July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 21, 2022


6.3-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Turkey-Syria Border Region Devastated by Quakes Two Weeks Ago

An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 struck the Turkey-Syria border region on Monday afternoon, causing further damage in areas that were devastated by the more powerful quakes of two weeks ago

Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies

News Analysis

The Biden administration is preparing to sign up the United States to a “legally binding” accord with the World Health Organization (WHO) that would give this Geneva-based UN subsidiary the authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic.

Despite widespread criticism of the WHO’s response to the COVID pandemic, U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra joined with WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in September 2022 to announce “the U.S.-WHO Strategic Dialogue.” Together, they developed a “platform to maximize the longstanding U.S. government-WHO partnership, and to protect and promote the health of all people around the globe, including the American people.”

These discussions and others spawned the “zero draft” (pdf) of a pandemic treaty, published on Feb. 1, which now seeks ratification by all 194 WHO member states. A meeting of the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) is scheduled for Feb. 27 to work out the final terms, which all members will then sign.

Written under the banner of “the world together equitably,” the zero draft grants the WHO the power to declare and manage a global pandemic emergency. Once a health emergency is declared, all signatories, including the United States, would submit to the authority of the WHO regarding treatments, government regulations such as lockdowns and vaccine mandates, global supply chains, and monitoring and surveillance of populations.

NATO Chief Rejects Ukrainian Request for Outlawed Cluster Bombs, Phosphorus Munitions

The head of NATO has rejected Ukrainian requests for it to be supplied with controversial phosphorous weapons and outlawed cluster bombs.

Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary-general of the NATO military alliance, has publicly rejected calls for the group to hand over cluster bombs and phosphorous-based incendiary weapons to Ukraine

HyperNormalisation: A Documentary of a Fake World

Documentary filmmaker and BBC journalist Adam Curtis has developed a cult following for his eccentric films that combine BBC archival footage into artistic montages combined with dark narratives; his latest film, HyperNormalisation, came out in 2016

HyperNormalisation tells the story of how politicians, financiers and “technological utopians” constructed a fake world over the last four decades in an attempt to maintain power and control

Their fake world is simpler than the real world by design, and as a result people went along with it because the simplicity was reassuring

The film takes viewers on a timeline of recent history that appears as though you’re seeing bits and pieces of a scrapbook, but which ultimately support the larger message that the world is being controlled by a powerful few while the rest of us are willing puppets in the play


In this 2016 BBC documentary by British filmmaker Adam Curtis, an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and internet entrepreneurs created an unreal world where familiar and often comforting details blinded us to its total inauthenticity. As a result of today’s planned chaos and confusion, Curtis states, …’we have retreated into a simplified, and often completely fake version of the world. But because it is all around us we accept it as normal.’ Simply put, this is perception manipulation and management of the masses for greater control of especially the Western populations.

Washington Notified Moscow of Biden’s Kyiv Visit

The United States informed Russia about President Joe Biden’s visit to Kyiv hours before his departure, according to White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan.

“We did notify the Russians that President Biden will be traveling to Kyiv. We did so some hours before his departure for deconfliction purposes,” Sullivan told reporters during a conference call.

“And because of the sensitive nature of those communications, I won’t get into how they responded, or what the precise nature of our message was, but I can confirm that we provided that notification,” he said.

On Monday, Biden made an unannounced visit to Kyiv, Ukraine, as a major show of support days before the anniversary of Russia’s invasion. Biden met with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy and walked along a street near the renowned St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery.

During his visit, Biden committed an additional $500 million in aid and declared that the United States will continue to stand by Ukraine in the conflict.

According to the White House, the trip was “logistically complicated and difficult.”

“This was a historic visit unprecedented in modern times to have the president of the United States visit the capital of the country at war where the United States military does not control the critical infrastructure,” Sullivan said.

Report: U.N. Nuclear Watchdog Finds Iran Has Enriched Uranium to Near Weapons-Grade

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reportedly discovered traces of uranium enriched to 84 percent purity in Iran, a report claimed on Sunday, just below the 90-percent threshold needed to construct an atomic bomb. Iranian officials denied the report and insisted they had “not made any attempt to enrich above 60%.”

The 84 percent discovery was disclosed to Bloomberg News on Sunday by two unnamed “senior diplomats.”  

Saudi Arabia Announces Another Futuristic Metropolis With Giant “Virtual Reality” Cube

THESE stunning images reveal the incredible plan for a futuristic Saudi desert metropolis with a towering 1,300sq ft “virtual reality” cube.

The “New Murabba” city is planned to give downtown Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, a facelift and is scheduled to be in motion by 2030.

The country’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced the launch of the development this week.

He will chair the company, which is tasked to develop the “world’s largest modern downtown” according to local media reports.

A prospective video released by the company offered an insight into the glam city.

From an aerial view, the green city is seen majestically juxtaposed to the surrounding dry desert.

As the camera moves through the streets, a beautiful vibrant town filled with people can be seen enjoying the infrastructure.

The main feature, however, is the “Mukaab”.

It is a 1300ft high tower that is comprised of modern day luxuries including fine dining restaurants, retail and residential living.

To take the project to a grand scale, the outer walls of the metropolis are fitted with virtual reality technology, reflecting amazing scenery for locals to enjoy.

—> Watch: The Mukaab: A Gateway to Another World

China unveils global security paper

China has released its Global Security Initiative Concept Paper, which focuses on preventing conflicts and promoting global security, while blasting the use of sanctions in foreign policy.

The initiative, which was unveiled by the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday, hinges on several core concepts and principles meant to help both China and the international community navigate in what the document describes as an “era rife with challenges.”

It prioritizes UN-centered security governance, stating that “the Cold War mentality, unilateralism, bloc confrontation and hegemonism contradict the spirit of the UN Charter and must be resisted and rejected.”


Biden Makes Surprise Visit to Ukraine, Pledges $500 Million More in Aid

President Joe Biden made an unannounced visit to Kyiv, Ukraine, on Feb. 20, in a major show of support days ahead of the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion.

Biden met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who said he and the U.S. president discussed the provision of long-range weapons for Kyiv amid Ukraine’s repeated urgent appeals for more military support.

The U.S. president pledged an additional half-billion dollars in aid and vowed that the United States would continue to stand by Ukraine in the conflict.

“As the world prepares to mark the one-year anniversary of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, I am in Kyiv today to meet with President Zelenskyy and reaffirm our unwavering and unflagging commitment to Ukraine’s democracy, sovereignty, and territorial integrity,” Biden said in a statement.

At Least One Dead, 13 Injured After Metal Plant Explosion in Bedford, Ohio

At least one person has died and 13 other people injured after two explosions occurred at a metal manufacturing plant on Monday in Oakwood Village of Bedford, Ohio.

The I. Schumann and Co. metals plant makes copper, brass, and bronze alloys.

Witnesses told News 5 Cleveland that there were two explosions—a small one first, and the a second stronger one around 2:30 p.m.

The explosions took place about 70 miles north of East Palestine, Ohio, where a train derailed releasing toxic chemicals on Feb. 3. It is also about 15 miles southeast of Cleveland.

In a statement shortly after the explosions, I. Schumann and Co. said the incident resulted in “injuries to employees.” It added that the damage to the facility was “significant” and that the cause of explosion is unclear.

“We will work alongside investigators in their search for answers as part of our commitment to Northeast Ohio, where we have been operating for more than 100 years,” the family-owned factory said in a statement.


From Dr. Paul Alexander: 250 million people live east of the Mississippi. 2 million gallons of vinyl chloride (VC) might have something to say about that; if you are there, LEAVE!; Eastern seaboard can be possibly wiped out!

I include 2 major documents on the disaster facing Americans with the vinyl chloride release and it is very serious…Adam Gaertner, huge praise to you! Is Adam overstating the risk? Maybe not!

Report: McCarthy Grants Tucker Carlson Access to 41,000 Hours of January 6 Video

Fox News host Tucker Carlson reportedly has access to tens of thousands of hours of footage from the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot, thanks to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Sources informed Axios co-founder Mike Allen that Carlson’s team was in Washington, DC, last week going through some of the footage, and it will begin to roll out on Carlson’s programs in the forthcoming weeks.

California City Council Member Arrested on Voter Fraud Charges: Sheriff

A city council member in Lodi, California, was arrested on election fraud-related charges amid speculation that he resigned from office, according to officials.

The San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office on Feb. 16 wrote that Shakir Khan, a Lodi city council member, was charged with falsely filing a declaration of candidacy, three counts of voting or attempting to vote more than once, registering a fictitious person, making or defacing a nomination paper, and a voter registration violation.

In interviews with local media outlet KCRA-3, Khan denied the allegations. He’s also denied resigning from his city council seat.

Study: 70% of Suspects Freed from Jail Without Bail Arrested for More Crimes

More than 7-in-10 criminal suspects released from jail without bail go on to be rearrested for allegedly committing more crimes, a new study reveals.

In early 2020, amid the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, the California Judicial Council required counties to enforce an “emergency bail schedule” which effectively released thousands of criminal suspects from jail without having to pay bail under the guise of reducing prison overcrowding.

“This program designated that the bail for select crimes was dramatically reduced, many to zero dollars,” county officials state.

Yolo County, California, in particular, kept the $0 bail policy in place until June 2021 when the county’s Superior Court enacted a new bail schedule.

The Yolo County District Attorney’s Office, in analyzing release and arrest data during the period where the $0 bail policy was enforced, finds that more than 70 percent of those who were released without bail went on to be arrested for additional crimes.

The analysis also compared recidivism rates over an 18-month period, finding that 78 percent of suspects released without bail were found to be rearrested for crimes while only 46 percent of those who paid bail were rearrested.

Two Supreme Court cases this week could upend the entire internet – CNN

The Supreme Court is set to hear back-to-back oral arguments this week in two cases that could significantly reshape online speech and content moderation.

The outcome of the oral arguments, scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, could determine whether tech platforms and social media companies can be sued for recommending content to their users or for supporting acts of international terrorism by hosting terrorist content. It marks the Court’s first-ever review of a hot-button federal law that largely protects websites from lawsuits over user-generated content.

Alec Baldwin No Longer Facing Potential Five Years in Jail After Prosecutors Downgrade Charges

Hollywood star Alec Baldwin is no longer facing the prospect of spending five years in jail after prosecutors in New Mexico downgraded the charges against him Friday.

Court documents show Alec Baldwin and Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed will only be charged with involuntary manslaughter without a firearm enhancement charge. The enhancement carried a maximum five-year prison sentence, according to multiple reports.


6 Amazing Pine Needle Health Benefits

  1. Vitamin Rich

Pine Needles contain vitamin A and vitamin C, which are essential for many bodily functions, including red blood cell production, hair and nail growth, and a healthy immune system. 

In particular, vitamin A is vital for our eyes and promotes good bone health. 

The vitamin A and vitamin C in pine needle tea alone is a great reason to try it out! 

  1. Mood-Boosting Effects

Many people consider the smell of pine needles alone to be an uplifting, cheerful scent. In addition to this, several studies have researched the effects of pine needles on mood. 

A recent study took several groups of rats. The rats that received pine needle extract orally demonstrated lower levels of depression. The study concluded by theorizing that pine needle extract’s flavonoids, which are believed to fight off free radicals and balance cell activity, positively affected the rats’ mood. 

In short, pine needles may support our mood due to their unique flavonoids and appealing scent.

  1. Weight Maintenance

Recent studies have shown that pine needles have an anti-obesity effect. One study divided rats into four groups with various kinds of diets (high in fat, low in fat, etc.). 

Some groups were also given pine needle supplementation in the form of pine needle water extract. The groups that drank pine needle water lost visceral fat mass and weight over the course of the six-week study. 

As a result of this study, pine needles are now being looked into as a possible supplement to aid in weight loss and maintenance efforts.

  1. Arthritis and Joint Health

Traditionally, pine needles have been used as a way to soothe arthritic joints by relieving pain. Some countries, like Switzerland, even filled mattresses with pine needles with the belief that it would help sore joints while we slept. 

Science Daily recently reported that pine needles and pine bark have been found to have both pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects. In the future, scientists are looking into developing foods with pine to possibly treat arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. 

  1. Antioxidant-Rich

Pine needles are believed to be antioxidant-rich. As a result, several studies have surveyed the effects of pine needles on cancer specifically. 

One study chose pine needles to study after looking at their long, rich history as a medicinal food in Korea. To research the health benefits of pine needles, mice with Sarcoma, a soft tissue cancer, were fed pine needle powder and studied. 

Throughout the study, the mice given pine needle powder had higher rates of tumor suppression, which is credited to the antitumor, antioxidant properties within the pine needle powder. 

Scientists are continuing to study pine needles for their potential anti-cancer properties as a result of this study and others like it. We must say we are very excited by the prospect!

  1. Respiratory Benefits

Pine needle tea and pine needle extract are some of our favorite recommendations for those suffering from a cold or other respiratory conditions. 

→ Now available at The Power Mall: Pine Power Plus – Raw Pine Power Plus is the power of wild harvested Northern American and Canadian white and red pine needles (both high in shikimic acid.) Long utilized as a natural medicine, it is high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and terpenes.  Order today and get 10% off!

Nanoparticles in food coloring may be harming your gut health, researchers warn

Cross-section of chicken intestine with cells that may be affected by food nanoparticles.

Nanoparticles in common food coloring and anti-caking agents may be damaging your gut, researchers from Cornell and Binghamton Universities warn. Specifically, metal oxide particles could be disrupting the health of your intestines.

“We are consuming these nanoparticles on a daily basis,” says senior author Elad Tako, associate professor of food science at Cornell, in a university release. “We don’t really know how much we consume; we don’t really know the long-term effects of this consumption. Here, we were able to demonstrate some of these effects, which is a key to understanding gastrointestinal health and development.”

Previously, Binghamton researchers led in vitro cellular assessments and screened different nanoparticles food and pharmaceutical industries frequently use. The group then narrowed their focus to specific metal oxide nanoparticles and confirmed proper testing dosages that are suitable for human consumption.

Now, in collaboration with Cornell researchers, study authors used human-appropriate doses of titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide in the Tako laboratory’s in vivo system. The model helps display a health response comparable to that of real humans. They injected the nanoparticles in chicken eggs. After they hatched, the scientists identified changes in the functional, structural, and microbial markers within their blood, the duodenum (upper intestine), and the cecum (a pouch that connects the small and large intestines).

“We found that specific nanoparticles – titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide – ordinarily used in food may negatively affect intestinal functionality,” Tako reports. “They have a negative effect on key digestive and absorptive proteins.”

New Electrical Stimulation Technique Restores Arm Function After Stroke

New cutting-edge research aims to use electrical stimulation to jumpstart stroke-interrupted communication between the brain and the spinal cord, restoring lost motor control. The technique is already widely used as a treatment for chronic pain.

Preliminary testing in patients who have had moderate to severe strokes suggests it can return significant arm and hand function to patients who, in some cases, haven’t had any upper limb control in years.


Bank of America Is Preparing for Possible US Debt Default, Says CEO Brian Moynihan

Bank of America is preparing for a possible U.S. debt default, says CEO Brian Moynihan. He is not a fan of eliminating the debt ceiling altogether as some lawmakers have proposed. Meanwhile, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says “every responsible member of Congress must agree to raise the debt ceiling.”

Related Article of Interest by Jack Mullen: POINT OF NO RETURN

IRS Says Payments Sent Out in 4 States Last Year Are Taxable

Most taxpayers in states that gave some kind of stimulus or tax rebate payment last year will not have to report them on their federal returns this year. However, some residents in four states will have to.

According to guidance issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) earlier this month, taxpayers in 17 of 21 states that handed out such payments last year don’t have to report them on their federal taxes.

Layoffs? Companies Turn To AI To Pick The Throwaways

Days after mass layoffs trimmed 12,000 jobs at Google, hundreds of former employees flocked to an online chatroom to commiserate about the seemingly erratic way they had suddenly been made redundant.

They swapped theories on how management had decided who got cut. Could a “mindless algorithm carefully designed not to violate any laws” have chosen who got the ax, one person wondered in a Discord post The Washington Post could not independently verify.

Google says there was “no algorithm involved” in their job cut decisions. But former employees are not wrong to wonder, as a fleet of artificial intelligence tools become ingrained in office life. Human resources managers use machine learning software to analyze millions of employment related data points, churning out recommendations of who to interview, hire, promote or help retain.

Nearly 30 Percent of Work Remains Remote in January

Nearly 30 percent of work continued to be remote in January — six times the rate in 2019, before the coronavirus pandemic.

WFH Research, a data-collection project, found that the share of all work performed at home rose from 4.7 percent in January 2019 to 61.5 percent in May 2020. Since then, remote work is still at about 27.2 percent, less than half of what it was at the height.


Zuck Follows Elon: Facebook Introduces Paid Verification Service After Twitter Blue Rollout

Facebook is introducing a new paid service called Meta Verified, enabling users on both its main platform and Instagram to obtain the coveted blue verification badge. The move comes shortly after Elon Musk created a paid verification service for Twitter.

BBC News reports that Facebook (now known as Meta) has introduced a new paid verification badge system that will allow users to pay to receive a blue checkmark — similar to the recently launched Twitter Blue feature. Facebook’s new feature will initially be offered in Australia and New Zealand for a monthly fee of $11.99 on the web and $14.99 for iPhone users.

Tesla Driver Dies After Crashing into California Fire Truck

A Tesla car crashed into a fire truck blocking traffic as a car was towed on Interstate 680 in Contra Costa County, California, on Saturday. The driver of the Tesla was killed in the crash and a passenger was taken to the hospital. Although it isn’t yet known if the Tesla had Elon Musk’s “Autopilot” engaged, there have been multiple accidents involving a Tesla with Autopilot engaged hitting fire trucks and other safety vehicles that are stopped on the road.

Is Google’s AI Manipulating Your Brain?

It has become essential to enlighten people about the global forces that are trying to seize control, with the ultimate goal of eliminating human rights and freedoms, including your medical freedom

> Google is a core powerbase of this global cabal, often referred to as the Deep State — a hidden power structure based on wealth and financial influence behind (and above) the individual governments of the world — because the cabal’s control powers hinge on electronic surveillance and social engineering

> There is strong collaboration between organized crime and U.S. military intelligence going back to World War II. We now have evidence showing intelligence agencies have coerced private companies to censor and violate Americans’ Constitutional rights on their behalf

> Understanding that The Great Reset is an enslavement system, some of the best defense strategies are to optimize your health, become more self-reliant and form communities willing to work together outside of the new enslavement system

> Also, disengage from the control system as much as possible and refuse to go along with Great Reset agenda schemes such as vaccine passports, digital identity and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), as all of these will be used to micromanage and control how you live your life

Update now! Apple patches vulnerabilities in MacOS and iOS

Apple has released information about the new security content of macOS Ventura 13.2.1 and of iOS 16.3.1 and iPadOS 16.3.1.

Most prominent is a vulnerability in WebKit that may have been actively exploited. In December, 2022, we warned our readers about another actively exploited vulnerability in Apple’s WebKit.

The currently patched vulnerability was a type confusion issue that Apple says has been addressed with improved checks. 


A Manual on Removing the Yoke From Your Neck

By now, millions of people know about the Great Reset, the attack on food farming, the push for the CBDC, and the invitation to eat “ze bugs”

Public awareness, however, barely stops the predators from advancing in their quest

They are moving their goal posts, and we are now even allowed to talk about some of the topics “forbidden” before — but it’s just because they are on to the next thing

We’ll be in this battle of our times for a long time, and we need to be prepared to be patient and strong for a long time, too

When the abuse is so obvious, and yet so many people accept it and choose to comply, it can be hard on the soul

In order to stay strong and fight effectively for our own freedom and the freedom of those we love, without despair, there are a few soul exercises we can do, in addition to praying for victory from our hearts


From Twitter: Toxic Cloud Of Death From OH Has Reached Canada Melting Snow Leaves Colored Chemical Film On Roads


Idaho Lawmakers Seek to Criminalize Injecting of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

Republican lawmakers from Idaho have introduced a bill that will make it a crime to administer mRNA vaccines in the state, citing safety concerns, which would apply to COVID-19 vaccines manufactured by companies like Pfizer and Moderna.

COVID Jab Gets Permanent Liability Protection as Predicted

October 20, 2022, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) unanimously (15-0) voted to add unlicensed COVID-19 shots to the U.S. childhood, adolescent and adult vaccine schedules

February 9, 2023, the CDC accepted the panel’s recommendation and officially added a primary series of mRNA COVID “vaccine” to its routine immunization schedules for children and adults, plus a bivalent booster

While the addition of the COVID shots to the recommended vaccination schedule does not make the jabs mandatory for school attendance, their inclusion allows states and local jurisdictions to make them so

Vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule are typically covered under the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP), but the COVID shot isn’t. Instead, the jab will remain covered by the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which is even more restrictive and limited in terms of compensation than the NVICP

According to CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the COVID jab was added to the childhood vaccination schedule because it was “the only way” to ensure under-insured children would have access to it. The real reason, however, is because it’s the only way for drug makers to be indemnified against financial liability for injuries and deaths

UNLV Freshman Defensive Lineman Ryan Keeler Dies at 20

UNLV defensive lineman Ryan Keeler died on Monday, according to a report in the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Keeler, a 275-pound freshman from Chicago, had recently transferred to UNLV from Rutgers. He appeared in two games for the Rebels last season, totaling eight tackles and one sack.


Can You Feed Strawberries to Your Pets?

If you love strawberries, then here’s some good news — you can share these juicy, sweet-tart fruits with your dogs and cats (if they’ll have them). They can be given as fresh, healthy pet treats or added to your pet’s nutritionally adequate, species-appropriate diet.

Belonging to the rose plant family, the strawberry (Fragaria)1 is one of the most recognizable and well-loved fruits in the world. But despite its name, strawberry isn’t a true berry — rather, it’s considered an accessory fruit, like apples and pears.2 In human health, strawberries are valued for being abundant in “nutritive and non-nutritive bioactive compounds” that may help promote health and reduce the risk of diseases like obesity, cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Just make sure you buy organic varieties (more about this later) and slice the fruit in small enough pieces so it will not pose a choking hazard, especially to small-breed dogs. When given as healthy treats, strawberries should make up less than 10% of your pet’s daily caloric intake.


James O’Keefe Leaves Project Veritas After Dispute with Board

James O’Keefe, former CEO of Project Veritas, departed on Monday from the undercover journalism organization he founded.

One America News Network’s (OANN) Neil McCabe, a Project Veritas alumnus, reported that O’Keefe resigned from the undercover journalism outlet. R.C. Maxwell, a spokesperson for Project Veritas, later wrote in a tweet challenging the accuracy of McCabe’s report that O’Keefe had been “removed from his position as CEO by the Project Veritas board”

US Pledged to ‘Increase and Disseminate Food Shortages’

It’s relevant to note that in March 2022, President Biden openly stated food shortages are “going to be real.” [4] He also said he spoke with European allies about “how we could increase, and disseminate more rapidly food shortages.”[5] Although it’s now been largely scrubbed from the internet, the statement wasn’t corrected by the White House. It circulated on social media, prompting Facebook to immediately flag it as fake news.

Whether the statement was the result of jumbling words or the revelation of something much more sinister is up for debate — as is the series of strange accidents at U.S. food processors that occurred in its wake. Here’s just a sampling:

  • March 13, 2022: A Hot Pockets plant in Jonesboro, Arkansas, was shut down after a fire started inside a production line cooler.[6]
  • March 16, 2022: A massive fire at a Walmart fulfillment center in Plainfield, Indiana, caused the closure of the facility. In April, the company announced it would not be reopening the facility, affecting the jobs of 1,132 employees.[7]
  • March 28, 2022: A fire at Maricopa Food Pantry in Maricopa, Arizona, led to the destruction of more than 50,000 pounds of food.[8]
  • March 31, 2022: Rio Fresh, an onion warehouse facility in south Texas, was damaged by a structure fire.[9]
  • April 11, 2022: A fire broke out at East Conway Beef & Pork in Conway, New Hampshire, destroying the building and killing two cows.[10]
  • April 13, 2022: A plane crashed into the Gem State processing facility in Heyburn, Idaho.[11]
  • April 13, 2022: A four-alarm fire occurred at Taylor Farms in Salinas, California, drawing nearly 100 firefighters from 22 fire units. The facility was in the process of restarting operations after being closed for the winter.[12]
  • April 18, 2022: The headquarters of Azure Standard in Dufur, Oregon, was destroyed in a fire. Azure Standard the largest independent distributor of organic and health foods in the United States[13]
  • Feb. 4, 2023: A fire at Hillandale Farms in Connecticut, which is owned by one of the largest egg producers in the United States, killed an estimated 100,000 hens.[14]

Get Prepared for Survival

It’s always best to have the resources on hand to survive, including becoming more self-sufficient in the short term. Creating alternative parallel food systems locally, outside of someone’s control builds long-term independence. Basic suggestions to build your own food security safety net include:

  • Secure a potable water source and the means to purify less-than-ideal water sources.
  • Buy shelf-stable and nonperishable foods in bulk.
  • Buy energy backups, such as gas-powered generators and/or solar generator kits like Jackery or Inergy.
  • Get cooking backups such as solar cookers, small rocket stoves, propane-powered camping stoves, and 12-volt pots and pans that you can plug into a backup battery.
  • Start a garden and learn some basic food production skills—in terms of fighting back against high egg prices and egg shortages, raising your own flock is by far your best option.
  • Even better, consider joining a community of like-minded individuals who share your concerns about food security and have already developed the skills of growing food. You can contribute your skills to make the community even stronger.

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