July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 18, 2024


Dark Davos: Escort Services “Completely Booked” As WEF Begins

The 54th annual gathering of the World Economic Forum begins today in the small Alpine resort town of Davos. The invitation-only meeting brings nearly 2,800 leaders from 120 countries together to discuss the world’s most pressing topics, such as climate change, artificial intelligence, and virus pandemics. 

After world leaders, politicians, business leaders, academics, NGOs, and religious leaders debate global problems and attempt to find ‘solutions’ to issues plaguing the world, there is an after-hours scene that is very dark, as we’ve explained previously: 

What’s on the menu this year? Well, The New York Post described: “Caviar, magic mushrooms, gold-leaf desserts, A-list selfies, $2,500-per-night hookers and secret dinners.” 

In a separate report, the French newspaper “20 minutes” sheds even more light into this years’ hooker-fest’ at Davos:

But anyone who wants to book an escort via matching platform “Titt4Tat” in the Davos region, or even in eastern Switzerland, will be disappointed. 

“All local service providers are completely booked during the WEF week,” confirms owner B. Konrad. The explanation: People kept to themselves in Davos, their partners mostly stayed at home. In addition, alcohol and parties contribute to the high demand for his service, according to the co-founder.

“Apart from that, there are many customers in Davos who are not price-sensitive and who value the privacy of our app all the more,” explains Konrad. In general, it’s less about sex and more about the so-called “girlfriend experience”, i.e. the pretense of an intimate relationship.

“Depending on the customer, a booking takes between four and twelve hours,” sex worker Mia May said, adding the cost of her service is about 2,000 francs ($2,340). 

Aside from unspoken dark Davos nights, WEF is trying to rebuild trust. This comes after populist movements swept across the Western world following political and corporate elites who mismanaged the Covid crisis and pushed failed social and economic policies that have sparked outrage amongst the majority. A symptom of this failure is President Biden’s imploding polling data. 

“We face a fractured world and growing societal divides, leading to pervasive uncertainty and pessimism. We have to rebuild trust in our future by moving beyond crisis management, looking at the root causes of the present problems, and building together a more promising future,” Klaus Schwab, WEF’s founder, wrote in a statement. 

We doubt WEF will be close to rebuilding trust as the majority are catching on to these virtue-signaling elites who roll up in private jets and petrol-guzzling motorcades to discuss climate change. 

John Kerry Snaps at Reporter Who Ambushes Him on the Streets of Davos Outside WEF Meeting (VIDEO)

Joe Biden’s soon-to-be former ‘Climate Envoy’ John Kerry was ambushed on the streets in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting.

Rebel News reporters caught up with John Kerry and his staffers were not happy about their questions.

“What’s the carbon footprint for these events every single year that you come here,” Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini asked John Kerry. “You think it’s worth it? Peasants pay for your crimes?”

John Kerry snapped at the reporter: “That’s a stupid question.”

The reporter snapped back: “Is it really? Is it more stupid than you traveling here to tell us..”

Kerry’s aide physically assaulted the Rebel News reporter as she shouted, “We’re done!”

John Kerry accused the reporter of “making up stupid questions.”

Earlier this week it was reported that John Kerry will step down as Joe Biden’s Climate Envoy this winter or early spring after operating in secret for three years.

Kerry, 80, was appointed as Joe Biden’s Climate Czar in November 2020 during the transition.

John Kerry, the private-jet- setting hypocrite, operated in secret for three years as he traveled around the world and advocated for global Communism.

Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) filed a FOIA lawsuit in an effort to obtain emails between John Kerry’s office and various climate change groups.

The emails turned over to PPT from John Kerry’s office were heavily redacted.  Not one staffer’s name was revealed.

BlackRock Chief Warns Davos Elites: Trump Victory Poses ‘Fundamental’ Challenge to Europe

The prospect of a Donald Trump return to the White House in 2024 poses a “fundamental” challenge to Europe, the leader of the world’s largest investment company warned Tuesday.

The Daily Telegraph reports BlackRock vice chairman Philipp Hildebrand issued his caution from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

In doing so he added his voice to the swelling chorus from Europe that fears a Trump return to the world stage.  The veteran Swiss banker said the re-election of the former U.S. president “would challenge Europe fundamentally” given Trump’s determination to embrace America First in matters from trade to diplomacy, NATO funding, and climate policy.

Hildebrand, a member of the firm’s Global Executive Committee, was responding to recent comments by Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank (ECB), who said Trump posed a “clear threat” to Europe because his divergent views set him apart from the European mainstream, the report sets out.

Lagarde last week warned history showed Trump’s “manner in which he carried out the first four years of his mandate… is clearly a threat.”

For his part, Hildebrand urged Europe to seize the opportunity to transform itself into a technological superpower that was less dependent on America. He added Europe’s capabilities on defence were “just not there” and required a rethink. Hildebrand said:

I see it as an opportunity for the construction of Europe.

Clearly, if [Trump’s election] were to lead to a rupture, which I think is what President Lagarde has in mind as a risk, then that would challenge Europe fundamentally.

Hildebrand helps to oversee more than $9 trillion of assets at investment giant Blackrock, which is the largest money manager in the world.

He spoke within hours of Trump’s stunning victory in the Iowa Republican presidential caucuses.

President Of Canadian LGBT Organization Arrested On Child Sex Abuse Charges

Yet another activist advocate for LGBT engagement with children has apparently been caught doing a lot more than community outreach.  Sean Gravells, an outspoken LGBT activist and the president of an LGBT pride organization in Canada called the North Peace Pride Society, has been arrested on multiple charges including sexual exploitation of a child under the age of 16 and the possession and distribution of child pornography.  The North Peace Pride Society quickly removed Gravells as president upon news of his arrest, and in a statement made to their Facebook Page they asserted that even though the group sponsors youth events, Gravells was never involved directly with children. The NPPS held “teen pride nights” at the Fort St. John Library under the direction of Sean Gravells.  In the image below you can see Gravells (on the left) with representatives of NPPS giving a sponsorship check to the library to fund youth events.Arrests of prominent LGBT activists for child abuse are becoming rather common.  Only a week before the detention of Sean Gravells, a well known trans woman (male) activist by the name of Kendall Stephen was arrested in Philadelphia, charged with the rape of two young boys.  

Multiple leftist activists with influential positions in media have been arrested or convicted on child sex abuse charges and pornography in the past year, including two senior producers from ABC and CNN, as well as Slade Sohmer, the former managing editor of CNN’s now defunct BEME video and co-manager for a kids summer camp called “Camp Power.”

Then there was the gay activist couple from Georgia that was arrested at the beginning of 2023.  After adopting two boys, the couple allegedly abused them, then trafficked them to a pedophile ring.

And how about Oregon teacher/activist Kelsey Boren, who “mentored” an 11-year-old drag queen and was later convicted on child pornography charges.  Boren was sentenced to less than a year in prison in 2023 for 11 felony counts of encouraging child sex abuse. 

For many decades there were good people within the gay community that worked diligently to separate themselves from historical assumptions that they’re inclined to target children.  But today, radical LGBT activists are proving these assumptions correct by burning down whatever goodwill the community might have built up in the past.  Their insistence on forcing trans and gender fluid ideology into schools and exposing young children to sexualized concepts and imagery has given rise to a reasonable public suspicion – That the end goal of the LGBT movement is not acceptance of different views, but outright predatory grooming of the next generation. 

The alleged offenses all took place in or near Fort St. John, B.C., northeast of Vancouver. The interference and exploitation charges were initiated on Dec. 29, 2023, while the child pornography charges occurred on Dec. 31.  

Fiery Tractor Protests Launched in France as Farmer Uprising Spreads Across Europe

Following a week of farmer uprisings across Germany, disaffected farmers rose up in protest against the globalist government of Emmanuel Macron in France, with manure being dumped and hay set on fire in Avignon and Toulouse on Tuesday.

A veritable peasants’ revolt appears to be budding across the continent as overregulation, inflation and the green agenda are taking their toll on the ability of farmers to earn a living in — and consequently feed the people of — modern Europe. The latest protests to crop up in France came over the low payout from supermarket chains to food producers.

Sings hung on tractors read: “No farmers, no food,” and: “France, do you still want your farmers?” the local La Provence newspaper reported. Footage posted by video journalist Clement Lanot on X showed farmers dumping mature, agricultural waste and even wine on the streets of the city, while some set bales of hay ablaze to express their anger.

Brief clashes also broke out as farmers attempted to break into a chain supermarket, which they claim has been price gouging their produce and keeping the increased revenues to themselves.

An estimated 450 tractors and other vehicles in three convoys also rode into the city of Toulouse on Tuesday, with manure and straw being strewn across the city as well, Le Figaro reported.

The president of the Young Farmers of Vaucluse Audrey Piazza told broadcaster France 3 that “the consumer, if he pays 3 euros per kilo of apples, the producer will receive 30 or 40 cents.”

“I understand that there are intermediaries but at some point, perhaps we should stop leaving us crumbs and allow us to live on our own production. This is where the Egalim law should come into play,” he added.

The Egalim law, which was passed by the French National Assembly last year, attempted to increase the power of farmers in annual negotiations between producers and large retailers on the price of commodities. However, the unions protesting in Avignon on Tuesday claimed that so far the legislation has utterly failed in meaningfully increasing the amount of money received by farmers.

“The Egalim law should protect us but that is not what is happening at all, said Sophie Vache, the president of the National Federation of Agricultural Operators’ Unions of Vaucluse. “We are fed up. The stacking of regulations and everything added means that today we can’t take it anymore and we have to go out into the street.”

WWIII Alert: Top NATO Officer Warns ‘Warfighting Transformation’ Needed Across West

The time has come for public and private actors in the West to prepare for an era in which anything could happen at any time, including fighting a war, a top NATO military official said Wednesday.

“We need a warfighting transformation of NATO,” the chief of the alliance’s Military Committee, Dutch Admiral Rob Bauer, said in Brussels as he opened a two-day meeting of national defence chiefs.

He further stressed in the post-Cold War era, “The tectonic plates of power are shifting. As a result: we face the most dangerous world in decades,” noting in the past NATO governments and companies lived in an era in which everything was plentiful, foreseeable, controllable, and focused on efficiency, Reuters reports.

Not anymore.

That all changed with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022 and the increasing fears now being expressed across Europe that a Donald Trump return to the White House will lead to an entire reset of U.S. relations with the region in general and NATO in particular.

As a result NATO members must adjust their thinking to “an era in which anything can happen at any time, an era in which we need to expect the unexpected, an era in which we need to focus on effectiveness in order to be fully effective”, he said.

On Monday, U.K. Defense Secretary Grant Shapps announced his government would send 20,000

troops to take part in the NATO military exercises — known as “Steadfast Defender” — with many deployed in eastern Europe from February to June.

The U.K. will also send advanced fighter jets and surveillance planes, plus warships and submarines.

China’s population drops for second year in row

China’s population has declined for a second consecutive year, underscoring concerns about the future growth of the world’s second-largest economy.

Data released on Wednesday showed a population of 1.409 billion at the end of 2023 – a 2.08m decrease from 2022.

The most recent decline is double that of the previous year, which marked the first population drop in 60 years.

But experts say this fall is expected given the country’s expanding urban class and record-low birth rate.

Beijing on Wednesday said the birth rate was now down to 6.39 per 1,000 people on par with other advanced East Asian nations such as Japan and South Korea.

The country has seen falling birth rates for decades – after imposing a controversial one child-policy in the 1980s to control over-population at the time.

The government lifted the policy in 2015 to try to stem the population fall, and has brought in a series of other incentives too, such as subsidies and payments to encourage people to start families. In 2021, it further relaxed the limit to allow couples to have up to three children.

However, the policies have had little impact, with young people in modern cities citing deterrents like the cost of living and career priorities after a three-year Covid period.

“My husband and I do want to have a kid but we can’t afford it for now,” said Wang Chengyi, a 31-year-old woman in Beijing.

She told the BBC she and her partner needed to save money for another three years to provide for the costs of having a child – taking into account school expenses in particular.

“I do want to get pregnant while I’m young as it’s better for my health. However, I just don’t have enough money for now so I have to postpone. It’s a shame and I feel panic over it sometimes,” she said.

Experts on Wednesday cited the impact of the pandemic in accelerating the decline in new births. However, they suggested that the underlying economic issues were a greater factor.

At least the Crown isn’t hiding anything like Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin did! 

Kate Middleton admitted to hospital for abdominal surgery, cancels all planned royal engagements until Easter

Kate Middleton has been admitted to the hospital for a “planned abdominal surgery,” a statement from Kensington Palace read on Wednesday.

The royal family shared the news on social media, revealing that the Princess of Wales, 42, went to the facility on Tuesday. 

While the surgery was “successful,” she will remain in the hospital for 10 to 14 days before “returning home to continue her recovery.”

However, she is “unlikely to return to public duties until after Easter.”

“The Princess of Wales appreciates the interest this statement will generate,” the memo went on.

“She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible.”

They added: “Her wish that her personal medick information remain private.”

The Palace then noted that they will “only provide updates” on Middleton’s progress “when there is significant new information to share.”

The Duchess of Cambridge “wishes to apologize to all those concerned for the fact that she has to postpone her upcoming engagements.”

“She looks forward to reinstating as many as possible, as soon as possible,” the statement concluded.

King Charles to be treated in hospital for enlarged prostate

King Charles is to attend hospital for treatment of an enlarged prostate, Buckingham Palace has announced.

“In common with thousands of men each year, the king has sought treatment for an enlarged prostate,” the palace said. “His Majesty’s condition is benign and he will attend hospital next week for a corrective procedure. The king’s public engagements will be postponed for a short period of recuperation.”

It is understood that the king was keen to share the details of his diagnosis to encourage other men who may be experiencing symptoms to get checked in line with public health advice.

About one in three men over the age of 50 will have some symptoms of an enlarged prostate, which is a gland that sits just below the bladder.  The news came on the same day it was announced his daughter-in-law, the Princess of Wales, was recovering in hospital after undergoing successful planned abdominal surgery, and would remain in hospital for between 10 and 14 days, canceling all public engagements until Easter.

It is understood Buckingham Palace made the king’s condition public as he had a series of meetings and events planned at Dumfries House, the property in Scotland that he saved for the nation, on Thursday and Friday, which were being postponed on his doctor’s advice.

With guests including foreign dignitaries and members of the cabinet due to travel, Buckingham Palace felt it necessary to make people aware of the situation.

Benign prostate enlargement (BPE) is not cancer and it is not usually a serious threat to health, according to the NHS website.

The cause of benign prostate enlargement is unknown, but is believed to be linked to hormonal changes as men get older. Symptoms include difficulty starting to urinate, frequently needing to urinate and difficulty fully emptying the bladder.

The balance of hormones in the body changes as people get older and this may cause the prostate gland to grow. Precise details of the procedure the king is to undergo have not been disclosed.

Doctors who see patients with an enlarged prostate will usually make treatment decisions based on how severe their symptoms are. With mild symptoms, treatment is not typically required. Lifestyle changes, such as drinking less alcohol, caffeine and fizzy drinks, limiting intake of artificial sweeteners, and exercising regularly, may be recommended.

With moderate to severe symptoms, medicine to reduce the size of the prostate and relax the bladder may be offered to the patient.

While it is not usually a serious threat to health, BPE can cause problems including difficulty passing urine or emptying the bladder. It can sometimes lead to complications, such as a urinary tract infection, chronic urinary retention or acute urinary retention.

Procedures in hospital, as in the king’s case, are usually recommended only for moderate to severe symptoms that have not responded to medicine. There are several options, including surgery, steam ablation treatments and laser treatments.


CNN Cancels New Hampshire Debate, Replaces It With Haley Town Hall

CNN has canceled its Jan. 21 New Hampshire debate and instead scheduled a Town Hall event with Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley for Jan. 18.

The Jan. 17 announcement by the network comes just after Ms. Haley announced she would not participate in a debate only with fellow candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

CNN released a statement about the Jan. 21 debate cancellation, saying, “With six days to go until the New Hampshire Primary, CNN is announcing a Town Hall this Thursday, January 18, with former Amb. Nikki Haley with Jake Tapper at 9pm ET from New England College in Henniker, New Hampshire, following last night’s CNN Town Hall with Gov. Ron DeSantis and Wolf Blitzer.”

The network’s decision came after Ms. Haley finished in third place in the Iowa Republican caucuses, and then announced she would not be participating in two upcoming Republican presidential primary debates.

The former South Carolina governor made the statement on social media. She said that the next time she participates in a debate, she will be on stage beside either President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump, who has not taken part in any of the Republican primary debates.

“We’ve had five great debates in this campaign,” Ms. Haley posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Jan. 16. “Unfortunately, Donald Trump has ducked all of them. He has nowhere left to hide. The next debate I do will either be with Donald Trump or with Joe Biden. I look forward to it.”

Prior to her announcement, two Republican debates had been planned in New Hampshire—Jan. 18 and Jan. 21—only days after the Iowa caucuses. The primary election for the Granite State will take place on Tuesday, Jan. 23. As of Jan. 16, ABC News, who was to host the Jan. 18 event, called it off after Ms. Haley’s announcement.

In response to the announcement from the Haley campaign, Mr. DeSantis responded online, saying Ms. Haley was not attending the debates because “she’s running to be Trump’s VP” rather than competing for the presidential nomination of the Republican Party.

“Nikki Haley is afraid to debate because she doesn’t want to answer the tough questions such as how she got rich off Boeing after giving them millions in taxpayer handouts as governor of South Carolina,” Mr. DeSantis posted on X.

“I won’t snub New Hampshire voters like both Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, and plan to honor my commitments. I look forward to debating two empty podiums in the Granite State this week.”

While President Trump has persisted in avoiding all GOP debates this cycle, Mr. DeSantis and Ms. Haley faced off at a CNN event in Des Moines on Jan. 10.

Maine Court Defers to Supreme Court on Trump Disqualification Ruling

A Maine Superior Court has stayed the state secretary’s decision to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the state primary ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, deferring to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“The Secretary is ordered to await the Supreme Court’s decision in [Trump v. Anderson], and no later than thirty days after Anderson’s issuance, to issue a new Ruling modifying, withdrawing, or confirming her prior ruling,” the Jan. 17 order reads.

The move was expected, as other courts have taken a similar route with a decision now pending in the Supreme Court. President Trump’s attorneys had likewise filed a motion to stay proceedings, citing the case before the high court.

“Legally speaking, a stay of an administrative ruling is a rare event in Maine, but the Court agrees that under these circumstances it is appropriate,” the order reads. It was noted that the state secretary couldn’t have known that President Trump’s Supreme Court appeal would be heard when she issued her decision on Dec. 28, 2023.

Maine’s Republican primary will be held on March 5, and the state uses ranked-choice voting in the primary.

The court ordered that President Trump would remain on the ballot unless the Supreme Court found him “disqualified to hold the office of President” by March 5.

However, a legal question President Trump and others have also raised before the Supreme Court is whether a disqualification from “holding” office can be treated as a disqualification from running for office, as Section 3 specifically includes a method of removing such a disqualification before taking office.

The court decision was largely administrative and didn’t deal with the issue of insurrection. The order noted that the court wasn’t “permitted to overturn an agency decision” unless the decision was found to be unconstitutional, beyond the agency’s authority, or procedurally unlawful or an abuse of discretion under the statute by which President Trump appealed, but the court didn’t weigh the lawfulness of the decision given the circumstances.

However, the court noted that all the questions raised in the Supreme Court regarding the application of Section 3 are “important—and purely legal—issues of federal law.”

Washington State Judge Refuses to Hear Lawsuit to Block Trump From Ballot

A Washington state judge on Jan. 16 declined to take up a case to remove former President Donald Trump from the state’s ballots, saying the challenge is in the wrong venue.

Kitsap County Superior Court Judge Jeffrey Bassett said that the suit needs to be brought in Thurston County, the location of the state capital city of Olympia. That’s also where Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs’ office is located.

“Considering the litigants are seeking a statewide application, I do not believe Kitsap is the appropriate venue for this case,” Judge Bassett said, according to local media reports. “There are 39 counties in this state. Filing a separate action in every county could result in I don’t know how many different decisions.”

Like challenges in other states—including Maine and Colorado—the petitioners argued that the former president should be barred from appearing on state ballots because of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment’s Section 3, which excludes individuals who engaged in an “insurrection or rebellion” against the U.S. government.

They have claimed that President Trump engaged in an “insurrection,” although he has never been charged with or convicted of that crime.

The petitioners include a group of voters from Kitsap County. “As registered voters of the state of Washington, under RCW 29A.68.011 of the election provisions, we request Donald J. Trump’s name to be removed from both the primary and election ballots,” they wrote.

One of the voters, Frankey Ithaka, told the judge that the case was filed in Kitsap because the petitioners live in that county.

“So we should go to Thurston (County), do our case in Thurston, on Thursday?” Ms. Ithaka asked in court. “Yes,” Judge Bassett said, it was reported.

In a statement on Jan. 16 to KING-TV in Seattle, the state’s Republican Party described the voters’ challenge as “unserious” and “theatrical nonsense” and that it will continue to defend against those claims.

Overturning Chevron could have the same impact as overturning Roe v Wade!

Supreme Court Conservatives Appear Open to Rolling Back Power of Federal Agencies

A bureaucracy-empowering judicial doctrine that critics blame for the explosive growth of the U.S. government in recent decades should be overturned, the Supreme Court heard on Jan. 17.

The court may overturn the so-called Chevron deference doctrine that the Supreme Court enunciated in 1984, or narrow its application. “Chevron deference,” as lawyers call it, holds that an agency’s interpretation of a statute it administers is entitled to deference unless Congress has said otherwise.

The court’s ultimate ruling might alter the current balance of power among Congress, executive agencies, and the nation’s judiciary by curbing the legal underpinnings of the modern administrative state, which critics deride as an illegitimate fourth branch of government.

In the landmark ruling in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the court held that while courts “must give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress,” where courts find “Congress has not directly addressed the precise question at issue” and “the statute is silent or ambiguous with respect to the specific issue, the question for the court is whether the agency’s answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute.”

Conservatives and Republican policymakers have long been critical of the doctrine, saying it has contributed to the dramatic growth of government and gives unelected regulators far too much power to make policy by going beyond what Congress intended when it approved various laws. The authority of regulatory agencies has been increasingly questioned in recent years as the conservative majority on the Supreme Court has grown.

Conservative Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch have expressed skepticism of the Chevron doctrine.

Those on the other side say the Chevron doctrine empowers an activist federal government to serve the public interest in an increasingly complicated world without having to seek specific congressional authorization for everything that needs to be done.

The court heard two related cases: Relentless Inc. v. Department of Commerce and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo.

In the cases at hand, in 2020, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and its National Marine Fisheries Service implemented a final rule to compel fishing companies to pay for human monitors aboard their vessels.

Supreme Court Declines to Take Up Transgender Bathroom Case

The Supreme Court won’t consider whether an Indiana middle school was required to let a transgender girl use the boys’ bathroom.

The ruling comes after the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit affirmed a lower court’s injunction last year that allowed transgender students to use bathrooms that corresponded to their claimed gender identity.

The decision not to get involved in the case means that pending lawsuits will continue across the United States, with judges potentially arriving at differing conclusions.

The Biden administration holds that Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in education, protects transgender students from discrimination related to their purported gender identity.

The directive has been challenged in lawsuits related to school sports and bathroom access. The Biden administration backtracked somewhat last year, unveiling a new proposed rule that would permit some sex-based restrictions in high school and college sports.

The Supreme Court denied the petition for certiorari, or review, in Metropolitan School District of Martinsville v. A.C., in an unsigned order on Jan. 16. No justices dissented. The court did not explain its decision. At least four of the nine justices must vote to grant a petition for a case to move forward to the oral argument stage.

A.C., who was born female but now identifies as male, has since graduated from John R. Wooden Middle School in Martinsville, Indiana, and is now in high school. A lower court noted that A.C. began identifying as a male at 8 years of age, used masculine pronouns, started sporting a masculine haircut and wore masculine clothing.

A lack of linguistic clarity has clouded the issue in recent years as the concepts of sex and sexual identity, or gender—a politically and scientifically contentious idea whose definition isn’t universally agreed upon—have become difficult to separate. Despite the distinct meanings of the two words, many institutions and individuals use “gender” to mean biological sex, including on fillable forms and documents.

The school district had urged the Supreme Court to grant its request to accept the case so the court could resolve a “square and entrenched” split among federal courts of appeal, according to its petition.

Hmmm, check out: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikki_Haley 

A groundbreaking study shows kids learn better on paper, not screens

For ‘deeper reading’ among children aged 10-12, paper trumps screens. What does it mean when schools are going digital?

The nationwide collapse in reading scores among American youth has lately captured the attention – if not the concern – of headline writers, educators and government bureaucrats.

The Department of Education’s most recent survey, released in June, was certainly sensational: it found that text comprehension skills of 13-year-olds had declined an average of four points since the Covid-affected school year of 2019-2020, and more alarmingly that the average drop was seven points compared with the 2012 figure. The results for the worst-performing students fell below the reading skill level recorded in 1971, when the first national study was conducted.


Seniors Receiving Social Security Benefits May Pay More Taxes in 2024

As Social Security benefits increased last year, some of the beneficiaries could end up with a higher tax bill for the 2024 tax season.

In 2023, Social Security benefits were raised by 8.7 percent to compensate for the increase in cost of living, with the average retired worker receiving $1,827 a month instead of $1,681, which they got in 2022. Senior citizens who have never paid taxes on their Social Security benefits may now be required to pay taxes as the higher Social Security benefits push them into the taxable category.

Beneficiaries need to pay taxes on their Social Security income if the combined income—the sum total of 50 percent of Social Security benefits plus all other income, including tax-exempt interest—exceeds certain thresholds. The rules for taxation are as follows:

  • Individual taxpayer: If combined income is between $25,000–34,000, then up to 50 percent of the Social Security benefits may be taxable. However, if the income is greater than $34,000, up to 85 percent could be taxed.
  • Married couples filing jointly: Up to 50 percent of Social Security income will be taxable if the combined income is between $32,000–44,000. This jumps to 85 percent if it exceeds $44,000.

For instance, an individual collecting $2,000 in monthly Social Security income will receive $24,000 in annual benefits, out of which 50 percent or $12,000 will be used for calculating combined income.

  • In case the individual makes $10,000 in extra income annually, the combined income will be $12,000 + $10,000 = $22,000. Since this is less than $25,000, no part of Social Security benefits would be taxed.
  • If the extra annual income comes to $20,000, then the combined income would be $12,000 + $20,000 = $32,000, bringing it in the range of $25,000–34,000. As such, up to 50 percent of the Social Security income could be subject to taxes.
  • If the person makes $30,000 in extra annual income, the combined income would be $42,000, meaning up to 85 percent of Social Security benefits may be taxed.

Keep in mind that the 50 percent and 85 percent rates are not taxes but the portion of the Social Security income that will be subject to taxation.

“If you’re married and file a joint return, you and your spouse must combine your incomes and Social Security benefits when figuring the taxable portion of your benefits. Even if your spouse didn’t receive any benefits, you must add your spouse’s income to yours when figuring on a joint return if any of your benefits are taxable,” the Internal Revenue Service states.

The low combined income thresholds have faced criticism as many retirees could end up paying a sizable portion of their benefits as taxes. According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), around 40 percent of beneficiaries have to pay income taxes on their Social Security receipts.

In an interview with Yahoo Finance, Mary Johnson, a Social Security and Medicare policy analyst for The Senior Citizens League, said that they “expect more beneficiaries to become liable for federal income taxes on their Social Security benefits for the first time in the upcoming 2024 tax season.”

A survey conducted by the group found that as many as 26 percent of the respondents who received Social Security for over three years reported paying taxes on a portion of these benefits for the first ever time during the 2022 tax year.

In addition to the federal income tax, retirees may also have to pay state taxes on their Social Security. Such taxes are levied by 12 states this year and are usually determined by the taxpayer’s age and income level.

The 12 states that tax Social Security benefits are Colorado, Connecticut, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, and West Virginia.

Seniors Receiving Social Security Benefits May Pay More Taxes in 2024

A new study comparing the total cost of ownership of electric vehicles (EVs) and their gasoline-powered counterparts found that over the long term and considering various factors, some EVs were less costly but others—in particular, larger and longer-range ones—were more expensive.

The study, carried out by researchers affiliated with the University of Michigan Center for Sustainable Systems, aimed to analyze the total cost of ownership (TCO) for gasoline, hybrid, and electric vehicles while considering a broader range of factors than many previous similar studies.

The researchers developed a detailed TCO model encompassing five vehicle classes, three powertrains, and three EV ranges, with the analysis covering 14 cities in the United States and incorporating multiple charging scenarios.

Adjustments were made for local gasoline prices, electricity rate plans, and home charging access, with the TCO model incorporating inputs such as purchase price, financing, taxes, fees, insurance, refueling, and maintenance—as well as the effects of local temperatures and drive cycles on fuel economy. Overall, the study offers a counterpoint to the cost-of-ownership assessments that EV advocates often reference.

The study concluded that small and low-range (roughly 200 miles) EVs are less expensive than gasoline vehicles, but larger, longer-range (400-plus miles) EVs are more costly than their gas-powered counterparts.Midsize EVs (in roughly the 300-mile range) are also more expensive than gasoline vehicles, although, in certain cities, they can reach cost parity with gasoline vehicles if they get government incentives.

However, the researchers noted that the question of cost parity between EVs and gas-powered vehicles is “best answered on a case-by-case basis, as vehicle costs are ultimately unique to each specific location and each individual user.”

For instance, for a 300-mile-range midsize electric SUV, the total cost of ownership varied by nearly 40 percent, or $52,000, depending on the location.

Apple overtakes Samsung as world’s biggest phonemaker

Apple now has the lion’s share of the global smartphone market, knocking Samsung off the top spot for the first time in 12 years.

The American phone giant accounted for more than a fifth of phones shipped last year, according to data from the International Data Corporation (IDC).

Samsung took 19.4% of the market share with Chinese phonemakers Xiaomi, OPPO and Transsion following behind.

Bizarre bomb threat at Walmart ends with arrest of North Port man

A North Port man is in jail after deputies say he used a lost phone to make a false bomb threat to a Walmart store in Port Charlotte.

The incident happened on Jan. 12 when Charlotte County deputies were dispatched to the Walmart on Tamiami Trail in Port Charlotte for a bomb threat.

The caller told dispatchers that there was a bomb in the store and hung up. When 911 called back, the man answered and responded “Tic Toc, Tic Toc” before hanging up again.

After making contact with the owner of the phone, he told deputies that he had accidentally left the phone in the restroom of Walmart. When dispatch returned the call, his Apple watch notified him that 911 was trying to call. After pinging the phone’s location he was able to find it.

After reviewing security footage, the deputies were able to determine that the phone’s owner was being truthful. Surveillance footage then showed Coty J. Clements, entering the bathroom and exiting around the time the call was made.

Clements was quickly located after having reentered the store. Being that Clements was the only one seen entering and exiting the restroom during the time the call was made, he was detained and questioned. He admitted to the threat and noted that he had seen individuals do similar pranks on Tik Tok.

Clements is now facing a charge about false reporting of planting a bomb or weapon of mass destruction.

Federal judge blocks JetBlue, Spirit merger

In a 113-page decision released Jan. 16, U.S. District Court Judge William Young ruled in favor of the Justice Department in an antitrust suit filed last year to thwart JetBlue’s planned $3.8 billion acquisition of Spirit Airlines.

The proposed merger, which was announced in July 2022, would create the nation’s fifth largest airline with more than 450 aircraft and a combined 77 million customers.

Last March, the Department of Justice filed a civil antitrust suit, invoking the Clayton Act, arguing that the merger would eliminate competition and further consolidate the nation’s airline industry – resulting in increased fares and reduced choices for travelers. New Jersey joined the lawsuit along with three other states. At the time, Attorney General Matthew Platkin noted a merger could mean JetBlue would control more than 12% of all passengers flying in and out of Newark Liberty International Airport, while the joint entity would control about 20% of routes at airports operated by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

“There are no ‘bad guys’ in this case,” Young wrote at the top, summarizing a review of the evidence, testimony and exhibits presented during the four-week trial, which took place last year in Boston. “The two corporations are – as they are expected to – seeking to maximize shareholder value. The Department of Justice is – as the law requires – speaking for consumers who otherwise would have no voice.”

While Young conceded that a post-merger, combined firm of JetBlue and Spirit would likely place stronger competitive pressure on larger airlines, he stressed that it would likely harm “the consumers that rely on Spirit’s unique, low-price model,” which he believes would be difficult for another airline or combination of airlines to replicate.

“The Clayton Act was designed to prevent anticompetitive harms for consumers by preventing mergers or acquisitions the effect of which ‘may be substantially to lessen competition, or tend to create a monopoly,’” Young continued. “Summing it up, if JetBlue were permitted to gobble up Spirit – at least as proposed – it would eliminate one of the airline industry’s few primary competitors that provides unique innovation and price discipline. It would further consolidate an oligopoly by immediately doubling JetBlue’s stakeholder size in the industry. Worse yet, the merger would likely incentivize JetBlue further to abandon its roots as a maverick, low-cost carrier. While it is understandable that JetBlue seeks inorganic growth through acquisition of aircraft that would eliminate one of its primary competitors, the proposed acquisition, in this court’s attempt to predict the future in murky times, does violence to the core principle of antitrust law: to protect the United States’ markets – and its market participants – from anticompetitive harm.”

The judge did note the ruling narrowly applies only to the proposed merger as it was agreed to on July 28, 2022, and would not include that the defendants be permanently enjoined and restrained from carrying out this acquisition or a future one, as the government had initially requested.

‘There won’t be any beer come March’: US Anheuser-Busch workers threaten strike

Workers who make Bud Light and other top-selling beers are threatening to strike in demand of significant wage increases, job security and improvements to retirement and benefits in the first big union contract battle of 2024.

Five thousand workers, represented by the Teamsters at 12 Anheuser-Busch breweries in the US, are threatening to strike after voting 99% in favor of a strike authorization last month. Their current union contract is set to expire on 29 February.

“Without a contract by February 29, there won’t be any beer come March,” the Teamsters warned on X.

The contract fight is the first at Anheuser-Busch with the Teamsters president, Sean O’Brien, at the helm of the union. Elected in 2022, O’Brien led the union in securing record contract gain at UPS last year amid threats of a massive strike.

“If Anheuser-Busch’s executives can’t get their act together to negotiate an agreement that respects workers, we will see them out on the streets,” O’Brien said in a statement on the strike vote. According to the Teamsters, the union hasn’t met with Anheuser-Busch since 16 November, when the company refused to negotiate on job security.

Anntonette Norris, who has worked at the Anheuser-Busch brewery in Jacksonville, Florida, for 25 years, said workers were due for a substantial wage increase in the new contract as wages have lagged behind inflation and price increases.

“When I started, Anheuser-Busch was what you would consider the top dog, it was the job to have. The pay was great, but with inflation, we are not the top-paying job,” she said.

Norris said her brother had started working at Anheuser-Busch in the last five years. “Things that would have been easily attainable to me when I started, are not that for him now,” said Norris. “With the increases of prices for everything, people are working numerous amounts of overtime to try to make up for the pay we don’t have at this time.”

Workers face intense heat during summer weather and intense cold during the winter, said Norris. They sacrifice time away from families to work night shifts and handle dangerous, hi-tech equipment.


Please note: The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional.

Hormonal imbalances caused by hundreds of chemicals tied to increased cancer risk

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are a serious environmental and health concern implicated in cancer development.  Specific chemicals, such as dioxin and cadmium for breast and thyroid cancer, arsenic, asbestos, dioxin for prostate cancer, and organochlorines/organohalogens for testicular cancer, are identified as potential carcinogens.

Breast cancer, in particular, is a common and tragic form of cancer that kills many women across the globe before their time and has a variety of causal factors.  Today, we’ll focus on how too many chemicals can cause hormonal imbalances that greatly contribute to your cancer risk.

Tiny troublemakers: EDCs and the sneaky impact on cancer risks

A recent study focused on environmental EDCs, a diverse group of compounds known to interfere with the endocrine system.  These chemicals, encountered daily by all of us, have been linked to various cancers.  The paper aimed to explore the carcinogenic activities of known EDCs, emphasizing their impact on public health.

The methodology involved a comprehensive literature review, specifically emphasizing meta-analyses and human studies concerning EDCs and cancer.  The results highlight the evolving definition of EDCs over the years and the lack of standardized criteria for testing new chemicals to ascertain their potential carcinogenicity.

Additionally, researchers established that assessing the full impact of human exposure to EDCs proves challenging, given that adverse effects may manifest at different ages, with evidence suggesting heightened vulnerability in developing fetuses and neonates.

How to reduce your risk of cancer

One of the easiest things you can do to reduce your risk of cancer is to be savvy about the ingredients in your products.  Many carcinogens found in the last 30 years occurred in products we thought were benign, such as talcum powder.  Research shows that there are hundreds if not thousands of chemicals being used right now that cause some type of cancer, and we just aren’t aware because there’s not enough data.

Natural products are always going to be the best bet, whether it’s skincare, health products, or unprocessed food.  Avoiding chemicals like glyphosate and other toxic herbicides, pesticides, paints, and other mechanical compounds as much as possible is another step in the right direction.  The compounds found by the researchers are often two basic to pinpoint specific products to avoid, but being alert about new developments in the field of cancer research is key.

While eating a healthy (organic) diet, getting adequate sleep, and exercising are no-brainers when it comes to good health and cancer prevention, there is a direct link between a disrupted gut microbiome and a variety of types of cancers, including breast cancer.  Eating a high-fiber diet with lots of fermented foods (rich in probiotics) could cut your risk of breast cancer significantly along with a variety of other cancers, specifically colorectal.

Stay on top of developing research, avoid unnecessary chemicals and processed foods, and live a clean life, all of which help reduce your risk of cancer.


Technocracy And The Collapse Of Credentialism

For many years, the United States has been effectively a technocracy run by unelected “experts.” Former Harvard president Claudine Gay’s fall from grace may mark the end of that era.

Technocrats have long told us what we can and can’t do, what we’re allowed to own, what our kids must learn in school, and so on. For the most part, we never voted for any of that, yet we have gone along docilely, not noticing or not caring or, at best, unwilling to make waves.

The result has been the rise of self-selected “experts,” the credentialed class, who exist primarily to impose their will on others. Their ranks have swelled recently with the exponential growth of government and education bureaucracies and the emergence of “academic” programs designed not to increase knowledge but to feed those bureaucracies.

This is what I refer to as “credentialism:” the pursuit of dubious credentials, like degrees in pseudo-sciences and quasi-academic subjects, solely for the purpose of advancing one’s own career and personal policy preferences. The term might also apply to those with legitimate credentials who in their hubris believe being an “expert” gives them the right to tell everyone else how to live.

Much to the dismay of the credentialed class, Americans’ tolerance of this system began to wane about four years ago, when it became apparent to many that a) the experts don’t always know what they’re doing, and b) they don’t necessarily have our best interests at heart.

Anyone who was paying attention could see, as early as April 2020, that much of what the “experts” were telling us—about masks, “social distancing,” school closures—had no basis in science. Anonymous social media accounts routinely exposed the technocrats’ contradictions, statistical errors, and bold-faced lies.

That trend continued into 2021, when the much-ballyhooed “vaccines” failed to prevent people from contracting or transmitting the virus—just as the “conspiracy theorists” had predicted. Attempts to suppress this information were to some extent stymied by lawsuits, FOIA requests, an aggressive alternative media (including Campus Reform), and Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter/X.

The truth, bit by bit, came out. The “experts” were discredited. And credentialism began to implode as people realized that merely having a degree or title is no guarantee of anything.

The collapse was hastened by the medical and scientific establishment’s embrace of “transgenderism.” As the “transgender activists” constantly reminded us, virtually every major medical association in the country has endorsed the idea that people can change their sex.

But since literally everyone knows that’s not true–people can’t actually change their sex—the self-righteous harangues of the credentialed class fail to persuade. Instead, they just further discredit themselves and their entire profession.

Which brings us to the latest and perhaps pivotal episode in the slow-motion train-wreck that is the fall of credentialism: Claudine Gay’s resignation.

Gay was the quintessential “diversity hire,” a mediocre scholar by Ivy League standards who rose to power based on her race and gender, along with (apparently) a fair amount of ruthlessness.

She is also a classic example of credentialism—what academics sometimes refer to as “careerism”—parlaying her advanced degrees into a series of leadership roles as she climbed the administrative ladder. The derivative nature of her “scholarship,” combined with her meteoric rise, suggests that she was always focused more on her own ambition than on the pursuit of truth.

Unfortunately for Harvard, for the Ivy League, and for the entire credentialed class, her appointment as president proved to be a disaster. When the leader of the most prestigious institution in the country, the one at the very top of the credentialism heap, turns out to be a proven plagiarist and a potential fraud—well, that doesn’t exactly inspire the rest of us to put much faith in degrees and titles.

Indeed, today people tend to trust higher education less than ever. They put less stock in credentials. And that is generally a good thing—unless you genuinely need a credential to work in your field. What should you do, in that case? I plan to talk about that in my next column, so stay tuned.


Easy Sugar Scrub Recipe for Winter Coziness

Cultivate cozy winter feelings with an easy sugar scrub recipe using peppermint essential oil, and explore some outdoor and indoor winter activities for families and individuals.

There’s a cold wind whistling around the old farmhouse today, crows are feeding in the field to the east, and birds are flocking around the feeder. Mornings here on the farm start early with the alarm going off at 5:30am; however, stepping outside there’s no feeling of drowsiness. With heads bowed down against the icy blast of December air, we feel very much alive. Errands are done quickly: Chickens have a breakfast of warm mash, goats get extra hay and apple slices, barn cats and our faithful guard dog get goodies as well. Christmas cheer for all!

The holiday season is here, and this year, I’ve felt more determined than ever to enjoy the simple pleasures of getting ready for the days to come. The year has been like no other. Each day we eagerly anticipate the coming holidays, while at the same time, closely watching the news. As a mom, I’m filled with complicated emotions, but I also realize there is much to be grateful for and a need to count our blessings.

Easy Sugar Scrub Recipe with Peppermint Oil

Sharing a gift doesn’t need to be complicated. One of my favorite quick and easy gifts to give is sugar scrub.


  • 3 cups sugar
  • 1 cup sunflower oil
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil


Stir all ingredients together; spoon into jars. Secure the lid, and then tie on a ribbon and gift card. You could even tie on a vintage spoon or small scoop.

As it’s been said, we’re never too young or too old to store up memories. Let’s enjoy every minute this year, and keep the spirit of the season in our hearts.

Sheep Breeding & Sheep Rearing Information

Looking for some tips and sheep rearing information? Learn about a few dual purpose sheep breeds to develop your perfect flock.


Ohio Sees Drop in Gun Violence After Adopting Constitutional Carry

A study by the Center for Justice Research (CJR) shows violent crime in Ohio decreased

after the state adopted constitutional carry.

Constitutional carry recognizes the Second Amendment as a carry permit, allowing law-abiding citizens to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense without first acquiring a permit from their state government.

There are 27 constitutional carry states and those are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) signed constitutional carry legislation on March 14, 2022.  The study by the CJR, released earlier this year, shows that gun violence dropped in six of Ohio’s eight largest cities following the adoption of constitutional carry.

NBC 4 noted that the state saw a decrease in violent crime in Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, Parma, and Toledo.


EXCLUSIVE: CDC Drafted Alert for Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines, but Never Sent It

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prepared to alert state and local officials to an emerging connection between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines, but ultimately did not send the alert, according to a new document obtained by The Epoch Times.

All four COVID-19 vaccines that are or have been available in the United States can cause the heart inflammation, or myocarditis, according to studies, experts, and agencies like the CDC. The first cases were reported shortly after the vaccines became available in late 2020.

The CDC sends alerts to federal, state, and local public health officials and doctors across the nation through a system called the Health Alert Network (HAN). Messaging through the system conveys “vital health information,” according to the CDC.

In May 2021, CDC officials drafted an alert on myocarditis and the two most widely used COVID-19 shots, according to the newly obtained document, which is being made public for the first time by The Epoch Times.

“This is the most recent draft of an alert as discussed. Happy to discuss,” Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, the CDC’s top official for equity in COVID-19 data and engagement, told two other high-ranking CDC colleagues in the email.

It was titled “draft alert on myocarditis and mRNA vaccines.”

The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are made with modified messenger RNA (mRNA) technology.

The draft alert was attached to the email. The Epoch Times is working to acquire the draft alert.

“This censorship of a proposed alert in May of 2021 is just one more example of our regulatory agencies’ repeated pattern of behavior to censor any information that serves to counter the narrative that the COVID-19 vaccinations are ’safe and effective,’” Dr. Joel Wallskog, co-chair of the vaccine-injured advocacy group React19, told The Epoch Times via email.


JPMorgan CEO delivers brutal reality check straight to the heart of Democrats for attacking Trump supporters: ‘Grow up’

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is trying to offer Democrats and the media political wisdom about Donald Trump.

Speaking on CBNC’s “Squawk Box,” Dimon warned on Wednesday that constantly attacking Trump, his supporters, and the “Make America Great Again” agenda will ultimately backfire on President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

“I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden’s election campaign,” Dimon predicted. “I wish the Democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about MAGA.”

The billionaire banker was referring to the Democratic Party’s habit of mocking Trump supporters as “deplorable” or simple-minded Americans who hug “their Bibles and their beer and their guns.”

“Can we stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people respectfully and listen to them a little bit?” Dimon said. “I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens.”

In fact, Dimon suggested those in the media need to be more introspective and they need try to understand why so many Americans support Trump. 

For Dimon — who personally identifies as someone with a “Democrat heart and a Republican brain” — the reasons why Americans support Trump are clear: Trump “wasn’t wrong” about some of the most pressing issues impacting America and the world today.

“When people say MAGA, they’re actually looking at people voting for Trump and they’re basically scapegoating them — that you are like him — but I don’t think they’re voting for Trump because of his family values,” Dimon said.

“If you just take a step back, be honest: He’s kind of right about NATO. Kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well,” he explained. “Tax reform worked. He was right about some with China. I don’t like how he said things about Mexico— but he wasn’t wrong about some of these critical issues. And that’s why they’re voting for him.”


Pet Immunization: Far Riskier Than You Might Think, yet Highly Promoted by Vets

Make this mistake, and you’ll throw money away – along with your precious pet’s health. Vets have a strong financial incentive to promote this. Here’s what I recommend instead. But don’t be gouged – some vets ask ridiculous fees. Here’s what you should really expect to pay.

  • while the goal of the traditional veterinary community is to promote pet vaccinations, it’s important for pet guardians to understand the difference between “vaccination” and “immunization”
  • Immunization, not automatic re-vaccination, should be the goal. If an animal has achieved long-lasting immunity from a previous vaccination, re-vaccination offers no benefit, only risk
  • Knowledgeable pet parents insist on antibody titer tests to measure their dog’s or cat’s immunity to disease, and opt out of unnecessary, potentially risky re-vaccinations

Passenger bites flight attendant — forces plane to return to airport

A flight traveling from Tokyo, Japan to the United States was forced to turn around Tuesday after a drunk passenger bit an attendant.

A “heavily drunk” 55-year-old man on All Nippon Airways (ANA) Flight 118 bit a crewmember. The aircraft, which had 159 passengers on board, took off at 9:47 p.m. local time on Jan. 16 for the flight to Seattle, Washington — but was diverted back to Haneda Airport in Tokyo.

An ANA spokesperson told CNN that the female flight attendant sustained minor injuries, and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police detained the unnamed American man after the plane landed in Tokyo. Japanese broadcaster TBS reported that the biting passenger told investigators he “doesn’t recall” his behavior onboard, per The Japanese Times.


Hunter Biden Isn’t Protected From Gun Charges by 2nd Amendment: Federal Prosecutors

The U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment doesn’t protect President Joe Biden’s son from felony gun charges, federal prosecutors said in a new brief.

“Anglo-American law has long recognized that the government may disarm those who, by their conduct or characteristics, present an increased risk to public safety if they possess firearms,” prosecutors said in the Jan. 16 filing. That means a U.S. law against gun ownership by people who use or are addicted to drugs can still stand under the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 decision that struck down restrictions in New York, they added.

Hunter Biden, 53, is facing three felony counts after certifying on a form in 2018 that he wasn’t a user of or addicted to drugs. Mr. Biden later wrote in his memoir that he was using drugs at the time.

However, lawyers for the defendant argued in late 2023 that the statute Mr. Biden was charged with violating isn’t constitutional under court precedent, including the Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen.

“In truth, the statute is indefensible under the Bruen framework,” they wrote in a motion to dismiss.

Lawyers referenced a recent appeals court ruling in favor of a man from Mississippi named Patrick Daniels Jr., who was convicted of violating the same law because he was a marijuana user who owned a gun.

Mr. Daniels challenged the law in question, 18 U.S.C. Section 922(g)(3), under the new Bruen framework, and the court said that the government failed to demonstrate the existence of laws from around the time of America’s founding that prohibited gun ownership for intoxicated individuals.

While several states passed similar laws after the Second Amendment was adopted, such a small number doesn’t support a tradition, the court said.

“In short, neither the restrictions on the mentally ill nor the regulatory tradition surrounding intoxication can justify Daniels’s conviction,” the ruling stated.

Revealed: A plainclothes Capitol cop found the DNC pipe bomb

The person who discovered the pipe bomb at Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2021, was a United States Capitol Police plainclothes officer. Multiple congressional staffers familiar with the investigation say that despite months of the FBI stonewalling congressional committees’ inquiries, they now know the identity of that individual — previously only identified as a “passerby.”

At 1:05 p.m. on January 6, the then-unidentified person casually approached a D.C. Metropolitan Police vehicle parked in the DNC’s parking ramp driveway near South Capitol St., reportedly to inform police officers that he’d seen what appeared to be a pipe bomb.

Wearing dark clothes and a backpack, the individual can be seen in a video posted on Republican Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie’s YouTube channel, first speaking to an officer on the driver’s side of the patrol car. He then casually walks around to the car’s passenger side window, where he leans in to chat for several seconds.

Again — in no apparent hurry — the person walks around to the driver’s side of an adjacently parked black Secret Service SUV for a conversation with that vehicle’s occupants. The SUV was parked only about 15-20 feet from the location of the alleged bomb.

As to who the U.S. Capitol Police officer was still remains unidentified. 

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