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The Power Hour

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Today's News: January 13, 2020

World News

French transport strikes move into 40th day despite government compromise on pensions

The Local FR – The French transport strike has now reached its 40th day despite the government’s offer to withdraw the most contested measure of the pension reform plans that sparked the protest.
Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said on Saturday he would drop plans to introduce a ‘pivot age’ of 64 over the legal retirement age of 62 in an effort to end a strike which has paralysed Paris and its suburbs, with bus, train and metro  services all badly disrupted.
“I am willing to withdraw from the bill the short-term measure I had proposed,” said Philippe, prompting his boss French President Emmanuel Macron to dub the change “a constructive and responsible compromise”.
The more reformist trade unions – the CFDT, Unsa and FRC – welcomed the announcement and said they were now ready to work with employers on the sustainable financing of the state pension system.
The Unsa union for national railway workers maintained its strike call on Sunday while recognising the government’s reconciliatory move.

Macron Abandons Plan To Raise Retirement Age As Rock-Throwing Protesters Get Tear-Gassed

ZeroHedge – French President Emmanuel Macron has scrapped plans to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64, as tens of thousands of anti-government activists – many donning yellow vests – returned to the streets of Paris and elsewhere on Saturday to protest the proposed pension reforms, according to the New York Times.
The mood was militant, and the more violent demonstrators once again clashed with the police, even as they sowed a trail of damage through eastern Paris. A bank branch was sacked, and bus shelters smashed and fires set. Unions said 150,000 protesters were in the streets of Paris on Saturday. –NYT

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Report: Trump Killed Soleimani to Appease Pro-Israel GOP War Hawks Important to Impeachment Trial

Information Liberation – New evidence is surfacing which further suggests the impeachment trial is just an effort to pressure President Trump to go to war with Iran.
From Salon, “Trump privately admits he killed Soleimani ‘under pressure’ from upcoming impeachment trial: report”:
President Donald Trump privately told associates that his upcoming impeachment trial factored heavily into his decision to kill top Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, The Wall Street Journal reports.
“Trump, after the strike, told associates he was under pressure to deal with Gen. Soleimani from GOP senators he views as important supporters in his coming impeachment trial in the Senate,” associates of the president told the outlet.
The revelation, buried deep into a lengthy piece about the strike, follows a similar report from The New York Times.
“Trump pointed out to one person who spoke to him on the phone last week that he had been pressured to take a harder line on Iran by some Republican senators whose support he needs now more than ever amid an impeachment battle,” The Times reported Tuesday.
The two GOP senators he allegedly sought to appease according to reports were Tom Cotton and Lindsey Graham — two of the most fanatical pro-Israel war hawks on Iran.

Video: Def Sec. Esper to CNN’s Tapper on the Killing of Solemani: ‘I’d Rather Have This Discussion Today’ Than Having Flag-Draped Coffins Come Home
Trump authorized Soleimani’s killing 7 months ago, with conditions

The timing raises new questions about the Trump administration’s stated justification for taking out the top Iranian general.
NBC – President Donald Trump authorized the killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani seven months ago if Iran’s increased aggression resulted in the death of an American, according to five current and former senior administration officials.
The presidential directive in June came with the condition that Trump would have final signoff on any specific operation to kill Soleimani, officials said.
That decision explains why assassinating Soleimani was on the menu of options that the military presented to Trump two weeks ago for responding to an attack by Iranian proxies in Iraq, in which a U.S. contractor was killed and four U.S. service members were wounded, the officials said.
The timing, however, could undermine the Trump administration’s stated justification for ordering the U.S. drone strike that killed Soleimani in Baghdad on Jan. 3. Officials have said Soleimani, the leader of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ elite Quds Force, was planning imminent attacks on Americans and had to be stopped.

Iran protests over downed Ukrainian plane turn violent as Trump tweets support

ABC – Anti-government protests turned violent in Iran over the weekend as security forces opened fire on demonstrators after the shooting down of the Ukrainian passenger plane that killed all 176 people on board.
Despite initially claiming Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 crashed because of a technical fault, the Iranian government admitted the plane was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile because it was mistaken for a “hostile flight” Saturday morning.
130 people holding Iranian nationality were among those killed on the plane.
The plane was shot down hours after Iran fired missiles into Iraq in retaliation over the U.S. drone strike that killed Qassem Soleimani, a top general in the Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
The admission that the plane was shot down saw a public vigil held at 5 p.m. at the Amirkabir University in Tehran Saturday evening, which soon spiraled into an anti-government protest. An estimated 1,000 people attended the protests.
Crowds chanted “down with the deceptive government” and called for the release of all political prisoners.
Riot police were later deployed and the protest was broken up.
The U.K. Ambassador to Iran was arrested and briefly detained after attending the vigil at Amirkabir University on Saturday in a move condemned by the British government.
“The arrest of our Ambassador in Tehran without grounds or explanation is a flagrant violation of international law,” the British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said in a statement. “The Iranian government is at a cross-roads moment. It can continue its march towards pariah status with all the political and economic isolation that entails, or take steps to deescalate tensions and engage in a diplomatic path forwards.”
President Trump tweeted his support for the protesters in both English and Farsi, saying: “To the leaders of Iran – DO NOT KILL YOUR PROTESTERS. Thousands have already been killed or imprisoned by you, and the World is watching. More importantly, the USA is watching. Turn your internet back on and let reporters roam free! Stop the killing of your great Iranian people!”
Video footage sent to the Center for Human rights in Iran, verified by the Associated Press, showed the aftermath of the incident with protesters fleeing the scene and one woman apparently was shot in the leg. Other footage showed pools of blood near the woman.

It Begins: Virginia Democrats Ban Guns in State Capitol – Legislators Exempt

National File – Virginia Democrats voted to ban guns in both the State Capitol building and legislative offices Friday, in the first of many expected moves to suppress the 2nd Amendment across the Commonwealth.
The vote caused an uproar among elected officials and constituents alike as just a handful of legislators – members of the Democrat-dominated Joint Rules Committee – were permitted to cast votes.
You would think that the elected representatives of the people would be the ones who pass this policy,” said House Minority Leader Todd Gilbert.
“The Joint Rules Committee, which is just a handful of people, has passed this rule.”

DHS Hails Completion Of 100th Mile Of New Border Wall

‘It’s not so-called replacement wall as some of our critics claimed. It is new wall,’ says acting DHS Sec. Chad Wolf
Infowars – The Trump administration marked a milestone for its border wall construction project on Friday by announcing completion of the 100th mile of bollard fencing outside Yuma, Arizona.
Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, joined by Senator Martha McSally and Yuma Mayor Doug Nicholls, announced the 100th mile of new border wall and commemorated it with a special plaque mounted on the fencing.
“Every inch of the 100 miles that we have constructed is new border wall system. It’s not so-called replacement wall as some of our critics claimed. It is new wall,” Wolf told attendees at a press conference.
Wolf then shot down critics who claim that the project is simply replacing existing border fencing, noting that the new 30-foot steel bollard fencing makes it a totally new addition.
“When someone builds a new, modern, smart, five-bedroom house, in place of a dilapidated rundown shack, you do not call it a replacement house. You call it a new house. The same logic applies here,” Wolf added.
But Wolf also implied that the Trump administration may not have 450 miles of wall completed by the end of 2020, as it had promised.
“I can tell you right now that we remain confident that we are on track to [reach] 400, 450 miles that are either completed or under construction by the end of 2020,” Wolf said.
The announcement comes after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a lower court decision Thursday blocking new wall construction.
“The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals just reversed a lower court decision & gave us the go ahead to build one of the largest sections of the desperately needed Southern Border Wall, Four Billion Dollars. Entire Wall is under construction or getting ready to start!” Trump tweeted.

Pelosi Brags That Trump Is ‘Impeached For Life’ Regardless Of Senate Trial Outcome

House Speaker once again reveals political animus against president
Infowars – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi proudly stated that President Trump is “impeached for life,” regardless of the Senate trial findings, revealing once again that truth or justice isn’t the Democrats’ aim, but to tarnish Trump’s presidency.
During an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Pelosi bragged that Trump is impeached forever despite the fact the Senate trial has not even begun, let alone convicted him of any high crime or misdemeanor.
“We had…we have confidence in our case,” Pelosi told host George Stephanopoulos. “That it is impeachable and this president is impeached for life, regardless of any gamesmanship on the part of Mitch McConnell.”
“However, that could still come to bear,” she continued. “But we’re confident in the impeachment, and we think that it is enough testimony to remove him from office. However, we want the American people to see the truth. Why are they afraid of the truth?”
Pelosi is so confident in the House Democrats’ impeachment crusade that she’s delayed sending them over to the Senate for over a month.
Additionally, the Democrats are so confident in their case that three Democrat lawmakers joined Republicans in opposing the completely partisan impeachment articles.
However, Pelosi finally caved and said she would transmit the articles to the Senate this week.

Report reveals lone FBI source of Trump conspiracy evidence came in bogus dossier

Washington Times – The long FBI probe into a purported Russia election collusion was absent of any direct conspiracy evidence against a Trump associate except for the discredited Democratic Party-financed dossier and its impresario, Fusion GPS.
For the first time in an official report, there are explanations of why the FBI initially targeted four Trump advisers: retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, adviser George Papadopoulos, campaign chairman Paul Manafort and adviser Carter Page.
The internal August 2016 explanations are found in the 436-page report of Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz. No FBI predication accused the four or listed evidence of a conspiracy.

Is This a Funeral or a Rally? Top Democratic Candidate Joe Biden Can’t Fill a Living Room in Iowa

Gateway Pundit – Joe Biden is the current leader in the Democratic primaries.
The first vote — the Iowa caucus – is less than one month away.
But Democrats are having a hard time this year.  Besides all of their insane, job-killing, America-hating policies, they are also lacking in energy.
Here is a look at Joe Biden’s latest rally in Clinton, Iowa on Satuday.
Is is a funeral or a rally?

Crime in Virginia is Falling – Governor Focuses on Making You a Felon

Ammoland – Disgraced Governor Ralph Northam and his anti-gun allies in the newly elected legislature have made it clear they are hell-bent on enacting gun control. They want to take your guns and they want taxpayers to fund it. They’ve seen the same research that has shown that gun control doesn’t work.
Violent crime in Virginia fell for the second consecutive year, and the Commonwealth has the fourth lowest violent crime rate in the nation – also for the second consecutive year. Virginia had the 25th largest decrease in the violent crime rate from 2017 to 2018 while holding its spot as the fourth safest state. Virginia is outpacing the nation in reducing violent crime; the national rate decreased by 3.6% while Virginia’s decreased 5%.
It isn’t just overall violent crime that has decreased in Virginia. The murder rate fell by 17.3%, and firearms-related homicides specifically fell by 13.8%. For all of the Bloomberg talking points, Northam and his minions regurgitate, there were eight homicides with a rifle of any type in Virginia in 2018. There were 3.75 times more homicides with knives (30 total) than rifles of any type and about twice as many fatal assaults with hands, fists, or feet (15 total) than rifles of any type.
Virginia has 14 times the population of Baltimore but 1.4% of the homicides (391 in Virginia statewide compared to 309 in the city of Baltimore). Clearly firearms aren’t the problem, and gun control doesn’t work.

Sen. Cory Booker suspends presidential campaign

The New Jersey senator struggled to break into the field’s top tier.
ABC – Sen. Cory Booker suspended his presidential campaign Monday, the final act of a bid for the Democratic nomination defined by a persistent struggle to catch fire with voters and donors despite his relatively high profile and long-standing presidential ambitions.
The news of the senator’s decision came weeks before the Iowa caucuses, where, despite a large field organization Booker, D-N.J., was expected to finish outside of the top tier of candidates, based on recent polling. His announcement also comes on the eve of the seventh Democratic debate which he did not qualify to participate in due to a lack of qualifying polls towards Democratic National Committee polling thresholds, according to ABC News’ analysis.

Veteran News

Who Signs Up to Fight? Makeup of U.S. Recruits Shows Glaring Disparity

New York Times –
The sergeant in charge of one of the busiest Army recruiting centers in Colorado, Sergeant First Class Dustin Comes, joined the Army, in part, because his father served
… Soldiers like him are increasingly making the United States military a family business. The men and women who sign up overwhelmingly come from counties in the South and a scattering of communities at the gates of military bases like Colorado Springs, which sits next to Fort Carson and several Air Force installations, and where the tradition of military service is deeply ingrained.
More and more, new recruits are the children of old recruits. In 2019, 79 percent of Army recruits reported having a family member who served. For nearly 30 percent, it was a parent — a striking point in a nation where less than 1 percent of the population serves in the military.
For years, military leaders have been sounding the alarm over the growing gulf between communities that serve and those that do not, warning that relying on a small number of counties that reliably produce soldiers is unsustainable, particularly now amid escalating tensions with Iran.
“A widening military-civilian divide increasingly impacts our ability to effectively recruit and sustain the force,” Anthony M. Kurta, acting under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, told the National Commission on Military, National and Public Service last year. “This disconnect is characterized by misperceptions, a lack of knowledge and an inability to identify with those who serve. It threatens our ability to recruit the number of quality youth with the needed skill sets to maintain our advantage.”…

Trump suggests he’d invoke executive privilege to block Bolton testimony

Politico – President Donald Trump on Friday said he planned to invoke executive privilege in the event former national security adviser John Bolton was subpoenaed by lawmakers for the Senate impeachment trial.
In clips of an interview with Laura Ingraham, the Fox News host asks Trump why he wouldn’t block Bolton from testifying if Bolton had information that could bolster Trump’s claims that he’d done nothing wrong.
Trump responded that he would have “no problem” with Bolton testifying, “other than one thing.”
Story Continued Below
“You can’t be in the White House as president, future, I’m talking about future — any future presidents — and have a security adviser, anybody having to do with security, and legal and other things but especially—,” he argued, before Ingraham interjected.
“Are you going to invoke executive privilege?” she asked.
“Well I think you have to for the sake of the office,” Trump replied.

Refugees will no longer be allowed to resettle in Texas, Governor Abbott tells feds

Fort Worth Star Telegram – In a letter Friday to U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, Gov. Greg Abbott said the state will not allow refugees to resettle in Texas this fiscal year.
Under President Donald Trump’s Sept. 26 executive order, cities and states must provide their written consent to allow refugees to resettle within their areas. Nationwide, over 40 governors have consented or signaled their willingness to allow refugees in their states, making Texas the first known state to bar their settlement.
Abbott’s decision was quickly decried by refugee resettlement agencies, and it goes against the urging of Texas mayors, religious groups and state lawmakers who had pushed for Texas to continue permitting refugees.

Economy & Business

Trump’s absurd claim that the ‘real’ unemployment rate is 42 percent

Washington Post – Our real unemployment rate is 42 percent.”
—Donald Trump, in an interview with Time magazine, posted Aug. 18, 2015
Only a couple of months ago, in his presidential announcement speech, real-estate developer Donald Trump said the “real” unemployment rate was 18 to 20 percent, which earned him a “false” from PolitiFact.
As PolitiFact noted, while the official unemployment rate now is 5.3 percent, there is a measure issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics known as the “labor underutilization” rate, which at the time was 10.8 percent. This measure includes people who want to work but who have not looked for work recently enough to be counted in the most commonly used measure of the unemployment rate. But even that was half the level cited by Trump, making his statement false.
Now he’s touting a figure that is more than double his previous claim. How does he figure that?
The Facts
Trump hints at his method in the interview with Time. “I saw a chart the other day, our real unemployment – because you have ninety million people that aren’t working,” he said. “Ninety-three million to be exact. If you start adding it up, our real unemployment rate is 42 percent.”
Trump may have seen a chart, but he misread it. Yes, the BLS shows that there are 93.7 million people “not in the work force,” but the vast majority of those people do not want to work. Most are retired or simply are not interested in working, such as stay-at-home parents.
It is correct that the labor participation rate has been dropping during the Obama presidency, from 65.7 percent in 2009 to just under 62.6 percent this year, according to the BLS. It is a worrisome trend, especially because the participation rate for workers between ages 16 and 54 fell sharply during the Great Recession and still hasn’t fully recovered.
But the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in 2012 concluded that just over half of the post-1999 decline in the participation rate comes from the retirement of the baby boomers. Barclays economists, meanwhile, say that just 15 percent of the drop in the labor force stems from people who want a job and are of prime working age (25-54).
In any case, Trump was not talking about the labor participation rate. He simply took the number associated with it and declared that is the number of unemployed people in the country. (Trump’s math is a bit fuzzy, but if you combine the 93.7 million not in the labor force with the 8.2 million who are unemployed, as well as underutilized workers, you end up with about 42 percent of the 250 million people listed as the “civilian noninstitutional population.”)
Interestingly, former Reagan administration official David Stockman wrote a blog post in June in which, as part of an attack on Federal Reserve policies, he also asserted the unemployment rate was 42 percent. He came at it a different way, counting the potential labor hours (420 billion) if every adult American between the ages of 16 and 68 worked a full-time job. Since only 240 billion labor hours were supplied to the U.S. economy in 2014, he said that means the “real” unemployment rate was 42.9 percent.

U.S. BANS charter flights to Cuba in an effort to squeeze the country’s economy, but says that ‘some’ flights to Havana will be allowed

Daily Mail – The United States is curbing public charter flights to Cuba in a further effort to squeeze the Cuban government’s income, the U.S. State Department said on Friday, prompting an outcry from officials in Havana.
The Trump administration, in its latest effort to roll back warmer U.S-Cuba ties established by the Obama administration, said it would only let some charters into Havana’s Jose Marti International Airport but did not say how many.
U.S. officials, in October, banned regularly scheduled flights to all Cuban cities except Havana.

L.A. mayor asks Trump administration for aid on homeless, two sides talking

Reuters – The mayor of Los Angeles has written to the Trump administration to formally request federal assistance with the growing numbers of homeless on the city’s streets, a letter that shows he and Housing Secretary Ben Carson have had negotiations on the issue.

Energy & Environment

California Water Infected With Increasing Fecal Bacteria As Democrats Allow Homeless Crisis to Worsen

Gateway Pundit – It’s always entertaining to see diametrically opposing leftist movements collide with one another. Now we have the environmental groups squaring off against the homeless advocacy groups, as California’s homeless crisis is leading to mass contamination of the rivers and streams. Rather than going through sewage treatment, human waste from the homeless is ending up directly in the water ways.
This past October, the Environmental Protection Agency sent a nastygram to San Francisco officials, naming all of the regulations that the liberal utopia is in violation of.
MEANWHILE, Governor Newsom proudly proclaims California to be the most un-Trump state, while also announcing a budget to address homelessness.

Pickering Nuclear Generating Station emergency alert issued in error, investigation launched

Conspiracy-Cafe – he Province of Ontario has issued an emergency bulletin after an “incident” at the Pickering Nuclear Generation Station
The emergency bulletin, which was sent out shortly after 7:20 a.m. on Sunday, said it applies to people within 10 kilometres of the facility.
“An incident was reported at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station,” the alert said.
“There has been no abnormal release of radioactivity from the station and emergency staff are responding to the situation.”
The facility is located on Montgomery Park Road beside Lake Ontario, west of Brock Road.
The bulletin said people “do not need to take protective actions at this time.”
They are now saying they were conducting a drill. My sources are saying the plant was hacked by Iran. We can only expect things to get worse if that is the case.
It’s a warning that would give anyone chills and put you into panic mode.
Fortunately, an emergency alert sent out across Ontario this morning, advising of some sort of unspecified accident at Pickering Nuclear Plant, was a false alarm.
While there are still more questions than answers, about the mishap, NEWSTALK1010 has learned that it was reportedly meant to be an internal “test” message during a training drill, but that somehow, it went live across the province just before 7:30 this morning.
Speaking to our media partner CP24, James Kilgour with Durham Emergency Management says,”This is something that we do test quite a bit. This is something we do actually work on.”
Kilgour says that authorities scrambled to retract the warning once they verified it was a false alarm, adding “I cannot confirm how the province issued it.”
Iranian hackers hit Bahrain oil company, target US power utilities
Iranian hackers have hit Bahrain’s national oil company as a new report finds that Iranian state-sponsored hackers have also been targeting U.S. power utilities.
The attack in Bahrain targeted oil company Bapco Dec. 29 and is said to have involved the use of the new strain of data-wiping malware. Dubbed “Dustman” by the Saudi Arabia National Cybersecurity Authority, the malware, designed to delete data on an infected computer, was quickly detected with only minor disruptions on Bapco’s network.
“This attack could have been much worse, and while we don’t know all the details, I’m willing to bet that Bapco had planned out their response before this incident occurred,” Roger A. Grimes, data-driven defense evangelist at security training company KnowBe4 Inc., told SiliconANGLE. “The lack of utter devastation this time around should be counted as a major computer defense success. ”
Grimes noted that the 2012 Disttrack attack against Saudi Aramco, which devastated that company and put all of Saudi Arabia on its heels for half a year, led to the better successful defense of Bahrain.
“The Saudi Aramco attack changed everything for that part of the world,” he said. “Before the Saudi Aramco attack, Middle East computer security was worse than poor. It was almost nonexistent. But losing 32,000 computers, servers and workstations, in one of the world’s first nation-state attacks and the shutting down of the number one wealth producer for the country has a way of creating focus.”
A separate report from cybersecurity report Dragos Inc. details the activities of an Iranian hacking group it calls Magnallium, also known as APT33 in targeting U.S. power companies.
The report says that the group has been undertaking a broad campaign of password-spraying attacks against U.S. firms since the beginning of 2019. Those are attacks that attempt to access accounts with a few commonly used passwords. Wired reported that another Iranian group called Parasite has also been working with Magnallium by attempting to exploit vulnerabilities in virtual private networking software.
Dragos did not say whether any of the attacks were successful.

Why Are Volcanoes All Over The Globe Suddenly Shooting Giant Clouds Of Ash Miles Into The Air?

Michael Snyder – There certainly hasn’t been a lack of seismic activity so far in 2020.  Just a few days ago, I wrote about the horrific earthquake swarm that Puerto Rico is currently experiencing.  More than 1,000 earthquakes have rattled Puerto Rico so far, and as you will see below, it was just hit by another very large earthquake.  But right now volcanic eruptions have taken center stage. In particular, a massive eruption in the Philippines is making headlines all over the world, but what most people don’t realize is that several other volcanoes have also blown their tops in spectacular fashion within the past week.  Suddenly, volcanoes all over the globe are shooting giant clouds of ash miles into the air, and this is greatly puzzling many of the experts.
Let’s review what we have witnessed over the past 7 days.
Last Tuesday, one of the most important volcanoes in Alaska shot hot ash 25,000 feet into the air
There are 5280 feet in a mile, and so we are talking about an ash cloud nearly 5 miles high.
Then on Thursday, Mt. Popocatepetl in Mexico shot hot ash nearly 4 miles into the sky
Those that follow my work on a regular basis already know that I am deeply concerned about Mt. Popocatepetl.  It has the potential to create the worst natural disaster in the modern history of North America, because it is quite close to Mexico City.
Let us hope that Mt. Popocatepetl settles down, because the death and destruction that a catastrophic eruption would cause would be off the charts.
Meanwhile, down in South America the Sabancaya volcano in Peru just shot a plume of volcanic ash approximately 24,000 feet into the air
But hardly anyone is paying any attention to what just took place in Peru because of what just happened in the Philippines.
On Sunday, Taal volcano roared to life, and it is being reported that the eruption sent “steam, ash and pebbles up to 10 to 15 kilometers (6 to 9 miles) into the sky”.
Can you imagine that?
According to USA Today, ash has already reached Manila, and “red-hot lava” has started gushing out of the volcano…
Unfortunately, authorities are warning that the worst may still be yet to come.
In fact, they are telling us that a “hazardous explosive eruption” could literally happen at any moment…
Meanwhile, we continue to see unusual earthquake activity all over the globe.
After already experiencing more than 1,000 earthquakes since the beginning of 2020, Puerto Rico was hit by a magnitude 5.9 quake on Saturday
For quite a while, I have been warning that our planet is becoming increasingly unstable and that the shaking is only going to get worse.

Delingpole: Australian ‘Climate’ Fires Are Pure Fake News Propaganda

Breitbart – Australia’s ‘climate’ fires are fast becoming the biggest fake news scare story of 2020. All the world’s stupidest, most annoying, hand-wringing, virtue-signalling leftists, luvvies, eco-loons, shyster politicians, second-rate activist scientists and other bottom feeders are jumping on the bandwagon.
The fires themselves are all too real: no one is disputing that – or the damage they have done. At least 27 people have been killed – including four firemen; an estimated 15.6 million acres have been burned; hundreds of properties have been destroyed; hundreds of thousands of animals, both livestock and wildlife, have been incinerated.
But the narrative that this has anything to do with ‘climate change’ is the purest eco-propaganda fiction. Here is the truth about Australia’s bush fires.
This is about politics, not climate
Australia’s leftists have never forgiven Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s Liberal Party (ie Australia’s conservatives) for winning the general election in May 2019. That’s because it was billed as the ‘climate election’, which the left was supposed to win.
Now all the losing losers who lost in Australia are taking their revenge by demanding the resignation of Scott Morrison (aka ScoMo), supposedly because of his mishandling of the fires. They couldn’t beat him by fair means so now they’re trying to do it by foul means.
Nothing to do with climate change
The dry, hot conditions which have exacerbated these fires are weather, not climate. Australia, a hot, dry country, has been here many, many times before.


Pertussis: Vaccine Failure, Not Failure to Vaccinate

Children’s Defence Fund – This is the latest peer reviewed science-not “vaccine misinformation.” These studies show that the Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine has now failed. Studies show that by five years after completion of the DTaP series, children were up to 15 times more likely to acquire pertussis compared to the first year after the series. California schools are now suffering a Pertussis outbreak (3,455 cases in 2018 compared to 14 Measles cases) affecting primarily vaccinated children.
With mandates legislation sweeping across the nation, the stakes are too high for citizens to tolerate laziness, scientific illiteracy and a default to collegiality in our elected leaders. It’s time for lawmakers to fact-check their sources.
“More recent studies show that by 5 years after completion of a DTaP series, children were up to 15 times more likely to acquire pertussis compared to the first year after the series. Studies have also documented rapid decline in pertussis antibodies within as few as 2–3 years of the most recent aP vaccination, often to pre-vaccination levels and although antibody levels alone are not necessarily indicative of waning immunity, in this case given the higher risk of infection after aP vaccine with time, it is strongly suggestive of it.”
“In the last 13 years, major pertussis epidemics have occurred in the United States, and numerous studies have shown the deficiencies of DTaP vaccines, including the small number of antigens that the vaccines contain and the type of cellular immune response that they elicit. Because of linked-epitope suppression, all children who were primed by DTaP vaccines will be more susceptible to pertussis throughout their lifetimes, and there is no easy way to decrease this increased lifetime susceptibility.”
“In this paper, we have presented empirical evidence — from both case and genomic data — for asymptomatic B. pertussis transmission following the switch from the wP to the aP vaccine in the US and UK. Then, using mathematical and computational transmission models, we have demonstrated that an aP vaccine which blocks symptomatic disease but not asymptomatic transmission is able to account for the observed increase in B. pertussis incidence…public health authorities may be facing a situation similar to that of polio, where vaccinated individuals can still transmit infection.”

2 More Heartburn Drugs Recalled

Newsmax – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is adding to a list of recalled lots of popular heartburn medications — including generic forms of Zantac — because the pills might contain small amounts of a suspected carcinogen.
The substance, called N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), is an environmental contaminant that can be found in water and foods and has been classified as a “probable human carcinogen” by the World Health Organization.
The presence of NDMA in minute quantities has already led to the recall of multiple types of blood pressure medications, such as valsartan and losartan.
>> Looking for heartburn relief?  Try Miracle II Neutralizer or drinking Clay Powder as recommended by Perry A!

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