July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 16, 2021

45 churches engulfed or attacked in ongoing anti-Christian terror campaign

Counter Signal – Terrorists are attacking and burning down churches across Canada with impunity. 

It’s a reality most Canadians only thought possible for Middle Eastern countries like Syria, where ISIS has bombarded and razed dozens of Christian heritage sites in the name of Islam. 

Now, after nearly six years of Liberals calling Canadians racist and fanning the flames of hatred, hate crimes are becoming commonplace against Christians in Canada. Things have gotten so bad that even our American neighbours are beginning to worry. 

Rightly so.

The Counter Signal has kept a close eye on these terrorist attacks, reporting on the scene just hours after a fire in a refugee church.

Our information shows that since June, there have been 45 attacks on Christian and mainly Roman Catholic congregations. Of those, 17 of them have been scorched or burnt to a crisp in suspicious circumstances.

The fires and vandalism span six provinces and the Northwest Territories, some of which have been in the heartland of First Nations’ territory. 

South African CHAOS will come to America… farms burn, power infrastructure destroyed, rule of law in total collapse… here’s how to survive it all

NaturalNews – This crisis has been entirely engineered by globalists, and it’s all part of the chaos that they want to see erupt all over the world. Largely due to loss of jobs, food scarcity and lockdown tyranny, the impoverished South African citizens are rising up to lash out in anger. As is often the case, they are irrationally over-reacting, now burning down the very infrastructure that might provide them with food, electricity and fuel for years to come.

This is all by design. And the situation is rapidly imploding into a failed state or a civil war, depending on whom you ask.

There are key realizations you need to grasp about what’s happening in South Africa:

  1. This engineered chaos is coming to America and other Western nations soon, for many of the same reasons.
  2. The destruction of infrastructure will lead to long-term destitution, famine, collapse and war.
  3. The police are overrun and out of ammunition. They are largely helpless against the looting masses.
  4. Only civilian security forces (i.e. militias) are providing effective safety and security for residential communities.
  5. Food is extremely scarce. Mass famine has already begun. Those who did not prep in advance may die.
  6. Gun control means you DIE, because only those with firearms are able to defend themselves and stop the looting mobs.

… I cover many more critical realizations in today’s Situation Update podcast, below.

Globalists are deliberately plunging the world into chaos, civil unrest and collapse

What we are all watching here — in South Africa, Cuba, France, Beirut and other places — is globalist-created chaos that they hope will end in total collapse and worldwide depopulation. And this is only the beginning.

With door-to-door vaccine strike force teams now demanding everyone consent to medical tyranny, depopulation via bioweapons is in full force. This already means, according to prominent, outspoken doctors, that as many as 92 million Americans may perish from the vaccine over the next few years. (That’s because the CDC says 184 million Americans have already been injected with at least one dose, and doctors are saying the “majority” of those people will eventually die from the vaccine.)

All Across France Citizens Take to the Streets and Clash with Police Protesting New Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Measures

Vaccine Impact – As we reported on Monday, France President Emmanuel Macon announced new COVID measures that included mandatory COVID vaccines for health workers, a “health pass” to access the cinema, trains, restaurants as well as in hospitals, retirement homes, medical and social establishments, but also in planes, trains and buses for long trips, curfews, and even “pension reform” where people will “have to work longer and retire later.”

Today was Bastille Day in France, and many people took to the streets to protest, and many clashed with police. Here are some of the videos appearing on Twitter.

Paris’ iconic Eiffel Tower reopens after nine-month Covid hiatus, its longest closure since WWII

RT – One of the French capital’s most notable landmarks, the Eiffel Tower, has reopened after nine months, marking the longest period in recent history that the attraction has been shut since the Second World War.

The Eiffel Tower welcomed back visitors on Friday after being shut since the end of last October due to coronavirus restrictions that were implemented during France’s second wave. 

The monument’s official Twitter page shared the re-opening and welcomed its visitors back, saying that “it’s so great to see you again.” After the countdown struck zero and stewards removed the barrier, flocks of masked people could be seen entering the attraction. A live band even played in the background to celebrate the event.

Bangladesh plans to vaccinate Rohingya against COVID

Al Jazeera – Bangladesh plans to start rolling out inoculations against COVID-19 for the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya living in crowded refugee camps next month, says a senior official.

“Subject to availability of the doses, we will begin administering the jabs among Rohingya anytime in August,” Shah Rezwan Hayat, chief of Bangladesh’s Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commission, told DPA news agency on Friday.

Danish Siddiqui: Indian photojournalist killed in Afghanistan

BBC – Pulitzer Prize-winning Indian photojournalist Danish Siddiqui has been killed in Afghanistan, said the country’s ambassador in Delhi.

Siddiqui, the chief photographer of Reuters news agency in India, was on assignment in Afghanistan when he died.

He was embedded with a convoy of Afghan forces that was ambushed by Taliban militants near a key border post with Pakistan, according to reports.

There was no immediate reaction from the Indian government.

It’s unclear how many others died in the attack.

Afghanistan’s ambassador to India, Farid Mamundzay, said he was deeply disturbed by the news of “the killing of a friend”.

Austria Becomes First European Country to Ban Islamist Muslim Brotherhood

Breitbart – Austria has become the first country in the European Union to ban the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood as part of a new anti-terrorism law.

The law bans the Egyptian-founded Muslim Brotherhood by adding it to a list of organisations linked to “religiously motivated crime”. It sets a punishment of a month in prison and a €4,000 (£3,407/$4,717) fine for those who propagate the group’s literature or disseminate its slogans. The law also allows the government to place electronic tags on convicted terrorists for monitoring, reports Spiegel Ausland.

Hyperinflation Will Collapse Biden Administration – Clif High

USA Watchdog – Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics,” which sorts through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events.  He has many well-documented correct predictions.  High predicted a month ago, “The Biden Administration would be in full collapse by this fall.”  The CV19 Vax door knocking campaign from the Biden camp, to harass people into getting the jab, is simply a prelude to the coming collapse.  High explains, “It’s a sign of desperation, and it’s a sign of weakness. . . . What they do not realize is the people doing this work are going to be assaulted by the people they are going to be talking to verbally and sometimes physically.  It won’t go well for the workers.  It’s going to cause lots and lots and lots of videos and audio recordings to come into existence that the Biden Administration will desperately not want to have happened.  At some point, I think it will be the PR aspect that will get them to cancel it. . . . People will take the opportunity to ‘red pill’ these workers and record it. . . . It will be like my enemy is sending his troops to me.  Let me see if I can convert them to my purpose.”

How will the collapse of the Biden Administration take place?  High says, “This is an economic issue. . . . We exist on the petro-dollar empire, and that empire is dying very rapidly.  We are in the very final phases of that death.  In that final phase, we reach hyperinflation.  We are at the point that hyperinflation has broken loose.  It’s reported at 5.4%, but it’s really hyper.  It really is three times that or four times that.  Energy, since Biden took over, is up 40%. . . . We are now reaching a point of the inflation to run parallel with the debt that is going to reach an extreme.  This extreme, by my calculations, should impact the Biden Administration in some form of a catastrophic crisis around the last half of September. . . . Fundamentally, it will be the inability to pay for things . . . . It will be a situation where the hyperinflation has so outpaced normal expectation . . . that all of the government contracts in the computers, which have limits and constraints, will have blown beyond those limits and constraints.  The government will not be able to write checks because the computers will refuse to print them.  This is a crude way of explaining it. . . .  There are thousands of constraints built into software configured at a time when there was a more rational view of inflation.”

High goes on to say, “We are at that point where empire is collapsing.  The empire is collapsing because the money is no good.”

NUTRITION MATTERS: Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables lowers risk of contracting COVID-19 and developing severe symptoms

Natural News – People who eat high-quality diets containing fruits, vegetables and fish are less likely to contract the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and become severely ill with the disease, according to a preprint released recently on medRxiv.

A team of researchers from King’s College London, Harvard Medical School and the health science company ZOE analyzed data from more than 590,000 people from the United States and the United Kingdom who answered a survey about the foods they ate during February 2020 using the ZOE COVID Symptom Study application.

The application, which has been used to track COVID-19 outbreaks in the U.K., allows users to take note of any symptoms they develop in case of infection and log when they have had a positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test. By early December 2020, 19 percent of those 590,000 users contracted COVID-19 based on symptoms and positive PCR test results reported in the application.

For the first time, we’ve been able to show that a healthier diet can cut the chances of contracting COVID-19, said study co-author Sarah Berry, a senior lecturer at King’s College London.

Eat more plant-based foods, avoid processed foods

Scientists now know that diet-related health conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease, increase the risk of becoming severely ill with COVID-19. However, it’s not clear how people’s eating habits affect their risk of becoming infected with the virus independently of diet-related health conditions.

To shed light on the subject, the researchers analyzed data from 592,571 people from the U.S. and the U.K. who completed a survey about their eating habits using ZOE’s “COVID Symptom Study” application. They designed the survey to look at broad dietary patterns, which are reflective of how people actually eat, instead of specific foods and nutrients.

The survey also produced a diet quality score reflective of the merit of each person’s diet. Diets with high scores were found to contain more plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. People with these diets ate two pieces of fruit a day and three different vegetables. They also ate around 200 grams (g) of oily fish, such as salmon and sardines, every week and kept processed foods and refined grains to a minimum.

Diets with high quality scores were also linked to a healthier and more diverse gut microbiome. They were associated with various favorable health outcomes as well, including reduced inflammation and healthier blood lipid and glucose levels. The researchers referred to these high-scoring diets as “gut-friendly” diets.

People who eat high-quality diets have healthy microbes in their guts, said study co-author Tim Spector, one of the co-founders of ZOE. Having healthy gut microbes is linked to better health.

On the other hand, diets with low quality scores were found to be high in ultra-processed foods and low in plant-based foods. People with these diets often had no more than two pieces of fruit over the course of a week. They also went some days without eating any vegetables and oily fish. They also ate more fatty and sugary processed foods.

Stunning Daszak/Fauci Emails Reveal Non-Zoonotic Coronavirus And Attempts To Infect Human Cells

The National Pulse – EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak emailed Anthony Fauci in 2017 outlining his collaborative research on a “bat-origin coronavirus” with the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Shi Zhengli, which included “doing assays to find out if it can infect human cells in the lab.”

Daszak titled the October 2017 email, released via a Freedom of Information Act filed by Judicial Watch, “Confidential – A new bat-origin coronavirus emerging in pigs in China discovered under our NIAID R01.” Daszak appears to be referencing a $3.7 million grant from Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to the organization EcoHealth Alliance with the declared purpose of “understanding the risk of bat coronavirus emergence.”

The grant, however, likely led to “gain-of-function” research collaboration with the military-linked Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In the email to Fauci and his NIAID colleagues, Daszak, who was recently recused from the Lancet’s COVID-19 commission,  attaches an unpublished paper on a “novel bat-origin Coronavirus” that’s “not known to be zoonotic.”

“We’re also doing assays to find out if it can infect human cells in the lab — so far no evidence of this,” he adds before listing Wuhan researcher Shi Zhengli as a co-Principal Investigator. This description also undermines Fauci’s past attempts to distance his agency both financially and via personnel to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Daszak also reveals that he met Fauci “again” on the day he sent the email – October 1st, 2017 – which coincides with the opening day of a conference on “Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses.” Fauci delivered the keynote address at the event, and Daszak and Shi also spoke.

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