July 5, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: January 31, 2022


The Plan to Tag Us for the New World Order Slave System

Mercola – Dozens of peer-reviewed studies show that when COVID-19 is treated within the first few days of symptom onset, there’s an 85% reduction in hospitalization and death

With Omicron, we have been gifted a best-case scenario. The highly contagious virus can rip through the population, causing only mild cold symptoms, thus producing herd immunity without the risk of mass casualties

Two months before the rollout of the COVID shots, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was aware that they could cause serious problems, including heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, blood clots, neurological problems and more, yet they pushed them anyway

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko believes SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon. Patents spanning two decades support this view. Those who created the weapon also investigated and identified antidotes, which includes the zinc ionophore hydroxychloroquine

The antidote to COVID was intentionally suppressed to encourage people to get the COVID jab, which Zelenko believes is a tool to tag people for the New World Order slave system

Police Report No Violence as Thousands Stage Peaceful Protest in Canadian Capital Over Mandates

Epoch Times – Thousands of truckers and others held a loud yet peaceful protest in Canada’s capital of Ottawa on Jan. 29 and 30 against the government’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates, as police in the capital reported no incidents of violence

The “Freedom Convoy” started as a rally of truckers who opposed the mandates, but it quickly morphed into something much broader—with people from all walks of life taking to the streets against vaccine passports, requirements, and other restrictions that have been handed down by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in recent months.

“I’m not able to work no more because I can’t cross the border,” said Csava Vizi, a trucker from Windsor, Ontario, who noted that he was the family’s sole breadwinner.

“It’s not just about the vaccines,” said Daniel Bazinet, owner of Valley Flatbed and Transportation in Nova Scotia on the Atlantic coast. “It’s about stopping the public health mandates altogether.”

“Myself and a lot of other people are here because we’re just sick of the vaccine mandates and the lockdowns,” said Brendon from Ottawa, who declined to give his last name.

He was carrying a sign reading, “Justin Trudeau makes me ashamed to be a Canadian.”

‘Makes No Sense’: Canadian Premier Vows to End Proof of Vaccine Policy as Truckers Protest in Ottawa

Epoch Times – A Canadian premier said Saturday the proof of vaccine requirement makes no sense and he will end it in the “not-too-distant future” in his province.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said in a statement that being vaccinated doesn’t prevent one from getting the virus and the vaccine mandate “makes no sense.”

“I want to be clear on how I feel about vaccines. I am fully vaccinated with my booster shot. This did not prevent me from recently contracting COVID-19, but I believe it did keep me from becoming sick,” he said in a statement.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, also known as coronavirus.

“That said, because vaccination is not reducing transmission, the current federal border policy for truckers makes no sense. An unvaccinated trucker does not pose any greater risk of transmission than a vaccinated trucker,” he continued.

He will “continue to encourage everyone to get vaccinated” though, believing it will prevent people from becoming seriously ill.

UK to U-turn on mandatory Covid jabs policy – reports

The government is set to scrap its plans to force healthcare workers to be vaccinated against Covid-19, according to reports

RT – On Monday, Health Secretary Sajid Javid will convene ministers to discuss the impact of a vaccine mandate for healthcare professionals and social care workers, according to the Telegraph. 

The paper reported that the government is now in favor of a U-turn on the vaccine mandate, amid warnings that some 80,000 healthcare workers could be pushed out of a job after they rejected their Covid jabs. 

A senior government source told the Telegraph that the emergence of the Omicron variant had changed the government’s thinking. 

“Omicron has changed things. When we first introduced the policy, it was delta that was the dominant variant. That was very high risk in terms of how severe it was,” the source said.

“For omicron, while it is more transmissible, all the studies have shown it is less severe. That has changed the conversation about whether mandatory jabs are still proportionate.”

Multiple government sources said ministers were now in favor of scrapping the vaccine mandate, the Telegraph reported.

Denmark Ends Almost All COVID Restrictions

Technocracy News – Denmark Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced on January 26 Denmark would be throwing out most of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions it placed, including mask mandates.

Restrictions currently in place are for the public to wear masks on public transportations, in restaurants, in shops, and people entering healthcare facilities and retirement homes, according to the Associated Press. However, following the February 1 change of restrictions, masks will only be required in hospitals, healthcare facilities and homes for the elderly.

“We say goodbye to the restrictions and welcome the life we knew before,” Frederiksen said. “As of Feb. 1, Denmark will be open.”

According to Health Minister Magnus Heunicke, Denmark’s recent cases of COVID were more than 46,000 daily on average; however, only 40 people are in hospital intensive care units.

“We continue with a strong epidemic surveillance,” Heunicke said according to the AP. “Then we…can react quickly if necessary.”

Despite lift of restrictions, Frederiksen warned there could be a rise in infections, which may lead to a fourth vaccination shot being necessary.

“It may seem strange that we want to remove restrictions given the high infection rates,” Frederiksen said. “But fewer people become seriously ill.”

Denmark was one of the first European counties in 2020 to close schools and send employees home due to the pandemic.

Sweden extended their restrictions on January 20 for the next two weeks, while Austria, according to ABC News, is introducing a new mandate to take place on February 1. They have ordered bars, cafes and restaurants to close at 11 p.m., as well ad advised workers to work from home when possible, according to the AP.

Pentagon: Russian Invasion of Ukraine ‘Could Happen at Any Time’

Epoch Times – The U.S. Department of Defense’s top spokesman warned Sunday that Russia could invade Ukraine “at any time” and claimed there are a number of ways to do so at Russian President Vladimir Putin’s disposal.

“Putin has a lot of options available to him if he wants to further invade Ukraine, and he can execute some of those options imminently,” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said in a “Fox News Sunday” interview.

Top Defense Department officials share a grim outlook of the immediate future, he added, pointing to Russian troops massed along the Ukraine-Russia border as well as the number of troops in Belarus, also located next to Ukraine. He also cited Russian ships positioned in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

“It doesn’t have to come to conflict. We still believe there’s room and space for diplomacy, and we’d like to see that be the solution here,” Kirby said.

Several days ago, Ukrainian officials, including President Volodymyr Zelensky, claimed the Biden administration, other foreign leaders, and media are overstating the direness of the immediate situation.

“This means panic on the market, panic in the financial sector,” Zelensky told reporters last week.

Russian officials have frequently denied plans to invade Ukraine, a former Soviet republic. Moscow has sought a pledge from the United States and NATO that the security organization will not allow Ukraine to join.


Georgia Secretary of State Calls for Release of ‘Secret Report’ on Dominion Voting Machines

Epoch Times – Georgia’s secretary of state has joined plaintiffs in lawsuit filed against him in calling for the release of a report that analyzes Dominion Voting Systems equipment.

The report, completed by J. Alex Halderman, director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, was filed under seal in Curling v. Raffensperger, a federal case that alleged hackers had “the capability” and “easy access” to voting machines in Georgia.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, said Jan. 26 that the report should be made public because it is “generating misleading media articles about the Dominion voting equipment used in Georgia.”

Halderman was given full access to the state’s election system, which utilizes Dominion equipment, state officials say.

“The public deserves to know the context of J. Alex Halderman’s claims and his testimony regarding the 2020 election,” Raffensperger said, adding that the system “is safe and secure.”

Little has been revealed about the report in court sessions and in court documents but the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that it concluded hackers could change votes if they gained access to the machines.

U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg, an Obama nominee, told parties in the case a day after Raffensperger’s call that she would review a version of the report with redactions and decide whether to release it.

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency said in a recent filing that it has a process in place to address vulnerabilities that are disclosed and called disclosing such weaknesses as “critical to the security of our Nation’s information systems.”

Several media outlets are also asking for the report’s release, as are plaintiffs in the case.

“We do support public disclosure of a slightly redacted copy of the report and have been pushing for that for months,” David Cross, one of the plaintiffs’ lawyers, told The Epoch Times in an email.

Cross noted that Raffensperger has until his recent statement opposed the release of the report, which was filed in July 2021.

“His lawyers have objected to every request we and Dr. Halderman have made to the Court over the last several months to make the report public and provide it to federal and state election security officials. His implication that Dr. Halderman or the judge has prevented him and his office from learning the substance of the report and addressing the many serious BMD vulnerabilities identified in it is simply untrue,” he wrote.

BMD stands for Ballot Marking Device.

“The timing of the Secretary’s attacks is no coincidence. Now that Governor Kemp publicly called him out for failing to comply with his duties to address those vulnerabilities and for ignoring the report since last summer, he’s desperate to point the finger at others. But he made the decision many months ago not to address the report, and he’s accountable to voters for that deliberate dereliction. In classic fashion, he chose to politicize the issue rather than simply do what the Governor directed him to do and what’s he obligated to do: secure Georgia’s election system,” Cross added.

Kemp, a Republican running for re-election, said in a statement on Jan. 26 that the secretary of state “should immediately gather all relevant information regarding this report, thoroughly vet its findings, and assure Georgians he is doing everything possible to ensure the system, procedures and equipment are completely secure.”

Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas 14 ‘Alternate Electors’

Epoch Times – The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 breach of the U.S. Capitol announced Friday it issued subpoenas to 14 people in seven swing states who participated in casting alternative slates of Electoral College votes for President Donald Trump in December 2020.

A release from the Jan. 6 committee said it is “seeking information from individuals who met and submitted purported Electoral-College certificates in seven states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.”

The 14 people being subpoenaed are listed as chairperson and secretary of each group of alternate electors for the respective states.

Republicans who cast their alternate votes did so while certified Democrat electors in the same states had cast votes for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners of the 2020 election. The Republicans explained at the time their move would help preserve Trump’s legal claim for the election while he was mounting legal challenges to the 2020 election outcomes in the seven states.

According to certified results, Biden won the seven swing states and their 79 Electoral College votes by a combined 311,257 votes out of 25.5 million ballots cast for president.

“The Select Committee is seeking information about attempts in multiple states to overturn the results of the 2020 election, including the planning and coordination of efforts to send false slates of electors to the National Archives,” Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), the committee’s chairman, said in a statement.

“We believe the individuals we have subpoenaed today have information about how these so-called alternate electors met and who was behind that scheme,” he alleged. “We encourage them to cooperate with the Select Committee’s investigation to get answers about January 6th for the American people and help ensure nothing like that day ever happens again.”

In his letter to each of the 14 individuals, Thompson wrote, “The Select Committee seeks information from you on a narrow range of issues. We have sincere respect for your privacy, and we are not seeking information about your political views or your efforts in the 2020 presidential campaign more generally.

“Rather, we are seeking information about your role and participation in the purported slate of electors casting votes for Donald Trump and, to the extent relevant, your role in the events of January 6, 2021.”

The 14 individuals have been asked to provide documents and sit for deposition interviews in the coming weeks.

Republicans Demand Answers After TSA Admits Illegal Immigrants Can Use Arrest Warrants to Fly

Epoch Times – Senate Republicans are demanding answers from one of the top officials in President Joe Biden’s administration after the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) acknowledged that it allows illegal immigrants to use arrest warrants as a form of identification to fly inside the United States.

The revelation is “alarming” and presents a potentially “serious threat to our nation’s homeland security,” Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) and nine other senators wrote in a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that was obtained by The Epoch Times.

TSA, which helps secure U.S. airports, confirmed to The Epoch Times recently that agents accept some DHS-issued forms if noncitizens don’t have identification. That includes Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) form I-200, or a warrant for the arrest of an alien.

That form states that there’s probable cause to believe a certain alien is removable from the United States and commands immigration officers to arrest and take into custody the named alien for deportation proceedings under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

“By the plain text of these documents, the only flights these dangerous, criminal illegal immigrants should be boarding are those returning them to their home country,” the letter reads.

They demanded answers to a set of questions by Feb. 25, including when the form was first deemed an acceptable form of identification, whether ICE was consulted before the decision was made, and why the aliens are being allowed to fly rather than being deported.

ICE and TSA declined to comment. DHS didn’t respond to a request for comment.

A TSA official told The Epoch Times on Jan. 23 that the agency has been accepting form I-200 for nearly as long as the agency has been in existence. The official said they believed TSA agents didn’t have the authority to arrest illegal aliens. ICE, when asked whether non-ICE law enforcement agents could enforce the arrest warrants, refused to answer the question.

The Biden administration has been flying illegal aliens across the United States, including to suburban airports, since taking office. Under President Joe Biden, a new record for arrests at the southern border was set, and overwhelmed immigration officers have released a significant number of the apprehended immigrants into the country, including roughly 78,000 of them without court dates.

The recent admission by TSA also sparked the creation of new legislation that would bar TSA from accepting an arrest warrant as identification for commercial flights.

‘Government Overreach Is Coming to an End’: Massive Truck Convoy Heading to Washington After Ottawa

Epoch Times – American truckers protesting against vaccine mandates and government overreach have been joining a record-breaking Canadian convoy of tens of thousands of vehicles headed to Ottawa.

Brian Von D, the administrator at “Convoy to DC 2022” announced that they will “join forces” to ride from California to Washington, adding that “America is next.”

“As [the Canadian convoy] moved from the west to the east, [the American truckers] have been filtering into this convoy, and it is absolutely massive. It is known worldwide, it is the largest thus far,” he said in a live video on Facebook.

Tens of thousands of vehicles were reported to have departed from all parts of Canada.

A large number from the United States have been joining along the way.

Brian clarified that some numbers “running around” on social media about the trucks joining the convoy are not correct.

“A post says 100,000 to 5,000. Those aren’t correct. Somebody made those numbers up. There’s no way for us to put a number on exactly how many United States trucks have gone over there.”

Speaking about the upcoming U.S. convoy, he said “it will start in California and it will end in DC and we’re gonna stay there, just like Canada is doing,” Brian said. “You’re gonna have your main artery … everybody will join in as they go down the interstate to DC.”

He added that dates and planned routes would be released soon on a website and various social media platforms, and a GoFundMe page would only be released on their CONVOY TO DC 2022 Facebook page.

American Mom, School Teacher Was a Battalion Leader for ISIS, Prosecutors Allege

Epoch Times – Federal authorities arrested a former Kansas school teacher and mother of five and charged her with plotting terrorist attacks on American soil, including a shopping mall and a college campus.

Allison Elizabeth Fluke-Ekren, 42, was apprehended in Syria late Thursday, according to a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) press release.

Fluke-Ekren began her stint as a terrorist shortly after leaving the U.S. in 2008, according to the DOJ. In a statement released Friday on Fluke-Ekren’s arrest and extradition back to the U.S., the DOJ detailed her intense involvement with the ISIS terrorist group over the course of three years.

Fluke-Ekren allegedly served as a leader of an all-women military battalion of ISIS known as Khatiba Nusayba.

Six eyewitnesses gave detailed accounts to U.S. federal agents of Fluke-Ekren’s alleged terrorist activity starting in 2016, which was about eight years after she moved to the Middle East. One of the witnesses described Fluke-Ehren’s alleged plot to park a vehicle full of explosives in the basement or parking garage level at a U.S. shopping mall and detonate the explosives in the vehicle using a cell phone with a triggering device.

One witness said that the former Kansas school teacher fantasized about large-scale attacks and only considered a location a good one for the attack “if it contained large amounts of congregating people.”

According to another eyewitness account, Fluke-Ekren said she considered any attack that did not kill a large number of individuals to be a waste of resources and campaigned for attacks to occur on American soil.

Fluke-Ekren’s battalion, which included young children, was trained in the handling of AK-47s, grenades, and improvised explosive devices. They were also taught how to prep a “go bag” with rifles and other military supplies.

The DOJ also had information that members of the all-women ISIS group often expressed they were especially proud to have an American leading them.

Cartels Have Operational Control of US Border, Are ‘Terrorizing’ the US, Says Rep. Chip Roy

Epoch Times – Mexican cartels are making billions of dollars from drug trafficking, human smuggling, and exploiting the U.S. border, said Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas).

Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 1.3 million illegal immigrants crossing into Texas from Mexico in 2021. Hundreds of thousands more weren’t captured. Seizures of the deadly synthetic opioid, fentanyl, have sharply increased, as have overdose deaths in the United States.

“We have 100,000 Americans die from opioid poisonings. They’re not really overdoses—they’re poisonings,” Roy told NTD’s Capitol Report on Jan. 28.

“China is moving it through Mexico, cartels are making money, China is getting empowered, America’s getting hammered—all because this administration refuses to do its job of securing the border.”

The chemicals to make fentanyl are produced in China and shipped to Mexico, where counterfeit pills are manufactured, heroin is spiked, and other products are laced before being sent across the southern border.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported a 1,066 percent increase in fentanyl seized at south Texas ports of entry during fiscal year 2021.

Cheslie Kryst, Former Miss USA, Dies at 30

Epoch Times – Cheslie Kryst, the 2019 winner of the Miss USA pageant and a correspondent for the entertainment news program “Extra,” has died at age 30.

Police said Kryst jumped from a Manhattan apartment building and was pronounced dead at the scene Sunday morning. Her family confirmed her death in a statement.

“In devastation and great sorrow, we share the passing of our beloved Cheslie,” the statement said.

“Her great light was one that inspired others around the world with her beauty and strength. She cared, she loved, she laughed and she shined. Cheslie embodied love and served others, whether through her work as an attorney fighting for social justice, as Miss USA and as a host on EXTRA. But most importantly, as a daughter, sister, friend, mentor and colleague—we know her impact will live on,” her family said.

Kryst, a former Division I athlete and North Carolina attorney, won the Miss USA pageant in May, 2019, and competed in the Miss Universe pageant that year.

In a statement Sunday, the nationally syndicated program “Extra” called Kryst “not just a vital part of our show, she was a beloved part of our Extra family and touched the entire staff. Our deepest condolences to all her family and friends.”

University of South Carolina mourned the former student-athlete, calling her “a woman of many talents.” Kryst also held an MBA from Wake Forest University.

Republican U.S. Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina recalled meeting with Kryst in 2019 to discuss issues affecting their home state.

According to police, Kryst’s body was found at approximately 7 a.m. Sunday in front of the Orion building, a high-rise on West 42nd Street in midtown Manhattan.

Convicted Child Molester Will Serve Sentence in Female Juvenile Facility

Epoch Times – A 26-year-old California man convicted of molesting a 10-year-old girl will serve out his sentence in a female juvenile facility because he now identifies as a woman.

James Tubbs was 17 when he grabbed the child by the neck, shoved her into a school bathroom stall, and sexually molested her.

DNA only recently linked Tubbs to the assault eight years ago.

After being taken into custody Tubbs adopted a new gender identity of Hannah Tubbs, making him eligible to serve his two-year sentence in a detention facility for women.

Tubbs is still anatomically a male and has not undergone any gender reassignment surgery.

The prosecutor, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon, tried Tubbs as a juvenile even though he is 26 years old, which made him eligible for sentencing as a juvenile. That means Tubbs will not only be housed with females, but with minors.

As an adult, Tubbs was convicted of sexually assaulting two young girls in separate attacks. Tubbs confessed and pled guilty when confronted with the DNA evidence and then adopted his new female identity.

“Because of [LA District Attorney] George Gascon’s blanket policy against transferring any juvenile to adult court, even if the 17-year-old rapes or murders an innocent child, James Tubbs will not have to register as a sex offender,” child abuse prosecutor Jon Hatami told Fox News.

“[Tubbs] will not spend any time in county jail or state prison, will be 26, and housed with juveniles for a very short period of time, and will be released with no probation or parole monitoring.

“The victims will get no justice. The public will get no safety,” Hatami added.

Hatami criticized Gascon’s decision to decline to try Tubbs as an adult.

Tubbs was sentenced to two years in a minor detention center for the assault.

Last year California passed a new law that allows convicted criminals to be housed in a facility based on the gender they claim to identify with instead of their actual identity.

The law was born out of a call by LGBTQ+ advocates for better protection of transgender inmates.

It is believed to be the first case in the United States in which an adult male convicted of sexually assaulting a child will be housed with female juveniles.

In November, the Women’s Liberation Front filed a federal lawsuit against the new law.

One of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit alleged that she was sexually assaulted by an inmate who transferred from a men’s facility under the law, and another alleged she was molested.

There have been 261 requests for gender-based transfers filed by prisoners since the law took effect on Jan. 1, 2022.

Fourth School Accused of Secretly Helping Children Turn Transgender

Epoch Times – When Bonnie Manchester was told by school administrators to call a female student by “his new gender name” and not to tell the girl’s parents about it, that was the last straw for the Ludlow, Massachusetts, school teacher.

“I did what any teacher would and should do, I told the parents,” Manchester told The Epoch Times.

The child was just 11 at the time and as Manchester learned, the school was not only meeting secretly with the girl but also meeting secretly with her 12-year old brother regarding his alleged interest in regendering as a girl.

Manchester, who was a social studies teacher at the district’s Baird Middle School, was fired for telling the children’s parents about the school’s secretive activity. School principal Stacy Monette called Manchester’s “conduct unbecoming a teacher” referring to her “inappropriate communications with the parents of a student.”

“You shared sensitive confidential information about a student’s expressed gender identity against the wishes of the students,” Monette wrote in an April 16, 2021, letter terminating Manchester.

Monette was named Middle School Principal of the year for the state of Massachusetts by the Massachusetts School Administrators Association in 2020.

She and other school administrators did not respond to requests for comment.

It is one of what appears to be a fast-growing number of similar cases cropping up across the U.S.

On Monday, parents in Jacksonville, Fla., filed a federal lawsuit against their 12-year daughter’s school for having secret meetings with her to encourage her to identify as a boy after she began expressing gender confusion at school. The parents only found out after the child tried to commit suicide by attempting to hang herself in a school bathroom.

Last week, a Salinas, California, parent filed a notice of intent to file a lawsuit against the Buena Vista Middle School for allowing two teachers, who she alleged tried “to secretly brainwash her teenage daughter into identifying as bisexual, and later as transgender.”

And a week earlier in Texas, an anonymous teacher outed her school by releasing documents to a digital media outlet from the district’s training programs that shows teachers were being told to keep parents in the dark about any disclosures their children make at school about gender identity feelings. “DO NOT contact their parents and out them to their families” the training documents advises.

Mary McAlister, senior counsel for The Children and Parental Rights Campaign, said her organization also represents a New York family about to file suit on similar grounds.

“Schools are secretly grooming kids to be gay,” McAlister told The Epoch Times, and “they have outside influences teaching them how to do that. Lesson number one is to cut the parents out of the picture.”

According to the Florida lawsuit, which was filed by McAlister’s organization on behalf of the parents, the school withheld the information because they knew the parents were Catholic and would not agree with the children’s regendering.

The school’s guidance counselor admitted that she had been secretly meeting with the sixth grader on a weekly basis over a span of four months to discuss gender identity issues, the lawsuit alleges.

‘Someone Opened the Doors From the Inside,’ Jan. 6 Defense Attorney Says

Epoch Times – Kelly Meggs and other members of the Oath Keepers could not have done one of the major things of which they are accused by federal prosecutors: force their way into the U.S. Capitol Rotunda on Jan. 6, 2021, through the famous Columbus Doors, a defense attorney says.

The two sets of historic doors that lead into the Rotunda were opened by someone on the inside, and not his client, says defense attorney Jonathon Moseley.

Department of Justice video widely circulated on Twitter this week shows a man trying to open the inner doors by leaning against them, before turning around as if listening to someone, then returning to the entrance and opening the left door for protesters.

“The outer doors cast from solid bronze would require a bazooka, an artillery shell or C4 military-grade explosives to breach,” Moseley wrote in a letter to federal prosecutors. “That of course did not happen. You would sooner break into a bank vault than to break the bronze outer Columbus Doors.”

The 20,000-pound Columbus Doors that lead into the Rotunda on the east side of the U.S. Capitol are secured by magnetic locks that can only be opened from the inside using a security code controlled by Capitol Police, Moseley wrote in an eight-page memo.

‘Impossible and Cannot Be Done’

“Imagine how the prosecution will prove at trial what cannot be proven because it is not true,” Moseley wrote to prosecutors Jeffrey S. Nestler and Kathryn Leigh Rakoczy of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.

In court, “who is going to testify that the defendants entered the Columbus Doors when the U.S. Capitol Police will begrudgingly testify that that is impossible and cannot be done?” Moseley wrote.

In a superseding indictment on Jan. 12, 2022, Meggs and 10 other members of the Oath Keepers were charged with seditious conspiracy, destruction of government property, obstruction of an official proceeding, civil disorder, tampering with documents, and other counts related to rioting on Jan. 6.

The indictment charges that Meggs led a “stack formation” up the Capitol steps to the entrance at the Columbus Doors. At 2:39 p.m., the doors were breached, and Stack One entered into the Capitol with the mob, the indictment said.

Moseley said there’s one big problem with that accusation: it’s impossible to force entry from the outside. Only someone with the security code could release the locks—from the inside.

Video evidence submitted in the case showed the glass panes in the inner doors were cracked but intact, so no one accessed the building through the windows or by reaching for the inside door handles, he said.

“Therefore,” Moseley wrote. “Nobody opened the Rotunda doors from the outside. Someone opened the doors from the inside.”


T-Mobile Will Terminate Employees Who Do Not Become Fully Vaccinated

Gateway Pundit – T-mobile, an American wireless network partly owned by German telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom, sent out an intimidating email to its employees on Friday stating that those who do not become fully vaccinated by April 2 will be terminated from their job.

According to the email obtained by TGP, employees who failed to show proof of first vaccination by February 21 will be placed on unpaid leave. Employees who do not become fully vaccinated and obtain a Magenta Pass will be terminated by April 2.

“Employees who have not yet taken action to receive their first dose and upload proof by February 21 will be placed on unpaid leave. Affected employees who do not become fully vaccinated and obtain a Magenta Pass by April 2 will be separated from T-Mobile. Those employees who have a pending or approved medical or religious accommodation or state-specific exemption through the HR process are excluded from this action for the duration of their pending or approved accommodation or exemption.”

However, mobile experts at T-Mobile stores who are more at risk of getting Covid are not required to get vaccinated.

Young Adults Move Back Home in Record Numbers

Realtor Magazine – As the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has continued, more young adults have chosen to move back home with their parents. In 2020, the share of young adults aged 25 to 34 living at home rose to the highest share recorded since 1960: 17.8%, the National Association of REALTORS® reports. That percentage remained high in 2021 at 17%—the second-highest share on record.

“Some young adults may have recently moved back home due to the flexibility of remote work trends and to avoid paying high rents,” writes Jessica Lautz, NAR’s vice president of demographics and behavioral insights, on the association’s blog. “Others may be at a family member’s home due to job losses or while virtually attaining higher education goals. Regardless of the reason, living with family may provide a benefit to potential first-time home buyers.”

Help Boomers Make Their Next Move

Now that a huge wave of baby boomers have left the workforce—30 million at the height of the pandemic, according to the Pew Research Center—many are considering where and how to live.

Realtor Magazine – As they retire from the workforce, some baby boomers are looking to relocate to maintenance-free homes or condos. Or they want to be near their children or grandchildren in what has been termed “baby chasing.” Others want to head to a warmer climate full- or part-time, often choosing active-aging communities where they can pare maintenance, enjoy activities, and meet new people.

However, most baby boomers want to age in place. This may require changes to their home to live more conveniently and safer as health challenges arise.

Many residential design options emerging today reflect trends seen in the luxury hospitality industry, like country clubs and spas, says architect Rocky Berg, whose Dallas-based boutique design firm, three, works in the hospitality, residential, and senior living segments.

“Boomers are all about having choices,” Berg says. “They’re accustomed to having what they want when they want it.”

But having more options can make the decision tough. No single choice fits every boomer’s interest, budget, and health situation, particularly since their ages range from 57 to 75 years old, says Chicago-based commercial interior designer Mary Cook of Mary Cook Associates. She has found four factors influence their decision: finances, family circumstances, home, and community or neighborhood.

“If they’re the primary caregivers or helping with grandchildren or single parents, they may be tethered to family and a location. Sometimes, their decision, if budget permits, will mean a second location for the winter or summer,” Cook says.

While the boomer segment represents an important 15% of the population, it’s been described as on the verge of becoming a silver tsunami with numbers growing beyond 20% by 2050. Here are some options your boomer clients may want to consider as they weigh their next move.


Buttigieg Accelerates UN Agenda To Ditch Cars, Promote Walking, Bike Lanes

Technocracy News – Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg vowed Thursday to stem rising traffic fatalities by imposing a host of fresh restrictions on everyday drivers while boosting those who choose to walk or use bicycles.

To that end he seeks more dedicated bus and bike lanes to get people out of their cars, retimed signals to favor pedestrians, enhanced speed cameras, greater traffic law enforcement and lower speed limits as part of the plan.

Buttigieg told the Associated Press new federal data being released next week will show another increase in traffic fatalities through the third quarter of 2021.

He believes the third-quarter numbers were expected to point to another sizable increase in deaths compared with the same period in 2020, adding to a half-year traffic death total of 20,160 that already was the highest half-year figure since 2006.

“It doesn’t look good, and I continue to be extremely concerned about the trend,” Buttigieg said in a phone interview with AP ahead of the strategy’s release on Thursday.

“Somehow it has become over the years and decades as normal, sort of the cost of doing business,” he said. “Even through a pandemic that led to considerably less driving, we continue to see more danger on our roads.”

Buttigieg sees addressing those dangers as a top priority, and getting people out of their cars and into public transport or alternatively on their bikes is one way to start.

National Weather Service Issues ‘Falling Iguana Alert’ in Florida

Epoch Times – This weekend is expected to be one of the coldest in four years for South Floridians, prompting the National Weather Service in Miami to issue a Falling Iguana Alert via Twitter.

Jan. 30 is predicted to be the coldest day locally since 2018.

South Florida occasionally sees temperatures dip into the 30s and 40s overnight, which causes the cold-blooded reptiles to become “temporarily stunned,” until temperatures warm up.  They are known to sleep in trees and when immobilized by the cold, they “stiffen and lose their grip on the branches,” and fall to the ground or sometimes on an unsuspecting passerby.

Iguanas are not indigenous to Florida and are considered invasive by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission (FWC).  Native to Central and South America and Mexico, they prefer warmer climates, making Florida ideal.  However, when temperatures reach 40 and below, they slip into a cold-induced slumber. Instead of dying, they thaw out and return to be a pest another day.

The FWC first spotted the reptiles in the 1960s around  Miami-Dade County and surrounding areas.  Since that time, the FWC reports that the Florida iguana population has continued to grow.  There have been reported sightings as far north as St. Lucie County and along the Gulf Coast.

US Airlines Cancel Almost 5,000 Flights Ahead of Nor’easter

Epoch Times – U.S. carriers on Friday canceled thousands of flights through the weekend in anticipation of a winter storm forecast to bring high winds and heavy snow across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.

The National Weather Service said in an advisory that the Nor’easter would result in dangerous blizzards and make travel “nearly impossible.” Flight-tracking service FlightAware reported about 4,900 U.S. flights were canceled between Friday and Sunday.

Delta Air Lines said it would suspend operations at LaGuardia and John F. Kennedy airports in New York, Newark Liberty airport in New Jersey, and Logan airport in Boston from Saturday through Sunday morning.

The Atlanta-based carrier canceled 1,290 flights from Friday to Sunday. Customers who would have traveled then were allowed to reschedule to different flights without extra cost.

“Delta teams are focused on a safe and orderly restart of operations at these airports and others in the Northeast Sunday afternoon, depending on conditions,” the company said in a statement.

Similarly, American Airlines canceled about 1,160 flights as it expects “significant” impact from the storm on its Northeast operations, especially at Logan airport. Affected passengers can rebook flights without change fees.


Chinese-Made COVID-19 Test Kits Are Coming to Millions of American Households via White House Initiative

Epoch Times – As the White House’s free at-home COVID-19 test kits are reaching millions of American households’ mailboxes, the “made in China” label on some of those kits are stirring concerns.

The distribution, which began earlier this month, is part of a Biden administration initiative to give away 1 billion self-test kits to Americans for free. A sizable portion of these kits will be sourced from iHealth Labs, a California subsidiary of Chinese medical gear manufacturer Andon Health.

Since December, the company has won contracts worth over $2.1 billion with the U.S. federal government and some states, according to Andon’s filings and federal contract records.

Roughly $1.8 billion of the amount came from the Department of Defense (DOD) for the White House rollout. The department awarded two contracts to the lab on Jan. 13 and Jan. 26 respectively, which would bring over 354 million Chinese-made kits—or about a third of the total—to American homes.

The White House said on Friday that 60 million U.S. households have ordered the free test kits through the government’s new website, covidtests.gov. The order typically ships within 7 to 12 days, according to the website.

The U.S. reliance on China for producing these test kits—two years after COVID-19 spread out from the country—is a call for reckoning, said Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.).

“If we should have learned anything from this pandemic—it is that it’s imperative to break U.S. dependence on Chinese medical and PPE [personal protective equipment] supply chains,” he told The Epoch Times.

U.S. supply chain vulnerabilities came into the spotlight during the early months of the pandemic, when America’s frontline responders struggled for critical medical supplies and had to turn to foreign countries, principally China, for the gear.

Wittman called for the administration and the members of Congress to lead by example to advocate for the medical equipment to be made at home.

Dr. Meryl Nass Under Attack for “Spreading Misinformation”

Epoch TImes – Dr. Nass is a medical doctor in Maine with a stellar reputation and a long career under her belt

She is an expert in epidemics and bioterrorism who has testified for seven Congressional committees on bioterrorism vaccines, the anthrax letters and Gulf War syndrome

Recently, Dr. Nass had her medical license suspended — and a psych evaluation was ordered on her — for spreading “misinformation” and prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine

Dr. Nass called the “lab origin” of the pathogen as early as March 2020

She also broke the story in June 2020 on using near-lethal dosages of hydroxychloroquine in “Solidarity,” “Recovery,” and “Remap” trials

This story is about a hero doctor and a human being of great courage and integrity, Dr. Meryl Nass — who is an internist in Maine with proven expertise in hard-to-treat chronic illnesses as well as bioterrorism and epidemics.

I recently had the privilege of conducting an extensive interview with the brave Dr. Nass. I am including the full transcript at the end of this article for those who like to read transcripts. By the way, when I initially published the interview, YouTube deleted the video in less than five minutes. Dr. Nass must be onto something!

Dr. Nass’ plight defending the sanctity of science and doctor-patient relationship is for all of us. May her victory over the attackers come quickly and be solid — and may it stand in the way of the Great Reset.

Dr. Nass is under an attack for being outspoken and loyal to her medical calling. Recently, Dr. Nass’ medical license was suspended by the state medical board in Maine for “spreading misinformation” and prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Not only that, she was also ordered to undergo a neuro-psychological evaluation, Soviet style.

2 Long Island Nurses Allegedly Made $1.5 Million by Selling Fake Vaccine Cards: Officials

Epoch Times – Two New York-based healthcare workers were arrested for allegedly forging and selling thousands of COVID-19 vaccine cards, officials said.

The Suffolk County Police Department on Long Island said on Jan. 28 that it arrested Julie DeVuono, 49, and Marissa Urraro, 44, for allegedly selling fake vaccine cards and entering that information into the New York State Immunization Information System. Both were charged with one count of forgery in the second degree, while DeVuono faces the additional charge of offering a false instrument for filing.

“As nurses, these two individuals should understand the importance of legitimate vaccination cards as we all work together to protect public health,” Suffolk County Police Commissioner Rodney Harrison said in a statement.

Suffolk County District Attorney Raymond Tierney told news outlets that DeVuono, who owned Wild Child Pediatric Healthcare in Amityville, and Urraro provided fake vaccination cards. They charged $220 for adults and $85 for children, he said.

But prosecutors said that a fake vaccine card showing a vaccine was handed to an undercover detective. They never administered the vaccine to the detective, prosecutors said, according to The Associated Press.

When law enforcement officials searched DeVuono’s home, they discovered about $900,000 in cash and a ledger showing profits of $1.5 million from the alleged scheme, prosecutors told AP.

“I hope this sends a message to others who are considering gaming the system that they will get caught and that we will enforce the law to the fullest extent,” Tierney said in a statement.

Michael Alber, Urraro’s lawyer, told outlets over the weekend that Urraro is a well-respected nurse and said the public shouldn’t form judgments.

“We look forward to highlighting the legal impediments and defects of the investigation,” Alber said. “It’s our hope that an accusation definitely doesn’t overshadow the good work Miss Urraro’s done for children and adults in the medical field.”

Feed Stores: Livestock Ivermectin Flying Off Shelves for Unapproved Human Use

Epoch Times – Feed stores around the country are discouraging shoppers from buying ivermectin formulated for livestock for use in treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans.

But despite their warnings, they are finding it hard to keep animal ivermectin in stock, workers at retailers specializing in animal products told The Epoch Times.

Ivermectin formulated for humans seems to be increasingly difficult to obtain. On social media, there are flurries of requests for advice about how and where to find a doctor willing to prescribe it and pharmacies willing to fill those prescriptions.

As more people turn to feed stores to obtain ivermectin, some retailers have resorted to asking shoppers to show pictures of themselves with their animals as evidence they need ivermectin for use with livestock.

The struggle stems from the fact that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved the use of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19. An FDA webpage warning against using ivermectin also affirms that clinical trials investigating it as a COVID-19 treatment are ongoing.

Ivermectin, formulated in small white tablets for human use, is readily available in some countries as an over-the-counter medicine. It’s been used for about 40 years to treat humans infected with parasites and viruses. Studies about the safety and efficacy of using ivermectin in the treatment for COVID-19 have led to all or part of 22 countries approving its use to treat COVID-19.

Natural Immunity Lasts for at Least 18 Months: Study

Epoch Times -The protection people experience after recovering from COVID-19, known widely as natural immunity, lasts for at least 18 months, according to a recently published study.

Researchers in Italy analyzed the level of antibodies in 36 patients who were documented as contracting COVID-19 in March 2020. About half of the patients went on to get COVID-19 vaccines, but the rest remained unvaccinated. Samples from all but two were tested at timed intervals, ending in September 2021, using assays that have received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

“At 18 months, 97% participants tested positive for anti-NCP, hinting towards the persistence of infection-induced immunity even for the vaccinated individuals,” researchers wrote in the preprint paper, which was published on the medrxiv website.

NCP stands for nucleocapsid, a part of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus. The CCP virus causes COVID-19. Antibodies are believed to protect people against CCP virus infection.

“Antibodies against nucleocapsid will be present only in recovered individuals and not vaccinated,” Dr. Asiya Zaidi, a research fellow at the Associazione Naso Sano and one of the authors, told The Epoch Times in an email.

That means even the people who got vaccinated received protection from natural immunity.

Johns Hopkins Doc Says Natural Immunity 27 Times More Effective Than Vaccine

Western Journal – The Biden administration’s refusal to acknowledge the relevance of natural immunity in the fight against COVID-19 has become glaring.

The administration that constantly insists they are following the science is actually engaging in willful blindness.

Hell-bent on enforcing their COVID vaccine mandate, they deliberately ignore every scientific study that finds natural immunity to be superior to vaccine immunity.

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary appeared as a guest on Thursday’s edition of “Morning Wire,” a podcast hosted by The Daily Wire.

“The data on natural immunity are now overwhelming,” Makary told the Morning Wire. “It turns out the hypothesis that our public health leaders had that vaccinated immunity is better and stronger than natural immunity was wrong. They got it backwards. And now we’ve got data from Israel showing that natural immunity is 27 times more effective than vaccinated immunity. And that supports 15 other studies.”

Vaccine Mandate ‘Feels Like Coercion,’ Says Boston Teacher Who Fears Being Fired

Daily Signal – Special needs teacher Angela Jones could be fired from her job with the Boston school system. Why? Because she is unvaccinated. 

Jones teaches elementary students in Boston Public Schools, where she has taught for nearly 20 years. She says she is one of more than 400 teachers there who have declined to take a COVID-19 vaccine. 

Now, Jones and her unvaccinated colleagues face termination. 

The vaccine mandate for Boston teachers “feels like coercion,” Jones, 52, told The Daily Signal during a phone interview Friday. 

“We don’t want to put this [vaccine] in our bodies,” she said, adding that all she and her colleagues want to do is “live our lives and teach children, which is our livelihood.”

“If we are not allowed to choose what goes in our body,” Jones said, “ … that to me is the ultimate loss of freedom.”

Angela Jones isn’t her actual name, but a pseudonym used by The Daily Signal to protect the teacher’s identity.

Last month, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, a Democrat, announced Dec. 20 that all city employees would be required to receive at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by Jan. 15. Following that order, Boston Public Schools announced that all its staff “will adhere to the announced vaccine policy for City of Boston employees.” 

On Thursday, a Massachusetts Appeals Court judge temporarily suspended Boston’s vaccine mandate for city employees.

The stay comes after three unions—the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 718, the Boston Police Superior Officers Federation, and the Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society—filed a lawsuit over the vaccine mandate. 

The city has until Feb. 3 to file a response before the court’s final ruling. The Wu administration paused enforcement of the vaccine mandate while the legal process plays out. 

“The stay decision means the vaccine verification policy is paused, and no educators will be placed on administrative leave or terminated at this time,” Becky Shuster, assistant superintendent of equity for Boston Public Schools, told The Daily Signal in an email Friday. 

Wu said Thursday that 95% of city employees already have been vaccinated. 

The Truth Is Coming Out About COVID Deaths

Mercola – Data show COVID-19 deaths have been wildly exaggerated by counting people who died from other conditions but had a positive COVID test within 28 days of their death

U.K. data released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request show that the number of deaths between January 2020 and the end of September 2021 in England and Wales, where COVID-19 was the sole cause of death, was just 17,371 — not 137,133 as reported

Of the 17,371 people who had COVID-19 as the sole cause of death, 13,597 were 65 or older. The average age of death in the U.K. from COVID in 2021 was 82.5 years

Compare that to the projected life expectancy in the U.K., which is 79 for men and 82.9 for women. This hardly constitutes an emergency, least of all for healthy school- and working-age individuals

Estimates suggest there’s been an extra 50,000 cancer deaths over the past 18 months — deaths that normally would not have occurred. Delayed diagnosis and inability to receive proper treatment due to COVID restrictions are thought to be primary reasons for this


Barry Manilow Speaks Out After Being Dragged Into Joe Rogan-Neil Young Controversy

Epoch Times – Singer Barry Manilow dispelled rumors that he is removing his music from streaming service Spotify after several verified Twitter users claimed he would amid Neil Young’s fight with the platform over hosting podcaster Joe Rogan.

On Jan. 28, some Twitter users, including left-wing activist Amy Siskind, alleged Manilow wanted his music removed in solidarity with Young’s decision to pull his songs from the platform. “Will and Grace” actress Debra Messing also praised Manilow despite the news not being confirmed.

“Thank you @barrymanilow for taking a surefooted step to support science, and protest potentially lethal misinformation disseminated by @Spotify via #JoeRogan,” Messing wrote in a Jan. 27 Twitter post.

The “Mandy” and “Copacabana” singer, however, dispelled the rumors hours later.

“I recently heard a rumor about me and Spotify. I don’t know where it started, but it didn’t start with me or anyone who represents me,” Manilow wrote on social media on Jan. 28.

It’s not clear where the rumor originated. A number of other rumors emerged on Twitter in recent days, including one claiming that Canadian band Nickelback would also pull their music, although the band has yet to issue a public statement or response about the allegation, and another that alleged the Foo Fighters and frontman Dave Grohl were removing their music. Neither Grohl or the band have issued a public statement about the matter.

Last week, Young wrote a letter to Spotify and gave the Swedish firm an ultimatum: either get rid of Rogan, whose podcast draws millions of viewers per episode, or him.

“Spotify is spreading fake information about vaccines–potentially causing death to those who believe the disinformation being spread by them,” Young said.

Spotify on Jan. 27 issued a statement confirming that it would remove Young’s songs off its service.

Actress Fired After Viral Criticism Over Street Closures for Killed NYPD Officer’s Funeral

Epoch Times – A New York City actress was fired from her job after she posted a video complaining about street closures during the funeral of slain NYPD officer Jason Rivera, said her former employer.

In a now-deleted video, actress Jacqueline Guzman was allegedly seen criticizing the NYPD for the massive funeral by claiming they are blocking streets.

“We do not need to shut down most of Lower Manhattan because one cop died for probably doing his job incorrectly. They kill people who are under 22 every single day for no good reason and we don’t shut down the city for them,” Guzman appeared to say on TikTok as she was walking down an empty street, according to the New York Post.

The woman then added, “What if somebody is having a heart attack in this area. Nobody can get to them because it’s all blocked off for one [expletive] cop.”

Guzman’s employer, Face to Face Films, confirmed that the woman in the video was Guzman and said that it terminated her employment.

“Face to Face Films has just been made aware of an insensitive video involving one of our members, Jacqueline Guzman. Face to Face Films does not support nor can condone these comments made about fallen Officer Rivera. As a result, she is no longer a member of our company,” Face to Face Films confirmed on its Facebook page over the weekend.

On Face to Face’s website, a now-deleted page said that Guzman is a Cuban-American actress based in New York City, originally from Florida. Anthony Laura, the founder of Face to Face, told the New York Post that Guzman was a film and theater actress.

And the woman’s now-viral comment drew the ire of a top NYPD union official, Pat Lynch, who issued a statement.


Top 6 Quercetin Benefits That’ll Transform Your Health

Dr. Group – Do you feel like your immune and respiratory system needs some extra love? Well, look no further than the flavonoid quercetin. Quercetin is a naturally occurring antioxidant commonly found in fruits and vegetables, including dark berries, grapes, and dark leafy greens! Green tea and red wine are also known to have notable amounts of quercetin.

This potent antioxidant not only boosts your immune system and supports respiratory health, but it can help with your body’s natural response to allergens, histamines, and inflammation. Let’s dive into the top six quercetin benefits that you need to know.

  1. Supports Respiratory Health
  2. Boosts Cardiovascular Health
  3. Promotes Balanced Blood Pressure
  4. Offers Protection Against Stress
  5. Potential for Upper Respiratory Conditions?
  6. Offers Nutritional Support for Overall Health

—> Get your Plant Based Quercetin from thepowermall.com today!


How Do Probiotics Benefit Your Pets?

Mercola Pet – Probiotics are strains of gut-friendly live microorganisms that your pet can obtain from food sources or supplements

By reestablishing a balanced ratio of good-to-bad bacteria in your pet’s gut, probiotics may help promote optimal digestive function and reduce your pet’s risk of GI disorders

Pets should get the majority of their nutritional needs, including probiotics, from fresh, whole foods

If your pet doesn’t like the taste of foods with naturally occurring probiotics, consider giving them a probiotic supplement, which comes in powder, paste, pill or liquid form

Better Digestion and Lower Risk of GI Issues for Your Pets

By reestablishing a balanced ratio of good-to-bad bacteria in your pet’s gut, probiotics may help promote optimal digestive function and reduce your pet’s risk of GI disorders. Several studies have shown that probiotics can be useful for managing the symptoms and decreasing the duration of diarrhea in dogs. It may help lower the incidence of acute and diet-related canine diarrhea as well.5,6,7

Similar results have been observed in feline studies. For instance, a study published in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery found that 72% of owners noticed an improvement in their cat’s diarrhea after 21 days of probiotic therapy.8

Another study that evaluated the effects of the probiotic Enterococcus faecium found that cats given probiotics have lower incidence rates of feline diarrhea compared to cats in the placebo group, which suggests that probiotics may be beneficial for relieving feline inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs).9

A Healthy Gut Means a Strong Immunity and Mental Health

Your pet’s digestive tract is the largest immune organ in their body, and it contains even more intestinal bacteria than yours does.10 By optimizing their gut microbiome, you’re also helping improve their immune function. According to an article published in Current Opinion in Gastroenterology:11

“Probiotics play a role in defining and maintaining the delicate balance between necessary and excessive defense mechanisms including innate and adaptive immune responses … Regulation of gene expression and signaling pathways in the host cells are two major mechanisms underlying probiotic action leading to immunomodulation.”

Your pet’s GI tract is also connected to their brain. In fact, it contributes to the production of serotonin,12 an essential hormone for your pet’s cognitive and behavioral functions.13 According to a study in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, probiotics help improve cognitive function in both animals and humans, and may be useful in ameliorating cognitive disorders.14

Probiotics Have Allergy-Fighting Properties

Probiotics are known to have anti-inflammatory properties that may help alleviate the symptoms of skin allergies in animals.15 A study published in the journal Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology suggests that exposure to probiotics early in life may help lower a dog’s risk of atopic dermatitis.16

A Frontiers in Microbiology study conducted on cats also found that oral probiotics may help modulate respiratory microbiota, making it a potential tool for targeting the dysbiosis caused by inflammatory airway diseases like feline asthma.17

—> Living Streams Multi-Blend Liquid Probiotic  is perfect for adding to your pets water and is availabel at thepowermall.com or by calling 877-817-9829

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