July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: January 22, 2018

World News

South Korean protesters burn ‘unification flag’ and photos of Kim Jong-un
The Christian Science Monitor – Conservative South Korean activists burned a large photo of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un as the head of the North’s extremely popular girl band passed them Monday during a visit to Seoul amid a flurry of cooperation agreements between the rivals ahead of next month’s Winter Olympics in the South.  Hyon Song Wol, a North Korean celebrity who heads Mr. Kim’s hand-picked Moranbong Band, began a two-day visit on Sunday, triggering media frenzy in South Korea about Ms. Hyon, who is also in charge of the North’s artistic performances during the Olympics.  It has been rare for such a high-profile North Korean to travel to South Korea in recent years as bilateral ties deteriorated over North Korea’s nuclear program before the nations abruptly began seeking to improve relations this month ahead of the Feb. 9-25 Olympics.
Sudan refugee laments plan to imprison, deport Africans
Al Jazeera – Indefinite imprisonment or a one-way ticket.  These were the options Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu offered to African refugees and migrants in Israel earlier in January.  Describing the 40,000-strong community as “infiltrators”, Netanyahu said they had “to cooperate with us and leave voluntarily, respectably, humanely and legally, or we will have to use other tools at our disposal, which are also according to the law”.  The bid to remove African refugees – mostly Sudanese and Eritreans – is not new.  Those who have made their way across the Israeli border irregularly have for years faced discrimination, exclusion and imprisonment.  But the decision to offer imprisonment or relocation to a third country, presumably Rwanda or Uganda – though both countries deny having an agreement with Israel – has outraged human rights groups and the United Nations.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Government shutdown stretches into workweek, sows confusion
Associated Press – Many federal employees started the workweek Monday with confusion and anxiety over a government shutdown that will lock hundreds of thousands of them out of their jobs.  The partisan stalemate over the budget forced scores of federal government agencies and outposts to close their doors over the weekend. But many government functions – especially those involving national security – are considered essential and won’t be affected.
The federal Office of Professional Management advised workers to refer to their home agency for guidance on reporting for duty.  Unions leaders said workers were struggling with the uncertainty that comes with not knowing when or if they will get paid.
Related: Kamala Harris Insists ‘Dreamers’ be Protected in Any Deal to End Shutdown
Mike Pence: US embassy to open in Jerusalem in 2019
Al Jazeera – The American embassy will be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem by the end of next year, US Vice President Mike Pence told Israeli parliamentarians to enthusiastic applause.
Greeted by a standing ovation on Monday inside the Knesset, Pence’s speech was in its introductory phase when a scuffle broke out as Palestinian lawmakers from the Joint Arab List alliance raised posters of the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in protest before they were forcibly removed by security.
US officials delay departure to Davos meeting amid shutdown
Seattle Times – he White House said Monday that Cabinet members are delaying their departure for this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland amid the federal government shutdown.  Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said they will determine what to do “as the day goes on and as we see how the next couple of hours go.”  Treasury Secretary Stephen Mnuchin is leading a delegation of Cabinet members and top aides to the glitzy summit in the Swiss Alps. He was scheduled to leave Monday, with President Donald Trump following later in the week.
US orders extra air cargo screening for flights from Mideast
Fox News –  The U.S. aviation security agency has issued an emergency order requiring additional screening of cargo on flights departing for the United States from five Mideast countries. It says the steps are aimed at preventing terrorist attacks.  The Transportation Security Administration said in a statement that the order was prompted by “persistent threats to aviation.” The countries falling under this order are Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates. The agency says they were chosen because of “demonstrated intent by terrorists groups to attack aviation from them.”  The agency said most of the requirements of the emergency order are already being carried out voluntarily by airlines in some countries.
Airlines affected by the order are Egypt Air, Royal Jordanian, Saudia, Qatar Airways, Emirates and Etihad.
GOP considers releasing intel behind memo alleging FISA abuses
CNN – Top House Republicans are considering publicly releasing some of the underlying intelligence behind a memo spearheaded by Rep. Devin Nunes that alleges FBI abuses of surveillance laws.  Nunes, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, met with Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy while the House was in session during the shutdown this weekend to discuss the prospect of releasing some of the intelligence to support the findings of the classified memo, which was prepared by Nunes and Republican committee staff, multiple Republican lawmakers told CNN.  Rep. Mike Conaway, the Texas Republican leading the Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation, confirmed that the three chairmen were meeting about moving the process forward under House rules.
2 IEDs explode at Florida mall, police say
CNN – Police are looking for a man they’re describing as a person of interest after two improvised explosive devices detonated at a Florida mall on Sunday. No one was injured.
At 5:22 p.m. Sunday, officers responded to a smoke alarm call at the Eagle Ridge Mall, in Lake Wales, located in central Florida. They found smoke coming out of a service corridor next to the mall entrance of JCPenney and found two IEDs there.  The devices appeared to be a type of flare, inside a PVC pipe and then wrapped in electric tape, said Lake Wales Police Deputy Chief Troy Schulze. Both devices were in the same hallway, about 10 yards from each other.
“There is nothing at this time to indicate this act was terrorism,” he said. “At this time, we are checking video surveillance cameras.”  When asked why this incident wasn’t being characterized as terror, Schulze said, “We don’t know what the person was trying to achieve.”
Unarmed 16yo Boy Shot and Killed as He Tried to Stop a Cop from Hurting His Mom
The Free Thought Project – In juvenile court this week, a 16-year-old boy intervened after a police officer allegedly pushed his mother against the wall—so the police officer shot and killed him. The boy’s name was Joseph Haynes and he was unarmed.  The single shot which killed Haynes was fired, police say, in self-defense but family members are disputing that claim. The boy’s grandmother Geraldine Haynes said she witnessed the entire incident. In an interview with the Columbus Dispatch, the grandmother recounted the incident.  The grandmother went on to tell reporters she was mere inches away from her grandson when she saw him get shot and killed by the only man in the courtroom with a gun, the cop. She said she can still recall smelling the gunpowder and being in a state of shock.  When asked if Joseph attempted to reach for the officer’s gun the grandmother emphatically stated the boy had his hands raised in a surrender position. “No,” he did not reach for the officer’s gun she said. She said she witnessed the entire incident and said police ushered them out of the courtroom and wouldn’t let them be with their son and grandson as he lay dying on the floor.  Tragically, first responders and emergency room personnel were unable to save the boy’s life, who was shot once in the abdomen.  Following the shooting, the Fraternal Order of Police issued a statement in support of their police officer.
FBI Has Launched Three Investigations Into Clintons
Infowars – Despite the silence of the mainstream media, the Clintons are once again under criminal investigation.  The Department of Justice under Attorney General Jeff Sessions has opened criminal investigations against the Clinton Foundation in Little Rock and in New York.  Several foreign nations are expected to bring criminal charges against the Clinton Foundation, and the report of DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz could lead to the appointment of a second special counsel to investigate the Obama administration DOJ as far back as the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal and the DOJ cover-up of Secretary Clinton’s email scandal..

Science & Technology

Tech Industry Promoting Devices They Claim Not As Addictive Is Like Big Tobacco Manufacturing “Safer” Cigarettes And Smoking Cessation Products
Activist Post – There has been A LOT of finger pointing at the Tech Industry for manufacturing and marketing products that have led to digital addiction especially in regard to children:  Is the Tech Industry to Digital Addiction What the Pharmaceutical Industry Has Been to Opioid Addiction?  Apple Investors, Former Tech Employees Make Accusations, Demand Change.”
What keeps being emphasized is that highly paid Tech Industry employees have been restricting how much their own children use these same products – even sending them to expensive “low tech” private schools.   All the while they have been making boatloads of money promoting these same products as being safe as well as necessary educational tools so that everyone else will buy them.   This includes public school systems that have been raising taxes to provide these same products for students to use in and out of the classroom so they won’t be “deprived” of getting a “high tech” education necessary to survive and thrive in the future.
Google employees plotted with Antifa terror groups to wage violent revolution to overthrow President Trump
NaturalNews – Earlier this week, former Google employee James Damore filed a lawsuit against his former employer, alleging that Google discriminates against conservatives, heterosexuals, whites and males. The lawsuit brings to light several shocking revelations about how the company treats employees that don’t subscribe to the left wing progressive agenda, and with any luck, Google will be forced to answer to their hostile and discriminatory acts.  One of the more shocking allegations in the lawsuit has to do with a conversation about Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential election, in which employees questioned whether or not it was time for a violent revolution. “How do people cope with this?” one employee wrote. “I’ve never been part of a military or war effort before. …I don’t know how useful I’ll be.”  Another Google employee advised: “Get in touch with your friendly local Antifa. …I won’t say violence has no place, but if you are going to be doing anything risky, I can’t overemphasize the important [sic] of networking with people who’ve been thinking about scenarios like the one we’re in for years, and building relationships with them. We are only powerful if we organize.”
“This list is not truly anonymous,” yet another employee warned.
Apple Leak Reveals Sudden iPhone X Cancellation
Forbes – It may be the smartphone of the moment, but a new leak reveals Apple AAPL -0.45% will soon cancel the iPhone X. And the source could not be more credible…  In a new report obtained by AppleInsider, acclaimed KGI Securities’ analyst Ming-Chi Kuo says disappointing sales of the iPhone X will lead to the cancellation of the model “with production ceasing in the summer”. This would be the first time Apple has cancelled an iPhone model after just one generation since the iPhone 5C in 2014.  Kuo, who has a long track record successfully revealing Apple’s plans, said disinterest in China is the main reason. In China big screens are king and the iPhone X’s polarising ‘notch’ is seen by Chinese consumers as removing too much usable space. Especially when the cheaper iPhone 8 Plus actually delivers slightly more.   The news also follows a new survey from Cowan which claims interest in new iPhones has hit an historic low.


Monsanto’s latest marketing ploy: Labeling GMOs as “biofortified”
NaturalNews – GMOs have been getting a bad name for quite some time now, and it’s hardly surprising given the near-constant stream of evidence showing the harms caused by genetically engineered crops and the pesticides used on them. As people increasingly make an effort to avoid buying these products, Monsanto has come up with a new idea to trick people into forking over their hard-earned money for its health-destroying products.  The Waking Times reports that Monsanto is trying to manipulate the definitions used on food labels in such a way that GMOs could be labeled as “biofortified foods.”  Codex Alimentarius is a collection of codes and guidelines created by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization to standardize world food trade and its production and safety. Codex was mulling a proposal to allow a company to use the term “biofortified” on vegetables that use conventional cross-breeding to increase the content of certain nutrients to help give malnourished populations a nutrition boost.
7 Adaptogenic Herbs or Adaptogens that Help Reduce Stress
The term of adaptogenic herbs or substances was first recorded in 1947 by N.V. Lazarev, a Russian scientist, who used it to describe this non-specific effect that increases the body’s resistance to stress. Defined by two other Russian research scientists in 1958, adaptogens “must be innocuous and cause minimal disorders in the physiological functions of an organism, must have a nonspecific action, and usually [have] a normalizing action irrespective of the direction of the pathological state.”   This effect has been observed in animal studies, finding that various adaptogens have the ability to create this generally increased tolerance to stress.
Additional Info:

  • Eating well, getting proper rest, staying active, writing down what you’re grateful for and maintaining social connection all help protect you from chronic stress, which can kill your quality of life.
  • Adding adaptogens to your routine can make you even more resilient to the damaging effects of chronic stress and give your body protection against perpetually high cortisol levels.
  • Seven adaptogenic herbs than can help protect you from the effects of chronic stress include Panax ginseng, holy basil, ashwagandha, astragalus root, licorice root, rhodiola rosea and cordyceps.
  • Adaptogenic herbs should not be taken for long periods of time, and should only be used under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

US Gov’t Caught Experimenting on Hundreds of Poor Pregnant Women With Radiation
The Free Thought Project – Between the years of 1945 and 1947, researchers at Vanderbilt University conducted a twisted experiment in which hundreds of pregnant women were exposed to radiation intentionally for the purpose of testing how it affected both the child and mother.
The study was funded by the U.S. Public Health Service and overseen by the Tennessee State Department of Health. All of these women were poor and had no knowledge of the experiment, and were never informed that they were a part of a study.  Somewhere between 750 and 850 women were given trace amounts of radioactive iron in a “cocktail” drink during their pregnancies by health officials they trusted. Dr. Paul Hahn, the lead researcher behind the experiments, claimed that the study was intended to record the absorption of iron during pregnancy.  However, in the years since, many pundits and journalists have theorized that these experiments were a part of a military study to learn about radiation exposure. When the university was finally investigated for these experiments in the early 1990s, Department of Energy Spokesperson Mary Ann Freeman revealed that Vanderbilt University conducted research experiments involving radiation for the US military during the Cold War.

Pet News

Pet Obesity is More Common (and Harmful) than You Think
Care 2 – The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention estimates that more than half of dogs and cats in the U.S. are overweight or obese.  We know that equating food with love is not healthy for humans, but for some reason we have a blindspot about that with our pets. All that my sweet dogs have to do is look at me with those puppy eyes, and I’m looking for the treat jar.
According to Dr. Deborah Linder, head of Tufts University’s Obesity Clinic for Animals, this attitude is harming our pets: shortening their lifespans and actually making them less happy. In an article on The Conversation, she points to several studies showing the ways that obesity is bad for our pets:

  • One study showed that Labradors who were just 10 to 20 percent overweight had lifespans that were almost two years shorter than the average.
  • When it comes to our pets, fat does not equal happy. A 2012 study found that pet obesity impacts quality of life in dogs. Obese dogs are less happy and less energetic.
  • Like people, obese pets have a hard time reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.

Dr. Linder says that it’s up to us as pet parents to help our pets reach and stay at a healthy weight. That means giving them more exercise, not overfeeding and reigning it in with the treats.

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