July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today’s News: January 15, 2021

World News

UK Govt Shock Ad Campaign Claims Buying a Coffee, Seeing Friends ‘Cost Lives’

Breitbart – A series of new social media ads which aim to shock Britons into staying locked in their homes and avoid interacting with other people claim that buying a cup of coffee could “cost lives.”

The ads were released on Thursday, with one Facebook meme labelled “Don’t let a coffee cost lives.”

“Unnecessary social contact puts you and others at risk. If you are buying takeaway food or drinks, remember: wash your hands, wear a face-covering indoors and stay 2 metres apart from others,” the post shared by the official UK Government Facebook page claimed.

Another posted on Twitter by the prime minister’s account claimed that “catch-ups” with friends “costs lives,” adding, “Meeting others unnecessarily could be the link in a chain of transmission that has a vulnerable person at the end. Please, stay at home this weekend”. 

Both images are tinted with red and yellow to affect warning or hazard — i.e., create fear — with a government source telling the Times on Friday that the purpose is to spread the government’s message to “follow the rules by covering your face, washing your hands and making space.”

The focus on Britons buying coffees or seeing friends came a week after media attention was drawn to the case of two women who were surrounded by police after pulling up at a nature reserve, read their rights, and fined £200 for breaching coronavirus regulations.

The two women allegedly had not followed the spirit of “local” exercise by travelling a mere five miles to a beauty spot for some fresh air, with officers telling them that their coffees they were carrying were also not allowed because it constituted a “picnic.”

Health Secretary Matt Hancock enthusiastically backed Derbyshire Police for fining the women, claiming that officers were doing “an absolutely brilliant job.”

“I am absolutely going to back the police,” he said, alleging that “every” alleged “flex” of the strict rules “can be fatal.” The remarks proved an embarrassment for the government when days later, the force apologised to the two women and rescinded the fines:.

Imperial College London epidemiologist Professor Neil Ferguson, told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme on Thursday that some measures could last until the Summer, and lifting them would only be a “gradual process to the Autumn.”

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Feds admit Capitol “siege” was planned in advance by Trump haters, not Trump supporters

NaturalNews – Federal law enforcement officials are blowing the lid on the Capitol false flag “siege,” revealing that it was planned long in advance by bad actors who hate President Donald Trump rather than support him.

Many conservatives are already aware of the fact that those who “stormed” the chambers of Congress on Jan. 6 were not legitimate Trump supporters. Instead, they were the usual crisis actors who seem to come out of the woodwork every time there is a pressing need to vilify conservatives.

In this case, the goal was to frame all Trump supporters as “terrorists” by pretending to be them and storming the Capitol building. Most politicians and media outlets fell right in line with the fake news narrative by condemning Trump supporters before even determining who actually invaded the facility.

Because of the left’s malicious lies and slander, people who voted for Trump are being pulled off social media, fired from their jobs, and harassed by “social justice warriors” who think they have the moral high ground in all this.

The truth, though, is that the so-called “siege” was not much different than 9/11 in that it was clearly an inside job perpetrated by the very same people who have been stripping away Americans’ constitutional rights in the name of “safety” and “security” for decades.

Even CNN agrees that everything captured in photos and video on Jan. 6 was probably an unassociated riot that conveniently resulted in Trump supporters being framed as the culprits when they were actually the ones trying to get the rioters rioters to stop breaking windows and wreaking havoc.

“Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the U.S. Capitol was not just a protest that spiraled out of control,” CNN reported.

“Among the evidence the FBI is examining are indications that some participants at the Trump rally at the Ellipse, outside the White House, left the event early, perhaps to retrieve items to be used in the assault on the Capitol.”

Antifa, BLM likely responsible for Capitol “siege”

Investigators and prosecutors are now probing the command and control aspect of the attack, which clearly required a high level of planning. Law enforcement is looking at travel and communications records to identify, supposedly, who was behind it all.

“It is absolutely ludicrous to believe that the storming was not pre-planned” one Twitter user wrote in response to the news. “To have people coming in tactical gear and away from the actual rally where Trump was still speaking at the time. History will right this ship but in the moment it’s all political.”

CNN is likewise suggesting, amazingly, that the riot at the Capitol was a premeditated invasion set up by people who are not, in fact, associated with Trump, and who certainly do not support him.

“But Democrats impeached before they had any information from investigators,” tweeted conservative Christian writer Carmine Sabia about the news.

These same folks were presumably also behind the election heist. Trump and his supporters were drawing too much attention to the stolen election and not backing down, so those in opposition to free and fair elections decided to take action by staging an alleged act of “sedition” against the federal government.

“Why did Nancy Pelosi jump into an impeachment on President Trump before any investigation into who were the ones responsible for this attack on our Capitol was conducted?” asked one Trending Politics commenter.

“She was in a big hurry to do this just like the other fake political impeachment. She and the corrupt Democrats and some of the corrupt Republicans have been trying to destroy this country.”

Nine Michigan Leaders Face Charges in Water Crisis That Roiled Flint

Ex-governor Rick Snyder was leading the state when the city’s water became tainted in 2014.

NYT – A queue of cars stretched for more than a half mile outside a church in Flint on Thursday morning, filled with residents waiting for free cases of bottled water, as they have since tainted water began streaming out of their taps six years ago.

Miles away in downtown Flint, something more novel was happening: A line of state officials, most prominently Rick Snyder, the former governor, were charged with crimes connected to the crisis.

After a criminal investigation that stretched close to two years, prosecutors in Michigan on Thursday announced 41 counts — 34 felonies and seven misdemeanors — against nine officials who once worked in the highest echelons of state government. Along with the former governor were his trusted advisers, top medical officials and two emergency managers who had been tasked with guiding Flint out of financial distress.

Prosecutors said the officials failed to protect the safety and health of the residents of Flint, who were sickened by increased levels of lead and by Legionnaires’ disease after the city’s water supply was switched to the Flint River in April of 2014. At least nine people died of Legionnaires’ in the Flint region from June of 2014 through October of 2015; two of the officials on Thursday were charged with nine counts of involuntary manslaughter.

Democrats launch campaign to change Constitution, abolish Electoral College

‘Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office’

WND – Democrats, who long have chafed under the stipulations of the Constitution that make the United States a constitutional republic rather than a democracy, have introduced a House resolution to abolish the Electoral College and exchange it with a national popular vote for president and vice president.

The resolution, led by Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn., claims that the “development of mass media and the internet has made information about Presidential candidates easily accessible to United States citizens across the country and around the world,” the Washington Examiner reported.

While Democrats now have the majority in the House and Senate as well as the White House, the measure is not likely to succeed because a constitutional amendment must be ratified by two-thirds of the states.

Marine Corps. Rebukes Pelosi: “WE DON’T WORK FOR YOU!”

Real Raw News – General David H. Berger, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps., refused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s request to use the Corps. to safeguard Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration from Trump supporters and insurrectionists.

A Pentagon source speaking under promise of anonymity told Real Raw News that Pelosi contacted Gen. Berger late Monday night, and she beseeched him to commit 5,000 troops to help ensure a peaceful transition of power and to prevent a repeat of the Jan 6 siege of the Capitol. Gen. Berger, our source said, didn’t understand why Pelosi needed additional soldiers to augment an already impressive force assembled by federal and state officials. That force includes 15,000 National Guard from D.C., Delaware, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, and an undisclosed number of FBI and DHS agents who arrived in D.C. Sunday night.

Pelosi said she wanted “battle ready” reinforcements because “radicalized Trump upporters and kooky Qanon conspiracy people” were about to converge on D.C.  She implored him to reconsider, arguing that it was the general’s patriotic duty to quell uprisings and guarantee Biden’s ascension to the Oval Office.

Her statement made the general explode, our source said.

“Don’t lecture me on patriotism, Madam Speaker. I’ve served this country with distinction for 40 years. I’ve spilled blood for our nation. What have you, a self-serving elected official, done for your country?” Gen. Berger said.

Pelosi further enraged him by saying he was answerable to Congress.

“I answer only to the president, and as I understand it, Donald J. Trump is still president and commander-in-chief. I abide in the Constitution as it was written, not your interpretation of it,” Gen. Berger admonished Pelosi.

Quoting our source, “When her intimidation tactic failed to sway Gen. Berger, Pelosi tried a different tactic: Begging and flattery.”

Pelosi claimed that the National Guard’s “weekend warriors” were ill-prepared to repel an army of “mad Trumpists.” Battle-hardened marines, however, were more capable of defeating “rabble rousers,” she said. “You have the best trained soldiers in the world, and America needs them.”

Gen. Berger was unmoved. The only way Marines would be deployed, he told her, was if President Trump himself issued that order.

“If you want us to help combat his supporters, I suggest you get him on the phone and tell him that. If he orders me to, I will. Otherwise, I suggest you listen really hard to the words escaping your cracked, poisonous lips; they’re tantamount to treason. We don’t work for you,” Gen. Berger allegedly told her.

Peter Navarro releases mind-blowing third volume of report regarding depth of 2020 election fraud proving yet again that Trump’s victory was stolen

NautralNews – One of America’s biggest unsung heroes of the modern age is White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Peter Navarro.

Not only did this top-shelf economist help guide President Donald Trump’s meteoric economy (pre-COVID, of course), he has also been working overtime to expose and explain how his boss was literally defrauded out of a second term.

Navarro has just released the third in a series of in-depth reports outlining the vote theft and fraud, and it’s just as mind-blowing as the first two volumes (click for vol. 1 and vol. 2).

“Volume 1 of the Navarro Report, The Immaculate Deception, assessed the fairness and integrity of the 2020 Presidential Election by identifying and assessing six key dimensions of alleged election irregularities. These irregularities included: outright fraud, ballot mishandling, a wide range of process fouls, multiple violations of the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, voting machine irregularities, and statistical anomalies,” says the introduction to Vol. 3.

“Volume 2 of the Navarro Report, The Art of the Steal, examined the institutional genesis of the six types of election irregularities. One key finding: The Democrat Party efforts to strategically game the election process across the six battleground states began years before, and in many cases, shortly after President Trump was elected in 2016,” it continued. 

“A second key finding: the Democrat’s gaming of the election process was implemented through a two-pronged Grand “Stuff the Ballot Box” Strategy designed to flood the six key battleground states with enough un-scrutinized and potentially illegal absentee and mail-in ballots to turn a decisive Trump victory into a narrow alleged Biden ‘win,’ Vol. 3’s intro added.

In this newest volume, “we provide the most up-to-date statistical ‘receipts’ with respect to the potential number of illegal votes in each battleground state,” says the introduction.

“If the U.S. Congress and State Legislatures across the six battleground states ignore this evidence, they will do so not just at their own peril but also at the peril of America’s faith in our elections and the sanctity of our Republic,” the report continued.

The states examined are: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — precisely the states that the Democrat plotters knew Biden would have to win (and which Trump won in 2016) in order to complete the steal.

Navarro and his researchers used more than two dozen metrics to explain in statistical detail all of the various ways the election theft was completed.

Here are some examples of the findings:

— In Arizona, 150,000 mail-in ballots “cast by voters registered after the registration deadline” — by far the largest category of vote theft in the state. Obviously, the state’s election laws were not followed in this instance.

— Also in Arizona, the state “accomplished the remarkable feat of exceeding 100% turnout of its registered voters.” That ‘feat’ is even more ‘remarkable’ since Arizona does not permit same-day voter registration.

— In Georgia, more than 601,000 “potentially illegal” votes were found, or more than 50 times Biden’s alleged margin of victory.

— “Georgia officials counted over 305,700 ballots cast by individuals who had requested absentee ballots more than 180 days before the absentee ballot request deadline,” the report states.

— In Michigan, investigators working on behalf of Navarro discovered nearly 447,000 potentially illegal votes, or three times Biden’s alleged victory of 154,818 votes.

— “The largest amount of ballots in question in Michigan stems from inexplicable vote tabulation surges along with alleged voting machine irregularities and ballots counted despite lacking voter- registration numbers,” says the report.

— In Pennsylvania, “Certified Republican poll observers were kept at distances the length of a football field,” the report says, adding that “they were prevented from accessing back rooms where tens of thousands of ballots were being processed.”

— Further, “State Representative Frank Ryan, along with several other members of the State Legislature, found that over 202,000 more ballots were cast than actual registered voters in the state.”

Click here to read this bombshell report.

Economy & Business

NYC Tenants Owe More Than $2 Billion In Unpaid Rent As Cuomo Extends Eviction Moratorium

ZeroHedge – New shocking figures produced by a New York area landlord trade group, the Community Housing Improvement Program, finds half of all New York City apartment tenants are behind on rent to the combined tune of over $1 billion as the US begins to approach one year since the coronavirus pandemic hit America.

The group surveyed landlords who oversee up to half of the city’s total rental apartments in order to assess the impact of coronavirus closures, historic unemployment, and resulting limited government assistance. “Tallying responses from landlords, the group estimated that as many as 185,000 households living in these apartments are more than two months behind on rent, with an average debt of more than $6,000,” The Wall Street Journal summarized of the findings.

Seeking to safeguard tenants during mandated lockdowns, state lawmakers have rushed to pass emergency regulations which bar evictions as well as foreclosures and negative credit ratings on small property owners. Governor Cuomo has extended the eviction moratorium all the way to May of this year, with the possibility it could be extended further.

Meanwhile, building owners and landlords have been left holding the bag – after all, who would pay rent at this point with all the “protections” and no negative repercussions? Thus stories like the following will only continue to multiply:

A landlord in Harlem is reportedly is facing his own eviction after tenants in a building he owns refuse to pay rent.  

Family for David Howson, 88, told the NY Post that he relies on the rental income from the 10-unit building he owns at 9 West 129th St. to pay for his co-op apartment in Inwood. 

The Community Housing Improvement Program assessed merely half of the city’s landlords, which suggests we’re more likely looking at over $2 billion of debt from missed rent payments.

The WSJ report continues: “Jay Martin, executive director of CHIP, said rent debt from the rest of New York’s apartment inventory is probably the same or greater, meaning the total debt New York City renters are carrying is likely more than $2 billion.”

NYC Restaurants Sell Frozen Dinners To Survive Dark COVID Winter 

ZeroHedge – New York City restaurants are hurting more from the economic crisis in comparison to the industry nationwide. At least half of the eateries in the metro area are at risk of closing. Many have had to adapt after Gov. Andrew Cuomo banned indoor dining early last month by expanding outdoor dining. 

But with colder temperatures and the occasional snowstorm or wintery mix, patrons are staying home despite eateries offering tents and propane heaters to shield them from the harsh winter conditions. 

While outdoor dining seems like a losing bet, restaurants are pivoting from offering hot meals to now frozen dinners as a way to generate cash flow. 

Chef Marco Canora is the founder of Brodo Broth Company, told FOX 5, New York, that “2021 is going to be the year for frozen.” 

Brodo Broth Company is located in Manhattan that serves all sorts of broths. The eatery is offering frozen broth and soup kits to customers.

There’s a growing list of eateries in the metro area offering frozen food as indoor dining is banned and outdoor dining is near impossible with colder temperatures. Among them are Katz’s Deli, Juliana’s, and Colonia Verde.

“One of the things I love about frozen…We make a big batch just like my grandmother used to, and then you can freeze it for a year or two,” Canora said. 

As the dark winter sets in for restaurants in the metro area, many operators learn their business models must shift if they want to survive. 

Science & Technology

Twitter ‘whistleblower’ leaks video of Dorsey telling staff actions will be ‘much bigger’ than Trump ban

Fox News – A leaked recording of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey suggests that the company’s policy enforcement actions will go far beyond banning President Trump

The right-wing guerilla news outlet Project Veritas released a clip on Thursday given to them by a purported Twitter “insider whistleblower” who secretly recorded remarks by Dorsey to staff.

“You should always feel free to express yourself in whatever format manifestation feels right,” Dorsey said in the clip. 

Dorsey, who recently addressed the controversy over his company’s decision to permanently suspend the president, told staff in a virtual meeting that Twitter will do a “full retro” that will “take some time,” but drew focus to the platform’s former most high-profile account. 

“We know we are focused on one account right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, and the next few weeks, and go on beyond the inauguration,” Dorsey said. “So, the focus is certainly on this account and how it ties to real-world violence. But also, we need to think much longer-term around how these dynamics play out over time. I don’t believe this is going away anytime soon.”

Dorsey then referenced actions taken against QAnon conspiracy theorists as part of a recent purge of Twitter accounts, telling staff it’s part of a “much broader approach that we should be looking at and going deeper on.”

“You know, the U.S. is extremely divided. Our platform is showing that every single day,” Dorsey later said. “And our role is to protect the integrity of that conversation and do what we can to make sure that no one is being harmed based off that. And that is our focus.”

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe teased Thursday that more leaks from Twitter may come, saying “we’ve had over a dozen people reach out to us this week with video evidence inside Twitter.”

“Stay tuned,” O’Keefe told viewers. “They may be private companies, but they have more power than all three branches of government.”


Cuomo launches mass vaccine experiment on 1.4 million elders over the age of 75

NaturalNews – Over the course of 2020, a terrifying new problem set in, and just enough people allowed this problem to become a new normal. State governments expanded in power and merged with Big Pharma and the medical system. In the process, these systems began to dictate everyday life. Widespread acceptance of this unholy merger allowed governors to execute lawless executive orders that trampled individual rights and private property ownership. In many states, law enforcement was used in an unconstitutional manner, to detain, falsely imprison, and restrict the free movement of people. In New York, law enforcement was used to destroy small businesses. This led to further chaos, no resolve and the shredding of the U.S. Constitution. Because of this, healthcare decisions are no longer private, individual decisions. Medical decrees are now used against the public en masse, to coerce compliance and force submission to experimental restrictions and hold them hostage until injections are available.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is one of many who have seized the opportunity to assume a more powerful role, a role that has wrought havoc on the lives of the citizens of that state. Now he is getting ready to subject the most elderly to experimental injections and put the most vulnerable (75 and older) at risk of vaccine injury or death. This age group was hardly studied in the rushed clinical trials. The elderly, who suffer from multiple comorbidities, are at greatest risk to complication from infection or from vaccine injury. An infection is theoretical, an act of natural occurrence, but a vaccine is a product, a deliberate interference with calculated risks. These risks are greater for the compromised immune system.

Cuomo’s forceful medical dictatorship will inevitably put the elderly at risk, again

From March to May 2020, Cuomo’s forceful culture of medical tyranny led to widespread medical malpractice, medical error and wrongful death. Cuomo’s forceful policies quartered sick patients in nursing homes, only to rapidly infect the most vulnerable populations. He fought against viable treatments and refused federal Navy assistance, leading to overcrowded hospitals and unnecessary deaths. Many people were put on ventilators, which only destroyed their lungs and caused nosocomial infections. The patients were treated less than human, in an environment of greed, misdiagnosis and poor treatment. Family members were denied the right to be by their loved one’s side. They were sedated and isolated until they were pronounced dead on the machines.

Cuomo has yet to be held accountable, and he still claims dominion over healthcare in the state. This is why the state’s vaccine rollout will ultimately take the lives of elderly patients and nothing will be done about it. Vaccines will be forced onto the elderly population, without listening to their health concerns, without giving proper informed consent. New York hospitals are incentivized to push the vaccines on the elderly as fast as possible. If hospitals do not use all the vaccine seven days from receipt, they are to be fined $100,000. This is Cuomo’s direct order.

Cuomo has set aside 1.4 million doses of the experimental vaccine for people 75 and older. The most elderly, like every other person in state, has been dehumanized and lumped into a priority category. Gone are the days of treating people as individuals. Governments are treating individuals as if they are part of a herd. This group of elders represents approximately 45 percent of the population within group 1B, a group that also includes 870,000 Education workers, 207,000 first responders, 100,000 public safety workers, and 100,000 public transit workers.

Cuomo has also expanded the eligible pool of trainees who can put the “shots in arms.” These include licensed practical nurses, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, midwives, dentists, dental hygienists, podiatrists, emergency medical technicians and eligible students. Pfizer’s new vaccine has to be kept at -93 degrees Fahrenheit in storage, and the boxes are only to be opened twice a day, for 180 seconds max. If the nano-particles are not kept at the right temperature, they become dangerous. There’s no practical way to ensure their safety, but people from various unrelated professional fields are going to quickly train to administer this experimental, highly volatile vaccine. This is a recipe for disaster.

Biden picks former FDA commissioner to lead US vaccine effort

CNN – President-elect Joe Biden has picked Dr. David Kessler, a former head of the US Food and Drug Administration, to lead federal Covid-19 vaccine efforts for the incoming administration, Biden’s presidential transition team announced Friday.

Kessler, who is currently the co-chair of the Biden transition’s coronavirus task force, will help lead Operation Warp Speed in the new role, helming the group that began under President Donald Trump to speed up vaccine development and distribution.

Kessler will take over for Moncef Slaoui, who led the effort during the Trump administration. Slaoui, the most visible official leading the Trump administration’s vaccine effort who was a notable voice of cooperation at a time when Trump refused efforts to begin a transition, announced earlier this week he was resigning at the Biden transition team’s request.

Slaoui will stay on for another month to “ensure a smooth transition,” a Biden transition official told CNN earlier this week. Gen. Gustave Perna, who is currently the chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed, will stay on in the new administration but under its “new structure,” a transition official tells CNN.

Louisiana Woman Convulses Uncontrollably after Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Shot – “I can’t stand to see my mom this way it makes me want to cry knowing I can’t do anything to help her.”

Health Impact News – Brant Griner of Lake Charles, Louisiana has posted a video of his mother on his Facebook account convulsing uncontrollably after receiving the experimental Pfizer COVID shot.

This is what the Pfizer covid19 vaccine has done to my Mom. Everyone please pray for her. She was admitted to the hospital. And be cautious about taking the vaccine. I’m sure it is good for some people but you need to think about is this vaccine worth taking? It’s not for me. Please share this post we need help finding answers

Update 1-12-21

Mom Is getting even worse today and still don’t have any answers from doctors as to how to fix this. Please pray for her I can’t stand to see my mom this way it makes me want to cry knowing I can’t do anything to help her. Please don’t take the covid19 vaccine. I’m adding a 3rd video that she just sent me.

This uncontrollable convulsing is very similar to what Shawn Skelton, from Oakland City, Indiana, reported with the Moderna experimental COVID shot. See:

Woman Warns Others Not to Get Moderna Experimental COVID Vaccine – Posts Video of Herself Convulsing

Like Shawn, Brant is reporting that the doctors do not know how to help his mother.

This is an experimental product that does NOT have FDA approval, so everyone receiving these shots are guinea pigs, and the medical system at this point has no clue how to treat these injuries.

Shawn Skelton is even reporting that doctors are trying to convince her that her condition is related to stress, and not the injection.

Doctors are trying to convince me this is a conversion disorder from stress! Am I stressed? Well who in this world doesn’t have stress. Is it coincidental that this happened after the vaccine? I guess anything is possible, but I know I’m a very happy, upbeat person that always has a smile. I would go out of my way to help anyone or just to make them smile! I’m the loud one that do the dumbest things just to make you laugh… And my life was normal before taking the vaccine on Monday! I am not anti vaccine as I have all mine, my kiddos have all of theirs! I’m just a normal person who’s life has been turned upside down and I’m left here to try and figure this out. (Source.)

She has received threats and angry messages from pro-vaccine people who think she is faking this, so she posted this video today.

(Note: Fascistbook deleted her video, so here is a copy from our Bitchute Channel.)

Foods That Improve Mental Health

Newsmax – Eating well helps you function optimally, sleep well, and reduce stress. But it can also impact your mental health and improve brain power. According to Good Morning America, the foods you eat can raise serotonin levels in the brain to improve your mood. They can also decrease inflammation which is important for brain health and to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Tara Collingwood, M.S., a board-certified sports dietitian, tells Newsmax that food can definitely impact how you think, retain information, and carry out daily tasks. “Sure, it seems like we forget things as we get older, but research is showing that you can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy brain well into your old age if you add certain foods to your daily eating regimen,” she says.

Here are her top choices to boost brain power and improve mental health:

  • Fish. “Deep-water fish, such as salmon, are rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are essential for brain function,” says the expert. DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid found in fish, is the main component of brain synapses. A lack of omega-3 has been shown to diminish intellectual performance and is linked with dementia. “If you do not eat fish, omega-3 is also found in walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds. In addition, you can take it as a supplement. I recommend 1000 mg a day,” says Collingwood.
  • Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. “There are so many brain-boosting options in the produce section that your best bet is to simply remember that the more you eat, the healthier your brain will be,” Collingwood says. Fruits and veggies are rich in powerful antioxidants that can help protect your brain from the damage of free radicals. “Some of my favorites include berries, spinach, and tomatoes,” says the certified personal trainer.
  • Eggs. Collingwood says that eggs are rich in choline, a fat-like B vitamin, which has been shown to enhance memory and minimize fatigue. Choline boosts cell production, which increases your memory and cognitive function. Other sources of choline are skim milk, breast milk, nuts, and meats. The choline in yolks improves memory, learning, and cognition. 
  • Walnuts. These nuts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids which prevent the decline of cognitive and motor function. Research shows that the combination of omega-3’s and uridine, a nutrient found in sugar beets or molasse, increases brain resiliency and improves cell functioning. This duo also balances the unstable neurotransmitters that can cause depression and other mood disorders. “A handful of walnuts every day can improve your brain health,” she adds.

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