July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 10, 2023


The COVID Jabbed Are Dying While Fueling Variants

At the end of December 2022, John Campbell, Ph.D., posted a video calling on the British health authorities to halt the use of mRNA COVID injections, as the data suggest there are far too many safety issues

Campbell argues that while the risk of complications and death due to COVID has significantly lessened since the early days of 2020, the risks associated with the COVID jabs remain the same. Hence, the risk-benefit ratio of the mass injection campaign has flipped, and the risk associated with the shot now outweighs the risk of infection

The COVID jabbed are now dying in greater numbers than the unjabbed — so much so that it has driven down the overall life expectancy in the U.S. by nearly three years

Across the world, excess mortality has dramatically risen since the rollout of t-19 related deaths are also occurring among the fully jabbed and boosted

The jabs. If they were beneficial, you’d expect excess mortality to drop. We’re also not seeing mass death from COVID. The only clear factor that might account for these discrepancies is mass injection with an experimental gene transfer technology

Most COVID-19 related deaths are also occurring among the fully jabbed and boosted

Ukraine War becomes Global Testing Ground For Military Robots

The war in Ukraine has become the largest testing ground for artificial intelligence-powered autonomous and uncrewed vehicles in history. While the use of military robots is nothing new — World War II saw the birth of remote-controlled war machines and the US has deployed fully-autonomous assault drones as recently as 2020 — what we’re seeing in Ukraine is the proliferation of a new class of combat vehicle.

This article discusses the “killer robot” technology being used by both sides in Russia’s war in Ukraine. Our main takeaway is that the “killer” part of “killer robots” doesn’t apply here. Read on to find out why.

Brazil Police Clear Camp of Pro-Bolsonaro Protesters; Over 1,200 Arrested

Police in Brazil surrounded and began clearing a camp of protesters who back former President Jair Bolsonaro in the capital on Jan. 9. More than a thousand arrests were reported by local media outlets as the country’s Supreme Court ordered the immediate dismantling of the pro-Bolsonaro camps after protesters stormed government buildings over the weekend.

At least 1,200 people have been arrested at a makeshift camp outside the army headquarters in Brasília, and authorities are using dozens of buses to transport the detainees to police headquarters, according to The Brazilian Report.

Members of the Brazilian military were seen dismantling tents set up by pro-Bolsonaro supporters—as well as the demonstrators themselves—at the encampment ahead of a noon local time deadline set by authorities for the protesters to leave.

Brazil’s Former President Bolsonaro Is Under Observation in a Florida Hospital

Jair Bolsonaro, the former Brazilian president nicknamed the “Trump of the Tropics,” is under observation at a Florida hospital after complaining of abdominal discomfort, his wife announced on Jan. 9.

Brazilian newspaper O Globo reported Bolsonaro was in AdventHealth Celebration hospital in Kissimee, Florida.

The Epoch Times contacted AdventHealth Celebration for confirmation and to inquire into the former president’s condition. However, the hospital didn’t immediately respond with a comment.

“Dear all, I inform [you] that my husband, Jair Bolsonaro, is in observation [at] a hospital due to abdominal discomfort, as a consequence of the stab he had in 2018 from a former PSOL (Socialism and Freedom Party) member,” Michelle Bolsonaro announced in a translated Instagram post.

She asked for prayers for both her husband and Brazil.

In the four years since his original stab wound, Bolsonaro was hospitalized for complications from it on multiple occasions, according to CNN.


Report: Joe Biden Left Classified Documents in an Old Office

Attorney General Merrick Garland assigned a U.S. attorney to review the roughly ten classified documents that were found in an old office of President Joe Biden, CBS News reported on Monday. 

The classified documents are from Biden’s vice-presidential office at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington, which is within close proximity to Capitol Hill.

House Votes to Adopt Rules Package That Dissidents Demanded, McCarthy Accepted

Republicans held a spirited debate over the proposed rules to govern how the House of Representatives does its business in the 118th Congress and then adopted a major package of reforms they say will restore accountability and transparency for the public.

The 55-page rules package was approved on a 220–213 vote that followed Republicans defeating a Democratic motion to recommit the rules package to a committee for revision. Both of the votes were conducted with a newly adopted five-minute rule. Previously, most House votes allowed members 15 minutes to cast their ballots.

All 212 Democrats voted against the rules. One Republican, Rep. Tony Gonzalez of Texas, joined Democrats in voting against the rules package, citing his concerns about not cutting defense spending. Another Texas Republican, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, did not vote.

The reforms include restoration of a long-standing rule terminated by the previous Democratic-controlled House that enabled any individual member to move that the speaker’s chair be vacated, which if adopted forces a new vote for a speaker of the House. The rules also restore the right of individual members to offer amendments to legislation from the floor, require that all members have 72 hours to read proposed legislation before it is voted on, and require bills brought to the floor to cover a single subject.

House Majority Leader Stephen Scalise (R-La.) opened the rules debate by noting that “at the heart of all the discussions is that Washington is broken, and not just that Washington is broken, but the way that this House has been running in the last few years has not been designed to address the problems of the people across the country.”

A Primer to the Conservative House Republican Rules Changes

Conservatives have cheered the passage of the House Republican rules packages; here is a breakdown of some of the most important changes.

The House Rules package provides:

  • Allows for one member to call a motion to vacate the speaker chair
  • Replace “Pay-As-You-Go” (PAYGO) spending with “Cut-As-You-Go” (CUTGO) spending to reduce spending and improve accountability
    • This means that increases in mandatory spending be offset by equal or greater decreases in spending. This rule change prioritizes spending cuts compared to increases in revenue
  • Reconciliation budget bills cannot cause an increase in net direct spending
  • Each standing committee, except for the Ethics, Appropriations, and Rules committees, must adopt a plan detailing a list of unauthorized programs and agencies within the committee’s jurisdiction that have received funding
    • Requires the plan to include any recommendations for removing such programs or agencies from mandatory to discretionary funding
    • These plans may make recommendations to consolidate or terminate duplicative or unnecessary programs or agencies
  • An increase in Federal income tax rate must be adopted by a supermajority of the House, or three-fifths of the members voting on the measure
  • Directs the Ethics Committee to adopt rules to provide a process to receive complaints directly from the American people
  • Changes the name of the House Oversight and Reform Committee to the House Oversight and Accountability Committee
  • Prevents the Speaker from reducing vote times in the House, guaranteeing not less than two minutes on any question that follows another vote
  • The House must release legislation 72 hours prior to a vote on the bill
  • The Holman Rule
    • Reduces spending or salaries of bureaucrats working for the federal government
    • Allows legislation to fire specific federal employees or cut specific programs
  • No bill can be introduced unless the lawmaker sponsoring the bill explains how the bill pertains to one primary subject
  • Witnesses for congressional hearings can only appear remotely if they are not government officials
  • A War Powers resolution “shall not be subject to a motion to table”
  • The House will not provide access to former lawmakers, former officers, or spouses who are registered lobbyists
  • Institutes new committees, including:
    • The Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which will investigate the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, the use of taxpayer relief funds to address the pandemic, coronavirus-related regulations and policies, and coronavirus vaccines.
  • Budget Matters
    • Allows the Budget Committee chair to adjust an estimate to exempt budgetary effects of measures to protect taxpayers with incomes below $400,000 from an increase in audits from the IRS
    • Requires the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) to incorporate the macroeconomic effects of major legislation under consideration
    • Requires the CBO to provide the inflationary impact on any bill that spends equal to or more than 0.25 percent of the projected Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the current fiscal year
  • Provides for the consideration of seven conservative bills
    • A bill to rescind the tens of billions of dollars provided to the IRS to hire 87,000 IRS agents under the Inflation Reduction Act
    • A bill to authorize the Homeland Security Secretary to suspend the entry of lines
    • A bill to block the Secretary of Energy from sending petroleum from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to China
    • A bill to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act to direct district attorneys and prosecutors’ offices to report to the Attorney General
    • A bill to require the national instant criminal background check system to notify U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the relevant State and local law enforcement agencies whenever the information available to the system indicates that a person illegally or unlawfully in the United States may be attempting to receive a firearm.
      • A bill to prohibit taxpayer-funded abortions.
      • A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.
  • Allows for two resolutions to be considered to establish
    • A resolution establishing the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.
      • A resolution establishing a Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government as a select investigative subcommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary.

Conservatives across the spectrum have applauded the House Republican rules package. Heritage Action Executive Director said in a statement on Monday:

Supreme Court Rejects Texas-Led Attempt to Protect Trump-Era Immigration Rule

The U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 9 rejected a Texas-led challenge to reinstate a Trump-era policy that blocked certain immigrants from gaining permanent residency status if they’re deemed likely to qualify for government benefits.

The high court didn’t say why it rejected the challenge, listing the case under its list of “certiorari denied” cases (pdf).

An appeal from 14 Republican-led state attorneys general, led by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, sought to rescind a lower court ruling against their request to mount a legal defense of Trump’s “public charge” rule after President Joe Biden stopped defending the measure and later rescinded it. The policy was put into effect by the Trump administration in February 2020 and was ended by the Biden administration in March 2021.

Other than Texas, the attorneys general are from Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and West Virginia.

Last year, a federal judge in Illinois vacated the rule nationwide. The judge later rejected the Republican bid to intervene, saying the request by the state officials came too late, and the Chicago-based 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in June 2022 agreed with the lower court’s ruling.

The case didn’t focus on whether the rule was constitutional but on whether the Biden administration followed the proper rule-making procedures when it revoked it. The policy had made it difficult for immigrants to obtain permanent residency, or a “green card,” if they used public benefits such as Medicaid, housing vouchers, or food stamps.

The Department of Homeland Security rescinded the rule in March 2021, two months after Biden took office. Republicans argued that the administration abandoned the usual public comment period that often precedes the rescinding of major regulations.

The White House, meanwhile, abandoned the Department of Justice’s legal defense of the Trump-era program after it was challenged in court.

Hundreds of Chicago Teachers Raped, Sexually Assaulted, Groomed Students in 2022

Hundreds of teachers in Chicago’s public school system raped, sexually assaulted, and groomed students last year.

According to a report released by Chicago Public Schools’ Office of the Inspector General, the 2021-2022 school year saw 772 investigations into teachers for allegedly raping, sexually assaulting, or grooming students.

Report: IRS Audits Target Working, Middle-Class Americans over the Rich

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is targeting low-wage working-class Americans, as well as those in the middle class, with audits while earners making a million or more annually are reviewed at a lower rate, a report detailing federal data reveals.

The data obtained by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University shows the odds of the IRS auditing a millionaire, in the traditional way carried out by revenue agents or tax auditors, was just 1.1 percent.

Communist Influence in NYC Highlighted by Chinese Official’s NYE Appearance

The appearance of a Chinese government official at a New Year’s Eve event in Times Square has raised questions regarding how connected the local government is to agents of China’s communist regime.

The “Hong Kong Rocks!” event, organized by the Times Square Alliance and celebrated in Times Square this past New Year’s Eve, gave pride of place to Huang Ping, current consul general of the Chinese Embassy in New York.

Huang has earned a reputation over the years as a strident defender of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and a denier of human rights abuses committed by the regime, which rules China as a single-party state.

His appearance at the event, where he wished participants a happy new year and encouraged them to visit China, appears to have been orchestrated by several organizations with ties to both the CCP and the local government in New York.


Mortgage Buy-Downs: A New Trend for 2023?

With interest rates currently hovering around 7 percent, many lenders across the country have seen a resurgence of the mortgage buy-down—a plan that allows potential homeowners to save money on monthly mortgage payments.

The National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB) describes a mortgage buy-down as a type of financing that provides lower interest rates for at least a few years of the mortgage. They typically are offered by the home seller or builder who contributes to an escrow account that subsidizes the loan during the first few years.

In a 2-1 buy-down, homebuyers can save on interest rates for the first two years of the loan, but will pay the full interest rate at the time of signing for the third year. A 3-2-1 buy-down operates under the same principle: lower payments for the first three years and full interest for the fourth year of the mortgage.

“I’ve seen this a lot in the past, and it’s a way for the consumer to be able to purchase the home they want when increased interest rates would make their mortgage payments too high,” Ernest Jones Jr, NAMB board president told The Epoch Times. “If the buyer is willing to offer the seller more for their home, the seller will sometimes make concessions in the form of a buydown.  However, the home still has to appraise for the higher amount.”

For example, if a buyer opts for a 2-1 buydown, the interest rates will be 2 percent below the current rate for the first year, and 1 percent below for the second year before rising to the regular, permanent rate. In the event that the market’s interest rates drop by the third year, the buyer always has the option to refinance.

“Before this recent turn in the economy, most of the time sellers didn’t have to make any concessions,” Jones said.  “People were just rolling in and paying above market prices. Now things are starting to change and sellers may be willing to help buyers more with the purchase, especially if they’re in position where they need to move quickly.”


WEF Creep Yuval Noah Harari: Humans May Need to ‘Relearn How to See and Walk’ in ‘Virtual Reality’ Future

Historian, futurist, and noted WEF creep Yuval Noah Harari speculated that human beings may need to “relearn how to see and walk” in a virtual reality future divorcing people from the “physical and biological” world during a discussion with podcaster Tom Bilyeu published on Tuesday.

Harari, an author and World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser, emphasized humanity’s capacity for change and abstract thinking in his contemplation of a technologically-driven paradigm shift in the human condition with the framework of virtual reality.


Welcomed with Open Arms: Lobbyists for China’s TikTok Have Repeatedly Visited the Biden White House

Lobbyists for the China-owned app TikTok and its parent company ByteDance have repeatedly landed visits with President Joe Biden’s White House, according to recently revealed records.

TikTok and ByteDance lobbyists have visited the Biden White House at least eight times between July 2021 and August 2022, according to White House visitor records obtained by the Washington Examiner.

CBDCs: Trojan Horse For Total Control?

People like to remark that governments foster innovation, especially during wartime. They also like to ignore the slaughter of millions which is usually part of this process. That is not to mention the innovators we missed out on as a result.

The latest government “innovation,” which follows in a long tradition of stealing ideas from the private sector designed to improve our lives and using them for other means instead, is central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).

Designed not to exist in any physical form whatsoever, CBDCs would give their central bank issuers entirely new powers. Indeed, much of the manoeuvring that was required in 2008-9 to rescue the financial system with taxpayer-funded bailouts would have been so much easier had CBDCs been in existence. But if easier, is that necessarily a good thing for the economy as a whole?


Study Links Popular Food Additive to Colon Cancer

Titanium dioxide is a popular way to whiten food and cosmetics but new research adds to previous concerns

A new peer-reviewed article by a team of 15 scientists based in Mexico sheds light on the toxicity of a popular food additive often used as a whitening pigment.

The article, published in the journal Toxicology in August 2022, “Food Grade Titanium Dioxide Accumulation Leads to Cellular Alterations in Colon Cells After Removal of a 24-Hour Exposure,” examines the effects of titanium dioxide on cells.

Is Nasal Irrigation More Important Than Hand-Washing?

Flushing your sinuses may be an effective way to inhibit the progression of a virus such as SARS-CoV-2 by lowering the viral load in your sinuses

Research has demonstrated that nasal irrigation reduces the symptoms and duration of viral illnesses such as the seasonal flu and common cold

Nasal irrigation and gargling with hypertonic saline has been shown to reduce the duration of the common cold by 1.9 days and reduce transmission within the household by 35% by reducing viral shedding when done within 48 hours of symptom onset

You may also be able to reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 migrating into your lungs by gargling a saline solution or using a povidone-iodine solution such as Betadine Sore Throat Gargle

Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide or colloidal silver may be even more effective. A recent review found 0.5% hydrogen peroxide effectively inactivated a range of human coronaviruses, including those responsible for SARS and MERS, within one minute of exposure

The Dangers of Antidepressants During Pregnancy

When used during pregnancy, antidepressant drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may increase the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders

The animal study revealed SSRIs may interact with inflammation in the mother’s body, producing a reaction that affects the maternal-fetal interface (MFI) and the fetus’ developing brain

In utero, the fetus receives serotonin via the placenta during early pregnancy, and it’s possible that altering serotonin levels with SSRIs could lead to brain changes

Adult offspring whose mothers were exposed to inflammation during pregnancy had sex-based behavioral changes, including lessened communication and low interest in social interactions, mimicking those seen in people with autism

The combination of maternal inflammation and SSRIs led to effects on MFI physiology and offspring neurobiology, impacting immune and serotonin signaling pathways

Avoid These 5 Foods for a Healthier 2023

If you want to lose weight this coming year, avoid low-quality “junk” foods. The 2022 State of Obesity Report found that 19 states now have obesity rates topping 35% and that 4 out of 10 U.S. adults is obese, says Eat This, Not That! The report notes that our obesity epidemic may be caused, in part, by the easy access to affordable, ultra-processed foods and beverages.

Some common examples of common culprits include sugar-sweetened beverages, deli meat and shelf-stable meat snacks, potato and other fried salty snacks, french fries, ice cream and donuts. These products not only cause weight gain but also increase the risk of cognitive decline, according to research published in JAMA Neurology.

Here are some of the food and beverages you should avoid in 2023:

Processed meat and poultry products. Studies have shown that consumption of deli meat, bacon and sausage, shelf-stable meat sticks, and other processed animal-based products is linked to increased belly fat and central obesity.

Fried potato-based foods. One prominent study of more than 120,000 middle-aged women found that potato chips and other processed potato products were highly correlated with weight gain.

Donuts. These office meeting treats are more harmful to our waistline than you think, says Eat This, Not That! Donuts are full of refined, low-fiber flour and added sugar and when they are fried, they become extremely high in calories and low in nutritional value.

Ice cream. Ice cream has been labeled one of the most “addictive foods,” says Eat This, Not That! Studies have found that eating ice cream frequently causes you to crave more in order to get the same level of brain satisfaction, much like having to take more drugs to elicit the same response. The combination of sugar and fat in ice cream is what makes it so crave-worthy.

Sugar drinks. A recent study in Nature Reviews Endocrinology provided abundant evidence that sugary beverages are linked to weight gain, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer. Sugar-sweetened beverages are the number one source of sugar in the U.S. Studies show that drinking one can of a sugar-sweetened juice or soda every day results in a 5-pound increase in weight over a one-year period.


Federal Agency May Ban Gas Stoves Across US Over Health Hazards

A federal agency may implement a nationwide ban on natural gas stoves over concerns that they cause health and respiratory problems.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) will have public comment about gas stoves in the winter of 2023 and could set standards on emissions—even possibly banning them, CPSC head Richard Trumka Jr. told Bloomberg News. Natural gas stoves are estimated to be used in roughly 40 percent of all U.S. homes.

“This is a hidden hazard,” Trumka told the news service in an interview published on Jan. 9. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

The CPSC already issued a request for information seeking data on the alleged hazards associated with gas stoves and input for solutions, but the CPSC hasn’t proposed any regulatory actions yet, a spokesperson told media outlets on Jan. 9. Representatives for the agency didn’t respond by press time to a request by The Epoch Times for comment.

Such a request for data and input, Trumka told reporters last month, “is the first step in what could be a long journey toward regulating gas stoves.” Trumka, a Biden appointee, is a former congressional Democratic staffer and the son of Richard Trumka, the late former chief of one of the most powerful unions in the United States, the AFL-CIO.

A ban on the manufacture and import of new gas stoves is a “real possibility,” he noted at the time. If there’s enough public pressure, the CPSC “could get a regulation on the books before this time next year,” he said.

Industry groups say that natural gas stoves don’t necessarily emit more harmful emissions than other types of stoves. the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers and the American Gas Association both argued against a possible ban.

“Ventilation is really where this discussion should be, rather than banning one particular type of technology,” Jill Notini, a vice president at the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, told Bloomberg. “Banning one type of a cooking appliance is not going to address the concerns about overall indoor air quality. We may need some behavior change, we may need [people] to turn on their hoods when cooking.”


The Damage of Circulating Spike Proteins

One of the toughest questions I had on my interview with Joe Rogan in 2021 was “Dr. McCullough, if the COVID-19 vaccines are so bad, how come everybody doesn’t die after taking them?” While as naïve and ridiculous as it sounds, its a good question and brings up the goal of epidemiology: to study of the distribution and determinants of disease. Roughly 15% of vaccine recipients develop a health problem after taking a COVID-19 vaccine (Zogby, 2022) based on the lot number (proxy for mRNA quantity or contaminants), susceptibility, and pre-existing disease (e.g. inherited blood clotting disorder). No young person should be hospitalized after taking a COVID-19 vaccine since that outcome far outweighs any theoretical benefit of the injections.

Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard School of Medicine, had 13 young boys and 3 girls hospitalized with myocarditis and available for study. Yonker et al found all the subjects had large quantities of free circulating Spike protein generated from the vaccines while control subjects without myocarditis did not.

Universities Not Interested In Admitting Fault About COVID Policies

Former White House adviser Dr. Scott Atlas, the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow in health policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute, wrote an excellent essay recently in the Wall Street Journal. In it, he raises a vital question for all students, parents, faculty, and the broader public, as to how our nation’s university system became, along with major media, the most aggressive proponent and distributor of medical ideology and biosecurity policy. University behavior continues to be directed by the CDC and WHO, and it appears that university administration will continue its commitment to a consensus posture toward the COVID phenomenon, until another institution that it considers authoritative tells it otherwise. That is not likely to happen.

Academia will never account for its misguided COVID policies, and it will never back out of its commitment to consensus explanations or opportunities. Indeed, these people will help accelerate the entire COVID complex. COVID is a new social engineering program, and universities will make biosecurity, including molecular engineering and tracking technology, into a permanent research activity that is worth billions per year in funding and commercialization. The link connecting business, government, and higher education has never been stronger, while China-style social credit scoring, based in part on medical and ideological compliance, is considered by the current White House administration a necessary part of the political agenda.

For universities to admit that they were wrong would not only undermine their authority and risk their research funding, but also, most of all, put their senior administration in legal jeopardy. University directors, trustees, regents, and other governance bodies are keen to avoid liability, and university legal and communications departments are working overtime to shield their institutions from blowback, including vicarious liability.

Plaintiff litigation, including class action, appears to be gaining momentum, as the evidence necessary to make durable causes of action against university administration is coalescing from widespread sources (serious health complications due to vaccines, for example). Legal theories are being formed to seek damages that could easily reach in the billions of dollars. Some universities could face bankruptcy.

COVID-related damages may be the next large-scale, long-term litigation project that rivals tobacco and asbestos. The lawyers in the modern university system know that and have effectively put out a gag order to avoid university self-incrimination. But the best legal strategy they possess is to push the same COVID explanations, while actually escalating their commitment to them. They continue to expand the spectrum of biosecurity research that has penetrated nearly every department in the modern university system.


Pfizer Board Member Pressured Twitter to Censor Posts on Natural Immunity, Low COVID Risk to Children: Emails

A Pfizer board member who used to head the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lobbied Twitter to take action against a post accurately pointing out that natural immunity is superior to COVID-19 vaccination, according to an email released on Jan. 9.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb wrote on Aug. 27, 2021, to Twitter executive Todd O’Boyle to request Twitter take action against a post from Dr. Brett Giroir, another former FDA commissioner.

“This is the kind of stuff that’s corrosive. Here he draws a sweeping conclusion off a single retrospective study in Israel that hasn’t been peer reviewed. But this tweet will end up going viral and driving news coverage,” Gottlieb wrote.

Giroir had written that it was clear natural immunity, or post-infection immunity, “is superior to vaccine immunity, by ALOT.” He said there was no scientific justification to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination if a person had natural immunity. “If no previous infection? Get vaccinated!” he also wrote.

Giroir pointed to what was at the time a preprint study from Israeli researchers that found, after analyzing health records, that natural immunity provided better protection than vaccination. The study was later published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases following peer review.

Researchers said the data “demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.” BNT162b2 is the trade name for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, which is the main shot used in Israel.

Gottlieb’s email triggered messages on Jira, Twitter’s internal messaging system, according to journalist Alex Berenson, who was granted access to Twitter’s internal files by CEO Elon Musk.

“Please see this report from the former FDA commissioner,” O’Boyle wrote.

A Twitter analyst who reviewed the post determined it did not violate any misinformation rules but Twitter still put a tag on it, claiming to all users who viewed it that it was “misleading” and directing them to a link that would show “why health officials recommend a vaccine for most people.” The tag prevented people from replying to, sharing, or liking Giroir’s post.


Mother Shoots, Kills Alleged Intruder to Save Her Children

A Louisiana mother shot and killed an alleged intruder at about 5 a.m. Sunday in Tangipahoa Parish.

KLFY reports that 51-year-old Robert Rheams was allegedly armed with a shovel and lug wrench when he made entry into the family’s home.


Damar Hamlin Released From the Hospital After Cardiac Arrest

Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin was released from a Cincinnati hospital on Monday about a week after he collapsed during a “Monday Night Football” game due to cardiac arrest, officials said.

“We are thrilled and proud to share that Damar Hamlin has been released from the hospital and returned to Buffalo,” said the University of Cincinnati Medical Center in a statement released by the Buffalo Bills on Twitter. “He is doing well, and this is the next stage of his recovery.”

Biden White House Pressured Facebook to Censor Tucker Carlson

According to new files released by Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry via his multi-state censorship lawsuit against the Biden administration, the White House requested that Facebook censor Fox News’ Tucker Carlson for expressing criticism of COVID-19 vaccines.

In an email sent to a Facebook employee on April 14, 2021, White House Director of Digital Strategy Rob Flaherty wrote, “Since we’ve been on the phone – the top post about vaccines today is Tucker Carlson saying they don’t work. Yesterday it was Tomi Lahren saying she won’t take one.”

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