July 18, 2024

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Today's News: July 13, 2018

World News
Trump Says Migration Has Changed Europe’s ‘Fabric,’ As UN Chief Calls It a ‘Positive Global Phenomenon’
Infowars – Allowing “millions and millions” of migrants to enter Europe has changed its “fabric,” President Trump said Thursday, telling a mass-circulation British tabloid newspaper that unless the Europeans “act very quickly, it’s never going to be what it was, and I don’t mean that in a positive way.”
“I think you are losing your culture,” Trump told The Sun in comments published on the day he arrived in Britain on his first presidential visit. “Look around. You go through certain areas that didn’t exist ten or 15 years ago.”
Before leaving Brussels for London, the president told a press conference he had given his European counterparts at the NATO summit a warning on immigration.
Trump meets the Queen for tea at Windsor Castle
Axios – President Trump and Melania Trump met Queen Elizabeth II for tea at Windsor Castle Friday. It’s Trump’s last stop in England before heading to Scotland for the weekend.
Meanwhile, about an hour away in London, tens of thousands of people have filled the streets to protest Trump’s visit.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Judge Andrew Napolitano: Why I am so deeply disappointed by Trump’s Supreme Court pick
Fox – When Donald Trump started running for the Republican nomination for president in June 2015, he began by attacking the Republican establishment in Washington, and he began his attack by calling the establishment “the swamp.”
His real target was the permanent government and its enablers in the legal, financial, diplomatic and intelligence communities in Washington. These entities hover around power centers no matter which party is in power.
Justice Department appeals Time Warner-AT&T merger approval
CNBC –  The Justice Department will appeal the AT&T-Time Warner merger approval, according to a court document filed Thursday.
Shares of AT&T slipped more than 1 percent in after-hours trading following the announcement.
AT&T General Counsel David McAtee said the company was surprised by the appeal.
“The Court’s decision could hardly have been more thorough, fact-based, and well-reasoned. While the losing party in litigation always has the right to appeal if it wishes, we are surprised that the DOJ has chosen to do so under these circumstances,” McAtee said in a statement. “We are ready to defend the Court’s decision at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.”
U.S. Justice Department indicts 12 Russian intelligence officers for 2016 hack of DNC computer networks
Fox – The Justice Department announced indictments in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election against 12 Russian nationals and accused of them of engaging in a “sustained effort to hack into the computer networks” of the DCCC, the DNC and “the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton and release that information on the internet under the names DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0 and through another entity.”
“I Don’t Take Questions From CNN” President Trump SHUTS DOWN Jim Acosta
Investment Watch Blog – “I Don’t Take Questions From CNN, CNN’s Fake News” President Trump Shuts Down Jim Acosta
Today President Trump wasn’t having any of Jim Acosta completely shuts him down from asking any questions.
Gohmert: Watchdog Found Clinton Emails Were Sent To ‘Foreign Entity’
Daily Caller – A member of the House Committee on the Judiciary said during a hearing Thursday that a government watchdog found that nearly all of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails were sent to a foreign entity and that the FBI didn’t follow-up on that finding.
The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found an “anomaly on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list,” Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas said during a hearing with FBI official Peter Strzok.
Economy & Business
‘US doesn’t have fair trade deal with EU, they treat us horribly’ – Trump
RT – Trading with the EU is unfair, according to US President Donald Trump, who warned the bloc would pay a high price if it does not remove trade barriers.  While talking to journalists at a joint press conference with UK Prime Minister Theresa May at her country residence in Chequers, Trump asked May to work out a Brexit plan in such way that the two countries could “have an even trade.”
“We do not have a fair deal with the European Union on trade right now. They treat the United States horribly and that’s going to change,” Trump said, adding that “if it doesn’t change they are going to pay a very big price. And they know what that price is.”
Energy & Environment
Ireland becomes world’s first country to divest from fossil fuels
Bill passed by parliament means more than €300m shares in coal, oil, peat and gas will be sold ‘as soon as practicable’
Science & Technology
Optogenetics: A New Technology To Control The Human Brain. Will People Prevent the Rise of A “New Totality”?
Global Research – The USA and the European Union invested in the past years billions of dollars and euros in brain research. Perfect maps of the brain were developed thanks to this research, including the areas of the brain that control different body organ activity, and higher brain functions such as where speech and thought are taking place. The information inside of the brain is transfered by frequency and number of nervous impulses. Today it is well known which frequencies correspond to those different activities in the brain. So the brain, just like computers, functions in a digital way. It is now so much easier to understand or control the brain with computers.
Doctor Sarah Lisanby from the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland can use those brain maps to make different parts of the human body move by the magnetic stimulation of its brain even against his own will (see this). To do this, she is using a magnetic coil which pulsates a magnetic field in a specific frequency, corresponding to the frequency of the activity of neurons in the brain spot, which controls the movements of a specific body part. The magnetic field can produce electric currents in the neurons, responsible for those movements, across the skull.
The brain research financed by the USA and the European Union produced a discovery of the new technology of the control of the activity of the human brain. It is called optogenetics and it is using light. To make this work, it is necessary to introduce special proteins into neurons in the brain by means of special viruses.
Facebook Purges Over 80 Accounts in Sweeping Attack on the Alternative Media
Activist Post – Starting in June of 2018, Facebook began deleting pages with up to 40 million followers in an unprecedented assault on independent media outlets using the platform.
Jake Passi, the founder of the popular Facebook page Collectively Conscious and victim of the purge called the effort a “deleting rampage” and “a crime against humanity.”
A website known as Swapd which allows for the buying and selling of Facebook pages issued a statement confirming that the pages were in fact being taken down by Facebook.
J&J Forced to Pay $4.7 BILLION As Jury Finds They Knowingly Gave Women Cancer with Baby Powder
Free Thought Project – For the last several years, Johnson & Johnson has been battling multiple lawsuits — many of which they have lost — due to thousands of claims of their baby powder product giving women cancer. On Thursday, a Missouri jury handed down the largest verdict yet, ordering the pharma giant to pay $4.7 billion to victims.
In this latest case, 22 women alleged the company’s talc-based products, including its baby powder, contained the known carcinogen, asbestos, which caused them to develop cancer. According to reports, there are over 9,000 similar talc lawsuits against the company.
Naturally, J&J denies that their product causes cancer and that it contains asbestos. However, a government-funded study from the mid-1990s found that Johnson’s baby powder caused cancer in rats and other studies have found an increased risk of cancer in women who used talc-based products. The potential risks have been known to the company for decades.
What’s more is the fact that talc in its natural form can contain varying amounts of asbestos and other minerals. If it is not properly filtered, the asbestos can make it through to consumer products.
Thursday’s massive verdict awarded to the women, handed down in the Circuit Court of the City of St. Louis, was comprised of $550 million in compensatory damages and $4.14 billion in punitive damages, according to an online broadcast of the trial by Courtroom View Network.
Following the reading of the verdict on the network, J&J’s shares fell just one percent showing that the company’s image will likely not be tarnished by such a massive blow.
The Surprising Benefits of Dates, Figs and Prunes
Green Med Info – Dates, figs and prunes have several things in common. They are all fruits we often eat dried. They all likely originate in the Middle East or Mediterranean. And they all have surprising secret health benefits
Dates have been eaten for over 4,000 years. In the Qur’an, Mary is counselled to eat dates to ease the birth of Jesus. Today, science is giving the same advice.
Why? What effect does eating dates have on delivery?
Sixty-nine pregnant women ate six dates a day for four weeks before their estimated delivery date. Another group of 45 women ate none. The women who ate the dates had significantly greater cervical dilation: 3.52 cm versus 2.02 cm. Spontaneous, or natural, labour occurred in 79% of the women who ate no dates but in a full 96% of the women who did. The women who ate the dates also needed significantly less drugs: 47% of women who did not eat dates had to be administered prostin/oxytocin while only 28% of women who ate dates did. The women who ate dates also had shorter labours: latent phase of the first stage of labour was 906 minutes in the no date group but a significantly shorter 510 minutes in the date group.
This study suggests that eating six dates a day during the last four weeks before labour encourages easier, faster deliveries.
Samoa Seizes All MMR Vaccines After Two Infants Die Minutes After Receiving the Vaccine
Health Impact News – TV1 in Samoa is reporting that two infants have died within minutes of receiving the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
Find Out Why Black Seed Oil Has Stood the Test of Time
Mercola – The use of medicinal plants to help treat various diseases is a practice that’s as old as mankind. For example, the Egyptian medical book known as the Ebers Papyrus, written in 1550 B.C., details the use of 700 different plant species for therapeutic purposes. Mentioned plants include pomegranate, garlic, willow, coriander, juniper and onion. During the seventh century, Slavic people used cucumber, nettle and yarrow to help fight against various insect bites.1
Another example that has stood the test of time is black seed, which comes from the Nigella sativa (N. sativa) plant. In Indian Ayurveda and Unani traditional medicine, black seed figures greatly in their practice. For Muslims, black seed is known as the “Habbatul barakah” or the blessed seed. In fact, it is believed that the prophet Mohammed considered it to be a “remedy for all diseases except death.”2 One of black seed’s most popular applications is as an herbal oil.
Plenty of research has been conducted regarding the potential benefit of black seed oil. Here are some of the most notable ones:
Helps fight fungal infection
Helps manage diabetes
Controls inflammation
Helps reduce cancer risk
Promotes healthy blood pressure
Helps ease skin infections
>> Black Seed-plus Capsules are available at The Power Mall by calling 877-817-9829!

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