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The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: July 22, 2019

World News

Not a threat or a bluff’: Turkey promises tit-for-tat response if US imposes sanctions over S-400s
RT – Ankara has warned it will retaliate in kind if the US imposes sanctions on Turkey over its purchase of Russian S-400 defense systems, while Moscow has hinted at a potential expansion of defense cooperation with Turkey.
The first deliveries of Russian surface-to-air S-400 defense systems arrived in Turkey earlier in July, as part of a deal which drew criticism from the United States even before it was settled. After the deliveries began, the US cut Turkey off from its F-35 program, stating that the stealth fighter “cannot coexist” alongside the Russian air defense systems.
China slaps anti-dumping duty on stainless steel from EU, Indonesia, Japan, and S Korea
RT – China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Monday announced anti-dumping measures on imported stainless steel products from the European Union and three Asian nations.
Dumping is an international-trade term that describes a country or company exporting a product at a price that is lower in the foreign import market than the price in the exporter’s domestic market, in order to gain a competitive advantage.
“Starting on July 23, 2019, [China] will introduce anti-dumping duties in the amount from 18.1 percent to 103.1 percent on steel imports from the European Union, Japan, Indonesia and South Korea, which include steel billets and hot-rolled stainless steel plates,” the ministry said in a statement, adding that the tax will be introduced for a five-year period.
Pakistan’s Khan to meet Trump with Afghan peace on agenda
Al Jazeera – Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan is due to hold key talks with US President Donald Trump in the US capital with the Afghan peace process expected to figure highly on the agenda.
Khan will meet Trump in the Oval Office in Washington, DC on Monday, both governments confirmed, in a rare thaw in what has been a tense relationship since the latter took office.
The Pakistani prime minister and his delegation, which includes Pakistan‘s powerful military, General Qamar Javed Bajwa, and intelligence service chief Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed, arrived in the United States’s capital on Saturday.
“President Trump and Prime Minister Khan will discuss a range of issues, including counterterrorism, defense, energy, and trade, with the goal of creating the conditions for a peaceful South Asia and an enduring partnership between our two countries,” said a White House statement on the visit.
UK tells Iran to release seized oil tanker and crew immediately
Al Jazeera – The United Kingdom has called on Iran to release a British-flagged tanker and its crew immediately, describing the seizure of the Stena Impero oil tanker by the Iranian forces as illegal.
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commandos rappelled from helicopters and seized the tanker in the Strait of Hormuz on Friday in apparent retaliation for the British capture of an Iranian tanker two weeks earlier.
“The ship was seized under false and illegal pretences and the Iranians should release it and its crew immediately,” British Prime Minister Theresa May‘s spokesman told reporters on Monday.
“We do not seek confrontation with Iran but it is unacceptable and highly escalatory to seize a ship going about legitimate business through internationally recognised shipping lanes.”
May was chairing a meeting of the UK’s COBR emergency response committee on Monday to discuss the Gulf crisis.
Iran says it arrested 17 CIA spies, sentenced some to death
Al Jazeera – Iran captured 17 spies working for the US intelligence agency, the CIA, and some have been sentenced to death, an Iranian official said on Monday, a claim Washington denied.
Security agencies “successfully dismantled a [CIA] spy network,” the head of counterintelligence at the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence, whose identity was not revealed, told reporters in Tehran.
“Those who deliberately betrayed the country were handed to the judiciary,” he said. “Some were sentenced to death and some to long-term imprisonment.”
US President Donald Trump denied the claim later on Monday, calling it “totally false”.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Trump has not built a single mile of new border fence after 30 months in office
Washington Examiner – The Trump administration has not installed a single mile of new wall in a previously fenceless part of the U.S.-Mexico border in the 30 months since President Trump assumed office, despite his campaign promise to construct a “big beautiful wall.”
In a statement last week, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the federal agency overseeing border barrier construction, confirmed that all the fencing completed since Trump took office is “in place of dilapidated designs” because the existing fence was in need of replacement.
The agency said that it had built 51 miles of steel bollard fence with funding that was set aside during fiscal 2017 and 2018. But while the funding was meant both to replace outdated walls and to place barriers where there previously had been none, the government has only completed the replacement projects. The projects to secure areas with no fence are still in the works.
‘LGBT-free zone’ push in Poland draws fire from U.S. ambassador
Blomberg – The U.S. ambassador to Poland joined a litany of criticism against “hatred and intolerance” by supporters of the conservative government over a magazine’s plan to distribute “LGBT-free zone” stickers.
The question over gay rights is becoming a polarizing issue before fall general elections, underscoring a departure by the ruling Law & Justice Party from the European Union’s liberal, multicultural mainstream. Party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski has warned that the advancement of gay rights is a “grave danger” for Poland’s families and the future of the bloc.
His supporters have embraced that message, with about 30 cities, mostly in the former communist country’s poorer eastern regions, adopting declarations saying they’re “free from LGBT ideology” and opposing “social engineering that’s foreign to Polish culture and natural order.” The pro-government Gazeta Polska weekly is now planning to distribute the stickers to its readers.
“I’m concerned and disappointed that some groups use stickers to promote hatred and intolerance,” U.S. Ambassador in Poland Georgette Mosbacher said in a Twitter post Friday.
“I’m not sure this is a matter U.S. ambassador should raise, but I wouldn’t put this sticker on my door,” Cabinet spokesman Piotr Muller told Polsat News television.
Dr. Drew Warns of Imminent Bubonic Plague Outbreak Starting In Los Angeles
Infowars – Talk radio host Dr. Drew warned Americans that Los Angeles’ growing homeless and rodent populations could lead to a resurgence of the bubonic Plague.
Speaking with Dilbert creator Scott Adams, Dr. Drew explained how he predicted the current typhus outbreak infecting Los Angeles residents and said bubonic plague is similarly endemic to the area.
Talking with Dr. Drew about the Los Angeles apocalypse, then on to Trump’s tweet, Iran, and coffee https://t.co/2sx040Ldj6
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) July 19, 2019
Both typhus and bubonic plague can be spread to humans from rodents and the combination of the city’s massive rat infestation and increasing numbers of homeless people sets the stage for a major outbreak.
In fact, the last outbreak of bubonic plague in America took place in Los Angeles from 1924-25 and was stopped by doctors who, according to Drew, gave a “heroic effort.”
With today’s technology allowing the millions of people in the Los Angeles area to travel far and fast, it would be nearly impossible to prevent a new outbreak from spreading.
California’s surge of illegal aliens, thanks to sanctuary state policies, must also be taken into consideration as Alex Jones has reported on in the past.
Braintree Police: ‘Hold Off’ On Crime This Weekend Due To ‘Extreme Heat’
Boston – The Braintree Police Department had some fun explaining to residents that they should “hold off” on any crimes they are planning this weekend.
In a Facebook post, they wrote, “Folks. Due to the extreme heat, we are asking anyone thinking of doing criminal activity to hold off until Monday.”
They said doing so would be dangerous because of the hot temperatures.
Instead, police provided alternatives: “Stay home, blast the AC, binge Stranger Things season 3, play with the face app, practice karate in your basement. We will all meet again on Monday when it’s cooler.”
The post was signed, “Sincerely, The PoPo. PS: please no spoiler alerts. We’re just finishing season 2.”
2020 Candidates Keep Ignoring The Same Big Issue
Daily Caller – The rapidly expanding national debt has seemingly been a virtual non-issue so far in the 2020 presidential campaign.
None of the 20 Democratic candidates taking part in the debates later in July touch the national debt issue on their campaign websites, a Daily Caller News Foundation review of their sites found.
The “Promises Kept” section on President Donald Trump’s reelection website makes no mention of the national debt.
The federal government is expected to run a $1 trillion deficit in 2019, according to projections from the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released Monday.
“If current laws generally remained unchanged, growing budget deficits would boost federal debt drastically over the next 30 years,” the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) warned in a June report.
Axios: ‘Not a Single’ Demographic Trend ‘Favors Republicans’ in Elections
Breitbart – There are currently no nationwide demographic trends that “favor Republicans” in future elections, Axios reports.
The nation’s shifting demography — spurred primarily from mass legal immigration where more than 1.2 million foreign nationals are added to the U.S. population every year — is set to make it increasingly difficult for Republican candidates to win statewide and national elections, Axios’s Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen note:
The single biggest threat to Republicans’ long-term viability is demographics. [Emphasis added]
The numbers simply do not lie. America, as a whole, and swing states, in particular, are growing more diverse, more quickly. There is no way Republicans can change birth rates or curb this trend — and there’s not a single demographic megatrend that favors Republicans. [Emphasis added]
As Breitbart News has chronicled, the foreign-born voting population is expected to make up about ten percent of the entire American electorate by the 2020 presidential election — meaning that about one-in-ten voters will have been born outside the U.S.
Bernie Sanders Mocked For Admitting He Will Have to Cut Staff Hours to Pay Them $15 Minimum Wage
Prison Planet – Bernie Sanders was mercilessly mocked after he was forced to cut the hours of staffers who demanded the $15 dollars an hour the socialist Senator is campaigning for.
Sanders’ campaign staffers are putting in 60 hours a week, which makes their pay equivalent to $13 dollars an hour.
However, the unionized staffers asked campaign manager Faiz Shakir to boost their pay to $15 dollars an hour to match the pay level Sanders has advocated for.
This forced Sanders to reduce the number of hours staffers work to 42 or 43 each week.
The socialist Senator was mocked for proving his own minimum wage utopia doesn’t work in reality.
“For the first time in his life, socialist Bernie Sanders practices economics and buddy the results are hilarious,” joked Stephen Miller.

Economy & Business

Crypto Bullishness Spreads on Capitol Hill
Activist Post – U.S. Congress has shown that it is starting to care about cryptocurrency as a number of lawmakers spoke up in favor of it this week. “The world Satoshi Nakamoto had envisioned is an unstoppable force” and “there’s no capacity to kill bitcoin” are some of the comments made by lawmakers. Meanwhile, the Fed chair said bitcoin is a store of value like gold and admitted that an era of many different currencies could return with the wider adoption of cryptocurrency.
Unstoppable Force, No Capacity to Kill Bitcoin
During congressional hearings on Facebook’s Libra this week, a number of U.S. lawmakers spoke in favor of cryptocurrency. Among them was Rep. Patrick McHenry, the Republican Leader of the House Financial Services Committee.
At the Committee on Financial Services hearing on July 17, McHenry said: “The reality is, whether Facebook is involved or not, change is here … Digital currencies exist, blockchain technology is real, and Facebook’s entry in this new world is just confirmation albeit its scale.” He elaborated:
The world that Satoshi Nakamoto, author of the Bitcoin whitepaper, envisioned and others are building is an unstoppable force.
The lawmaker added: “We should not attempt to deter this innovation, and governments cannot stop this innovation and those that have tried have already failed.”
“Due To A Poor Harvest Season, We Are Experiencing Shortages On Many Of Our Canned Vegetable Items”
Economic Collapse Blog – I know that this headline is alarming, but it is actually a direct quote from a notice that was recently posted in a Kroger supermarket.  And as you will see below, similar notices are being posted in the canned vegetable sections of Wal-Mart stores nationwide.
I would encourage you to examine the evidence in this article very carefully and to come to your own conclusions about what is happening.  At this moment, social media is buzzing with reports of shortages of canned vegetables all around the country. But so far, the mainstream media is being eerily quiet about all of this.  Is there a reason why they aren’t saying anything? For months, I have been reporting on the extremely bizarre weather patterns that are causing crop failures all over the planet.  But I certainly did not expect that we would already begin to see product shortages on the shelves of major U.S. supermarkets this summer.  What I am about to share with you is shocking, but the truth needs to get out. For those that share my articles on your own websites, I know that all of the images in this article are going to be an inconvenience, but it is imperative that you include them when you republish this article because they tell a story.  All of the images are taken directly from Facebook, and they prove that we are now facing a nationwide shortage of canned vegetables.

Energy & Environment

U.S. heat wave eases after record-setting temperatures
CS Monitor – Record high temperatures for July 20 were recorded in Atlantic City, New Jersey, New York City, Westfield, Massachusetts, Manchester, New Hampshire, and Wallops Island, Virginia.

Science & Technology

New species of tiny sharks that glow is found
CNN – Sharks are known to stalk and sniff out prey before they attack. But all this newly discovered shark species has to do is glow in the dark, and the prey comes to them.
The 5 1/2-inch American Pocket Shark is the first of its kind to be discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a new Tulane University study. It’s less fearsome than it is wondrous.
Scientists stumbled upon a teeny male kitefin shark in 2010 while studying sperm whales in the Gulf. It wasn’t observed again until 2013, when National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) researcher Mark Grace found it in a pool of less luminous specimens.
It’s only the second pocket shark ever captured or recorded, Grace said in a statement. The other was found in 1979 in the east Pacific Ocean.
“Both are separate species, each from separate oceans,” he said. “Both are exceedingly rare.”
According to the paper, the shark secretes a glowing fluid from a tiny pocket gland near its front fins. It’s thought to help attract prey, who are drawn to the glow while the tiny predator, practically invisible from below, stealthily attacks.
India succeeds in Asia’s space race
CNN – India has successfully launched a mission to soft land a rover on the moon, in a landmark moment for a nation trying to become a space superpower.
The country’s latest lunar mission, Chandrayaan-2, which means “moon vehicle” in Sanskrit, took off from the Satish Dhawan Space Center at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh state at 2:43 p.m., Monday local time (5:13 am ET).
The launch was originally scheduled for July 15, but was abruptly called off just 56 minutes before lift-off due to a “technical snag.” India is now on the way to becoming the fourth country — in addition to United States, China and the former Soviet Union — to make a soft-landing on the lunar surface.

Gardening, Farming & Homesteading

10 Natural Fly Repellents To Help Rid Your Home Of Flies
Off the Grid News – Before we get started with the list of natural fly remedies, it’s important to note that you must identify the exact species of fly you’re dealing with before you can get rid of it. You have to know your enemy, right? (Click full article to read on different fly species)

  1. Homemade fly strips

Fly strips (or fly tapes) are a great way to get rid of flies, but come with many ugly side effects. The unsightly and messy yellow “goop” that attracts and eventually kills unwanted flies contains chemicals and leaves a disgusting, slimy residue around your house.

  1. Apple cider vinegar traps

Apple cider vinegar traps are another way of ridding yourself of unwanted flies. Flies can often be found even in the most spotless of kitchens. Simply place an open bowl of apple cider vinegar, water and dish soap near a trashcan or sink. Within a day or two you will find the bowl swimming with the dead buggers, without endangering food safety or the health of your curious pets.

  1. Plants

Besides the obvious Venus fly traps, there are numerous plants that can be grown to naturally lower your fly population. Herbs such as basil, bay laurel, rosemary, lavender, mint and even citronella help to repel flies. Because they have strong scents, flies generally stay away from these multipurpose plants.

  1. Essential oils

If fresh or live herbs don’t work as well as you’d like in your fly-combatting efforts, you can also extract the oils from these plants. Harvest them in the morning after the dew has dried but before the sun has burned off any oils. Place the oils in diffusers or open jars around the house.
Other helpful essential oils include tea tree, eucalyptus and cedar.

  1. Plastic water bags

This is probably the easiest and one of the most effective fly remedies. A bag of water serves as a lens and reflects movement. Flies are naturally skittish, and will fly away from the bag out of fear.  Fill a plastic bag with water, and hang wherever you tend to find flies (such as near outdoor trash cans). It should repel the flies before they get a chance to invade your domesticity.

  1. Place cloves in citrus

Try using citrus as a natural fly repellent.
While we tend to like the smell and flavor of cloves, flies absolutely abhor them. Cloves are the most effective against houseflies. As a result, flies will stay away from areas where they are present.  They also hate the fresh smell of citrus, so what you will need to do is take an orange or lemon and cut it in half. Poke about a dozen individual cloves into each half of the citrus. Place the slices on a countertop or other open surface. You will find that your fly population drops dramatically.

  1. DIY fly killer spray

If you’re like most people, you hate using chemical-ridden sprays around the house—especially in places where you eat. An easy fly killer alternative is to combine dish soap, Windex, vinegar, and water in a large spray bottle.
This method requires vigilance, as you’ll need to spray the flies as they appear, but after several applications you should find that the amount of flies decreases.

  1. Red wine traps

Flies love the sweet smell of red wine. If you place red wine in a bowl with some dish soap or vinegar, they’ll be drawn to the scent of the wine and drown in the liquid.

  1. Lure them out with light

Most bugs—including flies—are attracted to light. Darken the room in which you tend to find them by lowering blinds.  You can also place light traps in an attic or other enclosed space that humans typically don’t frequent. Light traps will keep flies out without the application of stinky, toxic chemicals.

  1. Get physical

It seems obvious, but if you don’t want flies in your house, don’t invite them in! Take out the trash on a regular basis, and keep trash bins far away from your house. Keep your kitchen tidy and make sure there aren’t any stray crumbs hiding in nooks and crannies. Cover pet food dishes and don’t leave food out on the counter.
Make sure your house is well sealed—cluster flies like to invade in the fall months when they are looking for a place to spend the cold winter months. These pests can find their way into the house through the smallest of spaces, so make sure any air gaps are sealed and holes in window screens are repaired before these buggers become a problem.


“With 5G, We are Guinea Pigs”: Swiss Magazine Reports First 5G Injuries in Geneva
Global Research – This article was originally published in French on L’illustré, translated into English by Claire Edwards on EMFacts Consultancy.
Since 5G antennas were installed near their home in the heart of Geneva, these residents of the same area suffer from various health problems. Are they victims of a technology whose dangers were not sufficiently tested? A doctor and member of parliament speaks out.
Gathered in the apartment of one of the two, on the fifth floor of a building in the centre of Geneva, these residents of the same area look at each other. What they have in common is insomnia, tinnitus, headaches. And a lot of unanswered questions. The youngest, Johan Perruchoud, 29, has lived there for 11 years and is not the type to cultivate any sort of hatred of invasive technology. He is a healthy young man, active and positive, who has just returned from four years in New York and makes finely crafted videos and films for the media or for individuals, often working in his room with his computer.
“Like in a microwave oven”
For him and for his neighbour it all started in April.
“I’ve never had a problem with Wi- Fi or any of that and never had problems sleeping – and then suddenly I had trouble falling asleep. In particular at home I felt – how can I put it? – like I was in a microwave. I didn’t feel good in the house, as if I was surrounded by ghosts.”
When he looked on Facebook and on the website of the Confederation, he saw that three 5G antennas had been put into service nearby and that other people were complaining of identical problems, headaches, tiredness.
“Was it psychological? I don’t know. But for the first time, although I have never had earaches while composing my music, my ears started whistling. It woke me up at night. All of this was unusual.”
He was assailed by the unpleasant sensation of being used, caught up in something not of his own making. So he called Swisscom. Scarcely ten minutes after he had filled out the basic form, a representative called him back sounding all empathetic.
“He was immediately on the defensive. He explained to me that tests had taken place and that everything was fine. At the end, for form’s sake, he wished me a good  recovery.”
Today, Johan is a little better, although his sinuses have been blocked for the past two months; an infection he has never experienced before.

>>>>Sign the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space

The Hormone-Balancing Turmeric Tonic This Thyroid Expert Swears By
Mind Body Green – This tonic has been inspired by centuries-old ayurvedic wisdom. It boasts homemade hemp milk, a hint of raw honey, freshly juiced carrots, ginger, turmeric, and adaptogenic ingredients such as maca, ashwagandha, shilajit, reishi, and chaga—plus powerful digestion-balancing herbs like cardamom, vanilla bean, and black pepper. Along with providing adrenal support, immune-boosting properties, and anti-inflammatory benefits, this warming tonic basically tastes like you’re sipping on sunshine.
Click HERE for the recipe
‘Trojan horse’ drug that tricks cancer cells into letting it inside ‘completely eliminates’ bone, pancreatic and colon forms of the disease in a trial
Daily Mail – Scientists have developed a ‘Trojan horse’ drug that tricks and kills cancer cells.
The new approach involves binding a chemotherapy treatment to fat, which tumours use as fuel to grow.
The fat gets taken up by malignant cells with the cancer-killing therapy in tow. Once inside a tumour, the drug becomes activated and destroys the cancerous cells.
Researchers tested the approach using the chemo drug paclitaxel. This ‘completely eliminated’ bone, pancreatic and colon cancer in mice.

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