July 4, 2024

The Power Hour

Knowledge is Power

Today's News: June 05, 2019

World News

Trump says there is ‘always a chance’ of war with Iran

RT – War between the US and Iran is a possibility, President Donald Trump stated in an interview with Piers Morgan. However, he stressed that he is not seeking armed conflict with Tehran.

When pressed by Morgan about rising tensions with Iran and the likelihood of war, Trump acknowledged that nothing could be ruled out.

There’s always a chance. Do I want to, no. But there is always a chance.

The US leader insisted that he would “much rather talk” to Iran, but that all necessary actions would be taken to prevent Tehran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

“The only thing is we can’t let them have nuclear weapons. I know so much about nuclear weapons. I’m the one who gets trained and has to study this.”

US Bans Educational and Recreational Travel to Cuba

Global Research – As of June 5, U.S. citizens will be prohibited from making group educational and cultural trips known as “people to people” travel to Cuba, Secretary of Commerce Steve Mnuchin of the U.S. Treasury Department confirmed in a statement Tuesday.

According to the commercial director at Cuba’s tourism ministry, Michel Bernal, the island nation received about 250,000 U.S. visitors in the first four months of 2019, which represented a 93.5 percent increase from the same period in 2018.

For the time being, commercial airline flights and travel for university groups, academic research, journalism and professional meetings will continue to be allowed.

In response to the new sanctions, Cuba Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez wrote on Twitter that he “strongly rejects new sanctions announced by the U.S., which further restrict  U.S. citizens’ travels to Cuba, aimed at suffocating the economy and harming the living standards of Cubans in order to forcefully obtain political concessions. Once again they will fail.”

Denmark Admits Country Has ‘Big Problem’ With Criminal Migrants

Breitbart – Danish Justice Minister Søren Pape Poulsen has admitted that his country has a “big problem” with migrant criminals and has defended new measures from the government designed to make deportations easier.

The minister’s statements come in reaction to a study by Danish media that discovered Somalis were by far the largest foreign nationality in Denmark to be convicted for violence with 916 convictions between 2014 and 2018, Danish tabloid B.T. reports.

Trump says British hospitals are a ‘sea of blood’ and ‘everyone’s being stabbed’ in controversial comments on UK knife crime
Daily Mail – President Donald Trump has weighed in over the UK’s knife crime debate, describing hospitals as a ‘sea of blood’ because ‘everyone is being stabbed’.

The President was being questioned on gun control in the US by Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan when he expressed his thoughts on amount of violent crimes happening in London.

Defending his stance on guns, the President hit back and said: ‘In London you have stabbings all over.

‘I read an article where everybody is being stabbed.

‘They said your hospital is a sea of blood, all over the floors.’

The striking comments drew fury from some MPs – but others said the President was ‘spot on’.

Swedish Gov’t Intends to Ban Religious Schools, Except Jewish

Sputnik – Swedish Education Minister Anna Ekström has suggested that religious schools are “bad for society” and that stopping them was essential for integration.

The Swedish government intends to stop the future establishment of private charter schools, as a means of indicating that it is a secular state.

As a result of a consensus between the ruling left-of-the-centre red-green coalition and its junior support parties, the Centre and the Liberals, an investigation on the confessional elements in the educational system is now in progress. The assignment of special investigator Lars Arrhenius is to submit proposals for a total stop to the establishment of new primary and secondary schools which have a religious undertone.

“In recent years, we have seen examples of schools that, in the name of religion, separate girls and boys, barely teach about sex or cohabitation, and equate evolution with religious creationism myths. This is totally unacceptable. Now the government is taking the first steps towards stopping new religious schools,” Social Democrat Education Minister Anna Ekström said in a statement.

According to her, the possibility of starting new charter schools with a confessional orientation may ultimately be removed. Existing religious schools shall remain, but may have to revise their regulations.

U.S. News, Politics & Government

Judge rejects House suit to block transfer of billions of dollars for Trump border wall

Washington Post – A federal judge in Washington on Monday rejected a House lawsuit to block spending on President Trump’s plan to build a wall at the border with Mexico.

U.S. District Judge Trevor N. McFadden denied a House request to temporarily stop spending on the wall, saying the House lacked legal standing to sue the president for allegedly overstepping his power by diverting billions intended for other purposes to pay for it.

“While the Constitution bestows upon Members of the House many powers, it does not grant them standing to hale the Executive Branch into court claiming a dilution of Congress’s legislative authority,” McFadden, a 2017 Trump appointee, wrote in a 24-page decision. “The Court therefore lacks jurisdiction to hear the House’s claims and will deny its motion.”

The decision is at odds with a May 24 ruling by a federal judge in California that temporarily blocked part of the plan because it was using money Congress never appropriated for that purpose.

Dems plan Capitol Hill event to put president’s mental health under fire

Washington Examiner – Democrats are planning to host a Capitol Hill event featuring psychiatrists who will warn that President Trump is unfit for office based on his mental health.

The event will be led by Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale School of Medicine psychiatrist and editor of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, a book that argues psychiatrists have a responsibility to warn the public when a president is dangerous. The position is controversial because psychiatric associations urge members never to diagnose patients they haven’t personally evaluated, saying it undermines the scientific rigor of the profession.

But Lee and others who agree with her stance say that their description of the president’s behavior, of his showing mental instability and dangerousness, shouldn’t be interpreted as issuing a diagnosis.

“The president’s condition has been visibly deteriorating to the point where there’s a lot of talk right now about his mental state beyond mental health professionals,” Lee said. “It no longer takes a mental health professional to recognize the seriousness of the current presidency.”

The date for the town hall hasn’t been set but would be held “imminently soon within the next couple of weeks,” said Lee, who said the event was meant to be bipartisan. Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth, D-Ky., who has called for Trump’s impeachment, confirmed the event was in the works, but said it would be more likely to occur in July because lawmakers have a full plate in June with spending bills.

US Senators Seek to Block Arms Sales to Saudis, UAE Without Congress’ Approval

Sputnik – Earlier, President Trump invoked a provision of the Arms Export Control Act to allow the White House to bypass congressional approval procedures to sell arms to countries including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan.

A bipartisan group of senators announced nearly two dozen joint resolutions on Wednesday to try to block the Trump administration’s effort to push through 22 US arms sales deals with Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, and Amman.

The effort, led by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham and Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, looks to “protect and reaffirm Congress’ role of approving arms sales to foreign governments”, the lawmakers said in a statement.

Republicans Rand Paul and Todd Young, as well as Democrats Patrick Leahy, Chris Murphy, and Jack Reed, have announced support for the proposal.

Earlier, lawmakers said that they would work to block President Trump’s plans to sell some $8.1 billion in arms to the three Middle Eastern countries, citing concerns about the White House’s attempt to eliminate congressional oversight on what types of US arms can be sold and where.

President Trump informed Congress that he would push through with the 22 deals on military equipment, including everything from missiles and mortars to fighter jet engines, late last month, citing a national emergency stemming from US tensions with Iran. Ordinarily, lawmakers conduct a review of potential arms deals for 30 days before voting on whether or not to approve them.

About 1,000 migrants cross into Mexico, start walking to US

Fox – Hundreds more Central American migrants have crossed into Mexico from Guatemala, and a group of about 1,000 has started walking en mass to the north.

State and local police accompanied the migrants Wednesday as they walked along a highway leading from the border to the first major city in Mexico, Tapachula.

In recent months Mexico has used raids and roadside checkpoints to discourage highway marches such as the massive migrant caravans that occurred in 2018 and early 2019.

But no such dissuasive force was seen Wednesday.

The migrants say they aim to reach the U.S. border, where many plan to request asylum.

House Passes Mass Amnesty Bill Which Would Give Millions Of Illegal Immigrants A Path To Citizenship

Daily Caller – The House passed a vote Tuesday that would grant protection from deportation to illegal immigrants and give millions a path to permanent citizenship status.

The American Dream and Promise Act passed the House with a vote of 236-187. The legislation was brought forward by California Democratic Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard and will provide permanent status to illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. illegally as minors, as well as to those living in the U.S. under Temporary Protected Status, Newsweek reported.

Parkland School Police Officer Arrested on 11 Charges Tied to Shooting

Activist Post – A police officer who hid for nearly an hour at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida last year while a horrible shooting took place just feet away, has been arrested for his negligence during the shooting.

Former Broward County Sheriff’s Deputy Scot Peterson was arrested this week and charged with seven counts of child neglect, three counts of culpable negligence, and one count of perjury.

Peterson was the sole school resource officer on duty at the time of the shooting that day but did nothing to intervene in the attack. Seventeen people died and 17 more were injured in the shooting that may have been prevented, investigators believe, if Peterson had intervened.

Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Commissioner Rick Swearingen told reporters that Peterson “did absolutely nothing” to help save the children whose lives were in danger that day despite having been tasked with their protection.

“There can be no excuse for his complete inaction and no question that his inaction cost lives,” Swearingen said in a statement.

The arrest comes just days after Peterson was fired by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office for “neglecting his duty.” Another officer was also reportedly fired along with Peterson, but it remains unclear whether or not that officer will also be facing charges.

Congress Proposes Legislation to Screen Adults and Children to Predict if You Pose a Threat

Free Thought Project – It has been nearly two years since I reported on the dangers of creating a law enforcement run Mental Health Assessment (MHA) program. In Texas, police use MHA’s to “screen” every person they have arrested for mental illness.

But the TAPS Act, first introduced in January, would take law enforcement screenings to a whole new level. It would create a national threat assessment of children and adults.

In the course of six months, the Threat Assessment, Prevention and Safety (TAPS) Act (H.R. 838) has seen support grow to nearly 80 Congress members.

Politicians are master manipulators. What better way to garner public support for a national threat assessment program than to introduce it during National Police Week.

The politicians laid it on thick, as a KHTS article revealed.

Taken at face value, the TAPS Act sounds like a noble attempt to stop school shootings but not all is as it seems.

The TAPS Act would encourage law enforcement to give everyone a personal threat assessment (kids and adults) and single out those that they deem as future threats. (Click here to see how our homes receive threat assessments.)

The TAPS Act has all the earmarks of a paranoid police state that considers everyone a potential threat. It will create a “Joint Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management Task Force to identify individuals that exhibit patterns of dangerous behavior that MAY precede an act of targeted violence.”

According to Senators Marco Rubio, Kyrsten Sinemea and Thom Tillis, the TAPS Act will create a national behavioral threat assessment and management process for everyone.

Bills like this mean, America has joined paranoid governments like China and Switzerland who consider kids to be potential threats.

Veteran News

World leaders honor veterans on D-Day anniversary

AP – Queen Elizabeth II and world leaders including U.S. President Donald Trump gathered Wednesday on the south coast of England to mark the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings that, at great human cost, turned the tide of World War II and helped liberate Europe from Nazi occupation.

Mixing history lesson, entertainment and solemn remembrance, the ceremony was a large-scale spectacle involving troops, dancers and martial bands, culminating in a military fly-past. But the stars of the show were the elderly veterans of that campaign who said they were surprised by all the attention: They were just doing their jobs.

“I was just a small part in a very big machine,” said 99-year-old John Jenkins, a veteran from Portsmouth, who received a standing ovation as he addressed the event.

“You never forget your comrades because we were all in it together,” he said. “It is right that the courage and sacrifice of so many is being honored 75 years on. We must never forget.”

Jenkins was among 300 WWII veterans, aged 91 to 101, who attended the ceremony in Portsmouth, the English port city from where many of the troops embarked for Normandy on June 5, 1944.

The 93-year-old queen, who served as an army mechanic during the war, noted that when she attended a 60th-anniversary commemoration 15 years ago, many thought it might be the last such event.

Economy & Business

First FedEx, Now Ford: China Clamps Down on U.S. Companies

Investors Business Daily – Beijing fined Ford Motor’s main joint venture in the country for antitrust violations, marking the latest action toward a U.S. company as the China trade war escalates.

Changan Ford Automobile Co. will be fined 162.8 million yuan ($23.6 million) for restricting retailers’ sale prices in the southwestern city of Chongqing since 2013, according to a statement on the State Administration for Market Regulation’s website. The fine amount is equivalent to 4% of Changan Ford’s annual sales in Chongqing.

The announcement comes days after China said that it’s investigating FedEx (FDX) for “wrongful” deliveries, a move framed by the state news agency as a warning by Beijing after the Trump administration declared a ban on business with telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies. China has also threatened to blacklist foreign firms that damage domestic companies’ interests and on Tuesday warned its citizens against travel to the U.S.

Costco Officially Announces It Will Not Be Selling Monsanto RoundUp This Season

Care2 – While the Internet has been abuzz with claims that Costco had already dumped Monsanto’s flagship pesticide product, RoundUp, a spokesperson on behalf of the corporation only just announced on May 29 that the company is not planning to sell the product this season.

Since Feb 1, 2019, I was in touch with Costco representatives to confirm or deny the reports that the company will not be carrying Roundup. Finally, after repeated attempts over the last four months Corporate Communications on behalf of Costco Management, at Costco Wholesale Corporation stated the following: “Costco is constantly reviewing its (product) lineup, and is not planning to sell RoundUp this season.”

The timing is not surprising, given that Monsanto, now owned by Bayer AG, just lost three court cases in which the product was alleged to cause cancer. The third and latest trial resulted in a $2.055 Billion award in favor of the plaintiffs, Alva and Alberta Pilliod—a couple in their seventies, approaching 50 years of marriage. Alva suffers from a form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that spread in his bones and spine, while Alberta has brain cancer linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

The decision to not carry RoundUp this season (and perhaps afterward—we’ll have to wait to find out), is not one that most big box stores have followed. Stores like Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Kroger and others continue to sell the toxic pesticide despite the lawsuits and warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO) beginning in 2015 that glyphosate—the active ingredient—is a “probable carcinogen” after its exhaustive review of approximately 1000 studies.

Sephora Closing All US Stores For ‘Inclusivity Training’

Washington Examiner – Having a Grammy-nominated R&B singer tell her 2.7 million Twitter followers that a Sephora clerk had flagged her as a potential shoplifter could have been a branding nightmare for the cosmetics boutique.

Instead, the Paris-based company turned it into an opportunity. It’s closing all its U.S. stores on Wednesday, June 5, for an hour of inclusivity training, a move that telegraphs to a large and lucrative market of millennial shoppers that it not only values their business, it shares their values.

While the session echoes the response of Seattle-based Starbucks to a situation with similarly racial overtones in 2018, Sephora says it was planned months earlier to coincide with its “We Belong to Something Beautiful” marketing campaign, which emphasizes beauty across race and gender boundaries in contrast to the fashion industry’s oft-criticized embrace of a thin, white, and youthful female aesthetic.

Energy & Environment

Humans consume ‘tens of thousands’ of plastic pieces each year

AFP – Humans eat and breathe in tens of thousands of microplastic particles every year, according to a new analysis Wednesday that raised fresh questions over how plastic waste could directly impact our health.

Microplastics — tiny plastic shards broken down from man-made products such as synthetic clothing, car tyres and contact lenses — are among the most ubiquitous materials on the planet.

They have been found on some of the world’s highest glaciers and at the bottom of the deepest ocean trenches.

Several previous studies have shown how microplastics may enter the human food chain, including one last year that found them in nearly all major bottled water brands sampled.

In Wednesday’s research, Canadian scientists analysed hundreds of data sets on microplastic contamination and compared them to the typical diet and consumption habits of Americans.

They found that an adult male could expect to ingest up to 52,000 microplastic particles each year.

Taking into account the pollution we breathe in, that figure rose to 121,000 particles — equivalent to over 320 particles every day.

The study coincided with the United Nation’s World Environment Day, the theme of which this year is air pollution.

An additional 90,000 particles could be ingested each year if an individual only drank bottled water, according to the study, published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.

The authors stressed that their figures were estimates. The amount of plastics consumed by a given individual would depend largely on where they live and what they eat, they said.

Carnival Cruises to Pay $20 Million in Pollution and Cover-Up Case

NYT – In 2016, Princess Cruise Lines agreed to pay a $40 million penalty for illegally dumping oil-contaminated waste into the sea and acts by employees to try to cover it up.

It was the largest criminal penalty ever imposed for intentional vessel pollution, and the Justice Department put the cruise line’s parent company, Carnival Corporation, on notice.

But that did not stop the company from polluting again, according to federal prosecutors.

On Monday, Carnival and its Princess line acknowledged violating probation terms from the 2016 case and were ordered to pay an additional $20 million penalty, putting further pressure on the world’s largest cruise corporation.

The new violations included discharging plastic into waters in the Bahamas, falsifying records and interfering with court supervision of ships by sending in teams ahead of inspections to pre-empt environmental violations, according to the corporation’s agreement with the Justice Department.

Oakland in California legalizes magic mushrooms and peyote

USA Today – First pot, now ‘shrooms. Oakland City Council in California on Tuesday voted unanimously to decriminalize hallucinogenic fungi, otherwise known as “magic mushrooms.”

The vote makes Oakland the second U.S. city to legalize the natural hallucinogens after Denver decriminalized them on May 8.

The city council’s vote directed law enforcement to cease investigating and prosecuting individuals for using or possessing drugs sourced from plants, cacti and – most commonly – mushrooms that contain the hallucinogen psilocybin.

Denver’s historic move last month was the result of a narrowly won popular vote. Oakland’s public safety commission advanced the resolution to the city council last week.

Science & Technology

China Moves One Step Closer to Cyborg Future With New Mind-Reading Chip

Sputnik – Developers have high hopes for the technology, which they say could be used in everything from healthcare and education to security, gaming and entertainment.

Engineers from China Electronics Corporation and Tianjin University have created a chip known as the Brain Talker, with the device said to be capable of reading human brainwave activity and efficiently translating it to enable users to control a computer.

The technology, known as a ‘brain-computer interface’, or BCI, has been theorised for many decades, and has featured prominently in science fiction and techno-thriller books and films such as Neuromancer, Firefox, Ghost in the Shell, and Robocop.

Now, Chinese engineers and academics have apparently taken the next step and actually created a working BCI device, with the Brain Talker debuting at the Third Annual World Intelligence Congress in Tianjin last month.

Ming Dong, director of Tianjin University’s Academy of Medical Engineering & Translational Medicine, explained that the Brain Talker chip works by identifying minor nerve information generated by the cerebral cortex, and decoding this information to enable communication between a user’s brain and a computer.

New Theory Claims That People With RH-Negative Blood Don’t Come From This Planet

Uplifting Today – A surprising theory has come to light about people with Rh-Negative blood after American researcher of paranormal phenomena Brad Steiger pointed out that they are not quite ordinary. The laws of genetics state that we can only inherit blood properties from our ancestors, unless a mutation is involved.

This means that if a man and a monkey descended from the same ancestor, they should have compatible blood. While all primates have Rh-Positive blood, the highest percentage of carriers of Rh-Negative blood, about 30%, is among Spanish Basques.

This means that if a man and a monkey descended from the same ancestor, they should have compatible blood. While all primates have Rh-Positive blood, the highest percentage of carriers of Rh-Negative blood, about 30%, is among Spanish Basques.

Scientists believe that people with Rh-Negative blood first appeared on Earth 35,000 years ago. Though no one knows exactly how they appeared, one of the main theories is that they are of alien origin.

People with Rh-Negative blood share a set of characteristics that have caused some people to believe they really are out of this world! Those who have Rh-Negative blood often have a higher IQ than other people and also a lower body temperature than the rest. They are often more emotionally stable, and they also have red hair.

Those with Rh-Negative blood are sensitive to heat, but they also hate the cold. More often than not, they have blue, green or light brown eyes.

Researchers know that it is impossible to clone Rh-Negative blood, and if a mother with Rh-Negative blood becomes pregnant, her immune system will perceive the fetus as a foreign body and attack it. Pregnant mothers in this blood group need to take special medications to continue with their pregnancies.

China launches its 1st space rocket from a sea platform

RT – China has conducted a pioneering launch of a space rocket from a cargo ship, becoming “the first nation” to fully own and operate a floating launch platform.

A Long March 11 carrier rocket lifted off from the pad installed on a civilian ship in the Yellow Sea on Wednesday, the country’s National Space Administration announced.

The launch vehicle successfully delivered five commercial satellites into Earth’s orbit as well as two scientific modules, which are expected to monitor winds on the ocean surface, and to forecast typhoons and other extreme weather conditions.

The 20.8 meters-long carrier rocket –featuring a lift-off weight of 58 tons– is capable of delivering up to 350 kg cargo. It made its maiden flight in 2015 and, since then, it has been launched five more times from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China.


Shocking new drug danger discovered: Statins found to cause ALS, a fatal nervous system disorder

Natural News  – Many people take statins with the aim of improving their health, but these drugs come with so many side effects that they’re often not worth taking. Long under fire for their lack of results and their role in raising the risk of diabetes, yet another reason has emerged for avoiding these drugs: They can cause the deadly disorder ALS.

ALS, which stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a nervous system disorder that causes progressive muscle strength loss that is irreversible. Also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, it cause nerve cells within the spinal cord and brain that control your voluntary muscles to die. It may start with weakness in one leg or arm and speech changes before leading to muscle twitching and eventually preventing people from moving, speaking, eating and breathing. There is no cure, and the disease is fatal.

According to a new study that was published in the Drug Safety journal, statins could be one of the driving factors behind sporadic cases of ALS, which account for roughly nine out of ten ALS diagnoses. In the study, researchers looked at the reporting odds ratio, or ROR, of statins in relation to ALS and ALS-like symptoms. An ROR of 6 or greater generally suggests probable cause.

‘Forever chemicals’ found in seafood, meats and chocolate cake, FDA says

The Guardian – Nearly half the meat and fish tested had double the advisory level for PFAS, chemicals linked to cancer and liver problems

Significant levels of chemicals linked to an array of health problems have been found in seafood, meats and chocolate cake sold in stores to US consumers, the Food and Drug Administration has found.

The levels in nearly half of the meat and fish tested by researchers were at least double the federal advisory level for perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, a group of more than 4,700 synthetic chemicals used for a variety of industrial purposes.

Meanwhile, the FDA report found much higher levels in the chocolate cake, the Associated Press reported, with PFAS levels of more than 250 times the federal guidelines.

PFAS have been in production since the second world war and are most widely used to make non-stick cookware, food packaging, carpets, couches, pizza boxes and firefighting foam. The ubiquity of PFAS means they are found in virtually all Americans’ blood, as well as in the drinking water of about 16 million people in the US.

Public health groups have criticized the Trump administration for not acting more quickly to phase out the use of PFAS, with high levels of the chemicals on US military bases causing heightened concern and lawsuits in parts of the country.

Exposure to high levels of PFAS has been linked to cancers, liver problems, low birth weight and other issues.

Why Hemp Hearts are an Excellent Superfood

Care2 – The hemp heart is hulled from the hemp seed. They do come from the cannabis plant but they will not get you high. Hemp hearts will get you high on nutrients and health benefits. I enjoy adding them to my meals daily.

Health Benefits of Hemp Hearts

Hemp has been in people’s diet for hundreds of years and there is very little published research on its physiological effects. That said there is enough research existing to argue for the continued investigation into the therapeutic use of dietary hemp seed.

Good for Weight Loss

It naturally suppresses appetite by helping one feel full longer according to research. Also, it reduces sugar cravings.

Relieves Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

Hemp seed oil can be helpful for the relief of the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Inhibits Cancer Growth

It was found that cannabinoids from hemp seeds prevent cancer growth, mainly in lung cancer. More research is needed.

Good for Heart Health

The main ingredients to help build a healthy heart are fiber, healthy fats and plant-based protein, and eating less sugar and hemp is helpful with all of those.

Relieves Constipation

Hemp is high in soluble and insoluble fiber which gives sufficient bulk to relieve constipation. Also, this healthy mixture of roughage nourishes the probiotics in the gut. In a study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, people who had extreme constipation were given hemp seed pills. Research found that a 7.5 gram pill was more effective than a 2.5 or 5 gram pill and that the hemp seed pill treatment was effective for relieving functional constipation.

Beneficial for Skin

Hemp seed oil has been found to improve skin health by eliminating flaky, dry, red skin. The hemp oil penetrates the skin’s inner layers, helping healthy cell growth.

Hemp Seed Nutrition

This superfood has a 3:1 balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are good for heart health. They are an excellent protein containing all 20 amino acids and all of the nine essential amino acids necessary. Also, have a good quantity of minerals such as manganese, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc.

Poor sleep quality link to peptic ulcer relapse

Natural Health News – Poor sleep quality and peptic ulcer disease are both major public health problems that affect the physical and psychological wellbeing of older adults.

Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a condition when sores known as ulcers develop on the lining of your stomach or in the first part of your small intestine. Peptic ulcers are common among older adults, too. They often result from the presence of a specific bacteria, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), in our gut.

There are a number of treatments for H. pylori infections, and the rate of recurrent peptic ulcers (ulcers that consistently come back after treatment) has dropped dramatically. Few people who experience a recurrence of ulcers, for example, are infected with H. pylori.

So what is behind these recurrences?

Poor sleep quality can be caused by age-related increases in chronic health conditions, medication use, sleep behavior changes, and other issues. It affects around one-third of all older adults.

Recently, a team of researchers designed a study to test their hypothesis that these other factors besides (as opposed to bacteria)  could cause peptic ulcer recurrence – and that poor sleep may be among them. They published their results in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

The researchers enrolled 1,689 patients with H. pylori-infected peptic ulcer disease in their study. The participants received a 10-day course of anti-H. pylori treatment, followed by a four-week anti-ulcer therapy. Four weeks after treatment was completed, patients were tested and examined to see whether their ulcers had healed.

The researchers reported that 1,538 patients had achieved H. pylori eradication and had their peptic ulcers healed. These participants were then enrolled in a sleep study. They wore monitors that provided information about the length and quality of their sleep.

Pet News

Cat Declawing Ban Is Passed by N.Y. Lawmakers

NY Time – New York lawmakers on Tuesday passed a ban on cat declawing, putting the state on the cusp of being the first to outlaw the procedure.

The bill, which had been fought for several years by some veterinary groups, would outlaw several types of declawing surgeries except in cases of medical necessity, and forbid any such surgeries for “cosmetic or aesthetic reasons.”

The Assembly sponsor, Linda Rosenthal, a Manhattan Democrat, said those reasons include pet owners who “think their furniture is more important than their cat.”

“It’s unnecessary, it’s painful, and it causes the cat problems,” said Ms. Rosenthal, who owns two fully clawed cats, Kitty and Vida. “It’s just brutal.”

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