July 16, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 15, 2024


Orban Hands Over to EU Plan for Resolving Ukraine Conflict

(Sputnik) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has handed over the plan for resolving the conflict in Ukraine with “realistic goals and deadlines” to EU leaders, the political director of the Hungarian prime minister’s office, Balazs Orban, said on Monday.

“As a matter of fact, we are talking about Orban’s plan, which is now on the table of all EU prime ministers. A realistic assessment of the situation, real goals and deadlines are what our approach is based on,” Orban told the Magyar Nemzet newspaper.

According to the official, the role of Hungary should not be overestimated, but neither should it be underestimated that Orban managed to hold several meetings in two weeks that most countries wait years for.

As Balazs Orban stated, Budapest will use its EU presidency period “to create conditions for peaceful negotiations,” proposing “political initiatives.”

“The Hungarian Prime Minister provided detailed information to EU leaders about his visits. These trips were very important, as currently, our country is the only one with fresh and concrete information on the thinking of the warring parties and key mediators, and how to navigate between different interests,” the politician noted.

He emphasized that if Europe is serious about peace, it can create a plan that has “at least a minimal chance of being implemented.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov in turn said Monday that Moscow is unaware of the specifics of Orban’s proposal for resolving the Ukrainian conflict, which was sent to EU leaders.

“Of course, we do not know what is being discussed in internal correspondence within the European Union, therefore, perhaps there are some details [of proposals for resolving the Ukrainian crisis] that we do not know about. But I repeat once again, we know Mr. Orban’s general approach,” Peskov told reporters.

Viktor Orban arrived in Moscow on July 5 and met with Vladimir Putin. He called his visit to Moscow the next stage of a peace mission, which began with a trip to Kiev on July 2. The Hungarian Prime Minister expressed his intention to hold several such unexpected meetings soon. He then visited Beijing, where he stated that Hungary opposes confrontation with China and supports EU-China cooperation. After Beijing, Orban went to Washington for the NATO summit, where he met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines. He then held talks with former US President Donald Trump at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida.

After visiting China, Orban stated that the parties to the conflict should resolve the crisis around Ukraine, but the US, China, and the EU have a decisive influence on its resolution. Russian President’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov noted that Orban demonstrated his political will for dialogue, which Moscow considers very positive and useful. EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell said that Orban does not represent the EU on the international stage and does not have a European mandate for his visit to Russia, despite Hungary’s six-month presidency of the EU Council. Orban responded to Borrell’s criticism by saying that due to the “nonsense of Brussels bureaucrats,” efforts to establish peace in Ukraine are not yielding results.

Mainstream Media Downplays Tremendous Losses of Western Military Equipment in Ukraine – Journo

(Sputnik) The Western public has little, if any, knowledge of the scale of losses in troops and equipment sustained by Ukraine since the beginning of the special military operation, international observers say.

The Western press is concealing information about the real state of affairs on the ground in Ukraine, including the mass destruction of NATO weapons provided to the Ukrainian military, and the loss of Ukrainian soldiers, Irish journalist and entrepreneur Chey Bowes wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on July 15.

“Here, yesterday, another €150 million [$163.4 million] of German taxpayers’ money was vaporized in Dictator Zelensky’s Ukraine,” Bowes continued, attaching a video showing the elimination of the German-made IRIS-T anti-aircraft missile system (SAM).

“Russian Iskander missiles completely destroyed the entire complex consisting of an IRIS-T SAM launcher and its TRML-4D radar station – these are the high-tech systems Zelensky is so desperately begging the EUSA for,” the journalist pointed out.

According to Bowes, the reason “the Western media doesn’t want” the public to see this, is “to maintain your ignorance and, therefore, your complicity in the “Ukraine can win fantasy.'”

“After all, you’re paying for it all,” the journalist remarked.

Ukraine has received almost 108 billion euro ($115.9 billion), including 39 billion euro ($41.8 billion) of military aid from the EU since February 2022. The US’ Ukraine expenditures have so far reached $175 billion, of which $107 billion directly aided the Kiev regime, with $34.2 billion being disbursed for budget needs, and another $69.8 billion spent on arms and military assistance.

On Sunday, the Russian Ministry of Defense released footage of the destruction of an IRIS-T launcher in the Dnepropetrovsk region. The air defense missile launcher, the TRML-4D radar station, and the crew operating the system were eliminated, per the ministry.

As of July 14, 551 air defense missile systems, including those supplied by NATO, have been destroyed since the beginning of the special military operation.


BREAKING: Judge Cannon Dismisses Classified Documents Case Based on Unlawful Appointment of Jack Smith

(GatewayPundit) Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the high-profile classified documents case, citing the unlawful appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith.

This decision comes as a significant blow to the Biden regime and the Department of Justice, raising questions about the integrity of the entire investigation.

Attorney General Garland violated the Constitution by appointing Jack Smith to conduct this politically motivated persecution against President Trump.

The decision effectively halts the prosecution led by Special Counsel Jack Smith, appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

In her ruling, Judge Cannon wrote:

Former President Trump’s Motion to Dismiss Indictment Based on the Unlawful Appointment and Funding of Special Counsel Jack Smith is GRANTED in accordance with this Order [ECF No. 326]. The Superseding Indictment is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution. U.S.

Const., Art. I, $ 2, cl. 2. Special Counsel Smith’s use of a permanent indefinite appropriation also violates the Appropriations Clause, U.S. Const., Art. I, § 9, cl. 7, but the Court need not address the proper remedy for that funding violation given the dismissal on Appointments Clause grounds.

The effect of this Order is confined to this proceeding.

The court found that Smith’s appointment did not adhere to the Appointments Clause, which requires that principal officers of the United States be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

The Special Counsel’s use of a permanent indefinite appropriation was also deemed a violation of the Appropriations Clause, although the court did not address the remedy for this funding violation given the dismissal on Appointments Clause grounds.

The case, which stemmed from a grand jury indictment on June 8, 2023, charged Trump with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and additional conspiracy and concealment charges against Trump and his co-defendants, Waltine Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira. The indictment was later expanded to 42 charges in a superseding indictment.

President Trump previously filed a motion to dismiss Jack Smith’s classified documents charges based on the “unlawful appointment and funding of Special Counsel.”

Day one of the expanded evidentiary hearing was held last month.

According to NBC News, President Trump’s lawyers “argued that an officer like the special counsel must be appointed “by law” and that the special counsel should be categorized as a “principal officer” and subject to Senate confirmation. The statutory text cited by the special counsel’s office “does not authorize” the U.S. attorney general’s appointment of the special counsel, his lawyer, Emil Bove, argued.”

Cannon did question whether Attorney General Merrick had any oversight role in seeking the indictment against Trump.

Jack Smith’s prosecutor James Pearce refused to answer and claimed it would be against policy to answer the question.

“Why would there be any heartburn to answer whether the attorney general signed off on the indictment?” Cannon asked.

Recall, Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas questioned Jack Smith’s authority as special counsel in his concurring opinion on the high court’s presidential immunity ruling.

President Trump Shot In Pennsylvania

(GovernmentRag) “The bullet went through the top of my right ear”

Donald Trump left the hospital and made the first statements after his assassination attempt. The new videos and photos confirm that N. Trump lives by miracle!

The executioner marks from 125 meters the head of Donald Trump and misses by millimeters! It is these millimeters that can change the course of history in a few months.

In particular, Trump wrote on Truth Social:

Former and presidential candidate Donald Trump Sr. said he “wants to thank the United States Secret Service and all law enforcement agencies for their immediate response to the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to express my condolences to the family of the person who was killed at the rally, as well as to the family of another person who was seriously injured.”

He went on to write that “It is unbelievable that such an act can take place in our country. At this time, nothing is known about the attacker, who is now dead.

I was shot with a bullet that went through the top of my right ear. I immediately knew something was wrong as I heard a whistling sound, gunshots and immediately felt the bullet go through the skin.

There was a lot of bleeding so I knew then what was going on. God bless America” ​​he wrote closing his message.

Ivanka Trump said, “Thank you for your love and prayers for my father and the other victims of today’s senseless violence in Butler, Pennsylvania. I am grateful to the Secret Service and all other law enforcement officers for their swift and decisive actions today. I continue to pray for our country. I love you dad, today and forever.”

Donald Trump Jr., in turn, said in his own statement that ” I just spoke with my father on the phone and he is in a very good mood. He will never stop fighting to save America, no matter what the radical left throws at him,” he added.

Guest Article: The Trump Shooting: So Many Questions by Donald Jeffries

Tim Scott: Violence Is the ‘Natural Outcome’ of the Media Saying Trump Is Threat to Democracy

(Breitbart) Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) said Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends Weekend” that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was a “natural outcome of the national media continuing to say” the former president is an existential threat to American democracy.

Scott said, “I’ll turn to the most obvious thing, the media, the national media has been obsessed with getting rid of President Trump. I said on Thursday that the character assassination of Trump has been pathetic and disgusting, and the violence is a natural outcome of the national media continuing to say that Donald Trump is an existential threat to American democracy. But we must also stop and pray for the families who lost a loved one yesterday murdered at Donald Trump’s rally and the other two critically injured.”

He added, “Let’s never miss a point that when the left media, the liberal media, the Democrat Party continues to have violence with obsession against Donald Trump, we cannot be surprised. When people take that serious and say, ‘We must eliminate that threat.’ That kind of behavior not only is it disgusting it looks like Mexico where dozens of politicians were killed up towards an election. We are the United States of America. We must be strong and firm and, like Donald Trump rising like a phoenix yesterday, defiant, courageous, and focused. He will not be stopped and that’s great news for America’s future.”

‘A real-life superhero’: Fatal shooting victim at Trump assassination attempt identified

(WorldNetDaily) ‘The media are not going to tell you’ what Jesus-loving Corey Comperatore did during the gunfire in Pennsylvania

The man in the audience who was shot and killed at President Donald Trump’s political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday has been identified as Corey Comperatore, who recently turned 50.

He was the former fire chief for Buffalo Township, Pennsylvania.

His daughter, Allyson Comperatore said, “He was the best dad a girl could ever ask for.”

“He was a man of God, loved Jesus fiercely, and also looked after our church and members as family.

“The media will not tell you that he died a real-life superhero. They are not going to tell you how quickly he threw my mom and I to the ground. They are not going to tell you that he shielded my body from the bullet that came at us.”

Corey’s sister, Dawn Comperatore Schafer, said: “The hatred for one man took the life of the one man we loved the most. He was a hero that shielded his daughters.

“His wife and girls just lived through the unthinkable and unimaginable. My baby brother just turned 50 and had so much life left to experience. Hatred has no limits and love has no bounds. Pray for my sister-in-law, nieces, my mother, sister, me and his nieces and nephews as this feels like a terrible nightmare but we know it is our painful reality.”

Gov. Josh Shapiro, D-Pa., held a news conference Sunday, and said: “Corey was a girl dad. Corey was a firefighter. Corey went to church every Sunday. Corey loved his community and, most off all, Corey loved his family.”

“Corey died a hero,” he stressed. “Corey dove on his family to protect them last night at this rally. Corey was the very best of us.”

Watch: Witness tells BBC he warned police of gunman on roof

(BBC) A man with a rifle could be seen on a rooftop minutes before shots were fired at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania, a witness has told the BBC’s Gary O’Donoghue at the scene.

The witness, who called himself Greg, said the man had crawled on top of the building located just outside the event in Butler County.

Bobby Kennedy slams US Secret Service

(RT) Bystanders reportedly tried to alert police of a gunman before shots were fired at Donald Trump at the weekend 

Bobby Kennedy III, a member of the famous American political dynasty that has experienced the ‘Kennedy curse’ of assassinations, deaths, and accidents, has slammed the US Secret Service’s failure to detect Donald Trump’s attacker before he fired shots at the former president.

According to eyewitnesses who spoke to the media, the suspect was seen on the rooftop of a manufacturing plant shortly before he targeted Trump during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday.  

“Unsecured rooftop 150 yards away.  Multiple witnesses saying they were screaming at secret service and cops for 3-4 minutes as they watched the guy with the rifle crawl to the spot and line up his shot, Kennedy III wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday. “Take your secret service and shove it up your ass.”  

Kennedy III is the son of current presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – whose uncle, former US President John F. Kennedy, and father, a New York senator and presidential candidate, were both assassinated in the 1960s.   

Regarding the attempt on Trump’s life, eyewitnesses and video footage have depicted a chaotic scene as shots rang out at the event. Concerns have mounted about the level of security in the aftermath of the shooting, after multiple witnesses said police did not respond to warnings about the presence of the would-be assassin.  

Analysis of Secret Service Failures in the Trump Assassination Attempt

The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday has led to widespread criticism of the Secret Service, which is tasked with protecting current and former U.S. presidents and presidential candidates. Observers have pointed out glaring errors in the protection of President Trump. The fact that he was so shot by a sniper from a distance of only 130 meters, from an easily visible and obvious position, highlights significant security failures. Mainstream media outlets are conducting interviews and publishing analyses of the various failures of the Secret Service in this incident. This article amalgamates the numerous failures outlined by experts and reported by multiple media sources.

Rooftop Security Lapses

A significant failure was the shooter’s ability to access the rooftop of the American Glass Research building, just 130 meters (140 yards) from where Trump was speaking. The U.S. Army’s primary manual on physical and executive security, FM 3-19.30 (formerly FM 19-30), outlines critical steps that were overlooked in this case. These include conducting a thorough tactical analysis to identify strategic points and potential threat areas, and performing detailed reconnaissance to gather real-time information through site surveys and intelligence resources. Ignoring these essential procedures likely contributed to the security breach that allowed the shooter to position himself with a clear line of sight to the former president. Furthermore, despite the presence of Secret Service counter-sniper teams, the shooter managed to open fire before being neutralized. This shows a major lapse in the advance security sweeps and the failure to eliminate sight lines to the stage.

Ignored Warnings and Poor Response

Eyewitness accounts reveal that police ignored public warnings about the gunman. A witness reported seeing the shooter with a rifle on the rooftop and raised the alarm. However, these warnings were not acted upon, indicating a breakdown in communication and response protocols. Additionally, footage obtained by TMZ shows the gunman lining up his shot, highlighting missed opportunities to detect and intervene before the attack.

Coordination and Communication Failures

The Secret Service’s reliance on local police to fill out their protective units, including counter-assault and counter-sniper teams, may have contributed to the failure. Former Secret Service agents and experts stressed the importance of clear communication and coordination with local law enforcement. This reliance, coupled with a failure to adequately brief and prepare local officers, left critical gaps in the security plan. According to the Associated Press, “A local law enforcement officer climbed to the roof and found Crooks, who pointed the rifle at the officer. The officer retreated down the ladder, and the gunman quickly fired toward Trump.”

Lack of Resource Allocation

Questions have also been raised about whether the Secret Service devoted enough resources to protect Trump, especially given his status as the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. The agency has been under intense pressure due to staffing shortages and repeated security lapses, which may have impacted its ability to provide comprehensive protection. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was in Milwaukee at the time, preparing for the Republican National Convention, which may have led to a gap in leadership presence during the rally.

Additional Failures and Issues

Further compounding these issues, the shooter had explosive material in his car and residence, highlighting a significant oversight in threat assessment and security checks around the event. This raises serious concerns about the thoroughness of the security measures implemented and the ability to identify and neutralize potential threats before they escalate.

As the investigation by the FBI, Secret Service, and the Department of Homeland Security continues, there is a clear need for accountability and reform. This incident has prompted calls for an intensive review and realignment of security strategies to prevent similar occurrences in the future. Former Secret Service agent Joseph LaSorsa emphasized that this type of failure “cannot happen” and that substantial changes in the agency’s approach are inevitable.

As the investigation by the FBI, Secret Service, and the Department of Homeland Security continues, there is a clear need for accountability and reform. The incident has prompted calls for an intensive review and realignment of security strategies to prevent such occurrences in the future. Former Secret Service agent Joseph LaSorsa told the BBC that this type of failure shouldn’t happen and that there will be substantial changes in the agency’s approach.

The attack has also sparked discussions about increasing Trump’s security detail to a level comparable to that of a sitting president. As Trump is set to be officially nominated as the presidential candidate at the upcoming Republican National Convention, it is likely that security measures will be heightened significantly.

In conclusion, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has exposed significant vulnerabilities in the Secret Service’s protective measures. This incident also raises an intriguing question: why have three out of four successful presidential assassinations targeted Republicans? While it’s essential to avoid fueling conspiracy theories, this situation prompts a critical examination of whether the lapses in Trump’s security reflect broader systemic issues within the Secret Service or if they were specific to protecting a presidential candidate who is both despised and vilified by the current administration and its followers.

BlackRock reveals link to failed Trump assassin

(RT) The shooter appeared in a commercial for the investment behemoth

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspect in Saturday’s attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump, featured in a 2022 ad for BlackRock, the investment giant has revealed.

Crooks was shot and killed by US Secret Service officers after discharging multiple rounds at the presumptive Republican presidential candidate, while he was giving a speech at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. BlackRock disclosed the prior connection with the gunman in a statement on Sunday.

The commercial was filmed at Bethel Park High School, from which Crooks graduated two years ago. The then-teenager appeared in the background alongside several other students and was not compensated in any way, the company said.

“The assassination attempt on former President Trump is abhorrent,” BlackRock stressed. “We’re thankful former President Trump wasn’t seriously injured, and thinking about all the innocent bystanders and victims of this awful act, especially the person who was killed.”

Trump’s ear was grazed by a bullet, one person was killed, and two others were critically injured in the crowd of his supporters.

The firm said it will take the ad out of circulation and share all available footage with relevant authorities.

US media have described Crooks as a loner with an inconsistent history of political affiliations. He donated to a liberal fundraising organization, but also registered as a Republican voter.

He opened fire at the Trump rally from the roof of a nearby industrial building. Witnesses have claimed that they tried to alert police about an armed man “bear-crawling” towards his shooting position several minutes before the gun was fired.

Opting out of facial recognition at airports – Know your rights before you fly!

(PapersPlease) Next week the Algorithmic Justice League will be launching an awareness and  sousveillance campaign focused on the use of facial recognition in airports by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and its airport and airline partners.

The #freedomflyers campaign includes efforts to make travelers aware that the TSA claims that submitting to facial recognition is “optional”. The campaign also includes a free online Freedom Flyers Summit on “Resisting Airport Face Scans” on July 19th and — perhaps most importantly — a scorecard for travelers to report what actually happens when they try to opt out of facial recognition at airports.

In many cases, staff or contractors of airlines, airport operators, or the TSA tell travelers that facial recognition is required. In other cases, facial recognition turnstiles are unattended by any staff, leaving no apparent way to opt opt. Some facial recognition turnstiles are attended only by “line-minders” or security guards or subcontractors with no authority to allow travelers to pass through without submitting to mug shots.

Asking “Did the tech work?” is, of course, a trick question.

The purpose of facial recognition in airports is to enable tracking of travelers, without our being able to tell when, where, or by whom we are being tracked. If “Did it work?” means, “Did it enable those who want to track you to track you, without your knowledge?”, than by definition, if it “worked”, you won’t know.

You may know that your face was scanned once, perhaps when you entered the terminal or checked in or checked your luggage, but you may not know how many other times it was scanned, where, when, by whom, or for what purposes. The goal of public-private partnerships in airport surveillance is seamless multi-purpose data sharing and “curb to curb” traveler tracking through common-use embedded facial recognition infrastructure.

The TSA claims that removing your mask for a human check is required, but that being photographed is not. To date, no court has ruled on whether the TSA can require travelers to remove face masks or submit to mug shots or automated facial recognition. Nor has any court ruled on whether a common carrier could require removal of masks or submission to mug shots or automated facial recognition as a condition of carriage.

One thing you can do to mitigate the risk of hidden cameras is to wear a face mask in the airport, except when you are ordered to remove it by someone who has identified themselves as an authorized agent of the TSA and has told you that removing your mask is required as a condition of travel. If you have to remove your mask so that a human TSA agent can compare your face to the picture on your ID, make sure that you stand out of the line of of any visible cameras. If they try to point a camera at your face while you have your mask down, hold up your hand to block the camera and tell them you don’t consent to having your face photographed.

We welcome the AJL campaign to educate travelers about facial recognition in airports and to encourage them to opt out. Merely opting out won’t put an end to the practice, but it’s an important step. We look forward with interest to the responses to the AJL survey.


It Now Takes An Annual Income Of $186,000 A Year For Americans To Feel Financially Secure

(Michael Snyder of the EconomicCollapseBlog) According to a stunning new survey that was just released, an annual income of at least $186,000 a year is required in order to feel financially secure in the United States today.  Unfortunately, only 6 percent of U.S. adults make that kind of money.  So we have a major problem on our hands.  The cost of living has become extremely painful, and millions of Americans are stressed out of their minds because their finances are such a mess.  Over the past several years we have witnessed an economic shift of epic proportions.  The ultra-wealthy have gotten a lot wealthier, the ranks of the poor have exploded, and the middle class has been absolutely eviscerated.  In this current economic environment, only a very small segment of the population is living comfortably.  The following comes from CBS News

Americans have a specific annual income in mind for what it would take to feel financially secure, according to a new survey from Bankrate. The magic number? $186,000 per year.

Currently, only 6% of U.S. adults make that amount or more, Bankrate said. The median family income falls between $51,500 and $86,000, according to the latest federal data. Achieving financial security means being able to pay your bills while having enough left over to make some discretionary purchases and put money away for the future, the personal finance site said.


Belarus Registers World’s First Patented Lung Cancer Vaccine From Cuba

(Sputnik) – Belarus has registered Cimavax, a groundbreaking Cuban vaccine that trains the immune system to kill lung cancer cells, Cuban Foreign Minster Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla has announced.

“The first therapeutic vaccine against lung cancer, Cimavax, received the sanitary registration in Belarus,” the minister said on social media on Sunday.

The Cuban pharmaceuticals industry continues to deliver great results despite restrictions stemming from the United States’ embargo, he added.

The Cimavax vaccine, produced by Cuba’s Center for Molecular Immunology, is the world’s first officially patented and registered vaccine against lung cancer. The treatment allows the immune system to form neutralizing antibodies against epidermal growth factor (EGF).

The Invisible Nuclear Threat Within Non-Organic Food

Whether you know it or or not, nuclear waste (cobalt-60) has been used for decades to make your food “safer.”

There is a profound misunderstanding in the mass market today about the value of certified organic food.  The question is not whether the 50% higher or more you pay at the register for an organic product is really worth the added vitamin, mineral and phytonutrient content you receive.  Even though organic food does usually have considerably higher nutrient density, it is not always the positive quality of what it contains that makes it so special. Rather, it is what you know the organic food does not contain, or what has not happened to it on its journey to your table, that makes buying organic a no-brainer to the educated consumer.  Let me explain.

The FDA presently supports and actively promotes the use of cobalt-60 culled from nuclear reactors as a form of “electronic pasteurization” on all domestically produced conventional food. They claim it makes the food “safer.”1 The use of euphemisms like “food additive” and “pasteurization” to describe the process of blasting food with inordinately high levels of gamma radiation can not obviate the fact that the very same death rays generated by thermonuclear warfare to destroy life are now being applied to food to “make it safer.”  This sort of Orwellian logic, e.g. WAR is PEACE, is the bread and butter of State-sponsored industry propaganda, and also informs other ostensibly “humanitarian” applications of weapons of mass destruction such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Inconceivably High Amounts of Radiation Used To “Pasteurize” Your Food

This is not a hypochondriac’s ranting, as we aren’t talking here about small amounts of radiation.  The level of gamma radiation used starts at 1 kiloGray (equivalent to 2,500,000 chest x-rays (40 millirems each) or 166 times a human lethal dose (5 Grays)) and goes all the way up to 30 kiloGray (75,000,000 chest x-rays or 4,980 times a human lethal dose).  The following table is a list of foods that are increasingly being “nuked” for your protection.


Source: FTSI, Food Irradiation

How Do You Know If Your Food Has Been Nuked?

When you buy conventional food, there is little assurance that it has not been irradiated.  Although labeling requirements specify that irradiated food sold in stores should have the international symbol – the Radura – affixed to it, oversight is particularly poor in this regard, and restaurant food and processed food containing irradiated ingredients are not legally required to be labeled as such.

Labeled, or not, irradiated food is exposed to the same ionizing gamma radiation that destroyed life in Hiroshima, Chernobyl and now Fukushima. “Primitive” life forms like microbes refuse to ingest irradiated food (which is why we use it), but humans are gullible enough to believe industry pundits and governmental “authorities” like the USDA and FDA, who say doses of radiation applied to your food up to and quite close to a billion chest x-rays worth of ionizing radiation is safe for human consumption.

Is Your Health “Collateral Damage” In The War Against Food Perishability?

Despite the irresponsible promotion of this process as safe, food irradiation destroys much of the vitamin content of food, produces a number of toxic byproducts: formaldehyde, benzene, and formic acid, as well as unique radiolytic products, e.g. 2-alklycyclobutanoes, that have been demonstrated to be cytotoxic (damages cells), genotoxic (damages DNA), and carcinogenic (causes cancer) in test tube and animal studies. (View peer-reviewed research on gamma irradiation here).  

Also, gamma radiation is capable of increasing the allergenicity of food proteins such as milk by denaturing them, and this side effect was found to occur, ironically, even at low radiation doses.

How is it, then,  that a process that is so obviously detrimental to human health is allowed? There are at least three reasons driving this dangerous process:

  1. Food Sanitization: food irradiation allows for the continuance of the fundamentally unsanitary and unsafe farming practices considered essential for the profitability of large corporation-owned factory farms.  When raw human sewage and wastewater in combination with manure from sick, antibiotic-raised animals is used as fertilizer, virulent strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria can infect the product, getting deep within its tissues where chemical sanitizers can’t reach.  Gamma-radiation, which effectively penetrates deep within the product, enables the irresponsible, immoral and unsanitary conditions to remain.
  2. Food Globalization: The increased stabilization and reduction in perishability provided by food irradiation supports the continued globalization of food production and distribution, furthering the agendas and profitability of transnational corporations, whose respect for the sovereignty, constitutional rights and public health of the U.S. or any other nation, is secondary to the primary aim of raw, unregulated capitalism in pursuit of profits at all costs.
  3. Food Politicization: Finally, the military-industrial complex requires that the public perceive nuclear energy as not just an element of war, or potential ecological disaster, but as something “beneficial” that may protect us from harm. Nuclear waste, once the irrepressible hobgoblin of the nuclear energy industry, is suddenly transformed – under the guidance and support of our government – into both a profitable commodity and a “therapeutic” agent.

It Gets Worse: Spraying Our Food With Virus Cocktail To Make it “Better”

In the same way that irradiating bacteria contaminated food does nothing to remove the unsanitary processes that cause the underlying problem, in 2006, the FDA passed, without any public review or oversight, the use of bacteriphage virus “cocktails” to be sprayed on meat, in an attempt to prevent Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks.  These bacteria-specific viruses, in theory, lay dormant waiting for virulent and antibiotic-resistant bacteria upon which they prey.  

Although the FDA only approves the use of lysic bacteriphages which are not believed to alter the DNA of the cells they infect, the possibility of contamination with lysogenic strains which can alter DNA is significant, owing to the fact that these viruses are only between 20 and 200 millionth of a millimeter in size.  The FDA’s decision to define bacteriophages as “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) food additives is premature, and therefore a red flag to those who are concerned about the underlying food safety issues that are not being addressed.

FDA instructs outgoing staff how to influence agency “behind the scenes” after their departure

(NaturalNews) It took them long enough, but the scientific community is finally acknowledging the “revolving door” that exists between the United States’ Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the pharmaceutical industry.

It is routine practice for high-level officials at the FDA to leave the agency and take lucrative positions within Big Pharma, explains a new investigatory report published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ).

The conflicts of interest with such an arrangement are endless, but they have never stopped this revolving door from spinning. Internal emails clearly show that FDA staff leave the agency to work at Big Pharma – and on their way out the door, they are given instructions about how to still peddle control from their new careers in the private drug and vaccine sector.

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests produced emails to show how the FDA actually gives these outgoing employees a guidance explaining how they can work “behind the scenes” to run the FDA despite the fact that such post-employment lobbying may be illegal.

“The FDA’s ethics staff proactively informed these departing employees that although U.S. law prohibits certain types of lobbying contact ‘they do not prohibit the former employee from other activities, including working ‘behind the scenes,'” reported The Exposé (United Kingdom).

(Related: The FDA knew all along about Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] “vaccine” shedding but withheld this deadly truth from the American public.)

FDA advises outgoing employees to break the law

One of the names revealed in the probe is Doran Fink, a former FDA employee who worked at the agency for more than 12 years as a physician-scientist. During the COVID “pandemic,” Fink reviewed the so-called “vaccines.” After the “pandemic” was over, Fink moved on to work at Moderna, the very company whose chemical injections he reviewed for emergency use authorization (EUA).

As for the restrictions that were applied to Fink upon his departure from the FDA, emails obtained by the BMJ through FOIA show that they were specifically “tailored to your situation.” Though illegal, the FDA’s ethics department told Fink that “they do not prohibit the former employee from other activities, including working ‘behind the scenes.'”

Craig Holman, a government affairs lobbyist for the organization Public Citizen, told the BMJ that a “critical, critical loophole” exists in the U.S. as it pertains to revolving door policies.

“They can even run a lobbying campaign, as long as they don’t actually pick up the telephone and make the contact with their former officials – and that’s exactly the advice that’s being given here,” Holman said.

Another former FDA officer by the name of Jaya Goswami was reportedly given the same advice as Fink on her way out the door. Just like Fink, Goswami reviewed Moderna’s mRNA COVID injection before conveniently leaving and going to work for Big Pharma.

In trying to justify the errant advice being dispensed by the FDA’s ethics department, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) head Peter Lurie revealed that “it does seem contrary to the public interest that an ex-official would be quarterbacking activities behind the scenes, especially for a ‘particular matter’ on which they had worked,” which is clearly what has been happening at the FDA for many years.

Peter Doshi, BMJ’s senior editor, is credited with putting together the eye-opening report. The fact that it was even published at all shows just how much progress has been made in recent years to get the truth out via reputable sources.

It was not that long ago when talking about the FDA’s revolving door was reserved mostly to conspiracy websites. To see something like this published in the BMJ is somewhat historic if you really think about.

Childhood Vaccine Injury: Two Years Old Suffered a Vaccine Injury After Routine MMR Vaccine Injection

(.globalresearch.ca)“First off, it’s vaccine injury awareness month and a memory popped up today about me taking Faith to get another round of vaccines, which just so happens to be the day of her first vaccine injury.

Her little eyes started crossing right after.  

She’s under went surgery to try and fix the problem which it didn’t do. Because surgery will rarely fix a vaccine injury like this. Her eyes still cross to this day. This picture from the other day shows it, even though it looks much more dramatic at other times. But look how beautiful she still is.

Her second injury was when she stopped speaking after her MMR, but thankfully after detoxing her, words started flowing again, but we are still working with her speech for sure

For those of you that don’t know, after extensive doctors appointments and extensive DNA testing our girls are exempt from vaccines for life.

They carry THREE different MTHFRs, one of them being the one that makes it very hard for their bodies to rid of toxins (vaccines are LOADED with toxins.) I know I still get judged for not vaccinating by some on my friends list. But why?

It’s extremely dangerous for our girls to get vaccinated, which was confirmed by a doctor. 

Vaccines are not one size fits all, but yet they are treated like one.

They are dangerous for everyone, some more than others.

Where I stand today, it’s my biggest regret I have in life. Literally the biggest regret I have was vaccinating my babies.

I’m just extremely thankful her life was not taken from us by vaccines. From this point on, its about healing and doing what’s right. It took my baby being injured twice from vaccines before I got woke. I don’t want that being the reason you get woke too.”

My Take…

What is MTHFR?

The abbreviation MTHFR refers to a relatively common genetic mutation. It stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, and having this mutation may lead to high levels of homocysteine in the blood and low levels of folate and other vitamins.

Its main function is to provide your body with instructions for creating the MTHFRprotein, which helps your body produce folate. This B vitamin is necessary to create DNA.

There’s been concern that certain health issues are associated with MTHFR mutations, so testing has become more mainstream over the years.

You can have either one or two mutations — or neither — on the MTHFR gene. These mutations are often called variants

Health conditions linked to MTHFR depend on your type of mutation and how many copies you contain.

If you have only one copy of the C677T or A1298C mutation or two copies of the A1298C mutation, there are typically no health conditions or risks linked.

Conditions that may be associated with MTHFR include:

A person with two gene variants or who is homozygous for the MTHFR mutation may have an increased chance of health conditions.


ChatGPT maker secretly developing new type of AI

(RT) OpenAI is looking to substantially increase the reasoning capacity of its models, the agency has said

OpenAI, the creator of virtual assistant ChatGPT, is working on a novel approach to its artificial intelligence technology, Reuters has reported.

As part of the project, code-named ‘Strawberry,’ the Microsoft-backed firm is trying to drastically improve the reasoning capabilities of its models, the agency said in an article on Friday.

The way Strawberry works is “a tightly kept secret” even within OpenAI itself, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The source said the project involves a “specialized way” of processing an AI model after it has been pre-trained on extensive datasets. Its aim is to enable artificial intelligence to not just generate answers to queries, but to plan ahead sufficiently to conduct so-called “deep research,” by navigating the internet autonomously and reliably, the source explained.

Reuters said it had reviewed an internal OpenAI document, detailing a plan for how the US firm could deploy Strawberry to perform research. However, the agency said it was not able not establish when the technology will become available to the public. The source described the project as a “work in progress.”

Musk drops bombshell about European Commission’s censorship demands

(WorldNetDaily) Said officials promised to forgo attacking him in exchange for suppressing statements

The European Commission is described as an “executive” part of the European Union, and as such it often has operated as an entity unto itself, imposing regulations as it wishes.

And now, we know, imposing censorship.

In fact, a Substack report from JD Rucker explains that it was Margarethe Vestager, executive vice-president of the commission, who announced Musk’s platform Twitter-turned-X, “doesn’t comply with the DSA in key transparency areas. It misleads users, fails to provide adequate ad repository and blocks access to data for researchers.”

She was referring to the Digital Services Act, and she noted it was the first time the commission had acted on a case involving the law.

Musk didn’t take long to respond.

“The European Commission offered an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us,” he charged.

“The other platforms accepted that deal. X did not.”

Rucker commented, “Wow. … If Musk’s accusation is legitimate, then it would seem his platform is truly doing what they claim” of protecting speech.

He pointed out the commission is just one of multiple groups demanding to control speech and thought.

“Unfortunately, the vast majority of Big Tech and legacy media companies will comply with censorship demands all too willingly. In fact, they agree with the globalist stance on ‘misinformation’ and want nothing more than to have a free pass to censor people,” he explained.

He explained what Musk won’t allow is for those bureaucrats to better understand not only how to control the narrative on X, but to use it “in a way that herds the masses toward the prescribed world view.”


The Pyramid of Power: Big Tech’s Ties to the Intelligence Community

(TheExpose) The rise of large technology companies, such as Facebook and Google, is not a fairy tale of free market success.  It is a dark and disturbing story of corporate welfare and deep ties to the intelligence community.

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