July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 20, 2022

‘Trust the people’: Britain lifts vaccine passports, mask mandates

‘We must learn to live with COVID in the same way we have to live with flu’

WND – After the models upon which he based his policies proved to be “wildly incorrect,” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Wednesday the lifting of COVID-19 vaccine passports, mask mandates and work-from-home guidance in England.

Regarding masks, the prime minister said the basic policy will be to “trust the judgment of the British people and no longer criminalize anyone who chooses not to wear one.”

“From tomorrow we will no longer require face masks in classrooms, and the Department for Education will shortly remove national guidance on their use in communal areas,” Johnson told the House of Commons.

Sajid Javid told a Downing Street press conference that “we cannot eradicate this virus and its future variants.”

“Instead we must learn to live with Covid in the same way we have to live with flu,” he said.

Russia set for complete ban on cryptocurrencies

RT – The move would see crypto transactions banned in the world’s largest country

The Bank of Russia has unveiled proposals that would see the sale, mining and circulation of cryptocurrencies banned as part of a radical move that finance chiefs say would protect the economy from the risks associated with digital currencies. 

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Central Bank argued that “the status of the Russian ruble, which is not a reserve currency, does not allow Russia to take a soft approach or ignore the growing risks.”

In the view of officials, “additional measures are advisable.”The regulator proposed a tranche of restrictions that it said would “minimize the threats associated with the spread of cryptocurrencies,” including banning transactions from the Russian market, prohibiting digital denominations from being issued, and preventing financial institutions from investing in them.

In addition, the mining of cryptocurrencies would be banned under the proposed rule change, as would the ability for investors to cash out. Those falling foul of the laws could face prosecution.

Pentagon releases footage of deadly Kabul drone strike

The surveillance is the first to be made public and shows the strike that killed 10 civilians, including seven children.

Al Jazeera – The Pentagon for the first time publicly released drone footage of a botched strike in Kabul that killed 10 members of a family, including seven children, amid the chaotic US withdrawal from the country.

The footage was initially obtained through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by The New York Times and was subsequently released by US Central Command on Thursday. It appears to underscore how, by the Pentagon’s own account, limited intelligence, a heightened state of alert, and rushed decision-making led to the killing of civilians.

Health Care Worker Vaccine Mandate in Effect Nationwide After Court Dismisses Texas Lawsuit

Epoch TImes – The federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate for health care workers is now enforceable in all 50 U.S. states after a federal court on Wednesday tossed out a lawsuit from Texas.

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas in mid-December entered a preliminary injunction to temporarily block the mandate, pending a trial on the merits of the case.

The preliminary injunction meant that the vaccine mandate from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) was put on hold in 25 states, including Texas, while it was still in effect in another 25 states.

The Biden administration then moved to appeal the injunction on Jan. 14.

But Texas on Tuesday moved to dismiss the case after the U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 13 lifted injunctions that blocked the CMS vaccine mandate. The Texas district court’s dismissal of the case on Wednesday marks the first time the CMS can enforce its mandate across the United States. The case is Texas v. Becerra, N.D. Tex., No. 2:21-cv-00229.

When the CMS mandate first went into effect on Nov. 5, 2021, many Republican-led states challenged the policy and several federal judges temporarily blocked the mandate later that month.

The Supreme Court’s decision on Jan. 13 was made after it heard arguments from two separate lawsuits brought by 24 states against the CMS mandate. Texas had filed its own lawsuit against the mandate, so the Supreme Court’s decision did not affect Texas providers.

Nearly Half of Democrats Would Back Temporary Detention for Unvaccinated: Poll

Epoch Times – Nearly half of Democrat voters would back measures requiring that the unvaccinated live temporarily in “designated facilities or locations” for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine, a recent poll has found.

A national telephone and online poll from the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports, which surveyed 1,016 likely U.S. voters, found that 45 percent of likely Democratic voters would support such measures for unvaccinated Americans.

The poll, conducted on Jan. 5 and released on Jan. 13, also found that 59 percent of respondents who said they were Democrats would favor a government policy requiring that citizens “remain confined to their homes at all times, except for emergencies” if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.

The margin of error is 3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.

Almost half of Democratic voters think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications, the survey found.

Meanwhile, 29 percent of likely Democrat voters who participated in the survey said they would favor temporarily removing parents’ custody of their children if parents refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Senate Democrats fail to change rules on filibuster to pass voting rights

CBS – Senate Republicans blocked Democrats from moving forward on voting rights legislation, and Democrats failed to get 50 votes to change the Senate rules to move forward with the legislation with a simple majority. 

The dramatic night started with the Senate first voting on whether to end debate on the voting rights legislation, a move that failed to get the 60 votes needed to move the bill forward. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer then brought up a vote on a rules change to move the legislation forward with a one-time exemption, which was fiercely opposed by Republicans and two members of his own party, Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. 

Democrats’ frustration with Manchin and Sinema was apparent, with Senator Bernie Sanders saying after the vote that Manchin and Sinema have “forced us to go through five months of discussions which have gotten absolutely nowhere.” 

Fauci says FDA could authorize Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for kids under 5 in the next mont

CNBC – White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wednesday said the Food and Drug Administration could approve Pfizer and BioNTech’s vaccine for children under 5 years old in the next month.

“My hope is that it’s going to be within the next month or so and not much later than that, but I can’t guarantee that,” Fauci said during an interview with Blue Star Families, a nonprofit group that supports military families.

Fauci said younger children will likely need three doses, because two shots did not induce an adequate immune response in 2 to 4 year olds in Pfizer’s clinical trials.

Pfizer plans to submit data to the Food and Drug Administration in the first half of 2022 if the three-dose study proves successful, the company announced in December. Pfizer said it did not identify any safety concerns with the 3-microgram vaccine doses in children 6 months to 4 years old. Adults receive two doses of 30 micrograms apiece as part of their primary series of shots.

Lawmakers Urge FDA to Explain ‘Unusual Decision’ to Clear Booster Shots for Children

Epoch Times – Twenty-five members of Congress are asking U.S. drug regulators to explain why they cleared COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for 12- to 15-year-olds without consulting a panel of expert advisers.

The population is at little risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) earlier this month authorized a booster of Pfizer’s shot for the age group.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and the 23 other lawmakers in a new letter asked the FDA’s acting director, Dr. Janet Woodcock, to identify all individuals who provided input into the agency’s decision not to convene Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, which last year rejected an effort to authorize boosters for all adults 16 and older.

They also asked for an explanation of why the panel was not convened before the “unusual decision,” including what factors were utilized and what scientific materials the FDA relied upon.

“We owe it to Americans to stand up against bureaucrat-driven policies that take away power and information from parents to make good choices for their children. The FDA’s unusual decision to bypass their normal committee approval process puts children at risk. The accumulation of mistaken federal policies carried out by executive fiat in response to the pandemic—from lockdowns, to perpetual masking, and rushed vaccine policies—deeply concern me,” Roy told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement.

“Democrats from [President] Joe Biden all the way down to county and city officials have spent the last two years trying to stop parents from choosing what’s best for their children by closing schools, imposing authoritarian mandates, and selectively enforcing lockdowns. These petty tyrants have shamefully vilified and persecuted the parents who dared to challenge them. Parents are right to stand up for the kids and demand answers and accountability, and I’m proud to fight for them,” Cruz added.

An FDA spokeswoman confirmed receipt of the missive and said the agency would respond directly to Congress.

All three COVID-19 vaccines authorized for use in the United States were originally declared highly effective against both infection and severe disease by federal officials, but their effectiveness, particularly against infection, was shown to wane considerably over time against the Delta virus variant, triggering a push for boosters.

Before the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) decided on whether to clear and recommend boosters, top Biden administration officials in the fall said boosters were needed for all 16 or older, citing the weakened protection.

But the FDA’s expert panel rejected the effort, advising the agency to narrow which Americans could get a booster.

Minnesota School District Partnered With Organization Promoting Resources for ‘Gender Expansive’ Children

Epoch Times – Minnesota’s second-largest public school district is partnering with organizations that offer gender identity-focused curricula for young children to advance the goal of “interrupting systems of marginalization,” a report says.

According to the website of St. Paul Public Schools, one of the listed partners of the school district’s equity department is AMAZEworks, a local non-profit organization that “offers anti-bias education curriculum, programs, and training for schools.” The partnership appears to involve AMAZEworks providing materials that can be potentially used to teach the district’s youngest students about topics like sex and gender.

Among AMAZEworks’ resources available on its website is “PRIDE resources for Caregivers,” a lesson plan (pdf) designed to help children aged 3 to 12 “understand gender diversity” and reduce their supposed bias against peers who are considered “gender expansive.”

“Many children who are gender expansive, who do not express gender according to stereotypical gender roles, and who are gender non-binary or transgender experience bias, teasing, mistreatment, and exclusion because of their gender identity and expression,” a preface for the lesson plan states, encouraging caregivers to have “honest, intentional conversations” with children on “gender diversity, including gender identity and expression.”

The lessons include “My Princess Boy” by Cheryl Kilodavis, a picture book about “a little boy who loves the color pink, sparkly things, and being a princess.” Another picture book, “When Aidan Became a Brother” by Kyle Lukoff, is described as a story about how parents of Aidan “fixed things in his life so they fit him better” when their daughter told them she “felt more like a boy.” AMAZEworks recommends both books for children age 4 and above.

Another partner is OutFront Minnesota, a pro-LGBTQ social service group that operates a “free chest binder program” for transgender people under the age of 24. The group is tasked to “decrease intersectional inequity and increase LGBTQ+ inclusivity in classrooms, schools, districts, and youth organizations.”

The partnerships were first noticed by Parents Defending Education (PDE), a pro-parental rights organization that has been documenting attempts to inject progressive activism into K-12 schools across the nation. In a statement to the Washington Examiner, PDE Director of Outreach Erika Sanzi said the district is “pushing ideologically driven content and resources on students and families.

“It is one thing to treat all students with the dignity they deserve; it is quite another to be so far out of your lane that you are partnering with outside organizations that think it is appropriate to engage toddlers in conversations about gender identity and sexual orientation,” Sanzi said.

Ashli Babbitt Pleaded With Police to Call for Backup Moments Before She Was Shot and Killed

Epoch Times – Just moments before she was shot and killed, Ashli Babbitt confronted the police officers guarding the doors to the Speaker’s Lobby at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, blasting them for allowing rioters to smash the windows and not calling for backup, an analysis of a journalist’s video shows.

The analysis comes on the heels of recent disclosures that Babbitt tried at least four other times to stop the assault on the Speaker’s Lobby. It shows her desperation when the rioters were left unchecked, even smashing a window just inches from a police officer’s head.

In the video—shot by independent journalist Tayler Hansen—Babbitt, 35, is seen trailing rioter Zachary Alam, attempting to get between him and one of three police officers at the Speaker’s Lobby double doors.

Alam, who was arrested by the FBI on Jan. 30, 2021, bashes the window in the double doors twice.

The first time, he grabs one police officer’s shoulder with his left hand, then punches between him and another officer, striking the window, the video shows.

“Chill out! Chill the [expletive] out, bro!” someone shouts. “Hey! Chill out!”

“These guys work for us!” someone in the crowd interjects.

“You gonna shoot him?” another person asks.

A bearded man in a red Trump cap complains that they are not being allowed into the Speaker’s Lobby. “Mother [expletive]! We don’t want to hurt nobody. We just want to go in the House.”

Researcher Calls Out Censorship After Journal Pulls COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Events Analysis

Epoch Times –  Jessica Rose didn’t ask for any of this. She started to analyze data on adverse reactions after COVID-19 vaccines simply as an exercise to master a new piece of software. But she couldn’t ignore what she saw and decided to publish the results of her analysis. The next thing she knew, she was in a “bizzarro world,” she told The Epoch Times.

A paper she co-authored based on her analysis was withdrawn by the academic journal Elsevier under circumstances that raised eyebrows among her colleagues. The journal declined to comment on the matter.

Rose received her PhD in computational biology from the Bar-Ilan University in Israel. After finishing her post-doctoral studies on molecular dynamics of certain proteins, she was looking for a new challenge. Switching to a new statistical computing software, she was looking for an interesting data set to sharpen her skills on. She picked the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a database of reports of health problems that have occurred after a vaccination and may or may not have been caused by it.

Starbucks Ends COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate After Supreme Court Ruling

Epoch TImes – Starbucks Corp. has ended its COVID-19 vaccine mandate following a Supreme Court ruling that found the Biden administration’s attempt to force workers to get a vaccine or wear a mask and be tested weekly was an overstep of its authority.

“We respect the court’s ruling and will comply,” Starbucks Chief Operating Officer John Culver wrote in a memorandum to workers.

In a 6–3 ruling handed down on Jan. 13, the nation’s top court stated that the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration likely didn’t have the authority to issue a vaccine mandate, which was set to apply to all businesses with 100 or more workers. While the administration argued that the Occupational Safety and Health Act enabled such a mandate, the court’s majority ruled that the act doesn’t “plainly authorize” the vaccination requirements.

“The Act empowers the Secretary to set workplace safety standards, not broad public health measures. Confirming the point, the Act’s provisions typically speak to hazards that employees face at work. And no provision of the Act addresses public health more generally, which falls outside of OSHA’s sphere of expertise,” the majority opinion reads.

Following the decision, which blocked the mandate, some companies dropped vaccination requirements, but others have kept them in place, including Starbucks until this week.

Starbucks had said on Jan. 3 that it would comply with the mandate by forcing employees to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination or to get tested weekly for the disease.

Florida Opens Five New COVID Treatment Sites as Feds Release Monoclonals

Epoch Times – At the request of Gov. Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Health has opened five additional sites to make sure that COVID-19 patients get the monoclonal antibody treatment they need.

The new sites will be located in Broward, Duval, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, and Seminole counties.

“To facilitate the distribution of lifesaving therapeutics the state will open new monoclonal antibody therapy treatment sites starting Jan. 18,” Jeremy Redfern, press secretary for the health department announced on that date.

“The state of Florida has successfully deployed and expanded state-run, lifesaving monoclonal antibody therapy treatment sites statewide throughout the pandemic.”

DeSantis’ press secretary Christina Pushaw said the governor has been “calling on the Biden administration for months to use all levers available to the federal government to increase production and delivery of monoclonal antibodies.”

“The people of Florida, and the rest of the country, need to have access to these lifesaving therapeutics,” Pushaw said.

“Instead the Biden administration wasted valuable time pushing ineffective school mask mandates, threatening Americans’ jobs with the unconstitutional OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) vaccine mandate, and doubling down on the failed strategy of relying on COVID-19 shots alone.”

8 Takeaways From Biden’s First Press Conference of 2022

In a press conference stretching nearly two hours Wednesday, President Joe Biden appeared to go off his prepared list of reporters, taking questions on the legitimacy of the upcoming midterm elections, his cognitive ability, China, Russia, and his son Hunter Biden. 

On the eve of completing one year in office, Biden also talked about the state of “the cables,” meaning cable news channels, and the future of Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Here are eight key takeaways from what was only the second time Biden has held a formal solo press conference since taking office as president. 

  1. Legitimacy of Next Election 
  2. ‘No Idea’ on Mental Fitness
  3. China, COVID-19, and Hunter Biden
  4. ‘Any Other President’
  5. Won’t Name ‘5 Republican Senators’
  6. Russia and Ukraine
  7. Breaking Up ‘Build Back Better’ 
  8. ‘Cables Heading South’ 

Florida’s Citrus Crop To Be Smallest Since WW2, Squeezes OJ Prices Higher

ZeroHedge – The first meal of the day may soon become more expensive for consumers as food inflation soars.

A combination of citrus disease and adverse weather conditions have plagued Florida’s orange crop and may soon constrain supplies, which has already forced orange juice prices to multi-year highs as demand remains robust. 

“You have your classical supply-demand mismatch,” Shawn Hackett, president of Hackett Financial Advisors, which specializes in agricultural commodities analysis, told CNN Bussiness. Due to dwindling supply, “much higher prices are coming to supermarkets,” he warned. 

Last week, the US Agriculture Department issued a report about the state of Florida’s orange crop, revealing the Sunshine State will harvest only 44.5 million boxes of oranges this year, the smallest harvest since the 1944-45 season.

“The Florida citrus crop is going to be one of the smallest crops since the 1940s,” said Judith Ganes, president of J Ganes Consulting, which offers commodities analysis to the food and agriculture industry.

“It’s going to be even smaller than the production that occurred several years ago … when Hurricane Irma blew through Florida,” Ganes said.

In what appears to be a citrus shortage developing, frozen orange juice futures have been squeezed higher, up more than 50% since the start of the virus pandemic. Prices are around $1.55 per pound as speculators could send prices to as high as $2. 

FBI Raids Home, Campaign Office of Rep. Henry Cuellar

Epoch Times – FBI agents were seen at the home and campaign office of Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), a frequent critic of President Joe Biden, on Wednesday.

Photographs shared by local reporters showed agents at the residence in Laredo removing bags, bins, and at least one computer.

Federal agents also went to Cuellar’s campaign office.

In a statement to news outlets, the FBI said the bureau “was present in Laredo conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity,” adding that “The FBI cannot provide further comment on an ongoing investigation.”

“Congressman Cuellar will fully cooperate in any investigation. He is committed to ensuring that justice and the law are upheld,” a Cuellar spokesperson told media.

Cuellar, 66, has represented Texas’s 28th Congressional District since 2005.

The district includes land that touches the U.S.-Mexico border.

Cuellar, considered a moderate, has been a frequent critic of Biden’s lax immigration enforcement policies, which experts say have contributed to the explosion in illegal immigration recorded since Biden took office one year ago.

Under the Democrat, the most illegal immigrant apprehensions at the southwest border were recorded for both a fiscal year and a calendar year.

Biden shortly after being sworn in halted construction of the border wall, curbed use of pandemic-era expulsion powers, and directed officials to end the “Remain in Mexico” program, which forced many asylum seekers to wait in Mexico for their claims to be heard.

Some of the administration’s moves have been blocked or reversed by courts, but December arrests were higher than the month before, according to preliminary figures provided in court documents by the Customs and Border Protection agency.

Jessica Cisneros, a lawyer, and educator Tannya Benavides are challenging Cuellar in the Democratic primary for the seat he holds.

Cueller beat Cisneros in the last primary by about 2,700 votes.

Cisneros has targeted Cuellar’s reputation and voting record, calling him “Trump’s favorite Democrat” and criticizing his willingness to work with Republicans on legislation.

Benavides offered a similar critique, saying the district should be represented by a more progressive Democrat.

Substitute Teachers in Critical Short Supply Across America

Epoch Times –  Substitute teachers are in critically short supply and America’s school children may be short-changed because of it.

Burbio, a service that tracks school websites, reported numerous school closings across Texas last week due to staff absences and substitute shortages. Many other states are experiencing similar problems.

A 2021 national survey of 1,200 school district administrators and principals conducted by Frontline Education found 67 percent experienced a substitute teacher shortage.

A nation-wide survey taken in November 2020 by the Education Week Research Center found that of the 913 public school administrators, principals, and teachers questioned, one-third said they could not find a substitute to cover half of teacher absences.

Twenty-one percent said they could fill less than 25 percent of teacher absences.

Eighty percent of the survey’s respondents reported leaving some classes uncovered.

So that no classroom is ever unattended, the general practice has been to ask other teachers to give up their planning and preparation hour to cover for absent colleagues. Principals and vice-principals are often also called upon to fill-in.

The Frontline Education survey found Michigan among the hardest hit states.

Since the start of the current academic year many Michigan schools have been forced to close for the day due to staff shortages.

As a temporary fix the Republican-controlled state Legislature recently passed a bill that allows any school employee with a high school diploma—including school secretaries, paraprofessionals, library aides, janitors, bus drivers, and cafeteria workers—to fill-in for an absent teacher.

The law, which applies only to previously vetted school employees, passed on a near party-line vote. It will sunset at the end of the current school year.

Normally to substitute teach in Michigan a person must pass a criminal background check, be fingerprinted, and have at least 60 hours of college credit, which is the equivalent of an associate’s degree.

In a Dec. 23 letter notifying the Legislature that she had signed the bill into law, Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer wrote, “Everything we have learned from the last year and a half demonstrates that our kids need to be in school, in person, every day. As a temporary stopgap, HB 4294 will help meet that goal during these incredibly challenging times.”

7 Proven Reasons to Eat More Blueberries

GreenMedInfo – Eating even less than a cup of blueberries a day helps fend off heart disease, cancer, brain aging, and much more. Here are seven great reasons to eat more blueberries every day

Spring and summer are prime seasons for fresh blueberries. But there are good reasons to eat them all year round. Blueberries pack huge health benefits in a tiny package.

Research confirms that eating even less than a cup of blueberries a day helps fend off heart disease, cancer, brain aging, and much more. Here are seven great reasons to eat more blueberries every day.

  1. Berries Stop Heart Attacks
  2. Lower Blood Pressure With Blueberries
  3. Wild Blueberries Boost Vascular Health
  4. Prevent Cancer With Blueberries
  5. Berries Protect Lungs
  6. Berries Improve Insulin Sensitivity
  7. Blueberries Keep Your Brain Young

Eat Blueberries More Often

Making one simple change to your diet by adding blueberries could have a significant impact on cardiovascular health, cancer prevention, and brain power.

In addition to polyphenols, blueberries are an excellent source of vitamins K and C, manganese, and fiber.

Wild blueberries are particularly potent. They are smaller than the cultivated versions most often found in your supermarket, with about twice the number of berries per pound. They also have less water and a higher skin-to-pulp ratio. That means the wild versions have more intense flavor and double the antioxidant content.

During the spring and summer months enjoy blueberries fresh. Out of season you can easily find them frozen or dried. Add them to salads, yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies. Or just eat them by the handful.

But many berries are heavily treated with pesticides. Always choose organic blueberries to be safe.

Antibiotic Tonic Recipe Get the full recipe in today’s Power Hour email blast!

HealingTheBody.ca – Biological infections happen. How your immune system deals with them, along with what you eat, will ultimately determine how quickly you get over them. So if you do feel something coming on, or it becomes full blown overnight, take this natural antibiotic tonic recipe to help knock it to its knees.

The purpose of this recipe is to provide you with a proven formula that will knock out a bacterial and viral infection as quickly as possible. The synergy of all these whole food ingredients makes this a very potent medicine! It definitely is a concoction you want in your natural pharmacy at all times.


  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 small onion
  • 1 piece of turmeric (1 inch or 1/4 tsp ground)
  • 1 piece of ginger (1/2 inch or 1/4 tsp ground)
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 small jalapeño or dash of cayenne pepper
  • 1 oz of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 dash of ground black pepper
  • Optional: 1 piece of horseradish (1/2 inch)
  • Optional: 1 tsp raw honey

The Benefits of Being Barefoot

GreenMedInfo – Discover the wonders of walking barefoot on moist earth or sandy beaches and the growing body of knowledge on this practice, also known as Earthing or grounding. Better heart health, improved mood and pain reduction are just some known benefits in the current literature

You might wonder why you feel better and much more energized whenever you walk barefoot on humid soil or on a sandy beach. This isn’t anything new to science: it’s Earthing, also known as grounding.

Earthing refers to contact with Earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or working, sitting or sleeping indoors linked to conductive systems that transfer the energy from the ground into the body.[i] Based on scientific research so far, the planet’s electrons induce numerous physiological changes to the body, such as better sleep, reduced pain and even a blood-thinning effect.

“This body of research has demonstrated the potential of grounding to be a simple, natural, and accessible clinical strategy against the global epidemic of noncommunicable, degenerative, inflammatory-related diseases,” a 2017 study noted.[ii]

It should be noted that Earthing has been previously differentiated from the process of grounding, which offers a safety mechanism to prevent dangerous voltages in electrical distribution systems.[iii] In this discussion, though, Earthing and grounding are used interchangeably. Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of being barefoot to your overall health and well-being.

  1. Stress and Mood Enhancement
  2. Pain Management
  3. Cardiovascular Health
  4. Protection From Common Viruses

Get Started Grounding Today

Getting grounded is free and readily accessible. It does not require conductive sandals or Earthing products at all. The easiest way to do it: Go barefoot — walk, lie down, stand or sit in a chair with your two feet on the ground for a few hours every day.

On land, conductive surfaces for grounding include soil, grass, sand, gravel, rock and concrete.[xiv] Damp earth or at water’s edge is recommended as moisture enhances conductivity. You cannot ground yourself on asphalt, vinyl and wooden surfaces, which are non-conductive.

If you’re just starting out, begin with 20 minutes each day and work your way up. 

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