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The Power Hour

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Today's News: January 23, 2018

World News

Official: Americans killed, injured in attack on Kabul hotel
ABC – Multiple American citizens were killed and injured in the Taliban’s 13-hour siege of an upscale hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan, the State Department said Tuesday.  No exact figures were immediately available for either the U.S. fatalities or injuries. In total, 22 people were killed in the attack including 14 foreigners, Afghan officials have said. Eleven of the 14 foreigners had been previously identified as working for the private Afghan airline KamAir.
Conway: Trump taking ‘America First’ message to Davos
The Hill – White House adviser Kellyanne Conway says that President Trump will present an “America First” agenda at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, on Friday. In an interview with Fox Business Network, Conway says that the president will be open to talking trade with world business leaders at the forum, but will push for an agenda that primarily benefits American interests. “Expect this president to go there and show what ‘America First’ continues to look like on the world stage,” Conway says. “He is certainly willing to engage on trade, participate in the global economy. However, he has made it very clear that it will always benefit Americans: American workers, American interests and our American allies.”

U.S. News, Politics & Government

‘1 dead, multiple injured’ in Kentucky high school shooting – governor
RT – One student has been confirmed dead and at least five students were shot Tuesday morning at a high school in Kentucky. The school was placed on lockdown and emergency responders are already on scene.  The suspect has been apprehended by police according Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin who confirmed the “tragic shooting” by saying one person has been confirmed dead with “multiple others wounded”, however much is still unknown, he wrote on Twitter.
Oops… Hawaii governor was late in retracting false missile alert because he ‘forgot’ Twitter logon
Inforwars – Governor of Hawaii David Ige failed to avert moments of horror for citizens caused by a false ballistic missile alert as he did not know the login and password for his Twitter account, local media have reported.  On January 13, an emergency alert of an incoming ballistic missile and calls to seek shelter caused panic among Hawaii residents. It took officials more than half an hour to retract the false warning and reassure the terrified residents that there was no danger.  The retraction of the alarm might have come earlier though…Ige was aware of the false alert just two minutes after it went out to residents’ phones, according to the Honolulu Star-Advertiser newspaper. However, the governor confessed that he could not access social media to tackle the situation immediately as he could not recall the password for his Twitter account.
Jeff Sessions Is Questioned for Hours in Russia Inquiry
New York Times – Attorney General Jeff Sessions was questioned for several hours last week by the special counsel’s office as part of the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the election and whether the president obstructed justice since taking office, according to a Justice  Department spokeswoman.  The meeting marked the first time that investigators for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, are known to have interviewed a member of Mr. Trump’s cabinet.
Illegal Aliens Quietly Being Relocated Throughout U.S. on Commercial Flights
Judicial Watch – Immigrants entering the United States illegally through the southern border are quietly being relocated to different parts of the country on commercial flights, high-ranking Homeland Security officials told Judicial Watch this week. In the last few days alone, groups of illegal aliens boarded planes at airports in Texas and Arizona accompanied by a taxpayer-funded government escort in civilian clothes to avoid drawing attention. The first flight originated at Valley International Airport in Harlingen, Texas and was bound for Minneapolis. The second left from Tucson International Airport and arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah, federal sources said. In both locations the illegal aliens appeared to be in their late teens and were escorted by a Health and Human Services (HHS) chaperone. Judicial Watch reached out to HHS for comment but did not hear back from the agency.
‘Schumer Shutdown’ backfires on Dems
WND – Democrats in the House and Senate thought they would play the old government-shutdown card that has worked for them every time it has been played since 1995 when Republicans were blamed.  This government shutdown is actually being called “The Schumer Shutdown,” and that is not good for the Democrats. Even a report in the Hill Sunday characterized the it this way: “The Schumer shutdown has revealed the totality of the Democrats’ agenda: animosity and amnesty.”But 2018 is different. It is backfiring.  A column by Tommy Hicks Jr., went on to say: “The Schumer shutdown is a preview of what we can expect should the Democrats wrest control of the legislative branch in November. It’s no laughing matter.”  Ironically, during the 2013 government shutdown, Schumer said on ABC News his party would never orchestrate one to push for immigration-reform measures.

Veteran News

VA Facility Where Vet Got Prosecuted for Posting U.S. Flags Duped out of Millions by Bribed Official
Judicial Watch – An official at the same Los Angeles Veterans Administration facility where an Army vet got prosecuted for posting American Flags took hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from a vendor that defrauded the VA out of millions. While the feds went on a witch hunt against the 75-year-old vet for affixing Old Glory at a site honoring those who served their country, the VA director was committing the real crime. This month the corrupt VA official, Ralph Tillman, agreed to plead guilty to two felony offenses for taking over a quarter of a million dollars in bribes from a parking lot operator at the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System in southern California.

Economy & Business

S&P, Nasdaq lifted by strong earnings from Netflix
Reuters – The S&P and the Nasdaq rose on Tuesday as upbeat earnings from Netflix spurred gains for the highly-valued technology sector, while the Dow came under pressure from declines in Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble.

Energy & Environment

Philippine volcano spews lava fountains, 56,000 people flee
Washington Post – The Philippines’ most active volcano spewed fountains of red-hot lava and massive ash plumes anew Tuesday in a dazzling but increasingly dangerous eruption that has sent more than 56,000 villagers fleeing to evacuation centers.
Alaska tsunami fears prompt brief evacuation
BBC – A tsunami warning was lifted hours after a 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Alaska in the US.  The quake hit 173 miles)south-east of Kodiak, at a depth of 25km, at09:31 GMT, the US Geological Survey said.   A lower-level advisory briefly remained in effect for south Alaska and the peninsula, before being lifted.

Science & Technology

‘Police State’ Registry System Being Set Up to Track Your Vaccination Status
GreenMedINfo – The Centers for Disease Control has been quietly rolling out a nationwide program called the Immunization Information Systems (IIS), registering your vaccine information into a database. [1] This effort has been run in parallel with state vaccine registry implementations.  The “CDC has openly stated that vaccine registries are a tool to identify areas of ‘undervaccination’ so that they can be ‘addressed’ and brought into ‘compliance.'”  According to the Immunization Information System documentation, data can be provided to “healthcare providers, public health, and other authorized stakeholders.”
It goes on to say schools, child care, and child camps may also have access to the records.
One of the major areas the lawmakers neglected to mention was the power granted to your employer. Consider the fact this past year nurses were actually being fired for not having their flu shot, as reported by Natural News. [4] Imagine if the proper pressure were applied to businesses to meet a government mandate. They would be given access to these records. It’s something for you to chew on.
>> ACTION ALERT: Oppose Unconstitutional State Forced Vaccine Tracking of Your Family – OPPOSE SB 1680 and HB 1045 (FL)
Congress Quietly Pushing Bill To Require National Biometric ID For “ALL Americans”
Activist Post – Earlier this month,  Rep. Bob Goodlatte [R-VA-6] introduced H.R.4760 – Securing America’s Future Act of 2018, a sweeping bill that entails everything from Education and the Workforce to Homeland Security to the military. Also, tucked away in this 400-page behemoth of a bill are the details of a new biometric National ID card that could soon be required for everyone.  Not surprisingly, there is almost no media coverage on this legislation.  H.R. 4760 establishes a mandatory National Identification system that requires all Americans to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.” Without this card, according to the legislation, you will not be able to work in this country.  The legislation was drafted under the auspices of providing a legislative solution for the current beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.  However, as Ron Paul points out, “this bill would give DACA recipients a 3-year renewable legal status while forcing a biometric National ID card on virtually everyone else.”
>> Paul’s Campaign for Liberty is planning a massive crusade against this tyrannical legislation in the form of billboards, commercials, and other advertising. He’s even started a petition to let your representative know how you feel about them ushering in a new level of despotism and control. You can sign this petition here.


5-Foot Tapeworm in Person Shocks Hospital
Newsmax Health – Public health specialists are warning about the dangers of hidden parasites after media reports of a 30-year-old Fresno, Calif., man who showed up at a hospital emergency room with a 5 ½-foot-long tapeworm he may have acquired from improperly prepared sushi.  He said the patient was convinced he got the tapeworm from eating raw fish because he ate sushi or sashimi almost daily.  “You have to be aware,” Bah said, explaining improperly prepared raw fish and other foods can contain and spread parasites.  Concerns about sushi-related parasites have been rising in recent years. U.S. Food and Drug Administration has released guidelines for controlling parasites in seafood by cooking the food or freezing it for certain amounts of time.
If you missed guest host Mary Ellen Moore interview Robin Goffe about parasites & Autism you can listen to the archives here:
December 19, 2017 (hour 1) – Guest host Mary Ellen Moore w/ News + Guest Robin Goffe
December 19, 2017 (hour 2) – Continued w/ guest Robin Goffe
Vitamin D deficiency link to metabolic syndrome
Natural Health News – Vitamin D deficiency could raise the risk of metabolic syndrome among postmenopausal women, according to a recent study.  It’s been observed that the prevalence of both metabolic syndrome and vitamin D deficiency have been observed among postmenopausal women in India. But as yet, there has been no research linking the two conditions.  To see if there was a link, Indian researchers conducted a cross-sectional study of women in rural West Bengal. They randomly selected 222 postmenopausal women and assessed their serum vitamin D levels, blood pressure, waist circumference, fasting blood glucose, triglyceride levels and HDL cholesterol.  Results, published in the journal PLOS One found was that 70% of the participants suffered from either vitamin D insufficiency (51%) or deficiency (19%).
You can order your Vitamin D3 5,000 IU from The Power Mall online today or by calling 877-817-9829.
TB vaccine SCAM: Scientists gave 1,400 babies a new vaccine for tuberculosis despite FAILED safety trials
NaturalNews – An investigation by the British Medical Journal has exposed a horrifying vaccine scam that took place in the same place that many unethical vaccine stories come from – Africa. There, babies were used as guinea pigs to test out a vaccine after the monkeys it was tested on died.  According to the report, nearly 1,400 infants in South Africa were given an experimental vaccine for tuberculosis by academics from Oxford University that was linked to monkey fatalities in tests. In an informational paper issued to the parents of the babies who got the jab back in 2009, it is claimed that the vaccine was “shown to be safe and effective” despite the fact that five out of six monkeys in the trial became so ill that they had to be put down.  While none of the babies were believed to be harmed by the vaccine, it did not provide them with any protection from tuberculosis, leading one to wonder why they were subjected to such a dangerous shot in the first place.

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