July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 14, 2021

Clashes in Paris as protesters march over mandatory Covid jabs & incoming ‘health pass’ scheme in France

RT – People in France have taken to the streets to protest against the government’s decision to make Covid-19 vaccination compulsory for health workers and to introduce a health pass to access bars and restaurants.

Protests took place across France on Wednesday with heated clashes erupting with police in Paris. A number of groups, including those associated with the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) movement, announced their intention to hold demonstrations across the country on Tuesday following the government’s announcement of compulsory vaccinations for health workers and the introduction of a national Covid-19 passport. 

Democrats Propose $3.5 Trillion Budget to Advance With Infrastructure Deal – The New York Times

AP – Senate Democrats announced late Tuesday that they’d reached a budget agreement envisioning spending an enormous $3.5 trillion over the coming decade, paving the way for their drive to pour federal resources into climate change, health care and family-service programs sought by President Joe Biden.

The accord marks a major step in the party’s push to meet Biden’s goal of bolstering an economy that was ravaged by the pandemic and setting it on course for long-term growth — and includes a Medicare expansion of vision, hearing and dental benefits for older Americans, a goal of progressives.

Senate Democrats rolling out draft of bill to end federal marijuana ban

Senate Democrats, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York, plan to reveal a draft bill Wednesday to end the federal prohibition on marijuana — a move that comes as 18 states have already legalized pot for recreational use.

“The Senate has to catch up with the American people,” Schumer said.

President Joe Biden supports decriminalizing marijuana on the federal level and expunging convictions, as well as rescheduling it as a Schedule II drug so it can be more easily studied, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters in April. Biden supports leaving decisions about legalizing recreational pot to the states, she said.

California reverses policy that maskless children be banned from entering public schools, ending mandate hours after it began

RT – California’s state health authorities are apparently backing down from an order directing K-12 public schools to bar students and faculty who decline to wear masks from their classrooms.

Just hours after announcing the new policy on Monday, the California Department of Public Health issued an “update,” saying, “California’s school guidance will be clarified regarding masking enforcement, recognizing local schools’ experience in keeping students and educators safe while ensuring schools fully reopen for in-person instruction.”

US court rules that ban on handgun sales to adults 18-20yo is unconstitutional, striking down age limit that was enacted in 1960s

RT – A US appeals court has ruled against a longstanding federal restriction that prohibits sales of handguns to adults younger than 21, finding that the age-based ban is unconstitutional.

“We refuse to relegate either the Second Amendment or 18- to 20-year-olds to a second-class status,” Judge Julius Richardson wrote in Tuesday’s ruling by the Fourth US Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia.

The 2-1 decision by a three-judge panel found that Congress failed to show sufficient public interest to justify precluding 18- to 20-year-olds from enjoying their full Second Amendment rights when it passed the law in question in 1968. Congress used “disproportionate” crime rates to craft the legislation, restricting the rights of “overwhelmingly law-abiding citizens,” and it failed to show that licensed dealers were the source of guns used by young adults to commit crimes, the court ruled.

“There must be a reason why constitutional rights cannot be enjoyed until a certain age,” said Richardson, who was appointed to the bench by then-President Donald Trump.

Our nation’s most cherished constitutional rights vest no later than 18. And the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms is no different.

The ruling applies to handgun sales by licensed firearms dealers. Young adults are already allowed to purchase handguns from private parties. They also are allowed to buy rifles and shotguns from licensed dealers.

The Biden administration, which has called for tougher gun laws, will likely appeal the ruling. Democrat politicians have pressed for tighter gun controls amid a series of high-profile mass shootings this year.

Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers

Dr. Leonard Coldwell – Music legend Eric Clapton is speaking out about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.”

In the following interview, Clapton reveals how the injection severely damaged his body, possibly forever. He explains how he is unsure what will happen with his upcoming fall tour if he is unable to use his hands as normal (watch around the 12:47 mark):

“I lost the use of my hands for about three weeks, so I thought I was in real trouble,” Clapton says. “And it was about that point that I was invited by Robin Monotti to talk about it because it was easy to say yes because I’ve realized that I wasn’t the only one who was suffering adverse reactions.”

While Clapton is once again able to use his hands, they still do not function anywhere close to normal. He is now forced to wear special gloves to protect them from hot and cold sensations.

“I can’t touch anything cold or hot, I have to use these (gloves) otherwise my hands will begin to burn and they’ll stay burnt all day,” he laments. “Whether or not I have gigs to do in the autumn, I know maybe vitamin D will help. There’s not much else that does other than being really careful.”

>> Watch the video here:Eric Clapton: Exclusive & Uncensored | Oracle Films

FDA Adds Warning of Rare Reaction Risk to J&J COVID Vaccine

Newsmax – U.S. regulators on Monday added a new warning to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine about links to a rare and potentially dangerous neurological reaction, but said it’s not entirely clear the shot caused the problem.

The Food and Drug Administration announced the new warning, flagging reports of Guillain-Barre syndrome, an immune system disorder that can causes muscle weakness and occasionally paralysis. Health officials described the side effect as a “small possible risk” for those getting the shot.

The action comes after the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reviewed reports of about 100 people developing the syndrome after receiving the one-dose vaccine. Almost all of them required hospitalization and one person died, the FDA said.

Battle for rights: Texas hospital employees file lawsuit over COVID shot mandate

NaturalHealth365 – As healthcare systems and school systems around the country announce COVID injection mandates for their communities, many are starting to push back.

One major hospital in Houston, TX, is facing a lawsuit brought by more than 100 of its employees.  These employees say that forcing them to get the shot subjects them “to medical experimentation as a prerequisite to feeding their families.”  Readers: what’s your take?

Texan healthcare workers told to get jabbed or face the consequences.  Do they have legal grounds to fight back?

Houston Methodist is a major healthcare network in Texas featuring eight hospitals and over 26,000 employees.  In April, Houston Methodist’s CEO announced that all employees would have to get the COVID injection by June 7 or risk suspension or termination.

In response, 117 employees filed a lawsuit.  In it, they allege that this mandate violates the infamous Nuremberg Code.  The 1947 code states, among other things, that no human experiment should be permitted without the ability of the individuals involved to “exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion,” such as the threat of termination.

But the question – whether employers can legally make experimental drugs a condition of employment – remains controversial.  For instance, according to new rules from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), employers can legally mandate these drugs, although employees “might” be able to get exemptions because of a “disability or religious belief, practice, or observance.”  In these instances, accommodations such as masks, social distances, or schedule changes may be required.

Judge dismisses case, argues that getting a COVID jab is “not an illegal act”

In a disappointing turn of events, on Saturday, U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes dismissed the lawsuit claiming that Texas law only protects employees from termination if they are asked to engage in illegal activity leading to potential criminal penalties.  According to the judge, mandating the shot is not an illegal act, and it carries no criminal penalties.  Hughes also called claims alleging that the vaccines are dangerous “false” and “irrelevant.”

Digestive enzymes offer POWERFUL benefits to improve digestive health

NaturalHealth365 – If you frequently experience bloating and flatulence (gas), and the physical and … ahem… social discomfort that can ensue, you may be wondering if digestive enzymes could help.  You’re definitely not alone.  The use of over-the-counter digestive enzymes is growing by leaps and bounds, with some experts predicting that the global market for these supplements will balloon to a shocking $1 billion industry by the year 2025.

While digestive enzymes – proteins that help break down and absorb nutrients from food – are created naturally in the body, sometimes the supply is outstripped by the body’s demands.  The result is digestive discomfort.  (This is often the case when certain foods, such as beans, legumes, and dairy products, are consumed, and the body lacks the proper enzymes to digest them).  

Here is what you need to know about how digestive enzymes perform their incredible functions

There are three primary types of digestive enzymes – proteases, lipases, and amylases.  Proteases, or proteolytic enzymes, break down protein into small peptides and amino acids.  At the same time, lipases work with liver bile to break down fats into fatty acids (plus a molecule called glycerol).  As you can imagine, lipases are particularly necessary for your body to access essential fat-soluble nutrients such as vitamin D, E, A, and K.  Finally, the amylase family of enzymes breaks down carbohydrates – such as starch – into simple sugars.

Although the lion’s share of digestive enzymes is produced in the pancreas, the mouth, salivary glands, stomach, and small intestine get in on the act too.  Once the enzymes have done their work and the food is broken down, the nutrients are absorbed through the small intestine wall and then distributed throughout the bloodstream.

There are also a host of specialized digestive enzymes such as cellulase, which breaks down fiber, and lactase, which breaks down milk into milk sugars.  Similarly, maltase, a type of amylase, breaks down maltose – or malt sugar – into simple sugars, while alpha-galactosidase can help break down sugars in vegetables.

These useful proteins can join forces with probiotics and proper nutrition for better digestive health

Not only do proponents of digestive enzymes say that these supplements can relieve digestive discomfort – but they also believe they may help probiotic and prebiotic interventions be more effective.

>> Power Mall product of interest: Essential Digestive Plus By Good Health Naturally

Cancer-causing chemical detected in 78 sunscreens, FDA petitioned to recall contaminated products

NaturalNews – An independent lab that tests the quality of medications and health products recently found that many sunscreens sold on the market are contaminated with a cancer-causing chemical called benzene. After testing almost 300 unique batches of commercial sunscreens, Valisure discovered that 27 percent contained detectable levels of the toxic chemical while five percent contained levels that exceeded the limit recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This has led the online pharmacy to file a petition for these products to be removed from market shelves.

Benzene: a carcinogen linked to blood cancer

Benzene is a colorless, highly flammable solvent with a sweet odor used to make many industrial products, such as lubricants, plastics, detergents, pesticides and even some medications. Although benzene is often manufactured, it also occurs in nature and is a natural component of crude oil. It can also be found in gas emissions from volcanoes and forest fires.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), benzene is widely used in the United States and ranks in the top 20 chemicals for production volume. While it is present in outdoor air, indoor air has been found to contain higher benzene levels. Common indoor sources of benzene include cleaning products, glues, paints, furniture wax and detergents. Benzene in outdoor air comes mainly from vehicle exhaust, gasoline fumes, industrial emissions and cigarette smoke.

Animal and human studies link benzene to an increased risk of leukemia. In particular, researchers have found high rates of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) among workers exposed to high levels of industrial benzene. 

>> Power Mall Product of interest:  Astaxanthin with DHA by Good Health Naturally

UV radiation from the sun is classified into UVA, UVB, and UVC depending on various properties of light. Both UVA and UVB play a role in skin aging and skin cancer. UVA light rays may be less intense than UVB, but UVA is more abundant in the environment and penetrates deeper into the skin.

Too much of any one thing is not always beneficial. Oxygen is one example in the case of oxidative stress. Our bodies have metabolic processes that allow us to obtain energy by burning fuel with oxygen. However, too much oxygen may wreak havoc and create dangerous byproducts such as free radicals. Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defenses. This imbalance may lead to injury and disease.

Heme oxyganse-1 (HO-1) is one enzyme that marks oxidative stress. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that comes from algae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp, and crayfish, giving some of these animals their orange-pink color. Astaxanthin prevents the increase in HO-1 that is caused by UV exposure. This supplement can inhibit the formation of the harmful reactive oxygen species induced from UVA.

NYTimes publishes research showing that COVID-19 vaccines don’t have any protective effect against the new Delta variant … so why should vaccines be mandatory?

NaturalNews – The Biden regime continues to push Americans to get a COVID-19 vaccine as others not in government — but who would clearly like to ‘run things’ — push for Americans to be forced to take them.

In recent days, the regime even floated the notion of sending teams door-to-door, ostensibly to ‘educate’ unvaccinated Americans about why they should get the jab. Left unsaid is how, exactly, these teams would know who among us is and is not vaccinated.

Now the government is pushing for Americans to get vaccinated more quickly because there are new variants of the original virus — Lambda and Delta — emerging in Peru and the U.S. respectively.

“If you’re not vaccinated, you should be concerned,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s leading immunologist, said during a Sunday interview on ABC’s “This Week.”

“We know from extensive experience, not only in our own country, here in the United States, but in other countries, that the vaccines that we are using work extremely well against the Delta variant, particularly in preventing advanced disease that would lead to hospitalization and likely death in some circumstances,” he continued.

“That’s the reason why we’re very concerned, is that we have some sort of a schism between some states and some areas that have a very low level of vaccination, which is really unfortunate because we want to make sure those people are protected for their own safety and their own life, but that of their family in their community,” Fauci added.

But according to a report in The New York Times, current U.S.-made vaccines are not effective against this Delta variant:

The researchers looked at blood samples from 103 people who had been infected with the coronavirus. Delta was much less sensitive than Alpha to samples from unvaccinated people in this group, the study found.

One dose of vaccine significantly boosted the sensitivity, suggesting that people who have recovered from Covid-19 still need to be vaccinated to fend off some variants.

The team also analyzed samples from 59 people after they had received the first and second doses of the AstraZeneca or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines.

Blood samples from just 10 percent of people immunized with one dose of the AstraZeneca or the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines were able to neutralize the Delta and Beta variants in laboratory experiments. But a second dose boosted that number to 95 percent. There was no major difference in the levels of antibodies elicited by the two vaccines.

“A single dose of Pfizer or AstraZeneca was either poorly or not at all efficient against Beta and Delta variants,” the researchers wrote.

So it’s like this: Fauci is pushing Americans to continue to get vaccinated, in particular, to guard against this new variant, but research (doesn’t he get this stuff too?) indicates that the vaccines he is pushing everyone to get are not effective against the new strain.

Not everyone is out of their minds on this. Former NY Times correspondent, author, and COVID-19 data tracker Alex Berenson knows what’s going on.

“A reminder: area under the curve is what matters for efficacy. Judging vaccines on two good months (or two bad weeks post-first dose) is a mistake. We are nowhere near knowing how well and how long these work. Which is why they shouldn’t be mandated. That, and the side effects,” noted the researcher over the weekend.

But mandates are what others are pushing (and honestly Fauci would order it if he could).

“It is time to impose vaccine mandates and passports. The Covid-19 vaccines continue to perform extraordinarily well, but the rate of infection is worsening in unvaccinated populations. The Delta variant is offering a sobering reminder that the pandemic has faded in much of the country but certainly not ended,” CNN political analyst Julian Zelizer argued last week in a column.

This vaccine mandate madness is not conducive to a free country.

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