July 18, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today’s News: June 01, 2023

Today’s Top 5:
  1. ANALYSIS: Debt Ceiling Deal Would Unfreeze Student Loan Repayments: Here’s What Borrowers Should Know

Roughly 40 million borrowers of federal student loans will soon need to start paying their bills again under a deal reached by President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) to bring temporary relief to the recurring debt ceiling crisis.

The 99-page legislative package (pdf), which McCarthy expects to bring to a vote in the Republican-led House on May 31 before heading to Democrat-majority Senate, would allow the federal government to borrow more money to operate while also avoiding a default on its old debts.

As part of the deal, the federal government would resume the collection of student loan payments and interest, which has been halted for three years. The pause was first ordered by former President Donald Trump in March 2020 as a way to ease financial pressure on Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic and has since been extended nine times under both the Trump and Biden administrations.

  1. House Passes Debt Ceiling Bill in Bipartisan Vote, Moves to Senate

The U.S. House of Representatives inched the country away from financial default by passing a temporary suspension of the nation’s debt ceiling.

Members approved a compromise in the debt ceiling standoff negotiated by President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) in a bipartisan vote of 314 to 117 on May 31. Seventy-one Republicans voted against the bill.

The measure passed 314 to 117. Forty-six Democrats and 71 Republicans voted against the bill.

  1. House Freedom Caucus Vows ‘Reckoning’ If GOP Passes Debt Limit Deal

Members of the staunchly conservative House Freedom Caucus have promised a “reckoning” if their Republican colleagues support the debt limit deal struck by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and President Joe Biden.

“If you’re out there watching this, every one of my colleagues, let me very be clear: Not one Republican should vote for this deal. It is a bad deal,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) said at a May 30 press conference in front of the Capitol.

  1. Assistant Secretary of State Calls FISA Abuses ‘Disturbing’ but Says Program Should Continue

Assistant Secretary of State Brett Holmgren said on May 30 that abuses of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) are “disturbing,” but he said the program should continue.

Holmgren, who oversees the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), emphasized the national security and diplomatic uses of 702, downplaying abuses.

“Today INR and the State Department that we serve, is at risk of losing access to one of the most important streams of intelligence on which we rely … Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act,” Holmgren said.

FISA Section 702 is a provision in U.S. law that allows for intelligence gathering on foreign agents operating outside the U.S. However, a litany of violations has left the fate of the program—which is set to expire on Dec. 31 if Congress doesn’t reauthorize it—uncertain.

Most prominently, Section 702 has been repeatedly abused by the FBI.

  1. James Comer: FBI Confirms Existence of File Allegedly Linking Joe Biden to $5M Bribery Scheme

The FBI confirmed the existence of an informant file the bureau refuses to provide Congress that allegedly links President Joe Biden to a $5 million bribery scheme, a confirmation the Justice Department previously did not deny, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) revealed Wednesday.

Comer and FBI Director Christopher Wray conducted a scheduled meeting Wednesday in which  the bureau chief confirmed the file’s existence. The file allegedly details an arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions between now-President Biden and a foreign national.


German Outrage Over The Country’s Oil And Gas Boiler Ban

Germans are criticizing a government plan to ban oil and gas boilers and replace them with heat pumps, arguing it is happening too fast and is going to cost a lot of money.

Germany wants to become net-zero by 2045. To this end, the government recently announced it would ban boilers working with fossil fuels, effectively forcing people to switch to heat pumps as the only green enough option for people with no access to district heating.

The cost of the ban is estimated at over 9 billion euros, or $10 billion, annually until 2028. After that, according to the Scholz government, costs will drop by almost half thanks to a ramp-up in heat pump production and a scale-up of wind and solar capacity.

The government is offering financial help to households, to the tune of 30% of the cost of the switch but Germans appear to not be particularly enticed by that offer.

“People are outraged and furious,” Petra Uertz of the Residential Property Association told the Financial Times. “They can’t understand why it has to happen so quickly.”

“This law affects 66 million Germans . . . and there is enormous disquiet,” according to Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, a senior MP from the liberal Free Democratic Party.

The FDP is one of the three parties in the coalition government led by Olaf Scholz and it is not a fan of the gas boiler ban.

“We shouldn’t be tying it to a particular date come hell or high water, there are things in it that must be changed first,” Strack-Zimmermann told German media, saying the Green Party’s insistence on passing the ban as law before the summer break was absurd.

The Green Party, by the way, is losing popular support faster than snow melts in May. According to the latest figures, as presented by the FT, it is now less popular than the right-wing Alternative for Germany, with a popularity rating of 14%.

What’s more, the ban has triggered a jump in demand for gas boilers: it would only come into effect as of January next year, so if people install boilers before this year’s end, they can keep using the

What the New World Order has planned for us!  

Stew Peters Network: Final Days Worldwide Premiere

If this video presentation doesn’t force you to have a “Come to Jesus” meeting, nothing will.

Beijing Exports Religious Suppression by Printing Propaganda in US Textbooks: Report

The Chinese regime has exported its ultra-leftist suppression of religions to U.S. soil through defamatory materials in college textbooks, a new report has found.

Titled “Surveillance, Slander, and Censorship,” the report released on May 25 by the New York-based Falun Dafa Information Center surveyed dozens of university campuses across the United States with a presence of Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline heavily persecuted in communist China, to examine how the Chinese regime’s persecution is affecting adherents of the faith in the United States. 

It found that at least 10 universities, including Yale University, Brown University, the University of Chicago, the University of Michigan, and Wellesley College, use curriculum materials for a Chinese language course that contained defamatory propaganda about the spiritual practice. 

The textbook, titled “Discussing Everything Chinese,” contains a section on Falun Gong that “attempts to legitimize the CCP’s religious persecution against Falun Gong by misrepresenting the practice and framing its adherents as possessing psychological problems,” the report stated, using the acronym for the Chinese Communist Party.

Under Macron, France Brings Back “Preventive Censorship” After More Than 140 Years

On May 9, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin asked the prefects throughout France to ban all events and protests organized by “the far right or the ultra-right.” In Paris alone, the police prefecture banned six such events last weekend, including a symposium organized by the Iliade Institute.

The symposium that was to take place on Sunday aimed to honor the memory of Dominique Venner, a historian who took his life exactly 10 years ago in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris as a “sacrifice” to “break with the lethargy that is overwhelming us,” to “awaken slumbering consciences.”

“I rebel against fate. I protest against poisons of the soul and the desires of invasive individuals to destroy the anchors of our identity, including the family, the intimate basis of our multi-millennial civilization,” he said in a message read after his death.

In one of the six decisions taken by the police prefect in Paris last weekend to comply with the order of Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne’s government, an administrative court overturned the ban against a conference and a march organized by the royalist organization Action Française to commemorate Joan of Arc. It was thus allowed to proceed and did so without disrupting public order, just like in previous years.

The organizers of the Iliade Institute’s symposium, however, were informed so late – less than 24 hours before their planned event – that it was impossible to obtain an interim measure in their favor by a court. Hence, when the persons invited to the symposium turned out at the venue rented out by the Iliade Institute in Paris, a police cordon barred their entry.


Suspected Chinese spies, disguised as tourists, tried to infiltrate Alaskan military bases

Chinese citizens posing as tourists but suspected of being spies have made several attempts in recent years to gain access to military facilities in this vast state studded with sensitive bases, according to U.S. officials.

In one incident, a vehicle with Chinese citizens blew past a security checkpoint at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, several soldiers told USA TODAY. The vehicle was eventually stopped, and a search found a drone inside the vehicle. The occupants claimed they were tourists who had gotten lost.

Many of the encounters have been chalked up to innocent mistakes by foreign visitors intent on viewing the Northern Lights and other attractions in Alaska, officials say. Other attempts to enter U.S. military bases, however, seem to be probes to learn about U.S. military capabilities in Alaska, according to multiple soldiers familiar with the incidents but who were not authorized to speak publicly about them.

Not everyone who appear to be tourists in Alaska, are, in fact tourists, one Army officer said. Instead, they are foreign spies.

Ruling clears way for Purdue Pharma to settle opioid claims, protects Sacklers from lawsuits

A federal appeals court cleared the way for the maker of OxyContin to settle thousands of legal claims tied to the opioid epidemic while shielding the wealthy owners of Purdue Pharma, the Sackler family, from future lawsuits.

Under the plan approved Tuesday by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York, members of the wealthy Sackler family would give up ownership of Stamford, Connecticut-based Purdue, which would become a new company known as Knoa, with its profits being sent to a fund to prevent and treat addiction.

Family members would also contribute $5.5 billion to $6 billion in cash over time, or around half of what the court found to be their collective fortune, much of it held offshore. A chunk of that money — at least $750 million — is to go to individual victims of the opioid crisis and their survivors. Payments are expected to range from about $3,500 to $48,000.

Tuesday’s decision also protects members of the Sackler family from lawsuits over the toll of opioids, even though they did not file for bankruptcy.

The court’s ruling reversed a 2021 ruling that found bankruptcy court judges did not have the authority to approve a settlement that would offer bankruptcy protections for those who have not filed for bankruptcy.

Those protections are at the heart of the proposed deal that would end claims filed by thousands of state, local and Native American tribal governments and other entities. Sackler family members have been clear that without the protections, they won’t hold up their part of the deal.

“It’s a great day for victims, some of who desperately need the money and have been waiting for this day for a long time,” said Ed Neiger, a lawyer representing individual victims.

White House Officially Pulls Nominations of US Auto Safety Agency Head, 2 Judges

The White House announced on May 30 that President Joe Biden is formally withdrawing his nomination of Ann Carlson to be administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), just months after she was nominated to the top position.

In a press release, the White House said it had informed the Senate that Carlson’s nomination had been withdrawn.

Officials did not provide a reason for the move.

The Epoch Times has contacted the White House for further comment.

Carlson, the agency’s chief counsel, was named acting head of NHTSA in September after taking over from Steven Cliff. She was formally nominated for the top position in February.

During her time at the administration, Carlson has overseen safety probes into Tesla, and efforts to reduce traffic deaths and boost vehicle fuel economy requirements.

However, her nomination had faced fierce opposition from Republican leaders who raised concerns over Carlson’s track record at the agency, including her past environmentalist positions on climate issues.

In May, all 13 Republicans on the Senate Commerce Committee, led by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), signed a letter (pdf) to Carlson stating their concerns over her past work at NHTSA and past career which they said suggests “NHTSA intends to mimic the EPA’s [Environmental Protection Agency’s] draconian EV [electric vehicle] mandate.”

Elizabeth Holmes reports to prison for 11-year sentence for Theranos fraud

Elizabeth Holmes, the disgraced founder and former CEO of the now-defunct company Theranos, has reported to prison to begin her 11-year sentence for fraud and conspiracy stemming from false claims she made about her company’s technology. 

Holmes turned herself in Tuesday to a low-security, women’s prison in Bryan, Texas, more than a year after she was convicted on three felony counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. She received her sentence in November and had been ordered to turn herself in by Tuesday. 

The End Of Free Speech Will Be The End Of America

Technocrat Elon Musk gave the last glimmer of hope for Free Speech when he bought Twitter and pledged “free speech for all”. Millions of censored victims flocked to Twitter to find relief. Even as the mice ran in,  the trap was sprung as Musk hired CEO Linda Yaccarino, a woke media mogul with top leadership roles at the World Economic Forum.

When, as and if Free Speech is nullified by the crushing machine of Technocracy, Technocrats like Musk will have free rein to do anything they want with zero resistance. ⁃ TN Editor

Nevada Republican Governor Signs Bill Shielding Out-of-State Abortionists

Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo — a Republican — signed a bill into law on Tuesday that protects out-of-state abortion seekers and abortionists from prosecution in the state, “regardless of other states’ policies,” the Nevada Independent reported

“Lombardo’s signature on the bill marks the first significant stance he has taken on abortion access after his position on abortion shifted throughout the election cycle,” according to the report. “Previously, Lombardo had signaled he would sign the measure as long as it was a ‘clean bill’ that only focused on preventing state agencies from cooperating with other states wanting to prosecute someone for receiving reproductive care in Nevada.”

Project Veritas Sues Founder James O’Keefe

Project Veritas on May 31 sued its founder James O’Keefe following his ouster from the journalism group.

O’Keefe breached his contract by starting a rival group while still employed by Project Veritas, the organization said in the 37-page lawsuit, filed in U.S. court in New York.

O’Keefe formed the O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) on Feb. 17 despite not having been terminated yet, the suit says. O’Keefe also falsely said on multiple occasions that he was fired despite still being employed, albeit suspended, by Project Veritas, according to the filing.

O’Keefe is also accused of violating his contract by contacting Project Veritas donors and soliciting Project Veritas workers to come work for him at his new organization.

One message allegedly sent to donors said in part, “Hey there, I know you’ve been a supporter of my work in the last year,” with a link to an OMG webpage asking for paid subscriptions.

EXCLUSIVE: School District Tells Gym Teachers To Wear Gay Flags, Use Preferred Pronouns To Make Class More ‘Inclusive’

A Colorado school district encouraged its physical education (P.E.) teachers to don LGBT pride gear and use preferred pronouns in an effort to display their support for the LGBTQ community, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation through a public records request.

On March 8, a group of Jeffco Public Schools high school teachers were trained on how to make the district’s P.E. programs “even more inclusive,” where all students feel welcome regardless of their “race, ethnicity or sexual orientation,” according to a presentation obtained by the DCNF through a public records request. Teachers were trained to engage in “public visibility” by sporting some sort of rainbow pride gear such as a pin or t-shirt, plan or participate in pride events and practice using preferred pronouns. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: Child Gender Clinic Trained Teachers To Help Transition Elementary School Kids)

“We know from research and feedback from students around the country that visibility matters immensely in building inclusion,” the presentation read. “A pin, t-shirt, flags, stickers and use of pronouns are impactful ways of making a difference.”

Nevada Democrats to Fine Schools $5k Per Day for Banning Males from Girls Sports

Nevada Democrats passed a law that would penalize school boards that ban men from participating in women’s sports and using women’s locker rooms.

Passed Friday, the amendment will seek to fine schools $5,000 per day if they ban men from participating in women’s sports.

“The controversial amendment to penalize schools was reportedly only added after the first draft of Assembly Bill No. 423 already passed with unanimous, bipartisan support. The amendment to the bill received zero GOP votes, passing only with full Democratic support,” reported Fox News.

Republican Nevada lawmaker Ira Hansen referred to the bill as the “Bud Light Amendment” prior to its passing without any hearing.

Attorney Sounds Alarm On Criminal Gag Order Placed on J6 Defendants: ‘It’s The Most Astounding Chill On Free Speech That I’ve Ever Seen’

Federal judges in tandem with the Justice Department and the US Federal Bureau of Prisons are punishing J6 defendants for refusing to renounce their beliefs, speaking out about the cruel and unusual treatment they are subjected to and raising money to pay for their attorney fees and commissary while detained.

Judges are adding years to a J6 defendant’s sentence for conducting interviews with the media. Correction officers and jail staff are also retaliating against inmates for their horrific stories of prisoner abuse to the American public.

One high-profile J6 defendant has been locked in a 6 by 8 foot cell in solitary confinement while he’s been dragged through the mud by the media for the past two years and a half years. The left claims he is a white supremacist ad infinitum while the right is concerned he is a fed.

Attempting to set the record straight when his fate is in the hands of an activist judge and prison comes with great risk, the political prisoner, who asked his name be withheld, told The Gateway Pundit.

He warned a judge just added years to Peter Schwartz’s sentence for talking to the media and fundraising and surmises he and his co-defendants should keep a low profile until the judge issues their sentence.

Criminal defense attorney Steven Metcalf confirmed a judge gave Schwartz a longer sentence for speaking out.

The new implicit gag order on J6ers is just the tip of the iceberg. DC courts have readjusted bail reform for J6ers, Metcalf told TGP in an exclusive interview.


Target’s Stock Has Lost Billions of Dollars Amid ‘Pride’ Backlash

Target Corporation’s stock has lost a significant amount in the past two weeks as the retailer continues to face backlash over its line of LGBT clothing for children.

Shares of the firm dropped by about 0.8 percent on May 31, to $132.73, or about 17 percent down from two weeks ago, on May 18, when the stock was trading at $160.96. Data show that the current levels are the lowest Target has experienced since the early days of the pandemic.

According to an analysis posted by the New York Post, Target’s stock has lost about $12.7 billion so far amid the backlash.

Bud Light Sales Decline Shows Few Signs of Stopping Soon

As boycotts spread through different industries, Bud Light has continued to see declining sales after engaging with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney two months ago.

According to data by Bump Williams Consulting and Nielsen IQ, sales of Bud Light dropped 25.7 percent for the week ending May 20, reported the New York Post. Its nearest rival, Modelo Especial, saw its sales increase by 9.2 percent for the same week, Williams said.

Overall, Bud Light’s sales are down 24.3 percent for the four-week period that ended on May 20, the data show. Modelo, meanwhile, has grown by 8 percent in the same timeframe. Perhaps the biggest winner is Pennsylvania-based Yuengling, which bills itself as “America’s Oldest Brewery,” as the brand’s Yuengling Flight has increased by 47.6 percent in the four-week period.

Feds Proposes New Rules to Require Automatic Emergency Brakes in All Light Cars

The Biden administration on Wednesday proposed a new rule that would require nearly all passenger vehicles and light trucks to have automatic emergency brakes (AEB) before they are allowed on American roads.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which oversees safety standards for automakers in the United States, said the proposed rule would “dramatically” reduce the number of crashes with pedestrians and rear-end collisions.

In numbers, the federal agency estimated that implementing the rule could save at least 360 lives and reduce 24,000 injuries every year.

For reference, a total of 42,915 Americans were killed on roads in 2021, the highest number of traffic deaths since 2005. That figure slightly dropped by 0.3 percent in 2022.

If adopted, all light vehicles—defined as passenger cars, multipurpose passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses with a gross vehicle weight rating of up to 10,000 pounds—will be required to have AEB installed within three years after the publication of a final rule.

This Is The End Of A Mega-Cycle

Have we finally reached the end of the road?  When it comes to the economy, most of us focus on short-term cycles.  In recent years there have been times when the economy has been growing and there have been times when the economy has been shrinking, but all of those short-term fluctuations have happened in the context of a long-term trend of debt-fueled “growth”.  We have been relentlessly stealing from the future in order to make the present more pleasant, and most of us pretend that the piper will never have to be paid.  But of course the truth is that a day of reckoning is fast approaching, and that day of reckoning is going to be immensely painful.

As Interest Rates Rise, the Era of “Deficits Don’t Matter” Is Over

Back in 2002, then-Vice President Dick Cheney claimed “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter” and went on to push for tax cuts combined with more federal spending. Indeed, the Bush administration would go on to push immense amounts of new spending, supporting a huge Medicare expansion and blowing hundreds of millions of dollars on costly and pointless occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The national debt grew by 70 percent during Bush’s eight years, but no one in Washington—Republican or Democrat—really cared. After 2003, the economy seemed to be growing and after the 2008 financial crisis hit, all that really mattered was bailing out Wall Street to “save” the global economy. 

In fact, for more than thirty years, stern warnings about the federal debt and annual deficits have come from wet-blanket curmudgeons who insisted that running up huge debts would become a problem. They were right, but the time frame has proven to be quite a bit longer than most anticipated. Many significant global political and economic changes intervened to ease the process of incurring an enormous national debt, even as the total debt exploded from $5.6 trillion to $22.5 trillion between 2000 and 2019. These changes included rising global productivity, a new globalized work force, and solid global demand for dollars—which fueled apparently limitless demand for for US government bonds. This ensured the debt remained easy enough to manage. For a time.

Things are changing, however, and in the coming five years we’ll begin to see how a newly accelerating debt, declining demand for dollars, and rising price inflation will finally reveal how and why deficits do matter, after all. 


Why Were 50 Senators Just Given Satellite Phones as Part of “New Security Measures” by the Sergeant at Arms?

There are very specific situations in which satellite phones are necessary for safety and security. Most of these situations have to do with location; satellite phones can operate in remote areas where cell towers aren’t close.

So why have 50 Senators been issued satellite phones by the Senate’s Sergeant at Arms as part of “new security measures”?

According to DiscloseTV:

JUST IN – 50 U.S. senators have been issued satellite phones for emergency communication. The devices are part of a series of “new security measures” being offered to all U.S. senators by the Senate Sergeant at Arms.

These expensive and bulky phones were offered to all 100 Senators with at least half accepting them. This move has prompted conspiracy theorists to wonder if the government is aware of coming events that could disrupt standard cellular communication.

Senate Sergeant at Arms Karen Gibson, who took over the position after her predecessor resigned following the January 6, 2021 incident, all but confirmed that this is their concern. According to CBS News:

In testimony before the Senate Appropriations Committee last month, Senate Sergeant at Arms Karen Gibson said satellite communication is being deployed “to ensure a redundant and secure means of communication during a disruptive event.”

Gibson said the phones are a security backstop in the case of an emergency that “takes out communications” in part of America. Federal funding will pay for the satellite airtime needed to utilize the phone devices.

A Department of Homeland Security advisory said satellite phones are a tool for responding to and coordinating government services in the case of a “man-made” or natural disaster that wipes out communication.

Satellite phones have advantages such as very strong coverage even in remote locations, powerful security, durability, and longer battery life. But they have one major drawback. They require line-of-site with low-earth-orbit satellites, which means they only work outdoors and can be hampered or rendered useless during severe weather.

Do they know something they’re not telling us or are they just being more cautious today than they were yesterday? Sound off in the comments on our Substack.

Bizarre HYBRID animal is accidentally created at a Dorset petting zoo

From ligers to zeedonks, some bizarre hybrid animals have been created over the years. 

Now, the latest unusual cross-breed has been created at a petting zoo in Dorset – and it was entirely by accident. 

Two ‘shalais’ have been born after a ‘determined’ Shetland ewe snuck into a Valais ram’s enclosure. 


Amazon’s Ring doorbell was used to spy on customers, FTC says in privacy case

A former employee of Amazon’s Ring doorbell camera unit spied on female customers for months in 2017 with cameras placed in bedrooms and bathrooms, the Federal Trade Commission said in a court filing on Wednesday when it announced a $5.8m settlement with the company over privacy violations.

Amazon also agreed to pay $25m to settle allegations it violated children’s privacy rights when it failed to delete Alexa recordings at the request of parents and kept them longer than necessary, according to a court filing in federal court in Seattle that outlined a separate settlement.

CIA hacked iPhones of diplomats in Russia – FSB

Russian security officials claim to have uncovered a major surveillance operation exploiting Apple devices

The CIA installed malware on thousands of Apple phones used by Russian citizens and foreign diplomats working in the country, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) has claimed.

The FSB said on Thursday that a joint operation with the Federal Guard Service (FSO) had “uncover[ed] a surveillance operation by American intelligence agencies, carried out with the use of Apple’s mobile devices.”

An assessment of Russia’s telecom infrastructure revealed “anomalies” in the operations of some iPhones, caused by “a previously unknown malicious program that uses software vulnerabilities provided by the manufacturer,” a statement by the agency read.

Several thousand phones made by Apple were infected with the malware, according to the FSB.


Most Famous Geoengineer: It’s Really Not A Moral Hazard, It’s More Like Free-Riding On Our Grandkids

Must see! Shocking statements from the world’s most recognized geoengineer, Dr. David Keith. How long can you hold your breath

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. 


Does your 25-year shelf life contain bioengineered ingredients?  
Heaven’s Harvest doesn’t!   Here’s the label from a 4Patriots product:

See the “bioengineered food ingredient: Starch” above?

Makes you wonder doesn’t it?

Here’s My Patriot Supply’s Powdered Whey Milk product:

Notice above the measurement label it reads: Contains a bioengineered food ingredient?    


10 Benefits Of Applying Oil Near Belly ButtonYes really, your belly button!

What is HMPV? ‘Most important virus you’ve never heard of’ spikes 36%: CDC

A virus that virtually nobody has ever heard of has spread across the United States, causing a 36% spike in cases in 2023, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Human metapneumovirus, or HMPV, is a respiratory disease that causes symptoms much like the common cold: cough, fever, congestion, runny nose, a sore throat and shortness of breath, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

So, most people assume they have the cold or a flu, but among young children, older adults and people with weakened immune systems, HMPV can cause an illness severe enough to send them to the hospital.

It’s no surprise that most people have never heard of HMPV — the virus wasn’t even discovered until 2001.

When scientists tested blood samples as far back as the 1950s, however, they found evidence that the virus has been circulating for at least 50 years, CNN reports.

Foods that Contain the Highest Amount of Pesticides

Much of the produce that is sold today in supermarkets is supplied from farmers who practice conventional farming methods. In other words, the produce has been grown using chemical fertilizers as well as pesticides and herbicides. Many scientific studies suggest that the effects of synthetic pesticides can be detrimental to our health; one study suggests that the consumption of pesticides may lead to ADHD in children; in some other cases, exposure can lead to many forms of cancers, infertility problems and birth defects. Along with the many other poor ‘food like’ products we are eating, there is an array of foreign substances that are entering our bodies. As we expose ourselves to these synthetic substances over the years, our bodies become overloaded, and our ‘cleaning’ mechanisms fail to work. As a result, many of us develop sickness and disease because our bodies cannot efficiently remove these toxins anymore. In order to help give your body a break from this chemical onslaught, we have suggested what foods should be eaten organically.  The foods listed below are some of the most toxic to our bodies if eaten from conventional sources. Based on the Environment Working Group (EWG), they contain the most pesticides, both on and within them, compared to other foods; so, if you are considering switching to organic, we would suggest taking account of the foods below as a first propriety in your transition.  

Top 12 Foods You Should Eat Organically (From lowest to highest amount of pesticides)

  1. Apples: They contain 42 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 42 pesticide residues, there are 7 known carcinogens, 19 suspected hormone disruptors, 10 neurotoxins, 6 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 17 honeybee toxins.
  2. Cherries: They contain 42 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 42 pesticide residues, 7 known or probable carcinogens, 22 suspected hormone disruptors, 7 neurotoxins, 8 development or reproductive toxins, and 18 honeybee toxins.
  3. Green Beans: They contain 44 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 44 pesticide residues, there are 8 known carcinogens, 22 suspected hormone disruptors, 11 neurotoxins, 8 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 18 honeybee toxins.
  4. Collard Greens: They contain 46 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 46 pesticide residues, there are 9 known carcinogens, 25 suspected hormone disruptors, 10 neurotoxins, 8 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 25 honeybee toxins.
  5. Spinach: It contains 48 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 48 pesticide residues, there are 8 known carcinogens, 25 suspected hormone disruptors, 8 neurotoxins, 6 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 23 honeybee toxins.
  6. Sweet Bell Peppers: They contain 49 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 49 pesticide residues, there are 11 known carcinogens, 26 suspected hormone disruptors, 13 neurotoxins, 10 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 19 honeybee toxins.
  7. Lettuce: It contains 51 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 51 pesticide residues, there are 12 known carcinogens, 29 suspected hormone disruptors, 9 neurotoxins, 10 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 21 honeybee toxins.
  8. Blueberries: They contain 52 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 52 pesticide residues, there are 8 known carcinogens, 24 suspected hormone disruptors, 14 neurotoxins, 7 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 21 honeybee toxins.
  9. Strawberries: They contain 54 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 54 pesticide residues, there are 9 known carcinogens, 24 suspected hormone disruptors,11 neurotoxins, 12 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 19 honeybee toxins.
  10. Kale: It contains 55 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 55 pesticide residues, there are 9 known carcinogens, 27 suspected hormone disruptors, 10 neurotoxins, 10 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 23 honeybee toxins.
  11. Peaches: They contain 62 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 62 pesticide residues, there are 10 known carcinogens, 29 suspected hormone disruptors, 12 neurotoxins, 11 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 25 honeybee toxins.
  12. Celery: It contains the most at 64 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 64 pesticide residues, there are 13 known carcinogens, 31 suspected hormone disruptors, 12 neurotoxins, 14 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 20 honeybee toxins.

Honourable Mentions 

– Broccoli: It contains 33 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program.

– Cucumbers: They contain 35 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program.

– Grapes: They contain 34 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program.

– Potatoes: They contain 37 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program.

– Tomatoes: They contain 35 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program.

5 Foods that Contain the Lowest Pesticide Residues

Bananas: They contain 12 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 12 pesticide residues, there are 4 known carcinogens, 7 suspected hormone disruptors, 2 neurotoxins, 5 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 2 honeybee toxins.

Grapefruit: It contains 11 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 11 pesticide residues, there are 4 known carcinogens, 4 suspected hormone disruptors, 4 neurotoxins, 4 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 2 honeybee toxins.

Almonds: They contain 9 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 9 pesticide residues, there are 1 known carcinogens, 4 suspected hormone disruptors, 3 neurotoxins, 0 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 4 honeybee toxins.

Asparagus: It contains 9 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 9 pesticide residues, there are 1 known carcinogens, 7 suspected hormone disruptors, 4 neurotoxins, 3 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 5 honeybee toxins.

Onion: It contains 1 known pesticide residues found by the USDA Pesticide Data Program. Out of the 9 pesticide residues, there are 0 known carcinogens, 0 suspected hormone disruptors, 0 neurotoxins, 0 developmental or reproductive toxins, and 0 honeybee toxins.

When buying produce always consider buying organic. Better yet, to ensure freshness, buy local as much as you can. When you can buy both local and organic, you can guarantee that the product is both free of pesticides, and full of nutrients. Further to this, you will also avoid any potential foods that may have been genetically modified. To check out pesticide residues on other sources of food, you may visit: http://www.whatsonmyfood.org/index.jsp. By substituting the top 12 pesticide laden foods with organic, you can eliminate up to 80% of pesticides from your diet.

Here’s a real treat!  Genetically Modified Ice Cream! 


New China COVID Wave Predicted to Infect 65M Weekly

A Chinese senior health adviser is predicting 65 million COVID-19 cases per week in China by June.

The new wave has been fueled by the XBB variant since April, Time.com reported.

Since pivoting to “living with the virus” policy in December, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention stopped updating weekly infections. The sudden relaxation of anti-epidemic protocols led to an estimated 37 million new infections a day weeks later, the news outlet reported.

The ‘Unvaccinated Are Unclean’ Compilation

We will forbear the impulse to retaliate, but we won’t forget this revolting mixture of atavism, lying, and cheap virtue signaling

During periods of peace and prosperity, when the prevailing social mood is positive, it’s often tough to know who is truly decent and reasonable. During times of stress and fear, people are far more inclined to show their true colors. Many get swept up in the emotions and groupthink of the frightened herd, thereby losing their capacity for critical thinking and principled action. Under such circumstances, if you insist on maintaining your individuality, you will likely be shocked to discover that even people whom you took to be old friends may join the herd in ostracizing you.

2021 and early 2022 were just such a time for those of us who didn’t fervently embrace the crude dogma of the COVID-19 Vaccine Cult. The following video is a remarkable expression of how easily a modern, advanced civilization can embrace the most atavistic, tribalistic, and scapegoating passions.

Especially revolting is how these expressions are enveloped in lies and cheap virtue signaling. We, the unvaccinated, will forbear the impulse to retaliate, but we won’t forget the pronouncements made in this compilation or the people who made them. Because we are wise, we will try to obey St. Paul’s injunction to suffer these fools gladly.

Authorities Admit Loneliness Epidemic but Shun Responsibility

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has published an advisory on the growing epidemic of loneliness and social isolation

Between 2003 and 2020, the time the average American spent with friends decreased by two-thirds, time spent in social engagements dropped by one-third, and time spent in isolation rose by 17%

People who feel socially disconnected experience higher rates of depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse and suicide. Being socially disconnected also impacts your mortality similarly to smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day, and the mortality risk rises even higher with obesity and inactivity

21% of people reported “severe loneliness” during 2020 compared to just 6% prior to the pandemic. Another survey found that while social isolation decreased from the first to the second year of the pandemic, loneliness still increased. This suggests that when you break down the social fabric and don’t allow for organic social interactions, it has long-lasting consequences

While Murthy does a good job detailing the extent of these problems, he completely ignores the fact that the U.S. government bears a huge responsibility for worsening the epidemic of loneliness and social isolation by enacting inhumane COVID rules and restrictions that all basically criminalized human-to-human contact and social interactions of all kinds, even among family members


‘HUGE VICTORY’: Rep. Matt Gaetz Gets Drag Show on Military Base Canceled

A planned “child-friendly” drag queen show on Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada has been canceled after Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) demanded answers from Pentagon leaders as to why it was happening when they claimed they did not support them on bases.

Gaetz tweeted, “HUGE VICTORY: The Department of Defense has CANCELED a scheduled ‘child-friendly’ drag show after I demanded answers from @SecDef Austin and General Milley!”

“Trans Rights” Means Trans Entitlements and the End of Civil Society

A “civil society” is a community of individuals who are linked together by common interests and activities. Common interests include being able to walk the streets safely (peace) and to exercise such rights as freedom of speech (individual freedom). These shared interests allow common activities to flourish, including commerce and the education of children.

Civil society is possible only because most people want to live securely, protect their loved ones, and prosper. This laissez-faire attitude used to be a defining characteristic of Americans, but an engineered and well-financed cultural war is destroying America’s renowned tolerance. If the common interests of society break down and peace and freedom are replaced by violence and privilege, then common activities like free-market commerce and education cannot function.

One movement captures the raw destruction of this culture war against civil society—a demand for “Trans rights!” blasts across America. But a sharp backlash against it has also developed, epitomized by the boycott of Bud Light beer over the company’s use of trans activist Dylan Mulvaney as a new “woman” ambassador for its brand.

The media characterizes this backlash as antitrans hatred by conservatives, Christians, and other troglodytes. But few people care about the sexual or gender orientation of their neighbors. Critics of the trans movement are rebelling against the forced redefinition of biology, the destruction of women’s sports by trans athletes, the hijacking of children’s education, the medical experiment of gender-transitioning children, and the intrusion of penises in women-only spaces like bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, and shelters. Critics don’t want to oppress anyone; they want a return to civil society of peace and individual rights.

To understand why the “trans rights” movement has caused such damage, it is necessary to ask three questions. What is a “transgendered” person? What are “rights”? What is produced by the actions the movement takes?


Danny Masterson, star of That ’70s Show, found guilty of rape

47-year-old actor, who allegedly drugged women’s drinks, faces up to 30 years in prison after jury finds him guilty

Danny Masterson, the actor best known for his role in That ’70s Show, was found guilty of two counts of rape on Wednesday in a Los Angeles retrial in which the Church of Scientology played a central role.

The jury of seven women and five men reached the verdict after deliberating for seven days spread over two weeks. They could not reach a verdict on the third count, that alleged Masterson raped a longtime girlfriend. They had voted 8-4 in favor of conviction.

Masterson was led from the courtroom in handcuffs. The 47-year-old actor faces up to 30 years in prison.

His wife, actor and model Bijou Phillips, wept as he was led away. Other family and friends sat stone-faced.

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