July 1, 2024

The Power Hour

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Today's News: July 06, 2020

World News

Series of Mysterious Explosions Rock Iran; Iran Vows Retaliation

Activist Post – There have been five mysterious explosions and fires in Iran in a short time frame, many at secure sites. Iran claims it will retaliate, as they indirectly blame the U.S. and Israel for attacks on the infrastructure.
On June 25th, a massive explosion in Tehran burned a hillside near a suspected missile complex at Khojir which was blamed on a gas leak. Subsequently, there was a reported power outage in the city of Shiraz, leaving 1.2 million households without electricity, according to reports. This power outage was allegedly caused by an explosion that took place at a power station in Shiraz, Radio Farda reported.
Iranian TV showed video footage of what they claimed was the industrial fuel storage facility that had blown up.

Spain court approves extradition of Mexico’s former oil chief

Al Jazeera – Spain’s National Administrative Tribunal has agreed to extradite Emilio Lozoya, former chief executive of oil company Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), to Mexico.
Lozoya, 45, is wanted in Mexico on charges including bribery and money laundering in cases involving Brazilian construction firm Odebrecht SA as well as a Mexican fertilizer firm. He denies any wrongdoing.

Border between Australia’s most populous states closed

Al Jazeera – The border between Australia’s two most populous states is closing indefinitely as coronavirus infections soar on one side.

China arrests law professor who criticised Xi over coronavirus

Al Jazeera – Chinese authorities have arrested a law professor who published essays strongly criticising President Xi Jinping over the coronavirus pandemic and accusing him of ruling “tyrannically”, according to his friends and colleagues. 

Violent Crime Is Surging Dramatically In Major Cities All Over America

Economic Collapse Blog – What we are witnessing all over the country right now is incredibly sad.  In the aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd, it would have been wonderful to see the entire nation unite behind an effort to make our society less violent, more just and more peaceful.  But instead, we have seen a tremendous explosion of violence and lawlessness that doesn’t seem likely to end any time soon.  Violent crime rates are surging in major city after major city, and the 4th of July weekend was particularly bad.  At least 41 people were hit by gunfire in New York City during the holiday weekend, and this continues a trend that we have seen throughout the first half of 2020.

Hong Kong is No Longer Under Colonial Rule, It is Part of China, Chinese Ambassador to UK Says

Sputnik – Britain had previously taken aim at the recently passed national security law for Hong Kong. The Chinese envoy to the UK retorted that “the UK has no sovereignty, jurisdiction or right of supervision over Hong Kong.”
Liu Xiaoming, the Chinese ambassador to the UK, has warned Britain against “making China a hostile country”, saying otherwise it will have to “bear consequences.”
Liu referred to Hong Kong as a territory that is “no longer under colonial rule” but that is part of China, expressing hope that the UK won’t interfere in the Asian country’s internal affairs.

Provocative US Military Drills Near Chinese Waters

Global Research – Bipartisan hardliners in Washington and establishment media might consider this action a casus belli.
Clearly it would provoke a sharp US reaction, including possible interdiction of foreign ships by Pentagon ones, risking a possible clash that could lead to something much more serious.
Numerous times before, Pentagon warships conducted provocative drills in the South China Sea and other parts of the world where they don’t belong —their presence posing a threat to regional countries.
In response to legitimate Chinese military exercises in its own waters, the Pentagon falsely accused Beijing of “the latest in a long line (of actions) to assert unlawful maritime claims and disadvantage its Southeast Asian neighbors in the South China Sea (sic),” adding:
The US will continue to monitor Chinese military activity — in a part of the world where US forces close to its borders are a hostile presence.
Beijing strongly opposes provocative US military drills near its territory, an earlier PLA statement saying:
“Reality has proved once again that the US is the biggest facilitator of the militarization of the South China Sea, and is a troublemaker for the region’s peace and stability,” adding:
“The PLA will remain on high alert, and adamantly safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests, as well as the peace and prosperity of the region.”

U.S. News, Politics & Government

President Trump Rips NASCAR’s Bubba Wallace for Noose Hoax

Breitbart – President Donald Trump jumped to Twitter on Monday to slam NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace for not apologizing for claiming that someone had left a “noose” in his garage.
Last month, track officials alerted NASCAR that what appeared to be a noose had been left hanging in the garage used by Bubba Wallace at the Talladega Superspeedway before the start of the later-postponed GEICO 500.
The report spurred the whole of the NASCAR community to stand up with Wallace in a show of force against racism. NASCAR even brought in the FBI to investigate the “crime.”
But the FBI soon determined that the so-called “noose” was just a pull rope on a garage door and many of the garages had them. There was no noose, no crime, and no racism.
Now, on July 6, President Trump is wondering via Twitter if Wallace — NASCAR’s only full-time black driver — has ever apologized to the NASCAR drivers and officials who supported him.
“Has @BubbaWallace apologized to all of those great NASCAR drivers & officials who came to his aid, stood by his side, & were willing to sacrifice everything for him, only to find out that the whole thing was just another HOAX?” Trump tweeted. “That & Flag decision has caused lowest ratings EVER!” the president tweeted on Monday.

Is California Governor Newsom Leading the Communist Takeover of America? Walmart is now Apparently a Communist China Store in the U.S.

Health Impact News – A strange thing happened to me here in 2020. I went to bed one night in my home country, the United States of America, known for its Constitution and protection of individual liberties, and the next day I woke up in a place I no longer recognized, for it had become a totalitarian communist regime.
Two days ago, I decided to stop in a Walmart for a brief minute to pick up something I was not able to order online quick enough. I had checked to see if this Walmart near me had it in stock. I seldom shop at Walmart, so this was a rare visit to the mega-chain franchise, and I was planning on just getting what I needed and head on my way.
An older woman wearing a mask was at the entrance, and mumbled something about wearing a mask as I walked in, but I was in a hurry and so I just ignored her.
I found someone stocking a shelf and asked him where the item was that I wanted to purchase. He said he would take me there, and proceeded to show me the way to the aisle where it was located. As we were walking to the aisle, he looked back at me and asked: “You’re not wearing a mask?” (I obviously was not.)
“No, ” I said, “I don’t wear them for medical reasons.”
He showed me the aisle then left. Before I could even read the box and labels on the item I wanted to purchase, a husky young woman wearing a kind of security uniform with a two-way radio came up to me and said in a very loud and serious tone: “Sir, if you’re not going to wear a mask, you need to leave the store NOW!”
I was somewhat taken aback by this confrontation, as I had never wore a mask during the entire COVID Plandemic, and nobody had ever bothered me about it previously, at least not in any stores where I was shopping (only an outdoor Farmer’s Market gave me problems one time).
So I decided to call her bluff, and told her I had medical reasons for not wearing a mask, and that I was just purchasing one item and then I would be leaving.
She got on her radio and stated: “He’s refusing to leave. I need back up.”

Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested by FBI – Is She the Center of the Epstein Sex Trafficking Enterprise?

Health Impact News – Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested by the FBI today on charges that she conspired with Jeffery Epstein to sexually abuse minors.
The six-count indictment in Manhattan federal court alleges that Maxwell helped Epstein groom girls as young as 14 years old, going back as far as 1994.
“In some instances, Maxwell was present for and participated in the sexual abuse of minor victims,” the indictment says.
Will she have her day in court, or does the same fate await her as Jeffery Epstein?
Independent investigative reporter Ben Swann brings us this report today, saying that Ghislaine Maxwell may be a more important figure than Epstein himself as she allegedly arranged many of the meetings between high profile public figures, ranging from former President Bill Clinton to Prince Andrew to Bill Gates, in visits to Epstein’s private island aboard his “Lolita Express” where sexual abuse was allegedly happening among girls as young as 14 years old.

Video: Baltimore Mob Pulls Down Columbus Statue And Slings It In Harbor

Infowars – A statue of Christopher Columbus that has stood in the Little Italy neighborhood of Baltimore for 36 years was torn down by a mob Sunday and thrown into the nearby harbor.

In Addition To Everything Else, Now “Bunny Ebola” Is Spreading Rapidly In The United States

Michael Snyder – In 2020, it has just been one thing after another.  The COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed countries all over the globe, there has been tremendous rioting, looting and civil unrest in major U.S. cities, and millions of Americans have lost their jobs as we have plunged into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s.  It has been such a challenging year, and we certainly don’t need any more problems, but now there is one more crisis that we can add to the list.  An outbreak of a virus that is known as “bunny ebola” erupted in the southwestern United States in April, and since that time it has “moved like mad” from one location to another.  At this point, cases have been confirmed at 146 different locations in the states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah.  The good news is that this virus does not infect humans, but it is absolutely deadly for rabbits, hares, and pikas.  Thousands have already died, and it appears that this pandemic is just getting started.

Economy & Business

80% Of NYC Restaurants Couldn’t Afford June Rent

Activist Post – The majority of restaurant owners around the city did not pay their entire rent in June, with 36% skipping out on it altogether, as the coronavirus pandemic continues to make it harder for eateries to survive, a new survey found according to Commercial Observer.
The nonprofit New York City Hospitality Alliance surveyed 509 restaurateurs around the city and found four out of five didn’t pay the full June rent. Of those, 90% said they paid half or less last month.
“Rent is putting enormous financial pressure on restaurants, bars and clubs after four near-fatal months of economic disaster in which many have already shuttered for good,” said Andrew Rigie, executive director of the NYC Hospitality Alliance.
“Pre-pandemic, it was incredibly difficult to run a successful restaurant,” added Rigie. “These conditions, the longer that it goes on, is going to make it more and more challenging for small businesses to ever recover. The vast majority of small businesses will not be able to pay back months of missed rent.”
As the report further notes, the survey also found that landlords have been unwilling to give restaurants a break: 60% of restaurant owners said their landlords refused to give them deferments during the pandemic, while only 10% were able to renegotiate their leases. In total 73% of landlords — also under economic stress — refused to waive rent payments for their restaurants, bars and clubs in June, the poll found.

Report: Nike Won’t Sell Redskins Gear Until Team Name Changes

Breitbart – Nike has removed all Redskins merchandise from their website. Now, according to a report, the sports apparel giant will not put the team’s merchandise back on their site until they change their name.

California faculty demands ‘free tuition for all black, native, and indigenous students’

Campus Reform – The California Faculty Association released a statement in light of George Floyd’s death and recent protests. The group also created a list of demands for California State University that it says will provide “redress for systemic anti-Black racism in the CSU.”
The CFA demanded CSU “provide free tuition for all Black, Native, and Indigenous students.” Trends show that enrollment of these students has been decreasing within the CSU system. To increase admission of these “marginalized students,” the CFA proposes that the universities make efforts “to overturn Proposition 209, the ban on affirmative action.”
According to the CFA, “racial pay equity” is necessary because “workload is also higher for Black faculty given that CSU faculty are majority-white, and CSU students are majority of color resulting in ‘cultural taxation.’”

Energy & Environment

Dakota Access Pipeline Ordered Shut Down Pending Review

Newsmax – A federal judge on Monday ordered the Dakota Access pipeline shut down pending a more thorough environmental review, handing a victory to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe three years after the pipeline first began carrying oil following months of protests.
In a 24-page order, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg wrote that he was “mindful of the disruption” that shutting down the pipeline would cause, but that it must be done within 30 days. The order comes after Boasberg said in April that a more extensive review was necessary than what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had already conducted and that he would consider whether the pipeline would have to be shuttered during the new assessment.
“The Court does not reach its decision with blithe disregard for the lives it will affect,” Boasberg wrote Monday. “It readily acknowledges that, even with the currently low demand for oil, shutting down the pipeline will cause significant disruption to DAPL, the North Dakota oil industry, and potentially other states.

Deadly floods, landslides wreak havoc in southern Japan

Al Jazeera – Dozens of people are feared dead in southern Japan, as torrential rain and severe flooding continue across several Asian countries.
Many of the victims were elders who have been staying at a nursing home in the region.
Rescue teams are still on the lookout for survivors.

Elon Musk and Tesla Become COVID Vaccine Manufacturers – Will Tesla Owners be Forced to Comply with COVID Measures to be Allowed to Drive their own Cars?

Health Impact News – Another multi-billionaire Big Tech owner has joined Big Pharma to cash in on the new COVID vaccine development.
FiercePharma announced today that Tesla CEO Elon Musk had signed an agreement with the German vaccine maker CureVac to make portable molecular RNA printers—what Musk called “RNA microfactories”—to help produce doses of the German vaccine maker’s COVID-19 shot.

California Enters Wildfire Season With Over Half of Inmate Firefighters Under COVID Lockdown

ZeroHedge – As California’s deadly wildfire season approaches, over half of the state’s inmate firefighters are currently unavailable to serve the northern half of the state, after prison officials placed 12 of the state’s 43 inmate fire camps on lockdown thanks to a giant COVID-19 outbreak at a Lassen County prison – which serves as the training center for the Conservation Camp Program.
Approximately 2,200 California inmates serve on the front lines of the state’s increasingly frequent and destructive blazes, according to the Sacramento Bee. Overall, the program has 3,100 inmates stationed at minimum security facilities across 27 counties.
To put it in context, Cal Fire has approximately 6,500 year-round employees, which swells to around 9,000 during fire season. Inmates earn between $2 and $5 per day, plus $1 per hour while fighting a fire.

Nigeria gets 2021 deadline to stop dirty fuel importsNigeria

Mother Earth News – The Federal Government may have up till 2021 to stop the importation of dirty fuel into the country. The indication came on the heels of a recent report by international resource watchdog, Stakeholders Democracy Network (SDN), which claimed that samples of petrol from illegal refineries in the Niger Delta were of a higher quality than imported equivalents. It said fuel exported from Europe exceeded EU pollution limits by as much as 204 times.
But Nigerian authorities insisted that imported products conform to national standards and parameters set by regulators. This is against the fact that the country has been struggling to compel importers and refiners of petroleum products in the country to reduce sulphur in the products, especially in diesel, from over 10,000ppm to 50ppm.
African Refiners and Distributors Association (ARA), an organisation for the continent’s downstream oil sector, however, told The Guardian, yesterday, that Africa is faced with the import of fuel with high sulphur and that a high-level engagement with the African Union is already ongoing to reduce sulfur in fuel to 50ppm by 2025 and 10ppm by 2030.

Science & Technology

Sprint’s Unauthorized Use of NYC Townhouse Wall for 5G Antennas = $2+ Million Lawsuit

Activist Post – 5G opposition includes cities AND countries issuing moratoriums as well as taken other action to ban, delay, halt, and limit installation.  Unfortunately, this hasn’t stopped deployment everywhere including in New York City where residents reported illness in 2018 after it was installed and turned on.
Regardless, the deployment of 5G and other “Smart City Tech” has actually been sped up in NYC during the pandemic. Last month, a New York couple filed a lawsuit against Sprint for attaching 5G antennas to their townhouse without their permission.


Curcumin Inhibits Virus-Induced Cytokine Storm

Mercola – Curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice turmeric, has a solid foundation in science with numerous studies vouching for its anti-inflammatory effects.1 As noted in a 2017 review in the journal Foods:2
“[Curcumin] aids in the management of oxidative and inflammatory conditions, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, anxiety, and hyperlipidemia … Most of these benefits can be attributed to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.”
Along with several other supplements, curcumin has also been identified as having particular benefit against COVID-19.
According to the paper,3 “Potential Inhibitor of COVID-19 Main Protease (Mpro) From Several Medicinal Plant Compounds by Molecular Docking Study,” posted March 13, 2020, on preprints.org, curcumin and demethoxycurcumin were two compounds among several that were found to inhibit COVID-19 Mpro.
As noted in “Designing of Improved Drugs for COVID-19,”4 COVID-19 Mpro is a potential drug target because “the crystal structure of Mpro provides a basis for designing of a potent inhibitor to the protease with a marked tropism to the lung.”
Studies have also shown curcumin has an inhibitory effect on virus-induced cytokine storms, which occur as a result of an overproduction of immune cells and pro-inflammatory cytokines. This too suggests it may be of particular use against COVID-19, considering the cytokine storm triggered in severe and critical COVID-19 infection is what ends up killing these patients.

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Texas Doctor Reverses Coronavirus Symptoms In 100% Of Cases With Inexpensive Treatment

Dr. Leonard Coldwell – exas family doctor Dr. Richard Bartlett joins Debbie Georgatos on her show American Can We Talk to discuss a potential COVID CURE!
Dr. Bartlett describes how he has been treating Covid-19 patients with 100% success rate using an inexpensive safe treatment that is commonly used for people with asthma.
The treatment is inhaling a steroid called budesonide using a nebulizer. Dr. Bartlett says many patients experience rapid relief from Covid symptoms after the first treatment.
It’s the same treatment that worked in crowded countries like Taiwan, Singapore and Japan who’ve had very few deaths compared to countries that locked down. Therefore, Bartlett questions the effectiveness of mandatory masks, social distancing or a vaccine.
He explained that a vaccine is unnecessary because the mortality rate is so low and effective treatments already exist. And he emphasized that vaccines would be ineffective because of constant mutations to the coronavirus.
“The beautiful thing about the treatment that I’m using is that no matter how many times it mutates it’s universally going to work because it decreases the inflammation. It’s a respiratory anti-inlammatory solution to a respiratory inlammatory problem.”

Suspected case of BUBONIC PLAGUE registered in China, days after Mongolian outbreak

RT – A suspected case of bubonic plague has been registered in China’s north, according to local health authorities. The news comes after two similar cases were detected in neighboring Mongolia.
The case was registered at a hospital in China’s Inner Mongolia region, its health commission said in a statement on Sunday.
This prompted a third-level warning of a potential epidemic in the region. The alert comes into force immediately and will be in place until the end of this year. It’s believed the patient in question is suffering from the bubonic form, which causes swollen lymph nodes, and is considered to be the most easily treated variant of the disease.

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