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The Power Hour

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Today's News: July 10, 2018

World News
ALERT: US Joins UN Gun Control Push – Nikki Haley signs measure to track every gun in America
Infowars – It was what Fast & Furious and the Gunwalker false flags were about — Now the UN Arms Treaty is back and the US, under UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, has signed on to the measure to track every gun in the US.
Anti-gun Efforts to Expand U.N. Regulations to Ammunition Continue
Shortly before 4:00am last Saturday morning, the two week long Third Review Conference (RevCon3) on the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat, and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects (PoA) finally came to end.
Entering into the meeting several critical issues were on the agenda, none of which was more significant than attempts to include ammunition into the fold of the PoA.  Getting ammunition into the PoA has been at the top of the anti-firearms agenda since the PoA’s inception in 2001, as it opens the door for calls to mark, trace, limit and require global register of its users.  To understand this, you must recognize that everything at the U.N. must be viewed not in the present, but in the future, and just like the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) it is never about what is in the document when it is initially adopted, but what that language will allow it to become.  Ammunition was the real issue at RevCon3, as including it in the PoA would mark an even more significant step forward in the anti-firearm agenda of the U.N. than the adoption of the ATT.
It is for this reason that the United States’ policy has always been to object to attempts to include ammunition, and why this meeting, more so than any other on the PoA in the past, was so critical.  Review conferences provide a forum for enacting change, and while RevCon3 was the third time such a review had taken place, it was the first time a united front had been assembled to push for ammunition’s inclusion. Regrettably, even with a strong U.S. delegation staying true to the original red lines established by former U.S. Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs John Bolton, nothing could have been done to stop the final outcome.
Media Silent As US Agrees To “Full Implementation” of United Nations Gun Control Pact   
Activist Post – While the United States is typically set apart from other countries when it comes to gun laws, a recent conference with the United Nations has raised major red flags, as the U.S. agreed to enact “full implementation” of an international agreement on gun control that will violate Americans’ constitutional rights by adding their personal information to a global database.
The Third Review Conference (RevCon) of the United Nations’ Program of Action (PoA) on Small Arms and Light Weapons was held in New York last week with a 2018 agreement, which states that its purpose is to serve as “a renewed commitment to prevent, combat and eradicate the illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects.”
Ethiopia and Eritrea restore ties after 20 years of enmity
The Guardian – Ethiopian and Eritrean leaders have formally restored relations between the two countries, ending 20 years of enmity and prompting phone calls across the border by people getting back in touch with friends and family.
The Jerusalem Post – Hamas has increased its training in preparation for a possible conflict with Israel, defense officials warned on Sunday.
According to a report by Israeli public broadcaster Kan, Hamas has upped training of its forces ahead of a possible conflict with Israel, which recently deployed Iron Dome batteries along throughout southern Israel.
China Pledges $20 billion in Loans to Middle East, Aid for Palestine
Infowars  – Beijing has prepared a package of $20 billion in loans, and about $106 million in financial aid, for Middle East nations, including Palestine, Reuters reports.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Brett Kavanaugh Is Trump’s Pick for Supreme Court
New York Times – resident Trump on Monday nominated Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, a politically connected member of Washington’s conservative legal establishment, to fill Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s seat on the Supreme Court, setting up an epic confirmation battle and potentially cementing the court’s rightward tilt for a generation.
Brett Kavanaugh is no stranger to Washington, DC
New York Post – Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, is the son of a public school teacher and went on to serve as a clerk for retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Considered the most establishment-connected candidate Trump had considered for the post, Kavanaugh worked in the White House under President George W. Bush and has sat on the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit since 2006.
Fox’s Napolitano ‘Disappointed’ By Kavanaugh: He’s ‘Heart and Soul of the DC Establishment’
Mediaite – Judge Andrew Napolitano is not particularly wowed with President Trump‘s decision to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Kavanaugh became a major media subject of intrigue last night after Trump confirmed that he’s nominating the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals judge to replace Anthony Kennedy once he retires. Fox & Friends poured through the Kavanaugh intrigue on Tuesday morning, but when they asked Napolitano for his take, the senior judicial analyst said he was dismayed with Trump over his “swamp pick.”
“I am disappointed in the president because this is not the type of person that he said he would pick,” Napolitano said. “This person is at the heart and soul of the DC establishment.”
President Trump pardons Oregon ranchers whose plight led to refuge occupation
President Donald Trump on Tuesday pardoned two eastern Oregon ranchers serving time in federal prison for setting fire to public land in a case that inflamed their supporters and gave rise to the armed takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
Residents of California City Set to Get Monthly $500 Stipend – Universal Basic Income program will be tested in impoverished Stockton
Daily Mail  – Stockton, California will become the first city in the country to participate in a test of Universal Basic Income, in which 100 residents will be given $500-dollars-a-month, with no strings attached.
The program aims to create a level of income that no one will fall beneath.
By providing impoverished residents a regular sum of money that they can use on anything they wish, be it food, clothes, gas, or starting a new venture, those behind the program believe it could go a long way to give people enough support to try out new ideas.
NFL players union files grievance over anthem policy
Town Hall – The NFL Players Association filed a grievance with the league on Tuesday challenging its national anthem policy.
The union says that the new policy, which the league imposed without consultation with the NFLPA, is inconsistent with the collective bargaining agreement and infringes on players’ rights.
California Asks Judge To Block Trump Policy On Federal Grants To Sanctuary Cities
Daily Caller – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra on Monday asked a federal judge to block the Trump administration’s plan to withhold law enforcement grants from states and cities that don’t cooperate with immigration authorities.
Becerra’s motion for a nationwide injunction stems from a lawsuit he brought against the federal government in August 2017, after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced new eligibility requirements for the Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) program, which provides federal funding to local law enforcement agencies.
Judge again delays sentencing for Michael Flynn
LA Times – A federal judge on Tuesday again delayed the sentencing of Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security advisor and the only former White House official charged in the sprawling Russia investigation.
Economy & Business
US to Consider Relief From Iran Oil Sanctions for ‘Handful’ of Countries -Pompeo
Sputnik – The United States may consider granting relief to some countries from economic sanctions that will be imposed on Iran’s oil exports in November, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo said on Tuesday.
Tesla to open Shanghai electric car factory, doubling its production
The Guardian – Elon Musk says first facility outside the US will build 500,000 cars a year
Tesla is to open a new electric car production plant in Shanghai, its first outside the US, chief executive Elon Musk said from the city on Tuesday.
The new auto plant is slated to produce 500,000 cars a year, taking Tesla’s total global manufacturing capacity to 1m vehicles a year. Most automotive factories are tooled to produce 200,000 to 300,000 vehicles a year.
Energy & Environment
Fireball frenzy: 2 meteors spotted shooting across the US & Spain (VIDEOS)
RT – It’s not often you look skyward in bright daylight and spot a flaming space rock passing overhead, but that’s just what happened over the US and Spain on Monday, with meteor-watching agencies receiving a spate of reports.
The first meteor was spotted over various parts of the US, at 8.40pm local time (01:40 Universal Time), while the second was filmed over Spain and the Mediterranean Sea less than two hours later.
Hybrid cars to be exempt from 2040 petrol and diesel ban
The Guardian – Petrol and diesel hybrid cars will still be permitted to be sold in 2040, the government has conceded, in a move that has angered environmental campaigners but was welcomed by the car industry.
Ministers last year pledged to ban new cars powered by fossil fuels by 2040 but the transport secretary, Chris Grayling, confirmed on Monday that hybrid cars – powered by electricity and diesel or petrol – would be exempt.
Science & Technology
Australian experiment wipes out over 80% of disease-carrying mosquitoes
CNN – In an experiment with global implications, Australian scientists have successfully wiped out more than 80% of disease-carrying mosquitoes in trial locations across north Queensland.
The experiment, conducted by scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and James Cook University (JCU), targeted Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which spread deadly diseases such as dengue fever and Zika.
In JCU laboratories, researchers bred almost 20 million mosquitoes, infecting males with bacteria that made them sterile. Then, last summer, they released over three million of them in three towns on the Cassowary Coast.
The sterile male mosquitoes didn’t bite or spread disease, but when they mated with wild females, the resulting eggs didn’t hatch, and the population crashed.
Chaga Mushroom: 5 Health Benefits of this Ancient Remedy
Dr. Axe – A common star of mushroom coffee and mushroom tea, the chaga mushroom is loaded with impressive health benefits. It actually has one of the highest ORAC scores of any food! Why is this a good thing? ORAC stands for “Oxygen Radical Absorbent Capacity.” The higher the ORAC value, the better a food’s ability to protect the body from disease-causing free radicals. It also means that chaga mushrooms are one of the best sources of antioxidants, with an ORAC value of 146,700. (1)
5 Health Benefits of Chaga Mushroom:

  1. Prevent and Treat Cancer
  2. Stimulate the Immune System
  3. Potent Anti-Viral
  4. Inflammation Reducer
  5. Improve Physical Endurance

** Chag-o-Charge Tea & ChagaMax Capsules are available at The Power Mall by calling 877-817-9829!
Removing Children’s Tonsils and Adenoids Increases Risk for 28 Diseases, Study Finds
GreenMedInfo – While the conventional medical establishment calls for the removal of “broken” or “defective” body parts, a watershed study on the long-term effects of tonsillectomy and adenoid removal calls into question the propriety of this surgery, performed on nearly half-a-million children in the United States each year.
A June 2018 study of over a million Danish children has added a compelling argument against tonsillectomies being performed so casually. In a first-ever study on the long-term effects of tonsillectomy, researchers from the University of Melbourne in Australia and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, accessed the health records of 1.2 million children from the years 1979 to 1999. Of the total number of children studied, 11,830 had underwent tonsillectomy (removal of tonsils), 17,460 had an adenoidectomy (removal of adenoids, lymph glands located up and behind the tonsils which defend against infection), and 31, 377 had a combined procedure during which both tonsils and adenoids were removed. No other serious health issues were present among focus group children.
Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, results have compelled scientists to call for “renewed evaluation of alternatives” to this too-common procedure. The impact of tonsil and/or adenoid removal surgery on future health outcomes was deemed “considerable.” Children who had undergone tonsillectomies were found to have a nearly three-fold increase in the risk of developing certain diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including asthma, influenza, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Removal of adenoids in addition to tonsils more than quadrupled chances of developing allergies, inner-ear inflammation, and sinusitis.

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