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The Power Hour

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Today's News: January 29, 2018

World News
Afghanistan: Kabul Deadly Terrorist Attacks. US Embassy Had Foreknowledge
Global Research – The Intercontinental hotel in the heart of Afghanistan’s capital city Kabul was stormed by militants last Friday, with the intent to kill and shed blood, to portray an Afghanistan which is still at war. In the grisly attack, many private sector and government officials were burned to ashes and declared “missing” inside the building after the hired terrorists did their utmost to vandalize and maximize the death toll  It is worth noting that two days before the hotel disaster, the US embassy issued a warning to its citizens in Afghanistan about a likely armed raid on one of hotels in Kabul. Did it have Foreknowledge of the attack?
German shock at car exhaust tests on humans and monkeys
BBC – On Thursday the New York Times reported that the EUGT research was designed to counter a 2012 decision by the World Health Organization to classify diesel exhaust as a carcinogen.  It said that in 2014, EUGT had exposed 10 monkeys to fumes – in an air-tight chamber – from several cars, including a diesel VW Beetle. The testing took place at a lab in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Then at the weekend Germany’s Stuttgarter Zeitung and SWR radio reported that 19 men and six women had inhaled diesel fumes in another EUGT experiment.
Dozen Yemenis killed, scores wounded in Aden clashes
Al Jazeera – At least 12 people were killed and more than 130 wounded in clashes between government forces and southern separatists in Yemen’s coastal city of Aden, according to the health ministry.  The violence broke out after separatist forces loyal to the Southern Transitional Council (STC) reportedly seized the government headquarters in Aden on Sunday.
Idlib: Dozens killed in Syrian government air raids
Al Jazeera – At least 23 civilians have been killed in air raids launched by Syrian government warplanes as part of an ongoing offensive to gain ground in Idlib province from opposition fighters, according to a war monitor.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Andrew McCabe steps down as deputy FBI director
NY Post – Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe — one of President Trump’s top targets in his feud with the US law enforcement community — will step down effective immediately, NBC News reported on Monday.  The president has targeted McCabe over the ongoing special counsel’s investigation into Russian meddling in the US election and possible collusion with his campaign.  Trump also slammed McCabe because his wife ran for a state Senate seat in Virginia as a Democrat and accepted cash from a Super PAC connected to a longtime ally of the Clintons.
As FBI Director Mueller Helped Cover Up Fla. 9/11 Probe, Court Docs Show
Judicial Watch – Court documents recently filed by the government further rock the credibility of Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller because they show that as FBI Director Mueller he worked to cover up the connection between a Florida Saudi family and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The documents reveal that Mueller was likely involved in publicly releasing deceptive official agency statements about a secret investigation of the Saudis, who lived in Sarasota, with ties to the hijackers. A Florida journalism nonprofit uncovered the existence of the secret FBI investigation that was also kept from Congress.
WikiLeaks Exposes How Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mainstream Media
The Free Thought Project – While six companies controlling most everything the Western world consumes in regard to media may sound like a sinister arrangement, the Swiss Propaganda Research center (SPR) has just released information that is even worse.  The research group was able to tie all these media companies to a single organization—the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  For those who may be unaware, the CFR is a primary member of the circle of Washington think-tanks promoting endless war. As former Army Major Todd Pierce describes, this group acts as “primary provocateurs” using “‘psychological suggestiveness’ to create a false narrative of danger from some foreign entity with the objective being to create paranoia within the U.S. population that it is under imminent threat of attack or takeover.”
House Intelligence Committee Could Vote Monday to Release FBI Abuse Memo
Breitbart – The House Intelligence Committee could vote Monday to release a classified memo detailing FBI abuse in its investigation of the Trump campaign.
Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg to Skip Trump’s State of the Union, Says She is Not Retiring
Breitbart – Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will not be in attendance at President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday evening.  The Clinton-appointed justice will be giving a talk at Roger Williams University in Rhode Island, that was planned back in August, the Providence Journal reported.  Despite speculation that Ginsburg, 84, would be announcing her retirement, she claimed that she is not stepping down anytime soon, adding that she would do her job at “full steam.”
‘Police state’ national ID card tucked in major bill
WND – nserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms.  Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”The bill states that anyone seeking employment in the country must have the card.  The purpose of the measure, part of the legislative solution to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, is to curb illegal immigration. It specifically addresses the shortcomings of the E-Verify system, which has failed to catch an estimated 54 percent of illegal immigrant workers.  Ron Paul, the former Republican lawmaker and presidential candidate known for his libertarian views, has launched a campaign against the national ID through his non-profit Campaign for Liberty, including an online petition.
Treasure Trove Of Gold From The Deep To Debut
MSN – A cleanup is underway for a bounty of gold worth millions of dollars. It was recovered from a ship that sank more than 150 years ago, and some of the cache goes on public display next month in Long Beach, California. (Jan. 29)
Economy & Business
Keurig buys Dr. Pepper Snapple, creating a beverage giant
AP – Keurig is buying Dr Pepper Snapple Group, bringing together the make-at-home coffee brand with the company behind Dr Pepper soda, Mott’s apple juice and Snapple iced teas.  Keurig Dr Pepper, the combined company, will have about $11 billion in annual sales. That’s still far smaller than PepsiCo Inc. and Coca-Cola Co., which had sales in 2016 of $63 billion and $41 billion, respectively.
Science & Technology
U.S. soldiers are revealing sensitive and dangerous information by jogging
Washington Post – An interactive map posted on the Internet that shows the whereabouts of people who use fitness devices such as Fitbit also reveals highly sensitive information about the locations and activities of soldiers at U.S. military bases, in what appears to be a major security oversight.  The Global Heat Map, published by the GPS tracking company Strava, uses satellite information to map the locations and movements of subscribers to the company’s fitness service over a two-year period, by illuminating areas of activity.   The location of most of the sites is public knowledge — such as the vast Kandahar air base in Afghanistan. The Pentagon has publicly acknowledged that U.S. Special Operations troops maintain a small outpost at Tanf in the Syrian desert near the Iraqi border, which shows up on the map as a neatly illuminated oblong, probably because U.S. soldiers wearing Fitbits or similar devices either jog around or patrol the perimeter.
Trump security team explores US-built 5G network
The Christian Science Monitor – President Trump’s national security team is looking at options to counter the threat of China spying on US phone calls that include the government building a super-fast 5G wireless network, a senior administration official said on Sunday.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
Can You Eat an Eggshell? Surprising Benefits & Uses of Eggshells
Dr. Axe – For years we’ve heard about the health benefits of eating eggs. Eggs are a cheap, versatile source of protein, and we’ve scrambled, poached, baked and whipped them into everything from soups to custards. But what about the eggshell?
Studies suggest that we may be missing out on a valuable source of calcium when we toss out eggshells. In addition to the nutritional benefits eggshells provide, we’ve found a variety of uses for them, both in the garden and around the home.
Eggshell Benefits:

  1. Loaded with Calcium
  2. Strengthens Bones and May Help Treat Osteoporosis
  3. Protect Tooth Enamel
  4. Possess Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Additional Eggshell Uses:

  1. Compost Your Eggshells
  2. Boil Eggshells in Your Coffee
  3. Add Eggshells to Your Dish Soap (Crushed shells can give your standard dish soap extra abrasiveness without all the toxins found in chemical-based soaps. )
  4. Create Your Own Eggshell Face Mask
  5. Sprinkle Eggshells Directly into Your Garden Soil
  6. Use Eggshells to Deter Garden Pests (Soft-bodied pests like slugs, snails and cutworms will avoid crawling over the jagged edges of the shells)
  7. Start Seedlings in Eggshells
  8. Add Finely Crushed Eggshells to Dog or Bird Food

Flu Vaccine Increases Your Risk of Infecting Others by 6-Fold, Study Suggests
GreenMedInfo – A provocative new study on flu virus transmission found that subjects had 6.3 times more aerosol shedding of flu virus particles if they received vaccination in the current and previous season compared with having no vaccination in those two seasons.
New Discovery Finds Garden Weed Offers Hope for Cancer
Care2 – While stinging nettles may be the bane of gardeners across the land, new research found that they offer hope in the treatment of cancer. Traditionally used for allergy relief and as a way to boost dietary nutrition, a substance in the weed identified as JPC11 was found to fight cancer in two ways.

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