July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: January 11, 2019

World News

Greek police fire teargas at protesting teachers

Reuters – Greek police on Friday fired teargas to disperse hundreds of teachers protesting against government plans to change hiring procedures in the public sector.

About 2,000 protesters, most of them with the Communist affiliated group PAME, marched through central Athens waving red flags and chanting slogans against an education ministry bill currently under public consultation.

Venezuela’s Marxist President Maduro Inaugurated for Second Term

The New American – Venezuela’s Marxist President Nicolás Maduro was sworn in for a second six-year term on Thursday despite his presidency being declared null and void by 13 of Venezuela’s neighbors.

In all, about 60 countries have declared that his reelection in May was illegitimate owing to his quashing of his political opponents, his use of food as a political weapon to reward those who would vote for him, and the opposition party telling its voters to abstain from voting in the rigged election. Accordingly, in an election with the lowest voter turnout in the country’s history, Maduro was reelected with 68 percent of those who voted.

The New York Times asked, “So How Did Maduro Secure a Second Term” on Thursday. A better question might be, “Just How Long Might the Illegitimate Dictator Remain in Power?”

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said Maduro is using every means at his disposal to remain in power, including arrests and torture of suspected dissidents even among the military: “The Venezuelan government has brutally cracked down on members of the military accused of plotting against it. Not only are intelligence agents detaining and torturing members of the military, in some cases they are also going after their families or other civilians when they can’t find the suspects.”

Maduro’s crackdown extends far beyond the military. According to HRW, more than 12,800 civilians have been arrested since 2014, many of them tortured before being hacked to death in killing fields outside Caracas.

Macedonian parliament agrees to change country’s name

Al Jazeera – The Macedonian parliament has amended the constitution to rename the country as the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev secured the required majority in parliament on Friday that was needed to rename the country in line with a landmark agreement with Greece to end a decades-long dispute.

Mexico death toll in two days of ‘gang violence’ reaches 29

Al Jazeera – Mexican authorities said on Friday that five attackers have died in a clash with soldiers in the northern border state of Tamaulipas, bringing the state’s death toll in two days of presumed gang-related violence to 29.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Shutdown set to break record as Senate leaves town

The Hill – The partial government shutdown is set to become the longest funding lapse in modern history after Congress left town on Friday for the week.

The Senate wrapped up its work for the week after 1 p.m., staying in session on Friday for more than three hours though no votes occurred and after most lawmakers already left town.

The House also adjourned shortly before 2:30 p.m. until Monday. The chamber had wrapped up its votes for the week earlier Friday, including sending a bill guaranteeing back pay for federal workers missing paychecks as a result of the partial government shutdown to President Trump.

Texas Republicans clash over efforts to oust Muslim county official

Fox – Texas Republicans are battling over a local faction’s efforts to oust a GOP county official over his Muslim religious beliefs.

Republicans in Tarrant County – one of the most populous counties in Texas – are set to vote on whether to remove Dr. Shahid Shafi from his position as the party’s vice chair Thursday.

Shafi, a trauma surgeon and Southlake city councilman born in India and raised in Pakistan, was appointed as the county party’s vice chair in July, according to the Austin American-Statesman. Since Precinct Chairman Dorrie O’Brien has led efforts to reconsider his appointment as she’s contended his religious beliefs are not in line with those he represents in Tarrant County.

“We don’t think he’s suitable as a practicing Muslim to be vice chair because he’d be the representative for ALL Republicans in Tarrant County, and not ALL Republicans in Tarrant County think Islam is safe or acceptable in the U.S., in Tarrant County, and in the TCGOP, and there are big questions surrounding exactly where Dr. Shafi’s loyalties lie, vis a vis Democrat and Republican policies,” O’Brien wrote in a lengthy Facebook post. She has frequently posted on social media about her efforts to remove Shafi and criticizing his religious background.

CNN’s Jim Acosta mocked for accidentally proving that border walls work

Fox – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi might want to confiscate someone’s selfie stick.

CNN’s Jim Acosta was mocked across social media on Thursday for posting a video that was meant to downplay President Trump’s claims of a border crisis — but ended up supporting his argument that border barriers improve security.

“Here are some of the steel slats that the president’s been talking about,” Acosta said while reporting from the southern border. “But as we’re walking along here, we’re not seeing any kind of imminent danger.”

The CNN reporter added, “There are no migrants trying to rush toward this fence.”

Acosta then declared there was “no sign of the national emergency that the president has been talking about” and it was “tranquil” near him. He captioned the video, “I found some steel slats down on the border. But I don’t see anything resembling a national emergency situation.. at least not in the McAllen TX area of the border where Trump will be today.”

Early Thursday evening, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders retweeted Acosta’s tweet with a proud clapback: “When I went with President @realDonaldTrump to the border today I never imagined @Acosta would be there doing our job for us and so clearly explaining why WALLS WORK. Thanks Jim!”

California utility may have to turn off power to prevent wildfires, re-inspect entire grid, judge proposes

Fox – mbattled Northern California utility Pacific Gas & Electric Co. may be ordered to inspect its electric grid and turn off power during windy conditions to prevent wildfires this year, a federal judge proposed Wednesday.

U.S. District Judge William Alsup said in his court order that the recommendations to cut power during certain wind conditions, regardless of the inconvenience to customers or loss of profit, would be to prevent devastation like the kind that ripped through the region last year.

“This will likely mean having to interrupt service during high-wind events (and possibly at other times) but that inconvenience, irritating as it will be, will pale by comparison to the death and destruction that otherwise might result from PG&E-inflicted wildfires,” he wrote.

Exasperated Dems try to rein in Ocasio-Cortez

Politico -Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is already making enemies in the House Democratic Caucus — and some of its members are mounting an operation to bring the anti-establishment, democratic socialist with 2.2 million Twitter followers into the fold.

The effort, described by nearly 20 lawmakers and aides, is part carrot, part stick: Some lawmakers with ties to Ocasio-Cortez are hoping to coax her into using her star power to unite Democrats and turn her fire on Republicans. Others simultaneously warn Ocasio-Cortez is destined for a lonely, ineffectual career in Congress if she continues to treat her own party as the enemy.

UPDATE:  Ruth Bader Ginsburg to miss Supreme Court arguments for 2nd week

CNBC – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss a second week of oral arguments as she continues to recover from a cancer surgery she underwent last month, court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Friday.

New Psych. Guidelines Say Traditional Masculinity “Harmful”

The New American – The American Psychological Association (APA), the trade group that represents America’s psychology professionals, has come out with guidelines to help psychologists treat men impacted by the “harmful” effects of “traditional masculinity.”

Noting that men commit 90 percent of the homicides in the United States, are 3.5 times more likely than women to die by suicide, and are more likely than girls to be diagnosed hyperactive as children, the APA says that its new Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Boys and Men draw “on more than 40 years of research showing that traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful.”

According to the APA, the bulk of that research demonstrates that “traditional masculinity — marked by stoicism, competitiveness, dominance, and aggression — is, on the whole, harmful,” and that men “socialized in this way are less likely to engage in healthy behaviors.”

CDC says it’s another severe flu season with 7 million sick so far

CNBC – Flu seasons have been particularly bad in recent years and this one in no different.

An estimated 6.2 million to 7.3 million people in the United States have been sick with the flu since October, federal health officials said Friday. At least half of those people have sought medical care for their illness and 69,000 to 84,000 people have been hospitalized during the Oct. 1 to Jan. 5 period, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated.

>> FIght off the flu with Oreganol P73 Oil Super Strength – 1fl oz & Super Silver 40 PPM – 16 OZ from www.thepowermall.com

Economy & Business

California governor proposes big spending increases

The Hill – Four days into his term in office, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) laid out an ambitious and costly agenda of new spending on social services that his famously skinflint predecessor resisted.

Newsom on Thursday laid out a $209 billion budget proposal, an $8 billion increase over former Gov. Jerry Brown’s (D) last budget, that includes big increases to housing, education and health care programs fueled by a massive and unexpected surplus in state revenue.

“This budget is primarily two things, education and health and human services,” Newsom said in a nearly two-hour press conference.

Gold & Silver Prices To Rise To $1,650 And $30 By 2020

Several dynamics are converging that could lead to gold surging by 30% and silver surging by 80% this year. Here are the details…

by Mark O’byrne via GoldCore

Gold To Outperform Stocks Again In 2019 As Has Done In Last 15 Years

– Gold to outperform stocks again in 2019 as seen in 2018 and last 15 years

– Gold and silver likely to reach highs over $1,650 and $28 per ounce

– Gold likely to see 15% to 20% gains and silver to see 30% to 40% gains

– Given scale of under valuation, strong fundamentals including robust demand and anemic supply and high level of risk, gold may surge 30% in 2019 as it did in 2007 and 2010 and silver surge over 80% as it did in 2010

– Gold and silver in this scenario would rise from depressed prices of $1,285 and $15.60 today to $1,670 and $28 per ounce

– Past performance is no guarantee of future returns but it gives a good indication of possible returns

– Currency reset as predicted by Rickards and others would see gold to $5,000 to $10,000 and silver at over $250 per ounce

Energy & Environment

House votes to reopen Interior, EPA as shutdown fight wages on

The Hill – The House approved legislation that would fund and reopen the Interior Department, Environmental Protection Agency and Forest Service in an 240-179 vote on Friday, the latest effort by Democrats to put pressure on Republicans and President Trump to end the partial shutdown.

Ten Republicans joined Democrats in voting for the measure.

It’s the fourth measure approved by the Democratic-controlled House this week. Democrats are voting on a series of bills to open up the parts of the government closed since Dec. 22, which has left about 800,000 federal workers furloughed or working without pay.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has said he will not bring any of the bills up to a vote in the Senate until there is a deal between Trump and Democrats on the president’s demand for border wall funding.

Science & Technology

US Electric Grid Hacked: Perpetrators Could Have Shut Down the System

Money Maven – Hackers broke into the US electric grid with spearphishing techniques targeting contractors with system access.

The Wall Street Journal has a detailed report out today regarding a sophisticated, and successful attack by hackers into the US electric grid. The hackers could have temporarily shut off power.

The Journal claims Russia is responsible. I hate such assumptions. In the absence of hard proof, the hack could have come from China, North Korea, Israel, or even the US. Even if Russian hackers did this, there is a difference between “Russian” and “Russia”.

Something very strange is happening to Earth’s magnetic North Pole and no one knows why

Fox – Planet Earth is alive. Deep beneath its skin, its life blood — rivers of molten iron — pulse around its core. And this mobile iron is what generates the magnetic field that causes auroras — and keeps us alive.

But, according to the science journal Nature, something strange is going on deep down below.

It’s causing the magnetic North Pole to ‘skitter’ away from Canada, towards Siberia.

“The magnetic pole is moving so quickly that it has forced the world’s geomagnetism experts into a rare move,” Nature reports.

On January 30 (delayed due to the US Government shutdown), the World Magnetic Model — which governs modern navigation systems — is due to undergo an urgent update.

This model is a vital component of systems ranging from geopositioning systems used to navigate ships through to smartphone trackers and maps.

The current model was expected to be valid until 2020. But the magnetic pole began to shift so quickly, it was realized in 2018 that the model had to be fixed — now.

“They realized that it was so inaccurate that it was about to exceed the acceptable (safe) limit for navigational errors,” Nature reports.

China broadcasts pictures from moon’s far side

USA Today – China on Friday broadcast pictures taken by its rover and lander on the moon’s far side, in what its space program hailed as another triumph for the groundbreaking mission to the less-understood sector of the lunar surface.

The pictures on state broadcaster CCTV showed the Jade Rabbit 2 rover and the Chang’e 4 spacecraft that transported it on the first-ever soft landing on the far side of the moon, which always faces away from Earth.


Routine Vaccination Kills UK Cancer Expert Shortly After The Jab

Activist Post – The Express online featured this headline: “Tragedy as top cancer doctor dies after yellow fever jab in one in 100,000 chance.”

That’s the chance everyone takes when they submit to taking unproven vaccines with totally toxic ingredients: neurotoxins, Thimerosal [ethyl mercury], aluminum in any of four formulations, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80, foreign DNA, diploid cells, unknown viruses and mycoplasma, ….plus.

Here’s what the CDC’s PinkBook Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary says about the U.S. Yellow Fever vaccine:

Yellow Fever (YF-Vax) sorbitol, gelatin, sodium chloride, egg protein

[June 2018, pg. 4]

Now, let’s see what the Internet site Institute for Vaccine Safety – Package Inserts and Manufacturers lists as the ingredients:

Yellow Fever YF-Vax manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur [a 17D strain of yellow fever vaccine]

“In no instance should infants less than 9 months of age receive yellow fever vaccine, because of the risk of encephalitis (see CONTRAINDICATIONS and ADVERSE REACTIONS sections).”

As with any vaccine, vaccination with YF-VAX vaccine may not protect 100% of individuals (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY section).

For concomitant administration with other vaccines see PRECAUTIONS section, Drug Interactions subsection. [CJF emphasis]

Under Contraindications, we find this:


Yellow fever vaccines must be considered as a possible, but rare, cause of vaccine associated viscerotropic disease (2) (previously described as multiple organ system failure), (2) (26) that is similar to fulminant yellow fever caused by wild-type yellow fever virus. Available evidence suggests that the occurrence of this syndrome may depend upon the presence of undefined host factors, rather than intrinsic virulence of the yellow fever strain 17D vaccine viruses isolated from subjects with vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease. (26) (27) (28) (29) (See ADVERSE REACTIONS section.)

Vaccine-associated neurotropic disease (2), previously described as post-vaccinal encephalitis (1), is a known rare adverse event associated with yellow fever vaccination. Age less than 9 months and immunosuppression are known risk factors for this adverse event. (See CONTRAINDICATIONS and ADVERSE REACTIONS sections.)

Ah ha! It says it right there under Contraindications that

Yellow fever vaccines must be considered as a possible, but rare, cause of vaccineassociated viscerotropic disease (2) (previously described as multiple organ system failure), the apparent cause of Dr. Gore’s death!

This true, very sad story about vaccine harm is an apparent example of the fact that vaccine pushers, i.e., all those administering any type of vaccine, do not provide intended vaccinees with the most important information they should know: the down side of vaccines, known as Contraindications.

Dr. Gore’s unfortunate death should be the most significant of wake-up calls to everyone, especially Big Pharma, the vaccine-pushing allopathic medical paradigm and the science-fraud-prevalent U.S. CDC/FDA.

US Fluoride Use Challenged in Court

Children’s Health Defence – The United States stands almost entirely alone among developed nations in adding industrial silicofluorides to its drinking water—imposing the community-wide measure without informed consent. Globally, roughly 5% of the population consumes chemically fluoridated water, but more people in the U.S. drink fluoride-adulterated water than in all other countries combined. Within the U.S., just under a third (30%) of local water supplies are not fluoridated; these municipalities have either held the practice at bay since fluoridation’s inception or have won hard-fought battles to halt water fluoridation.

Dozens of studies and reviews—including in top-tier journals such as The Lancet—have shown that fluoride is neurotoxic and lowers children’s IQ.

The fluoride chemicals added to drinking water are unprocessed toxic waste products—captured pollutants from Florida’s phosphate fertilizer industry or unregulated chemical imports from China. The chemicals undergo no purification before being dumped into drinking water and often harbor significant levels of arsenic and other heavy metal contamination; one researcher describes this unavoidable contamination as a “regulatory blind spot that jeopardizes any safe use of fluoride additives.”

Dozens of studies and reviews—including in top-tier journals such as The Lancet—have shown that fluoride is neurotoxic and lowers children’s IQ. Fluoride is also associated with a variety of other health risks in both children and adults. However, U.S. officialdom persists in making hollow claims that water fluoridation is safe and beneficial, choosing to ignore even its own research! A multimillion-dollar longitudinal study published in Environmental Health Perspectives in September, 2017, for example, was largely funded by the National Institutes of Health and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences—and the seminal study revealed a strong relationship between fluoride exposure in pregnant women and lowered cognitive function in offspring. Considered in the context of other research, the study’s implications are, according to the nonprofit Fluoride Action Network, “enormous”—“a cannon shot across the bow of the 80 year old practice of artificial fluoridation.”

According to declassified government documents summarized by Project Censored, Manhattan Project scientists discovered early on that fluoride was a leading health hazard to bomb program workers and surrounding communities.

Top 11 Reasons to Start Using Frankincense Oil

Mercola – Essential oils carry biologically active volatile compounds in a highly-concentrated form that can provide therapeutic benefits in very small amounts.

Frankincense essential oil — commonly referred to as the King of Oils — is made from the resin of either the Boswellia sacra or Boswellia carterii tree.

Frankincense essential oil is pale yellow-green with a woody, earthy and spicy aroma. Traditionally used in many religious holy rites, it is also commonly used as an ingredient in perfumes and skin care products.

Substances found in frankincense essential oil have been scientifically shown to speed wound healing, reduce inflammation and stress, boost immune function, improve oral and uterine health, treat respiratory issues and digestive disorders, promote sleep and fight cancer.

Several studies have demonstrated that alpha-pinene, a bioactive ingredient in frankincense oil, induces cell death in cancer cells, including malignant melanoma cells, breast cancer and pancreatic cancer cells

>> Check out Frankincense Oil from Butterfly Essential Oils

Leaked internal documents show 36 babies died after receiving this vaccine

NaturalNews – Just when you thought the vaccine industry couldn’t get any more depraved, they go and prove you wrong. Recently leaked, confidential documents have revealed that at least 36 infants died following the administration of an 6-in-1 vaccine manufactured by pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline. These tragic deaths took place over the course of just two years.

Initiative Citoyenne, a Belgium-based vaccine activism network, reports that the 1200-page document revealed thousands of adverse reactions occurred during the evaluations which took place between 2009 and 2011. While GlaxoSmithKline’s official report declares that only 14 children died during the 2-year period, Initiative Citoyenne (IC) reports that their own analysis of the data indicates a much higher death toll, closer to 36. IC reports that at least 73 children have died since the Infanrix Hexa vaccine made its debut in 2000.

Shocking confidential document reveals wave of infant death

Reading the report, which can be viewed as a PDF here, it is clear that GSK has no real concern for its highly probable involvement in the deaths of multiple children. Under section 6.4.1, “Cases with a Fatal Outcome,” one can read about the 14 children GSK admits died post-vaccination during the 2009-2011 evaluation period.

Naturally, every single death is waved off. Most of these children died within just a few days after receiving the Infanrix Hexa shot, with a staggering number dying within one day. Even when a child dies within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine, the company comments that “No adverse events were reported after vaccinations.” Apparently death isn’t an adverse event to these people.

Antibiotics Linked to Fatal Heart Condition

Mercola – Fluoroquinolones, long associated with Achilles tendonitis and rupture, has now been demonstrated to increase your risk of aortic dissection (a tear in the wall of the major artery, allowing blood to flow between the layers) or aortic rupture, which can lead to death.

Fluoroquinolones are often prescribed for upper respiratory infections or urinary tract infections, but should only be used as an antibiotic of last resort due to the high number of associated adverse events, including psychiatric effects, kidney stones or failure, tendon rupture and retinal detachment leading to blindness.

Antibiotic use can trigger a permanent change in your gut microbiome, which accounts for nearly 80 percent of your immune system function, so it is important to only use antibiotics when absolutely necessary.

You may reduce your risk of bacterial and viral infections by supporting your immune system through simple lifestyle measures, such as quality sleep, fermented foods, regular exercise and optimizing your vitamin D level

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