July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 16, 2022


Now the New Zealand Freedom Convoy Has Arrived

Activist Post – As anticipated, the Canadian Freedom Convoy movement has expanded, and is now firmly in place within New Zealand. And the New Zealand Freedom Convoy has finally reached the grounds of Parliament.

February 7, New Zealand citizens clamoring for their inherent right to freedom absolutely saturated the area around Parliament, as thousands filled the area. And, like Canada, New Zealand’s Prime Minister would not discuss matters with them. Jacinda Ardern refused to meet her fellow citizens, claiming that not only did she have “other priorities” to attend to, but that “this too shall pass.”

Coming to America: Truckers protesting COVID mandates set to hit U.S. roads

WND – The truckers’ convoy protesting COVID mandates across Canada has proven to be at least partly successful, as provinces are starting to relinquish their mandatory mask and vaccine demands, even as the action has enraged politicians and triggered a national emergency declaration.

Now the same movement is coming to the United States.

It was feared by Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security to already be a threat, because the federal agency warned of the possibility of the disruption of traffic at last weekend’s professional football championship in California.

But now a report in Newsweek has cited a email from organizers in revealing that the “MAGA Convoy,” so named after former President Donald Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again,” is to start engines in Los Angeles on Feb. 25, and head toward Washington, D.C.

“Many” stops are planned, the email said.

Ottawa police chief quits as Trudeau demands cops ‘take the reins’

WND – One day after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked Canada’s Emergencies Act to quell the trucker protest, the police chief of the nation’s capital city has resigned.

Sources told CBC News that Peter Sloly was preparing to announce his resignation publicly amid the Ottawa police force’s inability to handle the protest, which has entered its 19th day. The police chief has been accused of bullying and volatile behavior that has undermined his relationship with senior leadership, CBC reported.

On Monday, Trudeau invoked Canada’s Emergencies Act for the first time since his father, Pierre Trudeau, did it half a century ago.

Explaining the extraordinary move, Trudeau said “it is clear that there are serious challenges to law enforcement’s ability to effectively enforce the law.”

Canadian Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino said Monday that police need to begin using their broad authority under the Emergencies Act, which allows the government to ban the blockades and tow away trucks.

“We need law enforcement to take the reins, to utilize the Emergencies Act and to enforce,” he said after Trudeau invoked the act. “We have given new powers to police and we need them to do the job now.”

US Trending Toward China’s Social Credit System, Enabled by Big Tech: Kara Frederick

Epoch Times – Big tech companies are doing the bidding of the U.S. government in actions that mirror China’s social credit system, and Americans must recognize what’s happening and take action, according to Kara Frederick, a former Facebook intel analyst and a research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

Frederick recently authored a Heritage Foundation report titled, “Combating Big Tech’s Totalitarianism: A Road Map,” which details how Big Tech has wielded its power to censor Americans. The report proposes a range of actions Americans can take to counter the situation.

“It’s that integration of the government and big tech companies to police speech that I think is troubling and very evocative of the coming totalitarianism,” Frederick said on EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program. She calls it a “symbiosis between the government and tech companies.”

Djokovic Says He’s Willing to ‘Pay the Price’ and Miss Out on Grand Slam Trophies to Avoid COVID Vaccine

Epoch Times – Novak Djokovic has said he would rather miss out on participating in future tennis competitions than be forced to get vaccinated against COVID-19, saying that “is the price I am willing to pay.”

In an interview with the BBC, the tennis pro, who has not been vaccinated against COVID-19, was asked if he was willing to sacrifice being able to play in future tournaments such as Wimbledon and the French Open due to his stance on the vaccines.

“Yes, that is the price that I’m willing to pay,” Djokovic said.

However, the sportsman sought to distance himself from the anti-vax movement, stating that his decision not to get the shots came down to his job role as an athlete and the fact that he is conscious of everything he puts into his body.

“I was never against vaccination,” he said, “I understand that globally, everyone is trying to put a big effort into handling this virus and seeing, hopefully, an end soon to this virus and vaccination was probably the biggest effort that was made, probably, half of the planet was vaccinated.”

“But I’ve always represented and supported the freedom to chose what you put in your body and for me, that is essential,” he said.

Cambodia Implements Full Internet Surveillance Through Single National Data Gateway

Activist Post – Cambodia’s new Chinese-style National Internet Gateway comes online on February 16 and will funnel all web traffic to, from and within the country through a state-controlled data point, exposing it to comprehensive government surveillance.

The move that is feared to have a strong negative impact not only on freedom of speech, but also on media and businesses in the country.

All Internet service providers in the country are required to route their traffic through the gateway. Revocation of operating licenses or the freezing of bank accounts are among penalties for non-compliance. Additionally, all incoming traffic to Cambodia will be subject to censorship.

In the name of “social order, safety and traditions…”

Government spokesman Phay Siphan insisted the new Internet gateway was needed to “crack down on cyber-crime, maintain national security and collect revenue.”

All websites that “adversely affect national revenue, safety, social order, morality, culture, traditions and customs” would be blocked, he said, adding that “Cambodians need to understand that freedom of expression comes with responsibilities” and that “insulting or manipulating information can affect national security or individuals’ reputations.”

However, critics of the “Great Firewall” say that it is not about such censorship, but about control. A Human Rights Watch analysis of the gateway suggests it would “allow the government to monitor all Internet activities and grant the authorities broad powers to block and disconnect Internet connections.”

The surveillance gateway comes a year before Cambodia’s general elections in 2023 with a view on how particularly social media and other Internet channels have been effective in expressing and organising opposition, most recently in Thailand and Myanmar.


Biden: Russian Troop Withdrawal ‘Not Verified,’ 150,000 Still Threatening Ukraine

Epoch Times – President Joe Biden continues to caution against a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine despite reports of Russia withdrawing some of its troops from the Ukrainian border.

Not long after Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that he is open to security talks with the West and that some Russian forces are leaving their position near Ukraine, Biden gave a speech saying that a Russian invasion is “still very much a possibility.”

Biden added that while a Russian troop withdrawal “would be good,” the United States has “not yet verified” that any troops are pulling back.

“Indeed, our analysts indicate that they remain very much in a threatening position,” Biden said before totaling the total Russian troop count along the Ukrainian border and in Belarus at more than 150,000—an increase from previous claims.

This is after the Russian Defense Ministry described images it released Tuesday of tanks and armored vehicles on the move as troops relocating to “places of permanent deployment.”

Russia has denied it’s planning an invasion but has demanded that the West put a halt to Ukraine’s bid to join NATO.

‘No Valid Reason’ to Withhold More Than 14,000 Hours of Jan. 6 Video: Defense Attorney

Epoch Times – The defense attorney for a member of the Oath Keepers charged with seditious conspiracy stemming from the U.S. Capitol unrest on Jan. 6, 2021, has filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit that seeks to compel the U.S. Capitol Police to release more than 14,000 hours of video from surveillance cameras, smart phones and police body-worn cameras.

Jonathon Moseley, who represents Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs of Dunnellon, Florida, seeks to intervene in Judicial Watch Inc. v. U.S. Capitol Police, a 2021 lawsuit that aims to unmask most of the Jan. 6 video footage now hidden from the public by court seal.

“Having seen the documents and records under the court’s protective order, Jonathon Moseley can testify and affirm, and hereby does so, that there is no valid reason for the documents and records to be withheld from the public,” Moseley wrote in a Feb. 11 motion in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Lawsuits Could Bar 3 Key State Election Laws From Being Enforced for 2022 Midterms

Epoch Times – Florida, Georgia, and Texas lawmakers passed significant 2021 election integrity laws but they may not remain intact as adopted—or in effect at all—for midterm primaries and November’s general election.

The three states approved election reforms amid heated Democratic opposition in partisan votes by Republican-controlled legislatures last year. All three are enacted, but face legal challenges in federal court.

Florida’s new election law is the first being tested in a trial that began Jan. 31 in U.S. District Judge Mark Walker’s Tallahassee U.S. courtroom in the third week of proceedings.

The Florida law adds identification requirements for requesting absentee ballots; requires voters request an absentee ballot for each election, every two years; limits who can collect and drop off ballots to prevent “ballot harvesting”; allows more partisan observers during vote-counting; and prohibits outside groups from providing items “with the intent to influence” voters at a polling location. Unlike the Georgia election bill, the Florida measure allows poll workers to provide water and other assistance.

‘We Have to Stop Letting Our Adversaries Push Us Around’: Rep. McClain On ‘Stop CCP Act’

Epoch Times – Unsatisfied with what they see as the Biden administration’s tepid response to Chinese Communist Party (CCP) human rights abuses and violations of trade commitments, a group of GOP lawmakers is pushing tough new legislative measures that would penalize top CCP officials and their relatives.

The members of Congress sponsoring the “Stop CCP Act” are Lisa McClain (R-Mich.), House Armed Services Committee ranking member Mike Rogers (R-Ala.), Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Jim Banks (R-Ind.), and RSC National Security and Foreign Affairs Task Force Chairman Joe Wilson (R-S.C.).

The legislation would block visas and freeze the assets of CCP officials that make up the Party’s National Congress, its high-level decision-making body, and their families until the regime makes a number of concessions including stopping its repression of Uyghurs of western China, curbing its aggression toward Taiwan, respecting freedom of speech and other basic political and human rights in Hong Kong, and ending the theft of the intellectual property (IP) of U.S. companies.

In an interview with NTD, an affiliate of The Epoch Times, McClain argued that the Biden administration simply has not taken a forceful enough stance on these issues, citing, in particular, the genocide of the Uyghurs and the IP violations. McClain also condemned in the strongest terms China’s efforts, as she put it, to “take over” Taiwan, an issue from which much of the world may have grown temporarily distracted amid the crisis over a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine.

BLM Activist Charged for Alleged Murder Attempt of Louisville Mayoral Candidate

Epoch Times –  A former Black Lives Matter activist and candidate for Louisville’s metro council in Kentucky has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly opening fire at a mayoral candidate, police said on Tuesday.

Besides one count of attempted murder, 21-year-old Quintez Brown also faces four counts of wanton endangerment, a spokesperson for the Louisville Metro Police Department said.

The suspect, who was raised in west Louisville, pleaded not guilty at an arraignment on Tuesday and his bond was set at $100,000. A judge ordered him not to have contact with the alleged victim, Craig Greenberg, a Democrat running for Louisville mayor, or his campaign staff.

“The gunman stood in the doorway as he fired the shots, and one of my teammates was standing to the side of the door and was able to get the door slammed, and then he and other teammates that were closer to the door just threw tables and desks to barricade us in,” Greenberg, whose shirt was grazed by a bullet during the incident, said at a press conference on Monday.

“I’m very fortunate to have a great team of brave people who responded in that way,” he added. “It all happened so quick—but it’s a very surreal experience.”

Investigators said Brown appears to have acted alone and the motive remains under investigation. He was arrested a short time after the shooting less than a half-mile from the scene. He was carrying a loaded 9mm magazine in his pants pocket and had a drawstring bag with a handgun and additional handgun magazines, according to police.

Pinkerton: RIP P.J. O’Rourke, Warrior Against the Woke

Breitbart – “Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.”  So wrote P.J. O’Rourke in his 1991 bestseller, Parliament of Whores. That was the essential O’Rourke: funny, irreverent, libertarian. O’Rourke, who died on February 15, at age 74, will always have a place in the pantheon of liberty-minded wits. And yet his critique was actually much larger than just the government—large as it is.  

Born in Toledo, O’Rourke freelanced for a while in New York City, and then, in 1973, he became editor-in-chief of The National Lampoon, a magazine that was then the knifiest edge of humor.  

Jury Decides in Favor of New York Times in Sarah Palin’s Defamation Lawsuit

Epoch Times – After roughly 15 hours of deliberation over three days, the jury in the Sarah Palin v. The New York Times trial delivered a verdict of “not liable” on Feb. 15, giving the newspaper a victory.

Since the verdict in the defamation trial was not in Palin’s favor, there was no monetary figure attached for damages.

Judge Jed Rakoff thanked the jury for paying careful attention and for being prompt. He told them that members of the press would likely want to speak to them. In his last instructions to the jury, Rakoff said, “It’s up to you whether or not you want to speak to folks from the media,” but added, “My recommendation to you is not to talk to them.”

Rakoff also told them that lawyers from both sides of the case may want to speak to them as well, but cannot without his permission. If one does, he should be notified.

The judge told the jury that both he and they have concluded the defendants are not liable, but for different reasons.

Rakoff was referring to his ruling from Monday where he felt Palin and her pair of lawyers did not sufficiently prove “actual malice,” one of the four elements they needed to satisfy.

The ruling would have overruled a verdict in Palin’s favor.

Before the final adjournment, defense lawyer David Axelrod requested from Rakoff that The New York Times be permitted to speak to members of the jury.

“The Times’ philosophy is more information for the world is a better thing,” Axelrod said.

Judge Tosses Zimmerman’s Lawsuit Against Trayvon’s Parents

Law.com – A judge in Florida has dismissed a defamation and conspiracy lawsuit former neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman had filed against the parents of Trayvon Martin, the teen he fatally shot almost a decade ago in a case that drew international attention about race and gun violence.

Judge John Cooper in Tallahassee dismissed all counts against all defendants in the lawsuit filed by Zimmerman against Martin’s parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin; attorney Ben Crump, who had represented the family; and others.

In his order, the judge wrote that Zimmerman had failed to show “any fraudulent representation” and said any further arguments in the case would be futile.

“There can be no claim for conspiracy to defraud if there is no adequately stated claim for fraud,” Cooper wrote in the order filed more than two weeks ago.

The other defendants in the lawsuit included HarperCollins Publishers, which had published a book Martin’s parents wrote about the case; Brittany Diamond Eugene; and Rachel Jeantel.

San Francisco Voters Oust Three School Board Members Over Strict Pandemic Rules

Epoch Times – San Francisco voters on Feb. 15 overwhelmingly voted to recall three school board members, expressing their frustration with the board’s strict rules during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Alison Collins, Gabriela Lopez, and Faauuga Moliga were all recalled, with preliminary results showing at least 72 percent of voters opted to oust each one.

Lopez, the board’s president, Moliga, the board’s vice president, and Collins supported harsh measures during the pandemic. They stoked anger when they didn’t move to reopen schools and spent time on matters deemed frivolous, such as renaming school buildings.

“The impetus to it was really seeing that the school board seemed to deprioritize reopening, deprioritize a lot of things that mattered to students and parents, and instead was focused on doing a lot of things that were symbolic, that was more about politics and really not about anything to do with educating our kids,” Siva Raj, who helped lead the recall campaign, told The Epoch Times.

Moliga had told The Epoch Times that the effort was “motivated by politics” while Lopez asserted money funding the recall was being wasted because a general election is scheduled for later in 2022. On the eve of the vote, Collins shared social media posts exploring the backers of the campaign, which included billionaire Arthur Rock, who has typically donated to Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in recent decades.

After the early results came in, Moliga said that “we fought hard and ran a great campaign,” thanking supporters and promising that there “are many more fights ahead of us.” Lopez said she’d run for a board seat in November.

Two Former Hawaii Lawmakers Who ‘Defrauded Citizens’ When They Accepted Bribes Plead Guilty: DOJ

Epoch Times – Two former Hawaii lawmakers who allegedly “defrauded citizens of the state” when they took part in a bribery scheme to benefit a company pleaded guilty Tuesday to felony charges, the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) announced.

Jamie Kalani English, 54, and Ty Cullen, 41, were charged with one count each of honest services wire fraud. They are scheduled to be sentenced on July 5 and face up to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000 if found guilty.

However, the sentences they receive will depend on various factors, including reductions for taking responsibility by pleading guilty early.

English, a Democratic state senator and Senate Majority Leader, represented Hana, East and Upcountry Maui, Molokai, Lanai, and Kahoolawe from 2000 until 2021 while Cullen was a Democratic state representative for communities including Village Park, Waipahu, Royal Kunia, West Loch, and Makakilo since 2013.

According to the DOJ, the defendants “defrauded the citizens of the State of Hawaii of their right to honest and faithful services as elected legislators through bribery and concealment of material information.”

Prosecutors claim that both English and Cullen accepted multiple bribes in return for performing, and agreeing to perform, official legislative acts over several years on behalf of a Hawaii businessperson,  identified as “Person A” in court documents.

The bribes, or gifts, included cash and hotel rooms, among other things, prosecutors said.

However, English and Cullen failed to report any of the bribes and gifts paid and given to them by Person A in their annual mandatory gift disclosure reports, prosecutors said.

“As a part of their official gift disclosure submissions, English and Cullen emailed this false and misleading disclosure form, thereby using interstate commerce,” the DOJ said.


Moderna CEO Says Last Stages of COVID-19 Pandemic Are in Sight

Epoch Times – Moderna chief executive officer Stephane Bancel has said he feels it’s “a reasonable scenario” to assume that the last stages of the COVID-19 pandemic are in sight.

In an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia” on Wednesday, the CEO of the American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company reiterated comments made by other health professionals, including World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director of Europe, Hans Kluge, who has suggested Europe could be heading for a quiet COVID-19 period.

“I think that is a reasonable scenario,” Bancel said. “There’s an 80 percent chance that as Omicron evolves or SarsCov-2 virus evolves, we are going to see less and less virulent viruses.”

“We still need, especially for the older ones, I think people above 50 to be vaccinated, people at high risk … will need to be boosted once a year.”

He also said there’s another “20 percent scenario where we see a next mutation, which is more virulent than Omicron.”

“I think we got lucky as a world that Omicron was not very virulent, but still are—we see thousands of people dying every day around the planet because of Omicron,” he said.

However, he added, “this virus is not going away, as we’ve been saying since almost the beginning—this virus is going to stay with humans forever, like flu and we’d have to live with it.”

In January Kluge, told Agence France-Presse that the highly infectious Omicron variant of COVID-19 could infect 60 percent of Europeans by March before tapering off for some time. 

He credited the tapering to global immunity and increased vaccinations, among other things.

“So we anticipate that there will be a quiet period before COVID-19 may come back towards the end of the year, but not necessarily the pandemic coming back,” he said.

However, Kluge said European nations need to continue with their vaccination and boosting campaigns to preserve immunity and to maintain surveillance of strains to detect new variants of COVID-19.

In the United States, White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said in January that he’s confident that much of the country will reach a peak in Omicron coronavirus variant infections within the middle of February.

If a pattern of peak cases followed by a downwards trend in cases continues, he said, the United States will start to see a similar “turnaround throughout the entire country.”

Fauci on Feb. 9 also hinted that much of the virus-related restrictions put in place could be lifted, and will “soon be a thing of the past.”

How COVID Patients Were Over-Treated to Death

Around the U.S., COVID-19 patients are being killed by inappropriate medical protocols, and they have no say-so in the treatment they receive. They’ve literally been stripped of their patient rights

COVID patients are refused basic drugs like antibiotics and steroids. They’re even denied basic nutrition and fluids, which amounts to a war crime. Instead, COVID patients are over-treated with remdesivir, narcotics and mechanical ventilation, a combination that more often than not results in death

Hospitals are paid by the government for COVID tests, COVID diagnoses, admission of COVID patients, use of remdesivir and ventilation, and COVID deaths. This payment scheme has created a kind of institutionalized killing machine, where hospital revenue is tied to patients dying in-hospital with a COVID label, be it true or false

The Canadian press reports that COVID-19 patients are often given excessive doses of medications such as opioids, benzodiazepines and anticholinergics that could result in a lethal overdose, and in the U.K., senior care homes have been accused of killing off COVID patients with midazolam, a powerful sedative

Collectively, patient neglect, mistreatment, overtreatment and the COVID jabs have resulted in massive disability and death. Deaths among working age Americans (18 to 64) as of the third quarter of 2021 were 40% higher than prepandemic rates. Compare that to the 15.4% increase seen between 2019 and 2020, which was reported as the highest life insurance payout increase in 100 years

Floridians Demand DeSantis Veto Bill Extending Near-Immunity to Hospitals Treating COVID-19 Patients

Epoch Times – A growing contingent of people concerned about how hospitals treat COVID-19 is calling on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to veto a bill the Republican party is quickly pushing through the state’s legislature.

The Republican-led effort seeks to extend a law that grants near-immunity to healthcare providers for their treatment of COVID-19, as long as they follow guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). They say the measure still is needed to help healthcare facilities stay solvent during the pandemic.

The original measure was passed in 2021 and was set to expire in March. But Republicans are pushing an extension bill through the Florida House and Senate. The effort seeks to extend the law’s special protections for healthcare providers through June 1, 2023.

Contention over the bill puts DeSantis, a Republican, in a tricky spot in an election year, with 17 challengers vying for his job.

DeSantis must decide whether to go along with lawmakers in his own party or push back in the way conservative groups hope he will, setting a powerful example for governors around the country.

Participants in medical freedom rallies across Florida and the rest of the country have decried hospital behavior in the treatment of COVID-19. Many families around the U.S. have asked courts to intervene and help them obtain treatments they wanted to try for their loved ones when all other government-recommended treatments had failed.

Researchers Study Crafting Messages for Vaccine Compliance

Mercola – In a study sponsored by Yale University — and started before COVID-19 shots were rolled out — researchers tested different messages of how to best persuade people to get injected

Messages designed to induce guilt, embarrassment, anger and “not bravery” were included

Psychological messages that involve community interest, reciprocity and embarrassment worked best, leading to a 30% increase in intention to get injected, a 24% increase in willingness to tell a friend to get injected and a 38% increase in negative opinions of those who decline to get the shot

The messages not only impact people on an individual level but are intended to further divide society, by encouraging people to pass negative judgment onto those who don’t get the shot and pressure others to comply with “social norms”


Bird Flu Detected in Kentucky, Virginia, Indiana as Outbreak Spreads: Officialsus

Breitbart – Authorities with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) said bird influenza has now been detected in flocks of birds in Kentucky and Virginia, just days after the officials said that thousands of birds were sickened with the flu in Indiana.

According to the agency, bird flu was found in Fauquier County, Virginia; and in Fulton County, Kentucky, on Feb. 12, in non-poultry birds and commercial broiler chickens, respectively. On Feb. 8, bird influenza was detected in commercial turkeys in Dubois County, Indiana.

In a statement, the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service did not say whether the outbreak involved H5N1, the same highly pathogenic virus found extensively in wild birds and on the Indiana turkey farm.

Citing the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the USDA said that “these avian influenza detections do not present an immediate public health concern.”

“No human cases of these avian influenza viruses have been detected in the United States. As a reminder, the proper handling and cooking of poultry and eggs to an internal temperature of 165 [degrees] F kills bacteria and viruses,” the agency added.

The broiler chickens in Fulton County, located near the border with Tennessee, were infected with the same H5N1 strain of highly pathogenic avian flu as the turkeys in Indiana, Kentucky officials told Reuters. They said it is Kentucky’s first outbreak of the highly lethal bird flu, which killed more than 50 million U.S. chickens and turkeys in 2015.

Tyson Foods Inc. confirmed that a flock of about 240,000 chickens tested positive.

The disease is hitting the market as poultry supplies are down due to strong demand and labor shortages at meat plants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Government data showed U.S. frozen chicken supplies were down 14 percent from a year ago at the end of December while turkey inventories were down 23 percent.

Reduce Your EMF Exposure

This article was previously published January 8, 2018, and has been updated with new information.

The negative effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) continue to ignite conversations and controversy worldwide. The most dangerous pollution affecting you is the invisible sea of EMFs your body swims in daily. You are exposed to EMFs all day long, not only in public but inside your home, too. Most of the radiation emits from cellphones, cell towers, computers, smart meters and Wi-Fi, to name just a few of the culprits.

While it’s nearly impossible to avoid EMF exposure completely, there are practical ways to limit it. Given the number of EMFs that bombard you all day long, getting educated about the negative effects of EMFs is imperative to your well-being. Particularly if you are dealing with a serious illness, it is well worth your time to reduce your EMF exposure as much as possible. If you have been told EMFs are safe and not a danger to humans, you may want to consider:

  • The telecommunication industry has manipulated federal regulatory agencies, public health authorities and professionals through powerful and sophisticated lobbying efforts leaving consumers confused and unaware of the health risks associated with EMFs.
  • Any negative health effects from EMFs, similar to smoking, may not be immediately noticeable, but will likely develop gradually over time. Cell phones indeed are the cigarette public health threat of the 21st century.


Facebook can’t stomach GOP Senate candidate’s Super Bowl ad

Daily Caller – Facebook pulled the campaign’s ads after they had been running for several days, saying they violated the platform’s policies regarding “weapons, ammunition, or explosives,” an affiliate of the Lamon campaign told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“This is the second time in a month our campaign’s message has been censored by Big Tech,” a representative from Lamon’s campaign said in a statement to the DCNF, referring to an incident in which Yahoo rejected a campaign ad featuring Lamon saying “Let’s Go Brandon.” “It’s incredibly disappointing that Facebook has decided to pull the Super Bowl ad but we shouldn’t be surprised given that one of our opponents is embedded in big tech.”

Facebook’s advertising policies on “weapons, ammunition, or explosives” state that “ads must not promote the sale or use of weapons, ammunition, or explosives,” which includes “ads for weapon modification accessories.” However, Lamon’s campaign ad does not directly promote the sale of any weapons, it merely features firearms.

A review of Facebook’s Ad Library by the DCNF found that the social media platform previously allowed other politicians to run ads featuring firearms, including Las Vegas City Councilwoman Michele Fiore, a Nevada gubernatorial candidate who ran an ad for a week in which she brandished a shotgun.

A Facebook spokesperson told the DCNF that the company’s weapons policy for advertisers also prohibits “ads promoting the brandishing of firearms.”

The social media giant has previously prevented conservative candidates and organizations from advertising on its platform, banning conservative children’s book publisher Heroes of Liberty from advertising on the site in late December 2021.

Lamon was criticized by many, including his primary opponent Blake Masters, who called the ad “absurd and desperate,” over the ad. Masters is backed by conservative billionaire Peter Thiel, a Facebook board member.

“First Blake Masters sided with the media elites and the Left against this ad. And then the next day Masters’ allies at Facebook took it down — this level of censorship is outrageous,” a representative from Lamon’s campaign told the DCNF.

VIDEO BANNED BY FACEBOOK: Jim Lamon for U.S. Senate: Super Bowl Ad – Director’s Cut

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