July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 19, 2021

French Face 6 Months in Jail for Entering a Bar or Restaurant Without a COVID Pass

Global Research – eople in France who enter a bar or restaurant without a COVID pass face 6 months in jail, while business owners who fail to check their status face a 1 year prison sentence and a €45,000 fine.

Yes, really.

The punishments are part of a draconian effort by the French government to force citizens to get the coronavirus jab amidst multiple unruly protests across numerous major cities.

President Emmanuel Macron announced earlier this week that those unable to prove they’re vaccinated or a negative COVID test (at their own cost) will be banned from using public transport, entering a cinema, shopping mall, bar, cafe, restaurant and other venues from August 1st.

“People unable to present a valid health pass risk up to six months in prison and a fine of up to €10,000 (£8,500), according to the draft text of the law, while owners of “establishments welcoming the public” who fail to check patrons’ passes could go to jail for a year and be hit with a €45,000 fine,” reports the Guardian.

The sanctions represent the most authoritarian move to force vaccine compliance in the west, and probably outstrip a lot of actual dictatorships in other parts of the world.

The Guardian rather euphemistically describes it as a “big stick approach,” which would be true if that ‘big stick’ were an electric cattle prod the size of the One World Trade Center building in New York.

The government had to withdraw a similar law back in December following numerous riots, but merely re-introduced the same legislation with even tougher punishments for dissenters.

As we previously highlighted, police in Paris used tear gas to disperse demonstrators protesting against the measures in scenes that unfolded in several other major cities throughout the country.

We are now entering the phase of the pandemic where it’s becoming clear that those who refuse to take the vaccine will remain under the most onerous lockdown measures yet in perpetuity.

Los Angeles mask mandate revived on anniversary of Newsom order that shut down schools

Fox – Los Angeles County reinstated its indoor mask mandate this weekend as confirmed cases of the Delta variant rise on the one-year anniversary of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s order that closed down many schools.

The mask mandate went into effect at 11:59 pm on Saturday. 

On July 17, 2020, Newsom issued guidance for school reopenings during the pandemic, which stated that in-person learning would only be allowed if a number of criteria were met. At the time, the vast majority of the state’s public and private k-12 schools did not meet the measures that would have allowed in-person instruction to resume.

Critics of school closures noted that many families rely on the support provided by schools, including working parents. There have also been concerns about disruptions to social development and children falling behind their school curriculums.

In a Twitter post, Reopen California Schools said on Sunday that Newsom’s decision would go down as “one of the darkest times in California and U.S. history” as special interests were taken into consideration over children.

Republican assemblyman Kevin Kiley, who is one of the candidates running in the recall election to replace Newsom in September, said Newsom’s shutdown order did a lot of harm.

“You’d be hard-pressed to find any action by any governor that did more harm or for worse reasons,” he said.

George Soros & Bill Gates lead buyout of UK Covid testing company

RT – A group of investors led by the Soros Economic Development Fund (SEDF) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have financed the buyout of UK diagnostic technologies firm Mologic, which has developed a 10-minute coronavirus test.

To make the acquisition, the group has launched Global Access Health (GAH), a social enterprise aiming to expand access to affordable medical technology. The members of the GAH are reportedly set on investing over $41 billion in the acquisition deal. The transaction will include the buyout of all Mologic’s existing shares, including those held by two private investment managers, Foresight Group LLP and Calculus Capital.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has painfully demonstrated the fundamental inequities in global public health, and in particular the crucial importance of access to […] life-saving diagnostic tools. In this unique transaction, philanthropic funds and investors are working together […] to address at least one part of that failure by enabling a cutting-edge commercial business to focus all its resources on solving one of the world’s most pressing public health issues,” Sean Hinton, SEDF’s chief executive officer, has said, commenting on the deal.

Mologic was founded in 2003 by Mark Davis and his father Professor Paul Davis, one of the creators of the world’s first home pregnancy test, ClearBlue. Mologic develops tests for a variety of diseases at affordable prices and recently received a CE mark (Conformité Européenne) for its coronavirus disease Covid-19 tests, which the company plans to sell at just $1 each.

However, the Covid-19 test has yet to be approved for use in both the UK and the US. Mologic recently received £1 million ($1.4 million) from the UK authorities for its Covid-19 tests development, but later accused the government of “stonewalling” the usage of the tests within the country.

Biden Administration Transfers Its First Detainee From Guantánamo Bay

Yahoo – The Biden administration freed its first detainee from Guantánamo Bay, two decades after he was captured and five years after he was cleared for release.

Abdul Latif Nasser, 56, was repatriated Monday to his native Morocco and given to government custody, The New York Times reported.

He was captured in 2001 by Pakistani agents and had been in Guantánamo since 2002.

The US accuses him of involvement with the Taliban, but, like many Guantánamo detainees, he was never charged with a crime.

US officials allege that he met Osama bin Laden in 1995 and trained in Qaeda training camps, ABC News reported.

He said in 2016 that he “deeply regrets his actions of the past,” though did not elaborate on what they were.

Nasser was recommended for release out of Guantánamo in 2016, The Times reported, so long as he stayed under security in Morocco.

But the Trump administration halted all releases, and Nasser stayed. Trump signed an executive order in 2018 to keep Guantánamo open.

President Barack Obama’s special envoy for arranging transfers from Guantánamo in 2015 and 2016 said his office arranged to repatriate two men, including Nasser, The Times reported.

Obama then turned to a process of transferring detainees out of the facility, which was never completed.

US, allies accuse China of global cyber hacking campaign

Reuters – The United States and a coalition of allies accused China on Monday of a global cyber hacking campaign that employed contract hackers, specifically attributing a large Microsoft attack disclosed earlier this year to actors working on Beijing’s behalf.

Opening a new area of tensions with China, the United States is joined by NATO, the European Union, Britain, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Canada to level the allegations.

“The United States and countries around the world are holding the People’s Republic of China accountable for its pattern of irresponsible, disruptive, and destabilizing behavior in cyberspace, which poses a major threat to our economic and national security,” U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said in a statement on Monday.

Also on Monday, the U.S. Justice Department said four Chinese nationals – three security officials and one contract hacker – were charged in a global hacking campaign aimed at dozens of companies, universities and government agencies in the United States and abroad. The activities took place between 2011 and 2018 that focused on information that would significantly benefit Chinese companies and businesses, it said. read more

Jan 6 Protester Faces 20-Years In Prison For Standing In Capitol For 10 Minutes – Wife Launches GiveSendGo

Gateway Pundit – After stealing the 2020 election, the Biden regime, the Democrat Party, and their agitprop media continue to exploit the events of January 6 to warrant a manhunt on Trump supporters.

Branded “white supremacists” and “domestic terrorists,” scores of Americans who protested the fraudulent election in Washington DC have since been arrested in pre-dawn raids and hauled off to jail.

**  Joseph’s wife Deena launched a crowdfunding GiveSendGo campaign last week in hopes of being able to hire a private attorney to represent her husband.  Please help if you can.

Joseph Hackett, a 50-year-old chiropractor, now faces a 20-year sentence in federal prison after “heinously” stepping in the Capitol Building for approximately ten minutes on Jan. 6.

According to court documents, prosecutors claim Hackett allegedly walked into the Capitol Rotunda towards the House of Representatives on Jan. 6 at 2:45 pm. He then left the Capitol at 2:54 pm.

After the protest, he safely returned home to Sarasota, Florida. But, the ten minutes he allegedly spent in the Capitol building would come back to haunt him months later.

In early May, the FBI left a business card on the door of Joseph’s office asking him to provide information about his participation in the January 6 “siege.” An attorney warned Joseph that replying without adequate legal representation could result in entrapment and he never followed up with the bureau.

On May 28, three weeks later, Joseph was apprehended as the FBI raided his home and was indicted on charges of conspiracy, obstruction of an official proceeding, aiding and abetting, destruction of government property and illegally entering a restricted building.   

Now, Joseph’s wife, Deena Hackett, fears he will never return home.

As he sits in a cell for 23 hours a day, Deena is struggling to pay for the mortgage on their home and rent for their office and raise their 11-year-old daughter alone. Hiring an attorney to fight the government’s case against her husband will cost an estimated $250,000.

“It scares me with what’s going to happen to my husband. His court date is not going to be until next year. He is facing 20 years. If he gets convicted, we would be in our seventies before he got out of prison. I hope and pray that God will take care of this,” Deena told The Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview. “My daughter and I, we don’t have his income, we don’t have his protection, we don’t have him being with us.”

Joseph joined the Oath Keepers, an organization of current and former military, police, and first responders who pledge to “defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic,” after socialist activists began wreaking havoc in his neighborhood last summer.

“When they were rioting after the death of George Floyd death, some of them came behind our house, broke into a jewelry store. We could hear them yelling, shooting and looting. My daughter and I were both scared for our lives,” Deena said. “Joe decided he was going to protect us with the Oath Keepers and formed a neighborhood watch.

“That’s when he started paying more attention to the news and diving deeper into what was really happening in the country. He had never even voted in his life. This was the first election he ever voted for. Now, he’s being tortured.“

While the FBI has yet to present evidence proving Joseph conspired to overthrow the government, his association with the Oath Keepers makes him a political target.

At least 16 suspects affiliated with the group have been charged with “conspiracy to obstruct the certification of the Electoral College vote” in connection with the Capitol “attack,” the Sarasota Herald-Tribune reports.

“I don’t even know for sure that Joseph did walk into the Capitol building. They don’t have any video of him, they haven’t produced any incriminating evidence, any pictures – nothing of him even being in the Capitol,” she said. “If he was in the Capitol, he was only in there for 10 minutes. He has been in jail since May 28 and may go to prison for 20 years for being in the Capitol for 10 minutes. But they are claiming he was a leader of the Oath Keepers and that he was conspiring to overthrow the government on January 6.

“Our lives have just been turned upside down. His practice is just completely gone. I am struggling to keep mine alive. I need to pay the bills and take care of my daughter. The FBI took all of our computers so I have not even been able to complete patient files. Friends and family are helping but this is too much.”

Democrats warn the events of January 6 were worse than the Islamic terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, which resulted in the deaths of 2,977 innocent people or equivalent to Pearl Harbor, which entered the U.S. into the Second World War that killed more than 400,000 Americans.

Meanwhile, thousands of anarchist and socialist rioters, looters, and arsonists that destroyed buildings, businesses, and injured police officers during the summer of 2020 have not been arrested or if arrested, the vast majority have been released or given suspended sentences.

**  Deena launched a crowdfunding GiveSendGo campaign last week in hopes of being able to hire a private attorney to represent her husband.

If the campaign is successful, a portion of the donations will be used to support other January 6 protesters in the DC jail who aren’t as fortunate as Joseph.

Sticks, Not Carrots: Vaccines Must Be Forced, Says Indiana University Health Chief

Mises Institute – Vaccine mandates are coming. Good, said Indiana University chief health officer Aaron E. Carroll. 

“When it comes to incentives, most people like carrots,” Carroll wrote in his New York Times essay. “Sometimes, though, people need sticks.”

Carroll laments the fact that incentives such as access to events, donuts, french fries, and even hard cash are no longer moving many Americans to fall in line with what’s expected of them by the vaccine pushers. 

Does he mean that only the threat of violence will? His silence on what exactly the stick would be speaks volumes.

Carroll then points to George Washington, asking, If the Revolutionary War general could force the thousands of new Continental Army recruits to inoculate against smallpox in early America’s war against the British, then why can’t we jab a nation of 383 million to fight covid?  

But a workable approach isn’t what Carroll was after. He was, however, ready to compare covid-19, a virus associated with an infection that has a 99 percent recovery rate among the young and that poses a much lower death risk than influenza among children, with more deadly ailments caused by highly contagious pathogens.

When the United States was fighting smallpox long ago, it took mandates to get enough people vaccinated. To eradicate polio, the same was true. Nearly all major infectious diseases in the country—measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, diphtheria and more—have been managed through vaccine mandates by schools. The result is that the vast majority of children are vaccinated, and in time, they grow into adults who are vaccinated. That’s how the country achieves real herd immunity.

But this process can take decades. Covid-19 is an emergency, and we don’t have that much time.

Forcing parents to vaccinate kids against covid now, Carroll argues, might just do the trick.

Sen. Rand Paul Sends Demands NSA Investigate Tucker Carlson Spying Allegations

Charlie Kirk – Kentucky Senator Rand Paul sent a letter to the National Security Agency demanding an investigation into allegations by Fox News host Tucker Carlson that the agency is spying on him. In a letter to NSA Director Gen Paul Nakasone, Paul stated any leaks of Carlson’s “private emails from the NSA to other reporters” should also be probed.

“Mr. Carlson is a journalist, who currently hosts the popular news program Tucker Carlson Tonight, and as such he is to be afforded the freedom of the press protections guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution” Paul’s letter stated.

“As you are undoubtedly aware, Mr. Carlson recently alleged on his television show that the NSA not only read his private emails relating to his attempt to interview Russian President Vladimir Putin, but also that the NSA unmasked his identity and leaked his private emails, which identified him by name, to others in the press” the letter continued.

The NSA denied spying on Carlson in a vague response: “Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency and the NSA has never had any plans to try to take his program off the air” the statement said.

The statement went on in its denial: “NSA has a foreign intelligence mission. We target foreign powers to generate insights on foreign activities that could harm the United States. With limited exceptions (e.g. an emergency), NSA may not target a US citizen without a court order that explicitly authorizes the targeting.”

Senator Paul alluded to the NSA’s history of abuses, but said he is “open-minded” that the agency could be telling the truth. “I am open-minded enough to believe, if given convincing evidence, that the NSA may be telling the truth, but when a long train of abuses conducted by the NSA evinces a consistent design to evade the law and violate the constitutionally-protected liberties of the people, the NSA must do more than tweet a carefully worded denial to be trusted,” the letter said.

NYC Principal Caught for Trying to ‘Get Rid of All These White Teachers’

Charlie Kirk – The principal of the Washington Heights High School for Law and Public Service, Paula Lev, is under investigation by the Department of Education. Lev allegedly made controversial statements alluding to the fact that she was trying to rid the school of white teachers.

Lev reportedly told a faculty member she “was going to get rid of all these white teachers that aren’t doing anything for the kids of our community” the complaint against her states. Now, the school’s faculty is “charging in a vote of no-confidence that she has ‘flagrantly but unsuccessfully attempted to divide our school by race”, reports the New York Post.

The complaint was filed last week with the Department of Education’s Office of Equal Opportunity. “She definitely has something against white people” states the complaint which was obtained by The Post.

The filing also quotes a faculty member as saying, “Ms. Lev has asked me to conspire with her on a couple of occasions in getting rid of my colleague.” It concludes, “I believe Ms. Lev is not suited for the position of principal because of the comments she has made to me about white people and the malicious ways in which she thinks and speaks. She is not fit to be a leader of a school.”

The complaint came amid simmering unrest at the school, which staffers blamed on what they said was Lev twisting the current concepts of equity and anti-racism, which the DOE promotes and teachers overwhelmingly support…

…On June 24, most the school’s nearly 50 faculty members met to consider four possible reasons to vote no-confidence in Lev, including that she had 1) “flagrantly but unsuccessfully attempted to divide our school community by race,” and 2) “disrespected, slandered, and/or arbitrarily gone after respected educators, to the detriment of our entire school community.”

The ballot also gave as reasons that Lev “constantly violated our contract” and failed to collaborate with the staff on important school decisions.

“With almost the entire 40+ membership voting, including both tenured and untenured teachers, paraprofessionals, and related service professionals, 83.3% voted that they no longer have confidence in our principal to lead our school,” said an email to staffers.

Lev’s salary was $165,000 last year and was named interim acting principal of Law and Public Service in February 2020. Before then she “served three years as an instructional specialist for the DOE’s special-ed data system. Before that, she was a special-ed assistant principal for three years, and a special-ed teacher for three years.”

Ohio Mural of George Floyd Crumbles After Lightning Strike

Charlie Kirk – A colorful and striking mural of George Floyd painted on a brick wall in Toledo, Ohio was destroyed and crumbled to pieces. Witnesses say it collapsed after a lightning strike. WTVG-TV News station’s Doppler radar showed a lightning strike around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday in the block where the mural was located.

The mural was painted on a brick building that used to house the Mugshots Bar. There are conflicting reports as to what caused the collapse. Hugh Koogan, a city building inspector told the Toledo Blade the collapse occurred because of natural deterioration. He says he recently noticed the middle of the wall was bowing. “It was just age. It just came away” said Koogan.

According to a City of Toledo building inspector, the building itself is structurally sound. The owner is reportedly working on cleaning up the bricks and tearing down the remaining wall which held the mural.

Toledo Police were promptly seen setting up tape around the mural which had become a pile of bricks. The mural was painted almost exactly a year ago in July 2020. The City of Toledo has said they were heartbroken to see the mural, done by artist David Ross, collapse.

The City has released a statement saying they will work with the arts commission on planning for a new mural, or to help the commission and the artist find a new location to recreate what has been used as a memorial site for the late George Floyd who was killed in Minneapolis by officer Derek Chauvin who was sentenced to 22.5 years in prison.

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