July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: February 24, 2022


8 Dead, 14 Wounded as Russia Launches Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine: Officials

Moscow-led attacks on military units in Ukraine killed at least eight people and wounded 14 others, Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs said on Thursday.

Shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” in Ukraine on Thursday, explosions were reported across the country, including in Ukraine’s capital Kyiv, as well as in other cities, including Kharkiv, Mariupol, and Odessa.

Ukraine’s Ministry of Internal Affairs said in a statement Thursday that six people were killed and seven were wounded in a bombing incident in the city of Podolsk, in the Odessa province, noting that 19 people were still missing.

Local Odessa resident Farid Agayev told The Epoch Times that his family was woken up at roughly 5 a.m. local time to the sound of an explosion and car alarms going off.

Another person was killed and two more were injured during shelling in the city of Mariupol in the Donetsk region, the ministry said.

And in the village of Berda in the Berdyansk district, one person was killed and five others were wounded after an air defense military unit was targeted in the early hours of Thursday morning, officials confirmed.

Russia’s ministry of defense issued a statement saying that its military is targeting Ukraine’s military infrastructure.

“Nothing is threatening Ukraine’s civilian population,” it said in a statement.

Ukraine’s Command of Joint Forces said Thursday that at least five Russian aircraft and one helicopter were shot down.

“On Feb. 24, 5 aircraft and an aggressor helicopter were shot down near the area of the Joint Forces,” the command said on Facebook.

“The Joint Forces give a worthy rebuff to the armed forces of the Russian Federation,” is said in a statement.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky imposed nationwide martial law on Thursday morning, saying Russia had targeted Ukraine’s military infrastructure.

“Russia has attacked our military infrastructure, our border guards,” Zelensky said. “Explosions were heard in many cities of Ukraine.”

Zelensky urged civilians to stay home where possible. A day earlier, Ukraine imposed a nationwide state of emergency lasting for 30 days, and urged citizens in Russia to leave immediately.

Declaring martial law imposed harder restrictions than a state of emergency, and could include bans on meetings, movement, and political parties.

Putin has claimed that his “special operation”  is intended to “protect civilians and demilitarize Ukraine,” and is a response to threats coming from Ukraine.

He said that Russia doesn’t plan to occupy Ukraine and said that the Ukrainian military should “immediately lay down its arms.”

Putin also said that any foreign attempt to interfere with Russia’s action will trigger an immediate reaction from Russia, and will lead to “consequences they have not seen before.”

Zelensky has directed the head of Ukraine’s armed forces, Maj. Gen. Valeriy Zaluzhny, to “inflict maximum losses against the aggressor,” according to AFP.

RUSSIA-UKRAINE LIVE UPDATES: Ukraine President Says Russia Trying to Seize Chernobyl

Russia launched an attack on Ukraine by land, air and sea in the early hours of Thursday, Ukraine local time, after Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation.”

Putin said the operation seeks to defend Moscow against what he alleged were threats from Ukraine, and to protect civilians and demilitarize Ukraine.

Within hours of Putin’s announcement, the Russian military claimed to have incapacitated all of Ukraine’s air defenses and air bases.

Ukraine’s leadership said at least 40 people had been killed so far in what it called a “full-scale war,” with multiple cities and bases targeted with airstrikes or shelling from the east, north and south.

In response, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky cut diplomatic ties with Moscow and declared martial law.

Ukrainians and residents have begun to flee some cities, piling into cars and various modes of public transport.

Russia troops attacking CHERNOBYL could set off radiation cloud across Europe, Ukraine warns as bomb hits ship owned by NATO-member Turkey in Black Sea and Kiev sends citizens to shelters ahead of ‘imminent’ bombing

Ukrainian troops are this afternoon fighting Russian forces for control of the Chernobyl exclusion zone, 60 miles north of the capital Kiev, amid fears the battle could damage storage facilities holding nuclear waste sparking a fallout that could blanket Europe.

Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to the ministry of interior affairs, said shortly before 3pm that Russian forces entered the zone and were ‘vigorously’ fighting with border guards units. ‘If storage facilities are destroyed, the radioactive cloud could cover Ukraine, Belarus and the EU,’ he said.

Meanwhile Turkey reported that one of its ships had been hit by a ‘bomb’ off the coast of Odessa, where fighting is also going on. Turkey is a member of NATO, amid fears that the war in Ukraine could quickly suck in other states and spark an all-out conflict in Europe.

Elsewhere, Kiev ordered civilians to bomb shelters amid fears Russia is about to strike the Ukrainian capital as Kiev’s troops battle for control of a key airfield around 15 miles away. 

‘They are going to bomb Kyiv now. Authorities told us to hide in shelters,’ a source in the city told MailOnline as city authorities said a hospital had been hit, killing four people. It came as the Ukrainians began shelling Antonov Airport, 15 miles outside the city, as an offensive began to re-take it from Russians who had landed there earlier in the day via dozens of helicopters – some of which were shot down by Ukrainian MiG jets. 

The Ukrainian army was this afternoon fighting in almost every region of the country, battling the Russians for control of military bases, airports, cities and ports after an early-hours barrage of cruise missiles and guided bombs targeting ammo dumps and radar arrays.

Ukraine orders state of emergency

A curfew and martial law could also be introduced in the future, an official said

Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council has called for the impostion of a thirty-day state of emergency in most of the country amidst fears that a Russian invasion is imminent.

In a press briefing on Wednesday, council chairman Aleksey Danilov revealed that the council had proposed the measure, which must first receive parliamentary approval before going into effect.

He also explained the authorities could establish both martial law and a curfew, if necessary, but there are currently no plans to do so.

According to Ukrainian law, a state of emergency imposes restrictions on the freedom of movement and imposes a ban on mass events and strikes. It also prohibits changes to the country’s constitution, electoral laws, and bans the holding of elections.

Later that day, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky inked a decree to Kiev’s parliament to impose a 30 day state of emergency beginning 24 February.

Ukraine cuts diplomatic ties with Russia

Decision announced by President Volodymyr Zelensky as Moscow continues special op in Ukraine

Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky has announced in a televised statement on Thursday that his nation had cut diplomatic relations with Russia. He asked the public to support the national armed forces, including by taking up arms and preparing for a fight. He promised to lift personal sanctions, which he had imposed previously, from anyone willing to defend Ukraine.

Zelensky said the Russian attack against Ukraine was similar to a Nazi invasion. He asked Russian citizens to protest against its government decision to launch it.

The Ukrainian leader called on the country’s media to support national unity by conducting “information mobilization”. He asked the media “to report how strongly our military is fighting”. He said there was a shortage of such information and that the troops needed support from the public.

The president claimed that “the enemy suffered serious losses” and the damage will grow further.

Zelensky ‘does not know how much longer Ukraine will exist’ – Austria

The Ukrainian president made the remarks during a call with his counterpart in Vienna

The fate of Ukraine is looking increasingly uncertain as Russia launches a series of strikes across the country, President Volodymyr Zelensky has apparently told his Austrian counterpart, warning that the Eastern European nation may not be able to withstand the offensive by Moscow’s armed forces.

In a statement issued on Thursday, Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer shared details of his telephone conversation with Zelensky. According to Vienna’s leader, Zelensky told him that “I don’t know how much longer my country will exist.”

Nehammer added that Austria “is not indifferent to breaches of international law,” promising that it helps wherever it can.

Ukrainian troops ‘abandoning positions,’ Russia claims

Moscow insists its forces are not attacking cities

Ukrainian soldiers are abandoning their positions in the face of a Russian offensive, Moscow has asserted, while also claiming that its armed forces are not striking cities and pose “no threat” to civilians.

In a statement issued on Thursday morning, defense officials said that “intelligence shows that units of the Ukrainian army and servicemen are leaving their posts en masse, laying down their weapons.” No direct evidence has been presented to substantiate the statement.  

According to the release, “Ukrainian Armed Forces positions that have laid down their weapons are not being attacked. The Russian armed forces are not striking Ukrainian cities. There is no threat to the civilian population.” Moscow says a number of military targets, including airfields, defense installations and airplanes have been hit by “high-precision weapons” as part of a “special operation” ordered by President Vladimir Putin.

However, Kiev’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, has issued a statement in which he declared that Moscow “has just launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.” According to him, “this is a war of aggression. Ukraine will defend itself and will win,” he insisted. “The world can and must stop Putin. The time to act is now.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has declared martial law in the country, urging citizens to stay calm and stay at home.

Putin announces ‘special operation’ in Donbass

Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that he ordered his country’s military to conduct a special operation in the Donbass region after the leaders of the breakaway republics asked Moscow for military assistance in response to what they claim is an increase in “Ukrainian aggression.”

“Circumstances require us to take decisive and immediate action,” the order reads. “The People’s Republics of Donbass turned to Russia with a request for help. In this regard, in accordance with Article 51, part 7 of the UN Charter, with the sanction of the Federation Council and in pursuance of the friendship treaties ratified by the Federal Assembly and mutual assistance with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, I have decided to conduct a special military operation,” Putin stated.

At the same time, in an address to the public, the Russian president said he wanted to “demilitarize” and “de-Nazify” Ukraine. According to him, “we have no plans to occupy Ukrainian territory.” Within moments of the speech, a series of explosions were reported in cities across Ukraine, with CNN, CBC and a number of Ukrainian media outlets reporting a blast in the capital, Kiev.

Putin’s terrifying warning to the West: ‘To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside – if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history’ as he claims he is ‘de-Nazifying’ Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine and gave a chilling warning to its allies in the West in an early Thursday morning address in Moscow.

Explosions were heard in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital, as Putin announced that Russia was launching a military attack on Ukraine.

‘To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside – if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history,’ he said on a television broadcast around 6am Moscow time.

The United Nations Security Council had just convened an emergency meeting Wednesday night when Putin took to Russian airwaves to announce the invasion at 5:50am Moscow time.

Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, had urged Putin to stop his tanks. 

‘If indeed an operation is being prepared, I have only one thing to say from the bottom of my heart,’ said Guterres. 

‘President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine. Give peace a chance. Too many people have already died.’ 

Putin ignored the plea, going on TV to describe the invasion as a ‘special military occupation’ and said he wants to ‘demilitarize’ and ‘de-Nazify’, not occupy, the country.

He told Ukrainian service members to ‘lay down their arms and go home,’ saying Russia could not exist with a ‘constant threat emanating from the territory of Ukraine’ and clashes between Russian and Ukrainian solders was ‘inevitable.’

Order Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists

Within the next couple of months it is likely that there will be direct US military involvement in Ukraine, with Russia now openly supporting and recognizing separatist groups in the Donbass region on the eastern edge of the country and apparently moving to aid them militarily in separation. This is not the first time Russia has sent military units into Ukraine, but it is the first time since 2014 and the annexation of Crimea that the threat of military action has been overt rather than covert.

When conflict erupts, you are going to see a swarm of media stories in Western nations trying to outline the complexity of the relationship between Russia and Ukraine since the fall of the Soviet Union, while ignoring certain inconvenient truths. You will see many of these stories construct a narrative which then oversimplifies the situation and paints Russia as the monstrous aggressor. The goal will be to convince the public that our involvement in Ukraine is a moral and geopolitical necessity. There will be attempts to gain American favor and a call for US boots on the ground. Joe Biden will be at the forefront of this push.

The surface trigger for the confrontation is obviously rooted in the 2009 decision by Western powers and Ukrainian officials to consider the country for membership in NATO. Most of Russia’s actions when dealing with Ukraine can be owed to NATO involvement in the region, including the Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014. Strategically, it makes sense. Imagine if Mexico suddenly announced it was joining a military alliance with China and that Chinese military assets were going to be transferred near the US southern border? It probably would not end well.

To be sure, Russia has a history of hypocritical behavior when it comes to its involvement in the affairs of its neighbors. For example, only a few months ago, Kazakhstan was facing mass protests which the government claimed were caused by “foreign manipulation.” Zero proof was presented to justify this assertion. However, the claim was enough to rationalize the deployment of 2300 Russian troops over the border to shut down the protests.

In reality, citizens of Kazakhstan were angry over a spike in inflation and high gas prices which continue to grind down the middle class and those in poverty (sound familiar?). In 2019, only 4% of the population lived under the official poverty line. In 2020, that number exploded to 14% of the population. Accurate numbers are difficult to find for 2021, but it is likely that poverty levels are now closer to 16%-20%. The reasons for civil unrest were obvious and justified, but the protesting Kazakhs were accused of being pawns of foreign enemies. As I have noted in many articles lately, this is a typical strategy of corrupt governments trying to retain power when the people rise up and rebel for legitimate reasons.

Again, imagine if the Canadian government under Trudeau asked for US military assistance in scattering the trucker protests against his draconian vaccine mandates? We need to look at these decisions in context in order to grasp how insane they really are.

Ironically, Russia is happy to support the unrest of separatists in Ukraine while also helping to silence unrest in Kazakhstan. Keep this pattern in mind because it will help in understanding how events surrounding Russia reflect a global trend that might effect Americans in the future.

The diplomatic mess between Ukraine and Russia can be blamed in part on both sides, and it’s this kind of historical ambiguity where globalists tend to thrive. The fog of war helps to obscure establishment activities and often it is hard for people to see who is truly benefiting from the chaos until it’s too late. It is my belief that the Ukraine problem is at least partially engineered and that it is designed as a first domino in a chain of intended crises.

I don’t think there is anything unique to the Ukraine conflict for the globalists; they could have just as easily tried to initiate a regional war in Taiwan, North Korea, Iran, etc. There are numerous powder keg countries that they have been cultivating for a couple of decades. We should not hyperfocus on who is to blame between Ukraine or Russia; we should focus on the effects that will result from any major regional disaster and how the globalists exploit such catastrophes to further the agenda of total centralization of power.

The Ukraine scenario could be easily defused if both sides took some basic diplomatic measures, but this is not going to happen. NATO officials could take a step back from their pursuit of adding Ukraine to the ranks. The US could stop pouring cash and weaponry into Ukraine to the tune of $5.4 billion since 2014. Over 90 tons of military equipment has been sent to the country in 2022 alone. Russia could stop sending covert special operations units into the Donbass and be more willing to come to the table to discuss diplomatic solutions. The reason these things do not happen is because they are not allowed to happen by the power brokers behind the curtain.

We are all aware of the globalist influences behind US and NATO leaders, we present the undeniable evidence of this on a regular basis. Biden’s penchant for globalist institutions is well known. But what about Russia?

There are some in the alternative media and the liberty movement who falsely believe that Russia is anti-globalist – Nothing could be further from the truth. As with many political leaders, Putin will sometimes use anti-globalist rhetoric, but his relationships tell another story. In Putin’s first autobiography, titled First Person, he discusses with fondness his first encounter with New World Order globalist Henry Kissinger as a member of the FSB (formerly the KGB). As Putin rose through the political ranks he maintained a steady friendship with Kissinger, and to this day they have regular lunches and Kissinger has been an adviser to multiple branches of the Kremlin.

It doesn’t stop there, though. Putin and the Kremlin have also kept a steady dialogue with the World Economic Forum, the project of the now-notorious globalist Klaus Schwab. In fact, only last year Russia announced it was joining the WEF’s “Fourth Industrial Revolution Network” which focuses on economic socialization, Artificial Intelligence, the “internet of things” and a host of other globalist interests which will all lead to worldwide technocracy and tyranny.

Again, the Russian government is NOT anti-globalist. This claim is nonsense and always has been. I would attribute the fantasy of Russian opposition to a steady stream of propaganda and what I call the False East/West Paradigm – The fraudulent notion that the globalist agenda is a purely Western or American agenda and that countries like China and Russia are opposed to it. If you look at the close interactions between the east and the globalists, this idea completely falls apart.

It’s important to understand that most conflicts between the East and the West are engineered conflicts and the leaders of BOTH SIDES are not really at odds with each other. Rather, these wars are Kabuki Theater; they are wars of convenience to achieve covert ends while mesmerizing the masses with moments of terror and calamity. For anyone who has doubts about this, I highly recommend they read the thoroughly researched and evidenced works of professional historian and economist Antony Sutton, who quite accidentally stumbled onto the facts surrounding the globalist conspiracy and went on to expose their habit of playing both sides of nearly every war over the past century from the Bolshevik Revolution to WWII and onward.

The strategy of order out of chaos is nothing new, it’s something the globalists have been doing for a very long time. The number of open revelations post-Covid about the ‘Great Reset’ that globalists have publicly admitted to is so staggering that their plans can no longer be denied. Any skeptics at this point should be suspected of having a single digit IQ.

Trudeau discontinues Emergencies Act

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has brought an end to the Emergency Act in the country, 10 days after it was used to widen the scope of government and police authority to remove and detain ‘Freedom Convoy’ protesters who had shut down a major US-Canada border crossing as well as much of Ottawa in recent weeks.

Addressing the nation on Wednesday evening, Trudeau said that the situation is “no longer an emergency.” The Canadian leader referred to the expanded authority given to law enforcement, which included targeting protesters’ funding, as “time-limited extra tools” that had helped the police to lift blockades plaguing downtown Ottawa.

Trudeau said he is “confident” now that “existing laws and bylaws” are “sufficient to keep people safe.”

Leaders of Two Ukrainian Breakaway Regions Ask Putin for Help: Kremlin

The leaders of two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine have asked Russian President Vladimir Putin for military assistance, said a Kremlin spokesperson on Wednesday, as Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said U.S. intelligence has determined that more military forces have entered the two regions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin “received letters of appeal from the head of the Luhansk People’s Republic Leonid Pasechnik and the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Denis Pushilin,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov in remarks to state-run media, referring to the names of the breakaway regions.

Peskov alleged that the two heads of the separatist regions believe there are “threats from Kyiv” against citizens in Donetsk and Luhansk.

Ukrainian officials have categorically denied attacking the Russian military or forces loyal to the two separatist regions, while Kirby told reporters that he believes Moscow is attempting “false flags” to justify an invasion of Ukraine.

“We continue to see him form his capabilities in such a way that leads us to believe that we are potentially close to some sort of action,” Kirby said Wednesday. “Russian forces continue to assemble closer to the border and put themselves in advance stage of readiness to act … virtually any time now,” he added. “We believe they are ready.”

Russia Responds to Biden Sanctions, Claims US Citizens Will Feel ‘Consequences’

Anatoly Antonov, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, claimed that Americans would “feel the consequences” of White House sanctions against Russia for Moscow’s decision to recognize two eastern Ukrainian regions as independent.

In a speech on Feb. 22, President Joe Biden said he would sanction two state-owned banks, including one that services the Russian military as well as elites close to Russian President Vladimir Putin, and the country’s sovereign debt. Earlier, German Chancellor Olaf Sholz said the country would suspend its agreement with Russia to use the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Antonov, in a social media post, said the U.S. sanctions “cannot solve a thing.”

“It is hard to imagine that there is a person in Washington who expects Russia to revise its foreign policy under a threat of restrictions,” he wrote. “I don’t remember a single day when our country lived without any restrictions from the Western world. We have learned to work in such conditions. And not only to survive, but also to develop our state.”

In comments to state-run Russian media, Antonov claimed the sanctions would “strongly hit the global financial and energy markets,” and that “ordinary citizens will feel the consequences.”

Ontario Freedom Convoy Donors Published on Google Maps

Locations of the Freedom Convoy donors in Ontario, Canada, have been published on Google Maps after the names of those who gave money to the crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo were leaked online.

The Google Maps link contains thousands of pins pointing to locations of donors throughout the Canadian province, with each pin listing their names, donor ID, email address, and the amount they donated, including those as low as $10.

Canadian Parliament Confirms Trudeau’s Tyrannical Actions

And just like that, Canada flipped into a full-blown tyrannical regime. It wasn’t just Trudeau who flipped. Parliament voted 185-151 to support his actions, basically institutionalizing the destruction of all protests and free speech. The U.S. will soon be receiving refugees seeking asylum from Trudeau and his gang of henchmen. ⁃ TN Editor

The Canadian Parliament voted Monday night to approve Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act by a vote of 185 for and 151 against.

Trudeau invoked the Act, an unprecedented move, last week claiming it necessary to dispel peaceful protests linked to the Freedom Convoy movement, which is demanding an end to civil rights violations by the Trudeau government allegedly necessary to fight the Chinese coronavirus. At press time on Monday, no active Freedom Convoy protests exist anywhere in Canada.

The motion to uphold the invocation of emergency powers by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau passed in a vote in the Canadian House of Commons on Monday, with the Liberal Party and the NDP and other allies garnering 181 votes for the motion.

The motion was opposed by the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) and the separatist Bloc Quebecois (BQ) and their allies, who voted against it with 151 votes, broadcaster CBC reports.

The passing of the measure in the House of Commons is the first step toward confirming the use of the act, which allows the government significant powers.


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Approves Up to 700 National Guard Troops for Trucker Convoy

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has authorized an order to mobilize as many as 700 National Guard members ahead of an upcoming trucker convoy to the nation’s capital.

The National Guard said in a press statement that Austin approved requests from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) for National Guard assistance with traffic control during “First Amendment demonstrations expected in the city in the coming days.”

Biden Announces Sanctions Against Russia, to Send Troops to Baltic States

President Joe Biden has said that the United States will impose sanctions on Russia “far beyond” the ones that it imposed in 2014 following the Russian annexation of the Crimean peninsula.

“This is the beginning of a Russian invasion of Ukraine,” Biden said in a Feb. 22 White House speech, signaling a shift in his administration’s position. “We will continue to escalate sanctions if Russia escalates.”

Russian elites and their family members will also soon face sanctions, he said, adding that “Russia will pay an even steeper price” if Moscow decides to push into Ukraine. Two Russian banks and Russian sovereign debt will also be sanctioned.

Also in his speech, Biden said he would send more U.S. troops to the Baltic states—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania—as a defensive measure to strengthen NATO’s position in the area. Russia shares a border with the Baltic states.

A day earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops to go into the separatist Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine after a lengthy speech in which he recognized the two regions’ independence. Western powers decried the move and began to levy sanctions on certain Russian individuals, while Germany announced that it would halt plans to move forward with the Russia-to-Germany Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

In the United States, Biden is facing bipartisan pressure to take more extensive actions against Russia following Putin’s decision. However, a recent poll showed that a majority of Americans believes sending troops to Ukraine is a “bad idea,” while a slim minority believes it’s a good one.

All 27 European Union countries unanimously agreed on an initial list of sanctions targeting Russian authorities, according to French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, and EU foreign affairs head Josep Borell said the package “will hurt Russia … a lot.”

Blinken Cancels Meeting With Russia’s Lavrov, Says Ukraine Invasion is ‘Beginning’

U.S. Secretary of State Antony on Blinken on Tuesday announced that he had canceled a scheduled Thursday meeting with his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, over Moscow’s decision to recognize Ukraine’s separatist regions as independent entities.

Shortly after a meeting with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba in Washington, Blinken told reporters that given the circumstances, a meeting between him and Lavrov would not be going ahead as planned.

“Now that we see the invasion is beginning and Russia has made clear its wholesale rejection of diplomacy, it does not make sense to go forward with that meeting at this time,” Blinken said. “I consulted with our allies and partners—all agree.”

The decision comes after Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday announced that he would recognize the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic, two Kremlin-backed enclaves that have accused Ukrainian armed forces of shelling and flaring tensions—claims that Ukraine has unequivocally denied.

Freedom Convoy Group Ramps Up for Rally in El Monte

A California organizer for Freedom Convoy USA 2022 is staging an overpass rally in Los Angeles County before the caravan heads to Washington, D.C.

Mark Perez, the organizer, told The Epoch Times the overpass rally will be held near the junction of Rosemead Boulevard and CA-60 Freeway in El Monte, California, at 9 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 25.

The Freedom Convoy USA is separate from The People’s Convoy which is heading east from Barstow on Feb. 23, but both groups share the common goal of ending the state of emergency and COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates.

“We were all in with them,” Perez said of the other convoy groups, but Freedom Convoy USA 2022 organizers got frustrated with delays and have set their own plan in motion.

US Trucker Convoy Organizer: ‘We’ve Taken Every Precaution’ to Avoid Being Crushed

After witnessing the Freedom Convoy in Canada being violently crushed by the Trudeau government, an organizer for an American truckers’ convoy said they have taken every precaution to avoid similar treatment from the Biden administration.

“We’ve taken every precaution that we could. I don’t know what the government is going to do,” Maureen Steele, one of the main organizers of “The People’s Convoy,” told NTD’s “Capitol Report” in a Feb. 22 interview.

“We have been operating with local municipalities and police along our route, engaging with them ahead of time,” Steele said. “We also have lawyers on board that are helping us to make sure that we’re within the laws [as] we’re rolling through, entering small towns … to make sure that we’re welcome there.”

FBI’s Operation to Infiltrate Right-Wing Extremist Groups Lies at Center of Transparency Lawsuit

An FBI right-wing infiltration operation tangled in allegations of witness tampering, evidence suppression, and connections to the Oklahoma City bombing has been exposed through one man’s unprecedented Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. government.

And the case isn’t over yet.

Utah attorney Jesse Trentadue’s 2006 FOIA lawsuit against the FBI and CIA for Oklahoma City bombing records is indeed still an open matter, having been sealed and litigated behind closed doors since 2015 over witness tampering allegations.

Trentadue’s case is unprecedented, according to Judicial Watch. It’s rare for a FOIA case to go to trial and even rarer for one to entail allegations as serious as witness tampering, according to Judicial Watch senior investigator Sean Dunagan.

“We’re one of the largest FOIA litigants in this country, and we’ve never been involved in anything that involves that degree of alleged misconduct by the [FBI],” Dunagan said. “It’s astounding.”

Trentadue declined to comment on the sealed aspects of the case, including when the litigation might conclude. However, he did agree to an interview about the events leading up to 2015. He also provided The Epoch Times with access to a trove of court documents, transcripts, and other records that show details about the federal government’s domestic counterterrorism operations.

His records describe an FBI program known as Patriot Conspiracy (PATCON)—a secret operation to infiltrate right-wing and domestic extremist groups.


Secret night flights, rampant criminality & 100,000 dead Americans

Difficult as it is for most Americans to even imagine, from day one the Biden-Harris administration has literally engineered a full-scale foreign invasion of the United States of America.

This ongoing assault on the greatest and freest nation on earth is one whose true implications and repercussions are largely unrecognized, and of course unreported by the establishment media, though they are little short of apocalyptic for the country.

The Democrats have a two-pronged plan: One, aided mightily by their collusion with Big Tech and Big Media, is to engage in and encourage massive election rigging and fraud in every conceivable and inconceivable way, as they did in the 2020 presidential election. And two, since they have essentially lost Americans with their clearly insane, anti-American policies, they are resorting to importing an entirely new electorate into the country.

For the sake of clinging to power permanently, Democrats are hell-bent on fulfilling the dream openly expressed by many party strategists of “creating a permanent progressive majority” in America. To enact this prime directive, they are importing millions of people who are, first and foremost, beholden to Democrats for encouraging and enabling them to come to America, to cross its border and enter illegally, to stay permanently, and to be supported by American taxpayers.

Protester Allegedly Shoved Off Ledge by Officer on Jan. 6 Comes Forward, Plans to Sue

The protester who was allegedly shoved by a police officer off a ledge near the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, identified himself for the first time on Feb. 22 and said he plans to sue the police for attempted murder.

Before Feb. 22, Derrick Vargo was the unnamed subject of a video in which a police officer appears to push him off a 20-foot-high ledge, plunging to what many assumed was a tragic death.

Nearly 14 months later, Vargo and his attorney announced a forthcoming civil suit against the U.S. Capitol Police for his serious injuries and mental trauma caused by the push and fall.

Vargo, 32, who works as a yacht builder in Tennessee, said he has no doubt the motorcycle officer who pushed him did it with the intention of hurting or killing him.

Miss Alabama Zoe Bethel Dies Days After Suffering Brain Injury: Family

Miss Alabama Zoe Bethel died about a week after she suffered brain injuries caused by an undisclosed accident, her family confirmed on Monday.

“On Friday, February 18, 2022, at approximately 5:30AM Eastern time in Miami, Florida, our beloved Zoe Sozo Bethel passed from this life into the next as a result of succumbing to her injuries,” her family wrote.

Bethel’s family members previously said online that she sustained “severe damage” to her brain after a Feb. 10 accident before she was placed in a coma. At the time, her family added that doctors were “saying the damage cannot be repaired & that she may not have much time left.”

Other details about her death or the accident were not provided.

“At this time of bereavement, effectual and fervent prayers are solicited for the family members, and the family asks that their privacy wishes be honored and respected. The family members sincerely appreciate all of the kind words and expressions of love for Zoe,” said her family in the post on Monday.

Other than being Miss Alabama, Bethel was a political commentator for Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN), which often broadcasts former President Donald Trump’s speeches online.

“In loving memory of Zoe. Besides the fact that she was always incredibly stunning, I’ll always remember how convicted Zoe was in her faith in God, how dedicated she was to her beliefs in protecting life, and how much she cared for others. May she rest in peace,” RSBN editor-in-chief Grace Saldana said in a statement on Twitter.

She was also a spokeswoman for Students for Life America and was affiliated with Project Veritas.

Standup Comedy Magician ‘The Amazing Johnathan’ Dies of Heart Disease

Johnathan Edward Szeles, who gained mainstream fame and was a year-round headliner in Las Vegas for his standup comedy and magic shows, has died from a terminal heart condition, according to reports. He was 63.

Szeles, better known by his stage name “The Amazing Johnathan” died in his sleep around 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday at his home in Las Vegas, fellow standup comic Penny Wiggins said on Facebook.

“A very very sad day. … Johnathan Szeles (Amazing Johnathan) has passed away,” she wrote. “My heart is broken … one of my best friends, one of the funniest humans I’ve ever met … I loved him so very much and will never forget this wonderful, amazing, kind, funny, great person.”

Michael Bloomberg Says Democrats Need ‘Course Correction’ or Will Get Wiped Out in 2022 Midterms

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is warning Democrats ahead of the upcoming midterm elections.

Bloomberg, a former Republican who backed Democrat Joe Biden in 2020, said Democrats are “headed for a wipeout in November, up and down the ballot,” unless an “immediate course correction” is implemented.

Bloomberg pointed to Republicans winning key elections in Virginia and New Jersey in 2020 as well as the recent ouster of three school board members in San Francisco, California as evidence of what could happen across the nation in the months ahead.

Voters in the liberal city overwhelmingly chose to remove Alison Collins, Gabriela Lopez, and Faauuga Moliga from the board because of the board’s repeatedly blocking efforts to reopen schools, even after the bulk of evidence signaled schools could safely open amid the COVID-19 pandemic and that virtual learning is inferior to in-person classes.

“The school board members failed to show any urgency in reopening schools even when it was clear that doing so was safe—and that remote classes were leaving students further and further behind,” Bloomberg said.

The members, who took time to vote on renaming schools while students remained unable to learn in person, “seemed more concerned with political correctness than educating children,” he added, echoing San Francisco residents who backed the recall.

Four-year-old told to fire gun at officers – police

The child’s parent had allegedly been angered over an incorrect order at a McDonald’s drive-through in the US state of Utah

A father told his four-year-old child to fire a gun at officers following a dispute over a McDonald’s order, police in Utah have said. The gun was seized from the child just as it was fired.

The incident happened on Monday lunchtime at a drive-through restaurant in Midvale, in suburban Salt Lake City. The unidentified 21-year-old man had begun arguing with staff, demanding his order be corrected while brandishing a gun in their direction, Unified Police spokeswoman Sergeant Melody Cutler told the media. 

Staff corrected his order, asked him to move into a waiting area, and called the police. The disgruntled customer apparently failed to cooperate with the attending officers and had to be pulled from his vehicle. The agents then spotted the child holding the gun, which was pointed towards them. An officer managed to push the gun to one side as it was fired, receiving a minor injury to his arm as he did so.

According to Sgt Cutler, the officer in question shouted “Kid!”, alerting his colleagues not to fire back at the four-year-old. A witness informed the police that they had heard the father tell the child, who was in the backseat with a three-year-old sibling, to shoot at the cops, Cutler said.

The father remains in custody and Unified Police say the incident is currently an “active investigation.”

CDC Lowers Speech Standards for Children

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has lowered its standards of childhood speech development, a decision that has many people worried about the way milestones are measured in kids.

CDC added two new child development milestones at 15 and 30 months. Earlier, children aged 24 months were expected to know about 50 words. But in the new update, the CDC raised the time period to 30 months, lowering the established standard of speech development. In the update, the CDC linked to research published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) that influenced the organization in setting up the modified benchmarks.

“Application of the criteria established by the AAP working group and adding milestones for the 15- and 30-month health supervision visits resulted in a 26.4 percent reduction and 40.9 percent replacement of previous CDC milestones,” reads an abstract of the AAP study, published on Feb. 8.

“One-third of the retained milestones were transferred to different ages; 67.7 percent of those transferred were moved to older ages.”

The AAP, based on recommendations from the CDC, convened experts and revised child developmental checklists. The original milestone followed standards that only 50 percent of children were expected to achieve, the organization said. These guidelines were deemed unhelpful to families who were worried about their kids’ development.


Record-High Global Food Prices Imminent As Edible Oil Soars

Edible oil prices soared this week, prompting fears that record-high food prices could be imminent. On Wednesday, soybean oil futures in Chicago hit their highest levels since 2008, and palm oil, the commodity used in thousands of food products, jumped to new highs.

Soybean prices increased 1.4% to 71 cents per pound, the highest level since 2008. US canola futures are also on the verge of an all-time high, and palm oil in Malaysia hit a new record high of $1,434 per ton.

“Drought has crimped soybean crops across South America this season. Rival oilseeds like palm and canola have also suffered shortfalls from adverse weather and labor shortages. And escalating political tensions involving Ukraine and Russia pose a risk for sunflower oil exports, which the two countries dominate,” according to Bloomberg

Biden Warns Americans of ‘Pain’ at the Pump Due to Russian Sanctions

President Joe Biden on Tuesday acknowledged that U.S. gas prices may keep rising due to his sanctions on Russian assets, saying that “defending freedom will have costs.

“As I said last week, defending freedom will have costs for us as well and here at home. We need to be honest about that,” Biden said at the White House. “But as we do this, I’m going to take robust action to make sure the pain of our sanctions is targeted at [the] Russian economy, not ours,” he continued.

Since taking office last year, gas prices have steadily risen across the United States, reaching close to $5 per gallon in some areas. His critics have said that the price influx is, in part, because he shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline and wouldn’t renew drilling leases as the administration has pushed for electric vehicles.

The president said that he will try to come up with a plan to “limit the pain” that Americans feel at the pump after the sanctions against Russia, one of the world’s top producers of oil and natural gas. Russia is a major supplier of oil to the United States, capturing the No. 2 spot among foreign oil suppliers last year.

“We’re closely monitoring energy supplies for any disruption. We’re executing a plan in coordination with major oil-producing consumers and producers toward a collective investment to secure stability in global energy supplies,” Biden remarked Tuesday. “This will blunt gas prices.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov earlier brushed off the threat of sanctions.

Trump’s TRUTH Social Tops Download List, Creating ‘Massive’ Waitlist

President Donald Trump’s social media app, TRUTH Social, reached No. 1 on Apple’s App Store a day after it launched on Monday, iPhone chart data shows.

As of Tuesday morning, more than 1.5 billion people had viewed the app in the App Store. More than 401,000 were receiving notices that they were placed on a waitlist when they tried to sign up.

“Due to massive demand, we have placed you on our waitlist,” the notification said. “We love you, and you’re not just another number to us.”

TRUTH Social is currently only available on Apple platforms. It’s not clear when it will be available for Android phones.

As of Tuesday morning, it doesn’t appear that Trump has made any posts on TRUTH Social.


Skynet 2.0: Unstoppable Secret Network Bypasses Internet

According to popular tech expert, Rob Braxman, “There’s a secret network in operation today and this network can send centralized commands from its master to slave devices without anyone being able to stop it.” It can also track your precise location even when your phone is turned off. ⁃ TN Editor

This is an important concept to understand and Braxman’s explanation is one of the more understandable ones, breaking it down piece by piece. I recommend that you listen to this video and try to understand the massive surveillance threat that affects billions of devices.

Braxman further states. “It has the most advanced location tracking capabilities and no one can intercept its traffic. It can bypass the internet. There are billions of devices that it can utilize and potentially control.”

Tracking the geographic location of people and mobile devices is critical to the success of Technocracy. Amazon and Apple are two giants that are using this tech for data mining. Devices like phones can be turned on remotely, even if not connected to the Internet.

Kids allowed into Metaverse strip clubs

Apps in the Metaverse are allowing children to experience inappropriate context, a BBC investigation has concluded. A researcher from the public broadcasting corporation posed as a 13-year-old girl in the virtual-reality VRChat app and witnessed grooming, sexual material, racism and a rape threat. 

The researcher for BBC News used VRChat and signed up with the minimum possible age of 13 but was still able to visit virtual-reality rooms where avatars were simulating sex. The journalist was shown sex toys and condoms while being propositioned by several adult males.

She also witnessed racism, a rape threat and grooming.

One user told the BBC researcher that avatars can “get naked and do unspeakable things” while others spoke about “erotic role-play.” The Metaverse app allows kids to mingle freely with adults.

VRChat offers users the chance to meet as 3D avatars in a variety of rooms including innocent places like a McDonald’s restaurant and in not-so-innocuous settings such as pole-dancing and strip clubs.


Health Risks of Drinking Soda

Giving up soda — both sugar-sweetened and diet — is one of the most fundamental steps you can take to improve your health. You may have made that choice yourself long ago, but it is one that is important to others, too

Research suggests sugary beverages are to blame for about 184,000 deaths worldwide each year, including 133,000 diabetes deaths, 45,000 heart disease deaths and 6,450 cancer deaths

Men who drank an average of one can of soda per day had a 20% higher risk of having a heart attack or dying from a heart attack than men who rarely consumed soda

—> Check out healthy Soda Recipes with Stevia Drops

4 Ways Your Home Can Affect Your Health

The amount of time people spend indoors has increased tremendously, especially due to businesses’ transition to remote work. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency has found the average American spends 90% of their time inside, surrounded by pollutants that can be 2 to 5 times more concentrated than those found outdoors.

If you’re concerned about how your health is being affected by your home, here are some factors to consider:

  1. Allergens

—> Power Mall Product of Interest: Sun Aire™ Purifier

  1. Air Quality
  2. Lighting and Organization
  3. Housing Situation

Is Your Tap Water Making You Sick?

Data show that just two disinfection byproducts offered compelling evidence that a cumulative risk assessment would reveal health damage from contaminants found in drinking water

The Environmental Working Group’s Tap Water Database is the most complete source of information compiled from data in nearly 50,000 systems users can search by zip code; the guide relies on current science and not legal limits set by regulatory agencies

The textile industry is a significant contributor to water pollution, dumping nearly 20% of dyes and fixative agents used to set colors down the drain, often at high temperatures and high pH

Arsenic and lead are two heavy metals found in drinking water that have no acceptable level of exposure and increase your risk of disease, yet the EPA balances the cost of filtering water against health challenges when determining a maximum contaminant level

Agencies also regulate the addition of fluoride to drinking water, another pollutant that is associated with a lower IQ in children, but for which the CDC has no documentation of safety or prenatal or early life benefit

—> Shop water filtration products @ The Power Mall by visiting: https://www.thepowermall.com/Water-Air-Purification_c_241.html

Why Poor Sleep Might Be Early Sign of Alzheimer’s

A good night’s sleep has always been linked to better mood, and better health. Now, scientists have even more evidence of just how much sleep – and more specifically our circadian rhythm, which regulates our sleep cycle – is linked to certain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. A team of researchers from the United States have found further evidence that the cells which help keep the brain healthy and prevent Alzheimer’s disease also follow a circadian rhythm.

Our circadian rhythm is a natural, internal process that follows a 24-hour cycle. It controls everything from sleep, digestion, appetite and even immunity. Things like outside light, when we eat our meals and physical activity all work to keep our circadian rhythm in sync. But even small things like staying up a bit later than normal, or even eating at a different time than we’re used to can knock this internal “clock” out of whack.

It’s important for our circadian rhythm to work properly, as disruption to this cycle is linked to a number of health problems, including mental health disorders, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.

Research shows that for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, circadian rhythm disruptions are usually seen as changes in a patient’s sleep habits that happen long before the disorder fully manifests. This is something that gets worse in the later stages of the disease. However it’s not yet fully understood whether poor sleep causes Alzheimer’s, or if it happens as a result of the disease.

6 Lung Cancer Warning Signs That You Should Never Ignore

 TIMEFebruary 23, 2022

Cancer has become a worldwide problem and is the second leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease.

Lung cancer is one of those diseases that can just creep up on you, and by the time you notice something is wrong, often the cancer is pretty advanced. In fact, in America, lung cancer causes 25 percent of all cancer deaths in adults. That incessant cough you have might be an irritation from the flu or infection; however, it might be a symptom of something far more serious, so it’s best to get that ruled out.

Early detection is crucial for a cure, and the older you are the more chance you have of lung cancer becoming your enemy.

We all know by now that smoking is bad for your health, yet around 38 million Americans still light up. Cancer of the throat is almost always caused by smoking, and lung cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide for both men and women, with the disease on the rise in women.

So what are the symptoms of lung cancer? Here are some, and if you or your loved ones are suffering from any of these, please visit your doctor to rule out anything serious. There are many other reasons you may be suffering from these symptoms, but remember, if it is lung cancer, early treatment is crucial.

  1. Persistent cough
  2. Coughing up blood
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Chest pain
  5. Hoarse voice
  6. Unexplained weight loss, no appetite


FDA Executive Who Said Government Plans to Push Annual COVID-19 Shots Speaks Out

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) executive who was captured on hidden camera saying the U.S. government plans to push annual COVID-19 shots is claiming the way the video footage was presented is misleading.

Christopher Cole, executive officer of the medical countermeasures initiative at the FDA, told a Project Veritas reporter that President Joe Biden “wants to inoculate as many people as possible,” adding: “You’ll have to get an annual shot. I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet because they don’t want to rile everyone up.”

Cole also said that the FDA was going to grant emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children 6 months of age to 4. “Just from everything I heard,” he said, describing the EUA process as having a lower bar than the regular approval process.

The FDA was poised this month to authorize Pfizer’s jab for young children but announced on Feb. 11 officials were delaying the decision.

Cole responded to a query from The Epoch Times on LinkedIn, taking issue with the two videos Project Veritas released showing him talking about vaccines and related matters.

The videos “were from an edited private conversation and done without my permission or knowledge,” said Cole. “Partial statements were taken to summarize points completely changing them in an effort to sensationalize the article.”

An article published on the website of Project Veritas summarizing portions of the conversation “is not factually correct and does not represent the full conversation and is misleading in the portrayal of the conversation,” he added.

Asked which parts were not factually correct, Cole said he was told to refer all media inquiries to the FDA’s media office. “So I cannot respond at this point in time,” he said.

“We stand by our accurate reporting of the words said by Mr. Cole on video tape,” a Project Veritas spokesman told The Epoch Times in an email.

New York City to Phase Out Vaccine Mandate in Coming Weeks: Mayor

New York City has a plan to phase out COVID-19 vaccine passports and mandates in the coming weeks, said Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday.

“I can’t wait to get it done … I’m not going to get ahead of the science because I’m ready to get ahead of all of this and get back to a level of normalcy,” Adams said in response to a question about whether his office will phase vaccine passports out.

The Democrat mayor did not provide a firm timetable on when vaccine passports would be rescinded. However, Adams’s comment was the most definitive that he’s made about removing the system, which went into effect in September 2021 under former Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration.

Several days ago, Adams also signaled that he wanted to remove the passport system, which impacts restaurants, gyms, theaters, and similar venues, when he responded to a question about Brooklyn Nets superstar Kyrie Irving, who is not vaccinated for COVID-19 and as a result, cannot play in Brooklyn or even enter the Barclays Center.

“I think it’s unfair, and I’m not sure if a Boston fan created this rule, I don’t know. I’m really, really leery about sending the wrong message,” Adams said. “Having this city closed down again keeps me up at night. The rule was put in place, to start changing it now would send mixed messages. So I’m struggling with this, just to be honest.”

‘Scientific fraud’: Drs. Robert Malone, Ryan Cole react to CDC hiding data

Urging CDC scientists to speak out, Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Ryan Cole reacted Monday to the news reported by the New York Times that agency officials admit they have withheld COVID data broken down by age, race and vaccination status because the American people might misinterpret it.

“This meets the criteria of scientific fraud,” said Malone, the key inventor of the mRNA technology platform used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. “Withholding data is scientific fraud.”

Cole, a Mayo Clinic-trained pathologist who runs a major diagnostic lab in Idaho, said that as “an ethical physician who took oaths to the human race, this is incredibly disturbing.”

“These are the people that are entrusted to tell us the truth,” he said of the CDC officials.

The two outspoken medical scientists were featured at four sold-out events Sunday and Monday near Seattle hosted by a non-profit called One Washington that is helping equip parents, lawmakers and activists to counter moves by the state Board of Health to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the required shots for public school children.

California Doctors Warn Against COVID-19 Censorship Bill

Some medical professionals are vowing to fight a possible new California law that attempts to threaten their medical licenses for spreading “COVID-19 misinformation”—calling the effort “unconstitutional” and “illegal.”

California Assemblyman Evan Low (D-Campbell) introduced Assembly Bill (AB) 2098 on Feb. 15, which would prevent licensed physicians and surgeons from spreading COVID-19 misinformation. If passed, the law would inject disciplinary actions by the Medical Board of California or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California to care providers promoting alleged misinformation.

“The idea that they’re going to come after physicians that spread misinformation, without defining what misinformation is, [is] frightening,” Physician Dr. Jeff Barke told The Epoch Times.

Growing Number of Experts Call on US Government to Recognize Natural Immunity

CDC vaccination schedule should incorporate prior infection, experts say

A growing number of experts are urging the U.S. government to formally recognize natural immunity, or the protection given by recovering from COVID-19.

More experts are arguing that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommended vaccination schedule should feature fewer doses—or none at all—for people who have contracted COVID-19 and survived.

“Natural infection should count as two doses,” Dr. Paul Offit, professor of pediatrics at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and an adviser to the Food and Drug Administration on vaccines, told The Epoch Times.

Offit and two former FDA officials stated in a recent op-ed that “requiring people who have been infected to get three shots is overkill at best—a waste of valuable doses—and an unnecessary risk at worst (given that vaccines have side effects, albeit rare ones).”

Under current CDC guidance, all Americans 12 and older are advised to get three doses of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. The CDC defines fully vaccinated as people who get two shots of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, or the single-shot Johnson & Johnson jab.

The CDC’s guidance isn’t binding but is cited by companies and jurisdictions when imposing vaccine mandates. Many mandates force workers or residents to get fully vaccinated; others require a booster on top of the primary series because of waning protection. Few have exemptions for natural immunity.

Eric Topol, founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, wrote in a separate op-ed that the increasing number of studies showing how strong and long-lasting natural immunity is should prompt the CDC to redefine fully vaccinated in two ways: People who have gotten a primary series and not been infected should need a third dose, while those with prior infection should only need one shot.

Recent research on the matter includes a study funded by Johnson & Johnson and the U.S. government that found that previous infection alone provided 90 percent protection against moderate to severe COVID-19—the vaccine only provided 56 percent protection—and a paper backed by the CDC that found natural immunity was more protective than vaccination against the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2.

Regret: Prominent Lockdown Advocate Says He Got It Wrong

Critics who denounced lockdowns were demonized, canceled and fired. Will advocates of lockdowns that caused massive damage to all societal systems, be held accountable? It’s not likely. Nevertheless, more wrong-headed policy makers will regret their actions as time goes on and the mass formation psychosis subsides. ⁃ TN Editor

A prominent lockdown advocate who advised the UK government admits in a new book he got it wrong and that there was never any proper consideration of the devastation caused by lockdowns.

Well, we told you so.

Professor Mark Woolhouse is a member of SPI-M, the modelling group on SAGE, the group that advises the British government on lockdown measures.

SAGE has become notorious for consistently predicting doomsday COVID scenarios that never even come close to passing, such as last year’s warning that Omicron could cause 6,000 deaths a day in the UK without harsher restrictions.

Just as SAGE got it spectacularly wrong earlier in the summer, without substantially harsher restrictions being imposed, Omicron caused nowhere near that level of fatalities.

In a new book called The Year the World Went Mad, Woolhouse expresses regret at SAGE’s involvement in pushing lockdown measures that caused huge devastation yet only served to delay the spread of the virus.

“We knew from February [2020], never mind March, that the lockdown would not solve the problem. It would simply delay it,” said Woolhouse, adding that no one in government appeared to recognize the failing of that strategy.

“The early global response to the pandemic was woefully inadequate,” says Woolhouse, adding that the WHO praising China for its draconian ‘zero COVID’ approach set the scene for similar disasters across the world.

Woolhouse was asked why governments set about imposing such brutal restrictions with seemingly no regard for their consequences.

“There was never at any stage, even by the following year, any form of analysis of the harms caused by lockdowns,” said Woolhouse. “Were they even considered? I haven’t seen any evidence that they were and that is very, very troubling.”

How to End Vaccine Mandates — A History Lesson

If you’re wondering how we’ll ever put an end to these draconian COVID-19 mandates that are destroying lives and sanity across the world, take heart. History can serve us in this regard

Over 135 years ago, in 1885, England became the host to a massive anti-vaccination movement that ultimately resulted in people overturning the government’s compulsory vaccination rule

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in opposition to compulsory smallpox vaccinations. Many were fined and jailed, but in the end, the government relented and abolished the mandate

The trucker protest in Canada and elsewhere is almost identical to what happened during smallpox vaccination campaigns more than a century ago, when mass protests and peaceful disobedience broke the government’s tyrannical hold

The Leicester Model was proven successful in the wake of that 1885 anti-vaccination protest and has been standard ever since. By quarantining infected patients and improving public hygiene, smallpox was finally eradicated

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