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The Power Hour

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Today's News: February 20, 2018

World News
Iran officials find wreckage of deadly plane crash
Al Jazeera – Iran has located the wreckage of a passenger plane that went down in a mountainous part of the country earlier this week, killing all 65 people on board.
A military drone was used to locate the crash site, and two helicopters were then dispatched to the snow-covered scene, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps spokesman Ramezan Sharif told Iran’s state television on Tuesday.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Dallas Mayor Pro Tem urges NRA to find a new home for their convention
ABC News -A leader in Dallas politics does not want the National Rifle Association to meet in his city.  Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway is urging the NRA to find a new home for its annual convention.  He says the meeting is not appropriate in Dallas in the wake of last week’s school shooting in Florida.
Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally
Daily Caller – Progressive director Michael Moore participated in an anti-Trump protest in New York that was organized by Russians, according to information released Friday by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.
Rosenstein announced indictments from Special Counsel Robert Mueller Friday against 13 Russian nationals for meddling in the 2016 election, highlighting how the Russians used social media to stir up strife and anger on social media using memes and unwitting Americans to do their bidding. One Russia-sponsored event was a protest of then President-Elect Donald Trump on Nov. 12, 2016, called “Trump is NOT my President,” and it involved Moore.
Dems fume as Trump pushes low-cost, ObamaCare alternative health plans
Fox News – The Trump administration moved Tuesday to allow health insurers to sell lower-cost, less-comprehensive medical plans as an alternative to those required under ObamaCare – in a plan that drew swift protest from congressional Democrats.
The proposed regulations would allow insurers to sell individual consumers “short-term” policies that can last up to 12 months, have fewer benefits, and come with lower premiums.
Diseased Streets
An NBC Bay Area Investigation reveals a dangerous concoction of drug needles, garbage, and feces lining the streets of downtown San Francisco. The Investigative Unit surveyed more than 150 blocks, including some of the city’s top tourist destinations, and discovered conditions that are now being compared to some of the worst slums in the world.
The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit surveyed 153 blocks of downtown San Francisco in search of trash, needles, and feces. The investigation revealed trash littered across every block. The survey also found 41 blocks dotted with needles and 96 blocks sullied with piles of feces.
Sessions confirms Justice probe of FISA documents
WND – Attorney General Jeff Sessions confirmed Sunday that the Department of Justice is investigating whether the FBI disclosed all relevant facts to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in seeking a warrant to spy on a 2016 Trump campaign volunteer.
“Let me tell you, every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate,” Sessions replied when asked by Fox News “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo about the controversial FISA warrant application.
DHS to Publish Proof of Massive Dem Voter Fraud in 2016 – QAnon
Infowars – The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) together with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the FBI are planning to publish in March a study of the 2016 elections that will demonstrate massive Democratic Party voter fraud of a magnitude sufficient to have influenced election outcomes.  On Jan. 3, 3018, President Trump signed an executive order disbanding the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, largely because states controlled by the Democrats refused to cooperate.
NYT columnist David Brooks under fire for call to ‘respect’ gun owners
RT – New York Times columnist David Brooks has ended up in hot water on Twitter. Brooks wrote an opinion piece suggesting gun owners need to be respected following the outrage after the latest high school shooting.
In Monday’s  column — entitled ‘Respect first, then gun control’ — Brooks calls for an injection of understanding, and cooperation between ‘Red America’ and the rest of the country.
Trump berates Obama & Democrats for not doing enough to stop ‘Russian interference’
RT -In a series of fiery tweets from his Florida golf course, Trump criticized Obama and Democrats in general for using the Russian hacking narrative as an excuse to attack him, stating that, “Crooked Hillary was going to win and [Obama] didn’t want to ‘rock the boat,’” but “the whole game changed and the Russian excuse became the narrative of the Dems” after he won the election.  Trump then attacked Obama for being soft, claiming that he was “much tougher on Russia.”
Mueller Charges Lawyer With False Statements in Russia Probe
Newsmax – The U.S. special counsel has charged an attorney with lying about his communications with Rick Gates, a former aide to Donald Trump’s campaign.
Trump endorses Romney’s Senate bid _ and Romney accepts
AP – President Donald Trump is endorsing Mitt Romney in Utah’s Senate race, another sign that the two Republicans are burying the hatchet after a fraught relationship.
250 Teachers Sign Up for 50 Seats at Concealed Carry Training Session
Breitbart – Butler County, Ohio, Sheriff Richard K. Jones offered free concealed carry training for 50 teachers and 250 teachers responded within 24 hours.  Breitbart News reported that Jones began advertising the free training on Sunday and the immediate response was 50 emails within 20 minutes.
State Bans Popular AR-15 Accessory, Police Shocked After Only 4 People Comply
Free Thought Project – Massachusetts became the first state to ban bump-stocks for firearms, and after three weeks with the new law in effect, police are apparently shocked that only a few citizens have come forward to voluntarily give up their newly illegal devices.
‘Morning Joe’ Hosts Call for Australia-Style Gun ‘Buyback Program’
Washington Free Beacon – “Morning Joe” co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski called for the United States to implement a gun “buyback” program modeled on Australia’s broad confiscation program enacted in 1996.
Scarborough started Tuesday by saying that a gun seller should face conspiracy charges if the buyer commits a crime with the sold gun. He said such laws would have an undefined “deterrent effect.”
Economy & Business

  1. Korean official in charge of cryptocurrency crackdown found dead

RT – A government minister involved in Seoul’s regulatory crackdown on digital currencies was found dead at his home on Sunday, reportedly from a heart attack.
Jung Ki-joon, 52, was head of economic policy at the Office for Government Policy Coordination. The official coordinated measures for developing new legislation to curb cryptocurrency speculation and illicit activities, according to a South Korean government spokesman, as quoted by the Wall Street Journal. The police launched an investigation into the death.
Energy & Environment
Delingpole: NOAA Caught Adjusting Big Freeze out of Existence
Breitbart – The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has yet again been caught exaggerating  ‘global warming’ by fiddling with the raw temperature data.
This time, that data concerns the recent record-breaking cold across the northeastern U.S. which NOAA is trying to erase from history.
California Weighs Permanent Restrictions for Water Wasters
Newsmax – That sign in hotel rooms asking guests if they really need their towels and sheets washed each day would become the rule in California, enforced with a $500 fine, if water officials vote to make a series of smaller-scale conservation measures permanent in the drought-prone state.
Members of the state Water Resources Control Board are scheduled to decide Tuesday whether to bring back what had been temporary water bans from California’s 2013-2017 drought and make them permanent.
Vitamin E could protect against gallstones
Natural Health News – aising your intake of vitamin E may be linked to a lower risk of gallstone disease, according to new research data.
Gallstones are hardened deposits of digestive fluid that form in the gallbladder. The most common type is composed mainly of undissolved cholesterol. Although they can range in size from a grain of sand to a golf ball, people may live with gallstones for years without experiencing any symptoms.
The most common symptoms are intensifying pain in the upper right portion of your abdomen or in the centre of your abdomen, just below your breastbone, pain between your shoulder blades or in your right shoulder and nausea and vomiting.
In this study, led by researchers from the University of Kiel, in Germany, 582 people (average age 62) had lower blood levels of alpha-tocopherol than those who did not have gallstones.
>> You can purchase Vitamin E from The Power Mall by calling 877-817-9829
Ginger Tea Benefits for Digestion, Immunity, Weight Loss & More
Dr. Josh Axe – Research shows that ginger contains many valuable compounds like gingerol, shogaol, paradol and zingerone. Gingerol, in particular, is believed to account for most of the beneficial effects of ginger. Some studies have found that gingerol can even effectively inhibit inflammation. While inflammation is a perfectly normal immune response, chronic inflammation is believed to be at the root of conditions like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Thanks to its gingerol content, ginger makes the list of top anti-inflammatory foods and has been used as a natural treatment for many inflammatory conditions, ranging from arthritis to Alzheimer’s.  Not only that, but ginger has also been found to be effective in fighting against pathogenic strains of viruses, fungi and bacteria that contribute to disease. (6)
Recent studies have continued to unearth the many ways that ginger affects health, and so far it has been shown to boast some impressive benefits. From relieving nausea to boosting brain health, enhancing weight loss and controlling blood sugar, a cup or two of ginger tea each day has the potential to make a big impact on your health.
Settlement talks have begun in opioid lawsuits against Big Pharma – over 250 cases have been brought against multiple companies
NaturalNews – Score one for the plaintiffs suing Big Pharma for its complicity in the opioid epidemic ravaging the United States. An article in LifeZette reported that settlement talks have begun between state attorney generals and the legal representatives of pharmaceutical companies and distributors.
More than 250 federal lawsuits have been filed against various pharma companies for their alleged involvement in the conditions that created the present opioid epidemic.
The settlement talks are the purview of  U.S. District Judge Dan Polster in Cleveland. According to him, the epidemic is “100 percent man-made.”

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