July 18, 2024

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Today's News: July 03, 2019

World News
‘Any amount we want’: Iran poised to increase uranium enrichment at higher levels
USA Today – Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani issued a fresh ultimatum Wednesday over its civilian-use nuclear program, saying the country would on Sunday “take the next step” toward increasing its enrichment of uranium unless European powers are able to find a way to offset the impact of the Trump administration’s sanctions on its economy.
Earlier this week, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United Nations’ nuclear watchdog, confirmed Iran passed the limit on its stockpile of low-enriched uranium by exceeding the 300kg (661 pounds) that was set in a landmark 2015 nuclear deal made with world powers. President Donald Trump has pulled the U.S. out of that agreement.
The higher-level enrichment Rouhani said will commence July 7 is still far off the levels Iran would need to produce weapons-grade nuclear materials, but it narrows the time it would take to make a nuclear bomb – something Iran says it does not want to do.
Speaking during a Cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday, Rouhani warned that because of the faltering nuclear deal Iran was entitled to increase its enrichment of uranium to “any amount that we want, any amount that is required.”
Russia accused of cover-up over lethal sub fire
Reuters – Russian commentators have challenged officials for not releasing full details about an accident on board a military submarine that killed 14 sailors.
Putin signs law suspending INF treaty with US
RT – Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law suspending the Cold War-era INF Treaty. Putin announced in February that he would halt participation in the treaty after Washington’s abrupt decision to pull out of the agreement.
King of the heap: US named world’s top trash maker, risks being buried in its own garbage
RT – While the US makes up 4% of the world’s population it produces 12% of its trash, more than both China and India. To make matters worse, it is also terrible at managing its garbage output, recycling a small percentage of waste.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
John Adams predicted we would all celebrate Independence Day on July 2. What happened?
Chicago Tribune – On July 3, 1776, the day after the Second Continental Congress voted on a resolution to declare independence from the British, John Adams sent a letter to his wife, Abigail, back home in Massachusetts. In the letter, the founding father prophesied a grand celebration of America’s independence.
“It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shews, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other from this time forward forever more,” he wrote expectantly.
And while Adams aptly predicted much about our Independence Day celebration, what he did not anticipate was the day it would all take place.
“The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable epocha, in the history of America,” Adams wrote. “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival.”
So, Americans, we should have been planning a “shew,” playing a game, ringing a bell, lighting a bonfire and setting out sky-high illuminations Tuesday. But what about our dearest Fourth? Why, for centuries, have Americans celebrated independence two days later?
On July 2, 1776, Congress, after succumbing to a demand by South Carolinian delegates to cut an anti-slavery passage out of the drafted Declaration of Independence, unanimously voted on Virginian Richard Lee’s resolution that, “These united colonies are, and of right, ought to be free and Independent States; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown; and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, dissolved.”
Over the next two days, final edits were made to the Declaration of Independence, the document that would announce Congress’ decision to the world. On July 4, the declaration was finally sent to the printing press. Hence the masthead at the top of the declaration, first printed by John Dunlap, “In Congress, July 4, 1776. A Declaration by the Representatives of the United States of America.”
“There’s no question there wouldn’t be a July 4, a printing of the document, if the resolution had not been passed on July 2,” University of Chicago historian Steven Pincus said. “But July 4 transformed what was a political decision by a relatively small group of delegates sitting in Philadelphia into a public document that was not only known throughout North America but throughout the world.”
“The idea (behind) the Declaration of Independence was a government by the people, for the people,” Pincus said. “The printing of the Declaration of Independence was very much a public statement to the American people about what their kind of government was going to be.”
Trump orders tanks for Independence Day parade
BBC – President Donald Trump’s plans to host a military parade on US Independence Day this week have left critics seeing red, rather than red, white and blue.
At his “Salute to America” on Thursday, Mr Trump will address the nation from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC amid a parade of military tanks.
But city officials have expressed dismay at the possible damage to roads at the 4 July event.
A congressman dismissed the celebration as a presidential vanity project.
“We’re going to have planes going overhead – the best fighter jets in the world and other planes too,” the Republican president told reporters at the White House on Monday.
“And we’re going to have some tanks stationed outside.”
He said the event will “be like no other, it’ll be special”.
City leaders have spoken out against the idea.
“We have said it before, and we’ll say it again: Tanks, but no tanks,” the District of Columbia council tweeted on Monday.
The Democratic-controlled council also posted guidance from the Defence Department about a veterans’ event in November last year, specifying that “no tanks” should be used in order to “avoid damage to local infrastructure”.
Mr Trump has ordered a flyover by the Navy’s Blue Angels and the presidential jet Air Force One, the Washington Post reported.
He also wants the chiefs of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines standing next to him during the display, according to the New York Times.
Charlottesville Drops Holiday Celebrating Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday
Town Hall – Charlottesville will no longer officially celebrate Thomas Jefferson’s birthday, instead swapping it out to recognize the emancipation of slaves.
By a 4-1 vote on the Charlottesville, Va. City Council, April 13 will no longer honor the nation’s third president, who was the author of the Declaration of Independence and founder of the University of Virginia, which is located in Charlottesville, all because he was a slave owner.
At a city council meeting on Monday evening, councilors voted to remove the day as a city holiday.
To replace it, Freedom and Liberation Day has been declared a holiday on March 3. It’s to commemorate the day enslaved people in Charlottesville were officially emancipated by U.S. troops at the end of the Civil War. […]
Adding Freedom and Liberation Day was a separate vote and was voted on unanimously. (WHSV)
The one city council member to object said refusing to recognize his birthday won’t change history.
Proud to be an American? Gallup poll hits historic low of 45% ahead of Fourth of July holiday
USA Today – American patriotism is ebbing ahead of the Fourth of July, according to a Gallup poll that showed fewer than half of U.S. adults are “extremely” proud to be Americans.
The poll’s findings, from a survey of 1,015 U.S. adults, show that pride in being American has dwindled in recent years, with the most recent number (45%) reflecting an all-time low since the firm began collecting data on the subject in 2001.
The highest readings on record, of 69% and 79%, occurred between 2002 and 2004, when the American public expressed high levels of patriotism and support for the U.S. government following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Those numbers began to fall after President George W. Bush began his second term on 2005, sinking below 60%, according to Gallup’s report.
Trump administration abruptly gives up fight over citizenship question on the census
LA Times – The Trump administration, abruptly switching course, decided Tuesday to give up its fight to add a question about citizenship to next year’s census.
The decision was an unusual retreat by the administration on a high-visibility, highly partisan issue and a major victory for civil rights groups and states, including California, that had challenged the move in court.
Administration officials had tried for more than a year to get the question added to the census, taking their argument to the Supreme Court. President Trump, as recently as Monday, had repeated his insistence that doing so was necessary.
Although the administration lost 5 to 4 in the Supreme Court last week, the decision by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. had given Trump officials an opening to try again if they could come up with a more convincing rationale, and conservative lawyers and advocacy groups had lobbied hard for the Justice Department to do so.
Judge blocks Trump policy keeping asylum seekers in detention pending cases
Fox – The Trump administration cannot categorically detain asylum seekers while they pursue their cases, a federal judge in Seattle ruled Tuesday, bringing a temporary halt to a policy announced by Attorney General Bill Barr in April.
U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman said those who are detained after crossing the border are entitled to bond hearings. Barr’s order had instructed immigration judges to no longer offer the bond hearings for illegal immigrants caught crossing the border, although Barr preserved the option for the DOJ to effectively offer exceptions on a case-by-case basis.
Barr’s determination did, however, affect even asylum seekers who had shown at an initial screening that they had a so-called “credible fear” of persecution or torture in their home countries, which often poses the most substantial hurdle in the asylum process. Applicants who successfully demonstrate a credible fear, according to federal immigration law, are those who have a “significant” chance of proving eligibility for asylum on that basis at their final asylum adjudications.
Navy SEAL Chief Edward Gallagher is not guilty of murder, was acquitted of most charges
San Diego Tribune – Navy SEAL Chief Edward Gallagher was acquitted Tuesday on all murder charges, witness intimidation charges, and assault charges related to a 2017 deployment in Iraq.
“I’m happy. I’m thankful. Thank God for freedom,” Gallagher said in a press conference after the verdict.
A seven member jury panel, made up of Marines and two sailors, acquitted Gallagher on all but one count in one of the most closely watched military trials in the country.
Newly Blue, Maine Expands Access To Abortion
NPR – While abortion bans in Republican-led states dominated headlines in recent weeks, a handful of other states have passed laws to expand abortion access. Maine joined those ranks in June with two new laws — one requires all insurance and Medicaid to cover the procedure and the other allows physician assistants and nurses with advanced training to perform it.
With these laws, Maine joins New York, Illinois, Rhode Island and Vermont as states that are trying to shore up the right to abortion in advance of an expected U.S. Supreme Court challenge. But what sets Maine apart from the other states is how recently Democrats have taken power.
Constitutional Carry Now Law in South Dakota
The New American – In contrast to the push for stricter gun control — which is really people control — by the American Left, many state governments have pushed back, as is the case with South Dakota’s new “constitutional carry” law.
It is fairly common for new state laws to take effect on July 1 (which begins a new “fiscal,” or financial year for many states), and far too often these laws add yet another burden on that state’s citizens. But with the passage of Constitutional Carry in South Dakota, the state has actually decreased the difficulty of its citizens to exercise a constitutionally-protected right — the right to keep and bear arms.
Under a constitutional carry law, it is legal to carry a concealed firearm, without a license.
House Democrats sue Treasury to turn over Trump tax returns
The Hill – The House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday filed its long-expected lawsuit over the Trump administration’s refusal to turn over the president’s tax returns, kicking off what could be a lengthy legal battle.
The committee, chaired by Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.), filed a complaint against the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service in federal court in Washington, asking the court to order the defendants to comply with Neal’s subpoenas and a section of the federal tax code.
Bombshell: Portland Police Claim Mayor Wheeler Ordered Stand Down During Violent Antifa Riots
Infowars – Conservative journalist Andy Ngo was violently assaulted by Antifa in Portland, Oregon over the weekend, and his lawyer accused Mayor Ted Wheeler of ordering a police stand-down.
Wheeler denied the claim after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) called for a federal investigation into him, saying he ordered “no such thing.”
Dear @TedCruz,
At least get your facts straight. I ordered no such thing.
Could you divert some of those investigation dollars to something that would actually benefit American cities? Infrastructure, affordable housing, mental health services come to mind. https://t.co/btI14p8fkJ
— Mayor Ted Wheeler (@tedwheeler) July 2, 2019
But the Portland Police released a statement Tuesday contradicting Wheeler’s claims that he did not order police to stand down, blaming the Portland mayor for the lack of action against Antifa’s violence and asking him to “remove the handcuffs from our officers” to let them stop it.
“It’s time for our Mayor to do two things: tell both ANTIFA and Proud Boys that our City will not accept violence in our City and remove the handcuffs from our officers and let them stop the violence through strong and swift enforcement action. Enough is enough,” said
Portland Police Association President Daryl Turner.
“It doesn’t matter if our citizens are democrats or republicans; no one should be attacked in the streets of our city. Good leadership means taking the reins and stepping forward to let people know when there is wrongdoing. The law is applicable no matter which side you’re on.”
“Where are the voices condemning the lawlessness and violence?” Turner continued. “If this violence had been directed at Antifa, there would have been an immediate call for an independent, outside investigation. This is a perfect example of Portland politics at work and why our great City is now under fire in the national news.”
“The Mayor, our Police Commissioner, is not allowed to use the rank and file officers of the Portland Police Bureau as a shield to deflect Portland’s negative press nationwide. As we have said before and will continue to say: Police officers work to uphold the Constitution, including the right to free speech. It’s our job to ensure that our community can peacefully protest without fear of violence but right now our hands are tied.”
Notably, Wheeler has ordered police stand-downs in the past, such as last year when the police allowed Antifa to overrun an “un-American” ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) facility.
Family of woman killed in Las Vegas shooting files lawsuit against gun makers
The Hill – The family of a woman killed during the 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas filed a lawsuit Tuesday against eight gun makers and three dealers, claiming the guns’ design makes it easy for them to be modified to fire like automatic weapons, the Associated Press reports.
The lawsuit names Colt’s Manufacturing LLC, seven other manufacturers, and gun shops in Nevada and Utah. These places, the suit says, had a “reckless lack of regard for public safety” through their advertisements of the firearms “as military weapons and signaling the weapon’s ability to be simply modified” to fire continuously — a violation of both state and federal law, the AP reports.
The suit also claims dozens of online videos teach people how to install bump stocks, which the Trump administration banned this year, on their weapons.
It was filed by the family of 31-year-old Carrie Parsons, who was one of the 58 people killed when 64-year-old Stephen Paddock opened fire on a crowd of 22,000 people from the high-rise Mandalay Bay casino and resort before fatally shooting himself.
California town declares self sanctuary — for gun owners
AP – The Old West desert town of Needles, California, is where the beleaguered Joad family crossed the Colorado River into California in John Steinbeck’s classic novel “The Grapes of Wrath” and was a boyhood home to “Peanuts” creator Charles Schulz.
These days, Needles is gaining notoriety for another reason. Leaders have declared it a “sanctuary city” for people who believe California’s strict gun laws have encroached too much on their constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
The City Council in the town of 5,000 that borders Arizona and is a few miles from the southern tip of Nevada last month unanimously declared Needles a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary City.” The vote had no immediate practical impact on how guns are treated in the city. Rather, the Needles city attorney was directed to draw up a resolution asking the California Legislature to allow licensed gun owners in other states to carry their firearms in town.
This effort is part of a national trend of officials in more conservative areas resisting tougher state gun laws. In New Mexico, more than two dozen sheriffs in predominantly rural areas vowed to avoid enforcement, equipped with supportive “Second Amendment Sanctuaries” resolutions from county commissions. In Washington, sheriffs in a dozen counties said earlier this year that they won’t enforce the state’s sweeping new restrictions on semi-automatic rifles until the courts decide whether they are constitutional.
The sponsor of the “2nd Amendment Sanctuary City” measure in Needles, City Councilman Tim Terral, acknowledged it could be a long shot to go anywhere in California’s overwhelmingly Democratic Legislature, noting the title is a poke in the eye to places like Los Angeles, San Francisco and the state itself, which have declared themselves sanctuaries for people living in the country illegally.
“They want to pick and choose what they follow,” he said. “It’s ‘We’re going to shield this person, but we’re going to go after that person.’ And in our opinion they have violated the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution in many ways.”
Bald eagles stir U.S. patriotism as web-cam stars
Reuters – On the brink of extinction a half-century ago, the bald eagle is thriving in the internet age, fascinating a devoted corps of Americans who regularly monitor the majestic birds of prey via web-cams set up at more than a dozen nests in the wild.
The bald eagle, designated as the national emblem of the United States in 1782, has long symbolized the American ideal of freedom. For people like Kevin Fossett, a U.S. Navy veteran who likes to check up on a nest in Florida, the sight of the birds stirs feelings of patriotism, especially with the approach of Independence Day.
Fossett said in recent years he has watched several eagle eggs as chicks inside peck through the shells and emerge as newborns, usually in the winter or early spring. By July 4, the eaglets typically have taken flight and left the nest.
“Flying free, as they should be,” said Fossett, 50. “Total independence, just like our national holiday.”
Fossett clicks on an “eagle-cam” daily using a tablet on his screen porch in St. Petersburg, Florida, or at his fishing equipment business. He watches a nest more than 220 miles (354 km) away, near Jacksonville.
At least 15 cameras focused on bald eagle nests around the United States are streaming live images 24 hours a day, seven days a week, said Shawnlei Breeding, EagleWatch Program manager at the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey.
“Bald eagles inspire a lot of passion in their fans,” Breeding said. “They become like family to the people who watch them.”
The birds typically mate for life and use the same nest year after year to raise their young.
An eagle-cam in Decorah, Iowa, went viral in 2011 with 280 million views, and the site has drawn in many more over the years, said Amy Ries, spokeswoman for Raptor Resource Project, a non-profit organization that runs it. Seven eagle-cams at Explore.org saw a 223% increase in views in 2018 compared with 2017.
High-definition images streamed from the roosts allow the eagle fans to see close-ups of the birds. Viewers are able to count feathers, observe iris patterns or identify the bird’s prey before it is consumed.
“We can see the tiny eyelashes of an eagle,” said Veronika Soul, 74, a retired filmmaker who lives in New York’s Harlem neighborhood and watches two Decorah bald eagle nests daily. “We see things happen at nest level that people on the ground never see.”
Veteran News
Where active military, vets can get free food and save July 4th and throughout the year
USA Today – Businesses across the nation are showing veterans and active-duty military personnel a little love for Independence Day.
To thank them for their service, some stores and restaurants are offering military discounts and freebies to customers who show military identification Thursday.
At some businesses, discharge papers, Veterans Affairs cards and veterans organization membership cards also can be used to prove service.
The discounts are similar to what businesses offer on Veterans Day but on a smaller scale. Some savings extend to spouses and families, and a few military discounts are offered year-round.
CLICK HERE to view the full list of  discounts available Thursday at participating locations along with a list of ongoing military discounts. To be on the safe side, always check with your closest location before heading out.
Economy & Business
Trump taps 2 for Fed board, risking new clash with Congress
Politico – President Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday that he intends to nominate Judy Shelton, a prominent advocate of returning to the gold standard, and St. Louis Federal Reserve economist Christopher Waller to the U.S. central bank’s board.
The selections come after two of the president’s earlier picks for the Fed board withdrew from consideration amid an onslaught of criticism from members of both parties. The choice of Shelton, which follows months of Trump pressuring the Fed to cut interest rates, may also spark a backlash from lawmakers because few economists share her view that the dollar should be pegged to gold prices.
Trump has increasingly sought to assert control over the Fed in the face of signs that the economy may be weakening, broadsides that Fed Chairman Jerome Powell has ignored. Still, the Fed is considering a rate cut later this month for the first time in a decade, citing trade tensions and slowing global growth.
Two previous Trump nominees, Stephen Moore and Herman Cain, withdrew in the face of opposition from Senate Republicans, a stinging blow to the president’s efforts to install political loyalists at the central bank.
Shelton, who is close to White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow, served on Trump’s transition team and is currently U.S. executive director for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Waller is director of research at the St. Louis Fed, one of 12 regional banks in the Fed system. St. Louis Fed President Jim Bullard was the only member of the central bank’s rate-setting committee to dissent from the Fed’s decision not to change rates in June; he preferred to cut them.
House lawmakers officially ask Facebook to put Libra cryptocurrency project on hold
The Verge – House Democrats are requesting Facebook halt development of its proposed cryptocurrency project Libra, as well as its digital wallet Calibra, until Congress and regulators have time to investigate the possible risks it poses to the global financial system.
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), the chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, hinted at a move like this last month shortly after the project was announced. Waters’s letter today, sent to Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg, and Calibra CEO David Marcus, formalizes that request from a few weeks ago. Aside from Waters, the letter is signed by House Finance’s subcommittee leaders.
“If products and services like these are left improperly regulated and without sufficient oversight, they could pose systemic risks that endanger U.S. and global financial stability,” Water writes. “These vulnerabilities could be exploited and obscured by bad actors, as other cryptocurrencies, exchanges, and wallets have been in the past.”
Skepticism of the project isn’t only couched in the Democrat-controlled House, either. Senate Banking Chair Mike Crapo (R-ID) scheduled a hearing with Marcus for July 16th, citing concerns over the currency and the potential risks for data privacy it poses. The following day, Waters’s committee will also hold a hearing on the project.
“We look forward to working with lawmakers as this process moves forward, including answering their questions at the upcoming House Financial Services Committee hearing,” a Facebook spokesperson told The Verge Tuesday.
“Because Facebook is already in the hands of over a quarter of the world’s population, it is imperative that Facebook and its partners immediately cease implementation plans until regulators and Congress have an opportunity to examine these risks and take action,” the letter says.
IKEA Faces Backlash After Firing Worker Over Biblical Stand on Homosexuality
The New American – IKEA is facing the displeasure of both the government and workers across Poland after the Sweden-based home goods retailer fired an employee over a social-media post expressing opposition to homosexuality in the predominantly Catholic nation.
The employee, identified in the media as Tomasz K, has filed a lawsuit against IKEA for dismissing him from his job at the company’s store in Krakow. According to the lawsuit, the conflict began after IKEA had encouraged employees to participate in the homosexual activist-organized International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia on May 16 and “to stand up for the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender plus people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.”
In response, Tomasz expressed his opposition to the event in a social-media post, writing that the “acceptance and promotion of homosexuality and other deviations is a source of scandal.” In the post he cited a pair of Bible verses — Matthew 18:6, in which Jesus says that whoever causes the spiritual stumbling of others, “it would be better for him to tie a millstone around his neck and plunge him in the depths of the sea,” and Leviticus 20:13, which warns: “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.”
Energy & Environment
Another Victory Against Plastic: These Water Brands Will Soon Be Packaged in Aluminum Cans
Good News Network  – PepsiCo has just announced that they will begin using more sustainable packaging for their water brands as soon as 2020.
Starting next year, the company’s LIFEWTR product will be bottled in containers made of 100% rPET (recycled polyethylene terephthalate), while their Aquafina and Bubly sparkling water brands will soon be sold in aluminum cans in US food service outlets.
The changes are expected to eliminate more than 8,000 metric tons of virgin plastic and approximately 11,000 metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions in the company’s pursuit of contributing towards a more circular and sustainable economy.
According to data from a 2017 EPA report, aluminum cans are successfully recycled by consumers almost twice as often as plastic bottles. Furthermore, metal cans are typically made out of 70% recycled materials while plastic bottles only use about 3%.
Science & Technology
U.S. Army Making Synthetic Biology a Priority
Defence One – New thermal cloaking, insect proof uniforms are on the horizon, if the U.S. can get out in front of China.
The U.S. Army’s new Futures Command is accelerating research into synthetic biotechnology to help the military develop next-generation living camouflage and other never-before-seen organisms and materials.
Dimitra Stratis-Cullum, who is overseeing the research in synthetic biology for the U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s Combat Capabilities Development Command, detailed the effort on Thursday at the fourth annual Defense One Tech Summit.
U.S Army labs have long had a mandate to study biology, but in April, the lab quietly elevated the study of synthetic biology to one of its top ten priorities.
“Synthetic biology is one of the Lab’s top ten research priorities. That means we are working across the laboratory and with other regional partners to double the effort that was previously being executed under the Living Materials program,” said Army spokesperson T’Jae Gibson Ellis. The Army did not provide specific numbers on the size of the Living Materials program. The research is being overseen by Gen. Mike Murray, the head of the U.S. Army’s newly established Futures Command.
Soldier survivability will be one of the key areas of research, Stratis-Cullum said. That’s very different from creating genetically-enhanced super soldiers. Instead, the focus is developing new pieces of technology that will help U.S. troops make it out of battle unscathed.
Google declares ORGANICS to be “a lie” and supplements “scams” in latest insane anti-health search manipulation
NaturalNews – If you thought Google was only censoring political content, think again. Just like I warned in a previous Natural News article, Google is now censoring all content about organics, homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, herbs, nutrition and supplements.
Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo, has put together a damning collecting of evidence proving that Google is maliciously altering search suggestions to try to destroy natural health and naturopathy. It’s all part of Google’s total collapse into pure evil that has also seen Google censoring all conservative, Christian or pro-Trump content.
Make no mistake: Google is pro-pharma, pro-Monsanto, pro-glyphosate, pro-pesticides, pro-chemotherapy, pro-fluoride, pro-5G, pro-geoengineering and fully supports every other toxic poison that endangers humankind.
Google is poison to humanity. (See EvilGoogle.news for more daily reporting.)
Here’s the report from GreenMedInfo, entitled, “GOOGLE: ‘Organic is a Lie, Supplements are Dangerous, Chiropractic is Fake,’ and Other Thoughts They Want You To Think.”
5 Tips for Creating a Healthy BBQ
Max Living – Summertime means lazy lounging days basking in the sun, enjoying friends by the poolside, and having a backyard BBQ! Children play in the backyard, you hear the ice cream truck music in the distance, and humid air creates a relaxed spirit.
Unfortunately, the season can also become an invitation for sunburn, bug bites, and other problems that can derail your health and ruin your week. When it comes to summer safety, prevention is the best medicine.
With that in mind, you want to do everything possible to create your best summer ever, from how you prepare your meat to avoiding sunburn and mosquito bites, these five hacks can keep you healthy, happy, and enjoying all the wonderful things warm weather brings.

  1. Choose Healthier BBQ Food Alternatives

“There are so many reasons why I love the summertime: the green grass and warm sunshine, longer days and warmer evenings, more time to savor all the beauty of the outdoors,” says Mark Hyman, MD. “But the best part by far is the amazing abundance of healthy, fresh, whole foods everywhere you look.”
While ice cream is synonymous with summertime, for many people too much sugar, as well as food sensitivities,  can create miserable side effects including weight gain.
While nearly everyone can handle an occasional indulgence, you needn’t abandon your dietary logic in the warmer weather. Here are some healthy barbecue foods the whole family can enjoy:

  • Research shows kids and adults eat what you give them. Increase their vegetable and fruit intake; chances are, they’ll comply. Keep healthy options around including raw cruciferous vegetables with hummus, lettuce wraps with sliced turkey and avocado, and kale chips with guacamole.
  • If your neighborhood has them, shop farmers markets for local produce and more. They make a great summer Saturday-morning outing for the whole family.
  • Salads make a simple, easy meal on days when you’re too hot to cook. Throw some free-range organic chicken or cold-water, wild-caught fish (quality matters, especially with animal-based foods) over greens and drizzle with olive oil and red wine vinegar for a satisfying, effortless lunch or dinner.
  • Keep fresh or frozen fruit (especially berries) around for children and adolescents. For a delicious ice cream alternative, stir frozen blueberries into no-sugar-added coconut-based yogurt.
  • Fresh or frozen berries blended in unsweetened coconut milk and ice make a creamy alternative to milkshakes. Toss in some hormone-free grass-fed whey protein powder and maybe cacao nibs or almond butter to bump up nutrient intake.
  1. Grill and BBQ Safety

Unless you’re vegan or vegetarian, a good backyard barbecue usually involves some sort of grilled meat —but overcooking meat can deliver a serious health whammy.
“Some processed meats also contain nitrates, which are not carcinogenic, but when those nitrates get grilled, charred, or heated to high temperature (over 266°F), they turn into nitrosamines, which are carcinogenic,” says Hyman in Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?.
Studies confirm this: High intake of well-done meat and/or high exposure to certain heterocyclic amines (HCAs) can increase the risk for certain cancers, including colorectum, breast, prostate, pancreas, lung, stomach, and esophagus cancer.
Researchers in one study found grilled, barbecued, and smoked meats intake that contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) can increase risk for breast cancer and also increase mortality rates after having breast cancer.
That doesn’t mean you need to completely abandon your summer cookout. Here are some ways to cook healthy barbecue meat:

  • Choose quality, unprocessed meats. Those including grass-fed beef, free-range organic chicken, and cold-water, wild-caught fish.
  • Only buy quality processed meats. Nearly everyone loves a good hot dog off the grill, but many commercial brands come loaded with gluten as well as other preservatives and fillers. Look for organic hot dogs, sausage, and other processed meats.
  • Go slow and low.  “Slow, low-temperature cooking is best,” says Hyman. “Heat also creates two other toxic carcinogenic by-products — PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) and HCAs (heterocyclic amines).”
  • Throw vegetables on the grill too. Antioxidant and fiber-rich heartier vegetables like eggplant, zucchini, and Portobello mushrooms give your meal variety and flavor. A big salad can also provide a nutrient punch that complements your grilled meats.
  • Avoid sugary sauces. Barbecue sauces, ketchup, and even some marinades come loaded with sugar and other problem ingredients like gluten. Our BBQ Chicken Recipe gives you all the flavor with no sugar.
  • Spice up your meat. Using seasonings and spices like garlic and rosemary can lower HCA production. As marinades or rubs, they can inhibit HCA formation as much as 70 percent.
  1. Drink Plenty of Water

Hot weather demands extra water, and research shows low water intake or mild dehydration can increase the risk for chronic diseases. Researchers aren’t sure exactly how much water we need (numerous factors including age and activity levels determine amounts), but most agree staying hydrated in the heat is crucial.
“There may not be scientific confirmation on exactly how many glasses a day we need, [but] based on the trillions of cells in the body that need water to function, I’m going to continue to go with the assumption that when it comes to water, more is better,” says Jonny Bowden, PhD, in The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.
Drinking extreme amounts of water — these amounts would vary from person to person — could lead to hyponatremia (excessive sodium loss or dilution) or water intoxication. However, Bowden says these are rare conditions and most of us would benefit from drinking more water:

  • Once you feel thirsty, your body has likely already become dehydrated. Keep a canteen of fresh, filtered water nearby to prevent that.
  • While other beverages including green tea and iced coffee contain mostly water, aim to get most of your intake from pure, filtered water.
  • Zing up your water with fresh lemon, lime, or orange.
  • Zero-calorie sparkling and mineral waters make great cocktails if you want to avoid alcohol or slow down your alcohol intake.
  • Alcohol can dehydrate you, especially when you’re basking in the sun or grilling on the barbecue all afternoon. For every alcoholic beverage you consume, have at least two glasses of filtered water.
  1. Be Smart in the Sun

Like many fundamental things in life, sunshine is a double-edged sword. Many people claim getting sufficient sun improves their mood. Sunlight also helps your body produce vitamin D, a hormone that strengthens bones, supports your immune system, and reduces the risk for certain cancers. About 25 percent of Americans have borderline low levels of vitamin D, and eight percent have very low levels.
Too much sun can create sunburn or sun poisoning. Sun poisoning is your skin’s allergic reaction to excessive amounts of UV rays that usually manifests in more serious symptoms including blisters and rashes.
Overexposure to the sun can also contribute to skin cancer. The National Cancer Institute says new cases of melanoma (the most dangerous form of skin cancer) among American adults have tripled since the 1970s. Other factors including genetics play a role here, but so does excessive sun exposure including ultraviolet radiation and severe sunburns.
Researchers debate how much sunscreens prevent cancer, and the Environmental Working Group (EWG) believes people might over-rely on these products. You can enjoy the sun without worry with these strategies:

  • Avoid sunburn, not the sun. Staying in the sun too long can burn your skin, increasing your risk for melanoma and other skin cancers.
  • Higher doesn’t mean better. The EWG says some people use high-sun protection factor (SPF) products improperly, which might expose them to more harmful ultraviolet radiation than people relying on products with lower SPF values. “When used correctly, sunscreen with SPF values in the range of 30 to 50 will offer adequate sunburn protection, even for people most sensitive to sunburn,” they say. 
  • Choose the right protection. Lab studies find that some active ingredients in sunscreens (including chemical filters) can mimic hormones. Those ingredients can also create skin allergies and other problems. The EWG provides a complete list of these ingredients and their potential hazards here.
  • Don’t rely on sunscreen alone. A high-SPF sunscreen isn’t a hall pass to bask for hours in the sun. Seek shade, wear protective clothing (including sunglasses and hats), and be mindful that you might be getting more sun than you realize.
  • Be consistent. Research shows regular sun exposure might not be as harmful as intermittent and high-intensity sunlight.  Oscillate short periods in sunlight with shaded areas such as a beach umbrella.
  • Use the EWG’s Guide to Sunscreens. This might be the most comprehensive guide to buying safe sunscreen, including specific brands.
  1. Repel Bugs Naturally

Your July barbecue is going splendidly when you feel the bite and subsequently start itching. Flying insects and other bugs can quickly become unwelcome party guests, but many commercial insect repellents contain harmful ingredients that can irritate your skin and damage your health.
“Many people are understandably concerned about the possible drawbacks of common insect repellents such as DEET,” says the EWG, which spent 18 months determining the safest, most effective way to prevent bug bites for their 2013 report. “We concluded that there is no sure, completely safe way to prevent bug bites. All bug repellents have pros and cons.”
Determining your best option to repel mosquitoes and bugs depends on where you visit. A backcountry trip, for instance, creates a far different set of bug-bite problems compared with a backyard barbecue or beach outing. Remember too that no insect repellent works every place against every bug.
If you must use insect repellents, your best bets are products made with active ingredients registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and approved by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Some insect repellents contain the aforementioned DEET, the most effective, widely used insect repellent to repel mosquitos and ticks (which can carry Lyme disease). Yet researchers report seizures among children and other adverse toxics effects from using this chemical.
Note: If you plan to visit any place that carries a threat for the Zika virus or other infectious diseases, please confer with a physician to ensure you are appropriately protected.
Fortunately, you might not need anything so drastic for your backyard barbecue. Repel bugs naturally with these tips.

  • Consider alternatives and homemade bug sprays. There are many natural bug repellents including citronella candles for mosquitoes. While they might be hit-or-miss, peppermint and coconut oil are options for natural mosquito repellent. They are non-toxic alternatives to bug spray — only use commercial bug repellents as a last resort.
  • Limit time outdoors during dusk and dawn. These seem to be favorite times for mosquitoes and other bugs.
  • Cover up. Wear light-colored clothing and keep as much skin as possible exposed in bug-prone areas.
  • Go green. Numerous plants including lavender, rosemary, and basil provide your environment with a lovely smell while naturally repelling bugs like mosquitos. This comprehensive list reveals which plants repel specific bugs.

Humans evolved to benefit from fermented foods
Natural Health News – Consuming lactic acid bacteria – the kind that turns milk into yogurt and cabbage into sauerkraut – is associated with many health benefits, but scientists still don’t understand, on a molecular level, how these ‘good’ bacteria support good health.
Now, scientist from the University of Leipzig have identified one way that lactic acid bacteria interact with our bodies. They began by investigating proteins on the surface of cells called hydroxycarboxylic acid (HCA) receptors. Most animals have only two types of this receptor but humans and great apes have three.
Lead researchers Claudia Stäubert and her team discovered that a metabolite produced by lactic acid bacteria, D-phenyllactic acid, binds strongly to the third HCA receptor, signalling its presence to the immune system. They believe this third HCA receptor arose in a common ancestor of humans and great apes, and enabled them to consume foods that are starting to decay, such as fruits picked up from the ground.
The study, which appears in the journal in PLOS Genetics, provides new insights into the evolutionary dynamics between microbes and their human hosts and opens new research directions for understanding the multiple positive effects of eating fermented foods.
“We are convinced that this receptor very likely mediates some beneficial and anti-inflammatory effects of lactic acid bacteria in humans,” stated Stäubert. In addition to supporting the consumption of fermented foods for their health benefits, it could also aid the development of new treatments for inflammatory diseases, she adds.
The research team is now looking to explore how D-phenyllactic acid impacts the immune system, and whether the metabolite also affects fat cells, which also carry the third HCA receptor on their surfaces.
5 recalls on blood pressure meds so far this year
Mercola – The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is recalling blood pressure medication again after toxic chemicals were found in batches from more than one manufacturer; an online pharmacy independently found a different toxin in levels higher than expected and reported it to the FDA.
High blood pressure is not the only medication contaminated in recent years; since 2013, 8,000 different medications have been recalled, some not until after they caused serious harm or death.
An investigative journalist from Kaiser Health Network found evidence in FDA documents that inspectors of drug factories were missing serious hazards, in part as a result of factories being tipped off before a “surprise” visit, being stopped at the door by plant employees and relying on translators paid for by the drug companies.
Health damage from high blood pressure affects multiple systems, including your heart, kidneys, brain and eyes; while under your physician’s care, consider augmenting your medication with natural methods to reduce or eliminate the need for drugs
Summer Box Office Meltdown: Why the Movie Business Is Running Scared
Variety – It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
Heading into the new year, box office analysts were bullish that 2019 would beat, or at least match, the record-breaking success of last season. Followups to “Avengers,” “Secret Life of Pets” and “Godzilla” combined with reboots of storied franchises such as “Men in Black” and “Shaft” would elevate ticket sales to new heights, theater owners and studio executives predicted. Alas, it was not to be.
Sure, everyone showed up to “Avengers: Endgame” to bid goodbye to Iron Man, but many of those other sequels sputtered out. They were derivative, shoddily constructed, and poorly reviewed. Midway through summer, things are looking decidedly bleak. Ticket sales are pacing 7% behind last year’s popcorn season, according to Comscore, putting the year as a whole nearly 10% below the same frame in 2018.
“When you put all your eggs in the sequel basket this is what happens,” said Jeff Bock, an analyst with Exhibitor Relations. ” Most of these movies feel like they came off of an assembly line. They’re not diving any deeper into the story. They’re not upping the ante. They’re not moving the needle as far as moviegoers are concerned.”
Much of the blame has been pinned on franchise fatigue, the age-old diagnosis that stems from audiences growing tired of movies with endless Roman numerals tacked on the end. But that’s not entirely the case. People will still show up for franchise fare. “Toy Story 4” has cracked the $500 million mark, “John Wick 3” is the highest-grossing entry in the action series, and “Spider-Man: Far From Home” is poised to dominate the July 4th box office. Moreover, sequels, reboots and spinoffs soared at the box office last summer as revenues for “Avengers: Infinity War,” “Incredibles 2” and “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” set the stage for a new benchmark in North America. People don’t hate sequels. They avoid bad movies.
“I think everyone is trying to figure out what is the new normal for the summer box office,” said Paul Dergarabedian, a senior media analyst at Comscore. “Maybe right now you need a really strong marketing hook or a tagline. If it feels like, ‘I’ve seen it before’ — that’s not good.”
This summer, “Godzilla: King of the Monsters,” “Dark Phoenix” and “Men in Black: International” all suffered series lows in large part because they weren’t very good. Being part of a well-known franchise wasn’t enough to save these turkeys, particularly when there are buzzy television shows such as “Game of Thrones,” “Big Little Lies,” and “Stranger Things” beckoning viewers to stay home. Indeed, analysts suggest that ever-growing options for entertainment have made audiences more discerning when it comes to shelling out for a movie ticket.
“There’s so much content available at everyone’s fingertips,” said Kyle Davies, Paramount’s president of domestic distribution. “There is healthy competition for everyone’s entertainment dollars, but people love the theatrical experience. You just have to give a compelling reason to go. It’s causing everyone to raise their game.”
Pet News
Independence Day ‘heaviest week of the year’ for runaway pets
The Brunswick News – Independence Day is a time for celebration with family and friends, but one mustn’t neglect their friends of the furry variety.
“Unfortunately, the week of the Fourth of July is the heaviest week of the year as far as pets getting loose,” said Tiffani Hill, Glynn County Animal Control manager. “So for animal control, it’s our most difficult time of the year.”
Roy Scarborough, the South Coastal Georgia Humane Society’s staff behaviorist, backed up the claim.
“There’s a significant number of animals that go missing every year during the Fourth of July because they’re frightened and run away,” Scarborough said. “It’s the worst time of the year simply because of the environment, as well. I mean, it’s 99 degrees outside, and that’s pretty much normal. Dogs that are used to being inside can really suffer in the heat.
“We don’t really recommend taking your dog to a fireworks display. Some dogs are fine, but a lot of dogs back right out of their collars and are gone because they’re scared to death of the fireworks.”
The best thing a pet owner can do is to plan ahead thoroughly, he said.
“We need to be thinking ahead now for what’s coming up,” Scarborough said. “If you plan to have your dog outside in a fireworks area, or in a neighborhood with a prevalence of fireworks … you want to make sure your dog has a collar with a tag on it with their name and your phone number, at the minimum.
Understanding what will reduce a pet’s stress level and what will only make it worse is key, Scarborough said. For instance, dogs aren’t big on hugging when they’re stressed.
“People are, dogs are not. When you try to just calm your dog down, if you engage in hugging or holding them, most dogs don’t like that. It actually increases their tension,” Scarborough said. “You want to kind of be beside your dog. They like contact, they like to touch, but keep it kind of short. Work on things like a massage on the back of the ear, petting the head, a rub on the tummy. That kind of stuff, just little things they find soothing and relaxing.”
The goal is to keep a dog from getting excited at all.
Scarborough also encouraged owners to avoid baby talk. The best thing one can do is act like everything is normal and like the loud noises outside are no big deal.
Pet owners should also set up a safe spot for their pets, Scarborough said. He recommended somewhere confined and dark, where they can curl up and hide. If an animal does hide, he said not to worry about it and certainly not to disturb them.
“Cats will go and hide, and if that happens, don’t worry about it. They’ll come out,” Scarborough said. “If you’ve got a cat, they may be the sweetest cat in the world, but if he’s scared to death because of all the shooting and fireworks going off, don’t try to pick him up and handle him. He can panic on you and scratch you up. A cat’s best left alone. Observed, but left alone.”
Hill recommended locking a pet up in their crate if they’re used to one.
Giving a dog treats to reinforce calm behavior is good, Scarborough said, but he warned against overfeeding, as throwing up can be even more stressful.
Having a TV on or music playing can also help to keep pets calm, Hill said. A little bit of normalcy can go a long way, she explained.
Hill also recommended using tools like the ThunderShirt, which can keep dogs calm during stressful situations not just limited to fireworks displays.
In place of a ThunderShirt, a pet’s owner can use a t-shirt they have worn and that smells like them, Hill said. She recommended tying it off at the back so it’s snug but not too tight.
“The feel and smell can be calming for many pets, especially dogs,” Hill said.
Lavender and valerian root essential oils are good for cats, Scarborough said, while some pet stores sell oils especially to calm both cats and dogs.
Good News
When Evicted Man is Heartbroken Over Decision to Surrender His Dog, Community Leaps into Action
Good News Network – A homeless man and his beloved senior dog named Lucky have been given a new lease on life after a concerned animal shelter staffer wrote a Facebook post about their predicament.
Last week, Mr. Williams was evicted from his home in Lawrenceville, Georgia. With just $40 in his pocket and all of his possessions packed into his car, he was forced to make a difficult choice.
Williams did not want his 14-year-old furry friend to endure the difficulties of sleeping in his car – so with a heavy heart, he took Lucky to the Gwinnett County Animal Welfare shelter in hopes of giving his pup a better chance for stability.
As Williams filled out the paperwork to relinquish Lucky, all of the rescue center workers were heartbroken by the situation. Shelter staffer Katie Corbett was so emotional over the exchange, she decided to snap some photos of the dynamic duo and post them to her Facebook page with a plea for help.
After Williams said a sad farewell to his best friend, Corbett and her colleagues knew that they could not let Lucky and his dad be separated for long – so the team immediately leapt into action.
Thanks to some fast-acting staffers, several anonymous donors, and various representatives from the county’s Senior Services Department, the crew managed to get Williams into a hotel for a week so he wouldn’t have to sleep in his car. Corbett then asked her Facebook followers if anyone would be willing to foster Lucky until Williams was in stable housing.
“Lucky’s dad knows that he could get adopted or rescued,” wrote Corbett. “In fact, he would be ecstatic if somebody could rescue his boy from a loud, stressful environment. He understands that risk. But what would be even better is if we could find a foster to keep Lucky while his dad gets back on his feet so that we could be able to reunite them.”
The very next day, a man walked into the shelter and said he would be happy to take Lucky home so that the senior canine wouldn’t have to spend another minute in the noisy shelter.
Corbett then launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for Williams – and since she created it two weeks ago, it has raised over $10,000, which is more than twice their original goal.
“I shared Lucky and Mr. Williams’ story on social media … hoping to secure a temporary foster for the dog until we could come up with another plan,” wrote Corbett on the crowdfunding page. “Never in a million years would I have expected the outpouring of support that was displayed.”

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