July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 04, 2023


‘Davos Man’ Cometh And He Is A Technocrat

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its long-serving founder and Executive Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, are the subjects of many insane conspiracy theories. This NGO, which again this January will bring together politicians, business leaders, journalists, academics, and assorted celebrities in Davos, has been accused, among other things, of being a secret cabal of paedophiles who used the Covid-19 pandemic to harvest children’s blood so as to hasten in a Satanic New World Order.

It isn’t mad, however, to regard the WEF as a dangerous force in global politics. The WEF is a dangerous force in global politics. To adapt Joseph Heller, just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean the WEF isn’t after you. A shared distrust of the WEF brings together anti-capitalists on the left and culture-warriors on the right. But that distrust is based on a misunderstanding of what the WEF is these days really all about.

For many WEF critics, the vileness of the organisation can be encapsulated in one word: ‘neoliberalism.’ It’s a term that conjures up images of plutocrats and untrammelled markets ravaging the planet and exploiting blue-collar folk in the name of profit. Funnily enough, Chairman Schwab agrees with that assessment of the world’s ills. Once upon a time, the WEF prioritised the necessity and benefits of economic globalisation. That has not been the case for many years, however. In October 2020, Schwab stated that:

[S]hibboleths of our global economic system will need to be re-evaluated with an open mind. Chief among these is the neoliberal ideology. Free-market fundamentalism has eroded worker rights and economic security, triggered a deregulatory race to the bottom and ruinous tax competition.

Precisely how and where ‘free-market fundamentalism’ has run amuck remains a mystery. After all, we live in a world in which most governments in developed nations routinely control 40 per cent or more of their nation’s GDP.

Bulgaria signs long-term agreement to use Turkish gas terminals

Bulgaria will have access to Turkey’s LNG terminals and transit network to secure alternatives to Russian gas.

Jordan Peterson Could Face College Tribunal Over Social Media Posts

The Ontario College of Psychologists is requiring Jordan Peterson to complete training “regarding professionalism in public statements,” according to a disciplinary action listed on his college member profile.

Peterson tweeted on Jan. 3, “BREAKING: the Ontario College of Psychologists @CPOntario has demanded that I submit myself to mandatory social-media communication retraining with their experts for, among other crimes, retweeting [Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre] and criticizing [Prime Minister Justin Trudeau] and his political allies.”

He said if he doesn’t cooperate with the trainings, he could face a college disciplinary tribunal and lose his license. The Epoch Times did not receive a reply from Peterson as of publication as to whether he would go ahead with the training.

He said on Twitter that he could not post the letter he received from the college online due to “confidentiality,” but he would “provide all the details legally allowed.” He said he would like to publish all communications with the college if it would agree, though he doubted it would.

The college replied to The Epoch Times inquiry on this matter by saying, “The College is not authorized to provide this information as per the confidentiality provisions of section 36 of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991.”

Peterson listed off the kinds of comments he has made that the college took issue with: “Criticizing climate change models. Objecting to surgery on gender dysphoric minors. Warning Canadians it was wrong for social service workers and police to threaten to apprehend the children of the Trucker Convoy protestors.”

Police in Germany chase Tesla for 15 minutes after driver turns on autopilot and ‘goes to sleep’

Traffic officers in Bavaria say they attempted to pull over the vehicle for a traffic check but it failed to stop, despite police repeatedly sounding their horn.

German Doctor Jailed For Issuing Thousands of Coronavirus Mask Exemption Certificates

A German doctor was sentenced late Monday to two years and nine months in prison for illegally issuing more than 4,000 people with exemptions from wearing masks during the coronavirus pandemic.

A regional court in the southwestern town of Weinheim confirmed Tuesday that the doctor was convicted of “issuing incorrect health certificates” to people from across Germany, most of whom she had never met or examined.


NEW: Second Twitter Files Drop of the Day Includes Adam Schiff Seeking Ban of Journalist Paul Sperry

A second Twitter files dropped Tuesday afternoon.

The new Twitter Files thread includes Adam Schiff seeking a ban of journalist Paul Sperry.

Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations and a contributor to the New York Post, has been on the Deep State’s radar going back to the Clinton Administration.

Sperry confronted President Bill Clinton about Chinagate back in the 90s.

Paul Sperry is a huge threat to Deep State actors because he exposes their corruption.

McCarthy Fails in Votes for Speaker of the House; Bitter Battle Erupts Among GOPers

The new Republican majority in the U.S. House rejected House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s bid to become House Speaker on Jan. 3 but then failed to settle on an alternative candidate and adjourned until noon on Jan. 4.

In the first vote of a tumultuous first day of the 118th Congress, McCarthy, the California Republican who led the party to regain the majority in the November 2022 mid-term election, fell 15 votes short of the 218 he needed to become Speaker of the House.

McCarthy received 203 votes from Republican colleagues, while 212 Democrats voted for Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.), who will serve as House Minority Leader in 2023. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz), the leader of the anti-McCarthy members, received 10 votes. A handful of Republicans voted for candidates who were not nominated.

Anti-McCarthy Voters Coalesce Around Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan

Republican California Rep. Kevin McCarthy failed to ascend to the House Speakership through three rounds of voting on Tuesday, with his intraparty opponents coalescing around Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan

McCarthy again received 203 Republican votes, and incoming House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York again received all 212 Democratic votes during the second ballot. All 19 Republicans who voted against McCarthy on the first ballot supported Jordan, who gave an impassioned speech in favor of the Californian ahead of the second

Tucker Carlson Reveals Two Things McCarthy Should Do To Win Speaker’s Gavel

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Tuesday that Republican Rep. Kevin McCarthy could “restore our system to health” and win the speakership by doing two things.

“If Kevin McCarthy wants to be the speaker, he’s going to have to do things he would never do otherwise. Like what? We can think of at least two things,” Carlson said. “First, release the January 6th files, not some of the January 6th files and video, all of it and not to some phony committee that will hide them, in fact designed to hide them from the public, but put them online, release them to the public directly so that the rest of us can finally know what actually happened on January 6th, 2021. It’s been two years. It’s long overdue. It’s our right as Americans to know.”

McCarthy failed to receive the 218 votes necessary to become speaker in three ballots before the House of Representatives adjourned for the day Tuesday. McCarthy offered concessions to more conservative members, agreeing to some proposals from the House Freedom Caucus Sunday, but failed to convince the holdouts.

On the first ballot, Republican Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona received 10 votes, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio received six, Republican Reps. Byron Donalds of Florida and Jim Banks of Indiana each received one and former Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York received one. Jordan received 19 votes in the second ballot, and 20 in the third ballot after Donalds switched his vote from McCarthy to Jordan.

Records from the House of Representatives can be shielded from public view for at least 30 years, the Los Angeles Times reported, and some information may be held for decades beyond that.

“Second, Kevin McCarthy could put Thomas Massie of Kentucky in charge of a new Frank Church committee, designed to discover what the FBI and the intel agencies have been doing to control domestic politics in this country,” Carlson said. “They’ve been doing it a lot. But no one in Washington wants to talk about it. This topic is effectively off limits and has been. In fact, no one has talked about it for almost 50 years. And so because no one has talked about it or stopped it, the rot has spread and democracy has withered. You can feel it. The FBI is now a bigger force in American elections than any single group of voters. This cannot continue. It is poison.”

The FBI paid Twitter over $3 million between October 2019 and February 2021 to offset costs the social media company incurred while responding to requests from the agency, according to documents provided to Michael Shellenberger. The documents revealed the FBI contacted Twitter about potential leaks targeting Hunter Biden prior to the New York Post’s Oct. 14, 2020 report on the contents of a laptop Biden abandoned at a computer repair shop.

“Kevin McCarthy is uniquely situated right now to stop it. So, by striking a deal with his 20 colleagues, McCarthy could restore our system to health and at the very same time get the job he’s always wanted,” Carlson said. “It’s not so complicated. Let’s hope he does it.”

>> Watch: Tucker Carlson Reveals Two Things McCarthy Should Do To Win Speaker’s Gavel

Carville: Grievance-Obsessed GOP Committing ‘Political Suicide’ with Speaker Debacle

Democratic strategist James Carville said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The Beat” that grievance-obsessed Republicans are committing “political suicide” by refusing to vote for Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for House Speaker.

Carville said, “There was a lot of speculation of what the post-Trump Republican Party would look like. We got our answer today. Welcome to the post-Trump Republican Party.”

He continued, “It’s really stunning because the Republican Party has traditionally been a party of honor, and you’re supposed to throw the grenade after you pull the pin. They pulled the pin and passed the grenade around.”

He added, “I don’t have a great explanation for it because it doesn’t make any sense. It’s politically — it’s kind of some version of political suicide, and I don’t think they care.”

Carville concluded, “If you remember, they didn’t have a platform in 2020. But most of my life they were for lower taxes, less regulation, and strong national defense. It was kind of a fallback position. There’s no policy aspiration that they’re looking for. It’s all grievance. It’s all you did this to me. You didn’t do that. Again, I can’t help but give you the contrast between when the Democrats had a slim majority and what we’re seeing today.”

FL Sheriff: ‘Doesn’t Seem to Be a Plan from the Federal Government’ to Deal with Migrant Surge Here

During portions of an interview with NBC News aired on Tuesday’s edition of “Top Story,” Monroe County, FL Sheriff Rick Ramsey (R) said that “There doesn’t seem to be a plan from the federal government” to handle the increase in migrant landings in south Florida and that if there is a plan, it’s not working. Ramsey also said that the number of landings jumped went from once every week or two to two, three landings a day “several months ago,” and now hit ten in one day.

Ramsey said, “We’ve been experienc[ing], in the past, we’d have a migrant landing every week or two. But several months ago, our landings started turning into two, three landings a day. We’re seeing — yesterday, we had ten migrant landings.”

He also stated, “There doesn’t seem to be a plan from the federal government. If asked, I’m sure they’d tell you they’ve got a plan. But we’d like to see it. And if they have it, it doesn’t seem to be working on this environment.”

Idaho Quadruple-Murder Suspect Waives Extradition

The suspect in the November killings of four Idaho college students waived his extradition from Pennsylvania to Idaho, where he will face murder charges.

On Tuesday, Bryan Kohberger arrived at Pennsylvania’s Monroe County Courthouse in Stroudsburg. Judge Margherita Worthington asked if Kohberger waived his right to challenge his arrest, to which he replied: “Yes, I do,” according to reporters in the courthouse.

“Do you wish to waive the rights that I have just explained to you and return to the state of Idaho?” the judge asked. “Yes,” he answered before signing the extradition document.

His state-appointed attorney, Jason LaBar, previously indicated that he would waive extradition from Pennsylvania, his home state, to face charges. Speaking to CNN over the weekend, LaBar said prosecutors in Pennsylvania only need to prove that his client resembles the person described in the arrest warrant and that he was in the area where the crimes were committed.


The Big Bank Bailout

Most people think that the big bank bailout was the $700 billion that the treasury department used to save the banks during the financial crash in September of 2008. But this is a long way from the truth because the bailout is still ongoing. The Special Inspector General for TARP summary of the bailout says that the total commitment of government is $16.8 trillion dollars with the $4.6 trillion already paid out. Yes, it was trillions not billions and the banks are now larger and still too big to fail. But it isn’t just the government bailout money that tells the story of the bailout. This is a story about lies, cheating, and a multi-faceted corruption which was often criminal.

Flashback: Executive Order On Ensuring Responsible Development Of Digital Assets, Namely, CBDCs

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Policy.  Advances in digital and distributed ledger technology for financial services have led to dramatic growth in markets for digital assets, with profound implications for the protection of consumers, investors, and businesses, including data privacy and security; financial stability and systemic risk; crime; national security; the ability to exercise human rights; financial inclusion and equity; and energy demand and climate change.  In November 2021, non-state issued digital assets reached a combined market capitalization of $3 trillion, up from approximately $14 billion in early November 2016.  Monetary authorities globally are also exploring, and in some cases introducing, central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

How to Be Your Own Bank: Holding Actual Custody of Your Digital Assets

Take warning! If you’re holding your crypto assets on big exchanges like Binance, Coinbase, or Kraken, you’re well-advised to get them off and into a privately held wallet for a few reasons that we’ll survey here.

I realize a lot of hardened crypto veterans will probably roll their eyes as if to say “duh.” But I didn’t realize this stuff when I got into the uncharted technological territory that is cryptocurrency, and it has important implications for your financial health.

Former crypto titan Sam Bankman-Fried pleads not guilty to fraud

The former cryptocurrency magnate Sam Bankman-Fried has pleaded not guilty to charges of fraud, denying allegations that he cheated investors out of billions of dollars.

On Tuesday, lawyers for the 30-year-old Bankman-Fried, founder of the now-insolvent FTX cryptocurrency exchange, entered a plea of not guilty at an arraignment hearing before US District Judge Lewis Kaplan in New York City.


Health Care Workers Cry Foul on FDA Claiming It Didn’t Prohibit Ivermectin for COVID-19

Dr. Yusuf Saleeby has practiced medicine for more than 30 years. He serves patients in South Carolina and until recently had never faced an investigation from his state medical board.

But after Saleeby started prescribing ivermectin to his patients, he was reported to the board, which opened an investigation, despite the state’s attorney general’s promise that his office wouldn’t prosecute doctors who prescribed off-label medications.

Jennifer Wright, a nurse practitioner and clinical director who practices in Florida, but can prescribe across state lines, told The Epoch Times she received a letter from the Office of the Attorney General of New York ordering her not to prescribe ivermectin.


One in Three UK Police Forces Use Chinese Surveillance Equipment with Security Concerns

Over a third of police forces in the UK are using surveillance cameras made by companies with ties to the communist Chinese government, thereby endangering Britain’s national security, the surveillance watchdog has claimed.

The government’s independent biometrics and surveillance camera commissioner Fraser Sampson has called for police forces to begin phasing out and replacing surveillance equipment made by Chinese companies such as Hikivision and DJI, both of which are mandated by law to share intelligence with the communist government in Beijing.


28% Of All Americans Know Someone Who Died From mRNA Injections

The wheels of the biomedical cartel’s bus are coming off. Shout it from the rooftops. Look around to see how many hands are being held up. The evidence of death is all around and people everywhere have figured it out, even if they are not openly talking about it. Perhaps now, they will talk. Accountability must follow. Pfizer knew. Moderna knew. J&J knew. Fauci knew. The WHO knew. In the meantime, the death shots must stop.

9 Reasons Why You Bruise Easily

Your skin bruises more easily as you get older; straining during exercise, certain medications and underlying medical conditions may also make you bruise easily

A deficiency in bioflavonoids and vitamin C may contribute to easy bruising

If you bruise easily, eat more vegetables and fruits and consider a rutin bioflavonoid supplement

Your diet is your No. 1 tool for healthy skin; omega-3 fats, astaxanthin and polyphenol-rich foods are essential for your skin

Why Does Your Stomach Growl?

The rumbling sound in your stomach is the result of muscular contractions of your intestinal wall combined with the presence of liquid and gas

Stomach growling is a normal function and one that occurs most of the day, although most of the time you can’t hear it

Your intestines tend to quiet down when you’re sleeping but a complete absence of bowel sounds can be a sign of a medical emergency, especially if it’s accompanied by severe abdominal pain

Study: Acupuncture Helps Relieve Insomnia Safely and Effectively

Insomnia is a common ailment and can be a sequela of COVID-19.

Many medications for treating insomnia have side effects with the potential to cause drug dependence. According to an article published by Mayo Clinic, prescription sleeping pills may include side effects such as dizziness or lightheadedness, headache, changes in thinking and behavior, diarrhea or nausea, and the like.


Tobacco companies to be billed for cleaning up cigarette butts in Spain

Ruling is part of a package of measures designed to reduce waste and increase recycling

Tobacco companies are to be forced to foot the bill for cleaning up the millions of cigarette ends that smokers discard every year under new environmental regulations in Spain.

The ruling, which comes into force this Friday, is part of a package of measures designed to reduce waste and increase recycling. It includes a ban on single-use plastic cutlery and plates, cotton buds, expanded polystyrene cups and plastic straws, as well as cutting back on plastic food packaging.  The law conforms to a European Union directive limiting the use of single-use plastics and which aims to oblige polluters to clean up the mess they create.


How to Build a Cheap, Easy Emergency Vegetable Garden

I once heard that when an emergency happens, it’s not what you have that’s most important, it’s what you know. I’m not sure I really grasped how true that was until we landed ourselves in a global crisis.

While some people have gotten comfort from stockpiling toilet paper, throughout this, I’ve found great comfort in my gardening, preserving, herbalism, and general homesteading knowledge. Even the most robust stockpile runs out, but my ability to grow my own food and medicine never will.

This article is designed to teach even the newest of gardening newbies how to plant an emergency vegetable garden (AKA: a survival garden) in even the smallest of spots. Below you’ll find the quick and dirty basics for getting a garden set up on the cheap, what plants I would put in my survival garden, and how to maximize space for food production.


EXCLUSIVE: CDC Finds Hundreds of Safety Signals for Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified hundreds of safety signals for the two most widely administered COVID-19 vaccines, according to monitoring results obtained by The Epoch Times.

Bell’s palsy, blood clotting, and death were among the signals flagged through analysis of adverse event reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The CDC, which runs VAERS with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), describes it as “the nation’s early warning system” for vaccine issues.

Shingles Activation Associated With COVID Jab

According to a recent case study, persistent post-jab shingles was associated with the presence of COVID jab spike protein in the affected skin. The researchers speculate that the COVID jab may induce persistent shingles reactivation by perturbing the immune system

Another study details the cases of six patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases who developed shingles shortly after their Pfizer jabs. None of the healthy controls developed shingles post-jab

A systematic review also concluded that the COVID jab increases the risk of shingles reactivation if you’ve had it before or have known risk factors for it

The COVID shots suppress your innate immune system by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway, which is the first-stage response to all viral infections. Type-1 interferon also keeps latent viruses in check, so if your interferon pathway is suppressed, latent viruses can start to emerge

Type 1 interferon is suppressed by the jab because it responds to viral RNA, and viral RNA is not present in the COVID shot. The RNA is modified to look like human RNA, so the interferon pathway is not triggered

Buffalo Bills Provide Update on Safety Damar Hamlin’s Condition

The Buffalo Bills on Tuesday provided an update on safety Damar Hamlin’s condition after he collapsed on the field during Monday night’s game, saying he remains in the intensive care unit.

“Damar Hamlin spent last night in the intensive care unit and remains there today in critical condition at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center,” the team said on Tuesday afternoon, without elaborating. “We are grateful and thankful for the outpouring of support we have received thus far.”

Early Tuesday morning, the Bills said he suffered cardiac arrest during the game, and his heartbeat was restored on the field.

During the first quarter, Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow threw a pass to receiver Tee Higgins before Hamlin tackled him. Before the tackle, Higgins led with his right shoulder, which hit the defensive back in the chest.

Hamlin then wrapped his arms around Higgins’s shoulders and helmet to drag him down. Hamlin quickly got to his feet, appeared to adjust his face mask with his right hand, and then fell backward about three seconds later and lay motionless.

Hamlin was down on the field for about 15 minutes before he was taken off the field in an ambulance. Both teams went back to their locker rooms moments later.

Hamlin’s family also released a statement saying they are expressing “sincere gratitude” for the outpouring of support that they had received. “On behalf of our family, we want to express our sincere gratitude for the love and support shown to Damar during this challenging time. We are deeply moved by the prayers, kind words, and donations from fans around the country,” their statement said.


6 Takeaways From Ray Epps’s Jan. 6 Panel Testimony

The House Jan. 6 Committee on Dec. 29 released a transcript of the panel’s interview with Ray Epps, whose role in the Capitol Breach has been much scrutinized.

In his testimony, Epps describes himself as a well-meaning supporter of former President Donald Trump who only attended the rally to protect his son, who was also attending.

He quickly disavowed any connection with federal law enforcement during the testimony.

“[D]id you ever work in law enforcement?” an interviewer asked.

“No,” Epps replied.

“Did you ever work for the FBI?”

“No,” Epps replied again.

“Did you have any communications or interactions with law enforcement when packing first aid for your trip to Washington, DC?” Epps was asked later.

“Not that I know of, no, Sir,” Epps replied before clarifying, “I didn’t—I don’t know of any officers that I ever talked to.”

FBI was asked by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) if Epps worked for them during a Jan. 11, 2022, Senate hearing.

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