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Today's News: January 27, 2020

World News

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation & Others Predicted Up To 65 Million Deaths Via Coronavirus – In Simulation Ran 3 Months Ago!

Foundation also funded group who owns virus patent and is funding research for a vaccine to stop it from spreading
Infowars – The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-hosted a pandemic exercise in late 2019 that simulated a global coronavirus outbreak.
They also just happen to fund the group who owns the patent to the deadly virus and are working on a vaccine to solve the crisis.
On June 19, 2015, the UK government-funded Pirbright Institute filed an application for a patent for the live coronavirus, which was approved on Nov 20, 2018.
Suspiciously, a Pirbright Institute “primary funder” is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Specifically, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donated $189,232 to the Pirbright Institute in a 2013 grant looking “to improve our understanding of, and effective use of, current control tools and measures (including vaccines) against peste des petits ruminants and foot and mouth disease, two serious diseases affecting livestock that are widespread in developing countries.”
Then, in November of 2019, the Pirbright Institute’s website published an article focusing on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s funding of “a Livestock Antibody Hub” to the sum of $5.5 million.
“The ambitious programme of work will see extensive collaboration between multiple UK research organisations in order to utilise research outcomes in livestock disease and immunology to support human health as part of the ‘One Health’ agenda,” the Pirbright Institute wrote last November.
Professor John Hammond, the lead researcher on the program, said, “New technology has given us the opportunity to utilise these detailed antibody responses to make the next generation of vaccines and therapies, which will improve animal health and ultimately human health, as well as ensuring the security of our food supply.”
Pirbright Institute Hires Coronavirus Expert To Work With Livestock Antibody Hub
Additionally, at the same time the Pirbright Institute announced the Livestock Antibody Hub program, they posted a job opening for a 4-year Postdoctoral Scientist position on LinkedIn.com.
The advertisement for the job opening explains, “The post-holder will report to the Heads of the Coronavirus Group and the Viral Oncogenesis Group work and will work closely with a multidisciplinary team to advance the aims of the overall Pirbright Livestock Antibody Hub.”
Keep in mind, this all took place prior to the current Wuhan coronavirus outbreak.
Bill And Melinda Gates Behind Global Pandemic Excercise Focusing On Coronavirus
Meanwhile, on Oct. 18, 2019, also before the outbreak, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the World Economic Forum co-hosted an event in NYC where “policymakers, business leaders, and health officials” worked together on a simulated coronavirus outbreak.
Titled the “Event 201” pandemic, the high-level pandemic exercise “dropped participants right in the midst of an uncontrolled coronavirus outbreak that was spreading like wildfire out of South America to wreak worldwide havoc.”
“In the simulation, CAPS (the coronavirus) resulted in a death toll of 65 million people within 18 months,” according to John Hopkins University.
A video highlight reel from the event shows fictional newscasters from “GNN” discuss how the hypothetical immune-resistant virus (nicknamed CAPS) was crippling trade and travel, sending the global economy into freefall.
It just so happens that a professor from Imperial College London recently warned the coronavirus has the same kill rate as the Spanish flu, which claimed the lives of 20-50 million people in 1918.
Event 201 Promotes Globalism As Solution To Pandemic
In the video, Tom Inglesby of the John Hopkins Center For Health Security promoted globalism as a solution, saying, “there are problems emerging that can only be solved by global business and governments working together.”

Coronavirus: How worried should we be?

BBC – A virus – previously unknown to science – is causing severe lung disease in China and has also been detected in other countries.
More than 80 people are known to have died from the virus, which appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December.
There are already almost 3,000 confirmed cases, and experts expect the number will keep rising.
A new virus arriving on the scene, leaving patients with pneumonia, is always a worry and health officials around the world are on high alert.
Can this outbreak be contained or is this something far more dangerous?

Is China hiding just how bad coronavirus is?

Metro – The official death toll from the coronavirus outbreak in China has risen to at least 25 with the number of people infected soaring to 830. But experts outside of China believe that figure could be much higher. This week, researchers at Imperial College London’s MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis put the number of cases in the epicentre of Wuhan alone anywhere between 1,000 and 9,700 infected and showing symptoms by January 18. Videos have now begun to appear on Chinese social media sites with those posting claiming they have been filmed in Wuhan. The footage, which we are unable to verify, appears to show people collapsing on the ground on pavements, on roads and even, one man in a hospital ward. The videos are now being widely shared on Western social media as fears surrounding the global spread of Wuhan coronavirus grow. In some of the disturbing videos allegedly filmed in Wuhan, medics in hazmat suits are seen rushing in to help those who have collapsed.

Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus

Orthomolecular Medicine News Service – The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades. There has been a lack of media coverage of this effective and successful approach against viruses in general, and coronavirus in particular.
It is very important to maximize the body’s anti-oxidative capacity and natural immunity to prevent and minimize symptoms when a virus attacks the human body. The host environment is crucial. Preventing is obviously easier than treating severe illness. But treat serious illness seriously. Do not hesitate to seek medical attention. It is not an either-or choice. Vitamin C can be used right along with medicines when they are indicated.
“I have not seen any flu yet that was not cured or markedly ameliorated by massive doses of vitamin C.”
(Robert F. Cathcart, MD)
The physicians of the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service and the International Society for Orthomolecular Medicine urge a nutrient-based method to prevent or minimize symptoms for future viral infection.
The following inexpensive supplemental levels are recommended for adults; for children reduce these in proportion to body weight:
Vitamin C: 3,000 milligrams (or more) daily, in divided doses.
Vitamin D3: 2,000 International Units daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)
Magnesium: 400 mg daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)
Zinc: 20 mg daily
Selenium: 100 mcg (micrograms) daily
Vitamin C, Vitamin , magnesium, zinc, and selenium have been shown to strengthen the immune system against viruses.
The basis for using high doses of vitamin C to prevent and combat virus-caused illness may be traced back to vitamin C’s early success against polio, first reported in the late 1940s. Many people are unaware, even surprised to learn this. Further clinical evidence built up over the decades, leading to an anti-virus protocol published in 1980.
It is important to remember that preventing and treating respiratory infections with large amounts of vitamin C is well established. Those who believe that vitamin C generally has merit, but massive doses are ineffective or somehow harmful, will do well to read the original papers for themselves. To dismiss the work of these doctors simply because they had success so long ago sidesteps a more important question: Why has the benefit of their clinical experience not been presented to the public by responsible governmental authorities, especially in the face of a viral pandemic?
Power Mall Products of Interest: 
Purely-C – 90 capsules
Vitamin D3 5,000 IU – 100 Capsules
Pro-Mag X (Magnesium Re-Natured) – 60CT
Zinc & Copper Re-Natured – 60 CT
Selenium & Amino Acid Complex Re-Natured Tablets – 60 CT

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Helicopter carrying Kobe Bryant made climbing turn before rapid dive

ESPN – The helicopter carrying Kobe Bryant and eight other passengers that crashed into a hillside in Southern California on Sunday was in a climbing left turn about 2,400 feet high before it dove to the ground, a person familiar with preliminary investigative information about the fatal crash told ESPN.
The source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told ESPN that the pilot had, only moments before, contacted air traffic controllers to say that he had begun a climb to “go above the layer” of clouds present.
The chopper went down in Calabasas, about 30 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles, after departing John Wayne Airport in Orange County at 9:06 a.m. PT. The first 911 call reporting the crash was received at 9:47 a.m.

Drag Queens Plan Protest at State Capitol Against Bill That Would Jail Librarians for Displaying Age-Inappropriate Material

Newsweek – Drag queens nationwide are planning a large rally at Missouri’s state capitol on March 7 in protest of a bill proposed by a state representative who wants to jail librarians who choose to host drag queen story hours—or allow children to take lgbtq-themed books out of the library.
To Republican Missouri State Representative Ben Baker, the Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act is a matter of safety. “The main thing is, I want to be able to take my kids to a library and make sure they’re in a safe environment, and that they’re not gonna be exposed to something that is objectionable material,” said Baker to KOAM-TV. “Unfortunately, there are some libraries in the state of Missouri that have done this. And that’s a problem.”
“That’s where in a public space, our kids could be exposed to something that’s age-inappropriate. That’s what I’m trying to tackle,” he said to the Kansas City Star.
Under the Parental Oversight of Public Libraries Act, books with “age-inappropriate sexual material” would be moved to an age-restricted area of the library, and no child would be able to check them out. All books intended for children would be subject to review by a five person panel elected by voters who would decide what is appropriate for children to read at public hearings. The panel would also regulate library events.
Librarians who defy the law will be subject to jail time up to a year or fined $500, and libraries who refuse to form panels will be subject to having their access to state funding removed.
“The main thing that I’ve heard is that I want to ban books or ban content or censor content, and that’s not the case. I just think that there’s a line between what is open and available access for our children,” Baker told KOAM-TV. “If the adult wanted to, and said I’m okay with my child reading this or looking at this, then they could check that out, and have that available for their child. I just think that we need to be careful about funding something with our taxpayer dollars without parental consent.”

George Soros, 89, is still on a quest to destroy America

Washington Times – George Soros is 89 years old, but by gosh, before he dies, he’s going to see to the internal destruction of America.
At least that’s how it seems.
How else can we listen to his words in Davos, Switzerland, track his funding of American political races and pay attention to what he says about President Donald Trump, capitalism, and the leftist causes he backs and the leftist Open Society Foundations he runs, and come to any other conclusion?
In the last few years, Soros has taken to trying to take over local law enforcement agencies by pumping massive amounts of money into candidates he favors in key district attorney races.
“George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the US justice system,” Politico reported, way back in August of 2016.
It continues in present day.
“PAC funded by George Soros pumps nearly $1 million into local races for prosecutor,” The Washington Post reported in June, about the money from the Justice and Public Safety PAC that went to the left-leaners of both Arlington County, Virginia, and Fairfax County, Virginia, commonwealth’s attorney races.’

“We All Knew About Epstein” Admits Cindy McCain – Who Did Nothing About It

ZeroHedge – Sen. John McCain’s widow says “everyone” knew about Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring, but were “afraid” to do anything about it.
“Epstein was hiding in plain sight,” said McCain, during an appearance at the State of the World 2020 conference in Florida, according to the Washington Examiner.
“We all knew about him. We all knew what he was doing, but we had no one that was — no legal aspect that would go after him. They were afraid of him. For whatever reason, they were afraid of him.”
McCain said a girl from her daughter’s high school was one of Epstein’s victims and that she hopes Epstein “is in hell.”
Epstein’s massive wealth and his connections to powerful politicians and celebrities allowed him to continue trafficking young women and girls long after many had exposed his devious interests.
Dr. Barbara Sampson, the New York City medical examiner, said Epstein died by suicide at a Manhattan federal detention facility last August. His death and the circumstances surrounding it have created controversy after the former medical examiner of New York, Dr. Michael Baden, told 60 Minutes that he believes Epstein was murdered. –Washington Examiner

Pete Buttigieg Tells Pro-Life Democrat He Supports Party’s Position Against Pro-Lifers

Daily Caller – Indiana’s Mayor Pete Buttigieg told a pro-life Democrat that he agreed with the party platform that left no room for her.
Buttigieg made the comments during a Sunday evening town hall with Fox’s Chris Wallace, in response to a question about allowing for more inclusive language in the party’s official platform. 
A woman introduced as Kristen Day from Oakton, Virginia, took the microphone and said, “I’m a proud pro-life Democrat. Do you want the support of pro-life Democratic voters? There are 21 million of us. And if so, would you support more moderate platform language to insure the party of diversity and inclusion does include everybody?”
Buttigieg responded by saying that he respected her point of view and hoped to earn her vote, but that he had to present his own views honestly. “I’m not going to try to earn your vote by tricking you,” he said. “I am pro-choice. I believe a woman ought to be able to make that decision.”
“If we can’t agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw the line,” Buttigieg continued. “In my view it’s the woman faced with that decision in her own life.”
Wallace jumped in then to note that President Donald Trump had, just days earlier, become the first sitting president to attend and speak at the March for Life.
“He didn’t answer the second part of my question,” Day protested. “The Democratic platform contains language that says we don’t belong. We have no part in the party because it says abortion should be legal up to months and the government should pay for it. And it doesn’t say people with diversity of views should be included in the party.”
Day went on to suggest that a party which prided itself on diversity and being a “big tent” party should be willing to make allowances to include everyone. “Would you be open on language like that in the Democratic platform saying we are diverse and inclusive and we want everybody?” she asked.
“I support the position of my party that this kind of medical care needs to be available to everyone,” Buttigieg responded.
(RELATED: Bloomberg Passes Buttigieg In RCP Betting Odds, Could Blow Past Warren Next)

Discussions on consent to be mandatory in Illinois sex ed classes starting in January

WGN – Every 92 seconds an American is sexually assaulted, according to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. RAINN also says that 8 out of 10 rapes committed are by someone the victim knows.
Those two statistics are two reasons Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a new bill into law that tackles the definition of consensual sex.
The governor is ensuring that when sex education is taught in the classroom, the curriculum has a more than just anatomy included. Sex education will now include a mandatory discussion on consent.
Social activism including online, in communities and the #MeToo movement, have been putting pressure on politicians to address consent. Illinois now mandates kids in grades 6 through 12 to have an age appropriate discussion in school on the meaning of sexual consent.
Lee Dal Pra is a child therapist and teaches at the University of Chicago. She’s also the co-founder of Mind Chicago, which includes child and family therapy testing. She counsels children on everything from mood disorders to bullying and everything in between. During these tender middle school and high school years, Dal Pra said kids’ decision-making skills are still developing, and this is the right time to tackle the touchy subject.
“It’s a sensitive topic,” she said. “Some people are going to feel really strongly, others are going to be excited, others are going to be overwhelmed that this is in the schools, and that’s OK, everyone’s feelings are valid. We have to work together to figure out how we’re going to empower and give education to young people so they can be safe and keep other’s safe.”

Hillary Clinton leaves the Sundance premiere of her new bombshell documentary BEFORE the film starts

Daily Mail – Hillary Clinton swept in for the premiere of her much anticipated four-part documentary series at the Sundance Film Festival Saturday.
But she didn’t hang around to watch the film, leaving the theater by the back door before it started.
Clinton, accompanied by a secret service detail, arrived at The Ray Theater in Park City, Utah for the first screening of the film entitled Hillary.
The former Secretary of State was driven in a black GMC Yukon XL to the venue in a five vehicle convoy – but bizarrely left at around 2.30pm, before the film was screened at 3pm.
Clinton seemed in high spirits though as she left the venue via the rear entrance and DailyMail.com obtained exclusive photos of her as she stopped to pose for photos and take selfies with a small group of people.

Economy & Business

Trump to sign USMCA Wednesday

The Hill – President Trump plans to sign the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) into law next Wednesday at the White House.
The trade deal represents one of Trump’s most significant accomplishments during his first term as president, following through on a major campaign promise to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
Trump’s signing of the agreement on Jan. 29, which was first reported by Reuters and later confirmed by a White House spokesman, will offer the president an opportunity to take a victory lap highlighting the achievement.
The signing ceremony is also likely to take place at a time Trump’s impeachment trial will still be occurring in the Senate, and will provide a bit of counter-programming to those proceedings.
The USMCA passed with considerable bipartisan support in both the House and Senate. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the president pro tempore of the Senate, signed the legislation on Wednesday, sending it to Trump’s desk.
The deal marks one of two trade achievements that the president has heralded in recent weeks; the signing will come just two weeks after the president celebrated a “phase one” trade pact with China at an event at the White House.

Science & Technology

DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: It’s controversial, yes, but I believe we should ban IVF babies

Daily Mail – Ever since Louise Brown, the world’s first ‘test-tube baby’, was born in 1978, medical science has made incredible progress in developing techniques to help couples who are struggling to conceive.
These advances have bred a perception that conception is a right rather than a blessing — as well as throwing up a raft of increasingly complex ethical issues.
This week, we were provided with another.
While around 2,000 babies are born each year as a result of sperm donation, ever stricter regulation of the sector — including the child’s right to know its biological father — means there is a growing shortage of willing donors.
In an attempt to address this problem, the Journal Of Medical Ethics is proposing a scheme by which sperm is obtained from the bodies of dead men.
Sperm can be harvested from corpses by electrical stimulation of the prostate, and the authors of the article say this would be ‘morally permissible’ if the donor had opted-in to such a scheme before their death — just as some organ donors currently do.
I am sure I’m not the only one who sees something sinister in this — and in the host of ethical issues it raises.
Supporters of the proposal say that sperm donation is no different from organ donation.
Except it is. Donating an organ doesn’t result in another human being coming into the world.
What about the psychological impact for a child who is conceived in this way?
While children conceived using the sperm of a live donor have a legal right to seek out their biological father, children conceived using the sperm of a dead man will never get to meet their father. This has the potential to bring up all sorts of complex — and mostly unanswerable questions — for the child as he or she grows up.

General Dynamics Releases New Video Of Its Next-Generation Assault Rifle

ZeroHedge – General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems, a business unit of General Dynamics, tweeted a new video of its next-generation assault rifle.
Defense Blog said General Dynamics is developing the weapon for the Army’s Next Generation Squad Weapon – Automatic Rifle (NGSR-AR) program.
The NGSR-AR is expected to replace the M249 squad automatic weapon, while the NGSW-R (Rifle) will replace M4 carbine.
NGSR-AR and NGSW-R are expected to replace the current field weapons in the next several years.
These new weapons are expected to include “sophisticated technologies such as ballistic calculation, intelligent targeting and tracking capabilities, wireless communication and advanced camera-based capabilities,” said Defense Blog.
We’ve noted before, NGSR-AR and NGSW-R’s firepower will be able to shoot at much greater distances, able to penetrate the world’s most advanced body armor. The weapons are expected to be lightweight and have reduced acoustic and flash signature.
Last week, the Special Operation Command (USSOCOM) granted Sig Sauer a safety certification for its new MG 338 Machine Gun, 338 Norma Mag Ammunition, and Next Generation Suppressors.
Last year, Textron Systems’ AAI Corporation delivered its next-generation machine gun to the Army that chambers a telescoped round between 6.5mm and 6.8mm and is expected to be another weapon that could replace either the M249 or M4 carbine.

Gardening, Farming & Homesteading

Florida Farm Grows Avocados Up to 3-Feet Long

Return to Now – “Long-neck” avocados grow up to 3 feet long, and they’re all organic, non-GMO.
South Florida is home to a secret variety of super long avocados called Pure Vida or “long-necks.”
A small farm called Miami Fruit has been growing and selling them at local farmers’ markets for years, but word just got out about them on social media.
On average they’re about a foot and a half long, but can grow up to 3 feet long and weigh up to 3 pounds. Sold by weight, they can cost as much as $47.
“Our long-neck avocados are thick, creamy, savory, and slightly sweet,” Miami Fruit co-founder Edelle Schlegel told NBC’s Today show.
Long-necks are generally only grown in South Florida, but not commercially, so they can’t be found in regular grocery stores, but luckily Miami Fruit ships these and other rare, exotic fruits all over the country. You can order them on their website https://miamifruit.org/


Cranberry Juice for Kidney Stones: Why It Works

Dr. Group – When Romie B’s husband Joey got kidney stones for the second time, she recognized the symptoms right away. “It hit him hard: severe pain, chills, vomiting, and of course, trouble urinating,” says Romie, who lives in Akron, Ohio. “The doctor said to drink a lot of water and cranberry juice for kidney stones until they pass.”
Romie herself had kidney stones in the past. She knew that before the stones pass, they can be painful — maybe the most uncomfortable thing most people feel in their lifetime, barring childbirth.
“Hopefully, as much as it hurts for Joey to pass the stones, he passes them sooner rather than later. I’m making sure he is drinking cranberry juice.” So what does cranberry do that helps with kidney stones? Read on to learn more.
What Are Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones are deposits — sometimes called calculi — that form in one or both of your kidneys.[1] Kidney stones are usually hard and develop when your urine becomes supersaturated with insoluble salts and minerals, like calcium, oxalate, or phosphate. They range from the size of sand grains to golf ball-sized stones. A kidney stone’s texture can be smooth or jagged.[1]
In the United States, one out of 11 people will get kidney stones at some point in their life.[2] About 5 to 10 percent of the population is genetically predisposed to develop them.
Usually, small kidney stones can pass through the urinary tract on their own. Larger stones, however, can get stuck and create issues, such as blocking urine flow from your kidney to your bladder — and causing extreme discomfort.[
How Cranberries Can Help Kidney Stones
Cranberries are a tart, red fruit that many people associate with Thanksgiving dinner. Although you’re used to seeing them in a sauce on the table during the holidays, cranberries have a long history in North America.[3, 4]
Native Americans used cranberry fruits and leaves for bladder, stomach, and other ailments.[4] Even today, cranberry juice is a well-known natural herbal remedy for urinary tract infections and other renal system conditions, including kidney stones.

Suicide Rate Jumps 40% Among Working-Age Americans

Newsmax – The suicide rate among Americans aged 16-64 rose by 40% from 2000 to 2017, according to a government report.
The CDC made its findings public on Friday, saying that nearly 38,000 Americans of working age took their own lives in 2017. That equaled 18 people out of every 100,000. In 2000, the rate was at 12.9 for every 100,000 people.
The study examined the suicide rate in various sectors of the economy; 54 men per 100,000 working in the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction industry committed suicide, the highest rate in the CDC data. Men in the construction industry were next, with a suicide rate of 45.3 per 100,000 workers.

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