September 28, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: Jun e17, 2024


Putin offers a ceasefire if Ukraine surrenders eastern provinces … 

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he would agree to a ceasefire with Ukraine if the embattled nation surrendered its occupied territories to Russia.

Mr. Putin promised to “immediately” order a ceasefire with Ukraine and begin peace negotiations if Kyiv agreed to withdraw all troops from the four regions annexed by Moscow in 2022 and renounced any plans to join NATO.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy rejected the overture, saying it was a Russian ploy to trick Ukraine into surrendering territory where it still has troops.

Relatedly, Ukraine is not currently being considered for NATO membership, though Kyiv has expressed interest in doing so. It is unlikely that Ukraine could succeed in joining NATO, as its accession would require unanimous approval by all NATO member states including Hungary and Turkey, which are unlikely to agree to such a controversial act.

Mr. Putin’s remarks come just a day ahead of a peace summit in Switzerland which will be attended by 90 delegations from nations and international organizations around the world. Russia and its strategic partner China will not attend.

US forces destroy Houthi radars, drones following attacks on commercial ships in Red Sea

U.S. forces carried out successful attacks late this week targeting assets of the Houthi terrorists in Yemen, according to CENTCOM, which oversees operations in the Middle East.

In an update issued over the weekend, CENTCOM reported that the U.S. military destroyed seven radars in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, which had allowed the Iranian- backed group to “target maritime vessels and endanger commercial shipping.”

It did not provide further details on how the sites were destroyed.

In addition to the attacks on the radars, U.S. forces neutralized one flying drone launched by Houthi forces from Yemen and two Houthi drone boats in the Red Sea, CENTCOM said.

The U.S. strikes followed a series of Houthi attacks on commercial vessels in the busy Red Sea and Gulf of Aden shipping lanes.

Netanyahu disbands his inner war cabinet after Benny Gantz resigned, Israeli officials say! 

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved the six-member war cabinet, an Israeli official said on Monday, in a widely expected move that came after the departure from government of the centrist former general Benny Gantz.

Netanyahu is now expected to hold consultations about the Gaza war with a small group of ministers, including Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer who had been in the war cabinet.

The prime minister had faced demands from the nationalist-religious partners in his coalition, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, to be included in the war cabinet, a move which would have intensified strains with international partners including the United States.

The forum was formed after Gantz joined Netanyahu in a national unity government at the start of the war in October and also included Gantz’s partner Gadi Eisenkot and Aryeh Deri, head of the religious party Shas, as observers. Gantz and Eisenkot both left the government last week, over what they said was Netanyahu’s failure to form a strategy for the Gaza war.

G7 summit ends with firm stance on China; abortion issue sparks tension … 

The G7 summit of the world’s seven wealthy democracies concluded on June 15, showcasing unified decisions and actions that underscored their firm stance against China and Russia.

While tackling various global challenges, the leaders encountered a lot of friction over a controversial issue: how to address abortion in their communiqué, which serves as the final summit statement.

The communiqué released this year marked a notable shift from previous years’ statements, reflecting a more assertive stance against China.

The G7 leaders expressed “deep concern” about Beijing’s support for Russia’s military-industrial base, urging China to stop transferring dual-use goods, such as weapons components and equipment, that are used by the Russian industry.

G7 leaders pledged to continue “taking measures against actors in China” that significantly help Russia’s war machine, including banks and other entities.

The communiqué demonstrated that European countries are finally willing to align with the longstanding U.S. position on China, despite their high economic dependence on the communist country. This includes a pledge to address China’s industrial overcapacity problem, which stifles innovation in Western countries.

In the summit’s final statement, leaders expressed unity in their support for an immediate cease- fire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, and a pathway to a two- state solution.

WHO changes its report: Says comorbidities, not bird flu, cause of a Mexican man’s death 

Mexican officials have determined that a man previously thought to have died from a rare bird flu instead died from other comorbidities, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The WHO initially reported on June 5 that in May a 59-year-old man was admitted to a hospital in Mexico City, Mexico, after having been “bedridden for three weeks” and was diagnosed with a rare strain of bird flu called H5N2, marking the first “laboratory- confirmed human case” of this strain of bird flu infection globally and the first case reported in Mexico.

The strain is different from H5N1, which has affected livestock in the United States, infecting three dairy workers.

In April the man—who reportedly had no contact with poultry or other animals—began to experience shortness of breath, diarrhea, nausea, and fever, the WHO said.

The WHO said that the source of exposure was unknown; however, there have been cases of bird flu in poultry in Mexico.

The WHO considered his diagnosis a “high public health impact,” though it assessed the risk to the public at the time was low.

On June 14, the WHO announced that after further investigation the man had died from underlying comorbidities.


The House Intelligence Chair says the US is at its highest level of potential terrorist threat! 

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said Sunday that the United States is currently at its “highest level” for the possibility of a terrorist attack occurring on American soil.

During an interview with CBS News, Mr. Turner was asked about reports of recent arrests of individuals with ties to the ISIS terrorist group in the United States, stating that the threats are “no longer speculative” and “not longer hypothetical” in light of public comments made by the FBI director during multiple congressional committee meetings in the past six months or so.

His comments came in light of reports, citing unnamed U.S. officials, that claimed that at least eight Tajikistan nationals with alleged ties to ISIS were arrested in several major cities including New York and Los Angeles. To date, those reports remain unverified! 

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) sent a letter to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) about requesting a classified briefing for all senators about ISIS threats, he told Fox News.

House passes $883-billion annual defense bill (NDAA) with culture war amendments! 

The House of Representatives passed its annual defense policy bill with GOP-approved culture war amendments that are certain to put the House on a collision course with the Democrat-controlled Senate.

The final tally on the 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) vote was 217–199, with six Democrats voting in favor and three Republicans voting against.

The $883.7 billion bill, which has more than 1,000 pages, provides continued funding for military aircraft, ships, vehicles, and weapons programs. It also includes a 4.5 percent pay raise for U.S. service members and about 15 percent in additional pay for some junior enlisted service members, bringing their overall pay boost to nearly 20 percent under this year’s budget.

The NDAA includes culture war provisions such as eliminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) positions within the Department of Defense (DoD) and imposing a hiring freeze on DEI positions in the DoD. There is a measure to block DoD funding for abortion-related expenses, another that bars the DoD from funding or providing gender transition surgeries and hormone treatments, as well as measures to prohibit the DoD’s education arm from purchasing or displaying material that “promotes radical gender ideology or pornographic content.”

The House version also includes an amendment, introduced by Rep. Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.), that prohibits the Pentagon from contracting with entities that have engaged in boycotts of Israel and would bar the department from selling products made by entities that boycott Israel at any of its commissary stores or military exchanges.

The Biden administration is reportedly preparing to offer legal status to hundreds of thousands of immigrants tomorrow! 

According to a report from MSM, the Biden administration is preparing to announce a plan that would grant legal status to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who have been present in the United States for at least 10 years. The announcement comes as evidence continues to mount that Biden’s handling of illegal immigration presents a major liability to his re-election chances in 2024.

The news report was based on conversations with four unnamed Biden administration officials who discussed the details in a clear trial balloon with a friendly media outlet. The unnamed officials indicated that the program will be called “Parole in Place” and would involve offering green cards and deportation protection for illegal immigrants who have been in the United States for ten years and have married a U.S. citizen.

Under current law, those people may already qualify for a green card, but would have to first leave the country in order to apply for one. The Biden Administration program would remove even that requirement and make those individuals immediately eligible.

The unnamed administration officials also indicated that the Biden administration intends to streamline the process for so-called DREAMers to apply for things like the controversial H-1B visas.

The administration plans to announce these measures as soon as Tuesday. Administration officials estimate that as many as 1.1 million illegal immigrants will be affected by the new policies.

Supreme Court ruling makes it harder for illegal immigrants to oppose deportation! 

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday issued a decision that makes it harder for illegal immigrants subject to a deportation order to challenge their removal from the country on the grounds that the government sent them an initial notice to appear that lacked a time and place for their hearing even though it followed up with a second notice that contained this information.

In a 5–4 decision, with Justice Neil Gorsuch joining the liberal minority in dissent, the high court sided with the government in upholding the legitimacy of what amounts to a two-step notification system in the process of deporting illegal immigrants that effectively removes one basis for them to get their removal order rescinded.

The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act mandates that the government issue “written notice” to illegal immigrants who are either “inadmissible” or “deportable” informing them about the removal proceedings they are being subjected to.

Texas Supreme Court puts Harris County guaranteed income plans on hold! 

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has prevailed in petitioning the Texas Supreme Court to put a halt to a “guaranteed income” scheme by Harris County that he said violated the state constitution.

The Texas Supreme Court issued an order on June 14, granting Mr. Paxton’s request for a stoppage of payments made under the “Uplift Harris” program, which involved “no strings attached” disbursements of $500 to nearly 2000 residents for 18 months.

Mr. Paxton first sued Harris County over the “guaranteed income” program in early April, arguing that the scheme redistributed public money in a way that violated the Texas Constitution, which forbids any county, city, or town from granting public money to any individual. He argued that the Harris County program amounted to an unconstitutional lottery-based handout because the selection of recipients was arbitrary and the public money was given away with no conditions, no control over the expenditure of that money, and no guarantee of any public benefit.

The administrators of the Uplift Harris program issued a statement acknowledging the ruling but vowing to continue their legal fight.

CNN announces new rules for Trump-Biden 2024 Presidential Debate! 

CNN has announced new details of its finalized rules for the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle, which will see a rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

The network revealed on June 15 that the debate will last 90 minutes and will include two commercial breaks, during which the candidates will not be able to interact with their respective campaign staff.

No pre-written notes or props will be allowed, but the candidates will have a pen and paper so they can take notes during the debate.

The candidates will appear at a uniform podium, with a coin flip to determine their podium positions.

There will be no studio audience for the debate, which will be held in Atlanta on June 27.

The debate will be moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, who the network said “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion.”

The candidates will each be given a bottle of water.

Despite Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s claims that he is on the ballot with sufficient enough potential signatures and electoral votes, CNN said that it appears “less likely” that anyone other than President Biden and President Trump will satisfy its conditions, setting the stage for a repeat of the 2020 showdown between the two men.

Alaska judge approves ranked-choice voting repeal in first round of legal challenges! 

Alaskans might be voting whether to scrap or keep their ranked- choice voting system in November. Alaska’s ranked-choice voting system was introduced in 2020 and first enacted in 2022.

In an ongoing legal battle, a Superior Court judge on June 7 approved a motion in the first step that could ultimately scrap the ranked-choice voting system.

Opponents of ranked-choice voting had collected petition booklets to meet the requirements to place a repeal measure on the November ballot. Election officials allowed for some issues with the booklets to be fixed, and supporters of ranked-choice voting sued in April, alleging that Alaska’s Division of Elections improperly certified the measure.

Attorneys representing the plaintiffs argued the signature booklets should have been disqualified, which would have resulted in a lack of signatures to advance the measure to a November vote.

Judge Christina Rankin said in her ruling that election officials acted appropriately by allowing petitioners to fix issues with petition booklets.

Ranked-choice voting allows voters to pick a preferred candidate from all candidates appearing on the ballot, regardless of party affiliation. The voter may then also select their second choice, third choice, and so on. If the top candidate gets more than 50 percent of the votes, they win. If not, the candidate with the least first-choice votes is eliminated and those ballots are added to the candidate the voter picked as their second choice. This is repeated until two candidates remain. The winner is the one with the most votes.

Proponents of ranked-choice voting say it is a justified option that gives voters more choice, especially to those who are unaffiliated. Opponents argue that it damages not just major parties but also smaller ones, by stopping them from appearing on the ballot. Instead, they say, it should be up to the party members to choose their candidate.

If ranked-choice voting is scrapped, voters would go back to picking one candidate on their ballot.

In the midst of another national heatwave, firefighters try to contain California blaze … 

At least 1,200 people have been evacuated as a wind-driven wildfire quickly spread to over 12,000 acres northwest of Los Angeles, officials said Sunday.

The blaze, dubbed the Post Fire, began Saturday afternoon near the Interstate 5 freeway in Gorman, a community about 68 miles northwest of Los Angeles, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire). As of Sunday afternoon, the blaze had spread to about 12,265 acres and was 2% contained.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation, officials said.

According to Cal Fire, California State Park Services have evacuated 1,200 people from Hungry Valley Park in Gorman, where the fire is moving toward. The fire threatened no homes but two commercial buildings were damaged, the Los Angeles County Fire Department said in an update Sunday.

Both the Hungry Valley recreation area and the Pyramid Lake reservoir were closed due to the fire threat. Crews were also responding to a southern part of the fire moving southeast toward Lake Pyramid. 

Meanwhile, scorching temperatures will inundate most of the U.S. from now until Friday, mainly from the Midwest to the Northeast. 


Southwest Airlines plane that did “Dutch Roll” suffered structural damage, investigators say!

A Boeing 737 Max suffered damage to parts of the plane’s structure after it went into a “Dutch roll” during a Southwest Airlines flight last month, U.S. investigators said last week.

The incident happened as the jet cruised at 34,000 feet from Phoenix to Oakland, California, on May 25, but Southwest did not notify the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) about the roll or damage to the jetliner until June 7, the NTSB said.

“Following the event, SWA performed maintenance on the airplane and discovered damage to structural components,” the safety board said.

The NTSB comment could suggest that the incident was more serious than previously known, but aviation experts said it was too soon to know for sure.

A Southwest spokesperson said the Dallas-based airline is participating in the investigation.

A Dutch roll is a combination of yaw, or the tail sliding side to side, and the plane rocking in a way that causes the wings to roll up and down. The name comes from the way the rhythmic, swaying movement resembles a form of ice skating that was popular in the Netherlands.

If you need a video tutorial describing the event, CLICK HERE! 

NY TIMES: FAA investigating counterfeit titanium used in some Boeing Airbus jets!

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration is investigating whether false or incorrect documents were used to verify the authenticity of titanium used in some recently manufactured Boeing jets, the agency said.

The New York Times, which first reported the issue on Friday, said the FAA is also investigating the authenticity of documents for titanium used in some Airbus jets.

Aircraft manufacturers are facing strong demand for new planes due to a surge in post-pandemic travel. However, supply-chain problems and component shortages are limiting their ability to meet this demand.

Titanium is an important component in the aerospace supply chain and is used to make landing gears, blades and turbine discs for aircraft.

The FAA said Boeing reported a voluntary disclosure “regarding procurement of material through a distributor who may have falsified or provided incorrect records.”

The agency added: “Boeing issued a bulletin outlining ways suppliers should remain alert to the potential of falsified records.”

Boeing said the issue involves the broader industry and some titanium shipments received by a limited set of suppliers, affecting a small number of airplane parts.

The planemaker said it was removing any such parts from airplanes prior to delivery and added there is no impact to safety.

Airbus said it was aware of the reports but said “numerous tests have been performed on parts coming from the same source of supply. They show that the A220’s airworthiness remains intact.”

Canada has imposed sanctions on Russian titanium, albeit with exceptions. It was not clear if the false documents were connected to sanctions.

Spirit AeroSystems , which supplies fuselages for Boeing and wings for Airbus, said the titanium entered the supply chain with “counterfeited” documents, and all related parts have been removed from its production.

“More than 1,000 tests have been completed to confirm the mechanical and metallurgical properties of the affected material to ensure continued airworthiness,” Spirit said.

The entire system is crumbling! Major red flags are popping up for banks, small businesses and retailers! 

If the economy is fine, why are so many signs of trouble erupting all around us? Those that keep insisting that the U.S. economy is heading in the right direction conveniently ignore the very troubling facts and figures that I regularly share with my readers. When you take an honest look at the cold, hard numbers that the economy keeps producing, there is only one logical conclusion. Our entire system is crumbling, and it appears that conditions will soon get significantly worse.

Just look at what is happening to our banks. The FDIC’s most recent report tells us that there are 63 “problem banks” in the United States, and collectively our banks now have 517 billion dollars in unrealized losses…

According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s first quarter report, the US banking system is sitting on a collective $517 billion in unrealized losses and has 63 “problem banks.”

Those losses have been sparked primarily by a surge in interest rates over the past two years, which have driven down the price of fixed-income securities held by banks.

Unrealized losses held by banks increased by $39 billion in the first quarter relative to the fourth quarter of 2023.

“Higher unrealized losses on residential mortgage- backed securities, resulting from higher mortgage rates in the first quarter, drove the overall increase,” the FDIC said.

The FDIC has not posted a list of the troubled banks in order to avoid bank runs. 

And the condition of our banks just continues to deteriorate because mountains of commercial real estate loans are going bad. At this point, it has become clear that we have never faced a commercial real estate crisis of this magnitude in our entire history…

The CRE sector faces the triple whammy of falling prices, falling demand, and rising interest rates. The post-pandemic rise of telecommuting and work-at-home programs crushed demand for office space. Vacancy rates in commercial buildings have soared.

This has put significant stress on commercial real estate companies. The biggest bankruptcy in 2023 was the failure of the Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust. The company had loaded up with more than $1 billion in liabilities.

The collapse of the commercial real estate market could easily spill over into the financial sector. That’s because a lot of loans are coming due.

According to the Mortgage Bankers Association, around $1.2 trillion of commercial real estate debt in the United States will mature over the next two years.

A lot of financial institutions will fail during the months and years that are ahead of us.

Just hope that your money is not in one of them.  Meanwhile, one recent survey discovered that approximately two-thirds of all small businesses in the United States are teetering on the brink of disaster…

A new survey reveals that over two-thirds of small business owners are terrified of the state of the economy under Joe Biden’s watch, fearing that current conditions and ongoing downward trends will lead to them having to close their businesses.

As reported by the Daily Caller, the poll from the Job Creators Network Foundation (JCNF) shows that 67% of small business owners maintain such fears about the economy as it stands today, marking a 10-point increase from sentiments two years ago. In the same poll, participants’ perceptions of economic conditions for their own businesses fell from 70.2 to 68.1. Perception of national conditions fell even more drastically, from 53.2 to 50.4.

Forbes estimates that at least 46% of all employees in the United States, around 61.6 million people in total, are employed by small businesses.

In fact, as Mark B. Spiegel recently discussed, major retailer after major retailer has been reporting disappointing sales numbers…

The U.S. economy seems to finally be cracking. This month a slew of retailers (off the top of my head: Target, Lowe’s, Macy’s, Kohl’s, Best Buy and Foot Locker) reported negative year-over-year sales comps, and that’s before adjusting for the inflation that makes them 3% to 4% more negative in “real” terms. Others (Dollar General and Burlington) reported same-store sales comps in the +2% range, but that too was negative when adjusted for inflation, while Walmart and Nordstrom comps managed to roughly keep pace with inflation, but were unable to exceed it.

At one time, Walmart was an unstoppable retail behemoth. But now even Walmart is closing down stores…

WALMARTS are closing across the country – and retail experts say the cuts are signals of a bleak future for shoppers.

The multi-million dollar corporation has closed nine stores so far this year, which could be a warning sign for other retail giants.

In fact, Harry Dent just told Fox News that we should brace ourselves for “a bigger crash than we got in 2008 to ’09”…

Speaking in an updated interview with Fox News Digital, Dent cautioned that the “everything” bubble has still yet to burst, and it may be a bigger crash than the Great Recession.

“In 1925 to ‘29, it was a natural bubble. There was no stimulus behind that, artificial stimulus per se. So this is new. This has never happened,” Dent said on Tuesday. “What do you do if you want to cure a hangover? You drink more. And that’s what they’ve been doing.”

“Flooding the economy with extra money forever might actually enhance the overall economy long-term. But we’ll only see when we see this bubble burst,” he added. “And again, this bubble has been going 14 years. Instead of most bubbles [going] five to six, it’s been stretched higher, longer. So you’d have to expect a bigger crash than we got in 2008 to ’09.”

The Fed’s 2% inflation target is worth keeping, economists say! 

Economists believe the Federal Reserve’s 2% inflation target is “worth keeping” and shifting the goalposts would send the wrong signal to consumers. Since 2012, the U.S. central bank has officially maintained a 2% inflation target, though monetary policymakers had settled on this figure behind the scenes in the 1990s. With inflation proving to be sticky and progress on restoring price stability slowing, there has been talk in the public arena that the Fed should reconsider this objective.

In 1990, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand established a goal of 1%- 3% inflation, prompting other countries, such as Canada and the United Kingdom, to follow suit. Eventually, 2% became the international standard for central banks.

Goldman: Cash-strapped Americans reveal top supermarket offering best grocery prices!

In the aggregate, consumers appear to be stable, with the Biden administration touting a solid economy ahead of the November presidential elections. However, as
Goldman re- acknowledged earlier this week, under the surface, low-income consumers are struggling in the era of failed Bidenomics. Given this, a separate Goldman note has pinpointed the best grocery deals among major retailers, revealing that Walmart offers the lowest prices. This new data saves folks time instead of guessing where the best deals are.

On June 6, Goldman analysts led by Leah Jordan analyzed the prices of 38 SKUs in the dairy, frozen goods, dry grocery, HPC, and produce categories. The retailers surveyed included Walmart, Sprouts Farmers Market, Whole Foods, and Dollar General.

Walmart had the lowest prices in dairy products (-18.3%), frozen foods (-15.7%), dry grocery (-13.5%), and produce (-17.3%), while Dollar General had the lowest prices in HPC (-13.9%). On the other hand, Sprouts Farmers had the highest prices in dairy products (+19.3%), frozen foods (15.0%), and HPC (+31.8%). Whole Foods had the highest prices in dry grocery (+10.0%) and produce (+20.4%).

Amidst an economy full of inflation landmines, one thing is sure for working-poor consumers: Walmart offers the best grocery deals, while Whole Foods does not.

But as we found in Walmart’s latest earnings call, higher- income consumers are trading down to the mega-retailer to find the deals.


Ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield predicts bird flu virus will cause the next pandemic! 

Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has issued a grim prediction that the next major pandemic will be caused by the bird flu.

“I really do think it’s very likely that we will, at some time—it’s not a question of if, it’s more a question of when—we will have a bird flu pandemic,” Dr. Redfield told NewsNation in an interview published on June 14.

U.S. officials recently confirmed that the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus had been detected in a cow herd in Wyoming, the 12th state to report an infection.

The former CDC director said the bird flu, when it enters humans, has a “significant” mortality.

“Probably somewhere between 25 and 50 percent mortality, so it’s going to be quite complicated,” Dr. Redfield said.

The “recipe” for making bird flu highly infectious to humans is already well established, Dr. Redfield said, recalling that gain-of-function research on the avian influenza virus was carried out in 2012, against his recommendations.

Heavy metal exposure linked to dementia risk! 

As the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia continues to rise, a growing body of research is sounding the alarm on a possible culprit: heavy metal exposure.

From the medications we take to the water we drink and potentially even the air we breathe, metals like lead, cadmium, and aluminum are widespread in our environment. These metals can increase the risk of cognitive decline and neurological conditions.

Nearly 7 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease, and this number is projected to almost double by 2050, according to the Alzheimer’s Association.

Studies on humans consistently demonstrate that exposure to lead, cadmium, and manganese is associated with impaired cognitive function and cognitive decline.

Cadmium, in particular, has been increasingly released into the environment through industrial activities such as coal mining and the use of phosphate fertilizers on crops.

Aluminum, another metal linked to an increased risk of dementia, is being considered as part of potential geoengineering methods to mitigate climate change through the injection of aerosols into the lower stratosphere. This could lead to an increased risk of exposure to aluminum compounds for humans and ecosystems.

The legalization of marijuana in a growing number of U.S. states may also exacerbate the problem of toxic metal exposure. A 2023 study found that cannabis users had significantly higher levels of lead and cadmium in their blood and urine compared to nonusers. Researchers discovered that the cadmium levels in cannabis users were, on average, 22 percent higher in blood and 18 percent higher in urine. Lead levels were elevated by 27 percent in blood and 21 percent in urine among these users.

Power Mall Product of Interest: Heavy Metal & Chemical Cleanse (1 fl oz)

Study: Fatty acid deficiency may contribute to bipolar disorder … 

A new study suggests the answer may lie in a nutrient found in everyday foods like eggs, seafood, and chicken. People with higher levels of arachidonic acid, a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid, face a lower risk of developing this mental health condition that cycles between euphoric mania and crippling depression.

The findings offer a glimpse into how adjusting levels of this vital nutrient could potentially prevent or mitigate bipolar disorder’s effects.

The new study from the University of South Australia suggests that fluctuations in metabolite levels—small molecules involved in metabolism—underlie the development of bipolar disorder and related psychiatric conditions. 

Higher levels of lipids containing arachidonic acid were correlated with a lower risk of bipolar disorder. In contrast, elevated levels of lipids containing linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, were linked to a higher risk. According to the study, this observation suggests the significance of the pathway responsible for converting linoleic acid to arachidonic acid in modulating bipolar disorder risk.

The study authors added that the causal associations only concerned bipolar disorder and did not extend to other closely related psychiatric conditions, such as schizophrenia or depression.

Previous research has also suggested associations between a deficiency in arachidonic acid and higher risk of developing schizophrenia.

Power Mall Product of Interest:

  • PureOmega by North American Herb & Spice
  • PolarPower (caps & oil) by North American Herb & Spice

Home remedies for bug bites and stings! 

#1 – Ice and Benadryl (diphenhydramine)

#2 – Hot Compresses (neutralizes venom, especially in scorpion stings)

#3 – Plantain (Plantago species)

#4 – Essential Oils (Lavender)

#5 – Ammonia (will negate venom, even Windex with ammonia will work)

#6 – Sugar (crushed up on a damp paper towel)

#7 – Copper Pennies (applied directly to the sting)

#8 – Baking Soda (poultice)

#9 – Activated Charcoal (make a paste and slather on; twice if needed)

#10 – Meat Tenderizer (make a paste with water and apply)

#11 – Onion Poultice (chopped and cooked until tender, wrap in cheesecloth and apply)

#12 – Epsom Salts and Honey (making a poultice for stings)

#13 – Aloe Vera (great for burns and sunburn)

#14 – Aspirin (in a paste, applied directly to the sting)

#15 – Mud (when there’s nothing else around for bee stings)

#16 – Raw Potato (cut it and hold the raw end on an insect sting)

#17 – Living Clay (Head to Toe Calcium Bentonite Clay)

#18 – Apple Cider Vinegar (on a cotton ball for spot treatment or in bath water)

#19 – Oatmeal Bath (anti-itch treatment)

#20 – Household Bleach for Fire Ant Bites (half bleach & half water)

The top 5 houseplants for your home health! 

Can houseplants contribute to an environment helpful in fighting cancer?

As part of cancer treatment and prevention, every aspect of our environment plays a vital role in supporting health and well-being. Houseplants have proven surprisingly helpful! Although they don’t combat cancer directly, houseplants help create a healthier indoor atmosphere which is key when facing cancer head-on.

Plants use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide exhaled from humans into fresh oxygen, while at the same time filtering out any potentially toxic airborne pollutants from our atmosphere. One NASA experiment conducted in 1989 demonstrated how indoor plants clean the air of cancer-causing volatile organic compounds like formaldehyde and benzene.

NASA researchers at that time were looking for ways to detoxify space station environments effectively. Subsequent research has also indicated that soil microorganisms within potted plants contribute towards cleaning indoor air!

Houseplants’ air-purifying capabilities are particularly significant for cancer patients. By decreasing levels of toxic agents present, houseplants create an atmosphere more suitable for healing and recovery. Houseplants provide another layer of defense for cancer patients by filtering air pollutants that exacerbate environmental sensitivity.

Top 5 plants are: (1) Spider plant; (2) Peace lilies; (3) Aloe vera; (4) Snake plant; (5) Boston fern. 


Scientists are testing mRNA vaccines to protect cows and people against bird flu!

The bird flu outbreak in U.S. dairy cows is prompting development of new, next-generation mRNA vaccines— akin to COVID-19 shots—that are being tested in both animals and people.

Next month, the U.S. Agriculture Department is to begin testing a vaccine developed by University of Pennsylvania researchers by giving it to calves. The idea: If vaccinating cows protects dairy workers, that could mean fewer chances for the virus to jump into people and mutate in ways that could spur human-to- human spread.

Meanwhile. the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has been talking to manufacturers about possible mRNA flu vaccines for people that, if needed, could supplement millions of bird flu vaccine doses already in government hands.

Bird flu survived pasteurization in laboratory tests, study finds … 

Scientists who took milk with the highly pathogenic avian influenza and pasteurized it found that detectable amounts of the influenza remained after the heat treatment was applied, according to a study published late last Friday. 

Vincent Munster, a scientist with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and other researchers said the results point to a need for further research on the influenza, also known as the bird flu or H5N1, and milk.

The group took H5N1 and diluted it in raw, unpasteurized cow milk. They then heat-treated the milk at 145 degrees Fahrenheit, and 161 degrees Fahrenheit. Commercial milk must be pasteurized at one of three temperatures: either 145 degrees for 30 minutes, 161 degrees for 15 seconds, or 191 degrees for one second.

The testing indicated that the lowest level of pasteurization would be sufficient due to the length of time that level requires, but the scientists found detectable amounts of the virus in milk treated at 161 degrees after 20 seconds of heat treatment.

The work, supported by government funding, may not translate to commercial milk because it was conducted in the lab, the researchers stressed. They said that the findings highlight a need for further research.

Strawberry full moon to usher in summer with the most splendid look in years! 

As full moons go, the month of June is predicted to look extraordinary. Astronomers say a honey-hued “Strawberry” full moon will loom large and extra-low on the horizon shortly after summer comes—just hours past the year’s longest day, the solstice.

On June 21, the day after the solstice on June 20, the Strawberry Moon will fall. Strawberry Moons don’t always fall in summer (they can occur in spring if preceding the solstice). But this one will.

For many reasons, it will be a Strawberry Moon the likes of which we have not seen in years. Here’s what we mean, and a few moon facts.

There are wonders about this moon:

Why is it called “Strawberry?” Why will it be honey-hued and not strawberry-pink? Why so large and low as this? How will the solstice affect the full moon?

A ripe red moon is what you would expect, given its name. But no. The Strawberry Moon is just a name for June’s full moon, after the berries that bloom this month. Full stop. It has nothing to do with shape, size, appearance, or color.


Geoengineering Watch: Global Alert News #462 (by Dane Wigington)

“South Florida compared to scenes from a “zombie movie” as widespread flooding triggers rare warning” from CBS News. “Unstable systems: Why geoengineering will solve neither climate change nor climate geopolitics” from ELN (European Leadership Network). The ELN report continues with this, “Even more so than resource competition, this could trigger interstate conflict up to war, which, under the circumstances of great power competition and climate change, would be a threat to humanity’s very survival.” Where does that leave us? 

Energy Department sued for restricting water use in clothes washers and dishwashers! 

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), accusing the agency of illegally limiting the use of water in dishwashers and clothes washers.

The lawsuit was filed June 13 on behalf of two plaintiffs in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas. It accused the DOE of going “beyond its statutory authority” by imposing water efficiency rules on dishwashers and washing machines “without lawful authority.”

The efficiency standards describe how much water and energy can be consumed by these machines depending on the product models. For instance, a standard-size dishwasher can only consume a maximum of 3.3 gallons of water per cycle under the new regulations.

The complaint revolves around the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA) which aimed to limit energy use of residential appliances to minimize America’s dependence on OPEC oil.

Congress amended EPCA through the Energy Policy Act of 1992 to expand the definition of consumer products to specifically include showerheads, faucets, water closets, and urinals.

In the lawsuit, plaintiffs argue the DOE does not have the authority to implement appliance regulations other than for “showerheads, faucets, water closets, and urinals.”

On Jan. 8, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals pointed out that “no part of that text [of EPCA] indicates Congress gave DOE power to regulate water use for energy- using appliances (like dishwashers and washing machines).”

Plaintiffs noted that, as “unlawfully regulated” consumers, they were harmed by the restrictive nature of the rules.

US Senate: Senators question federal lands chief on how Idaho wind farm got OK despite local objections! 

A controversial Idaho wind project has been tentatively approved by the federal government despite overwhelming opposition from local residents, seven county governments, and the state legislature, raising questions about who, or what, is driving land-use policy on public lands across the West.

If there’s one thing that’s certain, people who live and work in south- central Idaho had no say in the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) June 7 final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that green lights the Lava Ridge wind project, says Sen. James Risch (R-Idaho).

During a two-hour hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Mr. Risch and others repeatedly cited the Lava Ridge EIS approval as an example not only of federal overreach but of ignoring local concerns in approving renewable energy proposals from green energy corporations.

“I represent 1.8 million angry people—angry at you, personally,” Mr. Risch told BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning in her first appearance before a congressional committee since her combative June 2021 confirmation hearing. “I want to put this anger for you into perspective that you will understand.”

He said seven Idaho counties signed onto a 2023 joint resolution opposing the project, noting that the resolution was then unanimously supported by both chambers of the state legislature.

“Your own BLM advisory council voted unanimously not to do this. The tribes submitted comment letters in opposition to this project,” Mr. Risch said, adding that The Friends of Minidoka, a Japanese-American organization that “operates the sacred ground where they had a Japanese internment camp in World War Two,” vehemently opposed it.

“Tens of thousands” of comments opposing the project were filed with the BLM, Mr. Risch said, noting the wind project is designed to funnel electricity into California and offers “no benefit” to local communities.

”Idahoans could not be more clear that they do not support Lava Ridge. Yet, for some reason, the BLM continues to push forward this project that no one in Idaho wants. Can you name anybody or any entity that wants this?” he asked Ms. Stone-Manning.

Ms. Stone-Manning said the tentative approval isn’t final until the “record of decision” is enrolled in the Federal Register, and that hasn’t happened yet because the BLM and other federal agencies are reviewing all the comments opposed to the proposal.

Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said the EIS approval, despite overwhelming opposition from locals, has alarmed his constituents and raised concerns about how the federal government evaluates public input.


Beyond Bad: Fake meat and other ultra-processed vegan food linked to heart disease and early death! 

New research suggests that ultra-processed vegan food can increase the risk of heart disease and early death, the NY Post reports, citing a new study published in The Lancet from the University of São Paulo and Imperial College London. Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) include packaged goods, drinks, cereals and ready-to-eat products that contain colors, emulsifiers, flavors and other additives – and are notoriously high in sugar, saturated fat, salt, while often being devoid of vitamins.

The researchers studied the diets of more than 118,000 Brits aged 40-69 years old found that while a plant- based diet promotes overall heart health, that only applies to fresh plant- based foods such as fruits and vegetables, as well as grains and legumes.

Researchers found that for every 10% increase in plant-based foods, the risk of death from heart disease fell by 20%. 

However when the source of plant-based food comes from UPFs, there’s a 12% spike in heart-disease related deaths.

According to the study’s lead author, Fernanda Rauber, both the composition and processing methods for UPFs can result in higher blood pressure and cholesterol. Based on their findings, the authors are urging nutritional guidelines that promote plant-based diets to include a warning to avoid ultra-processed foods. 


No charges being filed in the deadly ATF raid in Little Rock, Arkansas suburb! 

The use of deadly force was legal and justified in the ATF’s March 19, early morning shooting death in the West Little Rock, Arkansas home of Bryan Malinowski, according to Pulaski County Prosecutor Will Jones. In a letter issued last Friday, Mr. Jones announced there would be no charges in the case.

Mr. Malinowski was executive director of the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock until that morning, when a convoy of 10 law enforcement vehicles rolled into his upscale neighborhood and agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), holding automatic rifles in the ready position, placed tape on his video doorbell, announced their presence, and in less than one minute, broke into the home while he was sleeping. Mr. Malinowski, a gun collector, woke up, grabbed his gun, exchanged gunfire with the ATF, and Mr. Malinowski was shot dead in front of his wife.

The ATF had obtained a warrant to search his home for guns and evidence. The agency believed Mr. Malinowski was selling guns without a $200 Federal Firearms License (FFL) and without asking buyers for the proper information. According to an affidavit of probable cause, some of the guns he had sold were recovered during the commission of a crime, although the crimes did not involve the direct use of guns.

It is unclear why the ATF did not contact Mr. Malinowski at his workplace or during normal waking hours.

Mr. Jones said the incident was recorded by a Little Rock Police Department mobile video recorder and from that he shared the timeline in his letter.

6:02:58 a.m.—The Little Rock patrol officer employed his vehicle’s emergency lights and siren to announce the presence of law enforcement.

6:02:59 a.m.—ATF agents began a series of knocking and announcing the ATF’s presence.

6:03:27 a.m.—Agents use a ram to breach the door.

6:03:43 a.m.—Mr. Malinowski fires the first of four shots from his Colt Defender .45 caliber semi- automatic handgun.

6:03:44 a.m.—ATF agent returns fire; discharging three shots.

Mr. Jones also included a summary of the witness statements and evidence, although he did not identify the witnesses.

“The first agent (Agent 1) to enter the residence looked to his left and saw Mr. Malinowski at the end of the hallway pointing the handgun at him. The agent immediately dropped to the ground and rolled to avoid potential gunfire. The second agent to enter (Agent 2) saw Mr. Malinowski firing downwards at Agent 1. At this time, Agent 2 was struck in the foot. As Mr. Malinowski raised his gun towards Agent 2, Agent 2 fired, striking Mr. Malinowski. Immediately after the shooting, officers requested emergency personnel and begin [sic] administering medical aid to Mr. Malinowski.”

A law enforcement officer is justified in using deadly physical force if the officer reasonably believes force is necessary to defend himself or another person from the use of deadly force, according to the Arkansas code Mr. Jones cited.

“Prior to entering the residence, the officers identified themselves as police by initiating the lights and siren of a patrol vehicle that was parked in front of the residence” and knocking on the front door, he said. Agents also wore clothing marked ATF or Police on large letters.

According to previous statements from Mr. Malinowski’s wife, the couple was sleeping when the ATF knocked.

“The state’s investigation didn’t attempt to make independent judgments about whether ATF violated the law when they broke down Mr. and Mrs. Malinowski’s front door. But that question should be a matter of grave concern for the rest of us,” Bud Cummins, the Malinowski family attorney told The Epoch Times in a statement.

He noted Mr. Jones’s letter shows armed agents waited “a mere 28 seconds” after knocking and before breaking down the front door of Mr. Malinowski’s home. Mr. Jones said legally, law enforcement must give the person inside a reasonable amount of time to get to the door and to admit them voluntarily before forcibly entering.

A search warrant, Mr. Cummins said, is not automatically a license for a home invasion.

“How long is it reasonable to wait for someone to answer their front door at 6 a.m. in response to unexplained loud pounding in a 3,000 square foot fully insulated home? Let’s pray the answer isn’t 28 seconds. The Fourth Amendment means more than that to every single one of us,” Mr. Cummins said. “This is not over.”


Cong. Chip Roy (R-TX) says, “Over my dead body!” to selective service for women! 

A proposed National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2025 would require women to register with Selective Service, according to the Senate Committee on Armed Services’ executive summary.

The NDAA would amend “the Military Selective Service Act to require the registration of women for Selective Service,” according to the summary, which also notes that the “Committee voted 22-3 to advance the NDAA for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 to the Senate floor.”

GOP Rep. Chip Roy of Texas registered his staunch opposition, responding to the provision by tweeting, “You can go straight to hell. Over my dead body.”

The House-passed NDAA would amend the Military Selective Service Act by inserting language stating, “Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.”

Roy was one of the 211 House Republicans who voted in favor of passing the NDAA on Friday.

Appeals court rejects Biden administration’s transgender student directive! 

An appeals court on Friday denied the Biden administration’s attempt to revive a directive that would have required schools to let transgender students join sports teams that align with their
“gender identity” and grant female- identifying male students access to girls’ lockers and bathrooms.

In a June 14 ruling, the Ohio-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with a Tennessee federal judge’s 2022 decision that temporarily blocked enforcement of U.S. Department of Education (DOE) guidance that called on federally-funded schools to let transgender students access spaces and programs that align with their “gender identity” but don’t match their birth sex, with non-compliance potentially leading to withholding of federal funds.

The appeals court said in its June 14 order that the Education Department had not followed the proper procedures for issuing the guidance and blocked enforcement of the guidelines pending the outcome of a lawsuit brought by 20 states.

Led by Tennessee, the 20 states asked the court in 2021 to block the guidance that the Education Department issued based on a 2020 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which focused on Title VII, the federal law prohibiting sex-based discrimination in the workplace. At the time, the Education Department said it applied Bostock’s Title VII interpretation to Title IX because of “textual similarity” and that extending protections to transgender students was in line with the purpose of Title IX, the federal law that bans sex-based discrimination in schools.

California Senate approves ban on schools informing parents of students’ gender identity!

California lawmakers voted June 13 to advance legislation to ban school districts from notifying parents about social gender transitions at school without the student’s permission.

The state Senate voted 29–8 to approve Assembly Bill 1955 and send it back to the Assembly for final approval of amendments.

Sen. Susan Eggman (D-Stockton), who presented the bill on behalf of its author, Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego), and the 13- member California Legislative LBGTQ Caucus, said before the vote the bill would “put some guardrails” on the “forced outing” policies passed recently by some California school boards.

“We know some of those policies have not been able to go into effect. We know some of those school board members have since been recalled,” she said.

The new bill codifies in law guidance from the California Department of Education that “schools must consult with a transgender student to determine who can or will be informed of the student’s transgender status, if anyone, including the student’s family.”

Ms. Eggman said the bill aims to return schools to the task of teaching children and to “provide a supportive environment where [students] can figure out who they are.

The bill is backed by Attorney General Rob Bonta, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, ACLU California Action, and the California Teachers Association, among dozens of others.

Groups opposed include the California Family Council, California Catholic Conference, Chino Valley Unified School District, Pacific Justice Institute, Protect Kids California, Students First California, the National Center for Law & Policy, and others.

Houston judge rules Alex Jones can keep Infowars, Free Speech Systems! 

A Houston bankruptcy judge ruled Alex Jones can keep his media parent company Free Speech Systems and radio show InfoWars, encouraging Sandy Hook families to instead seek their payments outside of bankruptcy court.

Judge Christopher Lopez issued his ruling just several hours after deciding to liquidate Jones’ personal assets to allow him to pay off the nearly $1.5 billion he owes to Sandy Hook families. The Connecticut families had supported liquidating Free Speech Systems as well to cover costs, but Lopez ruled that families would be better served if the media company continued to run and make profit. Lopez also ruled that Jones’ responsibilities within the company were to end immediately.

“I don’t care about money, I care about being on the air,” Jones added.

The decision leaves Sandy Hook families to pursue settlements in state courts. 

The ruling puts the fate of InfoWars in jeopardy, as Jones must sell off his ownership of InfoWars and it remains unclear whether he will be forced to shut down its parent company, as well. Jones has already put his Texas ranch on the market to cover costs and has been teasing the end of InfoWars for weeks to his listeners, claiming federal agents have already made moves to foreclose on the media company.

Alex Jones’s personal assets to be sold to pay Sandy Hook families according to the judge … 

A federal judge on Friday ordered the liquidation of political commentator Alex Jones’ personal assets to pay families of the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

The ruling Friday means many of Mr. Jones’s personal assets will be sold off. But his primary home in the Austin area and some other belongings are exempt from bankruptcy liquidation. He already has moved to sell his Texas ranch worth about $2.8 million, a gun collection, and other assets to help pay debts.

And before the judge’s ruling on Friday, he told reporters at the courthouse that it’s “probably the end of Infowars here very, very soon” but is the “beginning of my fight against tyranny.”

In a Friday social media post, Mr. Jones responded to reports that the Sandy Hook families are aiming to file a lawsuit to seize his social media accounts by saying that the accounts are his “personal thing.”

Earlier this month, Mr. Jones had said during multiple live streaming events that InfoWars would be taken down in the near future, coming ahead of the judge’s ruling.

“I’m out of bullets,” he said during a live stream. “I’m out of money, and my dad’s out of money, and he would help me,” Mr. Jones said. “I’m out of options, and that’s where we are.”


CDC issues warning on multistate salmonella outbreak linked to bearded dragons! 

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a warning about an outbreak of salmonella poisoning connected to a species of lizard often used as a pet.

In a notice published on Friday, the federal health agency reported 15 salmonella illnesses, four hospitalizations, and no deaths across nine states linked to pet bearded dragons.

The states impacted by the outbreak include California, New York, Texas, Tennessee, Ohio, Iowa, Georgia, Oklahoma, and North Carolina.

“Bearded dragons can carry Salmonella germs in their droppings even if they look healthy and clean,” the CDC said. “These germs can easily spread to their bodies and anything in the area where they live and roam.”

It warned that people can get sick from salmonella, a type of bacteria, by “touching your bearded dragon or anything in its environment and then touching your mouth or food and swallowing salmonella germs.”

People handing bearded dragons or touching their habitats should wash their hands with soap and water afterward, the agency said. People should also be advised not to kiss or cuddle with the lizard.

The agency added that people should avoid eating and drinking near the reptiles, and keep them away from areas where young children play or eat. It also recommends that people have a dedicated enclosure for the pet lizards and to clean the pet supplies outside the house.

“If you must clean the supplies indoors, don’t clean them in the kitchen or other areas where you eat or prepare food. Use a laundry sink or bathtub, and thoroughly clean and disinfect the area right after,” the CDC said.


The Princess of Wales made in her first public appearance since cancer diagnosis …

Kate, Britain’s Princess of Wales, made her first public appearance on Saturday since surgery five months ago revealed the presence of cancer.

Kate, wearing a pale outfit, rode in a carriage with her three children before the “Trooping the Colour”, an annual military parade near Buckingham Palace in central London that marks the official birthday of the British monarch, King Charles. 

Crowds lining the streets waved and cheered as the carriage went past.

Charles rode in a separate carriage with Queen Camilla, followed by Prince William, Charles’ heir and Kate’s husband, who was on horseback along with other senior members of the royal family.

Kate, 42, has undergone preventative chemotherapy since the cancer announcement, and while treatment is continuing, her improved health meant she was able to appear in public for the first time since last December.

In a rare personal written message on Friday, she said she was making good progress but was “not out of the woods”. She said she was looking forward to attending Saturday’s parade and hoped to join a few public engagements over the summer.

Kate spent two weeks in hospital in January after she underwent major abdominal surgery, and two months later she announced in a video message that tests had revealed the presence of cancer.

In her message last Friday, Kate said she had been “blown away” by thousands of kind messages from across the globe, which had made a world of difference to her and William.

“I am making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days,” Kate’s statement said.

Her office, Kensington Palace, has declined to give any details about the type of cancer or about her treatment, other than to say the preventative chemotherapy had begun in February.


Bikini barista hammers car windshield of an unruly Seattle customer in coffee skirmish!

A video has gone viral of a bikini barista smashing a customer’s windshield with a hammer after he threw drinks toward her in South Seattle, Washington. The employee claimed the man made threatening comments to her.

On Tuesday, a man went to get coffee at the Taste of Heaven Espresso shop. According to the owner of the coffee shop, the customer ordered a 32-ounce coffee and a 24-ounce water, which totaled about $22.

Emma Lee, the owner and sole employee of the coffee shop, said the man became outraged over the price of the two drinks.

Lee told KCPQ, “No one is forcing you to come here. The argument that he didn’t know or was scammed doesn’t hold up. The prices are listed. You don’t get to name your own price.”

Video shows the man getting out of his car and escalating the situation.

She said that other customers attempted to calm the man down for about 10 minutes.

In the video, the man is heard saying, “Nobody’s going to miss you,” which Lee felt was a threat.

“Oh, okay so you have no problem harming me, you’re making that clear,” she told KIRO-TV.

“It was a threat after screaming, spitting, and trying to pry open the window, I felt in danger,” Lee claimed.

Suddenly, the irate customer threw the drinks at Lee.

Lee responded by grabbing a hammer, leaning out the drive-through window, and smashing the windshield of the customer’s car.

Surveillance video of the confrontation can be seen here.

“It’s one thing to yell, it’s one thing to get mad, it’s one thing to even be outside of your car and try to threaten me,” Lee stated. “But to actually have the action behind it, it changed things for me where I was like ‘oh no.'”

Lee called the customer’s actions “disgusting.”

She said, “Why should this kind of interaction be expected because of the environment?”

Lee added, “Disrespect and violence are two different things. I can handle the disrespect, the violence is like a hard, that’s where the line is crossed.”

The coffee shop owner said she was acting in self-defense.

Lee asked, “It’s okay for him to be outraged about the price of his drinks, enough to assault me, but it’s not appropriate for me to respond?”

She defended her actions by saying, “I personally think that you thought you were going to throw drinks on me and ruin my day, you’re going to pay for a new windshield and it’s going to ruin your day.”

Lee said the man refused to leave the parking lot where the Taste of Heaven Espresso shop is located, so she called the police.

Police arrived at the coffee shop.

“The police came, and they got him to leave. It was understood that what happened is, he assaulted me, and I responded,” Lee said.

Seattle police said no arrests were made in the incident. Lee has since filed charges for misdemeanor assault.

The customer is banned from the stand. He could take Lee to small claims court to make her pay the cost of his smashed windshield.

While some say the bikini barista’s actions were too harsh, Lee said that women have the right to defend themselves.

“I know so many women that haven’t defended themselves in situations they definitely should’ve and could have because we know that the repercussion more likely than not is going to fall on the woman that responds to the violence than the initial violence inflicted,” Lee explained.

Private school expels students, after one gave a speech favoring former president Trump! 

A Catholic private school expelled three students from the same family after their 13-year-old tried to give a Trump-themed speech about patriotism.

Officials at St. Bonaventure Catholic School in Huntington Beach, California, said that Jimmy Heyward refused to follow their demands when he submitted a video of a speech for a school election. He was running for “commissioner of patriotism and school spirit,” according to his speech.

Heyward employed imagery and verbiage referencing elements from the presidential campaign for former President Donald Trump.

“My love for America is my motivation for running for commissioner of patriotism and school spirit,” said Heyward in the video. “I will make spirit great again. I will make SBS great again.”

He expected to present the speech to the other students in May when the principal of the school asked him to delete the portions of the speech about patriotism.

Heyward refused.

“I didn’t remove the patriotic part of the speech, that’s the most important part. I’m not removing it,” he explained in an interview to KTTV-TV.

He says that he was not allowed to present his speech and instead was forced to sit while other students read their speeches.

“That was humiliating,” he said.

Then, the school notified the family that he and his two sisters at the school would be expelled.

Hattie Ruggles told KTTV that there was a bright side to her children having to find a new school in the Fall.

“Seeing how they just kind of wrote us off and thrown the girls in with it as well, I don’t think that’s a good environment to be sending my children to,” she said.

The school said in their letter that the family had acted contrary to their Christian code of conduct by “smear campaign against the school and the administration” that included a petition to fire the principal of the school.

Ruggles denies the accusation from the private school.

“We’ve just told the truth from day one, Jimmy’s truth,” she explained. “And that’s it. We’re not smearing anything.”

The family said they got a notification from the school that the principal would also not be returning for the next school season.

The boy’s entire speech and the principal’s editing request were obtained and published by KTTV.

Actress Angie Harmon’s daughter (Avery Sehorn) arrested in a burglary of a local tavern!

Avery Sehorn, daughter of actress and model Angie Harmon, was arrested on felony charges.

Sehorn was arrested on June 6 in Charlotte, North Carolina. The daughter of the renowned model was charged with felony burglary and larceny, according to Fox News.

Around 11:30 p.m., Sehorn and two 17-year-old boys reportedly broke into the World Night Club on Music Factory through a back door.

One of the club’s owners told WCCB that the teens hid behind the bar and drank

liquor belonging to the nightclub. The owner claimed a cleaning crew caught the trespassers. He added that the trio ran off, but were caught by police shortly after.

The trio are accused of stealing six bottles of liquor worth $500, according to the arrest warrant.

Avery Sehorn is the daughter of Harmon and former NFL star Jason Sehorn. The couple divorced in 2015 and have two other daughters, Finley, 20, and Emery, 15.

Harmon – best known for her roles in “Law & Order” and “Rizzoli & Isles” – had congratulated Sehorn days before her arrest for graduating high school at the Charlotte Christian School – a private, college preparatory, non-denominational Christian school.

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