July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today's News: January 22, 2019

World News

Israel Destroyed Eight Syrian Military Targets, Killed at Least 11 Troops

Activist Post – Despite claiming that their Sunday night airstrikes against Syria were exclusively targeting Iran’s Quds Force, Israeli airstrikes against Syria appear to have almost exclusively hit Syrian military targets, particularly the nation’s air defenses around Damascus airport.

Israeli strikes destroyed eight Syrian air defense batteries, and killed at least 11 troops in the strikes. The batteries were mostly aging Soviet designs, the sort Syria has traditionally favored for targeting incoming Israeli missiles.

The Syrian systems had some success, too, with Russia reporting that the Syrians had successfully intercepted more than 30 Israeli missiles during the attack. Conspicuously absent from the engagement, however, were the Russian S-300 systems recently provided to Syria.

1,500 Private Jets Descend on Davos Carrying Globalist Elite for Climate Talks

Breitbart – At least 1,500 private jets are expected to descend on Davos and nearby airports in Switzerland this week as the international financial and political elite gathers to talk about global climate challenges.

That would be up from the more than 1,300 aircraft movements seen at last year’s forum, despite climate change registering as the top risk factor identified for the global economy in a survey of World Economic Forum (WEF) movers and shakers last week.

Sir David Attenborough, a lead speaker this year, has already stated that climate is the issue of our time.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

In shutdown fight with Trump, Dems reject immigration deal they once sponsored – Fox News

Fox – Democrats once said the so-called BRIDGE Act was urgently needed to protect young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children.

But now that President Trump has offered to essentially include it as part of a compromise to re-open shuttered government agencies, those same Democrats are rejecting it — unwilling to trade border wall funding for the immigrant protections they have long sought.

“We must move on the Bridge Act quickly to protect DREAMers,” Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin said back in December 2016.

On Saturday, though, Trump announced he was prepared to back a three-year extension of protections for DACA recipients, and extend protections for 300,000 recipients of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program — which protects immigrants from designated countries with conditions that prevent nationals from returning safely. The BRIDGE Act, likewise, included a three-year DACA extension.

But Durbin, like virtually every other congressional Democrat, said he would oppose Trump’s offer considering it’s attached to $5.7 billion for a barrier on the southern border with Mexico.

“I cannot support the proposed offer as reported and do not believe it can pass the Senate,” Durbin said, adding he is “ready to sit down at any time after the government is opened and work to resolve all outstanding issues.”

Supreme Court allows transgender military ban to be enforced

The Hill – The Supreme Court on Tuesday granted the Trump administration’s request to allow it to temporarily enforce its restrictions on transgender people serving in the military.

The justices stayed district court injunctions that blocked the new policy pending a ruling in the 9th Circuit on the government’s appeal.

The court, however, did not agree to review the legality of the new policy, as the administration had asked.

Solicitor General Noel Francisco jumped the normal course of judicial order in November by submitting his request before the regional appeals courts had ruled on the issue.

He urged the justices to immediately take the case and issue a ruling this term, arguing the lower court’s decision blocked a policy that’s “necessary to place the Department of Defense in the strongest position to protect the American people.”

State secrets were on US man during Russia arrest, says his lawyer

Paul Whelan, ex-marine accused of spying, may have been unaware of possession

The Guardian – A Russian lawyer for Paul Whelan, the US citizen accused of spying on Russia, has said his client was carrying state secrets when he was arrested in Moscow but may not have realised it.

Whelan, an ex-marine, has been accused of an unspecified “act of espionage”, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

“I can only confirm that information constituting state secrets was found in the course of Whelan’s detention,” Vladimir Zherebenkov, a court-appointed lawyer, told journalists at a Moscow court on Tuesday. “I do not know how he got it, and what he was supposed to do with it; it is also unknown whether Whelan was aware that he possessed secret information. There is nothing but conjectures so far.”

A judge at the court ruled that Whelan would remain under arrest in Lefortovo prison until at least 28 February as authorities continue their investigation.

Corsi adds Jeff Bezos to Mueller extortion lawsuit

WND – Jeff Bezos, the owner of the Washington Post, and reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia have been added to a lawsuit by Jerome Corsi, a New York Times best-selling author who is accusing  special counsel Robert Mueller of trying to coerce false testimony against President Trump.

The amended complaint was filed by lawyer Larry Klayman, who is representing Corsi in his case against Mueller, who was appointed nearly two years ago to investigate alleged collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia.

“There is a coordinated effort by the defendants to indict and/or remove the president from office. Dr. Corsi, my brave client, has been coerced, threatened and blackmailed into providing false testimony which special counsel Mueller intended to use to accomplish this design,” Klayman said in a statement.

“But rather than caving in to the threat to indict Dr. Corsi if he did not ‘play ball’ with the special counsel or be indicted himself, Dr. Corsi refused and would not accept a so-called ‘sweet heart’ plea deal, which would have allowed him to plead guilty to one count of perjury, a felony, with a recommendation for no prison time.

“Now, ratcheting up the coercion and blackmail, the special counsel in this coordinated effort with the new defendants Jeff Bezos and his WaPo reporter Manuel Roig-Franzia, have ‘upped the ante.’ They too, along with Mueller and the other defendants, will be held legally accountable for their despicable and illegal acts,” Klayman said.

The complaint alleges the defendants “acted and continue to act in concert to coerce, extort and blackmail Dr. Corsi into providing false testimony under oath to the special counsel with the design to indict and/or remove President Donald J. Trump from his duly elected office.”

It also alleges violations of the Fourth Amendment, the USA Freedom Act, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, grand jury secrecy laws under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, “as well as tortious interference with business relations and defamation.”

Economy & Business

The IMF Issues A Worldwide Warning: “The Risk Of A Sharper Decline In Global Growth Has Certainly Increased”

Economic Collapse Blog – IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde made headlines all over the globe this week when she declared that “the risk of a sharper decline in global growth has certainly increased”.  As you will see below, signs of economic trouble are popping up all over the planet, and pretty much just about everyone is now acknowledging that the global economy is slowing down.  But does that mean that we are headed for a global recession in 2019?  Well, things certainly do not look good right now, but there is still time to turn things around.  But in order to turn things in a more positive direction, something has got to be done to stop the downward momentum that seems to be accelerating in the early portion of this year.

On Monday, the IMF slashed their forecast for global economic growth for the second time in three months

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) revised down its estimates for global growth on Monday, warning that the expansion seen in recent years is losing momentum.

The Fund now projects a 3.5 percent growth rate worldwide for 2019 and 3.6 percent for 2020. These are 0.2 and 0.1 percentage points below its last forecasts in October — making it the second downturn revision in three months.

But at least they are still projecting global economic growth this year, and many would argue that “a 3.5 percent growth rate” is wildly optimistic.

Dyson to move company HQ to Singapore

The Guardian – CEO says plan is more about ‘future-proofing’ business than anything to do with Brexit

Energy & Environment

The usually rushing waters at Niagara Falls have frozen

CNN – It’s so cold, parts of Niagara Falls are frozen.

Science & Technology

Big Brother Digital License Plates Coming To A State Near You

Activist Post – Michigan became the second state in the country to roll out the world’s first digital license plate.

According to an article in The Car Connection, the state of Michigan just approved Reviver Auto’s digital license plates called the “Rplate.”

Reviver Auto boasts that a total of five states have already approved their digital license plates.

Our innovative, multi-functional digital license plate, the Rplate Pro, will be on the road in California, Florida, Arizona and Texas in 2018. (Source)

George Orwell could never have dreamed of a world where license plates became a tool for more government surveillance.

Digital license plates are a privacy nightmare for motorists.

No longer will law enforcement have to run your license plate to see if you paid your taxes and insurance, because now your license plate will display a big “X” notifying everyone that you are a violator.

Digital license plates are the epitome of Big Brother surveillance

According to an article in WIRED, Rplates will turn vehicles into rolling Big Brother billboards that display Amber Alerts and much more.

It lets you update the registration stickers on your car through an app instead of dealing with the DMV. It can display Amber Alerts. It can be used as a miniature, knee-level billboard. If someone steals the car, it can read $NDHLP! or the more serious Stolen Vehicle. It can double as your E-Z Pass, FasTrak, or whatever RFID-based device you use to pay tolls. It can track your car’s location, so you can keep tabs on your teenager.


Ginseng May Work Better Than Chemo and Radiation. Here’s How…

GreenMedInfo – Known for thousands of years as a powerful tonic for health, new research reveals that ginseng and other cancer stem cell killing plants may provide highly effective treatments for cancer.

Cancer stem cells are one of the keys to understanding both the root cause(s) and the most appropriate treatment approaches for cancer.

As we have explored in previous writings, cancer stem cells have been identified to be at the heart of most cancer malignancies. These extraordinarily resilient and proliferative cells, while only making up a minority of cells within a tumor (about 1 in 1,000), are relatively immortal and resistant to conventional treatments.

In fact, chemotherapy and radiation treatments have been found to increase the cancer stem cell populations by number and by their malignant/invasive intensity. In fact, radiotherapy has even been found to convert non-malignant breast cells into highly malignant breast cancer stem cells, resulting in increasing their malignancy by 30 fold. The use of these inappropriate treatments has resulted in an epidemic of iatrogenically caused secondary cancers, and patient deaths, that have largely gone unreported by the very medical system responsible for causing them, and which comes to no surprise by those who have been following our decade long reporting on the tragedy of cancer overdiagnosis and overtreatment, which has affected millions around the world.

Given this concerning backdrop, and our ongoing focus on unearthing and reporting on thousands of natural, evidence-based alternatives that address and resolve the root cause(s) of disease, it is exciting to report on research published last year, titled, “Functional mechanism of Ginsenosides on tumor growth and metastasis,” which summarizes the increasingly robust peer-reviewed literature on the role of ginseng in preventing and treating cancer. Within the review, the therapeutic properties of ginseng are discussed in light of the following effects:       

  • Ginsenosides regulate tumor cell cycle       
  • Ginsenosides induce tumor cell differentiation   
  • Ginsenosides target tumor stem cells
  • Ginsenosides reduce the product of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
  • Ginsenosides suppress tumor angiogenesis   
  • Ginsenosides downregulate the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) on tumor metastasis

Clearly, as with almost all time-tested, multi-culturally validated botanicals, there are a wide range of therapeutic properties operative within the highly complex plant extract — not only stem cell targeting effects.  That said, stem cell targeting is an extremely important part of the equation. You can destroy 999 of 1,000 cancer cells in a tumor, but if the one left remaining is a cancer stem cell, it will have the ability and potential to grow an entirely new tumor all on its own. This is why stem cell targeting substances are so important in turning the tides against the increasingly violent and ineffective (albeit extremely profitable) war against cancer.

The authors of the ginseng study ended their review with the following optimistic conclusions:

“Given the increasing number of studies on ginsengs, ginsengs are likely to be used as antitumor drugs for controlling multiple types of cancer. Ginsenosides have been proven to regulate known oncogenes, such as Stat3. Since ginsenoside-induced death of cancer cells is achieved via multi-target pathways, it is difficult to some extent for cancer cells to develop drug resistance. Moreover, another advantage of ginsenosides is that the small side effect is shown when killing cancer cells. Thus ginsenosides may be considered as a good drug candidate for cancer treatment.”

Dandelion Tea Helps Improve Your Liver Function, Digestion and More

Mercola – Dandelion tea is an herbal tea that’s made from the roots and/or leaves of dandelion.  All the health benefits of dandelion tea will change the way you look at these unwanted plants in your garden.

Some people think that dandelion is nothing but a pesky weed that can ruin a perfectly groomed garden, while others consider it one of the most useful gifts from nature. While it’s true that dandelion may not always grow in the desired location, this resilient plant actually has plenty of health benefits to offer.

In fact, the earliest mention of dandelion as a medicinal herb dates back to the 10th and 11th centuries in the Middle East.1 It was also used in traditional Chinese medicine to ease liver problems and other health issues.2 From its roots to the flowers, almost all parts of the humble dandelion can be used to make tea, soups, coffee and other concoctions that can give your health a boost.

9 Remarkable Health Benefits of Dandelion Tea

With all the publicity that dandelion tea has been getting lately, one of the questions that has probably crossed your mind is, “What exactly is dandelion tea good for?” To answer that question, check out the long list of benefits that you can get from dandelion root or leaf tea:

1. Helps soothe digestive problems — Dandelion tea has been used for centuries to help relieve minor digestive problems, such as heartburn and indigestion. It may also help relieve constipation, since it stimulates bowel movement with its diuretic properties.

2. Helps maintain proper liver function — Dandelion tea is considered a “liver tonic,” since it helps detoxify the liver and improve the flow of bile.9 A recent study also shows that the water-soluble polysaccharides from dandelion root may help protect the liver from hepatic injury.

3. Helps reduce water retention — Drinking dandelion tea may help reduce bloating, as it can flush out excessive water weight from your body by increasing your urine output. A study conducted in 2009 showed that the first two cups of dandelion tea can cause a significant increase in the frequency of urination within a period of five hours.

4. Helps improve kidney and gallbladder function — Dandelion tea may help improve the health of your kidneys and reduce your risk of developing gallstones by flushing out toxins, salt and excess water through increased urine production.

5. Aids in the management of diabetesResearchers suggest that dandelion root may help normalize blood sugar levels and reduce bad cholesterol, so drinking tea made from its extracts may be beneficial for diabetics.

6. Helps improve heart health — Dandelion leaves are a great source of potassium, so drinking its extract may provide your body with traces of this essential mineral, which is important for your heart health, as it helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure levels.

7. Helps reduce the risk of cancer — At least one study shows that dandelion root extract may help induce apoptosis in cancer cells without affecting the noncancerous cells in your body.

8. Helps relieve inflammation — Dandelion tea provides anti-inflammatory properties, which may help alleviate swelling and other health issues related to inflammation.

9. Helps reduce your risk for obesityA study published in the Journal of Nutrition Research and Practice found that dandelion may aid weight loss by inhibiting the activity of pancreatic lipase.

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, drinking roasted dandelion root tea may be beneficial for coffee lovers who are trying to cut down their caffeine intake, as it tastes relatively similar to coffee.

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