July 6, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: July 26, 2021

Bennett: Vaccine refusers are endangering the entire country

PM warns another lockdown is possible if one million holdouts aren’t immunized, says aim is ‘to have an open and safe country’

(The TImes of Israel) Prime Minister Naftali Bennett issued a fresh appeal on Thursday for all Israelis to get the coronavirus vaccine, accusing those eligible to get vaccinated who have not done so of endangering the rest of the country.

In a primetime television address from Tel Aviv, Bennett said the government’s aim is to allow Israelis to go about their lives unimpeded and not to reimpose COVID-19 lockdown measures.

“We want to have an open and safe country. We are managing this campaign responsibly… and on the basis of facts and data,” Bennett said.

Asserting vaccines alone were insufficient to cope with the more contagious Delta variant, which has been largely blamed for the resurgence of infections in Israel, Bennett urged all Israelis older than 12 to get immunized.

“Every citizen over age 12 who doesn’t have a medical reason not to must go get vaccinated,” he said.

The Inevitable Weaponization of App Data Is Here

A Substack publication used location data from Grindr to out a priest without their consent.

(Vice) It finally happened. After years of warning from researchers, journalists, and even governments, someone used highly sensitive location data from a smartphone app to track and publicly harass a specific person. In this case, Catholic Substack publication The Pillar said it used location data ultimately tied to Grindr to trace the movements of a priest, and then outed him publicly as potentially gay without his consent. The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that the outing led to his resignation.

The news starkly demonstrates not only the inherent power of location data, but how the chance to wield that power has trickled down from corporations and intelligence agencies to essentially any sort of disgruntled, unscrupulous, or dangerous individual. A growing market of data brokers that collect and sell data from countless apps has made it so that anyone with a bit of cash and effort can figure out which phone in a so-called anonymized dataset belongs to a target, and abuse that information.

Dr. Mercola has been declared the most influential spreader of coronavirus misinformation online 

From The Seattle Times – 

Mercola, 67, an osteopathic physician in Cape Coral, Florida, has long been a subject of criticism and government regulatory actions for his promotion of unproven or unapproved treatments. But most recently, he has become the chief spreader of coronavirus misinformation online, according to researchers.  

…Mercola has published more than 600 articles on Facebook that cast doubt on COVID-19 vaccines since the pandemic began, reaching a far larger audience than other vaccine skeptics, an analysis by The New York Times found. His claims have been widely echoed on Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

The activity has earned Mercola, a natural health proponent with an Everyman demeanor, the dubious distinction of the top spot in the “Disinformation Dozen,” a list of 12 people responsible for sharing 65% of all anti-vaccine messaging on social media, said the nonprofit Center for Countering Digital Hate. Others on the list include Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a longtime anti-vaccine activist; and Erin Elizabeth, founder of the website Health Nut News, who is also Mercola’s girlfriend.

AAPS Survey Says Majority of Physicians Decline COVID Jab, Citing ‘Significant Adverse Reaction’

(Free Thought Project) The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons – AAPS – is a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all types of practices and specialties across the country and has been around since 1943. They are rarely cited by the establishment, however, as their mission is to preserve medical freedom, not take it away.

Unlike organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics, which is funded by Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, and other notably corrupt pharmaceutical companies, the AAPS is completely funded by membership dues and contributions. So, according to the AAPS, they “answer to and advocate for our physician members and not big corporate donors or government funding sources.”

Last month, the AAPS conducted a survey among physicians which returned some rather controversial findings. According to the internet survey, nearly 60 percent of physicians said they were not “fully vaccinated” against COVID.

The AAPS points out that this contrasts with the claim by the American Medical Association that 96 percent of practicing physicians are fully vaccinated. The survey sample for the AAPS was 700 physicians while the AMA’s survey sample was only 300.

The AAPS makes sure to note that neither survey “represents a random sample of all American physicians, but the AAPS survey shows that physician support for the mass injection campaign is far from unanimous.”

“It is wrong to call a person who declines a shot an ‘anti-vaxxer,’” stated AAPS executive director Jane Orient, M.D. “Virtually no physicians are ‘anti-antibiotics’ or ‘anti-surgery,’ whereas all are opposed to treatments that they think are unnecessary, more likely to harm than to benefit an individual patient, or inadequately tested.”

When giving reasons for declining the vaccine, a whopping 54 percent of respondents said they were aware of patients suffering a “significant adverse reaction.” Of the unvaccinated physicians, 80 percent said “I believe risk of shots exceeds risk of disease,” and 30% said “I already had COVID.”Other reasons for declining the shot, according to the survey, included unknown long-term effects, use of aborted fetal tissue, “it’s experimental,” availability of effective early treatment, and reports of deaths and blood clots.

“Causality is not proven. However, many of these episodes might have resulted in a huge product liability or malpractice award if they had occurred after a new drug,” stated Dr. Orient. “Purveyors of these COVID products are protected against lawsuits.”

And she is right. You can actually prove that you or your child were harmed from a vaccine yet the vaccine maker is completely shielded from liability. Even if you are awarded monetary compensation through the NVICP, the taxpayers are put on the line, not the vaccine makers.

What’s more, as TFTP reported in May, over a hundred doctors and nurses who work in the Houston Methodist hospital network filed a lawsuit against the company, arguing that they don’t want to be forced to take the “experimental” vaccine.

Invention Uses Microbes to Convert Plastic Waste into Edible Protein. But Would You Eat It?

(Activist Post) It’s great that scientists are working on new ways to recycle plastic waste.  But food for you to eat as well as feed your children and your pets?!  Strangely enough, that’s already happening.

Last month scientists announced that they could convert plastic waste into vanilla flavoring.  More recently it’s been announced that they can convert it into “edible protein”.

From MSN:

‘Generator’ Turns Plastic Trash Into Edible Protein

Georgina Jadikovskaall, Zenger News

The 2021 Future Insight Prize went to Ting Lu, a professor of bioengineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and Stephen Techtmann, associate professor of biological sciences at Michigan Technological University, for their project. It uses microbes to degrade plastic waste and convert it into food.

The German science and technology company Merck sponsors the prize. Global plastics production totaled 368 million metric tons in 2019. The only decline in the past 60 years came because the COVID-19 pandemic choked production of goods worldwide as factories sputtered and shipping slowed down.

At least 8 million tons of plastic are dumped into the world’s oceans every year, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

“The winners of this year’s Future Insight Prize have created a ground-breaking technology with the potential to generate a safe and sustainable source of food, while reducing the environmental harms associated with plastic waste and traditional agricultural methods,” said Belen Garijo, Merck CEO and chair of the executive board.

“We congratulate Ting Lu and Stephen Techtmann for their promising research and hope that the Future Insight Prize will help to accelerate their efforts,” he said.

Two U.S. scientists have won a 1 million euro ($1.18 million) prize for creating a food generator concept that turns plastics into protein.

Texas School District’s Facial Recognition System Capable Of Capturing A Single Student’s Image More Than 1,000 Times A Week

(Tech Dirt) Facial recognition tech is making its way into schools, subjecting minors to the same tech that still hasn’t proven its worth in the adult world. Like many other surveillance encroachments, this acquisition and deployment was prompted by violence and fear.

Alfred Ng of The Markup has obtained documents detailing a system in use in some Texas schools, one acquired as a potential answer to a uniquely American existential threat.

The school district originally purchased AnyVision after a mass shooting in 2018, with hopes that the technology would prevent another tragedy. By January 2020, the school district had uploaded 2,967 photos of students for AnyVision’s database.

This seemingly small number only covers a few months of use by the Santa Fe (Texas) Independent School District. Prior to its official rollout, the district ran a short test using an even larger set of photos.

With more than 5,000 student photos uploaded for the test run, AnyVision called the results “impressive” and expressed excitement at the results to school administrators.

“Overall, we had over 164,000 detections the last 7 days running the pilot. We were able to detect students on multiple cameras and even detected one student 1100 times!” Taylor May, then a regional sales manager for AnyVision, said in an email to the school’s administrators.

It seems like the perfect tool to track students individually as they go about their school day. The 1,100 hits for a single student is considered a sign of the software’s effectiveness, something administrators seem unhealthily enthusiastic about.

And that’s not all the district did with its new tech. It also lent it to local law enforcement officers who were trying to identify a suspected drug dealer they believed was a student. The school’s cops contacted AnyVision which uploaded the provided photos and ran it against images captured by its system.

The company says the software is watchlist-based, limiting users to targeting persons of interest. Private retailers use it to keep shoplifters and other criminals out of stores. Schools can target suspected sex offenders by using publicly available mugshots from law enforcement databases.

But this trial run suggests the district isn’t interested in limiting itself to watchlists. The user guide [PDF] obtained by The Markup makes it clear the software can log all faces that pass by equipped cameras. It’s this kind of broad collection that enables more than 100,000 “detections” in a single week and allows students to be pinpointed 1,000 times during a five-day school week.

“UNconventional Grey” Michael Murphy’s Lost Masterpiece CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN

(Activist Post) – Filmmaker and activist Michael J. Murphy, the man behind the documentaries “What in the World Are They Spraying?” and “Why in the World Are They Spraying?,” passed away in his sleep a little over a year ago on July 22, 2020. When he died he had almost completed his third chemtrail documentary titled “UNconventional Grey.” I have seen it. It is his best. It is an epic masterpiece.

“UNconventional Grey” is an expertly woven tapestry of science, culture, politics, history, and more which exposes the connections between today’s chemtrail spraying operations and the United Nations’ Agenda 21. Running at about 1 hour and 15 minutes, it contains portions of interviews with: G. Edward Griffin, Rosa Koire, Dr. Marvin Herndon, Elana Freeland, Francis Mangels, Princess Basmah bint Saud, Alan Buckmann, Scott Stevens, Cynthia McKinney and others.

When Michael died, “UNconventional Grey” was immediately thrown into limbo. Apparent disagreements between the legal rights holder and others resulted in “UNconventional Grey” being indefinitely shelved. Dr. Marvin Herndon called me up some months ago and told me that he would like to see “UNconventional Grey” unshelved and made available to the public. Since then, I have been trying to solve the puzzle of how we should do this and, with a little bit of help from the audience, the path now appears to be clear.

All the film needs, as far as editing goes, is a few cuts during the body of the film and the addition of ending credits. We have the entire project. It is all still with the editor who was working on it at the time of Michael’s passing. In my educated opinion (I’ve made plenty of movies), it only needs a couple of days of work to be fully completed.

We want to make “UNconventional Grey” available to the public for free in its entirety. To do this properly, we need to pay a copyright lawyer probably between $1K and $1.5K. The lawyer (which we have all lined up and ready to go) needs to make sure that the person which we assume to be the legal rights holder of the film is actually the true legal rights holder. Our lawyer will then make sure that all the material in the film is legally cleared for release. We also want to pay our editor at least $1K.

In order to get the lawyer and the editor paid and then quickly make “UNconventional Grey” available to the public for free in its entirety, we are holding a crowdfunding campaign:


ABC News Panelist: Make Vaccination Required for Government Health Care

(Brietbart) ABC News panelist Margaret Hoover said on This Week with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday that the government should require patients receiving public health care — including Veterans Affairs care — to be vaccinated for coronavirus.

Hoover, who hosts the Firing Line on PBS, used that example to show how the government should make life “almost impossible” for the unvaccinated:

If you are going to get government-provided health care, if you’re getting VA treatment, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, anything, and Social Security, obviously, isn’t health care, you should be getting the vaccine, OK, because you’re going to have to — we’re — we are going to have to take care of you on the backend. So there are a lot of things we can do without calling it a mandate but to just make it almost impossible for people to — to live their lives without being protected and protecting the rest of us.

She did not explain what would happen to unvaccinated patients who required emergency care in public health systems.

Hoover’s comment was seconded by former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who cited his father’s experience as a pediatrician. Emanuel’s brother, Ezekiel Emanuel, was one of the architects of Obamacare, and championed the individual mandate, forcing Americans to buy health insurance.

Emanuel added that just as children have to show proof of immunization for common childhood diseases upon entering school, Americans should have to show such proof to access public services — including, in this context, health care.

He admitted that “30 percent of the medical profession not vaccinated,” calling it “an unbelievable wrong example.”

Inflation Shock: Are You Ready To Start Paying “$40 Or $50” For A Hamburger?

(Economic Collapse) After decades of living in a relatively low inflation environment, it is hard for most Americans to believe that things have gotten so bad so quickly.  In fact, even though I write about this stuff almost every day, it is hard for me to believe it.  We are watching prices spiral out of control all over the nation, and we know precisely who is to blame.  During the pandemic, our politicians in Washington have been borrowing and spending money at an unprecedented rate, and this has pushed our national debt up to 28 trillion dollars.  Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has been pumping trillions of fresh dollars into our financial system, and this has resulted in the Fed balance sheet nearly doubling over the course of this pandemic.  I have used the term “economic malpractice” to describe what our leaders are doing, but it is actually far worse than that.  They are literally in the process of destroying our economy, and even after so many experts have pointed out their colossal errors they still won’t stop.  They just keep creating more money, and now we have a horrific inflation crisis on our hands.

Following Joe Biden’s town hall on Wednesday night, the Daily Mail spoke to a restaurant manager in Manhattan named John Stratidis.  According to Stratidis, rising costs and rising wages will mean that consumers will have to pay more for their meals.  In fact, he is warning that New Yorkers could end up “paying $40 or $50 for a hamburger”

When minimum wage goes up, who do you think is going to pay for that? The customer. Everything is going to go up just to be able to stay in business. When we give more money, the prices go up and when the prices go up who’s going to pay for that?

‘They’re going to be crying about it, and saying “it’s too expensive”. That’s inflation. You’re going to be walking in somewhere to eat something and paying $40 or $50 for a hamburger.’

Obviously, we aren’t at that point yet.

But if we stay on the path that we are currently on, we will eventually get there.

In some tourist traps, prices for burgers are already completely insane.  For example, one Las Vegas restaurant is now selling a burger that costs $100

20K Migrants Apprehended in One Week in Single Texas Border Sector

(Breitbart) Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 20,000 migrants in one week, officials say. The number of migrants illegally crossing the border continues to escalate even as the hottest part of the Texas summer approaches.

Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings tweeted that his agents apprehended more than 20,000 migrants in just the past week. “It’s the hottest part of the summer and apprehensions are skyrocketing!” the chief wrote.

Hastings’ announcement follows reports from U.S. Customs and Border Protection showing the apprehension of more than 1 million migrants in the first nine months of this fiscal year. The report reveals that 331,661 of the 1,076,242 migrant apprehensions occurred in the Rio Grande Valley Sector.

Migrant apprehensions in the Rio Grande Valley Sector, the nation’s busiest sector, jumped more than 460 percent over the previous year’s report of 59,083. The largest percentage of apprehensions were of citizens of Honduras (128,675), Guatemala (72,736), Mexico (62,682), and Honduras (43,350) the report states.

Nearly half of the apprehended migrants were classified as single adults (154,602), the report continues. This was followed by 131,380 family units and 45,679 unaccompanied minors.

The apprehension of more than 20,000 migrants in a single week provides a glimpse into the ever-increasing number of migrants crossing the border following the changes in border and immigration policies under the Biden administration. This week’s apprehension of 20,000 migrants compares to just under 60,000 for the entire month of June.

Now in Effect: Washington Law Prohibits No-Knock Warrants and Limits Federal Militarization of Police

(Activist Post) A law went into effect on July 25th in Washington state that prohibits no-knock warrants and puts limits on state and local law enforcement agencies’ ability to acquire certain military equipment from federal programs.

Rep. Jesse Johnson (D-Federal Way) filed House Bill 1054 (HB1054) in January. The new law makes numerous policing reforms and includes provisions to prohibit no-knock warrants and limit the type of military equipment police can obtain through federal programs.

The House approved the final version of HB1054 by a 55-42 vote. The Senate passed the bill 28-20. With Gov. Jay Inslee’s signature, the law went into effect on July 25.


The new law prohibits state and local law enforcement agencies from acquiring or using “military equipment.” The law defines the following as “military equipment.”

  • firearms and ammunition of .50 caliber or greater
  • machine guns
  • armed helicopters
  • armed or armored drones
  • armed vessels
  • armed vehicles
  • armed aircraft
  • tanks
  • long-range acoustic hailing devices
  • rockets
  • rocket launchers
  • bayonets
  • grenades
  • missiles
  • directed energy systems
  • electromagnetic spectrum weapons

A ban on mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles (MRAPs) in the original House version was amended out of the bill in the Senate.

The legislation applies both to the well-known 1033 program, along with any other military surplus program operated by the federal government, as well as federal programs that fund the acquisition of surplus military equipment.

GOP-led legislature strips Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of emergency powers

(WND) Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had her emergency powers stripped by the state Legislature on Wednesday.

The majority-Republican state House of Representatives voted 60-48 to repeal the Emergency Powers Act of 1945, according to the Detroit Free Press. The state Senate approved the initiative last week.

Whitmer had used the law since March 2020 to curb civil liberties and restrict businesses amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Michigan Supreme Court ruled the measure unconstitutional in October.

“Yesterday was a great day for Michigan, and yesterday was anything but partisan politics,” U.S. Rep. Lisa McClain of Michigan told Fox News on Friday.

“It was the voice of the people saying enough is enough,” she added.

A petition to put an end to Whitmer’s emergency powers had gathered over 540,000 signatures in 80 days, according to a group of organizers called Unlock Michigan.

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