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Today's News: June 01, 2018

World News
Machine gun shooting, stabbings as city reels from night of bloodshed
Daily Star  – A man in his 20s is fighting for life after being shot multiple times outside his home in Brent, north-west London, at around 8.30pm on Thursday night.
An unnamed eyewitness claimed the attacker used to “machine gun” to fire at hail of bullets at the victim in Lawrence Avenue, according to the Evening Standard.
The man, who was treated at the scene before being rushed to hospital in a critical condition, was shot at least eight times, the witness claims.
Police found another man in his 20s with critical stabbing injuries just two hours later about a mile away in Rainborough Close.
Scotland Yard is investigating whether there is a link between the two attacks.
CRACK DOWN: Ecuador says Assange can stay in embassy ‘with conditions’; No politics
The Guardian – Assange must follow rules and avoid talking politics on Twitter – otherwise Lenín Moreno says he will ‘take a decision’
North Korea official set to meet Trump, give letter, in rare meeting
Reuters – A senior North Korean official was expected to visit the White House on Friday to hand over a letter for U.S. President Donald Trump from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, as the two adversaries try to put a derailed summit back on track.
Macron Tells Trump US Tariffs Are ‘Illegal’, EU Will Respond
Newsmax – Emmanuel Macron told Donald Trump late Thursday that tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from the European Union were “illegal” and that the EU would respond in a “firm and proportionate manner”, the Elysee Palace said.
U.S. News, Politics & Government
Fake cops responded to 911 calls fooling police for years
Mlive – A group of wannabe cops has been fooling police, firefighters and the public for years across Genesee County, according to law enforcement officials.
Now they are facing felony charges.
The group is accused of conducting false arrests of individuals they accused of committing crimes and even tricking real emergency responders at crime scenes.
“We believe that on some occasions, they were the first to show up on crime scenes,” said Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton. “On some occasions, the real police would ask them to perform tasks at the scene, not realizing they were imposters.”
U.S. may open door to more temporary immigrant workers, Trump aide says
Reuters – The Trump administration is examining ways U.S. industries could hire more immigrant workers on a temporary basis, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow said on Friday, as data showed the United States unemployment rate at an 18-year low.
New Colorado Law Expands Asset Forfeiture Reforms
Activist Post – On Tuesday, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signed a bill into law expanding asset forfeiture reporting requirements instituted last year.
Rep. Leslie Herod (D-Denver) introduced House Bill 1020 (HB1020) on Jan. 10. The legislation expands asset forfeiture reporting requirements by redefining the agencies required to submit reports.
Prosecutors consider charges for McCabe
WND – Investigators from the District of Columbia U.S. Attorney’s Office recently interviewed former FBI director James Comey as part of a probe into whether his deputy, Andrew McCabe, broke the law by lying to federal agents – an indication the office is seriously considering whether McCabe should be charged with a crime, a person familiar with the matter said.
Mueller investigation hits $17 million
WND – A new government report released late Thursday shows the Justice Department has spent more than $17 million on its investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election since the appointment one year ago of special counsel Robert Mueller.
Report: Parkland Cops Wouldn’t Let Paramedics Enter School
Newsmax – The Broward Sheriff’s Office blocked paramedics from going inside the Parkland, Florida, high school where a gunman was killing and wounding students Feb. 14, according to the Miami Herald.
Economy & Business
Unemployment Rate Falls to 18-Year Low; Solid Hiring in May
Wall Street Journal – The U.S. labor market was firing on all cylinders in May: the unemployment rate fell to an 18-year low, employers added jobs at a faster pace and wages modestly improved.
Vegas casinos face threat of 1st worker strike in 3 decades
Yahoo – The possibility of 50,000 Las Vegas casino workers going on strike drew closer Thursday, with their contracts expiring at midnight and the prospects of new ones still uncertain.
The bartenders, housekeepers, bellmen and other unionized workers at 34 casino-hotels on the Strip and downtown Las Vegas have been negotiating new five-year contracts since February.
Energy & Environment
Pope to meet with oil execs to discuss ‘climate change’
Axios – Pope Francis is hosting a gathering next week at the Vatican with executives of major oil producers and investment firms to talk about how the companies can address climate change, according to several people familiar with the event.
Hawaii volcano prompts new warning: Heed evacuation order or face arrest
Fox – As molten lava continued spewing from Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano Thursday, Hawaii County ordered all residents of a designated portion of the hard-hit Leilani Estates development to evacuate by Friday morning or face possible arrest.
Big Island Mayor Harry Kim declared a roughly 17-block swath of the estates “off limits indefinitely” and gave residents 24 hours to get out by 12:06 p.m. local time Friday, Reuters reported.
Science & Technology
Pew Study: Teens’ Internet Obsessions Getting Worse
Newsmax – Almost double the number just a few years ago, American teens are not just social-media savvy, they are obsessed, with nearly half reporting they are online on a near-constant basis, according to the latest Pew Research Center survey.
4 Government-Approved Ingredients Harming Your Health
Care2 – There is a common misconception that everything deemed safe by the authorities is actually good for our health.
But let me ask you this: would you consume herbal tea with cocaine? Probably not, and yet, the FDA approved it.
Sadly, I am not just making reference to ‘exotic’ ingredients that may slip from time to time. The situation is more dire because many of the ingredients that harm our health are used in common foods and at a large scale.
We take our minerals and vitamins from food and it is of paramount importance to know the ingredients to avoid even if they are governmentally approved.

  1. Artificial Sweeteners
  2. Preservatives & Emulsifiers
  3. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
  4. Partially Hydrogenated Oils and Trans Fats

Another Antibiotic Crisis: Fragile Supply Leads to Shortages
Newsmax – Shortages of some life-saving antibiotics are putting growing numbers of patients at risk and fuelling the evolution of “superbugs” that do not respond to modern medicines, according to a new report on Thursday.
The non-profit Access to Medicine Foundation (AMF) said there was an emerging crisis in the global anti-infectives market as fragile drug supply chains – reliant on just a few big suppliers – come close to collapse.
Itv – A new blood test reportedly able to detect certain types of cancer several years before a person falls ill has been hailed as a major breakthrough.
The discovery came after trials on 1,400 patients found the procedure to identify DNA markers worked with up to 90% accuracy, the Daily Telegraph reported.
It is understood researchers suggested the test could become available internationally in five years.

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