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Today's News: July 16, 2019

World News

Polish Court Rules In Favor Of Russian Dad Who Took His Kids Back From Swedish Muslim Foster Family And Fled to Poland
Information Liberation – After the Swedish government seized his three daughters and placed them with a Muslim foster family, Russian father Denis Lisov took his daughters back and fled to Poland where he attempted to claim asylum.
The Swedish government then ordered Lisov to be arrested in absentia and reportedly put out a European arrest warrant and an extradition request demanding that he and his daughters be brought back.
Last week, a Polish court ruled in Lisov’s favor.
From Sputnik, “Polish Court Refuses to Expel Russian Dad Who Took His Daughters From Swedish Muslim Family”:
The judge described the Muslim family, where the Russian’s daughters were placed, as a culturally and mentally alien environment for the Christian girls.
A Warsaw district court has rejected a demand by Sweden to expel Russian national Denis Lisov, who took his three daughters back from a Muslim family and sought asylum in Poland.
In his verdict, judge Dariusz Lubowski noted that the European arrest warrant for Lisov, issued by Sweden, violates the Russian’s civil rights, Polish Radio reported.
According to the ruling, Lisov was put in a “hopeless situation”, because his children had been taken away with impossible conditions for their return. Lisov’s three children were seized by the Swedish authorities “solely under the grounds of their mother’s mental illness”. As Lisov himself emphasised, the social services never accused him of parental negligence. The judge also noted that children are “emotionally attached” to their father and are safe with him, as opposed to the foster family.
“With their actions, the Swedish authorities directly violated the rights of the children, depriving them of fatherly love”, the judge said. He described the Muslim family, where the children were placed in Sweden, as a “culturally, mentally, and religiously alien culture”, which could adversely affect their health.
According to Lubowski, the threat of deportation and new separation from the father was a heavy burden for Lisov’s eldest daughter, Sophia.
Lisov himself stated that he has done “everything possible” for his daughters’ well-being. He described the perspective of being separated from his girls as “the worst thing that may ever happen”.
The court’s decision has been welcomed in both Poland and Russia.
United Arab Emirates oil tanker vanishes after drifting into Iranian waters
Times of Israel – Concerns rise after tracking data shows ship Riah, sailing through Strait of Hormuz, stopped transmitting its location over two days ago
Flood of Africans flee to USA
AP – When an armed conflict erupted in his village in Congo, Blaise Matshieba Nduluyele fled from the carnage. Hundreds of people, including some of his relatives, were slaughtered.
Nduluyele and hundreds of other Africans trying to escape violence and poverty are forgoing a journey to Europe for a longer, still-dangerous land route to the United States through South America. He chose the route after seeing accounts of Europe-bound immigrants being turned away, of drownings in the Mediterranean Sea and of racism.
“When we talk of democracy, we see America. We see the United States. Me, I think that in the United States, I can express myself freely. I’ve been able to have security and protection — and that’s the reason why I chose the United States,” he said.
Germany’s population reaches record high of 83mn people ‘due to migration from E. Europe’
RT – Germany’s population reached a record high of more than 83 million people last year. This was largely because migration, most of which came from eastern Europe, data showed on Tuesday.
Net migration fell to some 400,000 people in 2018 from 416,000 in the previous year, the Federal Statistics Office said. European Union states remained the main origin of new arrivals with net migration of 202,000.
Within this group, net migration was highest from Romania (68,000), Croatia (29,000), Bulgaria (27,000) and Poland (20,000), Reuters reported.
Fewer refugees from war-torn countries seem to be arriving in Germany. Net migration from Syria nearly halved to 34,000 in 2018 from 60,000 in the previous year, while net migration from Africa slipped to 34,000 from 35,000.
Italy seizes ‘combat-ready’ missile in raids on far right
BBC – Anti-terrorism police in northern Italy have seized an air-to-air missile and other sophisticated weapons during raids on far-right extremist groups.
Three people were arrested, two of them near Forli airport. Neo-Nazi propaganda was also seized.
The raids were part of an investigation into Italian far-right involvement in the conflict in eastern Ukraine, the Turin police said.
The missile originated from the Qatari armed forces, the police said.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

New York City officer in Eric Garner’s chokehold death won’t face federal charges
NBC – A New York City police officer will not face federal charges in the death of Eric Garner, the unarmed black man heard in a video repeatedly saying “I can’t breathe” after he was put in an apparent chokehold, according to a person familiar with the case.
The U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday concluded its five-year investigation and will not bring civil rights or criminal charges against NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who was seen in the video with his arm around Garner’s neck.
According to a senior Justice Department official, U.S. Attorney General William Barr made the final decision not to charge Pantaleo, choosing to follow the recommendations of Brooklyn prosecutors.
However, attorneys in the Civil Rights Division thought charges could have been filed, according to two DOJ officials.
The decision not to pursue charges comes one day before the five-year anniversary of Garner’s July 17, 2014 death, which was also the deadline for charges to be filed.
Garner, 43, who was asthmatic, was being arrested for allegedly selling untaxed, loose cigarettes. His death sparked national outrage and protests. The phrase “I can’t breathe” — which he said 11 times during his arrest — became a rallying cry for police reform.
A medical examiner ruled Garner’s death a homicide, saying the chokeholdwas the cause. The chokehold is prohibited by the New York Police Department. Pantaleo has said that he performed a legal move called the “seatbelt” on Garner.
Leaked messages throw Puerto Rico’s governor into major crisis
Al Jazeera – Thousands of people have taken to the streets for a third consecutive day in Puerto Rico demanding the immediate resignation of Governor Ricardo Rossello.
The protests in the US territory began after a group chat on the Telegram messaging app between Rosello and nine other members of his administration was leaked on Thursday. The hundreds of pages of messages revealed obscene, sexist and homophobic remarks about women, political opponents, journalists and others, according to the Puerto Rico Centre for Investigative Journalism.
“Ricky resign,” “You have to go,” and “We are not afraid” were some of the slogans shouted by the protesters in San Juan as they gathered on Monday outside the governor’s residence, which was protected by barricades.
Later on Monday, police used pepper spray to disperse the demonstrators.
‘The agenda of white nationalists’: AOC, other congresswomen respond to Trump’s attacks
NBC – The four progressive congresswomen of color attacked by President Donald Trump responded on Monday afternoon at a joint news conference, saying his “blatantly racist” assault on them is nothing more than an effort to distract from his corrupt administration and inhumane policies.
The Democratic lawmakers, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, portrayed Trump as lawless and condemned his treatment of migrants on the border and deportations.
“This is the agenda of white nationalists, whether it is happening in chat rooms or happening in national TV. And now it’s reached the White House garden,” Omar said of what she called Trump’s “blatantly racist attack.”
Member of Senate GOP leadership says Trump tweets are racist
The Hill – Senate Republican Conference Vice Chairwoman Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) said Monday that she thinks President Trump’s tweets suggesting that minority Democratic lawmakers “go back” to the countries they came from was racist.
Ernst was pressed by reporters about Trump’s tweets from the weekend when she walked into a weekly leadership meeting in Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) office.
Asked if she thought Trump’s comments were specifically racist, Ernst acknowledged, “Yeah, I do.”
She reiterated that view when asked on another occasion by a CNN reporter if she found Trump’s comments racist.
“Uh, yeah. They’re American citizens,” she said, referring to Trump’s suggestion that Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) and Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), who all identify as racial minorities, go back to the counties they’re from.
Of that group, only Omar, a native of Somalia, was born outside the United States.
Ernst also called the comments “not constructive” and “not helpful.”
Like other Republicans, she said Trump should focus on policies instead of personal attacks.
Hollywood Erupts over Trump’s ‘Go Back’ Tweet: ‘Sick Sad Excuse for a Human Being’
Breitbart – Hollywood celebrities jumped on social media to rip President Donald Trump, who tweeted on Sunday saying leftist members of Congress should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.”
“Saluting these women. Stay pushing. Stay shining. Stay working. Stay a pain in the ass of the #RacistInChief and all his co-horts. Stay true to who you are. Stay safe. Stay together. Stay making us proud. #FourQueens,” director Ava DuVernay said.
Saluting these women. Stay pushing. Stay shining. Stay working. Stay a pain in the ass of the #RacistInChief and all his co-horts. Stay true to who you are. Stay safe. Stay together. Stay making us proud. #FourQueens pic.twitter.com/jkcXe6Z96F
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) July 14, 2019
“If we don’t vote him out then we deserve him. We all have the ability to toss him,” director Judd Apatow said.
If we don’t vote him out then we deserve him. We all have the ability to toss him. https://t.co/NMFAPkJO79
— Judd Apatow (@JuddApatow) July 14, 2019
Nearly every Democrat running for president piled on, and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) responded Sunday, saying “When @realDonaldTrump tells four American Congresswomen to go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to “Make America Great Again” has always been about making America white again.”
“We have seen all this before. He’s using the oldest trick in the book. He sees unrest among Democrats, so he’s stirring the pot and throwing gas on the fire below. It’s purely in the interest of igniting chaos. All too often, we fall for it. Let’s see the bully for what he is,” actor Seth MacFarlane said.
We have seen all this before. He’s using the oldest trick in the book. He sees unrest among Democrats, so he’s stirring the pot and throwing gas on the fire below. It’s purely in the interest of igniting chaos. All too often, we fall for it. Let’s see the bully for what he is. https://t.co/BVQJpj7MJk
— Seth MacFarlane (@SethMacFarlane) July 14, 2019
Dem to force impeachment vote
The Hill – Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) said Monday that he plans to force a vote on impeachment this month following President Trump’s inflammatory tweets telling a group of progressive Democratic congresswomen to “go back” to where they came from.
Green — who first unsuccessfully forced a vote on impeachment in 2017, with just 58 Democrats supporting the effort on the floor — said he feels he needs to take action due to the president’s recent rhetoric.
“I will again, this month, bring impeachment to a vote on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives for bigotry in policy, harmful to our society,” he tweeted.  #RacistPresident #ImpeachNow
— Congressman Al Green (@RepAlGreen) July 15, 2019
In a press conference streamed on Facebook Live, the Texas Democrat said he plans to move forward before Congress breaks for its August recess, adding “to tolerate bigotry is to perpetuate bigotry, especially when you can do something about it.”
Peter Thiel: “Woke” Google Employees Prefer Communist China to America
Infowars – Billionaire investor Peter Thiel says one reason for Google aiding in the transfer of AI technology to the Chinese military in favor of America is that “woke” Google employees are anti-American and prefer China to the U.S.
Thiel appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show following his call on Sunday for Google to be federally investigated for allowing itself to be infiltrated by the Chinese and the “treasonous decision” to hand them secretive technology.
Peter Thiel says Google employees are aiding the Chinese military in the transfer of advanced technology because of their progressive politics.
Asked why Google was working with the Communist Chinese military on breakthrough AI technology, Thiel said one explanation was the fear that China would acquire the technology anyway via the back door if it was not given to them.
However, according to Thiel, another explanation is the far-left political environment that dominates Silicon Valley.
“There’s probably a broad base of Google employees that are ideologically super left wing, sort of woke, and think that China’s better than the U.S. or that the U.S. is worse than China – it’s more anti-American than anything,” said Thiel.
CNBC – President Trump on Tuesday said his administration would look into Google following comments made by billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel.
Thiel said on Sunday that the FBI and CIA should look into whether Google has been infiltrated by Chinese intelligence.
Thiel’s fellow Palantir co-founder Joe Londsdale said on Monday that “Google is not a patriotic company.
Tech giants brace for Washington showdown in echo of Bill Gates
Bloomberg – U.S. technology giants are headed for their biggest antitrust showdown with Congress in 20 years as lawmakers and regulators demand to know whether companies like Alphabet Inc.’s Google and Facebook Inc.use their dominance to squelch innovation.
Executives from Google, Facebook, Apple Inc. and Amazon.com Inc. are set to appear Tuesday before the House antitrust panel, whose Democratic chairman is leading an investigation into the market power of the biggest tech companies and their effect on competition.
The hearing harkens back to Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates’ appearance before the Senate in 1998 when Microsoft was the target of government scrutiny into its monopoly in computer operating systems. Two months later, the Justice Department filed a landmark antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft that reined in its practices and nearly led to the company’s breakup.
While the executives testifying Tuesday don’t have the star power of Gates, their appearance marks the first time the largest technology companies will face questions from lawmakers amid a rising chorus of criticism that they are violating antitrust laws. That was the same accusation leveled at Microsoft two decades ago.
Rhode Island Democrat David Cicilline, who leads the antitrust panel, is bearing down on technology companies as antitrust enforcers prepare their own scrutiny of the industry. The Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission, which share antitrust jurisdiction, have taken the first steps toward investigating conduct by the biggest companies, with the Justice Department taking responsibility for Google and Apple, and FTC overseeing Facebook and Amazon.
Tuesday’s hearing will focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. One of the key complaints from critics of the big tech companies is that they can use their power to thwart competition from smaller rivals. Academic research has shown a steady decline in business start-ups across the economy. One possible explanation is that rising market concentration across industries effectively shuts out entry by new businesses.
CHAOS:  Pentagon installs third acting defense secretary of 2019
Military Times – When he resigned as defense secretary last December, Jim Mattis thought it might take two months to install a successor. That seemed terribly long at the time.
Seven months later, the U.S. still has no confirmed defense chief even with the nation facing potential armed conflict with Iran. That’s the longest such stretch in Pentagon history.
There is also no confirmed deputy defense secretary, and other significant senior civilian and military Pentagon positions are in limbo, more than at any recent time.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will step down at the end of February.
The causes are varied, but this leadership vacuum has nonetheless begun to make members of Congress and others uneasy, creating a sense that something is amiss in a critical arm of the government at a time of global uncertainty.
William Cohen, a former Republican senator who served as defense secretary during President Bill Clinton’s second term, says U.S. allies — “and even our foes” — expect more stability than this within the U.S. defense establishment.
“It is needlessly disruptive to have a leadership vacuum for so long at the Department of Defense as the department prepares for its third acting secretary in less than a year,” Cohen told The Associated Press. He said he worries about the cumulative effect of moving from one acting secretary to another while other key positions lack permanent officials.
They’re Falsely Accused of Shoplifting, but Retailers Demand Penalties
NYT – Crystal Thompson was at home watching the Rose Bowl parade when a county sheriff came to arrest her for shoplifting from the local Walmart.
Ms. Thompson, 43, was baffled and scared. An agoraphobic, she had not shopped at a Walmart in more than a year. She was taken to a Mobile jail, searched, held in a small room and required to remove her false teeth, something she didn’t even do in front of her husband.
Four days after she returned home, the letters from Walmart’s lawyer started to arrive. The lawyer demanded that Ms. Thompson pay the company $200 or face a possible lawsuit. She received three letters over two months in early 2016.
Shoplifting is an intractable problem for retailers, costing stores more than $17 billion a year, according to an industry estimate. To get the money back, many companies employ aggressive legal tactics and take advantage of loosely written state laws, pushing for restitution even when people have not been convicted of wrongdoing.
Many of the laws were established so retailers could pursue shoplifters without clogging up the courts. Retailers, though, often move on both fronts, pressing criminal charges against suspects, while demanding that they pay up before cases are resolved.
In many states, retailers do not have to return the money they collect if the cases are ultimately dismissed or the people are cleared. A Walmart executive, in a court deposition, acknowledged that the company did not follow up to check on whether people it sought money from had been convicted of shoplifting.
Kellyanne Ignores Congressional Subpoena
WSJ – Top White House adviser Kellyanne Conway defied a congressional subpoena to testify Monday before a House committee about alleged violations of a federal law regarding political activity.
Ms. Conway rejected the subpoena at the direction of President Trump, according to a letter from White House counsel Pat Cipollone to Rep. Elijah Cummings (D., Md.), the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform.
Burning 13,000-Volt Cable Touched Off Manhattan Event
WSJ – The blackout that plunged a swath of Manhattan in darkness on Saturday evening started with a faulty cable on the Upper West Side, utility officials said Monday.

Science & Technology

Scientists close in on blood test for Alzheimer’s
Stat – Scientists are closing in on a long-sought goal — a blood test to screen people for possible signs of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
On Monday at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference, half a dozen research groups gave new results on various experimental tests, including one that seems 88% accurate at indicating Alzheimer’s risk.
Doctors are hoping for something to use during routine exams, where most dementia symptoms are evaluated, to gauge who needs more extensive testing. Current tools such as brain scans and spinal fluid tests are too expensive or impractical for regular checkups.
“We need something quicker and dirtier. It doesn’t have to be perfect” to be useful for screening, said Maria Carrillo, the Alzheimer’s Association’s chief science officer.
Reuters – Amazon.com Inc has a promotion for U.S. shoppers on Prime Day, the 48-hour marketing blitz that started Monday: Earn $10 of credit if you let Amazon track the websites you visit.
The deal is for new installations of the Amazon Assistant, a comparison-shopping tool that customers can add to their web browsers. It fetches Amazon’s price for products that users see on Walmart.com, Target.com and elsewhere.
In order to work, the assistant needs access to users’ web activity, including the links and some page content they view. The catch, as Amazon explains in the fine print, is the company can use this data to improve its general marketing, products and services, unrelated to the shopping assistant.
The terms underscore the power consumers routinely give to Amazon and other big technology companies when using their free services. In this case, Amazon gains potential insight into how it should tailor marketing and how it could stamp out the retail competition.
AMAZON Faces EU Probe as Vestager Plans Summer Finale
Bloomberg – Amazon.com Inc. faces a full-blown European Union antitrust probe as the bloc’s competition chief Margrethe Vestager prepares for a summer finale to her five-year crackdown on U.S. technology giants.
The Dane, who heads the EU’s competition division, is poised to open a formal investigation into Amazon within days, according to two people familiar with the case, who asked not to be named because the process isn’t public.
Vestager has hinted for months that she wanted to escalate a preliminary inquiry into how Amazon may be unfairly using sales data to undercut smaller shops on its Marketplace platform. By ramping up the probe, officials can start to build a case that could ultimately lead to fines or an order to change the way the Seattle-based company operates.
“If powerful platforms are found to use data they amass to get an edge over their competitors, both consumers and the market bear the cost,” said Johannes Kleis of BEUC, the European consumer organization in Brussels.
The probe comes as Qualcomm Inc. could be hit with a second hefty EU penalty as soon as next week for allegedly underpricing chips to squeeze a smaller competitor. The U.S. chipmaker was fined last year for thwarting rival suppliers to Apple Inc. and has been the subject of on-and-off antitrust scrutiny since 2005.
Vestager has already slapped Google with record fines and ordered Apple to repay billions of euros in back taxes. By taking on Amazon’s Chief Executive Officer Jeff Bezos, Vestager is keeping up the pressure on big tech right to the very end of her mandate, due to expire in October.
Apollo 11 astronauts return to launch pad 50 years later
AP – Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins returned Tuesday to the exact spot where he and two other astronauts flew to the moon 50 years ago.
At NASA’s invitation, Michael Collins spent the golden anniversary at Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Complex 39A in Florida. He marked the precise moment — 9:32 a.m. on July 16, 1969 — that their Saturn V rocket departed on humanity’s first moon landing. Buzz Aldrin was an unexplained no-show. Mission commander Neil Armstrong — who took the first lunar footsteps — died in 2012.
Collins said he wished Aldrin and Armstrong could have shared the moment at the pad.
It was “a wonderful feeling to be back,” the 88-year-old astronaut said in an interview on NASA TV. “There was a difference this time. I want to turn and ask Neil a question and maybe tell Buzz Aldrin something, and of course, I’m here by myself.”
The return kicked off a week of celebrations marking each day of Apollo 11′s eight-day voyage. Collins remained in orbit during the mission while Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon.
Lunar eclipse to mark mission!
France24 – Fifty years to the day since mankind launched the first mission to set foot on it, the Moon is set to treat Earthlings to a partial lunar eclipse on Tuesday.
Britain’s Royal Astronomical Society said in a statement the event would be visible from parts of northern Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Western Australia.
Lunar eclipses happen when the Earth gets aligned in between the Sun and the Moon.
Tuesday’s eclipse should see around 60 percent of the Moon’s visible surface obscured by the Earth’s shadow, known as the umbra, the RAS said.
Best viewing conditions in Britain will be around 2230 (2130 GMT), it added.
Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses can be seen by the naked eye without risk of damage. Experts recommend those seeking to take photos of the phenomenon use a tripod.
More than 400,000 people worked on NASA’s Apollo 11 mission, which launched on July 16, 1969 and put the first humans on the Moon four days later.


Nutrition for lovely locks: Make your hair thicker naturally
NaturalNews – Maintaining hair health goes beyond just using natural hair products — although those can be helpful, too. If you want to keep your hair thick and shiny naturally, follow a healthy diet and avoid using shampoos and conditioners that contain harmful chemicals.
Hair health basics
According to Andi Scarborough, stylist and co-owner of Framed salon in Santa Monica, California, it’s normal to lose at least 100 strands of hair daily.
However, McKel Hill, a registered dietitian and founder of Nutrition Stripped, says that if you’ve been losing more hair lately, you may be suffering from high stress levels or hormonal issues, or you’re not following a balanced diet. Hair loss can also be caused by aging, genetics, certain prescription drugs, smoking, and thyroid problems.
Follow these tips if you want to add volume to your crowning glory.
Scalp care is important too.
Hair care doesn’t just involve your long tresses. Scarbrough says that dry skin on the scalp or product buildup can choke out follicles, reducing the diameter of the hair growing out. This can also reduce the follicles’ ability to produce hair.
To maintain scalp health, use a scalp scrub or shampoo brush to turn over dead skin cells and stimulate blood flow to hair follicles.
You can also increase hair thickness by giving yourself a relaxing scalp massage. A daily four-minute scalp massage can make your hair thicker. Data from an animal study also reveal that peppermint essential oil helps increase the number of hair follicles when applied topically.
To make your own scalp massage oil, combine a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil with a carrier like argan oil.
Don’t use shampoos with sulfates.
Sulfates make shampoos sudsy, but these potentially toxic chemicals can also cause your hair to lose volume by making it dry and stripping it of natural oils and color. When buying shampoos, opt for sulfate-free options that are gentle on the hair.
The link between diet and hair health
What you eat also affects your hair’s growth and fullness, which is why it’s necessary to follow a nutritious diet. When planning your diet, include foods like fruits, healthy fats, lean protein, nuts, seeds, and vegetables.
Snacking solely on junk food and not eating fresh fruits and vegetables can cause nutrient deficiency. Eat various foods to give your body access to adequate nutrients that support healthy hair.
Consuming foods rich in different types of protein will also keep your hair strong and lustrous. Hill notes that protein is a key macronutrient for overall hair health.
Hair is made up of mostly protein, and studies show that not getting enough can result in thinning hair. To prevent this, consume foods that contain various proteins.
Aside from protein-rich foods, you should also consume foods that contain the following nutrients:

Biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc are nutrients that have been linked to hair health and growth.
Foods rich in vitamin C can make your scalp healthier. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects hair follicles from free radical damage, which can affect hair growth and thickness.
Vitamin C is also crucial for collagen production, which helps strengthen hair. Natural sources of vitamin C include Brussels sprouts, broccoli, citrus fruits, kale, kiwi, red pepper, and strawberries.
Supplements can also promote hair growth. But before you start a new supplement routine, consult a dietitian first.
Collagen supplements may prove effective, especially if you want more lustrous hair. While they don’t have instantaneous effects, collagen supplements offer various full-body benefits and minimal side effects.
Make positive lifestyle changes and follow a balanced diet to maintain your overall health and keep your hair healthy and strong.
Crucial Reasons Why You Need More Fiber
Newsmax Health – Having enough fiber in your diet can reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Nationally known board-certified nutritionist Dr. Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, aka “The Nutrition Myth Buster,” tells Newsmax that while we tend to think of fiber as a tool for bowel regularity, it’s essential to overall health.
“Here are four reasons why having enough fiber in your diet can improve cardiovascular health and reduce your risk of other diseases,” he says.

  1. Fiber helps keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range, which is important for everyone, but especially for those who are overweight or at risk for diabetes and heart disease.
  2. It helps support normal, healthy blood pressure.
  3. A fiber-rich diet is an important weight management tool, says Bowden, the author of 15 books, including. “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.” “Dozens of studies have linked higher fiber intake with weight control,” he adds. “Fiber promotes satiety or a feeling of fullness, reducing hunger and subsequently reducing food intake.”
  4. Virtually every population study ever done shows a strong association between high-fiber diets and lower risks of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.

Bowden says that the Institute of Medicine recommends that we consume between 25 grams and 38 grams of fiber daily, but the average American gets one-third of this. Here is a handy fiber food chart to help calculate the amount of fiber in many common food items.

Pet News

STUDY: Petting Dog, Cat For 10 Mins Lowers Stress Levels
Study Finds – It doesn’t take a scientific study to know that spending some time with a cuddly cat or friendly dog will probably put you in a better mood. That being said, researchers from Washington State University have found objective, physiological evidence that just 10 minutes spent petting a cat or dog will lower stress levels.
Numerous colleges and universities across the United States have already implemented “Pet Your Stress Away” programs for students feeling stressed out about finals, papers, or anything else going on at school. Stressed students can spend some time with a dog or cat and hopefully put themselves in a more relaxed mood.
However, the study’s authors say that these types of programs do much more than just improve students’ moods; spending time with a furry friend incites a tangible, physiological response that lowers stress levels.
“Just 10 minutes can have a significant impact,” explains author Patricia Pendry in a release. “Students in our study that interacted with cats and dogs had a significant reduction in cortisol, a major stress hormone.”

Extra News 

An Idiot’s Guide To Destroying Your Country In Six Easy Steps
Zerohedge – Authored by Robert Bridge via The Strategic Culture Foundation,
The United States of America seems to have a suicide wish as it wanders aimlessly down a continually narrowing path that can only lead to national ruin. Is this a premeditated act of self-annihilation or simply a series of foolish choices?
Before a nation can be effectively destroyed from within it is necessary first that it be owned lock, stock and barrel. An independent, freedom-loving people are less easily controlled than one that is effectively ball and chained, which brings us to the first step in the program.
1. Create a Central Bank
Beginning around 1910, representatives from the leading banking powerhouses – Morgan, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg and Kuhn-Loeb – began meeting in secret at distant retreats, and not for the purpose of philandering with underage girls, mind you. No, these elitists had a totally different sort of crime up their sleeves, and that was to dominate the entire US banking system. And would it really surprise anyone that they succeeded? This was achieved by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on Dec. 23, 1913, which took away the constitutional power “to coin money, regulate the value thereof,” as enacted by the US Constitution.
As Anthony C. Sutton summed up the dire situation in his book, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, “Congress handed over all monetary powers to the Fed in 1913. The Fed is a private bank, owned by banks, and pays dividends on its shares owned only by banks. The Fed is a private Bankers’ Bank.”
Today, the power of ‘printing money’ rests with a private corporation. In fact, the Fed is not actually in the business of printing currency, which is handled by Treasury; instead, it creates bank deposits which are stored at the Fed. This ‘legal’ banking cartel, which can manipulate inflation at will, never has to deal with serious competition, least of all from the US government. Indeed, crotchety Uncle Sam depends on this institutionalized ‘lender of last resort’ for his money supply, which he must return – with excessive interest – thus guaranteeing America’s eternal indebtedness, or until the country simply goes broke.
There were many honorable politicians who fought stringently against the Federal Reserve, before and after the money monster came into being. One of the most memorable challenges came on February 12, 1917 from Senator Charles Lindbergh, who attempted to open articles of impeachment against the ‘conspirators’ of the Act.
Lindbergh accused a number of banking executives of conspiring with each other to “devise a means through social, political and other ways of strategy and by chicanery, to deceive the people of the United States, the Congress, and the President of the United States for the purpose and with the object to secure an act of Congress providing a new monetary and banking system …”
The entire congressional exchange, which is a fascinating read, can be found here.
Today, the problem of an outside agency regulating the US money supply remains as serious an issue as it was in Lindbergh’s day.
This month, Donald Trump harshly criticized the Fed, calling it the “most difficult problem” facing the nation. He was particularly incensed with the independent central bank keeping interest rates high, a move that other leaders before Trump have also expressed frustration over.
Is it too late to ‘end the fed,’ as former US Senator Ron Paul recommended in his 2009 book? Or will it continue to be business as usual for the bankers?
….As well as we are doing from the day after the great Election, when the Market shot right up, it could have been even better – massive additional wealth would have been created, & used very well. Our most difficult problem is not our competitors, it is the Federal Reserve!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 6, 2019
2. Open the Floodgates
Ever since the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, legislation that has single-handedly altered the face of America forever, the United States has become a cauldron, not a salad bowl, of cultural and ethnic differences. Once a nation largely comprised of European immigrants, that demographic is expected to become the minority in a few short decades. And the people just keep coming.
Today, it is automatically assumed that because America got its start as a ‘nation of immigrants’ that it is somehow expected to keep its doors open forever. We are expected to forever comply with the words of the poem, ‘The New Colossus’, written by the Jewish-American Emma Lazarus, engraved on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, which says:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
It seems the shelf life of that verse expired a long time ago. California can barely take care of San Francisco, let alone America taking care of the world’s “wretched refuse.” Perhaps we would do better than to worry about some tarnished Civil War-era statues of dead Southern generals and think more about editing that plaque.
Yet mass legal migration into the country is no longer considered enough. Even the very concept of a border wall or fence has been derided as “racist,” a grand “monument to white supremacists,” by the radical left.
No nation can last forever when its front door is open to every stranger under the sun.
3. Push Feminism, the Pill and Abortion
In 1960, with the advent of reliable contraception known as “the Pill,” followed up later with nationwide Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, American society entered upon one of its greatest revolutions of all time. Women, now free to engage in noncommittal sexual relations without fear of unwanted pregnancy, celebrated their emancipation by, yes, entering the workforce. But since there were dishes piling up in the sink and hungry mouths to feed, newly radicalized feminists, seeing males as nothing more than nails that need constant pounding, demanded ‘equal rights’ across the board.
Needless to say, this overnight overhaul of longstanding social norms spelt disaster for the family unit. Divorce rates and single-parent households exploded as men and women, now more concerned with career advancement than marriage commitment, seemed more distant from each other than ever before.
Camille Paglia, the American ‘anti-feminist feminist’ academic, has critiqued that part of feminist ideology that has turned men and women into enemies at worst, strangers at least.
“At this point it’s turned into a neurosis,” Paglia said in a 2017 interview.
And just like that, the two most fundamental relations – that between man and woman – have become almost irreparably damaged, while the greatest victims are American society and the all-important family unit.
4. Supersize the military
No other nation state or empire in history has had a greater global military footprint than the United States. But that vast presence – with an estimated 800 bases in 80 countries worldwide – does not necessarily equate to power. In fact, it may be the ultimate source of weakness, the veritable Achilles heel of US strength.
At the pinnacle of its power, the Roman Empire stretched from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to the Euphrates River. Yet, as the Romans discovered the hard way, maintaining such an extensive network requires vast amounts of resources, both physical and financial. Today, whereas more isolationist countries, like Russia and China, have chosen not to travel abroad in search of monsters to destroy (with Russia’s decision to go after Islamic State in Syria as the notable exception), this has allowed them to maintain approximate parity with the US military, and despite the latter’s much higher rate of spending. It could be argued that the United States is too preoccupied with taking out “seven countries in five years,” to quote General Wesley Clark, that it risks falling behind on technological development.
To understand how much the US spends on its military, former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld announced on September 10, 2001 that the Pentagon could not trace over 2 trillion dollars in its coffers. How is that remotely possible? Considering that the US national debt now stands at 22.5 trillion dollars, Rumsfeld revealed a level of corruption – for what else could it be – that simply cannot be sustained over the long haul. And with the next financial crisis predicted to be possibly worse than the last, the most dramatic and unexpected effect from such an event could realistically be the US military going into a quick retreat across the planet for simple lack of resources. Whether that would be a blessing in disguise or the precursor to global pandemonium is anyone’s guess. In any case, to believe for a second that the United States can forever stay one step ahead of excessive spending and corruption just because it has a Central Bank to bail it out may prove to be the greatest fallacy of modern times.
5. Promote transgender lifestyles – to children
Personally, like most people, I’ve got no problem with people choosing whatever sexual lifestyle they desire. My only requirement is that they either keep it in the bedroom or get a hotel room. Pretty simple. In these days of sexual oversaturation, however, when the LBGTQ community has been designated an entire month to celebrate their sexual proclivities on the street, while the straight, child-producing majority is essentially ostracized and even linked to – wait for it – “white nationalists,” then it’s safe to say, ‘Houston, we’ve got a problem’.
Today, innocent children as young as five and six years old, still in kindergarten, are being exposed to discussions on transgender issues without their parents’ approval. In March, for example, the Washington Post reported – very supportively, by the way – that kindergarten students in Arlington, Virginia were told stories by a transgender advocate.
“I have a girl brain but a boy body. This is called transgender. I was born this way,” the advocate, Sarah McBride, read to the students from a storybook.
Is this really an appropriate topic of discussion for children, many of whom still believe in Santa Claus? My personal take is that this ‘education’ amounts to a form of pedophilia and should be outlawed across the country through federal legislation. After all, such incredibly complicated conversations would be considered risqué for many high schools, and even college students, to say nothing about kindergarten kids. Having written previously on this topic at length, I can avow that this is just the first stage of the madness. Next comes the chance that some misguided or confused child will get it into their head – possibly due to the subtle influence of something they’ve heard on television, from their parents or in the classroom – that they ‘identify’ with the opposite sex. Heaven forbid that a boy should play with a baby doll, or a girl participate in a game of football!
Now should the parents take their child to a counselor, it is now standard medical practice that the child not be provided psychotherapy. I repeat, not be provided psychotherapy. Instead, the medical practitioner must accept the child’s claim at face value that they really are the opposite sex. In fact, this is now law. This bit of mischief at the child’s expense is called “affirmative care,” despite the fact that nothing has been ‘affirmed’ at this point except that the medical community has lost its mind. From here the fun and games really begin.
“Once the teenage years begin, affirmative care means giving young people cross-sex hormones,” one mother, Elaine, said during a panel discussion on ‘transitioning,’ organized by the Heritage Foundation. “Girls as young as twelve are prescribed testosterone for lifetime usage, while boys are given estrogen. These are serious hormonal treatments that impact brain development, cardiovascular health and may increase the risk of cancer.”
Further ‘treatment’ involves puberty-blocking drugs, mastectomies, vaginal surgery and even fake penises; these are just some of the radical experimental methods being used on children with irreversible life-changing procedures.
Can a society that condones such inhumane treatment of its most vulnerable members survive? It is the opinion here that it cannot. Playing such mind games with impressionable children, and then attempting to turn them into the opposite sex with lifelong use of drugs, coupled with surgical procedures is the very definition of insanity. With all due respect for transgender people, children should not be introduced to questions of a sexual nature until they are considered legal adults.
6. Bury your national history over PC lunacy
The one inviolable aspect of every country is, or should be, its history. This documented record of accumulative deeds and acts, performed by various personalities, is the very foundation stone of any nation. Without it, the country will quickly lose its identity and purpose. Yet that is exactly what is being allowed to happen in the United States, where raw emotions are now king. Whatever alleged victim group screams the loudest over some alleged wrong is declared the winner in this never-ending Olympics of the Emotionally Impaired.
What is now happening is that American history is in the process of being rewritten according to the dictates of what is considered to be ‘politically correct’. Don’t believe it? You don’t need to watch Civil War statues tumbling into the dirt for proof. Just perform a quick Google search on ‘American inventors.’ What appears at the top, in the scrolling bar? Just two inventors of European ancestry are listed in the top ten. No Henry Ford, no Steve Jobs, no Wright Brothers, not even an Albert Einstein. That is no mistake. Yet the people at Google will blame it on the algorithms, of course, as if nobody has been performing searches for ‘Einstein’ or ‘Tesla’ or ‘Ford’ to warrant these individuals their rightful place in the selection. Is ‘machine learning’ really that stupid?
If there is an equivalent in America to Orwell’s ‘Ministry of Truth,’ that place would have to be Silicon Valley, where Liberal-oriented employees are quietly determining what is worthy of public attention and what is not. More often than not, it seems, the conservative right always gets the haircut. This internal slant has already been revealed by Google insiders, like James Damore, the former Google employee who circulated a memo describing the company’s “ideological echo chamber” that actively works to discriminate against conservatives, Whites and men.
More recently, Project Veritas, an investigative group of journalists led by James O’Keefe, captured a former Google executive admitting that the company is working to prevent another ‘Trump situation’ from occurring in 2020.
Today, with Google in the driver’s seat as far as the nation’s history, identity and future is concerned, it has the power to create whatever reality it sees fit. Increasingly, it seems the reality it is giving the American people no longer stands up to the facts. This power, perhaps more than any other, is enough to lead the country astray by simply forgetting who it is and what it stands for. After all, it only takes one generation to ‘reboot’ the national memory.
At that point, it’s game over, your country is history.

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