July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 14, 2022

Supreme Court Blocks Business Vaccine Rule, Declines to Stay Health Care Worker Mandate

Epoch Times – The Supreme Court has blocked the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for private businesses, but has decided to allow a separate regulation that requires health care workers to get a vaccine to take effect.

In a 6–3 ruling on Jan. 13, the court halted the mandate for all private employers with 100 or more workers, ruling that the states and companies that challenged the rule were likely to succeed. Biden administration officials had argued that the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970 gave them the authority to impose the mandate, but a majority of the justices disagreed.

“Applicants are likely to succeed on the merits of their claim that the Secretary lacked authority to impose the mandate. Administrative agencies are creatures of statute. They accordingly possess only the authority that Congress has provided. The Secretary has ordered 84 million Americans to either obtain a COVID–19 vaccine or undergo weekly medical testing at their own expense. This is no ‘everyday exercise of federal power.’ It is instead a significant encroachment into the lives—and health—of a vast number of employees,” the majority slip opinion reads.

The ruling came from Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito, George W. Bush appointees; Clarence Thomas, a George H. W. Bush appointee; and Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, all Trump appointees.

Justice Stephen Breyer, a Clinton appointee, and Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, both Obama appointees, dissented. They wrote in their dissent that the law in question didn’t limit the labor secretary’s powers.

The majority “[imposed] a limit found no place in the governing statute,” the minority opinion reads.

“Not so,” the majority wrote. “It is the text of the agency’s Organic Act that repeatedly makes clear that OSHA is charged with regulating ‘occupational’ hazards and the safety and health of ’employees.’”

While Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar in an earlier brief didn’t dispute that OSHA is limited in regulating “work-related dangers,” she claimed that the risk of contracting COVID-19 qualifies as such a danger.

“We cannot agree,” the majority opinion reads. “Although COVID-19 is a risk that occurs in many workplaces, it is not an occupational hazard in most. COVID-19 can and does spread at home, in schools, during sporting events, and everywhere else that people gather. That kind of universal risk is no different from the day-to-day dangers that all face from crime, air pollution, or any number of communicable diseases. Permitting OSHA to regulate the hazards of daily life—simply because most Americans have jobs and face those same risks while on the clock—would significantly expand OSHA’s regulatory authority without clear congressional authorization.”

The ruling means that the mandate is blocked while the case goes back to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, which overturned a stay that had been imposed by a different appeals court.

OSHA is part of the Department of Labor.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a Republican who brought one of the challenges against the mandate, said in a statement that the ruling was “a massive win for millions of workers and businesses across the country, including Doolittle Manufacturing here in Missouri, who would’ve had to shutter their doors if this mandate was not halted.”

“While we’re disappointed in the Supreme Court’s ruling on our lawsuit against the health care worker vaccine mandate, that fight is far from over, and the case is still ongoing,” he said.

Schmitt was referring to a majority of justices agreeing to lift lower court orders that blocked a separate Biden administration mandate imposed by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

The CMS mandate, which doesn’t allow a testing opt-out, covers more than 17 million health care workers.

White House responds to SCOTUS blocking Biden’s vax mandate

US President Joe Biden said he was “disappointed” with the court’s move to block his vaccination mandate for large companies

RT – The White House claims the Supreme Court has blocked “common-sense life-saving requirements for employers” by opposing President Joe Biden’s Covid-19 mandate on US businesses.

In a Thursday statement, the president said he is “disappointed” by the court’s decision and claimed his much-contested mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees was “grounded squarely in both science and law.” 

Instead of enforcing the federal mandate, states and individual employers will now have to “determine whether to make their workplaces as safe as possible for employees” by separately requiring employees to get vaccinated, he added.

Taking a swipe at the court, Biden claimed he was being denied authority granted to him by Congress, and noted that he would be pushing for employer-imposed individual vaccine mandates regardless.

I call on business leaders to immediately join those who have already stepped up – including one-third of Fortune 100 companies – and institute vaccination requirements to protect their workers, customers, and communities,” he said.

A separate vaccination mandate pertaining to employees of federally funded healthcare facilities was upheld by the court in a 5-4 decision, with Biden saying it would “save lives.”

Biden’s mandate for businesses would have required private companies to enforce inoculations for their employees, or mask mandates and consistent Covid testing for those who opt out. 

The Supreme Court ultimately ruled that Biden had overstepped his authority by enforcing this mandate through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

“OSHA has never before imposed such a mandate. Nor has Congress. Indeed, although Congress has enacted significant legislation addressing the Covid–19 pandemic, it has declined to enact any measure similar to what OSHA has promulgated here,” the court wrote in the majority opinion on Thursday.

The court’s three liberal judges, ​​Justices Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor, dissented, saying the government was addressing “workplace health emergencies.”

In his own response to the Supreme Court’s decision, former President Donald Trump said that it was tantamount to “confirming what we all knew: Biden’s disastrous mandates are unconstitutional.”

Capitol riot: Oath Keepers leader charged with seditious conspiracy

BBC – The leader of far-right militia group the Oath Keepers has been charged with seditious conspiracy over last year’s attack on the US Capitol.

Stewart Rhodes was among 11 people to be charged with the crime on Thursday. He was arrested at his home in Texas, according to his lawyer.

This is first time the sedition charge has been applied over the deadly riot.

Trump supporters stormed Congress in January 2021 as it was meeting to certify Joe Biden’s victory.

More than 725 people have been arrested for the attack, which shocked the world.

Mr Rhodes, a 56-year-old former US paratrooper and Yale-educated lawyer, is accused of conspiring with others to “oppose by force the execution of the laws governing the transfer of presidential power”.

The sedition charge is defined as attempting “to overthrow, put down or to destroy by force the government of the United States”.

The Department of Justice accuses Mr Rhodes of working with other Oath Keepers – a loosely-knit militia that believes the US government has been corrupted by elites – to transport weapons and ammunition to Washington DC in their effort to block Mr Biden’s presidency.

Prosecutors say that starting in late December 2020, Mr Rhodes used encrypted communications to plan the attack on Congress, although he himself is never said to have entered building.

He is accused of creating several “quick reaction force” teams, which “planned to use the firearms in support of their plot to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power”.

The charges allege that Mr Rhodes split members into different “stacks,” who went into the Capitol heavily clad in riot and tactical gear.

The first “stack” split up after entering the building and went separately to the House and Senate chambers, while the second “stack” confronted officers in the Capitol Rotunda, according to prosecutors.

Mr Rhodes has said in previous interviews with conservative groups that the members who entered the Capitol had “gone off mission” and were not acting on his orders.

Student loan processor Navient required to cancel $1.7 billion in student loans

CNBC – Navient, one of the largest student loan servicers, will cancel $1.7 billion in private student loans after a deal it reached with 39 states.

The settlement, announced on Thursday, resulted from accusations the lender gave out loans to millions of borrowers who’d be unlikely to be able to repay them. It resolves all six outstanding state lawsuits against Navient, company officials said.

The loans in question are private loans, meaning they are not guaranteed by the federal government. As part of the settlement, the company will make a one-time payment of about $145 million to the states.

Nearly 66,000 borrowers are expected to get their loans cleared under the $1.85 billion deal.

In Face of Big Tech Censorship, Free Speech Alternatives Emerge Online

Daily Signal – Big Tech actors like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube feel increasingly comfortable banning conservative voices from their platforms. But as Big Tech is willing to censor conservatives for their speech, other platforms devoted to free expression are starting to fill the gap.

The director of The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Technology Policy, Lora Ries, contends that as long as these big platforms continue to censor dissent, alternative platforms will crop up to try to serve as alternatives. (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.)

“The new CEO [of Twitter] has been quoted as less concerned with free speech and more about driving their users toward information that Twitter wants to provide,” Ries said as an example of Big Tech censorship. “That doesn’t bode well for free speech or true public discourse or having disagreements about difficult topics like COVID and COVID response.”

“So as long as that trend continues, then these alternatives, I think, will grow and compete with each other,” she added.

Ries joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss how Big Tech censors conservatives and how platforms such as Gettr and Rumble are putting free speech at the forefront. 

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth strips Prince Andrew of military roles and royal patronages

Irish Times – Britain’s Queen Elizabeth has removed a range of military affiliations and royal patronages held by Prince Andrew, Buckingham Palace has said. The Duke of York will no longer use his His Royal Highness style. The move comes after a US judge gave the green light for her second son to face a sexual assault civil lawsuit.

Buckingham Palace said in a statement on Thursday: “With the Queen’s approval and agreement, the Duke of York’s military affiliations and royal patronages have been returned to the Queen. The Duke of York will continue not to undertake any public duties and is defending this case as a private citizen.”

The dramatic move comes hours after more than 150 military veterans wrote to the queen to ask her to strip Andrew of his honorary military roles amid what they described as their “upset and anger”.

The palace had said earlier on Thursday that it had no comment on their open letter. Writing to her in her capacity as head of state and commander-in-chief of the army, navy and air force, an open letter from former members of each of the services said that it was “untenable” for the Duke of York to retain his position.

“Were this any other senior military officer it is inconceivable that he would still be in post,” they say in a letter sent on the day after a Manhattan judge rejected Prince Andrew’s efforts to dismiss Virginia Giuffre’s sexual assault lawsuit against him. The duke denies the allegations against him.

Queen Strips Prince Andrew of All Military Titles and Patronages

Breitbart – Buckingham Palace announced Thursday that Queen Elizabeth has stripped her son Prince Andrew of all military titles and patronages and he will no longer be entitled to use His Royal Highness (HRH) as a form of address.

The action – effective immediately – means he is now forced to defend his sexual abuse case in a U.S. court as a “private citizen.” The civil case, brought by Virginia Giuffre, is due to move into a discovery phase soon where Andrew may have to sit for an interview under oath – known as a deposition.

The decision is understood to have been taken following wide discussions amongst the Royal Family.

It comes on the same day more than 150 UK military veterans wrote to Queen Elizabeth and asked her to strip Andrew of his honorary military titles.

Their demand follows his relationship with the late, disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, as Breitbart News reported.

Estate Planning Nightmare: Death Benefits Might Be Denied If You Die From COVID Without Being Vaccinated

Technocracy News – These days, workers who refuse to get vaccinated against covid-19 may face financial repercussions, from higher health insurance premiums to loss of their jobs. Now, the financial fallout might follow workers beyond the grave. If they die of covid and weren’t vaccinated, their families may not get death benefits they would otherwise have received.

New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority no longer pays a $500,000 death benefit to the families of subway, bus and commuter rail workers who die of covid if the workers were unvaccinated at the time of death.

“It strikes me as needlessly cruel,” said Mark DeBofsky, a lawyer at DeBofsky Sherman Casciari Reynolds in Chicago who represents workers in benefit disputes.

Other employers have similar concerns about providing death or other benefits to employees who refuse to be vaccinated.

In Massachusetts, the New Bedford City Council sought to extend accidental death benefits to city employees who died of covid, but the mayor didn’t sign that legislation because, among other things, it didn’t prohibit payment if the worker was unvaccinated.

President Joe Biden has leaned hard on businesses to make sure their workers are vaccinated. In September, the administration announced all employers with 100 or more workers would be required to either ensure they’re vaccinated or test employees every week for covid.

Among employers, “there’s a frustration level, particularly at this point when these vaccines are fully approved,” said Carol Harnett, president of the Council for Disability Awareness, an industry group. “You’re trying to protect yourselves and your employees, both from themselves and the general public.”

The New York transportation authority is the highest-profile employer to take this action. Since the pandemic crisis began in 2020, 173 MTA workers have contracted covid and died. Five of those deaths occurred after June 1 of this year, when the policy changed, according to the MTA.

“We are not aware they have been vaccinated,” an MTA spokesperson said of the five workers who died since the policy took effect.

The transit authority’s policy was a shift from an earlier pact with workers. In April 2020, as covid ravaged New York, transit officials and the labor unions representing employees reached agreements that workers who died of covid would be eligible to receive a $500,000 lump-sum death benefit, just like payments to which families of MTA workers who have other job-related deaths are entitled. The program will continue through the end of this year.

But with covid vaccines now widely available and fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the MTA Board determined that, starting June 1, workers who died of covid had to have been vaccinated for their families to be eligible for the payment.

The change comes as the MTA has struggled to improve vaccination rates among its roughly 67,000 workers. More than 70% of transit employees are estimated to be vaccinated, according to MTA officials.

A spokesperson for the MTA stressed that the program remains in effect, and noted that it has been extended past its original one-year term. The only change is the vaccination requirement.

Wesley J. Smith: Defeating Technocracy Is Crucial to Life

Technocracy News – Pro-life advocacy and policies are implacably opposed by the elites of the West. The United Nations promotes abortion access as an international norm. Leaders of the European Union continually criticize and attempt to stifle prolife laws in Poland and Hungary.1 All of the world’s most influential medical journals—the New England Journal of Medicine, the Journal of the American Medical Association, the British Medical Journal, etc.—take the propriety of abortion as a matter of basic patient rights, with some now moving on to endorse assisted suicide.2 And, of course, virtually all mainstream media oppose sanctity-of-life advocacy as a matter of course.

Despite these wailing headwinds, the pro-life movement has exercised the freedoms available in the West internationally to contest anti-sanctity-of-life orthodoxies and policies in the public square and halls of government—battling not only abortion, but also legalization of euthanasia/assisted suicide, the moral propriety of embryonic stem cell research and other biotechnologies, threats to medical conscience, and the like. But come the “technocracy,” a time may arise in which “no advocacy zones” hinder sanctity-of-life activists from presenting contrary ideas to the general community and enacting public policies through the usual democratic processes.

Millions of COVID-19 Tests Granted Extended Shelf Life, DeSantis Says

Epoch TImes – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said one million expired COVID-19 test kits have been given an extension by the Food and Drug Administration and will be “sourced out” to health departments and other larger testing sites.

The governor said in a press conference on Jan. 12 that much of the information about the COVID tests has been reported “inaccurately.” He noted that the kits in question aren’t for “at-home” use, but come 40 tests to a box and are to be administered by a professional.

“You just can’t send those into someone’s home.”

Government Control Led to Lack of Monoclonal Antibodies, Says Medical Supplies CEO

Epoch TImes – The head of a medical supplies company involved in the distribution and supply of monoclonal antibodies across southeastern and northeastern regions of the nation, told NTD in a Jan. 12 interview that government takeover of the monoclonal antibody supply chain has exacerbated backlogs and shortages.

“The way the products are being distributed right now, relying on the government to determine who gets what, that process can be very lengthy in terms of time,” Dealmed CEO Michael Einhorn said.

As a result, physicians are reporting “surpluses in certain areas, not enough in other areas” which has fueled frustrations when critical patients are not receiving antibodies for COVID-19 infections.

While it’s unclear how the monoclonal antibodies are being rationed among states, Einhorn said that “commercialization” of these products should be allowed, so that infusion centers that need them can order in products based on “patient volume.”

“If they have oversupply they wouldn’t order more,” Einhorn said, whereas when remedies are supplied by the state, “nobody’s going to say no the government” as the products are “free practically,” leading to mismatches in supply and demand.

“I find it very difficult to believe that, in a mere year, a governmental agency in a different state can figure out the dynamics of a local regional health care system,” he added.

One particular monoclonal antibody, sotrovimab made by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Vir Biotechnology, is in high demand as emerging reports suggest it is more effective than other products against Omicron.

Dr. Marc Siegel, a practicing internist and a professor of medicine at NYU’s Langone Medical Center, wrote in an op-ed in USA Today that “Omicron is most susceptible to sotrovimab, made by GlaxoSmithKline, but in most states, it is almost impossible to find.”

Monoclonal antibody therapies have been shown to be effective in preventing severe disease or hospitalization in high-risk patients with mild to moderate COVID-19.

On Jan. 12, the Biden administration secured 600,000 more doses of sotrovimab for an undisclosed sum, bringing the total doses purchased by nations globally to roughly 1.7 million, according to Reuters. The additional doses will be delivered in the first quarter of 2022 according to GSK.

Since October 2021, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has delivered over 385,000 doses of sotrovimab to states across the nation.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Jan. 7 criticized the Biden administration that had cut Florida’s supply of the remedy in half, to 150,000 doses. DeSantis added that before the government “seized control of the monoclonal supply,” Florida was administering 30,000 doses per week.

Under the Biden administration’s COVID-19 “action plan,” monoclonal antibodies are listed as a “life-saving” treatment, “shown to reduce the risk of hospitalization by up to 70% for unvaccinated people at risk of developing severe disease.”

The plan also identifies the remedy as a “key tool to improve heal

Self-Driving Truck Completes Successful Run in Arizona

Epoch Times – A long-distance test of a driverless big-rig truck cab in Arizona went without a hitch on Dec. 22, completing the world’s first live demonstration of a fully autonomous long-haul vehicle on open roads.

TuSimple Holdings announced on Dec. 29 that the specially updated Class 8 semi-truck successfully made the 80-mile test drive without a human in the vehicle.

“By achieving this momentous technical milestone, we demonstrated the advanced capabilities of TuSimple’s autonomous driving system and the commercial maturity of our testing process, prioritizing safety and collaboration every step of the way,” said Cheng Lu, president and CEO of TuSimple, a San Diego-based autonomous driving technology company.

Lu said the test “reinforces what we believe is our unique position at the forefront of autonomous trucking, delivering advanced driving technology at commercial scale.

“This year [2021], we were laser-focused on putting our technology through a rigorous test on open public roads under real-world conditions, and to see all our hard work and dedication come together is extremely rewarding.”

The nearly two-hour run took place at night starting from a large railroad yard in Tucson, Arizona, and covered more than 80 miles on public roads and major highways, including I-40, to a high-volume distribution center in the Phoenix metro area.

“Along the journey, TuSimple’s Autonomous Driving System (ADS) successfully navigated surface streets, traffic signals, on-ramps, off-ramps, emergency lane vehicles, and highway lane changes in open traffic, while naturally interacting with other motorists,” TuSimple said.

The test drive was done in close collaboration with the Arizona Department of Transportation (AZDOT) and local law enforcement to ensure public safety.

During the test run, a survey truck operated five to six miles ahead of the automated semi cab to look for unusual conditions that could cause a safety hazard. A “chase van” team followed the truck to make sure no glitches occurred with the automated system.

Unmarked law enforcement vehicles also monitored the driverless test from start to finish.

“Autonomous vehicles is a worldwide emerging technology, with much of the testing and commercial deployment taking place in Arizona,” according to the AZDOT.

At least nine companies have submitted applications to test autonomous vehicles in Arizona, the department stated.

Top NH Conservative Targeted by Child Services for Giving Son Ivermectin

JR Hoell is the founder of a group critical of COVID-19 vaccine mandates

Epoch Times – One of New Hampshire’s leading political conservatives is fighting to keep his children from the state’s child protection services agency after giving his 13-year-old son ivermectin.

JR Hoell is the founder of ReOpen NH, an activist group that criticizes COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Hoell, who has also led public education reform efforts and promotes Second Amendment and homeschooling rights, told The Epoch Times that the New Hampshire Division of Children Youth and Family (DCYF) showed up at his doorstep on the night of Dec. 9 with an emergency ex parte order to take custody of his son.

“I want to go on the record as calling the DCYF a terrorist organization,” Hoell told The Epoch Times, “they have no grounds to seek removal of my son from his home.”

Kathleen Remillard, Public Information Officer for the DCYF told The Epoch Times that the agency is unable to comment due to state and federal confidentiality laws. Hoell provided The Epoch Times with a medical report showing an Amherst, NH physician found the teen to be in overall good health less than 24 hours after the agency tried to take emergency custody of him.

Hoell’s son, who stands over six feet tall and has a black belt in Taekwondo, had already returned to his martial arts classes and was over at a friend’s house when the DCYF showed up with two police officers on Dec. 9 looking for his son and 17-year old daughter.

Sinema Says She Won’t Vote Down Filibuster, Dealing Another Blow to Biden

Epoch Times – Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) said on Thursday that she will not help her party to weaken or abolish the filibuster, all but ending President Joe Biden’s aspiration to pass comprehensive voting legislation that would increase the federal government’s power over elections.

This announcement comes as little surprise to observers of the Arizona maverick who, like former Sen. John McCain, has long been willing to break with her party on various issues. On the filibuster especially, Sinema opposes efforts by her party to change the peculiar Senate rule.

“There’s no need for me to restate my longstanding support for the 60-vote threshold to pass legislation. There’s no need for me to restate its role in protecting our country from wild reversals of federal policy,” Sinema said on Thursday.

The announcement, though unsurprising, is a hard blow to President Joe Biden and other Democratic leaders.

On Twitter on Jan. 3, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer made clear that voting legislation would be one of the top priorities for Democrats returning from their winter recess.

Schumer and others in his party have maintained that efforts by Republican legislatures across the United States to strengthen their election laws through stricter voter ID, absentee ballot rules, and other measures constitute a “new Jim Crow” that demands immediate congressional action.

“We can and must take strong action to stop this anti-democratic march,” Schumer wrote in the tweet.

Around a week after this tweet, Biden made clear that he stood behind Schumer’s goal.

“To protect our democracy,” Biden told a mostly-black crowd in Georgia. “I support changing the Senate rules in whatever way they need to be changed to prevent a minority of senators from blocking action on voting rights.”

“The filibuster’s not used by Republicans to bring the Senate together but to pull it further apart,” Biden said later during the speech.

This announcement represented a significant change of course for the former senator, who during the late summer and early fall of 2021 still opposed efforts to weaken the filibuster.

A ‘Gun at Every Door’: Border Rancher Sees 2,400 Percent Increase In Illegal Aliens on Property
Epoch Times – Ranching and smuggling are respectively the primary legitimate and illegitimate economic drivers in Cochise County, Arizona.

Much to John Ladd’s frustration, the two industries intersect on his ranch, which is sandwiched between the U.S.–Mexico border and highway 92, a convenient smuggling pick-up road.

Ladd’s ranch shares 10.5 miles of border with Mexico and in mid-2019 had an average of 12 illegal aliens traversing his land daily, with Border Patrol catching about half.

Now, he says, it’s about 300 a day and Border Patrol catches about 30 percent on a good day. The numbers started escalating the same time the 2020 presidential election swung Joe Biden’s way.

“I’m not going to say there’s no hope, but nothing’s going to change as long as Biden’s there and his administration,” Ladd told The Epoch Times on Dec. 8.

“And so what are we going to do? Just let them come through?”

The illegal immigrants traversing Ladd’s ranch aren’t seeking asylum—they’re mostly young, single men dressed head-to-toe in camouflage clothing and doing everything they can to avoid law enforcement and get to Phoenix.

“These people can’t turn themselves in, they’ll get deported. These are the bad people. We’re dealing with the worst of the worst,” Cochise County Sheriff Mark Dannels said.

Dannels’s border team has placed hundreds of trail cameras throughout the county since 2017 to detect illegal aliens, traffickers, and smugglers.

“We put our cameras in areas where Border Patrol wasn’t going,” he said. “We went to the river areas, we went into the mountain areas, we went to the desert areas,” he said. The money for the cameras was raised from private donations—Dannels refuses to accept government money that has strings attached.

Four years ago, the sheriff’s border team, called SABRE (Southeastern Arizona Border Region Enforcement), rid Ladd’s ranch of drug smugglers, which was the biggest problem at the time.

“There were 37 experienced smugglers [on his property] that are now sitting in prison,” Dannels said in 2019.

The drugs are still coming across, but the cartels are making an endless amount of cash with human smuggling, so they’ve added a lucrative new revenue stream.

Currently, Dannels’s cameras are detecting about 6,000 illegal aliens per month in the county, while Border Patrol is detecting an additional 10,000.

Detective Jake Kartchner, who is part of the sheriff’s border team run by Sgt. Tim Williams, said each illegal alien must pay the Sinaloa cartel between $7,000 to $9,000 on average to get across the border.

Washington State legalized “flesh goo” liquefaction of human corpses one year before activating COVID concentration camps that will target unvaxxed conservatives with “strike team” operations… efficient, stealth disposal of bodies now perfected

NaturalNews – The State of Washington legalized the liquefaction and disposal of human corpses  just one year before the state activated covid concentration camps, providing for an efficient, stealth mechanism for mass disposal of human corpses.

This is a fact. No one can shoot this down with a fake “fact check,” so they simply try to censor the conversation and hope no one is paying attention.

Washington’s legalization of this “flesh goo” mechanism for liquefying human corpses — known as “alkaline hydrolysis” — went into effect on May 1, 2020. The law is RCW 68.50.110 and the passage refers to “alkaline hydrolysis” as the new, legal means to dispose of human corpses.

In just the last two years, there has been an aggressive push by several US states to legalize this corpse disposal process, which uses lye (caustic soda) mixed with water to dissolve human bodies into a “flesh goo” which is then flushed into the municipal sewage system. To date, 20 US states have legalized this process. Those states, as documented by Nolo.com, include Oregon, California, Illinois, Minnesota, Nevada and many others.

Once the “flesh goo” is flushed into the sewers, it is collected as “biosludge” and distributed on orchards and food farms where it is claimed to be a source of “free fertilizer” for farmers. In America today, governments are quite literally dissolving dead human corpses and spreading the flesh goo on food farms to feed the living.

This practice of biosludge is documented in my earlier film Biosludged which is available on Brighteon.com as well as a free download from Biosludged.com. The film interviews Dr. David Lewis, former EPA scientist and author of “Science For Sale.” Dr. Lewis blew the whistle on this practice years ago and saw his career destroyed by the EPA.

Dr. David Lewis warned in the film that this practice of biosludge distribution on food farms could be used to distribute biological weapons and carry out a nationwide bioterrorism attack on America. Deadly viruses are deliberately spread on food crops with the help of cities via the biosludge process, and all a terrorist needs to do is flush biological weapons down the toilet to make this happen. The city does all the work!

And here’s the full documentary via Brighteon Films:



What is Water Cremation (Alkaline Hydrolysis)?

Natural Organic Reduction aka “Human Composting”

Alt Tech Phonies: Gettr and Rumble

Gab News – Just days after joining the grift operation Gettr, Joe Rogan slammed the platform this week calling it “fugazi” and was questioning live on his show about how to leave the platform. As I mentioned earlier this week former CNN contributor Jason Miller’s Chinese billionaire-funded Gettr is falsely claiming to be a “free speech” platform and an alternative to Big Tech, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Gettr not only depends on Amazon AWS for hosting along with Apple and Google App Stores for distribution, but the app is also tracking users for Facebook and Google according to a bombshell report from Talk Liberation Investigates. 

As I have written in the past I have no problem with competition. Competition is great and encourages our team to work harder to provide the best product on the market. What I do have a problem with is grifters, hypocrites, and liars. I know many good and decent people will be signing up for Gettr at the behest of the talking heads they trust on Fox News and elsewhere. I think they 

Some Key Findings from the report include:

-Numerous trackers from Facebook, Google, and other third parties are embedded in GETTR web and smartphone apps.

-App permissions facilitate the surveillance of a wide variety of information about GETTR users, including fine-grained behavior and location data. This data is then used to profile users and shared with third parties.

-“Getome,” a previous version of the GETTR app that targeted Chinese-language audiences, is still published in Google Play and effectively provides a backdoor to GETTR. Users can log in and interact on the GETTR network via the Getome app, bypassing updates on the newer application.

-Content on GETTR such as news is loaded directly from external sources, opening connections between GETTR users to dozens of domains. This introduces serious privacy and security risks. Some of this content is delivered via unencrypted HTTP, further jeopardizing users.

-GETTR infrastructure is hosted by cloud vendors such as Amazon AWS and company email accounts are hosted by Google.

Another fake in the alternative technology space is Rumble. Rumble positions themselves as the “free speech” Youtube alternative. Conservative talking heads from Fox News have been pushing it for the past year and earlier this summer President Trump joined the platform. On the day that President Trump joined the platform Rumble updated their terms of service to ban “hate speech.”

I was watching an interview with Tim Pool and the CEO of Rumble last night and it was really something. Tim pressed him on why their terms of service are exactly the same as Big Tech’s by banning things like “hate speech.” He correctly stated that Rumble is adopting the censorship language of the left.

The CEO of Rumble said that their terms of service are “legacy” from when they launched in 2013 (which is a lie because they added the hate speech rules on the day President Trump joined Rumble recently,) and mentioned three times that they have to ban “hate speech” in order to stay on the Apple and Google app stores.

So the reality is Rumble and Gettr are platforms that are de facto owned and operated by Apple and Google. If you have the same Silicon Valley rules in order to play in the Silicon Valley sandbox, you are necessarily part of the Silicon Valley swamp.

If you see someone promoting Gettr or Rumble as a “free speech alternatives to Big Tech” feel free to send them the information on this post, and then tell them about Gab.com. The home of free speech online with the battle scars to prove it.

These are problems Gab doesn’t have, because unlike Rumble, Parler, and Gettr: Gab has a backbone and principles.

Gab is a First Amendment company which means we tolerate “offensive” but legal speech. We believe that a moderation policy which adheres to the First Amendment, thereby permitting offensive content to rise to the surface, is a valuable and necessary utility to society.

It allows unorthodox but correct views, such as the Wuhan Lab Origin Theory that was banned on Twitter and YouTube but permitted on Gab, to propagate.

It allows hateful ideas, such as anti-White CRT, to be exposed and subject to scrutiny and challenge. It also allows Americans, and others around the world, to enjoy the full measure of their human right to speak freely online.

Gab is the ONLY platform that stood up to censorship and said NO to:

Apple and Google

Visa, Paypal, and dozens of processors

-Cloud hosting providers

-Email services


-The mainstream media

The nation state of Germany

-The ADL and SPLC

-Fellow “conservatives”


We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. If you want to offer the world a free speech platform you’re going to pay the consequences. You need to be willing to take heat from Apple, Google, banks, and even foreign governments. Gab did, and will continue to do so.

Bombshell Admission — The COVID Tests Don’t Work

Mercola – Since the beginning of the pandemic, experts have warned that the PCR test is not as a valid diagnostic and produces far too many false positives, as it can pick up on “dead,” nonreplicating viral debris

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now admits the PCR test can remain positive for up to 12 weeks after infection. For this reason, they say most people don’t need to retest negative before ending their quarantine

The CDC also admits the PCR cannot identify active infection or measure contagiousness

People who are double-jabbed or unvaccinated and test positive for SARS-CoV-2, or have known exposure, but remain asymptomatic, now only need to isolate for five days rather than 10, but should wear a mask for another five days when at work or in public. People who are triple-jabbed do not need to isolate after exposure, but should wear a mask for 10 days

Health care workers who test positive for COVID but remain asymptomatic can return to work after seven days with a negative test, but isolation time can be cut to five days if there are staffing shortages

Behavioral Modification: What You Need to Know

Mercola – Neuroscientists have been working on a number of advanced techniques with military applications

Magnetogenetics is a technique of using magnetic fields to remotely control cell activity

In human experiments, scientist experimented with reducing religious feelings

In animal experiments, researchers were able to induce specific behaviors in mice using genetically modified viruses and magnetic fields

Another area of behavioral modification is “digital vaccines,” which is special software for behavioral change

What Happens When You Exercise With a Mask?

Mercola – Some have found that wearing a mask while exercising reduces your oxygen intake and drives CO2 levels high

Symptoms of high CO2 levels include headache, dizziness, fatigue, poor concentration and nausea; two schoolboys in China died while running with a mask

The question of whether cloth masks are effective against the spread of infectious disease has not yet been settled. Exercising with a face shield may offer benefits without CO2 risk

If you wear a mask it’s important to ensure you aren’t infecting yourself: Keep your hands away from your face, don’t touch the outside of a used mask and replace your mask as soon as it’s damp

Sirhan Sirhan to Remain in Prison: Palestinian Who Assassinated Robert F. Kennedy Denied Parole

Breitbart – Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian immigrant convicted of assassinating presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, was denied parole Thursday.

California governor Gavin Newsom (D) said the killer remains a threat to the public and hasn’t taken responsibility for a crime that added a dark page to the annals of U.S. history

Kennedy, a Democratic U.S. senator from New York, was shot within moments of claiming victory in California’s pivotal Democratic presidential primary. Five others were wounded during the shooting at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

Sirhan Sirhan later said he resented Kennedy partly because of his support for Israel. He shouted he had killed Kennedy “for my country” at the scene of the crime.

As Breitbart News reported, Sirhan Sirhan’s initial parole request was granted last August on the 16th try, thanks in part to the decision of George Soros-based Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón not to oppose his parole application.

EXCLUSIVE: Ray Epps’s Attorney Responds to Claims His Client Is an FBI Informant

Epoch Times – The attorney for Capitol Hill protest participant Ray Epps, former FBI agent John Blischak, told The Epoch Times on Jan. 12 that his client has been interviewed by federal law enforcers and “unequivocally, he is not an FBI informant.”

Speculation about Epps has gradually built for months, coming to a head when top federal law enforcement officials refused to answer questions about his alleged connections to law enforcement during a Jan. 11 Senate hearing on domestic terrorism. The Democratic-led House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the U.S. Capitol released a statement following the hearing, claiming to have interviewed Epps and that he’s not a “fed”—but this prompted further questions and criticism.

While The Epoch Times was initially unable to reach Epps for comment, he responded to a text message later on the night of Jan. 11.

“Please refer any questions to our attorney John Blischak,” Epps wrote. “He will be happy to answer your questions, as I’ve been advised not to talk to anyone at this time.”

When reached by phone the next morning, Blischak vigorously denied that Epps is a federal informant.

“He was interviewed by the FBI in Arizona,” he said. “I was present during that interview, and unequivocally, he is not an FBI informant.”

Asked whether Epps is an asset for any government agency—law enforcement, intelligence, or otherwise—Blischak said, “Not to my knowledge.”

Then why didn’t Department of Justice officials deny any connections to Epps?

“Knowing the FBI as I do, they’re not going to comment one way or another,” Blischak said.

Blischak also denied any deals or agreements between Epps and the FBI. He said he’s representing Epps “in the event that he becomes a potential defendant in any action brought as to what happened on Jan. 6, 2021.”

“We’ve been working with the House Committee,” Blischak. “That’s what we’ve been doing.”

NIH Reveals Wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Committed More Grant Violations

Epoch Times – The nonprofit that funneled United States grant money to a high-level laboratory in China committed a slew of violations, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) revealed this week.

EcoHealth Alliance was non-compliant with eight different portions of a written agreement it entered into with the U.S. government, NIH informed the group in a letter sent last week that was made public recently by Republicans on the House Oversight Committee.

EcoHealth failed to allow access to the Wuhan lab’s records and financial statements, report inventions created at the lab, or certify that the requirements imposed by it on the lab to make sure the funds were used in accordance with U.S. laws and regulations, among other failures, said Dr. Michael Lauer, an NIH deputy director.

“EcoHealth has demonstrated a history of failure to comply with several elements of the terms and conditions of grant awards not only for these active awards, but also for the suspended award, R0AI110964,” Lauer informed Drs. Aleksei Chmura and Peter Daszak, EcoHealth’s chief of staff and president.

NIH had previously suspended a single grant to EcoHealth but allowed the agency to continue to receive funds through other awards despite its links to the Wuhan lab, which is located near where the first COVID-19 cases were first identified in late 2019.

U.S. intelligence officials have obtained evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 may have come from the lab, but other officials have argued it has a natural origin.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. The CCP has refused to cooperate with many investigators attempting to probe the virus’ origins throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

EcoHealth has not responded to requests for comment.

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee said the new letter “confirms EcoHealth hid the truth about their risky coronavirus experiments in Wuhan.”

In October of last year, Republicans successfully obtained information from the NIH that showed, according to many experts, that the U.S.-funded experiments at the lab included gain-of-function research on modified bat coronaviruses.

Scientists there used a modified virus strain that ended up making mice sicker when compared to mice infected with the original strain, Lawrence Tabak, now the NIH’s director, previously told lawmakers in a letter.

Jack Nunberg, a virologist and director of the Montana Biotechnology Center at the University of Montana, told The Epoch Times in an email that the experiments were “overly risky” and Jonathan Latham, executive director of The Bioscience Research Project, said the experiments “clearly constituted gain-of-function.”

Biden administration officials had alleged that the NIH didn’t fund gain-of-function experiments in China.

Tabak requested lab notebook entries and other files related to the experiments which EcoHealth had withheld, but the new letter shows EcoHealth has still not provided that information, Richard Ebright, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers University, wrote on Twitter.

“Incredibly, EcoHealth has racked up even more violations of grant terms and conditions,” he said.

VA Nurses Union Holds Brooklyn Rally to Address Staffing Shortage

Epoch Times – National Nurses United, the union that represents nurses at hospitals throughout the United States—including several Veterans Affairs’ hospitals in New York—is holding localized rallies nationwide this week in an effort to alleviate staffing shortages at veterans’ hospitals.

About 20 members of the New York region gathered at the entrance to the Brooklyn VA Medical Center at 7:30 am on Jan. 13, with signs and speeches in hand.

The first member to speak was medical-surgical nurse Carissa Coccimiglio. She spoke of her time working at the location since 2015.

“As the years went on, I have noticed significant changes here and not for the better. The facility is expecting nurses to take on more and more responsibility, to meet certain criteria so our hospital can receive an ′X′ number of stars,” she said in her prepared statement.

Coccimiglio went on to say the number of nurses on staff has dwindled and there’s “moral distress” amongst them “because of the hospital’s failure to provide adequate staffing.”

This, in turn, has led to poor quality care for the veterans and a safety issue for the nurses, she said.

EXCLUSIVE: Professor’s Policy Offering Students ‘Extra Credit’ for Getting Vaccinated Quickly Pulled by University After Being Contacted

‘It’s not anything we sanctioned or supported,’ university official says

Epoch TImes -An “Assignment Details” post by a Florida university professor that offered 10 “extra Credit” points for students who got COVID-19 vaccines was quickly pulled by the university the day after being contacted by The Epoch Times.

In a screenshot of the Assignment Details posted at 6:17 p.m. on Jan. 10 by Professor Dianna Taylor for her Introduction to Leadership classes at the University of North Florida, obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times, 10 “Extra credit” points were offered to students who get COVID-19 vaccinations by midnight on April 30, 2022.

“Yay! Congratulations on doing the right thing and obtaining your COVID vaccination,” Taylor’s post stated. “A leader is aware of the wellbeing of others and the responsibilities of leadership have taken on an even deeper meaning as our colleagues, families, and workforces find themselves in an unfamiliar environment.” The statement concludes by saying: “I am so proud of your decision to vaccinate and to mask up. Just confirm in the Discussion Board response and I will add your 10 points!”

On Jan. 12, The Epoch Times reached out to Tayor about the offer of 10 extra credit points and to find out if the policy had been approved by the university. On Jan. 13, The Epoch Times received an email from Matthew Ohlson, Ph.D., Director of the Taylor Leadership Institute and Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership, School Counseling & Sport Management at the University of North Florida.

Hawley, Democrats’ Bills Would Ban All Stock Trading by Members of Congress

Epoch Times – All members of Congress and their spouses would be banned from trading individual stocks under new proposals introduced this week by one Republican and two Democratic senators.

“Year after year, politicians somehow manage to outperform the market, buying and selling millions in stocks of companies they’re supposed to be regulating. Wall Street and Big Tech work hand-in-hand with elected officials to enrich each other at the expense of the country,” said Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) in a statement announcing his proposed “Banning Insider Trading in Congress Act.

“Here’s something we can do: ban all members of Congress from trading stocks and force those who do to pay their proceeds back to the American people. It’s time to stop turning a blind eye to Washington profiteering,” Hawley said.

Democratic Sens. Mark Kelly of Arizona and Jon Ossoff of Georgia also introduced legislation, called the “Ban Congressional Stock Trading Act,” aimed to stop insider trading by members of Congress and their spouses.

In his statement, Hawley said the major provisions of his proposal include:

A prohibition on holding, acquiring, or selling stocks or related economic interests while serving in Congress. Exempted from the prohibition are interests in diversified mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, or U.S. Treasury bonds.

Senators and representatives have six months after being sworn into office to get rid of prohibited holdings or to place them in a blind trust. The blind trust must be maintained throughout their tenure in office.

If the Senate or House ethics committees determine that an individual member has profited illegally on a prohibited stock or related economic interest, the gain must be turned over to the U.S. Treasury. Losses on such transactions may not be claimed on taxes, and the ethics committees may levy additional fines. The violations will be made public via the internet.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), beginning two years after enactment of the proposal, is required to audit the compliance status of all 535 members of Congress and make the findings public.

The Kelly–Ossoff proposal is similar to Hawley’s and includes these provisions, according to a statement issued by the two senators:

  • Requires all members of Congress, and their spouses and dependent children, to put certain investments into a qualified blind trust or divest them within 120 days after the enactment of this legislation. New members of Congress, and their spouses and dependent children, would be required to do the same within 120 days of assuming office. Covered investments that cannot be moved into a blind trust must be divested.
  • Prohibits members, their spouses, and dependent children from personally acquiring covered investments during the member’s period of service.
  • Includes reporting requirements to ensure accountability and public visibility into the holdings of members’ blind trusts.
  • House and Senate Ethics committees must make publicly available key documents, including a copy of each blind trust agreement, the schedule of assets transferred into each trust, and a description of any extensions granted or penalties imposed.
  • Clarifies the treatment of inheritances. Inheritances that are covered investments must be divested or placed into a blind trust not later than 120 days after the receipt.

The two proposals come in response to recent revelations that at least 54 members of Congress have in some manner violated a law intended to prevent profiting on stock trades made as a result of having insider information not available to the general public.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), for example, reportedly was five months late in disclosing a large investment made by her husband. Similarly, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) was 16 months late in reporting that his wife had purchased stock in a firm that manufactures a treatment for the CCP virus, which causes COVID-19.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), when asked about the 54 members, said she agrees they should comply with the reporting requirements of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012, but she said she opposes barring stock trading by senators and representatives.

That law, which made such transactions illegal, was prompted by revelations by anti-corruption author Peter Schweizer in a best-selling book titled “Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Get Rich Off Insider Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of Us to Prison.”

Among the incumbent politicians exposed by Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, in his book was Pelosi. After Schweizer appeared on “60 Minutes” and elsewhere in the media, Congress quickly passed the STOCK law.

But critics continued to insist after the law was approved that STOCK wasn’t tough enough, especially after Congress quietly gutted many of its toughest transparency provisions in 2013.

US will act ‘decisively’ if Russia deploys military to Cuba or Venezuela – White House

RT – Moscow has refused to rule out sending military infrastructure to Venezuela or Cuba

The American authorities would act “decisively” if Russia deployed its military to Latin America, the White House said on Thursday, following suggestions that Moscow could station some of its troops in Venezuela or Cuba.

United States National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan called the idea “bluster in the public commentary” and noted that the deployment of Russian military infrastructure to Latin America was not a point of discussion at the recent Russia-US Strategic Stability Dialogue in Geneva.

“If Russia were to move in that direction, we would deal with it decisively,” he said, responding to a question from a journalist.

The US opposition to Russian troop placement in the Americas may raise some eyebrows in Moscow, which has repeatedly complained about US armed forces being located near Russia’s western frontier.

The suggestion that Russia may send troops to Latin America came during an interview with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov on TV channel RTVI. When asked about the possibility of deployment, Ryabkov could neither confirm nor deny that it is in the Kremlin’s plans.

“It’s the American style to have several options for its foreign and military policy,” he said. “That’s the cornerstone of that country’s powerful influence in the world.”

Poorer nations reject millions of expiring Covid vaccine doses – UN

Just last month over 100 million doses offered through the Covax program were not accepted

RT – The program to help poorer nations to vaccinate their populations against Covid-19 is facing a problem, as many donations have a remaining shelf life too short to be properly distributed, a UN official has revealed.

In December alone, over 100 million doses offered to the UN’s COVAX program had to be rejected by aid recipients, most of them due to the looming expiration dates of the vaccines, Etleva Kadilli told the European Parliament on Thursday. The official heads the Supply Division of UNICEF, the UN’s agency for the betterment of children’s lives worldwide.

The agency later in the day said some 15.5 million of the doses rejected last month were reportedly destroyed. Some of the shipments were rejected by multiple countries.

Poorer nations have a number of issues with accepting the vaccines donated to them. Many lack storage capacity to receive shipments and have problems with rolling out vaccination campaigns due to factors like domestic instability and strained healthcare infrastructure.

Left-wing Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Indicted for Fraudulent Mortgages on Florida Homes

Breitbart – Left-wing Baltimore, Maryland prosecutor Marilyn Mosby, an early figure in the Black Lives Matter movement, was indicted Thursday on federal charges for fraudulent mortgage applications on homes in the Republican-run State of Florida.

Mosby gained notoriety in 2015 when she prosecuted six police officers for the death of Freddy Gray, an African American man, in police custody. She announced the prosecution as the city was facing protest by Black Lives Matter, and riots. Critics said she had been too quick to charge the officers.

The left celebrated her; Hollywood embraced her, and the late artist formerly known as Prince invited her onstage with him. But the prosecutions were sloppy, the officers were soon acquitted, and critics began to call for her disbarment. (The officers then sued her, but she had immunity for her actions as a prosecutor.)

Mosby remained in the news, notably demanding in 2021 that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) censor a local news station for publishing, among other things, a report that she had taken a trip overseas sponsored by a group linked indirectly to left-wing billionaire philanthropist George Soros, who has backed left-wing prosecutors.

The indictment, published by Baltimore NBC affiliate WBAL-11, claims Mosby committed fraud and perjury by taking advantage of the CARES Act, the first coronavirus relief bill, to claim falsely that she qualified for a “coronavirus-related distribution” from her public employee retirement account.

She allegedly received $36,000 that she used for a down payment on a home in Kissimmee, Florida. She also allegedly did not reveal to her lender that she owed tens of thousands to the IRS in back taxes. And she allegedly signed the mortgage knowing she in tended to violate its prohibition on using a management company to run it as a vacation rental.

She then allegedly repeated the fraud to obtain $45,000 from her retirement account for a second home in Long Boat Key, Florida. Once again, she allegedly did not reveal that she owed back taxes to the IRS.

Gavin Newsom Proposes Billions for Doomed California High-Speed Rail

Breitbart – California Gov. Gavin Newsom has proposed spending billions to continue building the California High-speed Rail Project to connect rural areas in the Central Valley.

In a statement Thursday on his “California Blueprint” for a”clean infrastructure” in the state, Newsom declared:

The California Blueprint includes a proposed $9.1 billion package to advance clean transit initiatives that support the state’s climate and public health goals, promote equity and bolster the green economy, including $4.9 billion for transit and rail projects to improve connectivity, climate adaptation, bicycle and pedestrian safety and more locally driven initiatives. In addition, the Blueprint proposes a $4.2 billion investment in California’s High-Speed Rail project, which will eventually share the electrified Caltrain corridor, as well as funding for projects that encourage active modes of transportation and improve equity and safety, including converting underutilized highways into corridors that better serve residents. The Blueprint positions California to take advantage of additional federal infrastructure investments.

The Caltrain corridor is a commuter system in the San Francisco Bay Area and Silicon Valley. At no point did Newsom propose renewing the plan to connect San Francisco and Los Angeles un under three hours, the project’s founding goal.

The San Jose Mercury News reported:

Gov. Gavin Newsom’s latest budget proposal doubles down on billions of dollars in contentious funding for the San Joaquin Valley segment of the high-speed rail project and expands the state’s initiative to replace gas-powered vehicles with zero-emission.

The latest figures are part of the governor’s $286.4-billion spending proposal released earlier this week – with $9.1 billion going towards transportation infrastructure – which the governor says is part of the state’s concerted effort to reduce California’s largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. The budget proposal functions as a wish list as the governor enters into negotiations with lawmakers ahead of a June deadline for the 2022-2023 budget.

But the proposed $4.2 billion in high-speed rail funding has been mired in controversy. It is the final tranche of $9.9 billion in bond funds for the high-speed rail, which voters approved in 2008’s Proposition 1A on the promise that they would see a bullet train connecting Los Angeles to San Francisco in two hours and 40 minutes. At the moment, that’s not what voters are getting.

Instead, Newsom is seeking to secure the $4.2 billion to finish a 119-mile segment in Fresno, Kern, Madera, and Kings counties, even as some Democrats say the funding should be used for projects aimed at urban centers in the Bay Area and Southern California, not a less-populated stretch of the Central Valley.

In 2019, in his first address as governor to the state legislature, Newsom canceled the original plan for the project to link San Francisco and Los Angeles, declaring that it “would cost too much and take too long.” But he wanted to persist with the first part of the project, in the sparsely populated Central Valley.

Then-President Donald Trump promptly canceled nearly $1 billion in federal funding that was to have gone to the project, saying that California no longer intended to deliver on the billions of dollars U.S. taxpayers had already paid to the state for high-speed rail under President Barack Obama’s 2009 “stimulus”  and administered by then-Vice President Joe Biden.

I Study Centenarians & These Are My Top 6 Foods To Slow Down Aging

These Are A Longevity Expert’s Top 6 Foods To Slow Down Aging

MindBodyGreen – In addition to the many lifestyle practices out there that support longevity (safely spending time in the sun, supporting mental health, and embracing social connection come to mind), incorporating nutrient-dense foods into your diet remains an effective method to support both your lifespan and healthspan. Below, find the six items at the top of his longevity-minded grocery list:

  1. Avocados
  2. Olive oil
  3. Brussels sprouts
  4. Cantaloupe
  5. Blueberries
  6. Nuts

The takeaway.

If you’re looking to support longevity through food, these six picks are a great place to start. And for more longevity notes from Sinclair, feel free to check out his other underrated tips.

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