July 3, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 25, 2023


British MPs call for probe into massive spike in deaths

Nearly 3,000 more Britons are dying than average on a weekly basis, and it’s not Covid-19 that’s responsible

Troubled by national statistics showing 20% excess deaths per week, UK MPs have demanded an investigation, the Daily Mail reported on Tuesday. Unlike the last time excess deaths reached such levels, during the second Covid-19 wave, few of these deaths could be attributed to the virus.

Speaking before the House of Commons on Tuesday, Conservative MP Esther McVey skewered Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty for blaming the spike in non-Covid excess deaths on “patients not getting statins or blood pressure medicines during the pandemic,” pointing out that the monthly figures for statin prescriptions had remained constant.

“Where is the evidence? And if there isn’t one, what is causing these excess deaths?” she asked, demanding the minister “commit to an urgent and thorough investigation of the matter.”

Labour shadow public health minister Andrew Gwynne described health secretary Steve Barclay as “part man, part ostrich” over his refusal to confront the issue, accusing PM Rishi Sunak’s government of “denial and buck-passing.”

China’s Funeral Parlors, Suppliers Crushed by Demand Amid COVID Death Surge

Never has the winter felt so suffocating for Zou, who counted about 20 deaths among his social circles amid the massive COVID-19 wave that’s gripping China.

Memorial tents, indicating households that have lost family members, are visible on every street in his hometown in the historic city of Yueyang in southern China’s mountainous Hunan Province, with a population of about 20,000 people.

It’s so many that “it’s scary,” Zou, who only provided his surname for fear of reprisals, told The Epoch Times.

He said the sky seems darker than usual, without much sunlight, further heightening a sense of dread in the small town as the outbreak casts a huge shadow. In the past three to four days alone, 100 to 200 people have died from the disease, he said on Jan. 23.

Staff on Strike: Berlin Airport Cancels All Flights

Berlin Airport canceled all its flights Wednesday after ground staff went on strike to press their demands for higher pay.

The walk-out affected about 300 flights to and from Germany’s capital.

German news agency dpa reported that employers have offered staff a one-off payment of 2,000 euros.

Germany experienced its highest annual inflation in more than 70 years last year.

Sharp increases in the cost of food and energy saw full-year inflation reach 7.9% in 2022.

Great Reset Watch: EU Gives Green Light for Use of Two Insect Species in Human Food

The European Union has given the green light for two more species of insect to be used as food for humans.

As of Tuesday, a powdered form of Acheta domesticus — better known as the house cricket — will be given the green light for human cons

This is soon to be followed by further approval for the sale and consumption of the larval form of Alphitobius diaperionus — also known as the lesser mealworm — which will be given the green light for human consumption in frozen, paste, dried and powder forms within the European Union later this week.

The new insect-based products for human consumption represent the latest push by the European Union to normalise the consumption of bugs through legislation, with many bigwigs from a variety of organisations pushing insects as a food item for both economic and environmental reasons in recent years.

In a press release confirming the approval of the insect products, the EU emphasises that while it is “up to consumers to decide whether they want to eat insects or not”, the bug-based food can serve as an “alternate source of protein”, with the bloc being keen the emphasise that many bugs are already eaten in other parts of the world.

The union also emphasises that both approved products “are safe under the uses and use levels” and “do not pose any risk to human health” so long as they are produced and consumed as outlined as provided for by the bloc.

“Food safety is the top priority for the commission,” Der Spiegel reports a spokesman for the European Commission in relation to the approval.

Report: China’s Coronavirus Crisis May Worsen U.S. Drug Shortages

The U.S. is already facing a shortage of prescription drugs, and industry analysts said this week it could become much worse due to China’s massive coronavirus outbreak, which is both increasing Chinese drug consumption and reducing output from manufacturers.

The South China Morning Post (SCMP) explained on Tuesday that seasonal respiratory infections are combining with the remnants of the Chinese coronavirus pandemic to increase demand for various medicines, while coronavirus-related labor shortages are hobbling factories in China, a major supplier of pharmaceuticals. 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has identified 120 drugs in short supply, while a study from the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists puts the number at 160. The situation improved somewhat in January, but shortages remain uncomfortably close to the all-time highs reported in 2020, the first year of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.


Classified Documents Discovered at Home of Former Vice President Mike Pence

Documents with classification markings were found at Mike Pence’s home, lawyers for the former vice president say.

A “small number of documents” marked classified were found on Jan. 16 at Pence’s home in Indiana, Greg Jacob, one of the lawyers, informed the National Archives and Records Administration in a Jan. 18 letter obtained by The Epoch Times.

The discovery came when Pence engaged outside counsel to review the records stored at the residence, according to the former vice president’s team. Pence opted for the review after learning classified documents were found at one of President Joe Biden’s residences. Before that, documents with classification markings were located at the Florida home of former President Donald Trump.

Once the outside counsel identified materials with classification markings, Pence “immediately secured those documents in a locked safe pending further direction on proper handling from the National Archives,” Jacob said, asking the Archives for assistance in transferring the materials to the agency.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre declined to comment on the discovery during a briefing in Washington. “Unable to comment on that,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said during an unrelated press conference.

TSA Seizes Passport Of Turning Point USA Journalist Returning From Davos

Morgonn McMichael is a full-time journalist and Ambassador with Turning Point USA in Tempe, Arizona. She travelled to Davos, Switzerland to cover the World Economic Forum, but on her return trip, she learned that her name had been added to a TSA list that resulted in her being detained and searched at five different security checkpoints, including her destination at Phoenix International Airport.

Her bio on the TPUSA website states:

As an Ambassador, Morgonn has consistently gone above and beyond to empower and inspire America’s next generation of young conservative female leaders through patriotic online video content that has continuously amassed over 100,000 unique impressions every week on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and more. 

Furthermore, Morgonn has gone on to speak at a number of our TPUSA chapters across the country, was featured on a breakout panel at this year’s Student Action Summit, and has been a guest commentator on Newsmax, Real America’s Voice, OAN, Breitbart, and more.

There will undoubtedly be more details on her story, but she has clearly been targeted by some Technocrat within the government who wants to send a message to all journalists who would dare to be critical of the WEF’s narrative. This is one of the most egregious violations of First Amendment rights in recent times.

McCarthy Appoints Detractors to Key House Committee After Speaker Stando

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has selected two of the 20 Republican holdouts who delayed his election as speaker to serve on the House Rules Committee.

Reps. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), both members of the staunchly conservative House Freedom Caucus, will serve on the influential panel.

McCarthy announced the committee memberships in a Jan. 23 Twitter post.

“Under Dem control, House committees were used to target political opponents and reward allies at the expense of addressing the country’s concerns. That ends now,” he wrote. “These Republican members will work to shift power back to the American people through their respective committees.”

After initially opposing McCarthy through the first 12 rounds of voting in the speakership election, both Roy and Norman eventually switched their votes in his favor after the California Republican agreed to several key concessions, including the appointment of more hardline conservatives to the Rules Committee.

Other Republicans selected for the panel include Committee Chairman Tom Cole (R-Okla.) and Reps. Michael Burgess (R-Texas), Guy Reschenthaler (R-Penn.), Michelle Fischbach (R-Minn.), Erin Houchin (R-Ind.), Nick Langworthy (R-N.Y.), and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.).

Massie, who supported McCarthy for speaker, is not a Freedom Caucus member but is a conservative libertarian who often votes contrary to his Republican colleagues.

Debt Ceiling Fight Illustrates Corporate Interests’ Waning Influence over GOP

The looming debt ceiling stand-off between lawmakers in Washington, DC, is evidence of corporate America’s waning influence over an increasingly populist Republican Party.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced last week that the United States had hit its debt limit of $31.3 trillion and estimated the Treasury would be able to use “extraordinary measures” until June to keep the country from defaulting on its exorbitant runaway debt.

Republicans desire spending cuts – something Democrats do not want – to offset raising the ceiling. President Joe Biden has said he would not negotiate with GOP on the matter, even though he acknowledged last week that politicians “need to focus on making sure we do not accumulate more debt.” Press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated Biden’s stance on Tuesday, saying that the ceiling should be raised “without conditions,” as the Washington Post’s Tony Romm noted.

Corporate America, which has had the ear of Republican politicians for decades, is pressuring lawmakers to raise the ceiling by the deadline. But Republicans, who have gradually abandoned corporate interests in favor of the interests of working-class constituents in recent years, are not as beholden to entities like corporate lobbyists as they once were, before former President Donald Trump’s populist agenda began transforming the GOP, as a pair of consultants outlined to NBC News.

“The importance and sway that many big business groups had at one point is no longer important to the folks on the far right that we saw in the speakership fight,” said one of the consultants who did not want to be identified as he or she works with these corporate interests. The consultant added that “nothing the Chamber of Commerce or a Fortune 500 CEO or anyone aside from maybe Donald Trump says is going to sway them.”

Rep. Jeffries Nominates Schiff, Swalwell for Intelligence Committee Despite McCarthy’s Vows of Removal

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) has nominated Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) for seats on the House Intelligence Committee, despite Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-Calif.) repeated promises to keep them off that panel.

In the last Congress, Schiff served as chairman of the committee. Swalwell was also a member.

“I write today to submit for renomination two eminently qualified legislators to continue their service on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Ranking Member Adam Schiff and Representative Eric Swalwell of California,” Jeffries wrote in a Jan. 21 letter (pdf) to McCarthy.

“It is my understanding that you intend to break with the longstanding House tradition of deference to the minority party Intelligence Committee recommendations and deny seats to Ranking Member Schiff and Representative Swalwell,” he continued. “The denial of seats to duly elected Members of the House Democratic Caucus runs counter to the serious and sober mission of the Intelligence Committee.”

According to the rules (pdf) of the House of Representatives, the speaker “shall appoint all select, joint, and conference committees ordered by the House” and may remove and appoint additional members after an initial appointment. The House Intelligence Committee is a permanent select committee.

No more than 13 members on the panel can be of the same party, and while the rules do not require the speaker to defer to the minority leader’s nominees, traditionally, that has been the case.

Josh Hawley Introduces ‘PELOSI Act’ to Ban Congress from Trading Stocks

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) has introduced the “PELOSI Act” which would ban members of Congress, as well as their family members, from holding or trading stocks.

The legislation, known as the Preventing Elected Leaders from Owning Securities and Investments (PELOSI) Act, references former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) who was called out last year after her husband, Paul Pelosi, bought up to $5 million in stock in a semiconductor company right as the Senate was passing legislation to massively subsidize the semiconductor industry.

Ghislane Maxwell on Jeffrey Epstein’s Death: ‘I Believe That He Was Murdered’

Former socialite and convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell told Britain’s Talk TV in a jailhouse interview that she believes her former associate and disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein was murdered.

Epstein, who was facing multiple charges of sex trafficking of minors, was found dead in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York City in August 2019.

His death was officially ruled as a suicide by hanging, but there has been widespread speculation about the cause. For instance, a forensic pathologist hired by Epstein’s brother said multiple fractures found in his neck were “very unusual in suicidal hangings” and more consistent with strangulation.

Seattle Medical Examiner Running Out of Space to Store Bodies Due to Fentanyl Overdoses: Official

The health director of the Washington county that encompasses Seattle confirmed the medical examiner’s office is struggling to store bodies due to rampant fentanyl overdoses across the city.

“A key indication of just how bad things are at the end of 2022, and likely to get worse and 2023, the medical examiner’s office is now struggling with the issue of storing bodies because the fentanyl-related death toll continues to climb,” Seattle-King County Public Health Director Dr. Faisal Khan said during a board meeting last week, captured on video by conservative local radio host Jason Rantz.

Khan noted that the King County Medical Examiner’s Office is “now struggling with the issue of storing bodies because the fentanyl-related death toll continues to climb” due to the “finite space in the coolers they use and that space is now being exceeded on a regular basis.”

His remarks came during a King County Board of Health meeting on Jan. 19. A dashboard provided by King County shows that 2022 saw the highest number of fentanyl poisonings—686—as compared with 2021, where only 385 fentanyl overdoses were confirmed.

“When the final review of fatal overdoses is completed in the upcoming weeks, I fear that 2022 will set another heartbreaking record for fatal overdoses in King County. It will more than double the number of lives lost compared to just three years ago, in 2019,” Khan said during last week’s meeting.

A spokesperson for Public Health—Seattle & King County told Rantz’s show on KTTH that officials “have options for temporary morgue surge capacity when our census count gets high, including storing decedents on autopsy gurneys and partnerships with funeral homes.”

“We’re exploring longer-term options for adding more capacity,” the spokesperson said.

Wife of ex-congressional candidate charged with 52 counts of voter fraud

The wife of a northwestern Iowa county supervisor has been charged with 52 counts of voter fraud for her actions during her husband’s failed bid to run for Congress in 2020, the Department of Justice said Thursday.

Driving the news: Kim Phuong Taylor, of Sioux City, Iowa, allegedly filled out and forced others to submit dozens of voter registrations, ballot request forms and absentee ballots that had false information as her husband sought the Republican nomination for the state’s 4th U.S. Congressional District, the DOJ said.

  • Taylor allegedly signed documents for voters without their permission and allegedly told voters that they could sign documents for relatives who weren’t present, according to the DOJ.
  • She faces 26 counts of providing false information in registering and voting, as well as three counts of registration fraud and 23 counts of fraudulent voting.
  • Taylor, if convicted, faces a maximum penalty of five years for each count, the DOJ said.

Context: Her husband, Jeremy Taylor, is a former Iowa House member who finished third in a race for the Republican nomination for Iowa’s 4th U.S. Congressional District seat, the Associated Press reports. The winner, Randy Feenstra, was elected to Congress in November 2022.

  • Jeremy Taylor, who represents District 5 on the Woodbury County board, is not accused of any wrongdoing, per the Sioux City Journal. He is up for reelection in 2024.

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem to Pharmacists: Dispensing Abortion Pills Is a Felony

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) and state Attorney General Marty Jackley sent a letter to pharmacists on Tuesday warning them that despite the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rule change around mifepristone, dispensing abortion pills is illegal in the state.

“In 2022, the United States Supreme Court held that there is no federal constitutional right to an abortion. In doing so, all abortions became illegal in the State of South Dakota, except those necessary to save the life of the mother. This prohibition includes chemical abortions,” the letter reads. “In South Dakota, any person who administers, prescribes, or procures for any pregnant female any medicine or drug with the intent to induce an abortion is guilty of a felony.” 


Breitbart Business Digest: Economic Slump Signs Are Spreading

Another one bites the dust.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond said Tuesday that the Fifth District Survey of Manufacturing Activity’s index dropped deep into negative territory, falling to the lowest level since May of 2020.

The composite index fell to minus 11 in January, significantly worse than the minus 3 consensus forecast of analysts surveyed by Econoday.  All three components of the headline index—shipments, new orders, and employment—declined.

US government sues Google

President Joe Biden’s administration has accused the Big Tech giant of abusing its dominance of the online advertising business

Google has used “anti-competitive, exclusionary” practices to illegally crush or diminish any major threats to its dominance over the online advertising industry, President Joe Biden’s administration has alleged in a lawsuit against the company.

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) filed its antitrust lawsuit against Google on Tuesday in US District Court in Alexandria, Virginia, calling for the company to be forced to sell off parts of its advertising business. Advertising accounts for about 80% of the Big Tech behemoth’s revenue.

Google owns dominant services enabling customers to offer advertising space, create better ads and match publishers with advertisers. The company has leveraged its size and reach to buy out or disrupt “actual or potential” competitors and to leave advertisers and websites little choice but to use its services, the lawsuit alleged.

Solari Report: Ways To Stop Central Bank Digital Currencies

Many subscribers and readers of the Solari Report have asked how they can stop the implementation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the U.S. and other countries. It is important to recognize that there is a great deal that each one of us can do to take action. In a highly leveraged financial system such as we have, a single individual counts for a lot.

Here are actions that each of us can take:

(1) USE CASH whenever possible—and let everyone know why you are using cash. Walk out on establishments that refuse to accept cash. When using remote facilities where cash is not possible, use checks if you can. We understand from one subscriber that check companies are scrambling to fill the orders of all of the bank customers who have requested checks recently. Whether the indicator is banking statistics or anecdotal reports from our subscribers, cash use is clearly rising.

(2) NURTURE ANALOG. We want a healthy balance of digital and analog transaction options. What we do not want is an all-digital system—whether it is CBDCs or all of the other digital mechanisms. Some digitization is both healthy and efficient, but an all-digital system—with regards to virtually anything—is vulnerable to central control and manipulation. Roll back your use of digital systems, avoid biometric technology as much as possible, and don’t use QR codes! Get invasive surveillance systems out of your home. Use hard-wired Internet connections, not Wi-Fi, and find other ways to Loosen Technology’s Grip on Your Mind. While you are at it, refuse to use or support vaccine passports (see 22 Ways to Stop Vaccine ID Passports).

(3) SEEK INTEGRITY. Transact with people of integrity, even if to do so appears to cost more. In the end, fraudsters and others who contribute to unhealthy systems through their own greed or lust for power cause untold losses. All those little expenses related to transacting with integrity can end up being lifesavers if the alternative is you having assets in Madoff and Lehman Brothers.

(4) BANK AT AN INTIMATE SCALE. Find a good, well-managed local bank or credit union for your banking business (see How to Find a Good Local Bank). Talk to your bankers to educate them about the dangers to you and the bank of a CBDC system. See our template letter, which you can share with your bank, modifying it to include your own individual circumstances and CBDC-related concerns.

(5) FINANCE YOUR FRIENDS, NOT YOUR ENEMIES. Start reducing your number of online and digital financial transactions and evolve away whenever possible from relying on or investing in the fintech and credit card companies that are financing and promoting digital IDs, vaccine or health passports, and CBDCs. Financing your local farmer or farm distribution service may not look like a great money-maker, but it means you will have a better chance of not being cornered into eating insects and lab-grown meat.

(6) SUPPORT STATE OFFICIALS WHO SUPPORT FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Ask your state legislators to start a sovereign state bank like the Bank of North Dakota to protect your right to free financial transactions. Make sure it is a sovereign bank that supports (and does not and cannot compete with) private community banks and credit unions, and helps to ensure they can provide free private financial transactions.

While you are at it, ask them to start a state bullion depository. Then, in the worst-case scenario, you can use your gold and silver as a local currency (if your state has been smart enough to cancel sales tax on precious metals—if not, that’s another matter to bring up with state legislators).


NASA teams up with Pentagon for atomic spaceships

DARPA will work with the US space agency to develop a nuclear-powered Mars vessel

The US space agency announced on Tuesday that it was reviving a 1960s partnership with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), aiming to develop a nuclear-powered spaceship for travel to the moon and Mars.

“NASA will work with our long-term partner, DARPA, to develop and demonstrate advanced nuclear thermal propulsion technology as soon as 2027,” Administrator Bill Nelson said, adding that the two agencies will “ignite the future, together.”

While NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) will be in charge of the “technical development for the nuclear thermal engine,” the Pentagon’s research branch will be the main contractor for developing the reactor and the engine. The future vessel was dubbed the Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations, or DRACO.

NASA and DARPA hope to have an “in-space demonstration” of the spaceship and the engine “as early as 2027.”

DARPA director Stefanie Tompkins noted that the two agencies have a “long history of fruitful collaboration,” from the Saturn V rocket used by the 1960s Apollo moon program to satellite refueling in modern times.

The DRACO program will enable “leap-ahead advances in space technology” in a domain that is “critical to modern commerce, scientific discovery, and national security,” Tompkins added.

Joe Allen: Vaxxbots Are A Virus Of The Mind

In 1986, the molecular engineer Eric Drexler released a mind virus with his book Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology. He described armies of microscopic robots built on the nanoscale (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter). These lil’ dudes would be smaller than blood cells and able to self-assemble into any imaginable form. Some are dream-like, others nightmarish.

Ray Kurzweil, the village elder of transhumanism, got obsessed with the idea. Tiny robots will swim through your bloodstream, he promised. They will deliver drugs, repair damaged tissues, or gnaw tumors down to nothing.

The nanobots will fill your brain and attach to every neuron. They will connect to the digital cloud, read and write your thoughts, and merge your mind with superhuman artificial intelligence. It’ll be a mini-me Singularity.

On the other hand, Eric Drexler warned that if self-replicating nanobots got out of control, they might convert everything in their path into more and more nanobots—including us—eventually covering the entire planet with a pulsating layer of micromachines.

Then it happened. As the dubious Covid jabs rolled out in 2020, mental images of nanobots started multiplying like viruses, turning millions of brains into gray goo. This undulating swarm has given me headaches ever since.

Today, there’s a thriving subculture of folks convinced that the Covid jabs contain tiny, molecular robots—or “vaxxbots,” as I call them. At this point, they’ve dreamt up every possible scenario. This crowd is super skeptical of official narratives—rightly so—but they’ll believe anything about vaxxbots. They’re the Flat Earthers of microbiology.

Not that I’m getting high and mighty here. You wouldn’t believe some of the dumb things I’ve thought were true. Hell, I wouldn’t believe the ones I still do.

In any case, if our medical establishment hadn’t lied through their teeth for the past three years, these alternate realities would never have mass appeal. But in the absence of official facts about the vaccines’ contents, their long-term effects, their ineffectiveness, and their serious dangers, a yawning void has opened where reliable information should be.

Report: Politically-Connected IBM Outsources More U.S. Tech Jobs to India

Multinational tech corporation IBM is reportedly outsourcing more United States-based tech jobs to lower-wage India as executives rake in enormous annual salaries.

IBM, with a long history of laying off older American employees to either outsource their jobs to a foreign country or replace them with foreign H-1B visa workers, has sent about 80 American developer jobs to India, according to The Register.


Sen. Josh Hawley to Introduce Bill Banning TikTok From US

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) is introducing legislation to ban social media app TikTok from distribution in the United States.

Hawley announced the bill on Twitter early Jan. 24, saying that the app gives China’s communist regime a means of violating the privacy of Americans, including children.

“TikTok is China’s backdoor into Americans’ lives,” Hawley said. “It threatens our children’s privacy as well as their mental health.”

“Last month Congress banned it on all government devices. Now I will introduce legislation to ban it nationwide.”

TikTok decried the move, saying that a ban on the app would not solve Hawley’s national security concerns.

Rand Paul: FBI Will only Be Reformed if We Remove and Replace Top 10% of the AgencyOn Tuesday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “Eric Bolling The Balance,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) argued that the FBI’s leadership has become a “political class” and that reforming the agency is “only going to happen if we get a president who gets rid of the top 10% and brings in some law enforcement people” who are not political actors.

Paul stated, “I think it’s swamp fever, Potomac fever. The ones closest to the swamp have become infected with influence and power and politics. I play golf with a retired FBI agent. He’s conservative. Most of the agents that I meet in the field are conservative. They’re typical law enforcement kind of people. … But really it’s the political class up here that is corruptible and [has] become very left-wing…these are the people infiltrating the FBI at the highest levels. We need a thorough cleaning. It’s only going to happen if we get a president who gets rid of the top 10% and brings in some law enforcement people from out in Kansas or Kentucky or someplace, people who truly are law enforcement people and let’s repopulate the FBI at the top with real law enforcement people, not politicians.”


Nattokinase degrades the Spike Protein

 For the longest time, I have been advocating Serrapeptase and consequently after a few weeks of research Nattokinase as prevention and treatment for any after-effects of a Covid infection. Mainly and mostly clots and avoiding the deposition of proteins inside your body (amyloid).

They also have potent anti-inflammatory properties among many other health benefits, in fact, I got my idea of extreme high dosing Serra from a tweet lady that controlled her autoimmune disease with an insanely high (1 million IU) dosage.

> Study: Degradative Effect of Nattokinase on Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2

—> Power Mall Product of Importance: Blockbuster AllClear

  • Proteolytic Enzymes and Antioxidant Formula
  • Powerful Blend of Proteolytic Enzymes and AntioxidantsBlockbuster® – Allclear combines Serrapeptase and Nattokinase, with digestive enzymes, antioxidants (Grapeseed Extract and Pine Bark Extract 95%) and much more.
  • Supports Arterial and Cardiovascular Health – When combined these enzymes can help target unwanted proteins and debris, such as fibrin and plaque, supporting internal cleansing and healing.
  • Includes 80,000iu of Serrapeptase Per Serving – For greater anti-inflammatory benefits and circulatory support.
  • Contains Nattokinase, a Potent Fibrinolytic Enzyme – Extracted from ‘natto’ the Japanese fermented soybean, Nattokinase has a long history of use for its cardiovascular health benefits. It has properties closely resembling plasmin, involved in breaking down thrombus and unwanted clotting.
  • Support for Female Reproductive Health – Recommended for women with reproductive health issues, such as fibroids and endometriosis, as it may help to clear inflammation and support the healing process.
  • Suitable for Vegetarians and Vegans

Health Care — A Monopoly of Monsters

Americans pay twice as much for their health care yet get the worst care of any developed Western nation. And, while other countries guarantee treatment regardless of income, treatment in the U.S. depends on whether you can afford costly health insurance, or have a job that provides it

Nearly 70% of Americans support a Medicare for all scheme over the current health insurance system and making health care affordable was the second-highest priority of Americans in a 2022 poll. Medicaid will terminate benefits for an estimated 15 million Americans once the public health emergency ends

One of the reasons why U.S. health care is so exorbitantly expensive is because it’s a conglomerate of monopolies. This results in higher costs while discouraging innovation and efficiency optimization

Strategies that could lower costs and improve care include leveraging economies of scale, offering hospital services seven days a week, and providing at-home health care services

Another thing that could go a long way toward improving medical outcomes and lowering patient costs is banning drug ads, especially in electronic health record (EHR) systems and patient portals, as such ads drive up costs and result in poor prescribing decisions that put patients at risk

FDA Gives Accelerated Approval for Risky Alzheimer’s Pill

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval for the Alzheimer’s disease drug lecanemab (Leqembi)

The drug, a monoclonal antibody, binds to amyloid beta in the brain

The most common reactions included amyloid-related imaging abnormalities, or ARIA, which involves swelling and bleeding in the brain that can be life-threatening. During the trial, ARIA occurred more often in people with the APOE4 gene, which is considered to be the strongest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease

Amyloid beta may be a symptom of Alzheimer’s — not the cause — and could even have a protective role in the disease process

This means drugs that work by reducing amyloid beta may be missing the problem entirely, putting patients at risk of serious adverse events for little to no benefit

Are Seed Oils Behind the Majority of Diseases This Century?

Ophthalmologist Dr. Chris Knobbe says most chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease and macular degeneration are linked to the consumption of processed seed oils

Knobbe says the large consumption of omega-6 seed oil in everyday Western diets is so dangerous it is “a global human experiment … without informed consent”

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, also called PUFAs, found in vegetable oils, edible oils, seed oils, trans fat and plant oils, owe their existence to “roller mill technology,” which replaced stone mill technology and removed their nutrients

Many people now consume 80 grams of PUFAs a day, which amounts to 720 calories and one-third of their caloric intake

Results from studies of tribal peoples and animals have demonstrated the deleterious effects of PUFAs in the diet


Pakistan suffers major power outage after grid failure

Islamabad: Pakistan suffered country-wide power cuts early on Monday due to a major breakdown in its national grid, the federal energy ministry said.

“According to initial information, at about 7:34 AM (local time) today, the National Grid experienced a loss of frequency, that caused a major breakdown. A swift work is on to revive the system,” the ministry said in a statement.


Email from listener: Among all the many radio shows and videos about preparedness, I have never heard of an important survival aspect mentioned: STAYING REGULAR

It’s likely that, in many survival situations, diets will be changeable, and drinkable water (essential for regularity) may not always be available in quantity.

So it might be worth mentioning to have

storable keep-things-moving items on the survival shelf.

A couple that come to mind are uncooked oat bran and uncooked flaxseed meal.

Uncooked because the ground up arils (shells) are going to do a better job of scrubbing than if cooked.  I find that instead of cooking, pouring a bit of olive oil over the ground up product makes for a tasty dish and the oil itself may help regularity a little.

There are many other ideas.  Those which are good for long term storage may be best for this purpose.

-Eleanor White


Probiotic foods contain friendly bacteria that helps aid in your digestive health. Foods that contain probiotics include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and tempeh.


Prebiotics work hand in hand with probiotics to aid in your digestive health. Prebiotics come from the fibers of certain fruits and vegetables, including bananas, apples, garlic, and onion.

High-Fiber Foods  

Foods high in fiber help to relieve constipation and move your bowels normally. Some good, digestive-friendly, high-fiber foods include berries, popcorn, beans, dried fruit, and whole grains.


Nuts are not only a good source of fiber, but they are a good source of healthy fats, which can help keep your digestive system lubricated. Almonds contain the most fiber. While walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, when purchasing, make sure they are raw and unsalted.


Seeds can be a powerful tool when it comes to encouraging bowel movements. Studies have shown that eating flax seed can increase bowel movements by one third, and many report that chia seeds reduce their symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome as well. Both of these seeds contain significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids as well as fiber, which is helpful for keeping you regular.


Certain herbs, such as aloe vera, are natural laxatives. Others, such as parsley, are natural diuretics, which help to increase water flow through the kidneys and push out germs and bacteria. Other herbs that keep you regular include psyllium and rhubarb.


One of the simplest ways to cure chronic constipation is to load up on water. If you are dehydrated, your large intestine soaks up water from your food waste, making it hard for you to go to the bathroom. Drinking water and other liquids helps prevent dry stools.


Coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. Along with increasing energy, caffeine may trigger contractions in your colon and intestinal muscles. This can lead to an easier bowel movement.

Using Magnesium Chloride as a Natural Laxative:

Magnesium chloride (TransDerma Minerals Magnesium used orally per Martin Pytella)

Magnesium chloride is a magnesium salt that includes chlorine — an unstable element that binds well with other elements, including sodium and magnesium, to form salts.

It’s well absorbed in your digestive tract, making it a great multi-purpose supplement. You can use it to treat low magnesium levels, heartburn, and constipation 

You can also keep a bottle of Oxy-Powder in your Emergency Arsenal 

Oxy-Powder is a safe and effective colon cleanse product that uses the power of oxygen to gently cleanse and detoxify your entire digestive tract and relieve bloating, gas and occasional constipation.


CDC Officials Who Spread Misinformation Apologized to Source of False Data but Not to Public: Emails

U.S. health officials who spread inflated COVID-19 child death data in public meetings apologized to the source of the false data but not to the public, newly obtained emails show.

Drs. Katherine Fleming-Dutra and Sara Oliver, with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), offered the false data in 2022 while U.S. officials weighed granting emergency authorization to COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months.

The study they cited for the data was published ahead of peer review by a group comprised primarily of British authors. The study was corrected after the public meetings.

Emails obtained by The Epoch Times showed that Fleming-Dutra and Oliver were alerted that they had spread misinformation. Neither the officials nor the CDC have informed the public of the false information. Newly obtained emails showed the officials apologized to Seth Flaxman, one of the study’s authors, and even offered to see whether the study could be published in the CDC’s quasi-journal.

“I feel … that we owe you an apology,” Oliver wrote to Flaxman on June 27, about 10 days after she and Fleming-Dutra falsely said there had been at least 1,433 deaths primarily attributed to COVID-19 in America among those 19 and younger. “We draw the attention of a variety of individuals with the ACIP meetings, and apologize that you got caught in it this time.”

“I am also sorry that you got pulled into the attention around the VRBPAC and ACIP meetings,” Fleming-Dutra added. She had presented the data to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, which advises the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which advises the CDC.

Why Some People Never Become Infected With COVID-19

With the ongoing surge of COVID-19 infections in China, many are shocked by its scale and worried about a potential new wave hitting the rest of the world.

How can you better protect yourself if another wave does come to your region? Here, we take a close look into the factors impacting our antiviral immunity.

Some People Never Get Infected by Viruses

Looking at pandemics throughout history, one cannot ignore the impact of the Black Death, which swept through Europe and reduced the population in some areas by more than half. Yet some people never got sick.

Cholera assailed Europe, but some people stayed uninfected even though they ate the same contaminated food and drank the same cholera-tainted water.

Some doctors and nurses dedicated their lives to the leprous tribes, and yet they never had leprosy in their lives.

Two human challenge trials were done during the 1918 Spanish flu by two independent groups of doctors in Boston and San Francisco with 62 and 50 healthy volunteers, respectively.

Regardless of how many aggressive means were taken to try to infect people (even dropping mucus or bodily fluids from flu patients into the healthy volunteers’ eyes, noses, or throats), none of the participants became infected.


Report: University of Texas-Austin Creates Bureaucracy to Push Diversity Agenda

The University of Texas (UT) Austin has created an “entrenched bureaucracy” that exists to further the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) agenda, a recent report from the National Association of Scholars (NAS) found.

Titled “Comprehensive Restructuring – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at the University of Texas Austin,” the report found that the institution has created “an entrenched bureaucracy with an ever expanding ideological agenda.”


FACT CHECK: WH Press Sec. Falsely Claims ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Reduced Mass Shootings

CLAIM: White house press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed the result of the 1994-2004 “assault weapons” ban was that “mass shootings went down.”


Jean-Pierre opened Tuesday’s press conference by talking about the mass shootings that have been occurring in California, the state that has more gun control than any other state in the Union.

Ironically, one of California’s gun controls is an “assault weapons” ban.

Nevertheless, Jean-Pierre pushed for an “assault weapons” ban at the federal level, saying, “The last time we had an ‘assault weapons’ ban on the books, thanks to the President and Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) leadership, mass shootings actually went down.”

Jean-Pierre’s claim is 180 degrees out of sync with the information discovered and published by the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ).

Breitbart News reported the NIJ’s findings, which were originally published just as the “assault weapons” ban was coming to an end. The NIJ made clear that the ban could not be credited with any reduction in crime.

The Washington Times quoted University of Pennsylvania professor Christopher Koper, author of the NIJ report, saying, “We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence.”

The NIJ report continued, “The ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.” It put matters into perspective by pointing out that “assault weapons” were “rarely used in gun crimes even before the ban.”

Breitbart News noted on January 18, 2013, that “’assault weapons’ were tied to less than .012 per cent of overall deaths in America in recent years (2011)”. This point is poignant, in light of the NIJ report showing “assault weapons” were “rarely used” in crime to begin with. The guns are bulky and difficult to conceal, making them a bad choice for criminals seeking to avoid detection.

Also, the January 21 Monterey Park attacker used a pistol, and NBC Bay Area’s Christine Ni noted that the January 23 Half Moon Bay attacker appears to have used a handgun as well.

Jean-Pierre’s claim that the 1994-2004 “assault weapons” ban reduced mass shootings does not square with the Department of Justice’s NIJ report.

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