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Today's News: January 24, 2020

World News

Chinese authorities announce first CURED coronavirus patient discharged from hospital in Shanghai

The Shanghai Municipal Health Commission has confirmed that a patient infected with the deadly coronavirus has, for the first time since the outbreak, been cured and discharged from hospital.
After six days, the patient, a 56-year-old woman identified only as Chen, showed a significant improvement in her respiratory symptoms. Two independent blood tests for the coronavirus came back negative, as did pulmonary CT scans, according to the state-owned Beijing Daily newspaper.
The patient was then released from quarantine following a further examination by experts deployed to tackle the disease.
Chen reportedly lived in Wuhan, the city at the center of the outbreak, for many years. She developed fever and fatigue on January 10 and was hospitalized in Shanghai on January 12.
A staggering 23 million people have been quarantined as Chinese authorities attempt to contain the outbreak which so far has claimed the lives of some 26 people and infected a further 800, at least.
Local authorities in Wuhan are attempting to build a specialized treatment facility in the next 10 days to house all coronavirus patients under one roof, to further limit the spread of the virus. The China Development Bank has granted the city a two billion yuan ($290 million) emergency loan to help fight the outbreak.

Beijing Calls In Military As Virus Overwhelms Wuhan Hospitals; Second Case Reported in U.S. (Updated)

Activist Post – Over the past few hours, health officials in Nepal have announced that a student who has returned from Wuhan has been found to carry the virus. Meanwhile, officials in India are reporting three suspected cases.
As the response to the virus overwhelms hospitals in Wuhan, the central military command of the PLA, China’s army, has ordered medical personnel based in the city of Wuhan to travel to the city’s hospitals and aid doctors and nurses struggling to keep up with the influx of cases.
The order comes as experts estimate that some 4,000 individuals may have already been infected across the country.
According to the SCMP, 40 medical officers from the city’s military hospital have already started working in the intensive care unit of Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital. The 40 officers are reported to be an advance party and the General Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army in Beijing will send more in the coming days.
Staff at the PLA hospital swore an oath earlier this week promising to do everything they can to combat the virus.
A medical practitioner who worked at the PLA General Hospital said that the hospital would send staff from its infectious disease centre to help run the new hospital and quarantine centre in Wuhan once it was ready.
Staff there held an oath-taking ceremony on Wednesday pledging they would do their utmost to win the battle against the new coronavirus.
As we noted below, Wuhan is scrambling to build a makeshift hospital from scratch on the outskirts of the city as a quarantine and treatment center for coronavirus patients. Beijing’s ability to quickly expand capacity to treat infected individuals was said to be instrumental in the fight against SARS 17 years ago.
>> Note: Glenn Parham will be on the show next Wednesday the 29th to discuss what you aren’t being told about Coronavirus.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Democrats turn focus to obstruction charge in Trump impeachment trial

Reuters – Democratic managers from the House of Representatives will try to convince senators and the U.S. public that the Republican president is guilty of the charge of obstructing Congress for withholding key witnesses and documents from the investigation.
The Democratic-led House impeached Trump last month on that charge and a separate charge of abuse of power for allegedly trying to coerce Ukraine’s government into digging up dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden, a top contender for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

2 people killed in explosion that rocked northwest Houston

Two people were killed early Friday morning in an explosion that shook northwest Houston awake.
The blast was reported about 4:20 a.m. at Watson Valve Services near the corner of Gessner and Clay Roads.
Houston fire Chief Sam Peña said at least one person was hospitalized in the blast that resulted in propylene burning for several hours after the explosion. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately released.
Peña said that firefighters are allowing the remaining fire to burn itself out, but that the fire is contained. Peña said there are no concerns over air quality at this time.

Mike Huckabee Praises Trump for Affirming ‘Religious Liberty’ for Students

Newsmax – Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said few politicians have ever defended Christian heritage on the national level as “fiercely” as President Donald Trump.
“His executive order affirming the religious liberty of public school students is just the latest example,” Huckabee wrote in a column posted by Fox News on Thursday.
“For the first time in nearly two decades, the order updates federal guidance to better protect students’ rights to engage in prayer and other forms of religious expression.
“Under the new rules, schools must certify every year that they do not have policies that restrict constitutionally-protected religious rights, such as the freedom to pray or read religious texts on school grounds. Schools that maintain non-compliant policies would lose their federal funding.”
Huckabee called the order “a big win for religious freedom advocates” He noted they had seen “their rights and beliefs under increasingly withering assault from the left for decades.”

In Presidential First, Trump Will Attend Anti-Abortion March for Life

NY Times – President Trump plans to address an annual rally of anti-abortion demonstrators on Friday in Washington, in what would be the first appearance by a sitting president at the March for Life, one of the movement’s marquee events.
Mr. Trump’s surprise announcement, made on Twitter on Wednesday as the Senate began hearing opening arguments in his impeachment trial, is his latest gesture of support for a cause dear to evangelical Christians who are a core part of his conservative base.
No president has personally attended the march in its 47-year history. Past Republican presidents might have been inclined to attend, but either on the advice of staff or their own instincts saw it as a step too far and instead showed their support in less visible ways, like through remote messages or by meeting with activists.
Mr. Trump, who once called himself “very pro-choice,” has until now addressed the group only remotely and welcomed some marchers at the White House.

US targets birthright citizenship with new visa restrictions

CS Monitor – The Trump administration is coming out Thursday with new visa restrictions aimed at restricting “birth tourism,” in which women travel to the United States to give birth so their children can have a coveted U.S. passport.

The CIA’s “Signature School” Is Equipping Firefighters With Wearable Emotion/Facial Recognition Devices

Activist Post – Over the years, I have written about the possible dangers of firefighters carrying weapons and being trained like SWAT teams. But this latest story will leave you scratching your head and wondering what the CIA’s “Signature School” has done to America’s firefighters.
Last week the University of New Mexico (UNM) announced that they have created a Wearable Emotion Facial Recognition (WEFR) device for firefighters.
The article describes an innovative new facial-recognition algorithm formulated for use in firefighting technology. The algorithm enables computing systems to identify the emotions displayed by facial expressions with 98% accuracy.
Firefighting devices will learn, which facial expressions correspond with which emotion.
What is especially noteworthy about this technology is that it is the first facial-recognition algorithm to use semi-supervised learning – a method in which researchers essentially teach a computational network how to recognize faces. This is done by inputting both labeled images (pictures of faces which have been labeled, by a researcher, with the emotional expression they display) as well as unlabeled images into a network of computational nodes programmed with the algorithm. In time, the system actually “learns” which facial expressions correspond with which emotion.
Why do firefighters need to learn about people’s emotions and why would they depend on a device to interpret them? Last I checked humans are not automatons and polygraph machines are unreliable.
A National Science Foundation search revealed that WEFR’s will be “equipped with microphones and ambient sensors.”

House Committee in South Dakota Advances Bill to Prevent Gender Reassignment on Minors

The New American – A house subcommittee in South Dakota has voted to advance a bill that would criminalize gender reassignment treatment on minors in the state.
Titled the “Vulnerable Child Protection Act,” House Bill 1057 prohibits medical professionals from “attempting to change or affirm the minor’s perception of the minor’s sex, if that perception is inconsistent with the minor’s sex.” This includes surgeries such as castration, penectomy, mastectomy, etc., medications to stop normal puberty or to increase biological hormones, and the removal of any nondiseased tissue or body parts. The legislation makes exceptions only in the case of a minor born “with a medically-verifiable genetic disorder of sex development,” such as one who is born with ambiguous sex characteristics or those who do not have the “normal sex chromosome structure for a male or female.”
KSFY reports HB 1057 passed 8-5 in a floor vote on Wednesday after the bill was amended to lessen the penalty from a felony to a Class 1 misdemeanor and remove penalties to medical professionals who do not directly prescribe the medications or perform the surgeries.
Predictably, the Left is slamming the bill as anti-transgender legislation.

California Kills Bill to Protect Parental Rights on Sex Ed  

Alex Newman -The legislation, known as SB 673, would have changed state law on “sex ed,” currently mandated from Kindergarten, from an “opt-out” system, to one that requiring parents to “opt in” for their children with a signature. It only applied for children in K through 6th grade in public schools. The measure also would have required school districts to make the material available to parents.
The bill was filed amid growing concerns surrounding extreme sexualization and indoctrination being forced on captive children in public schools, much of which has been documented by The Newman Report in recent years. Among other abuses, young California children are being encouraged to fornicate and engage in “safe” sodomy.
It appears that the raunchy LGBT propaganda, which has now infected virtually every subject, would have remained mandatory even under SB 673, with no opt out.

New Bill to Allow Cops to Detain Citizens, Force Them to Explain Who They Are, What They’re Doing

Free Though Project – An ominous bill that is currently making its way through the Kentucky Senate aims to give police unprecedented unconstitutional powers. These new powers will allow cops to stop anyone they want and demand that person tell them who they are, where they are going, and explain their actions. Naturally, it has civil rights advocates up in arms, but it doesn’t seem to be slowing down the bill’s momentum.
Police merely need to make an unsubstantiated claim that a person is involved in criminal activity which gives them free reign to stop that person, demand his name, home address and age — as well as ask to see his driver’s license, if he has one — and tell him to explain what he is presently doing “to the satisfaction of the officer.”
If you invoke your constitutional right not to answer the officer’s questions, this new bill grants cops the right to detain you for two hours. Even more ominous is the fact that this detainment is not considered an arrest so you have no right to an attorney and police don’t even have to record it. This non-arrest grey area detention will undoubtedly be rife for abuse.
Nevertheless, advocates for the police state tyranny say cops must have this new ability—to keep us safe. As Kentucky.com reports, Sen. Stephen Meredith, R-Leitchfield, said Grayson County law enforcement officials asked him for the bill after a number of local incidents showed the need for it.

Virginia Democrats Push Legislation to Make Criticism of Government Officials a Criminal Offense

Big League Politics – In the wake of the Virginia gun rights rally on Monday, Democrats in the Capitol are not slowing down their push for tyranny. They are moving a bill through the legislature that would effectively criminalize dissent against Governor Blackface Northam and other state government officials.
House Bill 1627 was introduced by Delegate Jeffrey M. Bourne last week. The legislation “provides that certain crimes relating to threats and harassment may be prosecuted in the City of Richmond if the victim is the Governor, Governor-elect, Lieutenant Governor, Lieutenant Governor-elect, Attorney General, or Attorney General-elect, a member or employee of the General Assembly, a justice of the Supreme Court of Virginia, or a judge of the Court of Appeals of Virginia.”
Language in the bill explicitly criminalizes free speech, in what would constitute a blatant attack on the 1st Amendment of the Constitution.

An Army for Hire: Trump Wants to Make Money by Renting Out American Soldiers

Global Research – There is currently considerable evidence surfacing suggesting that Trump views the United States military as some kind of mercenary force, a cash and carry security option for those who can come up with the dough. In a recent interview that Trump gave to Laura Ingraham of Fox News, the president boasted that “We have a very good relationship with Saudi Arabia. I said, listen, you’re a very rich country. You want more troops? I’m going to send them to you, but you’ve got to pay us. They’re paying us. They’ve already deposited $1 billion in the bank.”
Some readers might just suspect that they’ve heard language like that before, but they are most likely recalling The Godfather part 1 movie where Marlon Brando playing a young Vito Corleone was running a protection racket for small businesses and shopkeepers in New York’s Little Italy. Corleone first had to kill the Black Hand extortionist Don Fanucci in order to take over his racket, something that has a certain resonance with what is going on currently in Iraq.
Trump has long complained that America’s allies are not paying enough to compensate the United States for the protection that it provides all over the world. He has pressured allies to pay for the U.S. military presence, even demanding that the Iraqis and South Koreans should reimburse the construction costs of airfields and other defense installations that have been used as bases by the American army and air force. Indeed, not surprisingly, the only country that gets away with having a U.S. base without any Trumpean demand for compensation is Israel, which actually gets the base plus more than $3.8 billion a year in “aid.”
In the case of the Saudis, the government in Riyadh has ponied up the money to pay for the Trump relocation of 3,000 American soldiers. The move is intended to help protect the Kingdom from possible attack by Iran or its proxies, a particular concern given the devastating attack staged by an unidentified someone on the major Saudi oil refinery on September 14th. One might recall, however, that the “unholy” presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia prior to 9/11 was a major grievance successfully exploited by al-Qaeda, resulting in 15 of the 19 presumed airline hijacking terrorists being Saudis.
Trump’s logic on the issue is that of an accountant who works for a protection racket. He looks to make a profit, without regard for the collateral costs that cannot be entered in double entry book keeping. The reality is that sending soldiers to places where they should not necessarily be largely because some foreign country can foot the bill loses sight of the fact that some of those people being ordered abroad will die. That is unacceptable and it makes the American Army little better than a mercenary force, hardly a “force for good” as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would have it.

Economy & Business

HSBC Whistleblower Interview: World Economy Would Collapse if Banks Stopped Laundering Money

Activist Post – It has long been an open secret that the banksters are the ones running the world. Governments either turn a blind eye, or are often complicit in financial criminal activity. Instead of attempting to weed out corruption, the governments often facilitate it.
The media, who is supposed to act as the watchdog to keep corruption in check, is owned and controlled by a handful of special interest groups who profit immensely due to the fact that the general public is often unaware that they are even the victims of the institutions and corporations we are indoctrinated to blindly trust.
In this interview, Spiro is joined by HSBC Whistleblower Nicholas Wilson, as Wilson exposes the ongoing crimes being committed by financial institutions to game the system and keep the world’s economy afloat.
Wilson also exposes how multiple governments and the media are not only complicit, but helping to facilitate, perhaps the world’s largest fraud in history.

Energy & Environment

Making America’s Waters Burn Again. Trump’s “Dirty Water Rule”

Global Research – The Trump administration’s new Dirty Water Rule seeks to strip the Clean Water Act’s protections from an overwhelming number of our waterways and return our water to levels of pollution we last saw before the Clean Water Act’s enactment in 1972.
The Trump administration announced this major environmental rollback on December 11, 2018, amidst much fanfare in the historic EPA map room.
After multiple failed attempts to repeal or delay the Obama administration’s Clean Water Rule, which defined the term “waters of the United States” in the Clean Water Act, the Trump administration is now proposing to wholly replace the Clean Water Rule with a new rule. This proposed rule goes far beyond a reversal of the Clean Water Rule’s definitions, introducing new water exclusions that have never been in place before and gutting the Act’s safeguards, threatening the sources of drinking water for millions of people as well as wildlife habitats and outdoor recreation opportunities.

Trump administration gives Keystone pipeline green light

CS Monitor – With permission to build on U.S. land, TC Energy intends to begin mobilizing construction machinery to Montana, South Dakota, and Nebraska next month.

‘Unprecedented’ marine heatwave likely killed 1 million West Coast seabirds

Oregon Live – At least 62,000 seabirds, and possibly as many as 1 million, died along the West Coast between summer 2015 and spring 2016, researchers said in a study published this week, and they believe they’ve found the cause for the “unprecedented” die-off.
Scores of common murres, one of the most prolific seabirds, washed up on beaches, and many were emaciated, the researchers said. The cause? A persistent and intense marine heatwave that became known as “the blob,” a wide swath of the northeastern Pacific Ocean with waters several degrees above average.
While many tens of thousands of dead birds were documented, researchers believe that represents only a small fraction of the number of animals that perished, many of which likely died at sea and were never found. Beyond the dead birds, scientists also found breeding failures in 22 common murre colonies.

Science & Technology

GOP Leader Pushing Bill Targeting Social Media Censorship

Infowars – GOP state Senator Joe Gruters recently called on lawmakers to pass a new bill targeting social media censorship.
The bill, inspired by conservative activist Laura Loomer, will open social media platforms to civil damages for banning or suspending political speech.

Scientists discover ‘why stress turns hair white’

BBC – Scientists say they may have discovered why stress makes hair turn white, and a potential way of stopping it happening without reaching for the dye.
In experiments on mice, stem cells that control skin and hair colour became damaged after intense stress.
In a chance finding, dark-furred mice turned completely white within weeks.
The US and Brazilian researchers said this avenue was worth exploring further to develop a drug that prevents hair colour loss from ageing.
Men and women can go grey any time from their mid-30s, with the timing of parental hair colour change giving most of the clues on when.
Although it’s mostly down to the natural ageing process and genes, stress can also play a role.
But scientists were not clear exactly how stress affected the hairs on our heads.
Researchers behind the study, published in Nature, from the Universities of Sao Paulo and Harvard, believed the effects were linked to melanocyte stem cells, which produce melanin and are responsible for hair and skin colour.
And while carrying out experiments on mice, they stumbled across evidence this was the case.
“We now know for sure that stress is responsible for this specific change to your skin and hair, and how it works,” says Prof Ya-Cieh Hsu, research author from Harvard University.
‘Damage is permanent’
Pain in mice triggered the release of adrenaline and cortisol, making their hearts beat faster and blood pressure rise, affecting the nervous system and causing acute stress.
This process then sped up the depletion of stem cells that produced melanin in hair follicles.
“I expected stress was bad for the body,” said Prof Hsu.
“But the detrimental impact of stress that we discovered was beyond what I imagined.
“After just a few days, all of the pigment-regenerating stem cells were lost.
“Once they’re gone, you can’t regenerate pigment any more – the damage is permanent.”

Man has video camera implanted in prosthetic eye

Daily Star – A man has become an eyeborg by implanting a video camera in one of his eyes in which he was blind to further distort the line between science fiction and real life.
Rob Spence is happy to call himself a cyborg – although he is more accurately an eyeborg – after replacing his blind eye with a video camera that brings to mind the idea of humans merging with machines.
A filmmaker, Rob uses a wireless video camera which is embedded into his prosthetic eye. He has two designs to choose from one, with a realistic human eye and another that resembles Terminator’s eye.
It is made up of a sealable prosthetic shell, a circuit board, battery, camera module and a wireless video transmitter.
Rob said: “I swap between the two of them as a prosthetic eye is as switchable as a pair of earrings.
“I tend to pop one in when I am filming something interesting. And I often wear an eyepatch.”
There is no real science fiction here as he isn’t suddenly able to see out of the camera as it isn’t connected to an optic nerve but it does record everything that he sees for 30 minutes until the battery runs out.
A video signal is sent to a receiver which then streams the images to a monitor.
Rob’s plan is to develop a 3D printed version of the eye and he is working with a team of engineers to work on the tech side and streamline the manufacturing.


New Study: Mediterranean, Fasting & Paleo Diets Improve Weight Loss and Health

NaturalBlaze – There were some weight loss and health benefits for overweight adults who followed the Mediterranean, Intermittent Fasting and Paleo diets, though adherence to the diets dropped off considerably during the one-year study, new University of Otago research shows.
Intermittent fasting – whereby participants limit their energy intake to about 25 per cent of their usual diet (500kcal for women and 600kcal for men) on two self-selected days per week, led to slightly more weight loss than the other diets. The Mediterranean diet also improved blood sugar levels.
Co-lead author Dr Melyssa Roy, a Research Fellow in the Department of Medicine, says the amount of weight loss was modest – on average two to four kilograms for the 250 participants, but for those choosing the fasting or Mediterranean diets, clinically significant improvements in blood pressure were also seen.
The aim of the research was to examine how effective all three diets were in a “real world” setting, where participants self-selected which diet they wished to follow, without any ongoing support from a dietitian.
Dr Roy says the evidence shows that for some people the Mediterranean, fasting or paleo (Paleolithic) diets can be “healthful, beneficial ways to eat”.
“This work supports the idea that there isn’t a single ‘right’ diet – there are a range of options that may suit different people and be effective. In this study, people were given dietary guidelines at the start and then continued with their diets in the real world while living normally. About half of the participants were still following their diets after a year and had experienced improvements in markers of health.
“Like the Mediterranean diet, intermittent fasting and paleo diets can also be valid healthy eating approaches – the best diet is the one that includes healthy foods and suits the individual.”
The Mediterranean diet encouraged consumption of fruit, vegetables, whole-grain breads and cereals, legumes, nuts, seeds and olive oil with moderate amounts of fish, chicken, eggs and diary and red meat once a week or less.

A lack of oxygen accelerates aging: Researchers find a link between sleep-disordered breathing and rapid aging

NaturalNews – Nutrition, exercise and smoking are all considered primary modifiable risk factors for a wide array of health conditions. However, this leaves sleep and increasingly common sleep disorders often overlooked as risk factors. Sleep-disordered breathing – an umbrella term for several chronic conditions that involve the cessation of breathing throughout the night – affects more people than previously thought. Its most common type, obstructive sleep apnea, affects nearly 30 million adults in the US alone and could lead to oxidative stress and inflammation. Now, recent research suggests that sleep-disordered breathing could also cause rapid aging.
A study published in the journal Sleep found that increasing severity of sleep-disordered breathing and sleep disruption are linked with epigenetic age acceleration.
“People’s biological age might not be the same as their chronological age,” said lead author Xiaoyu Li. “Individuals whose biological age is higher than their chronological age exhibit age acceleration or fast aging. In our study, we found that more severe sleep-disordered breathing is associated with epigenetic age acceleration. Our data provide biological evidence supporting adverse physiological and health effects of untreated sleep-disordered breathing.”
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EVIL RISING: Disney now flat-out promoting demons and witchcraft to children

NaturalNews – In accordance with its stated agenda of making the “demon realm feel like home,” The Disney Channel is releasing a new program for children called “The Owl House” that glorifies demons, witchcraft, and hell.
According to Disney, the series centers around a teenage girl named Luz who “discovers a portal to another realm where humans are not well-liked, and she must disguise herself in order to fit in at witch school.”
This realm, the kids programming empire says, is referred to as “Demon town,” and in it Luz decides to live with a demon named Eda the Owl Lady who’s “the most powerful witch on the Boiling Iles.”
Luz’s character decides during one of the earlier episodes of the show that, “Someday, I’m going to be just like her” – meaning Luz wants to grow up not to be an honorable human woman, but rather a demon witch like Eda.
The purpose of this storyline, of course, is to teach children whose parents let them watch The Disney Channel that being normal human beings is passé, and that it’s “cool” to discover portals that carry you off to hell to live with demons, witches, and even Satan himself.
“Folks, if you think this latest ‘Owl House’ show is just ‘fantasy and fun’ think again,” reads a commentary written by Deborah Bunting for CBN (The Christian Broadcasting Network).
“The show tries to portray witchcraft as a positive tool to fight evil,” she goes on to explains. “That’s similar to what real-life witches have been promoting over the past few years as they’ve been putting hexes on President Trump and others in order to fight for their beliefs.”
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