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Today's News: July 23, 2018

World News
Trump warns Iran’s Rouhani: Threaten us ‘and you will suffer’
The Hill – President Trump on Sunday night warned that if Iran continued with its threats to the U.S., the country would suffer unspecified “consequences”.
In first, Israel fires 2 David Sling interceptor missiles
Jpost – Israel used it’s David Sling interceptor system for the first time on Monday, firing two missiles against SS-21 Tochka tactical ballistic missiles launched from Syria as part of the internal fighting in the war-torn country.
No-deal Brexit risks ‘civil unrest’, warns Amazon’s UK boss
The Guardian – Amazon’s UK boss has warned the Brexit secretary, Dominic Raab, that Britain would face “civil unrest” within weeks of a no-deal Brexit, adding the online retailer’s voice to a growing list of businesses expressing concerns.
Power Grids Stretched Across Region
Bloomberg – A deadly heat wave across Asia is stretching electricity grids from southern China up to Tokyo and Seoul, sending prices to multiyear highs and sparking warnings of more power stress to come.
Immigration and Border Suddenly Tough Issues for Trudeau
Bloomberg – Justin Trudeau’s latest headache is unusual for a country bounded by three oceans and just one neighbor: the border.
Canada has seen a steady flow of asylum seekers since Donald Trump’s election, with people who fear the U.S. will deport them or reject their bids for asylum crossing the 4,000-mile undefended border and filing a claim. While the total numbers are relatively modest, the influx has strained resources and prompted calls for more funding.
U.S. News
First drive-through pot shop opens in Auburn
NBC – Maybe it’s to grab some fast food, do some banking, or pick up a prescription. The drive-through has long been a convenience many of us rely on to keep our busy days moving. Now you can add marijuana to the list of things to get on the go. “They can order online and it can literally be ready when they get to the window,” said Joint Rivers General Manager Audria Jaggers.
Lawn Company Slogan Under Fire By Residents: ‘American Owned: Your Alternative To Illegal Lawn Services’
CBS – A North Texas lawn mowing company has come under fire, after an old, sample business card resurfaced. The controversial message has angered some people.
Jeff Hinkle is the owner of MowMasters lawn mowing service. He says the card in question was a sample card from three years ago.
Rand Paul to ask Trump to revoke security clearance of ex-CIA chief Brennan
Politico – Sen. Rand Paul said Monday he is meeting with President Donald Trump to ask that former CIA Director John Brennan have his security clearance revoked.
“Is John Brennan monetizing his security clearance? Is John Brennan making millions of dollars divulging secrets to the mainstream media with his attacks on @realDonaldTrump,” the Kentucky Republican tweeted Monday morning. “Today I will meet with the President and I will ask him to revoke John Brennan’s security clearance.”
Economy & Business
Meet U.S. Officials Who Now Lobby for China
Daily Beast – As China’s wealth has grown, so has its sophistication at currying favor in Washington and among the American elite.
Both the Chinese government and Chinese companies, often with close state ties, have retained lobbying and public-relations firms in the Beltway, in some cases hiring former U.S. officials as personal lobbyists.
2.5 Billion Pounds of Meat Piles Up as Production Grows, Exports Slow.
WSJ – Meat is piling up in U.S. cold-storage warehouses, fueled by a surge in supplies and trade disputes that are eroding demand.
DAILY NEWS cuts half its editorial staff in latest downsizing
The Hill – The New York Daily News on Monday announced that it is cutting half its editorial staff in a round of massive layoffs at the 99-year-old tabloid.
Energy & Environment
President to Seek Repeal of California’s Smog-Fighting Power
Bloomberg – The Trump administration will seek to revoke California’s authority to regulate automobile greenhouse gas emissions — including its mandate for electric car sales — in a proposed revision of Obama-era standards, according to three people familiar with the plan.
Science & Technology
Facebook blocks links to women’s rights group after ‘transphobia’ complaints
The Sun – FACEBOOK has been slammed for “censoring” a feminist campaign group after it was accused of “transphobia”.
Woman’s Place UK campaigns for women-only spaces and raises concerns about transgender people being able to self-identify as women.
Plans outlined for 2,000 supersonic jets to link hundreds of cities across planet
Telegraph – A 2,000-strong fleet of supersonic jets serving hundreds of destinations around the world in a matter of hours is an achievable goal, according to the mastermind behind one project attempting to revive the Concorde era.
Blake Scholl, founder and CEO of Boom Supersonic, says his company will be able to make supersonic air travel financially viable and affordable to the public, with one-way fares from London to New York from £2,000, about the same as a business class ticket today.
Google Translate warns of APOCALYPSE in bizarre ‘end times’ message about the Antichrist
The Sun – Typing the word “dog” into Google Translate and translating from Yoruba (a West African language) to English spits out the exact same word, “dog”.
But type “dog” 22 times in a row and a sinister message appears instead, as spotted by the Daily Grail.
Doomsday Clock is three minutes at twelve,” it begins.
“We are experiencing characters and a dramatic developments in the world, which indicate that we are increasingly approaching the end times and Jesus’ return.”
STUDY: Average Child Spends Just 7 Hours A WEEK Outside
SudyFinds – The Snapchat generation doesn’t seem to love the outdoors — at least not as much as doing other things. The average child between 6 and 16 years old spends only an hour a day outside, playing video games over twice as long, a new study finds.
China vaccine scandal sparks fury, roils markets
Reuters – A vaccine scandal in China, which has prompted angry reactions from citizens fed up with safety scares, is sending ripples across the local drug market and threatening Chinese ambitions to play a larger role in the global pharmaceutical space.
Shares in Chinese vaccine makers and biotech firms fell across the board on Monday after Premier Li Keqiang slammed Changsheng Biotechnology Co for having crossed a moral red line and called for swift action.
Changsheng has been found to have faked production documents related to a rabies vaccine that is given to babies as young as three months, underscoring the difficulties China faces in cleaning up the image of the world’s second-biggest drug industry as it aims to promote its vaccines globally.
Chemicals in Food May Harm Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says
NYT – A major pediatricians’ group is urging families to limit the use of plastic food containers, cut down on processed meat during pregnancy and consume more whole fruits and vegetables rather than processed food. Such measures would lower children’s exposures to chemicals in food and food packaging that are tied to health problems such as obesity, the group says.
Native American Medicine Healing Plants Everyone Should Know About
Off Grid News – When it comes to herbal remedies, many of us are familiar with the benefits of Echinacea or purple coneflower as an antibiotic, willow bark as a painkiller and aloe as a topical anesthetic and treatment for skin conditions. But that’s common knowledge compared to the insights and treatments that Native American medicine men discovered and used.
Native American medicine men developed a wheel very similar to the yin/yang of Asian medicine. The use of herbal remedies and other alternative forms of treatment was the cutting-edge medicine of their day. This was a holistic approach to medical treatment that relied heavily on plants and their unique benefits.
Melanoma Rates Triple; How to Protect Yourself
Newsmax – With summer here, many of us are enjoying time outdoors, but statistics show that fewer than one in three adults report using sunscreen — and that’s a recipe for potentially deadly melanoma, say experts. According to the Environmental Working Group’s Sun Safety Campaign, skin cancer is the most common form of all the cancers in the U.S. Rates of new melanoma cases have tripled over the last 40 years, and yet many Americans still believe it cannot happen to them.
“Sunscreen alone is not the magic bullet, “ Sonya Lunder, a senior analyst at the Environmental Working Group who holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health, tells Newsmax. “But it’s a good start. The problem is that many people are confused about what are the best protective products to buy.

The EWG released its 12th annual guide to the best sun protection products on the market. They tested over 1500 items and found that about three-fourths of them offer inferior sun protection or contain worrisome ingredients that could be carcinogenic or cause skin damage. You can visit the guide at https://www.ewg.org/sunscreen/ to see how your favorite product ranks or to find the best alternative for adults and children.

In addition, the EWG offers these tips to protect yourself against skin cancer.

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