July 21, 2024

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Today's News: July 31, 2018

World News
U.S. spy agencies: North Korea is working on new missiles
Washington Post – U.S. spy agencies are seeing signs that North Korea is constructing new missiles at a factory that produced the country’s first intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States, according to officials familiar with the intelligence.
Once oil wealthy, Venezuela’s largest state struggles to keep lights on
Across Maracaibo, the capital of Venezuela’s largest state, residents unplug refrigerators to guard against power surges. Many only buy food they will consume the same day. Others regularly sleep outside.
The rolling blackouts in the state of Zulia pile more misery on Venezuelans living under a fifth year of an economic crisis that has sparked malnutrition, hyperinflation and mass emigration. The OPEC member’s once-thriving socialist economy has collapsed since the 2014 fall of oil prices.
EU Slaps Sanctions on Six Russian Companies Over Crimea
Sputnik – The European Union has expanded the sanctions list associated with the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, as well as the construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait, the Official Journal of the European Union reported.
Turkey Vows to Take Legal Action if US Blocks F-35 Deliveries
Sputnik – Previously, the 2019 US defense policy bill revealed that Washington had temporarily frozen the transfer of F-35 jets to Turkey, which the country has already paid for.
U.S. News
Portland Police Refused To Help ICE Agents Who Called 911, Agents Say
Daily Caller – Portland, Oregon, police refused to respond to at least two 911 emergency calls from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employees inside their offices where violent protesters held week-long demonstrations.
The National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, a union representing ICE employees, wrote a cease-and-desist letter to Mayor Ted Wheeler, asking him to ensure the police enforce the law equally and protect innocent people.
“Your current policy forbidding Portland law enforcement agencies from assisting employees of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency who request law enforcement assistance while at or away from work is a violation of the United States Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause,” the letter says.
Demonstrators, some affiliated with the domestic terrorist organization Antifa, set up a city of tents outside the ICE offices. After setting up camp, they became violent and incited violence several times.
Mass. Town’s Entire Police Force Quits, Citing Unsafe Conditions
CBS – The entire four-member police department of a small western Massachusetts town has resigned, citing poor equipment and unsafe working conditions.
Interim Police Chief Roberta Sarnacki and three officers submitted their resignations in a letter to Blandford officials on Monday, effective immediately.
Trump blasts conservative megadonors Koch network as ‘overrated’
Reuters – U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday slammed the powerful Koch-led political operation as “globalist” and “a total joke,” rejecting the conservative group amid signs of a growing public fissure between the president and business over trade.
Economy & Business
Debt Sales To Surge: Treasury Raises Borrowing Need To $1.33 Trillion
ZeroHedge – America’s funding needs are starting to grow at a dangerous pace.
Even before the NYT reported of Trump’s startling suggestion of a further $100 billion tax cut in the form of an inflation-adjusted capital gains tax cost basis which mostly benefits the wealthy, earlier today the U.S. Treasury said it expects to borrow $56 billion more during the third quarter than previously estimated, while market participants expect shorter-dated Treasuries to absorb the brunt of the new supply as the Trump administration grapples with a mushrooming budget deficit.
In the Treasury’s latest quarterly Sources and Uses table, it revealed that it expects to issue $329 billion in net marketable debt from July through September, and $56 billion more than the $273 billion estimated three months ago, in April. assuming an end-of-September cash balance of $350 billion, matching its previous estimate. It also forecast $440 billion of borrowing in the final three months of the year, with a $390 billion cash balance on December 31.
Energy & Environmental
Blazes threatening 10,000 home
AP – Firefighters reported progress Tuesday in their battle against the wildfires that have ravaged some of Northern California’s most scenic areas, including twin blazes that were tearing through vineyards and brush-covered hills and threatening some 10,000 homes.
Firefighters Battling Fatigue
CBS – Thousands of firefighters are battling flames across the state but that’s not their only fight. Many of them are struggling with fatigue, working several days and sometimes weeks on end.
Science & Technology
TSA defends ‘Quiet Skies’ monitoring program
The Hill – The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is defending its use of a previously secret program used to monitor potential security threats at airports and on planes.
Michael Bilello, an assistant administrator of public affairs for TSA, told The Hill that the “Quiet Skies” initiative does not focus on “ordinary Americans,” but instead zeroes in on a small percentage of the traveling population.
“These programs are not designed to observe the average American,” he said. “They’re designed to protect the traveling public, but they’re not targeting the average American.”
“We’re talking about a very unique passenger that warrants the attention of a federal air marshal,” he added.
The Boston Globe first reported on Sunday that the TSA implemented the “Quiet Skies” program years ago to help eliminate threats posed by “unknown or partially known terrorists.”
The Last-Ditch Legal Fight to Stop 3-D Printed Guns
Wired- or the last half decade, 3-D printed pistols and metal-milled “ghost guns” have only rarely caught the attention of lawmakers, and have barely registered in the mainstream of America’s gun control debate. But now, a controversial legal settlement may have unlocked a new era of digitally fabricated, DIY guns. It’s also unleashed a political backlash unlike anything seen in the five years since the first 3-D printable firearm appeared online.
Great Pyramid of Giza can concentrate electromagnetic energy – study
RT – New research from an international team of physicists has revealed that the Great Pyramid of Giza may be able to focus electromagnetic energy through its hidden chambers and under its base.
Scientists at Itmo University in Russia and Germany’s Laser Zentrum Hannover applied methods of theoretical physics to investigate the electromagnetic response of the ancient Egyptian pyramid to radio waves.
Their calculations predicted that in a resonant state the pyramid could concentrare electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers as well as under its base, where the third unfinished chamber is located.
Gut Microbes Play a Significant Role in the Central Nervous System — Digestive Health Is Linked to Your Risk of Neurodegenerative Diseases
Daily Sheeple – Right now, we are seeing neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s in unprecedented numbers – and these figures are only expected to rise in the future. In fact, the number of Alzheimer’s patients in the United States is expected to grow from 5 million today to 14 million by the year 2050, which is roughly equivalent to the entire populations of Los Angeles, New York City, and Chicago combined.
It’s clear that this is one of the biggest health challenges of our time, and scientists have recently gained new insight into the connection between the brain and gut health. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston used animal models as well as human cells to examine the gut-brain connection and explore the crosstalk between brain cells and immune cells.
The 9 most SHOCKING vaccine ingredients of 2018
NaturalNews- Top 9 vaccine ingredients you would never eat if found in food, so why allow them to be injected into muscle tissue?
#1. Infected African Green Monkey Kidney Vero Cells
#2. Deadly Porcine (Pig) Virus called Circovirus (in highly experimental Rotavirus jab)
#3. Fetal Cells from Human Abortions
#4. Peanut Oil (the main cause of childhood severe peanut allergies)
#5. Latex (some syringes are poked through latex vial stoppers, hence severe childhood latex allergies)
#6. FD&C Yellow #6 aluminum lake dye (why do we need vaccines to be colorful?)
#7. Squalene (main cause of auto-immune disorder)
#8. Over 50 Parts Per Million of Mercury (still found in certain flu shots)
#9. Genetically Modified DNA from other Humans (foreign proteins cause unnatural immune reactions)
One of the most precious spices in the world, saffron can be used as an alternative cancer treatment
NaturalNews – A botanical review published in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism has concluded that various compounds found in saffron – inarguable one of the world’s most precious spices – show remarkable anti-cancer effects. What’s more, these compounds display selective toxicity against cells; that is, they ultimately kill cancer varieties without harming normal ones.

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