July 18, 2024

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Today's News: July 26, 2018

World News
NHS needs more than 11,000 extra healthcare workers
Daily Mail – A shortage of nurses and midwives could be worsening in the NHS, figures have revealed.
The number of jobs being advertised for the health workers increased by almost a fifth in three years, according to the most recent statistics.
In the six months between October 2017 and March 2018 69,409 nurse and midwife jobs were advertised – 19.7 per cent more than in the same period in 2016 and eight per cent more than last year.
The Royal College of Nursing has called the figures ‘very worrying’ and warned there aren’t enough nurses to provide safe care for people.
Release American pastor or face big sanctions, Trump threatens Turkey
RT – US President Donald Trump has lashed out at Turkey on Twitter, vowing to impose “large sanctions” over a detained American pastor, Andrew Brunson, held on espionage charges.
President Trump called on Ankara to immediately release the Christian leader, describing him as an “innocent man of faith” who “should be released immediately.” Brunson, 50, an evangelical Christian pastor originally from North Carolina, was released from prison on Wednesday after one and a half years. He is now serving house arrest, according to Turkey’s official Anadolu news agency.
North Korea reportedly plans to transfer remains of US soldiers from Korean War on Friday 
Reuters – North Korea will transfer the remains of an unspecified number of soldiers killed in the Korean War on Friday, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported, after accepting about 100 wooden caskets sent by the United States.
The repatriation of remains of U.S. soldiers killed in the 1950-53 Korean War was one of the agreements reached during a landmark summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Singapore on June 12.
Ireland: Brexit Could Be Delayed Even Further
Breitbart – Britain could be trapped in the European Union (EU) for even longer than the four years and nine months since the vote to leave that has already been agreed, it has emerged Wednesday.
U.S. News
Rep. Jim Jordan announces run for House speaker
Fox – Ohio GOP Rep. Jim Jordan, a member of the House Freedom Caucus, announced Thursday he plans to mount an anti-establishment run for speaker of the House — presuming Republicans keep control of the chamber.
“Should the American people entrust us with the majority again in the 116th Congress, I plan to run for Speaker of the House to bring real change to the House of Representatives,” Jordan said in a statement.
Jordan added, “President Trump has taken bold action on behalf of the American people. Congress has not held up its end of the deal, but we can change that. It’s time to do what we said.”
Republicans Push Massive Foreign Worker Visa Expansion In DHS Spending Bill
Daily Caller – A Republican-controlled House committee moved to significantly expand foreign worker programs in a markup of the 2019 Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill on Wednesday.
The House Appropriations Committee, chaired by GOP Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen of New Jersey, tacked on two amendments that would raise annual caps on guest worker visas in agricultural and seasonal jobs. It also passed an amendment from Republican Kevin Yoder of Kansas that would reduce the backlog of employment-based green cards for high-skill workers from India and China.
The guest worker amendments pertain to two visa programs, the H-2A and the H-2B visa, that allow U.S. companies to bring in thousands of foreign laborers each year if they are unable to find American workers to fill the jobs. Business groups have long advocated for expanding both programs, arguing that there are not enough Americans willing or able to meet their labor needs.
11 House Republicans introduce articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
ABC – House Republican members of the conservative Freedom Caucus introduced articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on Wednesday — the latest salvo in an ongoing back-and-forth between some in the GOP over the Justice Department’s handling of the Russia probe.

Lawmakers: DHS Chief Asserts Family Reunifications on Track
Newsmax – The chief of the Homeland Security Department has told members of Congress that the government is “on track” to meet Thursday’s court-ordered deadline of reuniting hundreds of migrant children with their families, lawmakers who met privately with her said.
Santa Barbara approves six months of JAIL time for defying plastic straw ban
Daily Mail – Santa Barbara has approved a new ban on plastic straws that threatens offenders with jail time.
The stringent measure, believed to be the strictest of the straw prohibitions that have recently swept across the nation, passed unanimously in the Santa Barbara city council on July 17.
Other cities, including Seattle, Malibu and Santa Monica, have passed straw bans in the past month, and San Francisco is set to become the latest city to join the list after a unanimous supervisors vote on Tuesday.
But none have raised the specter of jail time for straw scofflaws before Santa Barbara.
Economy & Business
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Loses $17 Billion as Shares Plummet
Breitbart Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg lost approximately $17 billion after Facebook shares dropped by more than 19  percent at the opening bell on Thursday.
U.S. touts EU trade deal, says others can also make progress
Reuters – The United States will press ahead with European trade talks and also aim to strike a deal with Mexico and Canada in stalled negotiations over the North American Free Trade Agreement, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said on Thursday.
Energy & Environment
China’s long game to dominate nuclear power relies on the UK
The Guardian – China wants to become a global leader in nuclear power and the UK is crucial to realising its ambitions.
While other countries have scaled back on atomic energy in the wake of the Fukushima disaster, state-backed Chinese companies benefit from the fact that China is still relying on nuclear energy to reach the country’s low-carbon goals.
“China is going in the opposite direction. The massive experience possessed by the Chinese nuclear industry, consistently building for the past 30 years and adopting various next-generation technologies, is being recognised by the global nuclear industry,” said Zaf Coelho, the director of Asia Nuclear Business Platform, based in Singapore.
Science & Technology
Facial recognition fail: Amazon project mistakes lawmakers with suspects
RT – Amazon’s facial recognition tool wrongly identified 28 members of Congress as police suspects, disproportionately matching lawmakers of color with the mugshots, according to the ACLU.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) used Amazon’s powerful image ID software, Rekognition, to compare photos of members of Congress to a database of 25,000 police suspects.
This Weekend, Mars Will Appear Brighter And Larger Than It Has In Over A Decade
Daily Caller – This month, Mars will be coming closer to Earth than it has in the past 15 years, causing the planet to be brighter and more visible than it has since 2003. Mars will be easily visible throughout the month of July, and will appear brighter and larger than normal from July 27 until July 30, according to NASA.
It will be at its brightest the morning of July 31st when it is 36 million miles from Earth. This is a stark contrast compared to the average 140-million-mile distance between Mars and Earth.
Building a global AI supercomputer – The 2018 Microsoft Research Faculty Summit
Microsoft – The 2018 Microsoft Research Faculty Summit will bring together the world-wide leading experts from academia, Microsoft Research and Microsoft to make progress on building this global AI supercomputer. Sessions and panels will cover topics such as the new paradigm of edge computing, its emerging challenges, technologies and business impact. The summit will discuss Systems for AI that address how to deliver AI in a secure and sustainable way from end to end (edge to cloud to edge). Furthermore, the summit will discuss AI for Systems and how to make use of AI technologies to build these large-scale distributed systems. Specific topics include the future of cloud storage as well as quantum computing and its promise to solve problems that are out of the realm of today’s classical computing capabilities. There will be talks on current trends in blockchain technology and hardware-accelerated networked systems, as well as talks on breakthroughs and implications of free inference and instant training.
UK relaxes health rules to allow cannabis-based medicines
Fox – The British government says doctors will now be able to legally prescribe cannabis-based medicines, following criticism over the denial of medical treatment to severely epileptic children.
Home Secretary Sajid Javid relaxed the rules Thursday after considering expert advice from a specially commissioned review. The government has no plans to decriminalize the drug for recreational use.
The government changed its stance amid publicity surrounding the case of 12-year-old Billy Caldwell, who needed to receive cannabis oil treatment to prevent life-threatening seizures.
Skyrocketing insulin prices provoke new outrage. Three companies control 99% of insulin production in the US.
The Hill – Rising insulin costs are drawing outrage from diabetes advocates, leading to calls for greater transparency and federal oversight of the market for a drug that helps more than 7 million Americans.
Three companies — Eli Lilly, Sanofi and Novo Nordisk — control 99 percent of the world’s insulin, and advocates have been asking them to explain their pricing. According to the American Diabetes Association, the average price of insulin nearly tripled between 2002 and 2013.
The price for a vial of one the most popular insulin brands, Humalog, increased from $21 in 1996, to $35 in 2001, to $234 in 2015, to $275 in 2017.  There are no generic forms of insulin on the market, but there are some cheaper “biosimilar” versions.
“Americans need Congress to take action to ensure a vibrant, competitive insulin market that serves consumers instead of drug company CEOs. Insulin is not a luxury. It is required for life,” said Ben Wakana, executive director of the advocacy group Patients for Affordable Drugs.
Sweet remedy: Tualang honey is a powerful cancer-alleviating agent
NaturalNews – or the purposes of this study, 50 nulliparous female rats were grouped into one of five groups: control (healthy, normal rats), group 1 (untreated rats), group 2 (daily doses of 0.2 g/kg body weight of honey), group 3 (1.0 g/kg body weight of honey), or group 4 (2.0 g/kg body weight of honey). Rats in groups 1 to 4 were induced with 80 mg/kg of 1-methyl-1-nitrosourea (MNU). Groups 2, 3, and 4 began their treatment one week after being induced with a tumor. The treatment was continued for 120 days.
The results were astounding. Rats in the treatment groups displayed a significant difference in:

  • Tumor progression (75.3 days vs. 51.5 days);
  • Tumor incidence (76.6 percent vs. 100 percent);
  • Multiplicity (2.5 masses per rat vs. 4);
  • Size of tumor mass (0.41 cm vs. 1.47 cm); and
  • Weight of tumor mass (1.22 g vs. 3.23 g) compared to those in both the control and untreated groups.

Rats in the treatment groups likewise displayed higher pro-apoptotic proteins.
Authors of the study observed that Tualang honey alleviated breast carcinogenesis by modulating hematologic, estrogenic, and apoptotic activities of breast cancer cells.
A proper detox can reset your hormones and get your health back on track
NaturalNews – Detoxifying the body involves minimizing incoming toxins and helping the body more efficiently remove chemicals, hormones, toxicants, and other environmental compounds. The main body organ that benefits during a detox is the liver. A detox helps remove substances that stress the organ and provide it with the best nutrients for it to function effectively.
There are a lot of harmful substances that directly or indirectly affect the body and harm health. These include substances that people are exposed to, such as air pollutants; industrial waste and car fumes; food preservatives, additives, and sweeteners; make-up, hair dyes, perfumes, and cleansing products with harsh chemicals; toxins in household cleaning products; heavy metal corrosion which can go into drinking water; and alcohol, cigarette smoke, and other harmful and addictive substances.
Thankfully, you can “reset” your body and keep it at its optimum health with a detox. For 21 days, detoxify your body by avoiding consumption of alcohol, sugar, caffeine, inflammatory fats, and common food sensitivities like soy, dairy, corn, and grains. These can overwork the liver, disrupt hormones, and keep the body inflamed. Listed below are the foods that you can eat during detoxification.

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