July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 22, 2023


Russia Suspends Participation in Last Nuclear Arms Treaty With US

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Feb. 21 announced Moscow’s unilateral suspension of its participation in the New START treaty, the last remaining nuclear arms control pact with the United States.

“As of today, Russia is suspending its participation in the strategic offensive arms treaty,” Putin said in a national address, which he delivered almost one year after the launch of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Republicans Push Back Against Accord Giving WHO Power Over US Pandemic Response

As member states of the World Health Organization (WHO) prepare to gather in Switzerland next week to negotiate final terms of an accord that will give the WHO centralized authority over U.S. policy in the case of a pandemic, Republican senators are pushing back with an effort to reinforce congressional power to authorize treaties.

The draft accord, which would be “legally binding” on all 194 member nations, gives the WHO the authority to declare pandemics and submits member countries to “the central role of the WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work,” in areas like lockdowns, treatments, medical supply chains, surveillance, and “disinformation and false news,” once a pandemic is declared.

Seventeen U.S. senators, led by Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), introduced the “No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act” on Feb 15, which states that the pandemic accord must be deemed a treaty, thus requiring the consent of a supermajority of the Senate, which is two-thirds, or 67 senators. The legislation comes as the WHO gears up to present what it calls the “zero draft” of the accord, negotiated with the help of U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, to all member nations on Feb. 27 to agree final terms.

House Republicans Visit Kyiv: There Is ‘Strong, Bipartisan Support to Give Ukraine Everything that It Needs’

House Foreign Affairs Committee chair Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) led several Republican lawmakers Tuesday on a trip to Ukraine where they expressed their support to President Volodymyr Zelensky and conducted oversight of military equipment.

Their meeting with Zelensky, as well as other Ukrainian officials, occurred in Kyiv, where Zelensky laid out a wish list of more powerful military items he said Ukraine needs for its war with Russia, according to a Foreign Affairs Committee spokeswoman who provided Breitbart News with details of the trip and excerpts of remarks that McCaul later gave at a press conference there.

Ex-Transgender Woman Sues Medical Providers over ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgeries

A Canadian woman who has detransitioned from her lifestyle as a transgender male reportedly filed a lawsuit against the medical providers who approved and performed her permanent, life-altering “gender-affirming” surgeries.

Michelle Zacchigna is a 34-year-old woman from Orillia, Ontario, who underwent a bilateral mastectomy and hysterectomy while she was under the impression that she was a transgender male.

Exclusive — Rebel News’ Ezra Levant: Canada Is a Warning to America; ‘It Can Happen to You’

Ezra Levant, founder and head of Rebel News, said on Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak that Canada’s ongoing erosion of human freedom and undermining of constitutional rights are a warning to Americans, given the United States’ current political trajectory.

Levant reflected on Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to end the Freedom Convoy demonstrations in Ottawa, Ontario, while describing Canada’s political descent as a “cautionary tale” to Americans.

South Africa suffers record power cuts

Eskom, the country’s largest producer of electricity, has reduced production to an unprecedented level

South Africa’s state-owned electricity provider, Eskom, was forced to further slash power output on Tuesday, spokesman Sikonathi Mantshantsha said in a tweet.

According to Mantshantsha, the company cut 7,045 megawatts from the grid, in a move known as load shedding, with the total available electricity distributed across the country, effectively leaving large parts of it without power. Earlier cuts removed no more than 6,000 megawatts. The spokesman confirmed that the company had to increase the intensity of the cuts because it cannot meet demand.


US to host NATO members for 2024 summit, Biden says

The United States will host a NATO summit next year to mark the 75th anniversary of the alliance, President Biden announced in a Tuesday speech from Warsaw.

Biden, in remarks from the Polish capital, said he would host every member of the alliance next year to celebrate “the strongest defensive alliance in the history of the world.”

“And let there be no doubt. The commitment of the United States to our NATO alliance and Article Five is rock solid,” Biden said to applause. “And every member of NATO knows it, and Russia knows it as well. An attack against one is an attack against all. It’s a sacred oath.”

National Weather Service Warns of a Major ‘Coast to Coast’ Winter Storm

A large portion of the country is bracing for what the National Weather Service (NWS) has described as a major “coast to coast” winter storm, which could bring “historic snowfall” to the Minneapolis, Minnesota, region.

“A major winter storm will affect a large portion of the country this week. Heavy snow, sleet, and freezing rain is likely across the western and northern tier portions of the United States. Extreme impacts are likely, and historic snowfall is possible near Minneapolis, MN,” the NWS said in a social media update Tuesday of what has been dubbed “Winter Storm Olive.”

East Palestine Launched A Digital ID Program Days Before Disaster

The town of East Palestine, Ohio shows how deeply embedded this agenda is in the plans of the elite. Before the town entered into the public discourse by becoming the scene of one of the worst environmental disasters in US history, the biggest piece of news to come out of it appears to be another iteration of the ongoing initiative to implement digital surveillance tools into public infrastructure. In late January, East Palestine officially launched its MyID program in order to equip residents of the town and neighboring Unity Township with digital IDs. The premise was purportedly to equip emergency responders with digital health profiles of those who they would be treating. East Palestine’s digital ID initiative was first announced in October 2022.

The rollout of the MyID program was vested in the East Palestine Fire Department.

“It’s kind of like the old Medical Alert bracelet or old Vials of Life Program, however this is with new technology. It’s a QR code that we’re able to scan and it will bring up your pertinent information medically related. There is no information that anybody can take and steal your ID with. It’s just for us to be able to take care of patients who aren’t able to communicate with us,” East Palestine Fire Chief Keith Drabick said.

The East Palestine Fire Department held a sign-up event at the town’s community center this January in an effort to drive enrollment into the cloud based information system. They were was able to collect $5,000 in donation to aid in the roll out of the program to make the first 250 wearable devices available to enrollees for free. The QR codes can be affixed to a wristband or a key faub but depend on digital ID software storing a person’s health information in a cloud-hosted database in either instance.

During the event, Drabick emphasized that the MyID pilot program was intended to have a limited scope narrowly pertaining to sensitive medical information of those enrolled, tacitly alluding to underlying concerns about privacy that has skeptics of digital IDs reticent about the technology. Drabick would go on to compel skeptics to explore the program despite their reservations. “Anybody that skeptical? Please come on down. Sit down, talk to us. We’ll be happy to show you everything that goes on with it. We’ll be happy to show you how secure it is.”

Special Interest Groups Block Gov. Kristi Noem’s Move to Stop China Buying South Dakota Farmland

Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s efforts to block China from buying up farmland in her state were thwarted this week when a supermajority of state Senators rejected her proposal.

As Breitbart News previously reported, Noem had proposed a bill that would “create a state-level version of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)” in order to curtail foreign Chinese entities from buying agricultural land in her state

NRCC Calls for DCCC to Face Accountability if Committee Used Stolen Military Records

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Chairman Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC) called for the Democrat’s respective committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), to face accountability following a bombshell report from Politico revealing a research firm employed by the DCCC inappropriately obtained the military personnel files of multiple Republicans.

“This systematic weaponization of Republican candidates’ military service against them is beyond disgusting. It is time for the DCCC to stop hiding and face accountability for their actions,” Hudson said in a statement, referring to the Politico report indicating the military personnel files of Reps. Don Bacon (R-NE) and Zach Nunn (R-IA) had been obtained using a “stolen” Social Security Number in at least one instance.

Train Derailment in Nebraska: 31 Cars Carrying Coal off Tracks

KNOP, a news outlet located in and focused on Nebraska, reported on the derailment of 31 Union Pacific train cars carrying coal near Gothenburg, Nebraska, in the early morning hours on Tuesday.

Three train derailments occurred in the same area in 2022. KNOP reported, “In May 2022, News 2 reported on the derailment of a Union Pacific train carrying coal southeast of Gothenburg. Another train derailment was reported near Gothenburg in June and the third happened in November near Lexington.

Trump Unveils Campaign Leadership Team in Iowa

Former President Donald Trump has announced his campaign leadership team in Iowa, the first state on the Republican Party’s caucus and primary calendar in 2024.

“With this incredible team of skilled professionals and their deep ties to Iowa, we will earn a dominant victory in the caucuses next year,” Trump said in a statement released by his campaign on Feb. 20. The former president made four appointments, with Marshall Moreau being named as state director.

Moreau previously managed the 2022 campaign of Iowa’s Republican attorney general candidate Brenna Bird, who defeated Democrat candidate Tom Miller, the longest-serving attorney general in U.S. history.

Iowa state Rep. Bobby Kaufman (R) and Eric Branstad were named as senior advisers.

Branstad, the son of former Iowa governor and U.S. Ambassador to China Terry Branstad, helped run Trump’s 2016 and 2020 races in Iowa. Bobby Kaufmann, who is currently serving his fifth term in the Iowa House of Representatives, is the son of Republican Party of Iowa Chair Jeff Kaufmann.

Trump Says He’s Changing His Tune on Mail-In Balloting

Former President Donald Trump on Monday said he is warming to the idea of his campaign pushing for mail-in balloting and early voting because Republicans “have to play the game.”

During an interview with Just the News’ John Solomon that was published this week, Trump said that he is now embracing vote-by-mail and more early voting campaigns ahead of the 2024 contest.

The reason why his position has shifted, he said, is “because it’s so unfair, the whole process is,” referring to previous claims that vote-by-mail laws in some states have been exploited, namely during the 2020 contest.

“It’s a disgusting process. And what was happening is they’d go in there with an accumulation of votes, which in many places isn’t even legal, and they would accumulate votes at a level like nobody’s ever seen before,” Trump remarked.

The former president said that his team and Republicans “[are] going to have to play the game a little bit differently, because we’re starting off with a deficit, and tremendous bad things are happening.” If Republicans can nab victories in some battleground states by using early voting and vote-by-mail, they can change those laws, he argued.

“I know that your next question will probably be like, ‘What do you recommend?’” Trump stated. “And what I recommend is all paper ballots, one-day voting, voter ID, and no mail-in except for far away military and people that are really seriously ill. And we’ll have an honest system again.”

Earlier this month, screenshots of fundraising emails sent out by Trump’s campaign appeared to confirm that he is now embracing vote-by-mail.

DeSantis Reacts to Biden’s Ukraine Visit, Warns of ‘Proxy War’ With China in Ukraine

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis weighed in on President Joe Biden’s unannounced visit to Ukraine on Feb. 20, criticizing the President’s “blank check” promise to the European nation and noting that the communist regime in China is greater threat to the values that the United States and its global allies uphold at this time.

DeSantis was speaking to hosts of Fox News’s “Fox and Friends,” which aired around the time the governor spoke at a pro-law enforcement event held in a catering hall in Staten Island, New York, this morning.

“They have effectively a blank-check policy with no clear, strategic objective identified, and these things can escalate, and I don’t think it’s in our interests to be getting into a proxy war with China, getting involved over things like the borderlands or over Crimea,” DeSantis said, referring to Biden’s exchange with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, during which the U.S. president pledged an additional half-billion dollars.

Supreme Court Rejects Request to Hear Case Seeking to Overturn 2020 Election

The Supreme Court on Feb. 21 rejected a case that was seeking to overturn the 2020 election.

Justices turned down a request for rehearing by Raland Brunson, a Utah man who brought the case.

Justices did not explain their decision and a vote tally was not made available.

The court periodically releases lists of orders, and the Feb. 21 list included the decision on Brunson v. Alma Adams.

Brunson and his brothers filed the case in Utah in 2021, arguing that members of Congress violated their oath of office by failing to investigate evidence of 2020 election fraud and certifying the electoral votes for President Joe Biden.

That amounted to a rigged election, which achieves the same result as war, the Brunsons argued.

San Diego Human Trafficking Task Force Arrests 48, Frees 8 Children

 A multi-agency anti-human trafficking task force arrested 48 individuals in a total of 17 recent operations conducted by state, city, and federal officers, San Diego District Attorney Summer Stephan announced on Feb. 21.

Officers with Operation Better Pathways also freed eight children—with some as young as age 13—through the operation that lasted several days, with a total of 41 individuals rescued, said Stephan at a press conference.

“Doctors, teachers, and superintendents that are often out there buying someone—even though they have their own children, wives, sisters, and mothers—are still willing to go out and buy a human being for sex,” she told reporters. “That is what fuels the $810 million industry of human trafficking, and they must be held accountable.”

Biden Admin Unveils Most Restrictive Border Control Measure to Date

The Biden administration on Tuesday unveiled a new rule that constitutes its most extensive attempt to date at restricting illegal immigrants who cross the border to seek asylum in the United States.

Migrants who enter the United States illegally, or who fail to seek protection in countries they pass through en route to the United States, would automatically be considered ineligible for asylum, unless they qualify for certain exceptions, according to the new rule published on Feb. 21 on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) website.

The policy is much more restrictive than current laws, which allow people claiming persecution in their home country to apply for asylum in the United States, regardless of how they entered.

“These steps are being taken in response to the unprecedented western hemispheric migration challenges—the greatest displacement of people since World War II—and the absence of congressional action to update a very broken, outdated immigration system,” the DHS said in a statement.

Illegal Alien Accused of Killing Man for Throwing Plate of Food on the Ground

An illegal alien is accused of murdering his roommate, also an illegal alien, after he threw a plate of food on the ground.

Bryan Marquez, a 22-year-old illegal alien from Mexico who was set to be deported from the United States, has been charged with premeditated first-degree murder in St. Lucie County, Florida, after he allegedly murdered his roommate.

Gun-Toting Wing of IRS Wants to ‘Put the Fear of God in People’: Ex-Agent

As the Internal Revenue Service seeks to bolster the ranks of its weapon-carrying Criminal Investigation unit, a former special agent described the inner workings of the division and said its key function is “to put the fear of God in people” and intimidate Americans into tax compliance.

Former IRS Special Agent Robert Nordlander told Accounting Today, in a wide-ranging interview published on Feb. 20, that while most Americans have a sense of what IRS tax audits look like, the work of the IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI) unit is shrouded in some mystery.

Dubbed “gun-toters,” the armed special agents in the unit are responsible for enforcing those parts of tax code whose violations amount to crimes, he said. “When crimes are committed, the IRS-CI are the ones that actually enforce” the law, Nordlander said.

The IRS-CI examines potential criminal activity related to tax crimes and makes recommendations for prosecution to the tax division of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

There are now around 2,100 “gun-toters” in the criminal investigations division, and the IRS—flush with funds from a new cash injection—is looking to hire more special agents.

Carissa Cutrell, a public affairs officer at IRS-CI, told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement that the unit is hoping to hire between 300 and 350 special agents this year.

In the mid-1990s, the unit had around 3,500 special agents and Cutrell said they lose between 150 and 175 agents each year due to retirement and attrition.

Pentagon probing report of leak from military email server

The Defense Department’s U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) launched an investigation this week following a report that said that the unit had an exposed server that was leaking sensitive but unclassified emails online.

USSOCOM is a unit within the Department of Defense that conducts and oversees special operations in branches of the military including the army, navy, marine corps and the air force.

The open server was secured on Monday after being exposed for the past two weeks, according to TechCrunch, which first reported the leak.

A security error left the server without a password, according to TechCrunch, which means that anyone on the internet could access the data via the server’s IP address. 


Are Most Fish Oil Products Synthetic?

A chemical process leaves many fish oil supplements lacking in actual EPA and DHA omega-3s

Trans-esterification transforms most fish oil into a synthetic product that’s far removed from the natural fish oil you’d get when eating sardines or other fatty fish

A class-action lawsuit filed against The Bountiful Company and its subsidiary Nature’s Bounty alleges consumers are being misled, as the supplements contain “not a single milligram” of the omega-3 fats found in fish

In fish, DHA and EPA occur in the form of triglycerides, which are the most bioavailable; in most fish oil supplements, the omega-3 fats are in ethyl ester form

Ideally, consume omega-3 fats by eating fatty, cold-water fish such as wild-caught Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies, mackerel and herring; if you choose to use a supplement, krill oil provides a superior alternative to fish oil

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: SUPER KRILL OIL 1000 MG (60 CT)

100% Pure Antarctic Krill Oil. Next-generation Omega-3 with no fishy aftertaste

Are Your Vitamins Made in China?

Let me start by saying more than likely if you are taking a big National Brand vitamin, then the answer is YES! Why? It comes down to money really. Here is a breakdown of how the vitamin business is operated and why knowing where your vitamins are coming from is a big deal!

Let’s take the one nutrient most people know that comes from China: Vitamin C – Ascorbic Acid. It is an industry known fact that 80% or slightly more of the world’s supply of Vitamin C – Ascorbic Acid comes from China: However, you can buy this same nutrient in the United States, Scotland, the UK, it just costs around 5 times as much. Couple that with the wage of employees that perform the work and what you have is a huge gap. For instance; The avg factory worker in China Nutrient factory in 2018 was $1.32, the same factory employee average in the United States was $17.57.

Here is one of the many major problems when dealing with China: The Chinese Gov’t itself owns all of these vitamin companies in one format or another (communism), whether it be local gov’t or the national gov’t. This means that regulations don’t matter, they produce inferior supplements and no one is doing anything about it, we just keep taking them because they are cheaper. With paying the above horrible wages and the living conditions being horrific, this is exactly how they compete in the vitamin marketplace.

Here in the United States, Vitamin & Supplement Companies say they test all the nutrients that they get from China, but the reality is, it is an impossibility to run that many tests, environmental toxicity tests, other drugs from waste runoff, and even more scary, are the Unknown Toxicities.

—> Make sure you are getting a quality Vitamin C supplement like PURELY-C CAPS -or- OPTIVIDA VITAMIN C. Both contain natural sources of Vitamin C, NOT synthetic.

Success — FDA Finally Issues Amalgam Warning

September 24, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration released its long-overdue safety communication on amalgam

The FDA warns mercury fillings may adversely affect people in certain high-risk groups and should be avoided

Groups identified as being at increased risk for harmful effects from dental mercury fillings include pregnant women and their developing fetuses, nursing women, women who are planning to become pregnant, infants and children under the age of 6, people with neurological diseases, impaired kidney function or heightened sensitivity to mercury or other amalgam components

After years of pressure from Consumers for Dental Choice and its allies, the FDA finally agreed to reopen the amalgam issue, and now admits dental amalgam releases mercury vapor that can cause health problems in some individuals

The FDA also advised against use of the misleading term “silver fillings,” and urges patients to discuss all dental filling options with their dentist


Meat plant cleaning service fined $1.5M for hiring minors to work in Colorado, other states

Over the past three years, children were found to be using caustic cleaning chemicals and cleaning “dangerous power-driven equipment, like skull-splitters and razor-sharp bone saws”

One of the country’s largest cleaning services for food processing companies employed more than 100 children in dangerous jobs at 13 meatpacking plants across the country, the U.S. Department of Labor said Friday as it announced over $1.5 million in civil penalties.

The investigation into Packers Sanitation Services Inc., or PSSI, began last summer. Department officials searched three meatpacking plants owned by JBS USA and Turkey Valley Farms in Nebraska and Minnesota, and found 31 underage workers as young as 13. They also searched PSSI’s headquarters in Kieler, Wisconsin. Underage workers were found at plants in eight states.

The department went on to review records for 55 locations where PSSI provided cleaning services and found even more violations, involving children ages 13 to 17. The agency obtained a temporary restraining order in November and a permanent injunction in December, when PSSI entered into a consent judgment that committed the company to no longer employ minors illegally.

Elon Musk’s Twitter Faces Multiple Lawsuits over Unpaid Bills

Twitter is dealing with an increasing number of allegations that it has not paid its bills as Elon Musk maintains his control over the social media giant. Vendors, landlords, and other creditors allege in lawsuits that Musk’s company has failed to pay $14 million in bills and rent.

The Wall Street Journal reports that since Elon Musk took Twitter over, at least nine lawsuits have been filed by landlords, consultants, and vendors alleging that Twitter has failed to make payments totaling more than $14 million plus interest. This could mean a challenging time ahead for the platform as it aims to break even this year.

Groups lobby California legislature to pass bill on fuel ‘price gouging’

More than 100 activist groups are calling on California’s state legislature to adopt Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D) proposal to penalize oil companies for “price gouging.”

The groups maintained in a letter Tuesday that expediting the proposal — introduced by state Sen. Nancy Skinner (D) — is necessary “to hold the oil industry accountable and protect Californians from the industry’s greed and profiteering.”


‘Authors’ Using ChatGPT Flood Amazon Books

“How-to” tutorial videos have popped up all over YouTube and social media platforms, giving detailed instructions on how to use ChatGPT to create books from start-to-finish in less than one day. While Audible bans authors from using AI text-to-speech readers, Amazon has not blocked AI generated text. ⁃ TN Editor

Coffey County getting $1.9 billion chip manufacturing facility

Coffey County will soon be home to a new $1.9 billion dollar computer chip manufacturing facility.

Governor Laura Kelly has announced that EMP Shield plans to build a computer chip manufacturing facility in Burlington. The governor says that the facility will create more than 1,200 jobs averaging $66,000 annually. 

EMP Shield manufactures devices that protect other electronic devices from destructive magnetic pulses. The company will build its facility on 300 acres in a secure campus located at Silicon Prairie Industrial Park.

EMP Shield Protection – Worlds First Home EMP Protection

Visit www.empshield.com or call 620-412-9978 to order 

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Bezos, Gates To Back Mind Control Research Company

Bezos and Gates join monetary forces with the original funders of Australian-based Synchron, U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Department of Defense (DoD). So, this is a project of the U.S. Military? It’s one step closer to having a “super-soldier” of the future. ⁃

Federal Agency Warns Millions of Microsoft Users to Update Settings

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued more alerts related to security vulnerabilities exploited in attacks targeting Microsoft Windows, Adobe products, and Mozilla software.

The fresh alerts come alongside a CISA alert that was sent out for administrators and users to update Apple products, including iPhones that use iOS software.

“Microsoft has released updates to address multiple vulnerabilities in Microsoft software,” it says. “An attacker can exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system.” A similar bulletin was released for Mozilla and Adobe.

CISA, which is operated by the Department of Homeland Security, said it advises users to review Microsoft’s February 2023 Security Update Guide and Deployment Information and “apply the necessary updates.”

According to Microsoft, it is patching three previously exploited vulnerabilities: CVE-2023-21715, CVE-2023-23376, and CVE-2023-21823. The February 2023 patch fixes those, the company says.

“The attack itself is carried out locally by a user with authentication to the targeted system. An authenticated attacker could exploit the vulnerability by convincing a victim, through social engineering, to download and open a specially crafted file from a website which could lead to a local attack on the victim computer,” Microsoft says.


EPA to require Norfolk Southern to clean up chemicals after Ohio train derailment

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is ordering Norfolk Southern to clean up and pay for the cleanup costs after one of its trains derailed and spilled chemicals in East Palestine, Ohio. 

The legally binding order will require the company to identify and clean up contaminated soil and water, reimburse the EPA for the cleaning that it is doing and attend public meetings at the agency’s request, according to a press release from the agency.

“Norfolk Southern will pay for cleaning up the mess that they created and the trauma that they inflicted on this community,” EPA Administrator Michael Regan said during a press conference on Tuesday.

Wildlife species worldwide exposed to ‘forever chemicals,’ survey shows

Wildlife from around the world — from polar bears, to monkeys, to dolphins — may be exposed to cancer-linked “forever chemicals,” a new survey has found.

A comprehensive map curated by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) provides a window into just how many kinds of animals, including some that are endangered or threatened, may be contaminated by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

Hundreds of studies have already identified these so-called forever chemicals in wildlife populations around the world, but the new map aims to consolidate that research into one interactive, accessible venue, according to EWG. 


How to Dehydrate Apples for Longer Storage

Do you have seasonal apples to preserve? Learn how to dehydrate apples at home so you can store and enjoy your apples all year long.


Guest at Pirates Spring Training Suffers Cardiac Event While Shagging Fly Balls, Receives CPR

A guest attending Pittsburgh Pirates spring training in Florida suffered a cardiac event while shagging fly balls in the outfield.

The man, who is reportedly an older gentleman but has not been identified, collapsed in the outfield of Roberto Clemente Field in Bradenton, Florida.


Project Veritas Board of Directors Says O’Keefe ‘Suspended Indefinitely’ Amid Probe Into ‘Excessive Spending’

The Project Veritas’ board of directors has said that founder James O’Keefe was “suspended indefinitely” amid a probe by a third-party auditor into his alleged “excessive” spending of donor funds for “personal luxuries.”


Nontoxic Therapies to Help Relieve Your Dog’s Pain

For mild to moderate chronic pain, nontoxic therapies are often effective and can be used alone or in conjunction with pain-relieving medications

Pain can sometimes be managed using a combination of rehabilitative therapies, such as cold laser therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), cold and heat therapy, and acupuncture

Therapeutic massage can also relieve pain by acting on your dog’s nervous system, helping with lymphatic circulation and reducing fluid retention

Hydrotherapy, in which dogs use an underwater treadmill or therapeutic swimming, is also useful for pain relief; the water takes pressure off injured or painful joints


The COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project

The Covid19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project is changing lives already by building the world’s largest online resource for information regarding the individual victims and the concerted effort to deny human beings safe and available medical treatment. Discover how you can help bring the truth to light and create a chance for family connections that transcend Humanity Betrayal and time to ensure this never happens again.

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