July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 06, 2022


From Tomorrow, All New Vehicles in the EU Will Have Surveillance Black Boxes

From tomorrow, all new vehicles sold in the EU will have mandatory black boxes fitted that record technical data and will be accessible by authorities, greasing the skids for surveillance-powered speed limiting technology.

While for the time being, drivers can opt-out of using the feature, privacy advocates fear the technology will become mandatory once it is properly rolled out.

Back in 2019, the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) announced that July 6 would mark the day when all car manufacturers would be forced to fit new models with a system that keeps track of technical data.

The data recorded will include “the vehicle’s speed, braking, steering wheel angle, its incline on the road, and whether the vehicle’s various safety systems were in operation, starting with seatbelts.”

Although insurance companies won’t have immediate access to the data, it will be available to law enforcement.

Authorities claim the data will be “anonymized,” meaning the information can’t be used to identify the owner of the vehicle, although only the incredibly naive would plausibly believe that.

Such systems are expected to eventually include speed-limiting technology.

As Reclaim the Net’s Didi Rankovic explains, the most common method of speed limiting technology is Intelligent Speed Assistant (ISA).

“ISA works using GPS data alone, cameras for traffic sign recognition fitted to the front of the car, or a combination of the two. A speed limiter affects the engine power and in that way decreases speed.”

“Like the name suggests, speed limiters are designed to prevent drivers from exceeding certain speed limits, and prompt them via audio, visual, and haptic warnings until they “obey” and slow down.”

For decades, governments have been pushing for all cars to be fitted with black boxes that track location data.

The ultimate dystopian scenario involves giving police the power to utilize similar technology to completely disable the functioning of a vehicle if the driver is deemed to have committed an infraction.

This doesn’t need to be a criminal offense, if the pursuit of social credit score schemes continues to become more invasive, it would eventually be used as a form of punishment for everything from unpaid utility bills to offensive comments posted on social media.

New Cars In EU Will Now Include ‘Black Box’ To Track And Record Behavior

​​Starting this summer, all new cars sold in the EU will by law contain a ‘black box’ accessible by authorities that records driving data.

From July 6, 2022, all car manufacturers will be forced to fit new models with a system that keeps track of technical data.

The data recorded will include “the vehicle’s speed, braking, steering wheel angle, its incline on the road, and whether the vehicle’s various safety systems were in operation, starting with seatbelts.”

“The new system will coincide with the introduction of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) systems, which will warn drivers when they breach the speed limit,” reports Reclaim the Net. “However, the ISA systems should not prevent the driver from actually breaking the speed limit.”

The system, which will be accessible to law enforcement but not insurance companies, will also be able to catalogue the exact type of vehicle and send the information to manufacturers after an accident.

Authorities claim the data will be “anonymized,” meaning the information can’t be used to identify the owner of the vehicle, although only the incredibly naive would plausibly believe that.

For decades, government have been pushing for all cars to be fitted with black boxes that track location data.

The ultimate dystopian scenario involves giving police the power to utilize similar technology to completely disable the functioning of a vehicle if the driver is deemed to have committed an infraction.

This doesn’t need to be a criminal offense, if the pursuit of social credit score schemes continues to become more invasive, it would eventually be used as a form of punishment for everything from unpaid utility bills to offensive comments posted on social media.

Supermarket Shelves Bare as Dutch Farmers Continue Nation-Wide Protests

Dutch farmers protesting government plans to reduce emissions that could put many out of business have continued blocking supermarket distribution centres Tuesday, leading to bare shelves in some supermarkets.

Around ten distribution centres across the country were blocked on Tuesday, as many supermarkets reported bare shelves due to an inability to receive goods from the distribution centres, as some estimate that the blockades on Monday and Tuesday have already caused tens of millions of euros in damages.

A spokesman for the Centraal Bureau Levensmiddelenhandel (CBL), a Dutch association that represents the interests of supermarkets and food service companies, claimed that tens of millions of euros were being lost and there was a risk that produce may spoil as it cannot be delivered, newspaper de Volkskrant reports.

Supermarket chains have also sounded alarms, with the chain Coop stating it is expecting to lose millions in revenue, while Lidl has claimed about half of its stores are having issues with filling their shelves, particularly with fresh vegetables, meat and fruit.

While farmers did end some of the blockades on Tuesday, such as in Almere at the Lidl distribution centre and in Raalte and Nijkerk, new blockades were enacted in Geldermalsen against a distribution centre for the chain Albert Heijn.

Nazi Albert Speer’s Final Nuremberg Statement On Technocracy

THE PRESIDENT: I call upon the Defendant Albert Speer.

ALBERT SPEER (Defendant): Mr. President, may it please the Tribunal: Hitler and the collapse of his system have brought a time of tremendous suffering upon the German people. The useless continuation of this war and the unnecessary destruction make the work of reconstruction more difficult. Privation and misery have come to the German people. After this Trial, the German people will despise and condemn Hitler as the proven author of its misfortune. But the world will learn from these happenings not only to hate dictatorship as a form of government, but to fear it.

Hitler’s dictatorship differed in one fundamental point from all its predecessors in history. His was the first dictatorship in the present period of modern technical development, a dictatorship which made complete use of all technical means in a perfect manner for the domination of its own nation.

Through technical devices such as radio and loudspeaker 80 million people were deprived of independent thought. It was thereby possible to subject them to the will of one man. The telephone, teletype and radio made it possible, for instance, for orders from the highest sources to be transmitted directly to the lowest-ranking units, where, because of the high authority, they were carried out without criticism. Another result was that numerous offices and headquarters were directly attached to the supreme leadership, from which they received their sinister orders directly. Also, one of the results was a far reaching supervision of the citizen of the state and the maintenance of a high degree of secrecy for criminal events.

Perhaps to the outsider this machinery of the state may appear like the lines of a telephone exchange – apparently without system. But like the latter, it could be served and dominated by one single will.

Earlier dictators during their work of leadership needed highly qualified assistants, even at the lowest level, men who could think and act independently. The totalitarian system in the period of modern technical development can dispense with them; the means of communication alone make it possible to mechanize the subordinate leadership. As a result of this there arises a new type: the uncritical recipient of orders.

We had only reached the beginning of the development. The nightmare of many a man that one day nations could be dominated by technical means, was all but realized in Hitler’s totalitarian system.

Today the danger of being terrorized by technocracy threatens every country in the world. In modern dictatorship this appears to me inevitable. Therefore, the more technical the world becomes, the more necessary is the promotion of individual freedom and the individual’s awareness of himself as a counterbalance.

Hitler not only took advantage of technical developments to dominate his own people, he almost succeeded, by means of his technical lead, in subjugating the whole of Europe. It was merely due to a few fundamental shortcomings of organization such as are typical in a dictatorship because of the absence of criticism, that he did not have twice as many tanks, aircraft and submarines before 1942.

But, if a modern industrial state utilizes its intelligence, its science, its technical developments, and its production for a number of years in order to gain a lead in the sphere of armament, then even with a sparing use of its manpower it can, because of its technical superiority, completely overtake and conquer the world, if other nations should employ their technical abilities during that same period on behalf of the cultural progress of humanity.

The more technical the world becomes, the greater this danger will be, and the more serious will be an established lead in technical means of warfare.

This war ended with remote-controlled rockets, aircraft traveling at the speed of sound, new types of submarines, torpedoes which find their own target, with atom bombs and with the prospect of a horrible kind of chemical warfare.

Of necessity the next war will be overshadowed by these new destructive inventions of the human mind.

In 5 or 10 years the technique of warfare will make it possible to fire rockets from continent to continent with uncanny precision. By atomic power it can destroy one million people in the center of New York in a matter of seconds with a rocket operated, perhaps by only 10 men, invisible, without previous warning, faster than sound, by day and by night. Science is able to spread pestilence among human beings and animals and to destroy crops by insect warfare. Chemistry has developed terrible weapons with which it can inflict unspeakable suffering upon helpless human beings.

Will there ever again be a nation which will use the technical discoveries of this war for the preparation of a new war, while the rest of the world is employing the technical progress of this war for the benefit of humanity, thus attempting to create a slight compensation for its horrors? As a former minister of a highly developed armament system, it is my last duty to say the following:

A new large scale war will end with the destruction of human culture and civilization. Nothing can prevent unconfined engineering and science from completing the work of destroying human beings, which it has begun in so dreadful a way in this war.

Therefore this Trial must contribute towards preventing such degenerate wars in the future and towards establishing rules whereby human beings can live together.

Of what importance is my own fate, after everything that has happened, in comparison with this high goal?

During the past centuries the German people have contributed much towards the creation of human civilization. Often they have made these contributions in times when they were just as powerless and helpless as they are today. Worthwhile human beings wilI not let themselves be driven to despair. They will create new and lasting values, and under the tremendous pressure brought to bear upon everyone today these new works will be of particular greatness.

But if the German people create new cultural vaiues in the unavoidable times of their poverty and weakness and at the same time in the period of their reconstruction, then they well have in that way made the most valuable contribution to world events which they could make in their position.

It is not the battles of war alone which shape the history of humanity but also, in a higher sense, the cultural achievements which one day will become the common property of all humanity. A nation which believes in its future wiIl never perish. May God protect Germany and the culture of the West.

Spain Admits Spraying Chemtrails as Part of Secret UN Program

A Royal Decree published by the Spanish government declared a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, authorizing the use of biocide chemicals

The government order also details the intended application of the chemicals, which is via “aerial” techniques, not manual application

The Spanish government authorized the spraying of chemtrails under the guide of the “state of emergency” declared during the pandemic

An estimated 17% of people worldwide believe that chemicals are intentionally sprayed into the air as part of a secret large-scale atmospheric program (SLAP), also sometimes referred to as covert geoengineering or chemtrails

In a survey of experts on atmospheric chemistry, one scientist answered “yes” when asked whether they have ever encountered evidence that indicates the existence of SLAP, due to a remote location with unusually high levels of barium in the atmosphere


Gov. Kristi Noem: ‘I Would Be Shocked’ If Asked to Run With Trump in 2024

South Dakota’s Republican Gov. Kristi Noem has said that she would be “shocked” if asked to be Trump’s running mate in the 2024 elections.

“I think that there’s a lot of people out there who would like to be his running mate, so I’m focused on getting reelected,” Noem told CNN “State of the Union” anchor Dana Bash on Sunday. “I don’t operate in that hypothetical either … I would be shocked if he asked. And right now, I’m just so focused on South Dakota. We’re doing great things, and we’ve got a lot more to do the next four years.”

When asked whether Trump “bears any responsibility” for the riots at Capitol Hill on Jan. 6, 2021, Noem simply called Jan. 6 a “horrific day” in American history that she never wants to see happen again.

Noem has criticized Nikki Haley, the former United Nations ambassador, for blaming Trump for the events of Jan. 6. Rumors have circulated that Noem is preparing for a vice-presidential run in the 2024 election in case Trump runs again for president. Haley has already made it clear that she will not run against Trump.

In 2018 when Noem became the governor of South Dakota, she was the first woman to assume the post. In her recently published memoir, “Not My First Rodeo: Lessons from the Heartland,” Noem credits Trump’s 2016 presidential win for her decision to run for governor.

“I could return home now and do so confident that South Dakotans had a champion in the White House,” she writes in the book.

Texas Counties to Governor Abbott: Declare ‘Invasion’ on Southern Border, Turn Illegal Aliens Back

Texas—Local officials in small Texas counties are calling on Gov. Greg Abbott to label the border crisis an “invasion” and use his constitutional authority to stop illegal immigration.

Kinney County Judge Tully Shahan signed a local disaster declaration on July 5 that requests Abbott to “immediately prevent and/or remove all persons violating the sovereignty of Texas and that of the United States.”

Four other Texas counties joined suit, including Goliad, Terrell, Edwards, and Jeff Davis. Several others also intend to sign declarations.

Shahan refers to provisions under the U.S. Constitution including Article IV, Section 4, which states, in part: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.”

Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution states, in part: “No State shall, without the Consent of Congress … engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.”

The related provision in the Texas Constitution states that the governor can call upon the state’s National Guard and militia forces “to execute the laws of the State, to suppress insurrections, and to repel invasions.”

At a press conference on July 5, Shahan said a smuggler recently fired his .22 into oncoming traffic while trying to evade the state troopers on his tail. No one was injured, but a local woman later counted 10 bullet holes in her vehicle.

Terrell County Judge Dale Carruthers owns a ranch that borders Mexico and her county shares 91 miles of international border.

“The groups [of illegal aliens] are coming in camo. It makes you wonder. They’re not here to pick flowers,” she told The Epoch Times. She said a young woman who was recently apprehended within a group of illegal aliens had been gang-raped by the men in the group along the way.

New Lawsuit Challenges Ban on Concealed Carry of Firearms on DC Area Public Transit

Gun owners in the nation’s capital are suing in hopes of being allowed to carry firearms on the region’s crime-ridden public transit system.

The lawsuit is one of several filed nationwide after the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling June 23 recognizing a constitutional right to carry firearms in public for self-defense.

The author of the 6-3 opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas, wrote in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen, that to ban concealed weapons in a specific place, “the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation’s tradition of firearm regulation.”

The high court has been strengthening Second Amendment protections in recent years. In District of Columbia v. Heller (2008), it held that the amendment protects “the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation,” and in McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010), that this right “is fully applicable to the States.”

On June 30, the high court followed up on the Bruen decision by reversing federal appeals court decisions that upheld gun restrictions in California, New Jersey, Maryland, and Hawaii, sending the cases back to the lower courts for a second look, as The Epoch Times reported. Courts will find it difficult to uphold the firearms laws in question.

The Great Reset And Its ‘Final Solution’ For Useless People

The idea of the Great Reset derives from the New World Order which is still alive in the minds of the establishment or who we can call the globalists from people like Henry Kissinger to the current US president, Joe Biden.  Of course there are many others on the top levels of the pyramid whose ideas range from establishing a police state, to implanting microchips the day we are born to track and trace us, to depopulating the planet.

I know it all sounds insane but that’s what the globalists have planned for us for a very long time.  Klaus Schwab’s protégé, Yuval Noah Harari, is an Israeli born intellectual who authored a popular bestseller titled ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’ and is also a professor of history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  Harari once asked a disturbing question, “what to do with all these useless people?”  Harari is an intelligent man, there is no doubt about that, but his intelligence has led him to the level of insanity.

Harari is an influential member of the World Economic Forum (WEF) who supports the idea of creating a dystopian society managed by a handful of globalists who will rule over every human being on earth from the day they are born.  According to Harari, planet earth is overpopulated:

Again, I think the biggest question in maybe in economics and politics of the coming decades will be what to do with all these useless people? The problem is more boredom and how what to do with them and how will they find some sense of meaning in life, when they are basically meaningless, worthless?

My best guess, at present is a combination of drugs and computer games as a solution for [most]. It’s already happening…In under different titles, different headings you see more and more people spending more and more time or solving the inner problems with the drugs and computer games both legal drugs and illegal drugs…

They also want people to stay home connected to the Metaverse world, a virtual reality simulation and at the same time get them addicted to all sorts of drugs.  The kind of world they are trying to create for us is pure lunacy.  Wired, a monthly magazine describes the metaverses as a combination of the digital and physical worlds that creates a virtual reality as in the Hollywood film, ‘Ready Player One,’ The article ‘What is the Metaverse, Exactly?’  answers that question, “Broadly speaking, the technologies companies refer to when they talk about “the metaverse” can include virtual reality—characterized by persistent virtual worlds that continue to exist even when you’re not playing—as well as augmented reality that combines aspects of the digital and physical worlds.”                              

Many other Hollywood films that are based on virtual reality in the future includes Jumanji, Source Code, The Matrix, Total Recall, Inception, and many others.  The globalists want you to believe that a dystopic society is in the works for us, but no worries, you will be completely happy at least according to Klaus Schwab.  In my opinion, the notion that the human species will be living their lives through virtual reality is far-fetched, it’s an illusion that will take decades even centuries to accomplish and that would only happen if we allowed it to happen.  Harari is saying that under a scientific, technocratic world order, the state will be your sole provider for everything, so basically, he says that families are not needed in this new world they are creating for us, in other words, having a family will be a thing of the past:

After millions of years of evolution suddenly within 200 years the family and the intimate community break, that they collapse most of the roles filled by the family for thousands and tens of thousands of years are transferred very quickly to new networks provided by the state and the market, you don’t need children, you can have a pension fund, you don’t need somebody to take care of you, you don’t need neighbors and sisters or brothers to take care of you if you’re sick, the state takes care of you, the states provide you with police, with education, with help with everything.

Uncle of Highland Park Mass Shooting Suspect Speaks Out

The uncle of a 22-year-old male who police have described as a “person of interest” during the July 4 parade mass shooting near Chicago said there was nothing suspicious about his nephew.

Robert Crimo III lived with his father, who reportedly owned a deli and ran for mayor of Highland Park several years ago, and his uncle in his grandfather’s house, but his uncle said he had generally few interactions with him. The uncle, Paul Crimo, told local media that there were no signs his nephew was going to commit a mass shooting.

“There’s no concerns that I had seen,” Paul Crimo told a local Fox station. “There were no signs of trouble. I saw no signs of trouble. And if I did see signs, I would have said something.”

Paul Crimo said he lived in the same house as Robert Crimo, saying that the 22-year-old would sometimes help him “around the house.” However, Robert often kept to himself in his own apartment in the back of the home, saying he was an aspiring rapper.

Robert Crimo, he added, had been unemployed for the past several years.

“I’m deeply heartbroken, and I’ll be heartbroken for the rest of my life,” Paul Crimo told the Fox station. “Seeing what happened just breaks my heart. I just want to tell everybody that I’m very sorry, from the bottom of my heart, and I’m really so sorry that this happened.”

“He’s a quiet kid,” Paul Crimo added to CNN of the suspect, saying that he doesn’t know of any political views held by his nephew. “He’s usually on his own. He’s a lonely, quiet person. He keeps everything to himself.”

The uncle continued: “I associate with him, but I don’t really like to engage with him. I say hi and then when I leave I say bye. That’s it.”

Supreme Court Decision on Abortion to Have ‘Net Neutral’ Impact on Midterm Voting: Poll

The Supreme Court’s June 24 decision to strike down Roe v. Wade, delivering the ability to regulate abortions back to the states, will motivate a variety of voters, according to a new poll.

The move will make some voters more likely to vote Republican in the upcoming midterm elections, but will drive others to Democrat candidates, according to the survey.

An equal percentage of respondents, 36 percent, said they’re more likely to vote for a Democrat as those more likely to vote for a Republican in the midterms, in a poll performed by Harvard University and The Harris Poll.

The remaining respondents said the decision, which struck down the court’s 1973 decision that declared access to abortion was a constitutional right despite not being mentioned in the Constitution, will have no effect on how they vote in the midterms.

Presidential elections are held every four years; the elections held in between them are known as midterms. Along with featuring all members of the U.S. House of Representatives, voters will choose some U.S. senators and many state lawmakers and other politicians.

The Harvard–Harris poll was conducted on June 28 and June 29 among 1,308 registered voters. The margin of error and breakdown of party affiliations were not provided.

Democrats are much more likely to support easy access to abortion and few, if any, restrictions on getting or performing abortions. Republicans are largely in favor of restricting or outright banning abortion. In some cases, GOP lawmakers support criminal penalties for health care workers who perform abortions in violation of state laws.

Another recent poll indicated that Democrats may have more to gain from the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Approximately 78 percent of Democrat respondents to the NPR/PBS/Marist survey said the decision makes them more likely to vote in the midterms, versus 54 percent of Republicans and 53 percent of independents. Additionally, 86 percent of Democrats said they will definitely vote for a candidate who will support a federal law that would restore Roe v. Wade, compared to 67 percent of Republicans who would vote against such a candidate. Independents were split, but more said they’d align with Democrats on the matter.

The poll was conducted on June 24 and June 25 among 941 U.S. adults, including 868 registered voters. The margin of error was plus/minus 4.9 percent, or 5.1 percent for the voter subset.

Respondents to both polls were more likely to oppose the Supreme Court decision.

Republicans Looking to Tighten Eligibility for State Primaries

Republicans in Texas and elsewhere are considering closing primaries to limit what they say is Democratic meddling.

One of the Texas GOP’s top legislative priorities includes closing primaries to stop Democrat interference. It is part of a sweeping measure calling on the state legislature to enhance election integrity while combating voter fraud.

The idea also appears in a platform “plank” to prevent liberal Democrats crossing over so they can “move the Republican Party to the left.”

Some Republicans point to stories of Democrats playing spoiler in Texas primaries as a concern.

In February, an Austin woman quoted in a Texas Public Radio story admitted she and others crossed over to vote in the Republican primary to cause chaos.

“Let’s get these guys to a primary runoff. Let’s make them burn their war chest money before they face Democrats in November,” K. Monroe told Texas Public Radio.

In other states such as Colorado, Democrats ran ads for MAGA candidates, hoping to knock out more moderate Republicans during primary races.

Republicans in Georgia are talking about closing their primary because more than 80,000 people who voted Democratic in the past voted in their primary.

In Texas, State Rep. Cecil Bell (R-Magnolia), who serves parts of Montgomery and Waller counties outside of Houston, told The Epoch Times crossover voting isn’t an issue in his district. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t caused problems in larger metropolitan areas.

Republican Lawmakers Seek to Crack Down on Beijing’s ‘Trojan Horse’ Activities in US Universities

A Republican congressman and his colleagues are hoping to crack down on the Chinese Communist Party’s “trojan horse” activities taking place in U.S. universities.

Rep. August Pfluger (R-Texas) recently introduced H.R.7779, which proposes “to establish Department of Homeland Security funding restrictions on institutions of higher education that have a relationship with Confucius Institutes.” There are currently 15 Republican co-sponsors of the bill.

Speaking to The Epoch Times in late June, Pfluger explained that “the Chinese Communist Party [CCP] is utilizing Confucius Institutes to infiltrate American university campuses to engage in espionage, steal our intellectual property, intimidate Chinese dissidents, promote communist propaganda, and funnel information back to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).”

He also said that “under no circumstances should American taxpayer dollars be used to enrich the CCP or the PLA [People’s Liberation Army],” adding that “Congress must ensure taxpayer dollars are cut off from these programs for good.”

As Confucius Institutes (CIs) became more exposed and began to shut down across the country, a new report by the National Institute of Scholars (NAS) suggests that many of the public educational and cultural promotion programs are rebranding themselves—continuing the CCP’s effort to influence operations within the United States.

Although over 100 of the 118 CIs in the United States have closed or are in the process of closing, Beijing remains committed to influencing U.S. universities. At least 38 programs have been replaced by comparable substitutes, according to the NAS report.

NAS senior research fellow and co-author of the report, Rachel Peterson, stated at a June 21 discussion forum that “the Chinese government is betting that if it takes away the name ‘Confucius Institute’ and tweaks the structure of their program, no one will be the wiser and realize that Chinese government influence remains alive and well on American higher education.”

As a result, Pfluger’s bill includes not only the many CIs across the country, but other Chinese entities of concern as well. To that end, the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Restrictions on Confucius Institutes and Chinese Entities of Concern Act prevents DHS funds from flowing to U.S. universities that host a CI or maintain a relationship with a Chinese entity of concern.

“The bill will require DHS to create a list that identifies entities and individuals affiliated with the CCP that pose the same risks as Confucius Institutes to American universities and distribute that list to universities,” Pfluger explained.

And based on the list of names, he said, universities would be required to report donations to DHS.

“By forcing universities to disclose these individuals,” he said, “Congress and the American people can have a more comprehensive look at the entities who are attempting to exploit DHS grant dollars to enrich the PLA.”

Accompanied by over a dozen Republican colleagues, Pfluger said he also introduced H.R.7851 to “amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to require institutions of higher education to disclose certain ties to China-affiliated organizations.”

According to the congressman, the bill will “increase transparency requirements for universities that receive funding from individuals, universities, think tanks, cultural/educational/language programs, any Chinese state-owned entities, or organizations that have CCP members sitting on their board of directors.”

If this bill were enacted, Pfluger said it would require universities that receive donations of more than $5,000 from any entities affiliated with the CCP to publicly report these donations to the Secretary of Education and on a webpage that can be easily found on the university’s website.

Lake County State’s Attorney Pushes for Gun Controls That Already Exist in Illinois and Highland Park

Lake County State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart announced charges against the Highland Park shooting suspect and then pushed for gun controls that already exist in Illinois and Highland Park.

Yahoo News noted that Rinehart announced seven murder charges against the shooting suspect and praised Illinois’s red flag law.

Hours after the heinous July 4 attack occurred, Breitbart News noted that it had happened despite Illinois’s red flag law and numerous other gun controls.

In addition to praising his state’s red flag law, Rinehart called for an “assault weapons” ban.

On July 5, 2022, Breitbart News noted that Highland Park banned “assault weapons” in 2013, but the July 4 attack occurred despite that ban.

Additionally, Illinois has a licensing system for gun owners. The system uses Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) cards, issued by the Illinois State Police, as a licensing mechanism for people who want to buy and own a gun. Only individuals with a FOID card can legally possess a gun.

Breitbart News reported that the Highland Park shooting suspect had a FOID card, which allowed him to legally buy guns in Illinois.

Sarasota County doesn’t have enough election poll workers. Thanks, Gov. DeSantis

Right now, Sarasota County is scrambling to recruit enough poll workers to handle voting in the county during the Aug. 23 and Nov. 8 elections – two pivotal events that will see area voters decide on major issues and numerous local, state and congressional races.

According to Sarasota County Supervisor of Elections Ron Turner, the county needs at least 750 poll workers to adequately carry out each election – but it’s still not close to that minimum figure with the August election just weeks away.

“Right now, we’re not there,” Turner told the Herald-Tribune Editorial Board. “But we’re working hard at it. We’re working hard to make sure we have the number of poll workers that we need.”

2022 elections:Sarasota County supervisor of elections seeks more poll workers for this year’s elections

Here’s a “Godspeed” to Turner in his quest to find enough people to reach the magic 750 mark.

But given that Sarasota County has plenty of engaged citizens who are passionate about contributing to their community, the fact that Turner is facing this dilemma at all leads to an inescapable question


Gun Makers Go South

The firearms industry abandons blue states to avoid crushing regulations

Of all the businesses that are moving out of blue states, those in the gun industry lead the pack.

Storied firearms manufacturers, some of them having operated in northern states for centuries, are now heading South. Remington, founded in 1816 and America’s oldest gun maker, announced in November it was moving its headquarters from New York to Georgia.

In announcing the move, which will include a $100 million investment in a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and create 856 new jobs, Remington CEO Ken D’Arcy said, “the decision to locate in Georgia is very simple. The state of Georgia is not only a business-friendly state, it’s a firearms-friendly state.”

Also exiting New York is Dark Storm Industries, a gun manufacturer and retailer. They will be moving to Titusville, Florida, where they have begun construction on a new manufacturing plant, bringing up to 75 jobs to Florida.

“If you’re in the gun industry and you have the opportunity to move to Florida, you’re figuring it out, that’s where you want to be,” Dark Star Communications Manager Kevin Elder told The Epoch Times. When the company asked its employees if they would consider moving south, they didn’t hesitate, Elder said, “they were ready to go.”

Dark Star was founded to make firearms that are compliant with New York’s strict regulations, “but they just keep adding on more and more restrictions and more hoops to jump through,” Elder said. “Our clientele is very friendly, and our community, and we try to give back as much as we can. We do a lot of charity work and local law enforcement loves us. But as far as the state itself, they don’t want that kind of stuff up here.”

Elder said that Dark Star’s problems in New York went beyond state regulations to also include banks and payments companies. “We had to change credit card processors,” as well as the company’s bank, he said, because they were denying service to firearms companies, despite their strong creditworthiness.

Tennessee has been another popular destination, attracting Smith & Wesson in September and Troy Industries last May, both from Massachusetts. Even before these moves were announced, Tennessee was already home to more than 20 firearms manufacturing companies.

Smith & Wesson’s move to Maryville, Tennessee, will include a $125 million investment and create 750 new jobs. Among the many reasons cited by CEO Mark Smith were new laws proposed by Massachusetts’ Democrat-led legislature banning the sale, possession and manufacture of “assault weapons” and “large-capacity magazines” for civilian use. Smith noted that these products comprised 60 percent of his company’s revenue.

Steve Troy, CEO of Troy Industries also cited the “changing climate for firearms manufacturers” in Massachusetts, which “determined the need for our relocation to Tennessee.” Troy Industries will invest $7 million in Clarksville, Tennessee, adding 75 jobs.

Other firearms companies leaving blue states include Kimber Manufacturing, which left New York for Alabama; Winchester Centerfire, which left Illinois for Mississippi; Stag Arms, which left Connecticut for Wyoming; and Magpul Industries, which left Colorado for Wyoming and Texas.

The migration of the firearms industry is part of a wider movement by American firms to escape high-tax, high-regulation states like California, New York, Illinois, and New Jersey. But gun makers are in a particular hurry to exit these states in response to new laws and regulations seemingly intended to drive them out.

What all of the destination states have in common is that “they are respectful of the contributions that these businesses make to state economies,” National Shooting Sports Foundation Managing Director Mark Oliva told The Epoch Times. “And they are respectful of the Second Amendment rights of consumers who are buying these firearms.”

Breitbart Business Digest: Everything Screams Recession Except Jobs

The Federal Reserve’s campaign to rein in the worst inflation in decades will end in a recession.

That’s the message financial markets are sending out as Americans return to work from their Independence Day weekend celebrations.

You could see it in the bond market on Tuesday. The yield on the 10-year Treasury briefly fell below the yield on the two-year, inverting the yield curve and tripping one of Wall Street’s favorite recession alarms. The fed funds futures market now implies that the Fed will have to halt their interest rate hikes well short of the four percent that was priced in just a few weeks ago. Indeed, people are talking about the Fed cutting rates next year to avoid a deep recession.

Oil futures plunged on recession fears on Tuesday. The contract for West Texas Intermediate, the U.S. benchmark, fell below $100 for the first time since May 11. Brent crude managed to hang on to its $100 handle but only barely, falling 9.25 percent to $103. Copper prices, considered a reliable indicator because so much economic activity requires copper, have crashed deep into bear market territory, down 25 percent over the last four months.

We’ve written a lot about the manufacturing surveys of the regional Fed banks, but let’s revisit. The New York Fed’s manufacturing survey has been indicating contraction for two months. The Dallas Fed’s manufacturing index is also in its second month of contraction. The Philadelphia Fed clung onto to positive territory in May but could not stay above water in June.  The Richmond Fed’s survey is in its second month with a negative reading. Only the Kansas City’s survey stayed positive in May and June. The Institute for Supply Management’s nationwide survey of purchasing managers showed orders falling for the first time since May of 2020.

Billionaires Lose $1.4 Trillion in First Half of 2022: Bloomberg Index

It was not only retail investors who lost a lot of money in the stock market. In the first half of 2022, the world’s richest 500 people lost $1.4 trillion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

This is the largest six-month decline in wealth in the history of the billionaire class worldwide, following two years of strong gains.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg saw his fortune plunge by about $63 billion to $62.5 billion as of July 5, according to the index. Zuckerberg’s sharp drop in wealth was caused by the 50 percent slump in Meta stock.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, saw his net worth drop to about $215 billion as a result of a loss of close to $56 billion. The sharp slide was driven by the more than 40 percent drop in Tesla shares, trading just below $700.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos lost $55 billion, lowering his wealth to $137 billion. Despite being one of the top-performing companies throughout the coronavirus pandemic, Amazon shares tumbled nearly 34 percent from January to June.


TikTok Confirms Employees in China Can Access American User Data

The Chinese-owned video app TikTok has confirmed that employees within the communist dictatorship can access the personal data of U.S. users.

Bloomberg reports that the Chinese-owned viral video app TikTok has revealed that certain company employees based in China have access to the personal information of American users. The company’s admission came in a letter to nine U.S. senators who accused TikTok and its parent company, ByteDance Ltd., of monitoring U.S. citizens.

The senators asked TikTok whether China-based employees have access to U.S. users’ data, what role those employees play in developing TikTok’s algorithm, and if any of that information was shared with the Chinese government.

The CEO of TikTok parent company ByteDance, Shou Zi Chew, said in a June 30 letter that China-based employees who clear a number of internal security protocols can access certain information on U.S.-based TikTok users including public videos and comments. Chew claims that none of this information is shared with the Chinese government and is subject to “robust cybersecurity controls.”


FDA Suspends Juul Ban, Starts Additional Review

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has put on hold its ban on sales of Juul Labs’ e-cigarettes, with the health agency saying late Tuesday that it would do an additional review of the company’s marketing application.

Juul had won a temporary reprieve a couple of weeks ago after a U.S. federal appeals court stayed the FDA’s ban, following an appeal from the company for an emergency review of the regulator’s order.

The once red-hot vape company has said the FDA’s decision to block sales of its products is “extraordinary and unlawful,” citing, among other things, the agency’s authorization of similar e-cigarette products made by other manufacturers.

The Surprising Causes Behind the Insulin Resistance Epidemic

The fact that insulin resistance has become a global pandemic is also a topic of recent debate. Insulin resistance is a worrisome culprit in diseases from obesity to pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes, to dementia.

But what is the root cause of insulin resistance?

“Insulin resistance is a pandemic that you’ve never heard of,” said Dr. Benjamin Bikman, a scientist and researcher at Brigham Young University, one of the nation’s top private research universities.

The seriousness of the insulin resistance situation in recent years is even more evident from a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health by UAE University in 2020.

In countries with high prevalence, more than one in 10 people have type 2 diabetes. The more economically developed the region, the higher the diabetes prevalence. Despite a series of public health measures, the prevalence in some developed countries is still significantly increasing, and its growth trend shows no signs of slowing down.

Insulin resistance, in addition to being the cause of type 2 diabetes, is also directly related to the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases. The prevalence of insulin resistance in the population leads to a prevalence of many chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and vascular diseases.

In addition, many people experience insulin resistance, some even for many years, without any awareness. When one day, their blood test results show abnormalities, it may have already developed into pre-diabetes or diabetes, and even with other chronic diseases and complications. It is only then that they are shocked: the insulin resistance that was quietly latent in their bodies has developed into a stubborn disease.

A Silent Warning from the Pancreas

Right behind your stomach and next to your liver, there is an organ that looks a bit like a corncob: the pancreas.

The pancreas lowers blood sugar by producing a hormone called insulin, which sends excess sugar to the cells. After having a meal, your blood sugar rises, and insulin secretion is elevated, with the aim of keeping blood sugar stable. After exercise or prolonged hunger, your blood sugar level will drop, and the insulin level will decrease accordingly.

The pancreas is a perfectionist. At all times, in order to keep blood sugar at a normal level, the amount of insulin it produces is precise, no more and no less.

However, when insulin resistance occurs, the cells become less sensitive to insulin. The original amount of secreted insulin will no longer be sufficient to lower blood sugar. At this point, the pancreas is under pressure to lower blood sugar, so it desperately tries to produce more insulin to accomplish its task.

We can make an analogy with the economy. The system of insulin and blood sugar balance in a healthy person is like a healthy economy. Insulin resistance is like inflation. For instance, the pancreas can lower the blood sugar level by a certain amount by shelling out one “insulin coin.” However, with insulin resistance, it takes 10 “insulin coins” to accomplish the same effect.

And people cannot feel insulin resistance directly.

At first, everything about the body looks fine, and the blood sugar is within the normal range. Nevertheless, inside the body is a different story: the pancreas has been overloaded for a long time, and its insulin production capacity is maximized, and eventually fasting blood glucose will start to rise.

This may be a clue that the body is clearly giving about insulin resistance. In addition, the elevated triglyceride level in the blood is also an indicator. By checking insulin and triglyceride levels in the blood, insulin resistance can be detected early, before the onset of type 2 diabetes.

The Surprising Reasons for Insulin Resistance

Many people believe that insulin resistance is due to excessive consumption of sugar and sweets or obesity; and that the solution is to eat a lot of vegetables, low glycemic index fruits, and reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates.

Unbeknownst to them, there are some hidden and unknown key factors that cause insulin resistance.

  • Pesticides on fruits and vegetables
  • Environmental hormones
  • Environmental hormones in plastics: phthalates and bisphenol A
  • Preservatives: triclosan and paraben

Watch Out if You Drink This While Working in Hot Weather

Research demonstrates the acute deleterious effects soda can have on your kidney function when used to quench your thirst during exertion on a hot day

Drinking soda causes dehydration and raises markers for kidney disease when consumed after performing manual labor or exercise in 95-degree F. weather

When you exert yourself in a hot environment, your body regulates blood pressure and conserves water by reducing blood flow to your kidneys. A sudden and steep drop in blood flow through your kidneys can cause acute kidney injury due to the fact that it reduces the amount of oxygen being delivered to your kidneys

Your diet has an overriding influence over the health of your kidneys, with sugar and excess protein topping the list of food components known to cause problems when consumed regularly

Poor kidney function is also associated with a number of other serious health problems, including Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease

CDC Updates Flu Vax Efficacy: Negligible Immunity Increases to Moderate 35 Percent Efficacy

Estimation of the influenza vaccine’s efficacy has increased from negligible to moderate, improving to 35 percent in vaccine efficacy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on June 22.

The CDC announcement backtracked on its previous interim estimates in March for 2021 to 2022 seasonal influenza found that the vaccine did not offer significant immunity, with estimated immune protection of 16 percent.

“Seasonal influenza vaccination did not reduce the risk for outpatient respiratory illness,” wrote the authors of the March study.

Nonetheless, the same authors also encouraged the uptake of influenza vaccines despite insignificant scientific evidence of benefit, with a projected vaccine uptake of 188 to 200 million doses among Americans.

Though CDC claims that recent flu vaccine efficacy hovered in the range of 40 to 60 percent efficacy, other reports have shown a 30 to 40 percent vaccine efficacy instead, way below the recommended level for vaccine efficacy.

The CDC now says that the influenza vaccine offers moderate protection against the virus by reducing mild to moderate symptoms by 35 percent.

The World Health Organization’s website wrote that vaccines need to have at least 50 percent efficacy to be approved; this statement is in stark contrast to the reality of approved vaccines with vaccine efficacy dropping below 50 percent, sometimes with even insignificant efficacy.


The Big Lie of Woke Capitalism

‘Social justice’ investing is part of the Great Reset’s agenda of moving from shareholder to stakeholder capitalism


Apparently, the “woke left” in America is a big fan of free market capitalism and investing. At least, that’s what Slate’s Andrew Petillon would have us all believe in his recent article, “The Republican War on ‘Woke Capitalism’ Is Really Just a War on Capitalism.”

That is nothing more—and nothing less—than a well-constructed lie.

Woke Capitalism and ESG

Some definitions of terms are in order.

According to The Economist, “woke capitalism” involves public campaigns that appeal to millennials, who typically hold more socially liberal views and are arguably less informed on what free market capitalism is than prior generations.

So-called “woke capitalism” is also sometimes referred to as “ESG investing,” which itself has various meanings. The acronym ESG stands for “environmental, social, and governance.” It’s a vague categorization or standard applied to companies and investors to determine how, for lack of a better word, “woke” they may or may not be.

Domestically, ESG is a metric for woke capitalism. Some of the main concepts surrounding ESG are climate change, sustainability, green technology, social justice causes such as workers’ rights, working conditions, changing social norms, exploitation of minorities, and so forth. There is also the aspect of governmental oversight or promotion of those causes. A company or investor’s ESG ranking may be the determining factor for investment or even boycotts.

The Fascism of Stakeholder Capitalism

Woke capitalism embraces the idea of “stakeholder capitalism.” Stakeholder capitalism, which is what the Business Roundtable and the World Economic Forum (WEF) call for, demands that companies toe the ESG line, not necessarily to private shareholders, but to the often unelected and their woke socialist standards. The latter include equality of outcomes, hiring decisions, diversity requirements, income equality, and more. Shareholders like you and I are not part of the plan.

Obviously, ESG has both red and green leftist political and ideological preferences that marry business with government policymakers, not merely business and shareholder interests. That, by the way, is fascism.

The Woke Capitalism Lie

Internationally, ESG identifies and ranks companies and investors that either do business with countries considered politically incorrect, lack ESG values, or both. A negative ESG rating could also result in negative publicity, divesture, or boycotts by Wall Street and Main Street investors.

According to Petillon, ESG or woke capitalism is somehow directly related to and is an aspect of free market capitalism. In fact, from its inception as a metric, the use of ESG factors in the financial analysis was deemed to be complementary to a company’s fiduciary responsibilities to investors and shareholders.

But are either assertions true?

And are ESG criteria really part of the fiduciary responsibilities that a public company has to its shareholders? In some cases, sure. For example, some investors don’t want to invest in companies that make alcohol, tobacco, or firearms. Those investors are free not to invest in those companies.

Imposing leftist criteria on a company whose responsibilities are to its shareholders doesn’t sound like free market capitalism. Instead, it is mandated behavior by the unelected. There are laws that all companies must follow, of course, but those vary by state and federal jurisdictions. ESG is separate from both—or at least, they used to be.

But to those on the left, ESG or woke capitalism is also virtuous capitalism because they believe that companies ought to behave, invest, and produce what the woke mob determines is correct. Those companies that don’t comply must be punished and, if possible, driven out of business. As the ESG trend and political influence progress, it exercises more control—behavioral and political—over all companies, public and private. That’s the end goal for woke capitalism.

Orwellian Wordplay Is the Leftist Way

See what’s going on with the wordplay?

The approach is to add the word “capitalism” to add validity to the woke agenda, but that’s not even remotely true.

The free market, Petillon asserts, is demanding that public corporations, and even private ones, adhere to ESG requirements. He further states that to be against the imposition of ESG standards for companies is to be against the free market.

There’s just one big problem with the free market argument for ESG. It didn’t come from the free market. It’s a product of the United Nations Environment Program Initiative in the Freshfields Report in October 2005.

The clever part is that once ESG was established as some virtuous objective, it would simply be a matter of building up the support for its realization. That support includes left-wing politicians, media, academic institutions, and globalist financial organizations in a coordinated push to make ESG a part of U.S. corporate behavior and publicly shame those businesses that did not comply.

See how that process works?

Leverage the mainstream media, top, left-leaning universities, and other overtly left societal allies and push the woke agenda as if it were a grassroots, free market phenomenon.

In short, the ESG investing agenda is an attempt by the U.N. and the WEF, both supranational organizations, to arbitrarily impose their will on private and public companies. The objective is to compel them to comply with their woke standards, not U.S. laws, to determine how they should operate, what policies they should have, who they should do business with, and what political and social agenda they should promote within their organization, even who they can have on their boards of directors.

This toxic perspective governs most of the left thinking about requiring corporate political obedience to causes that have nothing to do with the free market.


17 Ways to Eat Summer Fruits

Summer fruits are typically cold and refreshing and can provide just the right amount of sweetness to keep those taste buds satisfied on a hot and humid day. In-season summer fruits can include mangoes, coconuts, pears, strawberries, peaches, and assorted other berries like raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries. These fruits all provide a variety of health benefits, including being loaded with vitamins and in some cases, antioxidants as well. Luckily enough, there are a variety of ways that you can enjoy these summer fruits and we’ve rounded up some of the best ways to enjoy these delicious, juicy treats.

1. Fruit Salads

Fruit salads are one of the easiest ways to enjoy a melody of fruits and can be great for breakfast or as well as a light after-dinner dessert.

2. Grilled Fruit

Grilling fruits are a welcome addition to any barbeque and can be grilled on their own or added to skewers. The next time you’re barbecuing, try throwing some pineapple on the grill for a zesty addition to your meal.

3. Marinades

Marinades can make or break your barbeque, and choosing the right fruit can add the right kick to your meal. Cherries work great as a marinade and can help with post-workout muscle recovery.

4. Frozen Fruit

Frozen fruit can be a quick and resourceful way to bulk up your smoothies, but they can also lightly flavor your drinks as well. Try freezing some raspberries and dropping them into some ice water for more of a kick.

5. Fruit Salsas

Traditional salsas are heavy on tomatoes, but if you’re looking to mix things up a bit, try this delicious watermelon and mango salsa or this grapefruit salsa. Watermelons are loaded with vitamins and also lycopene, which can help fight cardiovascular disease.

6. Smoothies

Smoothies are a great way to start your day, and depending on what’s in them, can provide a host of health benefits. Here are some yummy recipies..

7. Juices

Juicing is another great way to ensure you’re getting enough fruit servings a day, and can also help boost your overall energy levels.

8. Raw

This one’s pretty straight forward. There really is nothing like enjoying a piece of fruit raw and on its own. Apples and pears are both loaded with vitamins and other nutrients and can be the perfect post-meal dessert, as they contain just the right amount of sweetness. Here’s a recipe!

9. Dried Fruit

Dehydrating fruit is a hobby for some and can be a great way to preserve fruit to enjoy later. Dried fruits make a great snack for kids and adults alike.

10. Trail Mixes

Once you’ve become a master at drying and preserving fruit, adding them to your trail mixes can bring just the right amount of sweetness to your snack. Trail mixes are normally filled with peanuts, nuts, and seeds, and adding dried fruit like cranberries or apples can add a necessary sweetness to keep your snack fresh and tasty.

11. Desserts and Pies

For those of you with a bit of a sweet tooth, fresh fruits work great in dessert pies.

12. Fresh Fruit and Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is all the rage now, as its typically low in calories but high in protein. It’s a great snack, but it can be made even better by adding fresh fruit to it. Try adding fresh strawberries to increase your antioxidant intake.

13. Jams

Jams can be a great addition to your toast in the morning, and if made the right way can be nutritious as well.

14. Lemonades

Lemonades are a summer past time, and there’s no reason you can’t infuse yours with some fresh fruit.

15. Fruit Cakes

Traditional dessert cakes can be loaded with excess fat and even artificial flavors.

16. Slushies

Similar to smoothies, but maybe more for the kids (or the kid at heart!), slushies can be a refreshing treat for anyone, and if made the right way can be a healthy choice too. Most store-bought slushies are loaded with gross syrups loaded with artificial flavors and colors, but it’s easy to make your own.

17. Toppings

This is the easiest one! Any fruit of your liking can make a great topping to almost any dish. You can add fresh fruit to water, blueberries to cereals, or strawberries to your salad. Be creative!

Health Officials: Planting a Garden Is Dangerous to Your Health

Add this to the latest list of bizarre “health” recommendations that have come out since the COVID-19 pandemic started: Don’t plant a garden in an attempt to fight rising food prices and shortages.

That’s right. Don’t plant a garden because doing so can be hazardous to your health, specifically, your heart. The reason is because the heavy metals, pesticides and plastics from ongoing pollution in air, water and soil can poison the earth and, thus, poison you.

This, in turn, can affect your cardiovascular system and increase the oxidative stress in your blood vessels, the health experts say. While they admitted that ongoing research is necessary on this topic, the scientists added, “Until we know more, it seems sensible to wear a face mask to limit exposure to windblown dust, filter water to remove contaminants, and buy food grown in healthy soil.”


Dr. Robert Malone Testifies at Texas Senate Committee: ‘Regulatory Practices Had Been Discarded’

Vaccinologist and key contributor to mRNA technology Robert Malone testified to the Texas Senate committee on Health & Human Services on June 28, highlighting some administrative actions during the pandemic that he thinks were incorrectly handled and that should be taken into consideration for the future.

Malone is also a specialist in clinical research, medical affairs, regulatory affairs, project management proposal management, vaccines, and biodefense.

He said that prior to the Chinese Communist Party virus outbreak, the standard procedure would have been for the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), a federal agency, to give advice to state public health authorities in order to regulate medical practices.

“Up until the present, that’s always been acknowledged. The role of the federal government is in consultation and support and advice. This approach has not been implemented during the COVID crisis … during SARS-Cov2 COVID-19 outbreak, new policies and practices have been implemented,” Malone testified in the hearing.

Malone has been involved with previous outbreak responses, including AIDS, anthrax, smallpox, and has worked on the smallpox vaccine, influenza vaccine, Ebola, Zika, and now SARS-Cov2.

Authors Correct Study That Inflated Child COVID-19 Deaths After CDC Officials Promoted It

A study that inflated the number of COVID-19 deaths among children has been corrected after being promoted by top officials at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The paper falsely stated that at least 1,433 deaths primarily attributed to COVID-19 had occurred among those 19 and younger in the United States, but the actual number is 1,088, the authors acknowledged in the updated version (pdf).

The authors, led by British scientist Seth Flaxman, incorrectly utilized data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics for the initial version. They said that they only included deaths where COVID-19 was considered the underlying, or primary, cause. But they actually also counted deaths where COVID-19 was listed as a contributing cause.

The initial version “incorrectly used these data,” the authors said in the updated paper.

Flaxman did not respond to a request for comment. Emails reviewed by The Epoch Times showed he did not understand how to use the CDC database that lists COVID-19 deaths before being told how to use it following publication of the study.


How the Media Secretly Carries Out Assignments for the CIA

The “anti-disinformation” industry has nothing to do with protecting a gullible public from information that might cause them to make bad or unhealthy choices. It’s about creating and directing a narrative for the purpose of controlling the population and hiding truths that might overthrow the ruling cabal and its plans for a one world government

In 1948, the CIA’s Office of Special Projects launched Operation Mockingbird, a clandestine CIA media infiltration campaign that involved bribing hundreds of journalists to publish fake stories at the CIA’s request

During the Cold War, CIA propaganda disparaged communist ideologies. Today, it promotes radical ideas that bring us closer to The Great Reset — which is based on a technocratic economic system — instead

Most of the organizations claiming to promote truth and counter disinformation are in fact doing the exact opposite. The latest and most blatant example of this was the Biden administration’s “Ministry of Truth” — the Disinformation Governance Board, set up by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Evidence shows scholars and academics who speak out against the establishment narrative on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine are being targeted by media personalities working hand-in-hand with the intelligence apparatus

Google Spam Filter Cost Republicans $2 Billion In Lost Donors

Google’s practice of filtering Republican campaign emails into spam filters cost the party $2 billion in donations since 2019, GOP lawmakers and the head of the Republican National Committee said.

Republicans made the calculation based on a North Carolina State University study that found Google, the nation’s largest email platform, flagged more Republican campaign emails as spam than Democratic emails during the 2020 election season, and ended up sending as few as 32% of GOP emails to inboxes.

“Big Tech has been silencing conservative voices and actively working against Republicans for multiple cycles,” Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, National Republican Senatorial Committee Chair Rick Scott and National Republican Campaign Committee Chair Tom Emmer said in a joint statement.

Google’s email suppression — which affects the GOP’s fundraising and GOTV efforts — is another egregious example. Silicon Valley oligarchs are suppressing free political speech,” they said in the statement.

Google denies filtering spam for political purposes and said email users can set their preferences to prevent the campaign messages from ending up in the spam folder.

The North Carolina State University study, released in March, found Outlook and Yahoo filtered more Democratic emails into spam folders.

House and Senate Republicans earlier this year introduced legislation that would ban Google and other email platforms from filtering campaign emails, part of an overall effort to crack down on Big Tech censorship that they believe targets the GOP.

Republican conservative candidates raised $737 million on Republican fundraising platform WinRed from Gmail users in 2019 and 2020, Republicans reported in a complaint filed earlier this year with the Federal Election Commission.

“We estimate Republicans accordingly missed out on $1.5 billion in contributions during the 2020 election cycle and over $2 billion since 2019,” the RNC said in the statement.

Dallas Cowboys Face Backlash over Deal with Black Rifle Coffee

The Dallas Cowboys have been facing backlash on social media for a recent marketing agreement with the gun-themed Black Rifle Coffee Co.

On Tuesday, the Dallas Cowboys announced the partnership with Black Rifle Coffee on Twitter just one day after a gunman shot and killed six people attending a July 4 parade in Highland Park, Illinois.

“Please welcome America’s Coffee to America’s Team,” the Cowboys said while linking to a contest sponsored by the coffee company.

U.S. Army veteran Evan Hafer founded Black Rifle Coffee, and the company reaffirmed his ongoing support for veterans when announcing the partnership.

“BRCC is proud to partner with the Dallas Cowboys, who are strongly committed to our mission of supporting veterans, first responders, and America’s men and women in uniform,” a Black Rifle spokesman said. “The long-planned announcement was timed to coincide with the Independence Day holiday — America’s Team. America’s Coffee. America’s Birthday.”

Though based in Utah, Black Rifle Coffee has strong ties to Texas and established its first brick-and-mortar store in San Antonio, where the company has its second corporate office.

Social media users, however, were not buying the Dallas Cowboys’ patriotic endorsement of Black Rifle Coffee in the wake of the Highland Park shooting.

Black Rifle Coffee also faced backlash from conservatives in 2020 and 2021 when it attested to having no relationship or partnership with Kyle Rittenhouse before he had been acquitted of murder based on self-defense. The public repudiation came after BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer posted a photo of Rittenhouse wearing a Black Rifle Coffee shirt alongside the caption, “Kyle Rittenhouse drinks the best coffee in America.”

Shaffer later deleted the post, and company CEO Evan Hafer said in a statement that the company does “not sponsor” and does not “have a relationship with the 17-year-old facing charges in Kenosha, WI.”

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