July 1, 2024

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Today's News: July 12, 2019

World News
Tommy Robinson supporter attacks BBC film crew and fans hurl smoke bombs after EDL founder is jailed for nine months
The Sun – A FURIOUS Tommy Robinson fan attacked a BBC film crew while supporters hurled smoke bombs after the EDL founder was jailed for nine months today.
Robinson called for protests after he was found to have “encouraged mob rule” when he breached a reporting restriction to live-stream a video outside a child grooming trial.
And far-right protesters set EU flags on fire and hurled bottles at police as ugly scenes erupted outside the Old Bailey this afternoon after Robinson was jailed for contempt of court.
As he was caged, the ex-EDL leader told his fans: “Sentenced to prison for journalism.
“Time for protests to start, this is an absolute joke! Protest outside whatever prison I’m in on Saturday please.”
He added: “Hopefully by this Saturday, I’m laying there in my cell and I can just hear all your voices outside whichever s***hole HMP I’m in.
New Finnish Study Finds No Evidence For Man-Made Climate Change
Infowars – A new study by researchers at Turku University in Finland found that the human contribution to a rise of 0.1°C in global temperatures over the last century is just 0.01°C.
The paper, titled ‘No experimental evidence for the significant anthropogenic climate change’ was published by Jyrki Kauppinen and Pekka Malmi.
The study found that, “During the last hundred years the temperature is increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C.”
Kauppinen and Malmi conclude that global temperatures are controlled primarily by cloud cover and that “only a small part” of the increased carbon dioxide concentration is anthropogenic.
The study also calls into question the claims of the UN IPCC, which concluded that global temperatures are largely driven by human activity.
While the methods and results of the study can be debated, this once again illustrates how there is no overwhelming consensus on man-made global warming as the media often claims.
In reality, there are dozens of prominent scientists who believe that climate change is driven by natural forces or that the United Nations’ climate projections are unreliable.
China is having its Boston Tea Party moment
Glenn Beck – Freedom. It usually begins as a whisper. A secret passed on between patrons at a secluded bar or private meeting. And no matter how hard the tyrants may try and stop it, no matter how many dams they throw up to try and contain it, the whispers eventually become a flood. Sometimes it takes longer to break through, but it’s the same EVERY TIME. Liberty and freedom always wins. It’s an unstoppable force that knows no immovable object.
For us it was exactly 243 years ago to this month that those whispers became a flood. A group of ragtag colonists took on the world’s only superpower —and won. Our forefathers proved it — freedom refuses to recognize tyranny as an immovable object. The world was forever changed.
And I can’t help but see the poetic justice as more whispers became a flood, defying their own immovable object, just three days before all of us were buying fireworks to celebrate our Independence Day. But this time it was just off the coast of mainland China.
Last week over a MILLION protesters filled the streets in Hong Kong. Literally a FLOOD of humans looking for one thing — freedom. They stormed the government building that is the equivalent of their Congress. They smashed windows, broke down doors, and a photo was taken that I think just might be the picture of the year.
Turkey defies US as Russian S-400 missile defence arrives
BBC – Ankara takes delivery of the first parts of a Russian missile defence system despite US opposition.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Labor Secretary Acosta announces he will step down, amid criticism over Epstein plea deal
Fox – Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta will be stepping down in a week over his past involvement in a highly controversial plea deal for financier Jeffrey Epstein, who is now facing sex trafficking charges.
President Trump announced the shakeup Friday morning in remarks to reporters.
Acosta came under fire this week for his role as U.S. attorney for Florida in securing a plea deal for Epstein that resulted in an 18-month sentence — he served just 13 months.
Bill Clinton ‘not telling the truth’ about Jeffrey Epstein, says investigative journalist who first revealed allegations in 2010
Fox – Investigative journalist Conchita Sarnoff said Monday that former President Bill Clinton isn’t telling the truth when he says he “knows nothing” of the alleged crimes of Jeffrey Epstein.
Sarnoff, who’s the executive director of Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking and the author of her book “TrafficKing,” appeared on Fox News @ Night after an indictment alleging sex trafficking and sex trafficking conspiracy was unsealed Monday morning against Epstein, while Clinton’s spokesman issued a statement denying knowledge of Epstein’s alleged behavior.
Epstein, the wealthy and politically connected financier who pleaded not guilty during his initial appearance in a New York City federal court, is accused of preying on “dozens” of victims as young as 14.
Clinton, meanwhile, said in a statement that he “knows nothing” about the “terrible crimes,” insisting that he took “a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s airplane” in 2002 and 2003 –  while his Secret Service detail traveled with him at all times – and that he had only brief meetings with Epstein.
But Sarnoff, who first broke the Epstein story back in 2010, says the figure isn’t accurate, claiming that Clinton was a guest on Epstein’s planes many more times over a longer period.
“I know from the pilot logs and these are pilot logs that you know were written by different pilots and at different times that Clinton went, he was a guest of Epstein’s 27 times,” she said, adding that “many of those times Clinton had his Secret Service with him and many times he did not.”
Chuck Schumer scrambles to get rid of $22,000 that Jeffrey Epstein donated to his election efforts in the 1990s
NY Daily News – Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer — who’s calling for Labor Secretary Alex Acosta to resign over his kid glove prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein — scrambled Wednesday to wash his hands of thousands of dollars that the millionaire sex offender donated to his election efforts in the 1990s.
After press inquiries, Schumer spokesman Angelo Roefaro said the senior New York senator was disbursing a total of $22,000 that Epstein forked over to his congressional campaigns and a couple of Schumer-backing super PACs between 1992 and 1997, according to Federal Election Commission records.
“While these campaign accounts closed about 20 years ago, and even then the campaign never controlled the two political action committees, Senator Schumer is donating an equal sum to anti-sex trafficking and anti-violence against women groups,” Roefaro told the Daily News.
The Epstein cash will be evenly distributed to Safe Horizon, Sanctuary For Families, the Crime Victims Treatment Center and the John Jay College Foundation, according to Roefaro.
Thousands Are Targeted as ICE Prepares to Raid Undocumented Migrant Families
NYT – Nationwide raids to arrest thousands of members of undocumented families have been scheduled to begin Sunday, according to two current and one former homeland security officials, moving forward with a rapidly changing operation, the final details of which remain in flux. The operation, backed by President Trump, had been postponed, partly because of resistance among officials at his own immigration agency.
The raids, which will be conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement over multiple days, will include “collateral” deportations, according to the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the preliminary stage of the operation. In those deportations, the authorities might detain immigrants who happened to be on the scene, even though they were not targets of the raids.
When possible, family members who are arrested together will be held in family detention centers in Texas and Pennsylvania. But because of space limitations, some might end up staying in hotel rooms until their travel documents can be prepared. ICE’s goal is to deport the families as quickly as possible.
The officials said ICE agents were targeting at least 2,000 immigrants who have been ordered deported — some as a result of their failure to appear in court — but who remain in the country illegally. The operation is expected to take place in at least 10 major cities.
UC Berkeley Sends ‘Message of Support’ to Illegal Aliens
Breitbart – Administrators at UC Berkeley published a message of support for illegal alien students at the end of June.
UC Berkeley published a statement on June 26 that reaffirms their commitment to the university’s undocumented population. In the statement, UC Berkeley Public Affairs warned students about potential campus visits by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers.
The university claims that they are committed to building a strong relationship with undocumented students and faculty.
Every member of the UC Berkeley community is a valuable contributor to the university, regardless of immigration status. We recognize that recent reports of potential raids has many in our community (locally and in other parts of the country) feeling a heightened level of anxiety. We remain steadfast in welcoming, supporting, and building community with our undocumented students and staff.
The statement instructed undocumented students and faculty to take advantage of UC Berkeley’s “Undocumented Student Program,” which has previously instructed students to “FIGHT BACK!” against ICE officers.
New York Approves Driver’s Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants
Huff Post – The legislation, known as the Green Light Bill, expands access to driver’s licenses to an estimated 265,000 undocumented New Yorkers. Supporters say it will create safer roads, increase state revenue and keep families together by preventing traffic violations from turning into deportations.
“This is life-changing, and we are proud to stand on the right side of history because every New Yorker should have the opportunity to contribute to their economies and communities without fearing that they will be separated from their family because of a routine traffic stop,” Eddie A. Taveras, state immigration manager for the advocacy group FWD.us, said in a statement.
The bill, backed by immigrant rights groups and some prominent Democrats, passed the state Assembly last week.
But it faced opposition from within the party as well. The chairman of the New York State Democratic Party, Jay Jacobs, said he warned Long Island’s Democratic senators earlier this month against supporting the Green Light Bill because of potential political consequences, Gothamist reported.
Cuomo hinted as recently as Monday that he might veto the measure, after raising last minute concerns about the possibility of federal government using DMV information to track down undocumented immigrants.
“We have to write a law that does not have an unintended consequences,” Cuomo said in an interview with WAMC radio on Monday.
The state attorney general said the bill’s safeguards prevent it from being “weaponized to be used against undocumented individuals,” Alphonso David, counsel to the governor, said in a statement.
DeSantis Wants to Tear Down Confederate Statue at Capitol Hill, Replace With Civil Rights Activist
Information Liberation – From Big League Politics:
Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, once considered a favorite of conservatives and Trump supporters, is now doing the Left’s bidding for them, and targeting a Confederate statue for removal in a gratuitous display of political correctness.
DeSantis is calling to remove the likeness of Confederate General Edmund Kirby Smith that represents the state of Florida in the U.S. Capitol at the National Statuary Hall. He wants it to be replaced with civil rights leader Mary McLeod Bethune, in a clear capitulation to the Maoist Left.
“Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune was an influential educator, leader and civil rights activist who became one of Florida’s and our nation’s most influential leaders,” DeSantis said in a press release.
“Dr. McLeod Bethune’s statue will represent the best of who we are as Floridians to visitors from around the world in our nation’s capitol. Her legacy endures and will continue to inspire future generations,” he added.
Our country has no future under the rule of cowardly politicians like Ron DeSantis.
Colorado bear breaks into car, ‘butt-shifts’ to neutral & drives 100ft down hill
RT – A “delinquent” bear broke into a parked car in Colorado, made it roll 100 feet down a hill, and crashed the vehicle into a tree before disappearing without a trace.
The incident happened on Thursday night. The bear pulled the door open and climbed into an unlocked car somewhere in Boulder County, Colorado, the local sheriff’s office reported.
The door closed behind the animal once it got inside the vehicle. The bear then apparently felt trapped, began frantically working its way out and accidentally “butt-shifted the car into neutral.” The vehicle rolled off the driveway and went 100 feet down a hill. It stopped after hitting a tree, and only then could the bear get out and flee.
Economy & Business
San Francisco: wealthy opponents of new shelter claim homeless are bad for environment
The Guardian – The wealthy San Francisco residents who launched a crowdfunding campaign to block construction of a new homeless shelter in their waterfront neighborhood are employing a new tactic: arguing that homeless people are bad for the environment.
In a lawsuit filed against the city of San Francisco and the California State Lands Commission, the residents called for the project to undergo an environmental review before breaking ground.
“This project will have a significant effect on the environment due to these unusual circumstances, including by attracting additional homeless persons, open drug and alcohol use, crime, daily emergency calls, public urination and defecation, and other nuisances,” the lawsuit states.
Opponents of infrastructure and affordable housing projects often call upon the California Environmental Quality Act as a stalling ploy to delay construction. The law requires developers to explore any environmental effects a project might have, and take steps to reduce them.
Attorneys for the residents, paid for by the more than $102,000 raised through the GoFundMe campaign, argued in the lawsuit that the project did not undergo a full environmental review process.
The city has argued that the project – a 200-bed temporary homeless shelter – is exempt was from such reviews.
UCLA Professor Faces 200+ Year Sentence for Smuggling Tech to China
Breitbart – Former UCLA professor Yi-Chi Shih has been found guilty on 18 federal charges for funneling American military technology to China.
Energy & Environment
Sad News: Bumblebee Officially Added to Endangered Species List
Best Folk Medicine (February 2019)  – Unfortunately, the bumblebee has been added to the growing list of endangered species alongside the northern spotted owl, the grizzly bear, the gray wolf, and around 700 other animal species on the verge of extinction.
Once present in abundance in the prairies and grasslands in the East and Midwest, this rusty-patched bee is now reducing in population at an alarming rate. According to estimates, as much as 95 percent only exists in twelve states and the province of Ontario, Canada.
On the 11th of January, 2017, the US Fish and Wildlife Service put bumblebee on the list of endangered species, which took effect on the 21st of March. This bee is not the first to be threatened by extinction. Seven species of Hawaiian yellow-faced bees became protected under the Endangered Species Act too.
The threats that these seven species are faced with are similar to the ones which have reduced the population of the rusty patched bumblebee, i.e. loss of habitat, parasites, pesticides, illnesses, and climate change. Unfortunately, this is not a big problem for the bees only, but for humans too because they pollinate a large part of our foods.
They pollinate crops like clover, cranberries, and blueberries and are almost the sole insect pollinator of tomatoes, according to the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
In the US, the economic value of pollination provided by insects, mostly bees, is estimated at $3 billion on a yearly basis. Pollinators may be small, but powerful parts of the natural mechanism which maintains humans and our world. Without these pollinators, the meadows, parks, forests and the vibrant life which they support will not survive.
Pentagon says US plans naval escorts for Gulf tankers
Al Jazeera – The Pentagon says it is discussing military escorts for vessels in the Gulf, a day after Iranian ships allegedly tried to block a United Kingdom oil tanker near the strategic Strait of Hormuz.
The White House’s nominee to become chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, said on Thursday Washington was attempting to put together a coalition “in terms of providing military escort, naval escort to commercial shipping”.
“I think that that will be developing over the next couple weeks,” Milley told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Earlier, the US Fifth Fleet said it was working closely with the British Royal Navy as well as regional and global partners to defend freedom of navigation through the region.
Louisiana braces for first hurricane of the season
Al Jazeera – Thousands of residents of the US state of Louisiana broke out sandbags or fled to higher ground Thursday as Tropical Storm Barry threatened to turn into the first hurricane of the season and blow ashore with torrential rains that could pose a severe test of New Orleans’ improved post-Katrina flood defences.
National Guard troops and rescue crews in high-water vehicles took up positions around the state as Louisiana braced for the arrival of the storm Friday night or early Saturday.
Barry could have winds of 110 kilometres per hour, very close to the threshold for a hurricane when it comes ashore.
But it is expected to bring more than 500 millimetres of rain in potentially ruinous downpours that could go on for hours as the storm passes through the metropolitan area of nearly 1.3 million people and pushes slowly inland.
Science & Technology
ICE and the Ever-Widening Surveillance Dragnet
The Atlantic – Over the weekend, the U.S. took another step in the slow march toward normalizing hidden database searches as a fact of urban life. A new report from Georgetown Law’s Center on Privacy and Technology revealed that Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials requested access to DMV databases in Utah, Washington State, and Vermont, with the intention of using facial-recognition technology to scan drivers’ photos and match them against criminal and residency databases without their knowledge.
Three years ago, the center revealed that nearly half of all U.S. adults are already in the FBI’s facial-recognition database, which is largely sourced from DMV photos. The documents uncovered this week are the first confirmation that states have granted ICE specifically, not just the FBI, access to those databases.
Vermont and Utah both complied with ICE’s request, The New York Times reported; in Washington, it’s unclear whether the searches happened after being authorized.
The implications for undocumented immigrants are stark: Utah, Washington, and Vermont are among the 12 states that don’t require documentation to obtain a driver’s license. What may have seemed like an olive branch to allow easier access to driving and identification now could be an invitation for investigation, arrest, or deportation.
The purpose of driver’s licenses is to keep people safe, not to enable ICE to terrorize immigrant communities,” says Jake Snow, a technology and civil-liberties attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union. “Neither Congress nor the states have ever legislatively authorized this conduct.”
But the surveillance apparatus is remarkable precisely because it doesn’t just ensnare those who have broken the law. When state officials hand over access to public databases with drivers’ photos or license-plate images, they aren’t relinquishing the information of only guilty parties. The majority of American adults have driver’s licenses. These scans will include an overwhelming number of drivers who have never been accused of a crime. DMV information essentially offers law enforcement the unchecked ability to search without a warrant. In effect, these license databases have become criminal databases, each search justified by the chance that someone documented there is guilty of a crime. Everyone in them has become a suspect.
And though this is the first news of ICE using driver’s-license photos for facial recognition, the agency already has access to public information via other means. For example, Vigilant Solutions, which maintains the country’s largest database of license-plate photos, contracts with ICE, allowing agents to query a license plate and receive a log of everywhere it’s been spotted by license-plate-reading cameras. Vigilant also used its cameras to gather data from California malls, an action it initially denied until its parent company, Motorola Solutions, admitted that the allegation was true.
All told, we are heading toward a future where every ritual of public life carries implicit consent to be surveilled: Obtaining a license, driving a car, shopping in a mall, and even walking across a college campus or city block all open one up to tracking and database matching of some kind. Opting out would mean nonparticipation in society—a consequence much more dire than the invasion of privacy. When participating in daily life means being searched, law enforcement ceases to presume that the public is innocent.
Shakeup at NASA as space agency scrambles to meet Trump moon mandate
MSN – William Gerstenmaier, a NASA veteran, was removed as head of the agency’s human exploration office Wednesday, a sudden move that comes as the agency is seeking to restore human space flight to American soil and return astronauts to the moon.
Having served at the agency since 1977, Gerstenmaier had been in charge of some of NASA’s most high-profile programs and is known as a steady and methodical force inside the halls of NASA’s headquarters. Known as “Gerst,” he was working alongside Boeing and SpaceX as they developed spacecraft capable of ferrying NASA’s astronauts to the International Space Station.
He was also leading the effort to return astronauts to the moon, which had become a priority for the Trump administration.
DNA-Testing Service Exposed Customer Records Online
Bloomberg – DNA-testing service Vitagene Inc. left thousands of client health reports exposed online for years, the kind of incident that privacy advocates have warned about as gene testing has become increasingly popular.
More than 3,000 user files remained accessible to the public on Amazon Web Services cloud-computer servers until July 1, when Vitagene was notified of the issue and shut down external access to the sensitive personal information, according to documents obtained by Bloomberg. The genealogy reports included customers’ full names alongside dates of birth and gene-based health information, such as their likelihood of developing certain medical conditions, a review of the documents showed.
Vitagene said that the files dated from when the company was in “beta” testing and represented a small fraction of its customer base.
“We immediately opened an investigation and blocked access to the files,” Chief Executive Officer Mehdi Maghsoodnia said in an email. “We updated our security protocols in 2018 and have engaged an outside security firm to run external and internal penetration testing across our application. As a team we acknowledge our mistake and will keep ourselves accountable. We hope over time to prove that we are worthy of the trust that is given to us every day.”
Baseball history made: Inside the debut of robot umpires
USA Today – It came on the first pitch in an all-star game in York, Pennsylvania, in a front of a few thousand fans.
York Revolution starting pitcher Mitch Atkins fired a fastball just off the center of the plate.
The home plate umpire signaled a “strike.”
But a computerized radar system actually made the call — for the first time in professional baseball history.
It came during Wednesday evening’s Atlantic League of Professional Baseball All-Star Game at PeoplesBank Park, home of the York Revolution
The lead-off batter watched the first pitch of the game sail into the catcher’s mitt. Despite the historic change, most everything at least seemed to go as usual, at least to fans watching.
This was the long-awaited debut of the automated ball-strike system (ABS), the beginning of a testing ground for the rest of this summer. This rules initiative trial results from a recent partnership between Major League Baseball and the Atlantic League.
Here’s how the new balls and strikes technology works: An official in the press box monitors a laptop running the TrackMan radar system that electronically determines balls and strikes. That information is immediately relayed to the umpire using a wireless earpiece.
The pitches are tracked through a large Doppler radar screen high above home plate. The radar system measures a player’s height and creates a strike zone.
No doubt, the change will take a while for pitchers and hitters to adjust.
Smaller Crowds, Shorter Lines Reported At Disneyland
CBS – Disneyland visitors are noticing something a little unusual at the popular theme park — wait times for many rides are less than 30 minutes.
“It seems like there’s not as many people,” one visitor said. “We’ve been able to get on and off without even the fast pass.”
For some visitors, the cost was to blame for the apparent lack of people. Others thought maybe they just lucked out in timing their trip just after the park’s Fourth of July celebration. And some believed the area’s recent earthquakes were keeping the crowd’s away.
“It might have scared people out of here, I don’t know,” park visitor Sydnie Gustke said. “It jolted us a little bit.”
But Disney said the park isn’t quieter at all, stating that the shorter lines and wait times were intentional.
“We are incredibly focused on delivering a great guest experience for the opening of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge,” a statement from Disneyland said. “This land has added 20% more capacity to Disneyland Park.”
Miley Cyrus Won’t Reproduce Until She’s Confident Her Kid Can ‘Live on an Earth with Fish’
Breitbart – Pop star turned Planned Parenthood activist Miley Cyrus will not consider having a child due to global warming-related anxiety, vowing not to reproduce until she is confident her offspring can “live on an earth with fish in the water.” (Fact check: fish currently exist in bodies of water all over the planet).
The “Mother’s Daughter” singer spoke at length to Elle and hit two of her go-to political topics: Feminism and climate change.
Cyrus tied the two topics together, assigning the female gender to the planet and warning against mankind’s destruction of it.
“When she’s angry, don’t fuck with her,” Cyrus said. “That’s the way that I feel women are like right now. The earth is angry.”
The pop activist also revealed that she will not have kids until she feels like her child “would live on an earth with fish in the water.”
“We’ve been doing the same thing to the earth that we do to women,” she said, making another comparison to feminism.
“We just take and take and expect it to keep producing. And it’s exhausted. It can’t produce. We’re getting handed a piece-of-shit planet, and I refuse to hand that down to my child,” the Grammy-winner continued. “Until I feel like my kid would live on an earth with fish in the water, I’m not bringing in another person to deal with that.
Millennials as a whole, Cyrus claimed, feel the same way.
Could Cannabis Be Used To ‘Repair’ Damage To Arthritic Joints? Science Is Saying Yes
Healthy Holistic Living – Everywhere you look people are talking about medical marijuana. It’s on the news, all over Facebook, and even at the dinner table. You would think that we’ve already said all we can say about these little green leaves. But it seems like with every new year comes new studies on the benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) oil. People have used it for epilepsy, anxiety, inflammation, post-traumatic stress disorder, and so much more. I’m starting to wonder if there’s anything CBD oil can’t do! Recently, as per usual, science has found yet another place where CBD might prove extremely useful. Repairing arthritic damage and easing joint pain.
Zinc deficiency linked with gluten sensitivity
Mercola – Studies show that while several micronutrients were low in each patient newly diagnosed with celiac disease, the zinc deficiency eclipsed them all and, among 309 people, 59.4% of the patients were found to be zinc deficient.
Classic symptoms of gluten sensitivity often include diarrhea, fatigue, anemia, weight loss and other problems.
Celiac disease, also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathy, is the result of an immune reaction that takes place when genetically susceptible people ingest gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye.
Gluten sensitivity attacks the mucosa in your gut, which leads to inflammation. Over time, the inflammation wears away tiny nodules called villi in the small intestine’s lining, a condition known as villous atrophy.
A the time people are diagnosed with celiac disease, a micronutrient assessment, particularly on zinc, vitamin D, iron, folate, vitamin B12 and copper should take place, as those seem to go hand in hand with the condition
Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines – All Found Dead!
Disclose TV – Holistic doctors who found that vaccines had cancer enzymes in them have all be found dead, and the cause was said to be suicide.
The deaths of the doctors did leave the medical community speechless because they had been researchers who had been working on a new breakthrough cure for cancer.
Dr. James Bradstreet is a renowned specialist in autism, and he had been looking into the enzyme before his premature death in July 2015. The body of Bradstreet had been found floating in a river in North Carolina, and a post-mortem revealed he had died from a gunshot wound to his chest. It was said that the doctor might have been murdered due to the controversial research he was conducting. Bradstreet along with his colleagues found out that nagalase was compromising the immune system and it was thought that it was being introduced into the body by way of vaccines.
Dr. Bradstreet worked with a compound that was naturally occurring, and which might be the most effective thing in the body’s immune system for killing cancer cells in the body. Nagalase is said to interfere with one of the most important proteins in the human body that kill cancer cells according to Dr. Ted Broer.
GcMAF Is the Breakthrough Cancer Cure
The breakthrough cancer cure has a globulin component macrophage-activating factor, also known as GcMAF. This activates the macrophages existent in the body and helps the body to destroy any cancer cells. The body produces the substance on its own, but most patients suffering cancer are not able to produce enough to kill off the disease. When given GcMAF the immune system of the sufferer becomes stronger and helps the body to fight cancer without the person having to undergo treatments such as radiation or chemotherapy, which are considered evasive.
Study Finds More Evidence Fried Foods Up Heart Disease, Stroke Risk
Newsmax – Check out the menus at any county fair — corn dogs, fried Oreos, even fried butter — and you’ll quickly see that Americans love fried foods. But yet another study suggests that it’s time to put that corn dog down.
The study found that eating fried foods increased the risk of heart attack and stroke. And the more fried foods you eat, the greater your risk.
People who ate fried foods one to three times a week had a 7% higher risk of heart attack and stroke compared to those who ate fried foods less than once a week. For those who ate fried foods daily, the risk jumped to 14% higher.
Registered dietitian Dana Angelo White said she wasn’t shocked by the findings, because this isn’t the first study to report a connection between fried foods and poor health outcomes.
“Eating small amounts of something fried isn’t the end of the world, but the more you eat of fried foods, the worse it is for you,” explained White, who wasn’t involved with the study. She’s an associate professor at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut.
Frying foods is a common method of cooking in the United States, the study said. Yet previous research has linked fried foods to chronic illnesses, such as type 2 diabetes, heart failure, obesity, and high blood pressure. A study released in January reported that women who ate more than one serving of fried food a week increased their risk of heart disease and early death.
The current study, led by Jacqueline Honerlaw, of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center, was large, including nearly 155,000 military veterans. They were mostly men (90%) and their average age was 64.
Flashback...Scientists Announce They’ve Created Alzheimer’s Vaccine
Written By Uplifting Today on Nov 30, 2018
Alzheimer’s is one of the most devastating diseases in the world, as it has claimed the lives of millions of people. That’s why so many are celebrating right now after researchers announced that they have created a vaccine for this disease!
Researchers at the University of Texas just announced that they just made a vaccine that enables the body to better attack Alzheimer’s plaques and tangles before they start to shut down the brain.
Experts have successfully tested this vaccine on animals and they hope that it will soon move forward to clinical trials on humans. Previous vaccines have had side effects that include swelling of the brain, but this one has no adverse side effects!
Researchers at the University’s Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute spent the last decade carrying out this study, and they say that this vaccine could change the lives of sufferers and their families.
Medical Board of California – July 9, 2019
Sacramento, CA 95815
RE: Science and SB 276 (limiting medical exemptions to vaccination)
Dear Directors of the Medical Board of California,
It is important that the Medical Board of California (MBC) explore the scientific basis and medical legitimacy of laws like SB 276,1 as they directly impact the health and safety of millions of healthcare consumers in California. On behalf of hundreds of doctor and scientist members of Physicians for Informed Consent, I am writing out of our concern that some legislators, without robust scientific justification, are singling out medical doctors who recommend medical exemptions to vaccination and labeling them as “fraudulent.”2
The data currently available shows that increasing vaccination rates or limiting medical exemptions will not eliminate measles outbreaks. For example, in 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a study on waning immunity after two doses of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.3 The results, published in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, showed that:

  1. About 35% of vaccinated 7-year-olds are susceptible to subclinical measles.
  2. About 60% of vaccinated 15-year-olds are susceptible to subclinical measles.
  3. By age 24–26, a projected 33% of vaccinated adults are susceptible to clinical measles.

This means that about half of all California schoolchildren, who are fully vaccinated with the MMR vaccine, can still be infected with and spread measles, irrespective of the medical exemption rate.4,5,6
The CDC conducted another study in 2016, published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, which concluded that a third dose (booster shot) of the MMR vaccine is short-lived, lasts only one year, and would not solve the problem of waning immunity.7
In addition, there are other infectious diseases where a child’s vaccination status does not significantly affect the safety of other students at school.8

  1. Tetanus is not contagious, so being vaccinated for it or not doesn’t prevent others from getting it.9
  2. Hepatitis B is spread through sex and intravenous drug use in the United States, so being vaccinated for it

or not doesn’t prevent others from getting it in schools.10

  1. The whooping cough vaccine doesn’t prevent the spread of whooping cough, so being vaccinated for it or

not doesn’t prevent one from spreading whooping cough or others from getting it.11

  1. The diphtheria vaccine does not prevent the spread of diphtheria, so being vaccinated for it or not doesn’t

prevent one from spreading diphtheria or others from getting it.12

  1. The polio vaccine used in the United States does not prevent the spread of polio, so being vaccinated for it or not doesn’t prevent one from spreading polio or others from getting it.13,14

It’s also important to measure the threat of infectious diseases. For example, before the measles vaccine was introduced in 1963 there was a 1 in 10,000 (0.01%) chance of dying from measles15 (that’s about the same as one’s lifetime chance of being struck by lightning). In addition, three treatments are available for rare severe complications from measles: vitamin A, immune globulin, and the antiviral medication, ribavirin.16,17,18,19
By comparison, the chance of a child dying in his or her first year of life (the infant mortality rate) is currently 1 in 17020 in the U.S. overall (0.6%)—which is 60 times greater than the risk of a child dying from measles in 1962, a time period when almost every child had measles by age 15 and 99.99% fully recovered.21
Infant mortality rate (IMR) is a recognized major indicator of the health of a population, not the number of measles cases nor the number of medical exemptions.22 West Virginia and Mississippi, which only allow state public health officers to approve medical exemptions to vaccination (like SB 276 would do) have about double the infant mortality rate of California. And Massachusetts and Washington have a lower infant mortality than California, even while allowing non-medical exemptions.23 This means that laws limiting medical exemptions are unlikely to improve public health—and may worsen it.
Additionally, it’s important to remember that since the enactment of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986,24 which has shielded both vaccine manufacturers and physicians from vaccine injury lawsuits, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has awarded over $4 billion to families who incurred vaccine injuries and deaths.25 These families are our canaries in a coal mine, and the physicians that care for them have a heightened awareness of their risk of vaccine injury and how to prevent further harm. For example, the risk of seizure after the MMR vaccine occurs in about 1 in 50 children with a history of seizures, and 1 in 250 in siblings of children with a history of febrile seizures (and 5% of those would develop epilepsy).26,27 The average doctor is not yet familiar with these research findings (even though they were published 15 years ago) and wouldn’t consider recommending a medical exemption to vaccination on such a basis—but there are many doctors experienced in this arena who are knowledgeable and adept in protecting such families.
Finally, in the United Kingdom, the chickenpox vaccine is not routinely recommended because chickenpox is considered a mild illness in healthy children and vaccination is thought to increase the risk of herpes zoster in adults—that doesn’t mean British doctors are “fraudulent.”28 In Denmark, the hepatitis B vaccine is not routinely recommended—that doesn’t mean that Danish doctors are “fraudulent.”29 And in nearly all U.S. states there is either a personal belief or religious exemption to vaccination for school attendance, so doctors in those states don’t need to recommend medical exemptions for children to attend school if their vaccine recommendations are not in sync with the average doctor’s recommendations—those doctors are not “fraudulent” and neither are California doctors who, due to current law, are obligated to put their medical opinion regarding vaccination in writing, for the purpose of school attendance.30
Will each of you, as a director of the MBC, investigate the scientific data for yourself? Or will you rely only on the interpretations of these data given to you by others? As scientific truths are verifiable, and the health of California’s children is at stake, we urge you to be sure of your decision.
We request that you oppose any legislation that limits the ability of physicians to issue medical exemptions to vaccination.
Shira Miller, M.D.
Founder and President
Physicians for Informed Consent
View PDF of letter here: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/PIC-MBC-SB276-7-9-19.pdf
Good News
DeLand church pays off $7.2 million in medical debt for 6,500 struggling Central Floridians
Orlando Sentinel – In the coming weeks, some 6,500 people in five Central Florida counties will get a letter in the mail telling them the crippling medical debt they owe has been paid off, no strings attached.
It’s not a scam. It’s an act of faith worth $7.2 million to the struggling families.
“It’s one thing for us to say, ‘God loves you,’” said senior pastor Dan Glenn of Stetson Baptist Church in DeLand, whose congregation donated enough to buy off the medical debt for low-income residents in Volusia, Lake, Putnam, Marion and Flagler counties. “It’s another for us to show that.”
On June 30, the church took up a special offering designed to be given away entirely to the community. Because it budgets on a fiscal year starting July 1, and because 2018-2019 happened to have 53 Sundays instead of the more common 52, Stetson Baptist had already raised enough through Sunday collections to cover its annual operating expenses.
Instead, leaders set a goal of raising $48,000 to divide between two nonprofits: One More Child, a faith-based provider of foster homes for children, and RIP Medical Debt, which buys selected medical debt from health-care providers and debt collectors — typically at one penny on the dollar — and then uses donations to pay off the bills.
Glenn figured his congregation could raise enough to cover one foster home for a year and pay off the medical debt of every Volusia County resident living near the federal poverty level.
But when all the contributions had been tallied, the 350 or so churchgoers that Sunday had donated a collective $153,867.19 — enough to fund three foster homes for a year and to pay off the medical debt for all impoverished residents in Volusia as well as four surrounding counties.
“It was awesome,” Glenn said. “I can’t wait for some of those families to receive a letter that says: ‘Your debt has been forgiven.’”

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