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The Power Hour

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Today’s News: January 20, 2021

World News

Barrage Of New Countries And Airlines To Adopt Vaccine Passports

Infowars – Several more countries have indicated that they are to adopt vaccination passports, meaning anyone crossing their borders will need to be able to prove they have been inoculated against coronavirus.

It is being reported that the South African government is working on implementing an entire Covid-19 vaccine ‘ID system’, which will not only encompass the so called ‘passports’, but will also include “management and surveillance of the Covid-19 vaccine,” as well as “an integrated track-and-trace system,” and “a dashboard system… to capture the reasons given for vaccine refusal.”

The country’s COVID battle has come under scrutiny in recent weeks with a purported super ‘mutation’ of the virus being discovered there.

The South African Department of Health has announced that all citizens who are vaccinated will be placed on a national register and provided with a vaccination card.

Meanwhile, in Europe, another country has indicated it will adopt the vaccination passport scheme with Ukrainian health officials announcing that all vaccinated people will be entered into an electronic health care database.

“When mandatory vaccination passports are introduced at the international level, Ukrainian doctors will be able to promptly issue a certificate of vaccinations,” said chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine Viktor Liashko.

Another country said to be mulling the introduction of COVID passports is Russia. The New York Times reported that “The Russian government is considering issuing coronavirus health certificates that could ease travel and commerce for people who have been vaccinated.”

The Times quoted the head of the Russian Parliament’s committee on public health, Dmitri Morozov, who said that a Covid passport was “very important and needed.”

Maduro Launches ‘National Ozone Center’ for Unproven Coronavirus ‘Cure’

Breitbart – Socialist Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro announced Sunday the establishment of a “National Scientific Center for Ozone,” which he said would promote the use of “ozone therapy” to help Chinese coronavirus patients.

Ozone (O3) is a toxic gas that has surfaced repeatedly in the past year in questionable attempts to help coronavirus patients. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned against the use of ozone to help coronavirus patients or as a disinfectant, as the amount of gas needed to kill pathogens is greater than what is tolerable for a human being.

Despite the lack of evidence that ozone could play a role in helping Chinese coronavirus patients overcome an infection, Maduro has repeatedly touted it as a viable cure. In October, Maduro announced during a national broadcast that the Venezuelan regime would promote “rectal ozone therapy,” in which doctors administer the toxic gas into a patient’s rectum, as a legitimate treatment for Chinese coronavirus.

Thanks to over two decades of socialism, Venezuela has one of the world’s least functional healthcare systems. Venezuelan clinics and hospitals have suffered severe shortages of basic medicines — from painkillers to antibiotics to birth control and cancer medications — since at least 2016, medical professionals have denounced. The inability to fight basic infections has triggered skyrocketing rates of amputations. As Maduro’s leadership has also resulted in extreme shortages of cleaning products and the near-total collapse of the electric grid, hospitals have also suffered pest infestations. Officials attempting to maintain morgues have reported extreme cases of decomposition, which present a health hazard.

“We will take the ozone and ozone therapy to every CDI [Total Diagnostic Center],” Maduro promised Sunday. “It is the first solid step of massification that we have to push forward. This has all been discussed, it’s all planned, the construction of the machines necessary for ozone therapy, and I hope that in this first semester of 2021 we will firmly advance in the massification of ozone therapy.”

Maduro also claimed the gas has “great benefits for health, for the total health of the human being, for the treatment of traumatic afflictions and spinal afflictions,” in addition to its alleged use against the Chinese coronavirus. Using ozone gas to treat herniated disks and other spinal ailments is, at best, a “controversial” proposal that scientists have not accepted as mainstream.

Serbia Filing First Lawsuits Against NATO on Behalf of 1999 Bombing Victims, Lawyer Says

Sputnik – Serbian victims of the 1999 NATO bombing in Yugoslavia will, for the first time in over 20 years, on Wednesday file lawsuits against the alliance for the use of depleted uranium ammunition during the airstrikes, Srdjan Aleksic, the lawyer who is leading the team of legal experts, told Sputnik.

Aleksic and his team have been putting together cases with material evidence for several years. Lawsuits against NATO as a legal entity will be filed on behalf of the victims.

“We are filing lawsuits on Wednesday in courts in the cities of Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Nis and Vranje. We are talking about the highest courts, to which we will file five lawsuits. The victims are natural persons — deceased and sick soldiers and police officers of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, who were in Kosovo in 1999. At the first stage, we want them to be identical cases, as in the Italian military”, Aleksic said.

As was the case with Western European servicemen who received high radiation doses while serving in NATO near radioactive ammunition and at the places of their use, the lawyer seeks to win compensation for each of the Serbian victims in the amount of at least 300,000 euros ($364,508). Aleksic is assisted by the Italian lawyer Angelo Fiore Tartaglia, who has successfully represented the interests of the Italian military.

“He has 181 court rulings, which have already entered into force in Europe. He will be a member of my legal expert team. We have more than 3,000 pages of materials, including verdicts, expert opinions, materials of a special Italian government commission. We have collected enough evidence”, Aleksic noted.

The next step after the Higher Court in Belgrade admits the lawsuits would be to send a formal notification to the NATO headquarters within six months. The alliance, on its part, will have to respond within 30 days.

NATO airstrikes continued from 24 March to 10 June 1999. The exact number of victims of the airstrikes is unknown. The Serbian authorities say that about 2,500 people, including 89 children, were killed and about 12,500 people were injured in the bombings. According to various sources, the material damage is assessed at between $30 billion and $100 billion.

The military operation was conducted without the approval of the UN Security Council and on the basis of the Western countries’ allegations that the Yugoslavian authorities had carried out ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and provoked a humanitarian catastrophe there.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that the use of depleted uranium weapons during the NATO operation is behind the increase in the number of cancer patients in the Balkan nation. Moreover, Belgrade said it established a special commission to investigate the consequences of the 1999 NATO bombings for the environment and health of the Serbs.

Video: China Builds Massive COVID Detention Camp

Infowars – Footage has emerged of a huge quarantine facility being built in China to house people infected with coronavirus, and presumably anyone else the state deems to be a COVID threat.

The time lapse video shows a sprawling complex in the province of Hebei being fully completed within a week.

The camp, on the outskirts of the city of Shijiazhuang is said to contain more than 4000 ‘isolation suites’, which resemble shipping container like cells.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Donald Trump Leaves Washington, DC: ‘Goodbye. I Love You. We’ll Be Back in Some Form’

Breitbart – President Donald Trump bid farewell to staff and supporters Wednesday, leaving Washington, DC, for the last time as president aboard Air Force One.

“Goodbye. I love you. We’ll be back in some form,” Trump said as he concluded his remarks, noting “I will be watching. I will be listening” as a new administration took office.

The crowd of roughly 500 people shouted “U.S.A” and “We Love You” and “Thank you Trump” after the president took the stage and spoke. He also received a 21 gun salute from the military.

“You are amazing people. This is a great, great country. This is my greatest honor and privilege to be your president,” Trump said.

The president predicted success for president-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris (without naming them) noting the strength of the country he was leaving behind.

“I wish the new administration great love and great success. I think they’ll have great success. They have the foundation to something really spectacular,” he said, adding, “Remember us when you see these things happening.”

The president also said he hoped that Biden’s administration would not raise taxes.

“I hope they don’t raise your taxes, but if they do, I told you so,” he said.

Trump’s family Eric Trump, Lara Trump, Mark Meadows, and his wife, Don Jr. and Kimberly, Ivanka, Jared and their children, Tiffany and her fiancé Michael Boulos, were present as well as close staffers such as Stephen Miller and Dan Scavino.

The president thanked his family and staff, and friends present.

“What we’ve done has been amazing by any standard,” Trump said, looking back at his success and added. “We were not a regular administration.”

Donald Trump Leaves Letter for Incoming President Joe Biden

Breitbart – President Donald Trump continued a presidential tradition by leaving a letter for incoming President Joe Biden at the Oval Office on Wednesday.

The news was first reported by Bloomberg’s Jennifer Jacobs and confirmed by CNN.

It is one of the only presidential transition traditions President Trump has participated in, as he leaves office.

Trump became the first modern president to leave the White House without participating in the Inauguration ceremony and did not invite President-elect Joe Biden to the White House the morning of the event.

Instead, Trump left the White House aboard Marine One and took off from Air Force One from Joint Base Andrews after speaking briefly with a crowd of about 500 staffers and supporters.

Laura Loomer: I’ve Been BANNED From Owning A Firearm, A Warning Of What’s To Come For All Conservative Americans

Infowars – For years, Big Tech has used me as Patient Zero in their test case in mass de-platforming by eliminating my ability to reach the public because of my political views.

Being forced to use alternative social media sites, I know I’ve been a little “offline” since I ran for Congress in President Trump’s home district, Florida-21 a few months ago. But I feel compelled to reach out to youe to share a shocking story about something that happened to me and is relevant to all of us. It might have seemed implausible a few years ago, but things are rapidly changing here in America, our rights are in danger, and our Republic is in a fragile place.

The new bans on President Trump and Conservative voices around the nation over the last two weeks are what I’ve been dealing with and actively fighting against for years.

My speech on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram have been banned and eliminated.

My ability to conduct business on PayPal, Venmo, GoFundMe and other financial institutions has been banned.

Chase Bank once shut down my online banking.

Comcast blocked my congressional campaign from sending texts and emails to voters while they donated to my opponent.

Even my ability to travel has all been restricted, as I am permanently banned on Uber and Lyft.

Leftists Call For New “Secret Police” Force to Spy on Trump Supporters

Infowars – Perhaps channeling the spirit of the Soviet NKVD, leftists are now literally calling for a new “secret police” unit to be created at the federal level to spy on Trump supporters.

In an article published by the Daily Beast, Jeff Stein argues that existing federal agencies like the FBI are ill-equipped to stop “white terror” because they missed signs of the the pre-planning of the Capitol building siege.

The solution is to create a new “secret police” (yes, he literally uses those words) in order to “infiltrate and neutralize armed domestic extremists,” which according to the media’s latest narrative potentially includes 70 million Trump voters.

Stein even compares the Capitol breach to 9/11, an attack that killed nearly 3,000 people, and argues that a similar response to that should be directly inwardly against American citizens directed by a new “domestic spy agency.”

“One response to the 9/11 tragedy may well get renewed attention after the Capitol assault—especially if armed white nationalists are successful in carrying out more attacks in the coming days and weeks: The call for a secret police,” he writes.

The existence of a “secret police” force that subverts constitutional norms to repress the population is of course a hallmark of all dictatorial regimes, but that doesn’t appear to bother self-proclaimed “progressives.”

“Hundreds of Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots, some of which entailed firing mortars at, firebombing, or burning down police stations, did not qualify as domestic terrorism. But the Capitol Riot was terrorism, due to the usual double standard,” points out Dave Blount.

He also hits the nail on the head about the real reason why the creation of a new secret police unit would be necessary.

“Neither the FBI nor the NSA has the culture of brutal hostility toward their own country’s population needed to efficiently repress dissidents in the unfolding police state.”

As we highlighted yesterday, in addition to a new secret police, some are calling for the creation of a Stasi-like citizen spy network that would recruit Biden supporters to spy on Trump supporters and grass them up to the authorities.

Presumably, this is all part of the national “healing” and “unity” that Joe Biden has called for.

ACADEMIC PURGE: Harvard students launch petition to revoke degrees from graduates who support Trump

NaturalNews – In an attempt to stop “violent white supremacy” following the spectacle at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, students at Harvard University have released a petition calling for all alumni at the school who support President Donald Trump to have their degrees revoked.

Believing Trump to be directly responsible for instigating the “insurrection,” brainwashed Harvard students want to punish anyone and everyone who is in any way affiliated with the president because they, too, might be a “domestic terrorist.”

“The campaign to subvert the outcome of the 2020 presidential election left five dead and nearly killed many more as armed, organized insurrectionists with Confederate flags and Nazi paraphernalia stormed the Capitol in search of members of Congress to kill or capture,” the petition reads.

“Nationwide violence is expected in the weeks to come.”

The petition calls on all of Harvard to “take a stand for representative democracy and against violent white supremacy” by signing it.

Kayleigh McEnany, the current White House press secretary under the Trump administration, is one such Harvard graduate whom some students say should lose her degree for having light skin and supporting Trump. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Tex.) are both also on the chopping block for having graduated from Harvard as white conservatives.

According to the petition, McEnany, Crenshaw and Cruz all spread “disinformation” that “created … mistrust,” resulting in Capitol police letting a group of violent, far-left, CNN-led agitators posing as “Trump supporters” into the building by opening the gate for them.

“It’s no secret that over a dozen Harvard graduates worked hard to spread the disinformation and mistrust that created last Wednesday’s insurrection – from Representative Dan Crenshaw (HKS ’17), who supported the December Texas lawsuit to invalidate the election, to Senator Ted Cruz (HLS ’97), one of the loudest claimants of fraud and a rare senator still objecting to the election certification after the violence at the Capitol, to White House Press Secretary Kayleigh MEnany (HLS ’17), who dutifully denies the validity of the election,” the petition goes on to contend.

Far-left “anti-fascists” at Harvard engage in fascism to get back at Trump and his supporters

Even though none of these three are under investigation for playing any role in the “violence” that took place at the Capitol, angry Harvard students want their degrees abolished regardless. Anyone who dares to “deny the validity” of the presidential election, they say, needs to be punished.

“Harvard must revoke the degrees of alumni whose incendiary language and subversion of democratic processes – rooted in a history of white supremacist voter suppression – incited the violent insurrection on January 6,” the petition further whines.

“This includes all who have used their platforms to deny the validity of the presidential election. They do not and should not represent a university committed to ‘strengthening democracy’ and ‘the advancement of justice.’”

Were it just students shrieking in typical Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) form, we would chalk it up to hormones and indoctrination. Several faculty members, however, are joining them, and even going so far as to create retaliatory blacklists against people who served in or supported the Trump administration.

This is tried-and-true fascism, of course, which is hardly a good look for people who claim to be “anti-fascists.” This is where we now are as a society, though, where fascism claims to embody “anti-fascism,” and fake elections are touted as real elections.

Texas readies for lawsuits against Joe Biden’s incoming administration

NaturalNews – Texas is reportedly preparing for lawsuits against Joe Biden’s incoming administration, the San Antonio Express-News reported Friday.

(Article by Amy Furr republished from Breitbart.com)

During his first 100 days in office, President-elect Joe Biden has “vowed to roll back the Trump administration’s immigration crackdown, push policies addressing climate change and potentially forgive student debt for thousands of Americans,” the article stated.

Biden has also said he will advocate for a mask mandate and wants Congress to pass another huge stimulus package.

“And in the longer term, Biden has talked about rewriting the tax code to raise taxes on the rich,” the report continued, adding that “Texas is almost certain to fight him every step of the way”:

The state is about to be back on the front lines battling against the federal government, a long tradition for its Republican leaders, from former Gov. Rick Perry to Gov. Greg Abbott — who as the state’s attorney general famously said, “I go into the office, I sue the federal government and I go home.”

As Biden takes office next week, many expect the state to pick up where it left off after suing the Obama administration dozens of times to stop initiatives such as the Clean Power Plan, scrap protections for immigrants brought to the country illegally as children and end the Affordable Care Act.

In a Facebook post on Sunday, Gov. Abbott shared the Express-News article, commenting, “Texas will take action whenever the federal government encroaches on state’s rights, or interferes with constitutionally rights, or private property rights or the right to earn a living.”

Meanwhile, a recent national survey indicates that a majority of Republicans want congressional leaders to challenge Biden on important issues.

“Nearly six in 10 (59%) Republicans questioned in a Pew Research Center poll urge GOP leaders in Congress to stand up to the incoming president, even if it’s harder to address critical issues facing the country,” Fox News reported.

Robert Henneke, general counsel at the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) told the Express-News that “Litigation challenging unconstitutional action from the Biden administration will be a central issue.”

“Where the new administration seeks to go out of bounds of what powers have been delegated to it, or enacts policies and rules that aren’t supported by data and science, I expect that we’ll be chief among those challenging those type of policies,” he concluded.

Left-wing activists tried to goad Trump supporters into joining Capitol “insurrection”

NaturalNews – New evidence has emerged to show that radical left-wing fanatic John Sullivan, who helped lead the Capitol “siege,” also tried to egg-on Trump supporters to turn against law enforcement officers following the fatal and gruesome shooting of Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt.

Sullivan, who heads up a far-left extremist group known as Insurgence USA, posed as a “Trump supporter” while being filmed for a documentary by CNN photojournalist Jade Sacker. After storming the Capitol while trying to incite violence, Sullivan appeared on CNN with Anderson Cooper – watch below:


According to Masako Ganaha, who runs a popular Japanese YouTube channel, the person who filmed Babbitt being murdered by law enforcement while she attempted to climb through a broken window to gain entry into the House chamber is a member of Antifa.

Ganaha says that the man who broke the window in the first place by bashing it with a helmet was a non-Trump supporter who was “leading the crowd.” Following the incident, he quickly retreated down some stairs to “change his appearance” and avoid detection.

Sullivan, Ganaha also points out, was also present at the far-left Portland riots where independent journalist Andy Ngô was violently assaulted by left-wing agitators who threw a cement “milkshake” at his face.

“The black man (Sullivan) tried to make Trump supporters ‘upset with police’ by repeatedly saying that the woman is dead, using a Marxist tactic of ‘agitation’ to get people to turn against each other, in this case, to get the Trump supporters to turn against law enforcement,” writes Pete Baklinski for LifeSiteNews.

“The ones who were leading the crowd (man who smashed window with helmet and Sullivan who kept on crying out the woman was shot and dead), or agitating the crowd, were not Trump supporters. I think they had a plan and they played well,” Ganaha is further quoted as saying.

John Sullivan, CNN both responsible for Capitol “siege”

While some of Ganaha’s claims are refuted by Baklinski, her main claim that a leftist leader, Sullivan, was responsible for inciting the clash between actual Trump supporters and Capitol law enforcement would appear to be accurate and valid.

You can read Baklinski’s full analysis of what took place inside the Capitol at this link.

It cannot be stressed enough that CNN was quite obviously complicit in the staged incident, allowing Sullivan to lie on television about who he was and why he was there that day. As it turns out, Sullivan appeared both inside the Capitol and on CNN with Cooper to reinforce his false narrative, and paint Trump supporters as the bad guys in all that took place.

“Those who engaged in unlawful activity must be brought to justice,” Baklinski writes. “The Justice Department is already pursuing 150 suspects.”

“It is my suspicion that many of the provocateurs, when they are caught and questioned, will turn out to be Trump-haters like Sullivan who seized on an opportunity to inject themselves into an otherwise peaceful rally and co-opt it to pursue their own political agendas,” he adds. “Any genuine Trump supporters, who fell for the ruse and joined in violent or destructive behavior, made a terrible mistake.”

As for Sacker, we now know that she was assigned as the “documentary filmmaker” to capture Sullivan’s encounters with law enforcement and Trump supporters. Her apparent purpose is to shape the false flag narrative and further reinforce it to the public.

Energy & Environment

America’s Biggest Owner Of Farmland Is Now Bill Gates

Forbes – Bill Gates, the fourth richest person in the world and a self-described nerd who is known for his early programming skills rather than his love of the outdoors, has been quietly snatching up 242,000 acres of farmland across the U.S. — enough to make him the top private farmland owner in America.

After years of reports that he was purchasing agricultural land in places like Florida and Washington, The Land Report revealed that Gates, who has a net worth of nearly $121 billion according to Forbes, has built up a massive farmland portfolio spanning 18 states. His largest holdings are in Louisiana (69,071 acres), Arkansas (47,927 acres) and Nebraska (20,588 acres). Additionally, he has a stake in 25,750 acres of transitional land on the west side of Phoenix, Arizona, which is being developed as a new suburb.

According to The Land Report’s research, the land is held directly and through third-party entities by Cascade Investments, Gates’ personal investment vehicle. Cascade’s other investments include food-safety company Ecolab, used-car retailer Vroom and Canadian National Railway. 

Science & Technology

Facebook Still Has ‘No Plans to Lift’ Suspension of Donald Trump

Breitbart – Tech giant Facebook reportedly still has no plans to lift Donald Trump’s suspension from the site, even after he leaves the White House.

NBC News reports that the social media giant Facebook has “no plans to lift” the suspension of Donald Trump from the site. Facebook’s Communications Director Andy Stone said via Twitter that the President’s suspension is to remain in place indefinitely.

Last week, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg also stated that the social media site “had no plans” to lift the ban on President Trump’s accounts.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said last week that Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg should “bear partial responsibility” for inciting the recent protest at the U.S. Capitol. Sandberg claimed during a recent interview that the events at the Capitol had been organized mostly on sites other than Facebook but did state that its likely that Facebook missed a few groups.

During her monthly virtual town hall, Ocasio-Cortez stated: “I believe that this is directly connected to the complete lack of accountability that monopolies like Facebook have to democracy. Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook bear partial responsibility for Wednesday’s events. Period.”


It’s really easy to treat, prevent coronavirus naturally

NaturalNews – All around the world – except in the United States, of course – people are harmonizing their bodies with nature’s offerings to stave off the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). In the “land of the free,” however, only pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines are recognized and allowed as “medicine” for the novel virus, which is why the plandemic will probably never end there.

In Thailand, government regulators recently approved Andrographic paniculata, an herbaceous herb native to Southeast Asia, as a treatment for early COVID-19 infection. Laboratory tests and human clinical trials verified that the herb’s extract kills the virus and prevents it from replicating, without the need for a chemical injection.

In China, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbs are commonly used to treat COVID-19 infection. These include a host of botanicals such as honeysuckle, licorice, astragalus, orange peel and yam.

In the United States, on the other hand, Americans are not even allowed to access hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), an inexpensive anti-malaria drug that has been around since the 1950s. HCQ is a proven remedy against coronaviruses, and yet many areas of the country are prohibited from prescribing it because Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates do not make any money from inexpensive, off-patent remedies – and especially not from natural remedies that cannot be patented.

The good news is the Americans still have natural options available to them; they just have to know where to look. None of them are FDA-approved as “medicine” because all of them fall into the dietary supplement or food category – but this does not mean that they are ineffective.

To the contrary, zinc, quercetin, green tea, oregano oil, monolaurin, colloidal silver, B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin D are all powerfully effective remedies against coronaviruses and many other pathogens.

A study of 154 COVID patients found that 97 percent of severely ill patients requiring ICU admission were vitamin D deficient, whereas only 33 percent of asymptomatic cases were deficient,” reports the Alliance for Natural Health – USA (ANH-USA).

“Hospital protocols in the U.S. are even including vitamins D, C, and B, as well as zinc and melatonin, in their COVID-19 treatment protocols.”

Cannabis is also an effective remedy against coronavirus

The cannabis sativa plant is likewise rich in healing nutrients that researchers have determined are anti-coronavirus.

Researchers from the University of South Carolina found that tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, helps protect the body against the damaging immune response that causes Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Inhaling or consuming THC also triggers a significant increase in healthy lung bacteria, scientists learned. These findings were published in several respected, peer-review medical journals.

A separate study out of Canada observed similar benefits from cannabidiol, or CBD, another major cannabis constituent.

CBD was found to impact the ACE2 pathways inside the human body in such a way as to prevent COVID-19 from taking hold and causing infection. When combined with THC, CBD and other cannabinoids found in cannabis – there are hundreds of them that create an entourage healing effect – can protect the human body against coronavirus and other infections, all without pharmaceutical drugs or vaccines.

The cannabinoid “wheel” graphic found at this link contains more information about how the many natural constituents found in the cannabis plant can help keep you and your family healthy (a written text resource about the major known cannabinoids and what they do is available at this link).

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