr. Michele Carbone has been able to independently verify the presence of the SV40 virus in tissue and bone samples from patients who died during that era. He found that 33% of the samples with osteosarcoma bone cancers, 40% of other bone cancers, and 60% of the mesothelioma’s lung cancers all contained this obscure virus. This leaves the postulation that upwards of 10–30 million actually contracted and were adversely affected by this virus, to be deadly accurate.

Dem Congressman Sues Trump, Giuliani Over Capitol Riot

Newsmax – A U.S. Congressman sued former President Donald Trump and his personal lawyer Rudolph Giuliani, claiming they conspired to incite last month’s riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Working with the far-right Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, Trump and Giuliani “acted in concert to incite and then carry out” the Capitol insurrection, according to a complaint by Rep. Bennie G. Thompson, D-Miss.

The lawsuit, filed in district court in Washington Tuesday, was brought by the NAACP on behalf of Thompson. Other members of Congress, including Democrat Reps. Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey and Hank Johnson of Georgia, plan to join the litigation in the coming weeks, according to a news release announcing the suit.

The NAACP is not a plaintiff.

The lawsuit offers a new avenue for Democrats to hold Trump accountable for his role in the Capitol riot after the Senate acquitted him of “incitement of insurrection” at the end of his impeachment trial this weekend. The suit seeks unspecified damages.

Biden Initiates Process To Close Guantanamo Bay Prison Permanently

True Pundit – The Biden administration is launching a review of the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay with the aim of closing the facility, something the Obama administration promised to do but never followed through on.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced the review on Friday. When asked if President Biden plans to shut the prison before his presidency ends, Psaki said, “That certainly is our goal and our intention,” but an exact timeline was not given.

National Security Council spokeswoman Emily Horne discussed the review with Reuters. “We are undertaking an NSC process to assess the current state of play that the Biden administration has inherited from the previous administration, in line with our broader goal of closing Guantanamo,” she said.

Horne said the NSC will be working with the Pentagon, State Department, and the Justice Department to make progress towards closing Gitmo.

There are currently 40 inmates being held in Gitmo. The prison costs over $530 million to operate each year, meaning each prisoner costs about $13 million per year.

Dem. Mayor Frey Being Sued For George Floyd Riots That Left Businesses Ruined

True Pundit – Since the George Floyd riots, several businesses have been left penniless due to their livelihoods being torched at the hands of Black Lives Matter. It doesn’t matter how much they try to fight or ask for help, these business owners have been abandoned by the Democratic party as they are unwilling to denounce the BLM violence. Now, one couple is standing up for their lost business and suing Mayor Jacob Frey for doing nothing while rioters preyed on the once-thriving city.

Both Kacey White and Charles Stotts believe that their diner would still be standing and operational if it weren’t for the lack of leadership on the behalf of the Democratic party. Since taken office, the American people are finally getting a glimpse of how unprepared the Democrats are at controlling all of Washington. They can’t even protect a single town from being destroyed by rioters, so what makes them so capable of protecting an entire country?

For White and Stotts, enough is enough. If the Dems aren’t going to help them fight, they will just have to do it themselves. That is the mentality the business owners share as they filed suit seeking $4.5 million from the city and Mayor Frey.

America’s Out Of Control Teens Are On A Historic Crime Spree

True Pundit – Young people are running wild all over the country, and nobody seems to be able to come up with a solution to slow down the violence.  Following the tragic death of George Floyd, teens were disproportionally involved in the rioting, looting and arson that erupted in major cities throughout the nation for the remainder of 2020.  And sometimes they would just take out their frustrations on random people on the street.

But in addition to violence that was spurred by social movements, most of our urban areas also experienced dramatic spikes in their murder rates.  In fact, one recently released report found that murder rates rose by an average of 30 percent in 34 of our largest cities…

THE HOMICIDE RATE across 34 American cities increased by 30% on average during 2020, according to experts, as the U.S. reeled from the coronavirus pandemic and widespread protests against police brutality.

The newly released report from the National Commission on COVID-19 and Criminal Justice found that homicides rose in 29 of the 34 cities studied and that the three largest cities in the sample – New York, Los Angeles and Chicago – accounted for 40% of the additional homicide victims in 2020.

That 30 percent average increase was the biggest one year spike ever recorded, and way too much of the time these murders are being committed by Americans under the age of 20. 

Oregon Promotes Program Focused On ‘Dismantling Racism In Mathematics,’ Says Finding The Right Answer A Sign Of White Supremacy

True Pundit – The Oregon Department of Education is promoting a program for teachers that seeks to “disman racism in mathematics,” alleging that focusing on finding the right answer is a symbol of white supremacy.

Fox News reported that the ODE sent out a newsletter last week that mentions a “Pathway to Math Equity Micro-Course” that will occur on February 21. The course, according to Fox, is designed for middle school teachers to make use of a toolkit for ‘dismantling racism in mathematics.’”

The newsletter encourages teachers to sign up for the training, which the New York Post previously reported includes a section with 14 things associated with “White Supremacy Culture,” including perfectionism, objectivity, and individualism.

Objectivity is described in the workbook accompanying the training as “the belief that there is such a thing as being objective or ‘neutral.’” The program’s toolkit also encourages teachers not to focus on a single correct answer, but to “come up with at least two answers that might solve this problem” and to “Challenge standardized test questions by getting the ‘right’ answer, but justify other answers by unpacking the assumptions that are made in the problem.”

House Republican Calls for Boycott of 2022 Winter Olympics Unless Moved From China

PJ Media – Rep. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) has introduced a resolution that requires the U.S. to boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics if they remain in Beijing, China. The only previous U.S. boycott of the worldwide competition was for the 1980 Simmer Olympics, when the Soviet Union failed to withdraw from Afghanistan by the deadline set by President Jimmy Carter. Fellow Floridian Sen. Rick Scott introduced a similar resolution in the Senate with the support of six Republican colleagues last month. Scott has been calling for the Winter Games to be moved for over a year.

According to Fox News, the resolution cites China’s human rights abuses as the reason the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) should propose to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the games move out of China. If the IOC rejects their proposal, the resolution calls for the USOC and other allied nations to withdraw from the Winter Olympics. This request is a tall order, as the games begin in just under 12 months. The IOC awarded the Winter Games to Beijing in July 2015, and most countries spend years developing sports complexes, accommodations, and infrastructure to support the international event.

Waltz’s resolution focuses on the Chinese Communist Party, not the Chinese people, many of whom are being brutalized. He notes that other authoritarian regimes have been emboldened by the legitimacy that hosting the Olympics provides. Waltz cites the Nazi regime in Berlin following the Summer Olympic Games in 1936 and Vladimir Putin following the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia.

Utah GOP Rejects Efforts to Censure Romney for Impeachment Vote

PJ Media – Utah Senator Mitt Romney was already in trouble with his state party for being one of only seven Republicans to vote to convict Donald Trump in his impeachment trial. There has been a move afoot to censure the senator for his actions and the effort is being endorsed from one end of the state to the other.

Some local Republicans want Romney censured, claiming he failed to “represent the average conservative Utah Republican voter” and “misrepresented himself as a Republican” when he ran for office. It also claims “Romney appears to be an agent for the Establishment Deep State.”

But that effort has not been endorsed by the state party. On Monday, they emphatically rejected any attempt to censure Romney, issuing a statement that said, in part, “The differences between our own Utah Republicans showcase a diversity of thought, in contrast to the danger of a party fixated on ‘unanimity of thought,’” the Utah party said. They were referring to Senator Mike Lee, who voted to acquit the former president.

Minneapolis push to defund police backfires after residents complain of slow response times, increase in crime

True Pundit – Minneapolis on Friday backtracked on its original push to defund the city’s police department in the wake of George Floyd’s police custody death after residents begged the city to hire more officers, citing longer response times and increased violent crime.

The City Council on Friday voted unanimously to approve $6.4 million in additional funding that police had requested.

The department says it only has 638 officers available to work — roughly 200 fewer than usual. An unprecedented number of officers quit or went on extended medical leave after Floyd’s death and the unrest that followed.

With new recruit classes, the city anticipates it will have 674 officers available at the end of the year, with another 28 in the hiring process, the Star Tribune reported.

Days before the City Council vote, Mayor Jacob Frey and Police Chief Medaria Arradondo promised to update the application process for police recruits to include questions about whether they have lived in Minneapolis, have degrees in criminology, social work, psychology or counseling, and whether they volunteer or participate in programs such as the Police Activities League. 

Economy & Business

Dangerous Cold (Achilles Heel for Green Power) as IMF Starts Citizen Credit Monitoring

Investment Watch – A few realities to deal with at the same time now that the Grand Solar Minimum cooling is no longer hide-able. Solar panels by the millions covered in snow not seen in decades producing no power, wind turbines iced in requiring de-icing by helicopter. Blistering 50F below normal temperatures sending electric and natural gas prices to highest ever, which will draw more savings out of the public, quickening the financial collapse. IMF now wants to track individuals for creditworthiness.

>> READ SEVERE TEXAS DOOM: 4 Million Texans Without Power Amid Grid Collapse, As Second Storm Nears

>> READ “Energy Emergency” – Texas Power Provider Warns Of Rotating Outages As Cold Weather Tests Limits Of Grid

Science & Technology

Parler is back online with new interim CEO

True Pundit – Parler, the self-proclaimed No. 1 free speech social media platform and favorite Twitter alternative of many conservatives, has officially relaunched with new leadership, the company said Monday. Current users should be able to access their accounts by the end of the day.

The social media site, which boasts more than 20 million users, was de-platformed by Amazon Web Services in January after critics accused the website of permitting hate speech and encouraging violence by refusing to follow Facebook’s and Twitter’s lead in censoring content and banning certain users. After Parler spent weeks searching for a new client to host its website, the company announced its new platform “is built on robust, sustainable, independent technology” and is available immediately for current users. New users will be able to sign up for Parler next week.

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