July 7, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today’s News: January 21, 2021

World News

Mongolian PM resigns after protests over Covid-19 mother’s treatment

AFP – Mongolia’s prime minister resigned Thursday following protests and public outrage over the treatment of a coronavirus patient and her newborn baby.

Landlocked Mongolia reported just a handful of Covid-19 cases last year after imposing strict border controls, but in November its first domestic transmissions caused a new wave of lockdowns and restrictions.

Anger mounted this week after TV footage showed a woman who appeared to have recently given birth being moved to an infectious disease centre wearing only hospital pyjamas and plastic slippers, despite temperatures dipping to minus 25 degrees Celsius.

After protests outside government buildings on Wednesday, the Mongolian politician apologised on behalf of the government and said he would stand down immediately.

“Unfortunately, we made mistake during relocating that mother,” admitted Prime Minister Khurelsukh Ukhnaa Thursday. “It was heartbreaking to see how she was treated.”

“As a prime minister, I must take the responsibility.”

The video of the woman in an ambulance clutching her baby prompted fierce criticism, particularly as Mongolian tradition dictates new mothers should avoid the cold weather and cold food for the first month after birth.

On Wednesday around 5,000 mostly young protesters gathered in a square opposite government buildings in the capital Ulaanbaatar, some carrying wrapped up bundles to represent babies.

Ulziibayar Purevsuren, 30, held a banner reading “resign” and said she was there to complain about “incompetent doctors”.

Five dead after fire at India vaccine maker plant

Al Jazeera – Five people have died after a fire tore through a building in the world’s biggest vaccine production hub in western India on Thursday.

The fire broke out at a plant being built for the Serum Institute of India (SII) but it will not affect the production of coronavirus vaccines, a source close to the firm said.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

U.N. Agencies Swoon as Joe Biden Rushes to Globalist Embrace

Breitbart – A host of U.N. agencies lined up Thursday to applaud Joe Biden’s ascension to the White House, scarcely suppressing their glee that U.S. taxpayer dollars will once more be flowing their way.

First off the mark was the World Health Organization which had previously faced blistering criticism from the outgoing administration for its maladminstration of the response to the coronavirus pandemic.

President Donald Trump pulled funding from the W.H.O. last November because of the organization’s role in “mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus” during its early stages, a move that slowed the world’s response.

President Joe Biden’s top medical adviser on COVID-19, Dr. Anthony Fauci, announced an immediate return to the body late Wednesday night along with the flow of cash.

Fauci said the Biden administration “will cease the drawdown of U.S. staff seconded to the WHO” and resume “regular engagement” with WHO. “The United States also intends to fulfil its financial obligations to the organization,” he added.

He referred to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the W.H.O. director-general, as “my dear friend” without touching on the controversies that have dogged his tenure including calls for the career bureaucrat to resign.

“This is a good day for W.H.O. and a good day for global health,” Tedros said in reply, referring to “my brother Tony” in reference to Fauci, while congratulating Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris. “The role of the United States, its role, global role is very, very crucial.”

Reuters reports former U.N. climate chief Christiana Figueres was next to gush her delight, warmly voicing her approval that U.S. dollars and influence will once more underpin the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement.

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they get a standing ovation just by entering the room,” Figueres said, referring to a U.S. return to global climate talks. “That doesn’t mean that they will have a standing ovation forever. They have to prove that they are really determined to make the changes that are necessary.”

Biden signs federal mask mandate, repeals Muslim ban, and rejoins Paris climate agreement

Independent – Joe Biden has signed his first slate of executive actions as president, erasing core aspects of Donald Trump’s legacy on the coronavirus pandemic, immigration, climate change, and more with the simple stroke of a pen.

Following an afternoon of ceremonies that included a virtual parade through Washington DC, and the laying of a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, the new administration immediately got to work at around 17.15 local time (12.15 GMT), rolling out 15 executive orders and two other action items.

“There’s no time to start like today,” the president said from the Oval Office’s Resolute Desk.

Why did Amazon wait until Biden’s inauguration to offer help with vaccine distribution?

The United States has had a sluggish vaccine rollout

Fox – Shortly after President Joe Biden was sworn into office Wednesday, Amazon congratulated him on his inauguration and offered their extensive resources to help the new administration in its vaccination effort. 

“As you begin your work leading the country out of the COVID-19 crisis, Amazon stands ready to assist you in reaching your goal of vaccinating 100 million Americans in the first 100 days of your administration,” Dave Clark, CEO of Amazon’s worldwide consumer business, wrote in a letter to Biden Wednesday.  

“We are prepared to leverage our operations, information technology and communications capabilities and expertise to assist your administration’s vaccination efforts,” Clark continued. “Our scale allows us to make a meaningful impact immediately in the fight against Covid-19, and we stand ready to assist you in this effort.”

Leftists resume riots as soon as Biden in inaugurated

Fox – Police declared an unlawful assembly Wednesday night in Portland, Ore., after about 150 rioters caused damage to a federal immigration facility in the city, according to the authorities.

The unrest near the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) building was declared after rioters started throwing rocks and eggs, and vandalizing the building, located in the city’s south waterfront neighborhood, Portland police Sgt. Kevin Allen said in a 10 p.m. update. 

“We have observed property damage to the building,” the Portland Police Bureau wrote on Twitter. “Anyone who is involved in criminal behavior including: vandalism and graffitting is subject to arrest or citation.”

Cesar Chavez’s Great-niece Has No Idea Why Joe Biden Put Bust in Oval Office

Breitbart – Rachel Garcia, the great-niece of farm workers’ union organizer Cesar Chavez, is grateful that President Joe Biden chose a bust of her famous relative to place behind the Resolute desk in the Oval Office — but she has no idea why he did so.

Biden, like President Barack Obama before him, removed a bust of the legendary British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the Oval Office, a symbol of the special relationship between the United States and Great Britain.

He placed the Chavez bust on the table behind his desk, among portraits of his family members, where it will be seen by anyone meeting with him and will be captured by photographers’ lenses or television cameras in national TV addresses.

Yet Biden has little known association with Chavez. The civil rights leader, who is a prominent hero among many Latinos, is not mentioned once in Biden’s 2007 political memoir, Promises to Keep, which recounted his Senate career to that point.

The San Jose Mercury News reported:

Chavez is among several American leaders Biden has chosen to display in the Oval Office, including a bust of Martin Luther King, a massive portrait of Franklin Roosevelt, a painting of Benjamin Franklin and others.

Garcia said she’d like to meet the president and ask him why he chose to honor Chavez. Though she didn’t get a chance to know him, Garcia met Chavez as a child. She said she remembers the positive energy her great-uncle gave off, and the legacy he left with his family has also left a lasting imprint in her life.

On his first day in office, Joe Biden took several far-reaching steps to undo his predecessor’s landmark executive orders restricting immigration to the U.S. In his first day, Biden signed executive orders halting construction of the border wall with Mexico, lifted a ravel ban on people from several Muslim-majority countries and reversed plans to exclude undocumented people from the 2020 census.

Biden has alo promised to work to preserve the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals act, a program started in 2012 shielding hundreds of thousands of people who came to the US as kids from being deported.

Biden performed unusually poorly with Hispanic voters in the 2020 presidential election, losing them first to rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the primary, and then by underperforming among Latinos against Trump in the general election.

The U.S. Navy named a ship for Chavez, a veteran, in 2012. Notably, Chavez opposed illegal immigration, seeing it as a threat to the wages of unionized workers legally present in the United States.

#NotMyPresident: National Guard soldiers turn their backs on Beijing Biden’s presidential motorcade

Investment Watch Blog – Yesterday, on January 20, 2021, just like in a corrupt Third World banana republic afraid of its own citizens, Beijing “Joe” Biden was inaugurated “president” of the [Dis]United States of America at the U.S. Capitol armed to the teeth with 25,000 National Guard troops dispatched from all 50 states.

The 25,000 National Guard soldiers far exceeded the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, which President Trump had reduced to 2,500. If Trump had his way, he would have ended the Afghan war entirely — now the longest war in U.S. history — by withdrawing all U.S. troops from that hell hole.

The National Guardsmen at Beijing Biden’s inauguration were permitted to use lethal force in order to intimidate and prevent the more than 74 million ( 74,222,593 to be exact) Americans who had voted for President Trump, from even peacefully protesting the fraudulent election and inauguration of this tool of China.

National Guardsmen were among the 75 million Americans who were derisively referred to as “chumps” (df: stupid people) by Beiing Biden, and “deplorables” (df: reprehensible, terrible, wretched people) by Hillary Clinton.

How do we know that?

Because many of the National Guardsmen stationed along Independence Avenue turned their backs on PINO (President-In-Name-Only) Biden’s motorcade as it made its way from the Capitol to the White House following the inauguration.

Independent journalist Cesare Sachetti, who proudly describes himself as “politically incorrect and heretical,” tweeted this video (h/t FOTM reader Tim Shey): http://fellowshipoftheminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/National-Guards-turn-back-on-Biden-motorcade-1-21-2021.mp4?_=1 

Ines de La Cuetara, who identifies herself as a “multiplatform reporter @ABC,” also tweeted the video.

FBI Arrests CDC Critic Dr. Simone Gold on Monday After She Was Filmed in the US Capitol Walking Around with a Bullhorn — FBI Singled Her Out

Gateway Pundit – The FBI was quick to release photos following the raid and riots of the US Capitol is January 6th.

Dr. Simone Gold led a team of doctors called America’s Frontline Doctors, a group that challenged COVID prevention strategy in America, back in July in Washington DC. The Frontline doctors from across met in Washington DC to dispel the misinformation and myths surrounding the coronavirus. The group was concerned with the disinformation campaign being played out in the far left American media today. The group also promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine as a life-saving medication in treating the coronavirus. The American left trashed the doctors and the tech giants blocked their content from the internet.

The American left hates to be confronted on their lies. And for months they went after Dr. Simone and the other doctors to ruin their reputation. Dr. Simone was fired for speaking on the benefits of treating the coronavirus with hydroxychloroquine.

There have now been 230 international medical studies to date that find a 67% success rate using hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID.

Dr. Simone was in Washington DC on January 5th and 6th and spoke on the 5th at Freedom Plaza. Dr. Simone later entered the US Capitol on January 6th and delivered her same medical speech with a bullhorn from inside the US Capitol.

For this Dr. Simone was placed in the front row of the FBI most wanted release. Dr. Simone committed no acts of violence. She only wanted to push her medical opinion on the coronavirus.

Dr. Simone was in the middle of the top row.  The FBI knew EXACTLY who she was. 

So why did they include her on their “seeking information” list?

On Monday Dr. Simone was arrested after she was filmed inside the US Capitol on January 6th.  Dr. Simone is not Antifa.  She did not cause any damage.  She stood with a megaphone and spoke out against the insane US Covid policies.

The FBI can no longer be trusted.

Economy & Business

Covid lockdowns leave one third of US small businesses (& almost HALF minority-owned businesses) unable to pay rent

RT – A third of American small business owners were unable to pay rent this month, a recent survey has found. Women and minority-owned businesses were hit particularly hard, and more sectors than ever are coming up short.

Fully one third of American small business owners were unable to pay rent for January, according to the survey published on Wednesday by Alignable showing the devastating economic impact of Covid-19 pandemic shutdowns has yet to be fully realized.

The financial strife wasn’t evenly distributed – almost half of minority small business owners were unable to pay, and 35 percent of women small business owners couldn’t make ends meet. 

U.S. Chamber to Joe Biden: You Can Help Americans by Importing Foreign Workers

Breitbart – The U.S. Chamber of Commerce says its corporate members can create jobs for Americans if President Joe Biden’s amnesty and migration bill provides them with “the world’s most talented and industrious people.”

The chamber made the January 20 press statement as it applauded Biden’s draft “U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021” that would dramatically accelerate the inflow of foreign workers into Americans’ blue-collar and white-collar jobs. The statement said.

The changes proposed in President Biden’s legislative plan would help many businesses meet their critical workforce needs. Having the world’s most talented and industrious people contribute to our economy drives growth, and in turn, creates jobs for hardworking Americans.

“Nobody believes that,” responded Jessica Vaughan, policy director at the Center for Immigration Studies. The chamber’s companies have shown they want to bring in lower-skilled compliant migrants to take the support jobs created by higher-skilled migrants, even though millions of creative, hard-working, and outspoken Americans are ready to fill both categories of jobs, she said.

The Chamber’s support for Biden’s labor importation bill was explained by Tom Collamore, a former vice president at the chamber. “This is key to stimulating investment of capital [money] that has been sitting on the sidelines, and which would lead to new jobs and economic growth,” Collamore said in a January 19 New York Times article.

“They’re hoarding [the sidelined capital] because they want to invest in [low wage] foreign workers … instead of using it to advance productivity, technology, or wages for American workers,” Vaughan responded. “It is a pretty straightforward admission that what they’re concerned about is their own profits, not the well-being of workers or [technological] modernization.”

“The chamber thinks that Americans who are out of work are not industrious or talented and should be consigned to subsidiary jobs, welfare, and the dole for the rest of their lives,” she added.

In the 2020 election, the U.S. Chamber backed numerous Democratic candidates, largely because the Democrats promised to inflate the labor supply with cheap foreign workers.

“If you have ten people for every job, you’re not gonna have a drive [up] in wages,” Tom Donohue, the CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, explained to Breitbart News in January 2020. “If you have five people for every ten jobs, wages are going to go up,” he complained.


Is Niacin a Missing Piece of the COVID Puzzle?

Mercola  – While vitamins C and D have garnered much attention in the fight against COVID-19, B vitamins can also play an important role, according to two recent papers — niacin (B3) in particular.

The first, “Be Well: A Potential Role for Vitamin B in COVID-19,”1,2,3,4 was published in the February 2021 issue of the journal Maturitas. The paper is the result of a joint collaboration between researchers at the University of Oxford, United Arab Emirates University and the University of Melbourne, Australia.

While no studies using B vitamins have been performed on COVID-19 patients, the researchers stress that, based on B vitamins’ effects on your immune system, immune-competence and red blood cells (which help fight infection), supplementation may be a useful adjunct to other prevention and treatment strategies. As noted by the authors

“There is a need to highlight the importance of vitamin B because it plays a pivotal role in cell functioning, energy metabolism, and proper immune function.

Vitamin B assists in proper activation of both the innate and adaptive immune responses, reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, improves respiratory function, maintains endothelial integrity, prevents hypercoagulability and can reduce the length of stay in hospital.

Therefore, vitamin B status should be assessed in COVID-19 patients and vitamin B could be used as a non-pharmaceutical adjunct to current treatments …

Vitamin B not only helps to build and maintain a healthy immune system, but it could potentially prevent or reduce COVID-19 symptoms or treat SARS-CoV-2 infection. Poor nutritional status predisposes people to infections more easily; therefore, a balanced diet is necessary for immuno-competence.”

B Vitamins Play Many Roles in COVID-19 Disease Process

Importantly, B vitamins can influence several COVID-19-specific disease processes, including:6

  • Viral replication and invasion
  • Cytokine storm induction
  • Adaptive immunity
  • Hypercoagulability

The paper goes on to detail how each of the B vitamins can help manage various COVID-19 symptoms.

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